St. Bernadette School
1060 White Clover Way,
Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9
TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501
"Faith, Discipline, Excellence"
M A R C H ,
2 0 1 1
M.J. Vowles
M. Trigiani
C. Saytar
905 890 1221
Peter Ferreira
St. Martins
Fr. J. Pottackal
905 279 5742
Dear God
During this season of Lent,
May you help us,
To thank you for the new life you gave to
our world and to our spirits,
To find your presence around us in the
sparkle of sunshine,
A word given in encouragement,
A smile shared in passing,
To open our hearts to your call,
To serve one another with your loving compassion,
To have the courage to ask for help as we journey,
And to know when we have gone off path,
To remember what Lent is all about
and to turn our lives toward you.
C.S.C. Co-Chairs:
J. Medina, M. Cholette
We’re on the Web!
Grade Two Communion Retreat
On March 25th, the Grade Two students with be participating in a First Holy Communion retreat. The Blue Veil Ministry will be hosting this retreat. After the retreat, the St.Bernadette student body will have the opportunity to listen
to a Blue Veil performance.
Blue Veil is a registered non-profit, non-denominational, community based organization that has been integrating
youth and adults with developmental and/or physical challenges with their “able” peers since March 2006. They
provide music-based youth programs and sacramental retreats.
Blue Veil brings to each school: a live daytime band performance with professional stage production. These events
are so vital to the community because through the emotional power of melodies coupled with rhythm and descriptive
lyrics, their positive messages of community building are all easily relayed.
Blue Veil‟s peacemaking programs continue to support “Safe School‟ and Character Building‟ initiatives that touch on
anti-bullying, peace, unity and respect. They provide a positive environment for students to come together where
they collectively and creatively promote unity and stimulate teamwork. Through the „arts‟ primarily music, the
team of trained young men and women have found a powerful tool that touches the hearts of many young people,
raises school spirit, and increases musical awareness. Blue Veil‟s programs also serve as an educational forum for
students to interact and more importantly understand the importance of staying in school.
On, Monday February 28th, we were fortunate to have the storyteller, Cheryl Thornton, share her talents
with the students. Because February is Black History Month, she told six tales from Africa, one of which is
the oldest version of Cinderella! The children listened to her animated story telling and were thrilled when
she chose students to help act out some of the tales. Their homework was to retell a story they heard in
order to honour the great tradition of storytelling. Did your child share a story with you? A great thank
you goes to the Catholic School Council, who were gracious enough to allow this to be a free event for our
Dates To Remember
March 1-CARNAVAL WEEK-activities begin
March 9-Ash Wednesday Liturgy
March 2-9:15 a.m. Chris Rawlins French
Performance in the gym
March 11-‖See Hear‖ Clinic
March 13-Daylight Savings Begins
March 4 –8:45 a.m. Spirit Rally in the gym
March 14—18 MARCH BREAK
March 7-Rosary Apostolates
March 25-Gr. 2 Communion Retreat in the gym
By ―Blue Veil‖
March 8-Shrove Tuesday
March 28 Stand Up Now Presentation
Grades 7 and 8
Monday July 4 to Friday July 22, 2011
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Students recommended by the Principal
Bussing provided at home school pick up points
Deadline for applications: June 3, 2011
Good Shepherd
Metropolitan Andrei
St. Faustina
St. Gertrude
St. Jerome
St. Raphael
St. Ursula
Grades SK to 6
Mme DeMola and Mlle Silveira would like to thank all
of the students and staff members for participating in
the Carnaval activities. Tuesday saw some fantastic
wacky hairdos, honourable mentions goes to Sabrina
who kept Bonhomme Carnaval with her wherever she
On Wednesday, all of the students in grades 4 to 8
were able to show their musical talents and their dancing skills during a Carnaval themed presentation by
Chris Rawlings. Special thanks to Patrick who
brought Banhomme Carnaval to life.
