AUTHOR INDEX Volumes 11 through 15 (1990-94)

fohns Hopkins APL Technical Digest
Volumes 11 through 15 (1990-94)
Aamodt, L. C. , see Maclachlan Spicer, J. W.
Abita,1. L. , Microwave Technology 11(1 & 2), 145.
- -- , see Charles, H. K, Jr.
Adams, J. D., SwitchEnsemble: A Special Needs Music Application 13(4), 47l.
Adrian, F. 1., see Moorjani, K
Agostinelli, E., see Moorjani, K
Ahlers, K M. , see Vila, J.
Ali , S. W., Statistical Process Control for Total Quality 13(2),
- - -, see Coleman, 1. R
Anderson, B. J., Ultra-Law-Frequency Magnetic Pulsations in
the Earth 's Magnetosphere 11(3 & 4),239.
Andreou, A. G., see Pineda, F. J.
- - -, see Strohbehn, K
Ansley, N. , see Olsen, D. E.
Artis, D. A., and Malcom, H. , The Postmission Processor for the
Sonobuoy Missile Impact Locating System 12(4),339.
Asher, M. S., see Maryak, 1. L.
Athey, B. , see Dassoulas, J.
Baker, K B., Space Physics in Antarctica: An Adventure on the
Ice 11(3 & 4), 228.
Baker, M. A., Mack, S. A., and Schoeberlein, H. c., Statistical
Aspects of Turbulence and Microstructure in the Ocean
13(2), 342.
Baker, M . A. , Mack, S. A. , and Vasholz, D. P., Optical Phase
Fluctuations in the Ocean 14(3),209.
Bales, S. L., The Significance of LEWEX for Ship Design and
Operations 11(3 & 4),365.
Bankman, I. N. , Detection and Classification of Transient Signals: Sorting Neural Waveforms 12(2), 144.
Bankman, I. N. , and Geckle, W. J., Guest Editors' Introduction
15(3), 176.
Bargeron, C. B., see Jette, A. N.
- -- , see Maurer, R H.
Bargeron, C. B., Benson, R c., Newman, R W ., Jette, A. N., and
Phillips, T. E. , Oxidation Mechanisms of Hafnium Carbide
and Hafnium Diboride in the Temperature Range 1400 to
2l00°C 14(1),29.
Bargeron, C. B., Jette, A. N. , and Nall, B. H., Fine Structure in
Two-Dimensional Electron Scattering 11(1 & 2), 180.
Barnett, J. c., see Kopp, B. A.
Barthelemy, R R , The National AeroSpace Plane Program: A
Revolutionary Concept 11(3 & 4),3 12.
Beal, R c., The Role ofSpace borne Synthetic Aperture Radar in
Global Wave Forecasting 11(1 & 2), 54.
- - -, Guest Editor's Introduction 11(3 & 4), 363.
- - -, LEWEX.· Motivation, Objectives, and Major Results
11(3 & 4),370.
Beal, R c., Oden, S. F., MacArthur, J. L., and Monaldo, F. M.,
Real-Time Ocean Wave Monitoringfrom Space: A ThirtyYear Quest Achieved 15(3),237.
Benson, R c., see Bargeron, C. B.
- - -, see Maurer, R H.
Benson, R c., deHaas, N. , Goodwin, P. G., and Phillips, T. E.,
Epoxy Adhesives in Microelectronic Hybrid Applications
13(3), 400.
Berghauer, M . H. , see St. Ville, J. A.
Berl, W. G. , Guest Editors ' Introductions: Anniversaries: 50,
30, 10 11(1 & 2), 4.
- - -, In Defense of Freedom-The Early Years 13(1), 3l.
- -- , Second Symposium on Research and Development at
APL 15(1),86.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
- - -, see Thompson, R J., Jr.
Beser, N. D., Space Data Compression Standards 15(3), 206.
Biermann, P. 1., see Cohen, P. H.
