Document 14309362

APL has been making critical contributions to critical challenges for nearly 70 years across a broad range
of technical areas and systems. The development of complex, adaptive systems that often must perform
autonomously in extreme environments is a true test of all of the underlying research, architectures, processes, and testing that occur with systems engineering. Our accomplishments are based on our application
of systems engineering principles and practices, tightly coupled with broad and deep domain knowledge
in the operational environments of these systems. Success requires pervasive use of innovative systems
thinking coupled with in-depth “hands-on” experience and understanding of the technologies within which
the system or system-of-systems must operate. The systems engineer must exercise strong interdisciplinary leadership and collaborate with government institutions, private industry, professional societies, and
academia throughout the world to bring the best expertise and resources to bear on the world’s challenging
problems. The image above highlights the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci, who exemplified innovation,
systems thinking, and great breadth and depth of technical understanding in his work.