On Thursday, the library and upstairs hallway were
adorned by some magnificent sculptures celebrating
Carnaval. All of the entries were fabulous and the
scores were exceptionally close but only one winner
could be chosen. A great big thank you goes to Mrs.
Mete who helped with the judging. Mme DeMola and
Mlle Silveira would also like to extend a very hearty
thank you to the parent Council who supported Carnaval by providing class prizes for Loto Carnaval and
the sculpture competition.
Un Gros merci! Joyeux Carnaval!
Monday July 4 to Friday July 29, 2011
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. daily
Fee for Service Program
No transportation provided
Deadline for applications: June 3, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Alfred
St. Philip
St. Albert of Jerusalem
St. Bernard of Clairvoux
St. Gerard
St. Gregory
We have a large amount of winter clothing in our Lost
& Found. There are a large number of jackets, snow
pants, gloves and hats that are unclaimed. Please
ask your children to look in the box to claim their missing items The box will emptied at the end of March
and all unclaimed items will be sent to Goodwill.
Our break this year takes place from March 14th
to March 18th. Classes will resume on Monday,
March 21st.
Friendship Dance-a-thon
February 14th was an exciting day, as our school
took part in a Friendship-dance-a-thon. We twisted
and cha-cha-ed all day long as we raised $2,000.00
for our school!
The students enjoyed the variety of music that was
played throughout the dance. There were songs
from Bruno Mars, all the way to Fefe Dobson, with
some exciting songs from Justin Bieber! We had a
very exciting and fun day!!
A.O.,G.H.,S.D.,& C.M. from Miss Flick’s class
A Historical Understanding of Key Issues Related to Catholic Education
Catholic separate schools ha a second obstacle to
their survival. How serious a problem for separate
school boards was the corporation tax issue?
This was very serious. As corporations like the
Ford Motor Co., Inco, the Royal Bank of Canada and
thousands of others came on the scene, and as public utilities like the Ontario Hydro and the Canadian
National Railway were created, they could not pay
separate school property taxes. Thus the assessment of urban public schools boards became
wealthier and wealthier, while separate school
boards received taxes from only Catholic home and
property owners and from full or partially owned
small businesses. By the 1920’s urban separate
school boards were operating with about onequarter to one-fifth of the revenues of their urban
public schools boards. There were no compensatory
government grants.
How did Separate school boards survive without
Corporation tax revenues?
The separate school trustees controlled the
boards’ budgets with more pupils per classroom
than in the public schools, with much lower wages,
with bare-bones programs, with small playgrounds,
and with minimum expenditures for the erection of
new schools. These methods still could not balance
their budgets. The main contribution for the survival of separate schools came from the religious
teaching Orders. They supplied principals and
teachers and worked for salaries of $300. to
$600. a year when public school teachers were
Earning $3.000 and up. There is no question that Ontario’s Catholics owe today’s separate schools to the
religious Orders.
How was the corporation tax issue finally
In 1962, the Ontario Separate School Trustees’ Association presented Premier John Robarts a brief which
outlined the probable bankruptcy of some urban separate school boards and the inferior salaries, teacher
qualifications, school accommodation, and programs
compared with those of the public schools. The government began providing to the separate school boards
grants which compensated for their lack of corporate
assessment. Separate school boards were able to erect
new schools and additions with gymnasiums, libraries,
kindergarten rooms and special education facilities.
On Friday, February 25, 2011, the Junior division
of St. Bernadette went on a very enjoyable field
trip to the Living Arts Centre. Students participated in fun activities such as ceramics, drama,
and animation, which linked to curriculum expectations. Students made clay masks, totem poles
and canopic jars. The animation workshop included developing and drawing characters and creating flipbooks and storyboards. Students learned
about characters’ facial expressions, drawing character faces, and the different types of animation.
So not only did students learn many techniques
about drama, animation, and ceramics, they also
had a very enjoyable time. The volunteers also enjoyed the trip, they participated in the mask making as well. One volunteer said, “Every mask was
amazing and the techniques are good to remember
whenever you decide to construct one.” We all hope
that another field trip to the fabulous Living Arts
Centre will be scheduled for next year. It was definitely a trip to remember!