Billig, F. S., Design and Development of Single-Stage-to-Orbit
Vehicles 11(3 & 4), 336.
Biondo, A. c., see Boyles, C. A.
Blum, B. I., Update on Information Systems at the Johns Hopkins
Hospital 11(1 & 2), 114.
Blum, N. A., Carkhuff, B. G. , Charles, H. K, Jr., Edwards, R L. ,
Francomacaro, A. S., and Meyer, R A., Neural Microprobes for Multisite Recording 12(2),159.
Bohandy, J., see Moorjani, K
Bohlman, E., Development of a Powerful and Affordable Screen
Reader 13(4),478.
Bokulic, R S., see Sloan, R F.
Boone, B. G., see Grabow, B. E.
- - -, see Moorjani, K
- - - , see Sova R M.
Boone, B. G. , Constantikes, K T. , Fry, R L., Gilbert, A. S., and
Kulp, R L., New Directions in Missile Guidance: Signal
Processing Based on Neural Networks and Fractal Modeling 11(1 & 2), 28.
Bostrom, C. 0., APL-A ModelforAppliedResearchandDevelopment 13(1),5.
Boyles, C. A., and Biondo, A. c., Modeling Acoustic Propagation and Scattering in Littoral Areas 14(2), 162.
Brockman, K D., see Miller, J. T., Jr.
Brown, c., Cavalier, A., Sauer, M., and Wyatt, C., The Sound-toSpeech Translation System Using Photographic-Quality
Graphic Symbols 13(4), 482.
Burton, D. T. , see Kohlenstein, L. C.
CaIman, J., Guest Editor's Introduction 14(3), 198.
- - -, Ten Years of APL Oceanography in the Johns Hopkins
APL Technical Digest 11(1 & 2),39.
Campbell, 1. N., see Meyer, R. A.
Carkhuff, B. G., see Blum, N. A.
Cavalier, A., see Brown, C.
Champion, J. R., An Empirical Investigation of High-Frequency
Ground Wave Propagation 13(4), SIS.
Chang, Y., see Neradka, V. F.
Chao, K, see Maurer, R H.
- - -, see Nhan, E.
Charles, H. K , Jr., Guest Editor's Introduction 12(1),2.
- - - , Materials in Electronic Packaging at APL 14(1),5l.
- - -, Photonics and Electro-optics 15(4),287.
- - -, The Engineering Design, Fabrication, Testing, and
Qualification Process within the Steven Muller Center for
Advanced Technology 12(1),4.
- - -, see Blum, N. A.
Charles, H. K, Jr., and Clatterbaugh, G. V., Modeling for Electronic Packaging at APL 11(1 & 2), 137.
Charles, H. K, Jr., Clatterbaugh, G. V., and Dettmer, E. S.,
Microelectronic Materials Characterization: An Update
11(1 & 2), 127.
Charles, H. K, Jr., Wagner, G. D. , and Abita, J. L., Microelectronics at APL: 30 Years of Service 11(1 & 2), 123.
Chaykovsky, S. P., see Dobson, E. B.
Cheng, A. F., see Paranicus, C. P.
Christ, J. P., see Irani, G. B.
Clatterbaugh, G. V., see Charles, H. K, Jr.
- - -, see Lehtonen, S. J.
- - -, see Russo, A. A.
Cloeren, J. M. , see Norton, 1. R
Cohen, P. H., Biermann, P. J. , and Uy, O. M., Materials Development, Analysis, and Testing within the Steven Muller
Center for Advanced Technology 12(1),39.
Cole, T. D., Multimeridian Photorefraction: A Technique for the
Detection of Visual Defects in Infants and Preverbal Children 12(2), 166.
Coleman, J. R., Johnson, M. J. , Shamleffer, W. H. , Ali, S. W. , and
Skaggs, G. L., Quality Assurance and Configuration Control within the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1 ),5 5.
Constantikes, K T., Point Detection Using a Coning Scan
Imager 15(3), 242.