DPCDSB Summer 2011 Adult Programs
Adult CO-OP Programs (905-362-0701 or 905-891-3934)
ESL English as a Second Language (905-891-9263)
FSL French as a Second Language Conversation 905-891-9263 (ext 37955)
LINC Language Instruction for Newcomers (905-279-6816)
Visit our website:
Life Long Learning and Ongoing Registration!
Secondary Summer School DPCDSB
Information regarding Secondary Summer School 2011 will be available the first week of April.
Please visit DPCDSB and Adult and Continuing Education website for course information:
Summer 2011 Dates
New/Full Make-Up Credit - Monday July 4 to Friday July 29, 2011
Make-up Session 1 – Monday July 4 to Friday July 15, 2011
Make-up Session 2 – Monday July 18 to Friday July 29, 2011
Brampton Locations
*Notre Dame SS *St. Edmund Campion SS *St. Marguerite d’Youville SS
Mississauga Locations
*John Cabot SS *Loyola SS *St. Marcellinus *St. Joan of Arc SS
*St. Joseph SS
Did you Know?
A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that can be red the same way in either
direction. According to the Guinness Book of World Records the Finnish word: saippuakivikauppias, a soap
seller, is the longest known palindrome in any language!
School/Community Connection:
Play the magic square activity with your child. Fold a piece of 8.5x11 blank paper accordion style to make a
fan. Brainstorm family rhyming words (e.g., at, bat, cat; book, look, cook) and write one word on each section
of the fan. Work together to create a poem using the rhyming words.
Together with your child investigate the origin of your town, city or street name. Research, using the internet, or your local library.
Parking Lot Protocol
We would like to thank parents who remember to use the front Kiss
‗n Ride area only for student pick up and drop off. It is a fire route
and so if you leave your car unattended in this area, even for a moment to drop off a lunch, you can be ticketed. The parking lot at the side of the school is designated as staff parking, but should you be attending a
school trip you may feel welcome to use it if there is space available. Parents should not be using the staff
parking for dropping off or picking up students before or after school . The Kiss ‗n Ride lane is the only lane
to be used for dropping off and picking up students. The bus lane is for buses only. Use the Drive thru lane
for exiting Kiss ‗n Ride area.
The Winter is not yet over, the Spring is not yet here. It is a difficult time for dressing
your child. Please be sure you send your child dressed in layers so they are ready for
heat or cold. Students should have boots for rain and snow and indoor shoes for each
day. Raincoats are a great idea for those wet Spring days.
EQAO dates
May 30th- June 9th Grade 3 and grade 6 students at St. Bernadette School will join the rest of the Province
in Writing the compulsory EQAO tests. Parents are asked not to schedule appointments for students during this period. Students need to be in class on time as testing will begin promptly at 8:30 A. M. Classes
will not be interrupted during testing. To help parents prepare their children for this the school will hold an
information session on Tuesday April 5th at 6:30 PM in the school library. We look forward to seeing all
Grade 3 and 6 parents for this important meeting.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will be hosting Car Wash, Mass, Brunch and Bingo on
Sunday May 15th 2011 to raise funds for Share Life. Share Life helps local charities and members of our
community . We are looking for anyone who would like to donate a corporate or individual prize to support
this event to send it to the school by Friday March 25, 2011. A great big thank you, in advance, to all those
able to support this initiative. A registration form will be sent home closer to the event for those of you who
wish to join us for this community building event at the Catholic Education Center. Please mark this date on
your calendar.
The Primary students in grades 1, 2, and 3 travelled to the Living
Arts Centre for a fun creative art filled day! The children took part in a full day workshop where they had
the opportunity to create a clay sculpture and to act in a real Fairy Tale play. The children wore costumes
and hats that they made themselves. Thanks to all the parent volunteers who came with us to help us with
our fun! Everyone had a great time and soon our clay sculptures will arrive from the kiln to be painted and
sent home to keep.