- - -, Using Fractal Dimensionfor Target Detection in Clutter
12(4),30 1.
- - - , see Boone, B. G.
Corpening, G. P. , see Van Wie, D. M.
Costabile, J. J. , see Widmer, H. P.
Coughlin, T. B., Crawford, L. J. , Dassoulas, J. , Griffin, M. D. ,
Partridge, P. E., and Peterson , M. R. , Strategic Defense
Initiative 13(1), 200.
Cowan, D.O. , see Kistenmacher, T. J.
Crawford, D. P. , and Lee, D. G., Jr. , Computer-Aided Engineering, Design, and Information Systems and Services at the
Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1), 23.
Crawford, L. J. , see Coughlin, T. B.
Cristion, J. A., see Olsen, D. E.
Danchik, R. J. , and Pryor, L. L., The Navy Navigation Satellite
System (Transit) 11(1 & 2),97.
Dantzler, H. L., Jr. , and Scheerer, D. J., An Expert System for
Describing and Predicting the Coastal Ocean Environment
14(2), 181.
Dantzler, H. L. , Jr. , Sides, D. J. , and Neal, J. C. , An Automated
Tactical Oceanographic Monitoring System 14(3), 281.
Dassoulas, J. , see Coughlin, T. B.
Dassoulas, J., and Athey, B., Low-Cost Planetary Missions: A
Conference Report 15(4),353.
Dassoulas, J. , and Griffin, M. D. The Creation of the Delta 180
Program and Its Follow-Ons 11(1 & 2),86.
de Jong, J. H., and Vermeij , P. , HNLMS Tydeman's LEWEX
Experience and Motion Simulation in Multimodal Seas
11(3 & 4), 403.
Deal, F. C. , Jr. , Using Conditional Entropy to Evaluate a
CorrelatorfTracker 13(2), 286.
DeBoy, C. c., see Jensen, J. R.
deHaas, N., see Benson, R. C.
Dennehy , M. T. , Nesbitt, D. W. , and Sumey, R. A. , Real-Time
Three-Dimensional Graphics Display for Antiair Warfare
Command and Control 15(2), 110.
Dettmer, E. S. , see Charles, H. K , Jr.
Diamond, S. D. , Determination of Fluid Velocity Fields with
Particle Displacement Velocimetry 15(3), 188.
Dietrich, A. E., see Feldme ser, H. S.
Dobson, E. B ., and Chaykovsky, S. P., Geosat Wind and Wave
Measurements during LEWEX 11(3 & 4), 408.
Dobson, E. B. , Monaldo, F. M., Porter, D. L. , Robinson, A. R. ,
Kilgus, C. c., Goldhirsh, J. , and Glenn, S. M., Radar
Altimetry and Global Climatic Change 13(3), 43l.
Dolecek, Q. E., Computer-Generated Stereoscopic Displays 15(2),
Donelan, M., Research Needs for Better Wave Forecasting:
LEWEX Panel Discussion 11(3 & 4), 414.
Dubbel, D. c., see Sarabun, C. C. , Jr.
Duncan, D. D., see Lange, C. H.
Duncan, D. D. , Lange, C. H. , and Fischer, D. G., Imaging PerfomwnceofOystallineandPolycrystallineOxides 14(1), 4.
Eaton, A. R. , Bumblebee Missile Aerodynamic Design: A Constant in a Changing World 13(1),69.
Eaton, H. A. c., Magnetic Nerve Stimulation 12(2), 153.
Ecker, J. A. , see St. Ville, J. A.
Edwards, M. L., Guest Editor 's Introduction 14(4),298.
- - -, Guest Editor 's Introduction 15(1),3.
Edwards, R. L., see Blum, N. A.
- - -, see Lehtonen, S. J.
Emch, G. F. , Air Defensefor the Fleet 13(1),39.
- - -, Fleet Air Defense and Technology 11(1 & 2), 8.
Emch, G. F., and Kirkland, G. I., Search Radar Automation: ANI
SYS-l and Beyond 13(1), 90.
Ezraty, R. S., Marine Wind Variability: Illustration and Comments 11(3 & 4),392.
Fainchtein, R. , Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Organic Conductors and Superconductors 13(2), 332.
Falk, P. R., see Feldmesser, H. S.
- - -, see Wagner, G. D.
Farrell, R. A. , see Freund, D . E.
- - -, see Yanek, S. P .
Farrell, R. A., Freund, D. E. , and McCally, R. L., Research on
Corneal Structure 11(1 & 2), 191.
Feinstein, M. R. , Three-Dimensional Rendering as a Tool in
Science and Engineering 15(4),342.
Feldberg, I. E., see Olsen, D. E.
Feldmesser, H. S., Dietrich, A. E., Falk, P. R. , and Strider, R. S.,
Electronic Fabrication and Assembly in the Steven Muller
Center for Advanced Technology 12(1 ),30.
Feuillet, J.-P., see Lombardo, J. S.
Fischell, R. E. , The Development ofImplantable Medical Devices
at the Applied Physics Laboratory 13(1),233.
Fischer, D. G., see Duncan, D. D.
Flower, R. W. , Etiology of the Retinopathy of Prematurity: A
Progress Report 11(1 & 2) , 200.
Fountain, G. H ., The Astro-l Flight of the Hopkins Ultraviolet
Telescope 12(1), 86.
Fowler, K. R ., and North, R . B ., Computer-Optimized
Neurostimulation 12(2), 192.
Francomacaro, A. S. , see Blum, N. A.
- - -, see Lehtonen, S. J.
Frank, J. , and O ' Haver, K. W. , Phased-Array Antenna Development at the Applied Physics Laboratory 14(4), 339.
Frazer, R. K, Evaluation of Silicon Nitride as an Advanced
Radome Material 13(3), 393.
Freund, D. E., see Farrell , R. A.
Freund,D. E. , McCally, R. L. , andFarrell, R. A.,Light-Scattering
Tests of Structure in Normal and Swollen Rabbit Corneas
12(2), 137.
Frizzell-Makowski, L. J., see Sarabun, C. c., Jr.
Fry, R. L. , see Boone, B. G.
Furst, D. I. , see Miller, J. T. , Jr.
Garritson, G. R. , Advanced Engineering Research and Development 15(4),294.
Gearhart, S. A. , Image Degradations of an Aerodynamically
Shaped Optical Window 12(1),81.
Geckle, W. J. , see Bankman, I. N.
Geckle, W. J., and Raul, R. , Numerical and Experimental Simulation of Coronary Flow Characteri zation Using
Arteriography 15(2), 126.
Georgopoulos, A. P., and Massey, J. T., Biomedical Program
Research: The Primate Motor System 12(2), 105.
Gilbert, A. S., see Boone, B. G.
Gilreath, H. E., The Beginning ofHypersonic Ramjet Research at
APL 11(3 & 4),319.
Glenn, S. M., see Dobson, E. B.
Goldhirsh, J., see Dobson, E. B.
Goldstein, M. H., Jr. , Liu, W. , and Jenkins, R. E. , Speech
Processing by Real and Silicon Ears 12(2), 115 .
Goodwin, P. G. , see Benson, R. C.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
Grabow, B. E., see Soya, R M.
Grabow, B. E., Boone, B. G., and Soya, R M., Modeling and
Analysis of High- Temperature Superconducting Thin-Film
Detectors 15(1), 18.
Grady, 1. E., see Neradka, V. F.
Grant, D. G., Dedication 12(2), 103.
Green, W . J., see MOOljani, K.
Grempler, K. E., An Improved Airborne Ocean Temperature
Acquisition Display and Analysis System 14(3), 253.
Griffin, M. D., see Coughlin, T. B.
- - -, see Dassoulas, J.
Gussow, M., and Prettyman, E. c., Typhon-A Weapon System
Ahead of Its Time 13(1),82.
Hamill, B. W., Immersing People in Virtual Environments:
Perceptual and Cognitive Considerations 15(2), 143.
Hanson,1. L., Winds, Waves, and Bubbles at the Air-Sea Boundary 14(3), 200.
Harris, J. c., see Olsen, D. E.
Hasselmann, K., Waves, Dreams, and Visions 11(3 & 4),366.
Hatch, R R , Luber, J. L., and Walker, 1. H., Fifty Years of Strike
Warfare Research at the Applied Physics Laboratory 13(1),
Hauck, L. T. , SAM: An Improved Input Device 13(4),490.
Hayes, J. R. , see Rust, D. M.
Hazan, P. L. , Guest Editor's Introduction 13(4), 448.
- - - , Rapid System Visual Prototyping (RSVP) 15(4),344.
Heaton, H. I., Environment 15(4),288.
- - - , Guest Editor's Introduction 14(2),87.
Heidepriem, H. E., Modeling and Simulation 15(4), 296.
Heyler, G. A, see Murphy, P. K.
Hoffman, E. J. , Spacecraft Design Innovations in the APL Space
Department 13(1), 167.
Holmboe, E. L., and Seymour, S. 1., APL's Submarine Security
Program 13(1), 138.
Hunt, R 1., Characteristics of a Successful Study 13(1 ), 160.
Hunter, L. W., High-Temperature Chemistry of Materials: An
Update 11(1 & 2), 168.
- - - , Information Science and Technology 15(4), 290.
Huting, W. A , Warren, 1. W. , and Krill, J. A., Recent Progress in
Circular High-Power Overmoded Waveguide 12(1), 60.
Hunon, L. V., Using Statistics To Assess the Performance of
Neural Network Classifiers 13(2),291.
Hyatt, W. c., Fleet Air Defense: Countermeasures 13(1), 101.
Irani, G. B., and Christ, 1. P. , Image Processing for Tomahawk
Scene Matching 15(3), 250.
Jablon, A R. , Moore, C. R. , and Penn, J. E., Microwave Component Analysis Using a Numerical Electromagnetic Field
Solver 15(1), 38.
Jablon, A R, and Stilwell, R K. , Spacecraft Reflector Antenna
Development: Challenges and Novel Solutions 15(1),57.
Jenkins, R E. , see Goldstein, M. H., Jr.
- - -, see Strohbehn, K.
Jensen, 1. R , Valverde, C. R , DeBoy, C. C., Veliodis, V. ,
Khurgin, 1., and Li, S., The Application of Quantum- Well
Modulators in Satellite Instrument Design 15(1 ), 7.
Jette, A N., see Bargeron, C. B.
Jette, A. N., and Bargeron, C. B., Theory of Electron Current
Image Diffraction from Crystal Surfaces at Low Energies
Johns, R 1., A Perspective: Collaborative Biomedical Research:
Past, Present, and Future 12(2), 103.
Johnson, M. J., see Coleman, 1. R
Joice, A B. , see Miller, 1. T., Jf.
Jordan, T. M., see Kinnison, J. D.
Keath, E. P., see Mauk, B. H.
Keirsey, J. L.,Airbreathing Propulsionfor Defense ofthe Surface
Fleet 13(1),57.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
Kemelhor, R E. , Computer-Integrated Manufacturing in China:
A Trip Report and Observations 12(3), 284.
Kershner, D. L. , Transportation 15(4),292.
Khalsa, AS ., Intellikeys: The Smart Keyboard 13(4),466.
Khurgin, J., see Jensen, J. R
Kilgus, C. C., see Dobson, E. B.
Kim, B. F., see Moorjani, K.
Kinnison, J. D., Maurer, R H., and Jordan, T. M., Estimation of
the Charged Particle Environment for Earth Orbits
11(3 & 4),300.
Kirkland, G. I., see Emch, G. F.
Kistenmacher, T. 1., Effects of Chemical Substitution on the
Structural and Superconducting Properties of Some HighCritical-Temperature Copper Oxide Ceramics 12(3),263.
- - - , see Moorjani, K.
Kistenmacher, T. 1., Cowan, D.O., and Poehler, T. 0., Twenty
Years ofLow-Dimensional Organic Conductors 13(1),256.
Kjeldsen, S. P., The Practical Value of Directional Ocean Wave
Spectra 11(3 & 4),381.
Ko, H. W. , see Yanek, S. P.
Kohlenstein, L. c., Portner, E. M ., Burton, D. T. , andReilly,J. P.,
Environmental Assessment and Research 13(1),268.
Kopp, B. A, and Barnett, 1. C., C-Band Receive Module for
Phased-Array Antenna Applications Using Commercially
A vailable Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits 14(4),
Koschorke, G.-M., see Meyer, R. A
Koslov, S., Editorial 11(1 & 2),3.
- - , Editorial 11(3 & 4),223.
- - , Editorial 12(4),300.
Kossiakoff, A, APL-Expanding the Limits 13(1),8.
Kouroupis, J. B., Flight Capabilities of High-Speed-Missile Radome Materials 13(3), 386.
Krill, J. A , see Huting, W. A
Krimigis, S. M., see Mauk, B. H.
Ku, H.-C., and Rosenberg, A P., Pseudospectral Element Method
for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Its Parallellmplementation 12(3), 234.
Kues, H. A, and Monahan, J. c., Micro wave-Induced Changes to
the Primate Eye 13(1), 244.
Kulp, R L., see Boone, B. G.
Lafferty, P. M., see Nhan, E.
Lalle, P. A, see Massof, R W.
Lange, C. H ., see Duncan, D. D.
Lange, C. H., and Duncan, D. D., Temperature Coefficients ofthe
Refractive Indexfor Candidate Optical Windows 14(1),12.
Langston, M. J., see Rempt, R. P.
Lee, D. G. , Jf. ,see Crawford, D. P.
Lee, E. P., see Miller, 1. T., Jr.
Lehtonen, S. 1., Moore, C. R, Francomacaro, A S., Edwards,
R L. , and Clatterbaugh, G. V., Microwave Multichip Modules 15(1),48.
Lev, E., see Widmer, H. P.
Levy, L. J., and Porter, D. W., Large-Scale System Performance
Prediction with Confidence from Limited Field Testing
Using Parameter Identification 13(2), 300.
Li, S., see Jensen, J. R
Lin, J. S., and Weckesser, L. B., Thermal Shock Capabilities of
Infrared Dome Materials 13(3), 379.
Lineysky, M. 1., see Soya, R M.
Lippke, E., Creative, Interactive Teaching with LessonMaker
Liu, W ., see Goldstein, M. H., Jf.
Lohr, D . A, see Rust, D. M.
Lombardo, 1. S., Newhall, B. K., and Feuillet, J.-P., New Array
Technologies for Target Discrimination 14(2), 154.
Lopez, R E., Magnetospheric Substorms 11(3), 264.
Luber, 1. L., see Hatch, R R.
Lutty, G. A, see Wajer, S. D.
Lynds,1. S., DARCI TOO: A Computer Input Device for People
with Disabilities 13(4),496 .
MacArthur, J. L., see Beal, R C.
Mack, S. A , see Baker, M. A
Maclachlan Spicer, J. W., Aamodt, L. c., and Murphy, 1. c.,
Thermal Nondestructive Characterization ofthe Integrity of
Protective Coatings 11(1 & 2), 175.
Maier, L. L., Research and DevelopmentAwards 11(1 & 2),215.
- - -, Research and Development Awards 12(1), 95.
- - -, Writing and Research and Development Awards 13(2),
- - -, Writing and Research and Development Awards 14( 1),
- - -, Writing and Research and Development Awards 14(4),
- -- , Writing and Research and Development Awards 15(4),
- -- , Writing Awards 11(1 & 2), 212.
- - -, Writing Awards 12(1 ),90.
- - -, see Thompson, R J. , Jr.
Malcom, H., see Artis, D. A
Mark, F. F., see Sova, R. M.
Martin, L. P. , see Suter, 1. J.
Maryak, J. L., and Asher, M. S., Isolating Errors in State-Space
Models of Complex Systems 13(2),309 .
Massey, J. T., see Georgopoulos, A. P.
Massof, R W., see Sadowsky, 1.
Massof, R W., Rickman, D. L., and Lalle, P. A., Low Vision
Enhancement System 15(2), 120.
Mauk, B. H., Keath, E. P. , and Krirnigis, S. M., The Voyager
Program at APL 11(1 & 2), 63.
Maurer, R H., see Kinnison, J. D.
Maurer, R H., Chao, K., Bargeron, C. B., Benson, R c. , and
Nhan, E., Reliability of Gallium Arsenide Devices 13(3),
McCally R L., see Farrell, R. A
- -- , see Freund, D. E.
McIntyre, J. W., The Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft/
Sonobuoy Missile Impact Locating System 12(4), 330.
McKiel, F., Jr. , Audio-Enabled Graphical User Interfacefor the
Blind or Visually Impaired 13(4),474.
McKnight, T. R., see Valverde, C. R
McLeod, D. S. , see Wajer, S. D.
McNamara, T. M., Jr. , see Shotts, W . E.
Meitzler R c., see Strohbehn, K.
Meng, c.-I., see Newell, P. T.
- - -, see Sanchez, E. R
Meyer, R. A, see Blum, N. A
Meyer, R. A, Koschorke, G.-M. , Tillman, D. B. , and Campbell,
1. N. Neural Mechanism of Abnormal Sensations after
Nerve Injury 12(2), 129.
Miller,1. T., Jr., Lee, E. P. , Joice, A B., Brockman, K. D. , and
Fur t, D. I., Battle Group Gridlock-An Update 11(1 & 2),
Mitchell, D. G., Guest Editor's Introduction 11(3 & 4),224.
Monahan, J. C., see Kue , H. A
Monaldo, F. M., see Beal, R C.
- - - , see Dobson, E. B.
Monchick, L., Guest Editor's Introduction 12(3), 221.
- - - , Modern Quantum Kinetic Theory and Spectral Line
Shapes 12(3), 246.
- - -, Molecular Scattering Experiments at High Altitudes
15(2), 164.
Moore, C. R , see Jablon, A R
- - - , see Lehtonen, S. 1.
Moore, C. R, and Penn, 1. E., Custom Design of Monolithic
Micro wave Integrated Circuits 14(4), 300.
Moorjani, K., A Tribute to Samuel Koslov 14(2), 86.
- -, Editorial 15(1 ),2.
Moorjani, K., Adrian, F. 1. , Kim, B. F., Bohandy, J. , Phillips,
T. E., Kistenmacher, T. 1. , Green, W. J. , Agostinelli, E.,
Boone, B. G., and Sova, R M., High-Temperature Superconductivity 11(1 & 2), 155.
Muller, S., Technology and Society in the Twenty-First Century
Murphy, G. A, see Rust, D. M.
Murphy, 1. c., see Maclachlan Spicer, 1. W.
Murphy, L. H., see Wagner, G. D.
Murphy, P. K. , and Heyler, G. A, Image Processing Aboard the
Midcourse Space Experiment Using the Ultraviolet and
Visible Imagers and Spectrographic Imagers Instrument
15(3), 195.
Muller, S., Technology and Society in the Twenty-First Century
Myles-Tochko, C. J. , Oceanographic Databases at the Applied
Physics Laboratory 14(3), 259.
Najrni, A-H., The Wigner Distribution: A Time -FrequencyAnalysis Tool 15(4),298.
NaIl, B. H. , see Bargeron, C. B.
Neal, 1. c. , see Dantzler, H. L. , Jr.
Neradka, V. F., Chang, Y., Grady, 1. E., and Trowbridge, D. A ,
Application of Composite Materials to Impact-Insensitive
Munitions 13(3),418 .
Nesbitt, D. W. , see Dennehy, M. T.
Nethercote, W. C. E., The CFAV Quest's LEWEX Experience
11(3 & 4),397.
Newell, P. T., see Sanchez, E. R
Newell, P. T. , Wing, S. , Meng, C.-I., and Sigillito, V. ,A NeuralNetwork-Based System for Monitoring the Aurora
11(3 & 4),291.
Newhall, B. K., see Lombardo, 1. S.
Newman, R W. , Oxidation-Resistant High-Temperature Materials 14(1 ),24.
- - - , see Bargeron C. B.
Nhan, E., see Maurer, R H.
Nhan, E., Lafferty, P. M., Stilwell, R K., and Chao, K., RadioFrequency Connector and Interconnect Reliability in
Spaceborne Applications 14(4),348 .
North, R B., see Fowler, K. R
Norton, J. R , and Cloeren, J. M., Precision Quartz Oscillators
and Their Use aboard Satellites 15(1),30.
O' Byrne, 1. W. , see Rust, D. M.
aden, S. F., see Beal, R C.
O ' Haver, K. W. , see Frank, 1.
Olsen, D. E., Ansley, N., Feldberg, I. E. , Harris, 1. c., and
Cristion, J. A, Recent Developments in Polygraph Technology 12(4),347.
Olsen, D. E., Cristion, 1. A, and Spaur, C. W., Automatic
Detection of Epileptic Seizures Using Electroencephalographic Signals 12(2), 182.
Ousborne, D. R , Ship Self-Defense Against Air Threats 14(2),
Owens, W. A., Joint Littoral Warfare: Our Future 14(2), 90.
Pace, D. K. , Seminar Gaming: An Approach to Problems Too
Complex for Algorithmic Solution 12(3),290.
Paranicus, C. P. , and Cheng, A. F., Satellite Absorption of
Energetic Particles 11(3 & 4), 285.
Parker, J. G. , Optical Monitoring of the Generation of Singlet
Oxygen during Photodynamic Treatment of Tumors
11(1 & 2), 185.
Partridge, P. E., see Coughlin, T. B.
Penn, 1. E., see Jablon, A R
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
- - - , see Moore, C. R
Peterson, M. R, see Coughlin, T . B.
Pfenning, T. L., Guest Editors' Introductions: Into the New
Decade 11(1 & 2),5.
Phillips, T. E., see Bargeron, C. B.
- --, see Benson, R C.
- - -, see Moorjani, K.
Pierson, W. J. , Jr. , Wind Data and the Marine Boundary Layer
11(3 & 4),388.
Pineda, F. J. , and Andreou, A. G. , Analog Neuromorphic Computation: An Application to Compression 15(1), 82.
Pisacane, V. L., Independent Research and Development Program at APlr---An Overview 15(4),282.
Poehler,' T. 0., see Kistenmacher, T. J.
Porter, D. L., see Dobson, E. B.
Porter, D. W. , see Levy, L. J.
Portner, E. M., see Kohlenstein, L. C.
Potemra, T . A., Space Plasma Physics at the Applied Physics
Laboratory over the Past Half-Century 13(1), 182.
- - -, The Arctic Explorations of Fridtjof Nansen 12(3),275.
Powell, W. R, Reality, Perception, and Simulation: A Plausible
Theory 15(2), 154.
Prettyman, E. c., see Gussow, M.
Pryor, L. L. , see Danchik, R J.
Raul, R , Numerical Solution of Turbulent Flows 12(3),222.
- - -, see Geckle, W. 1.
Redd, F. J., Space Systems Engineering 15(3),271.
Reilly, J. P., see Kohlenstein, L. C.
Reinhart, M . J., A Four-Bit Ku-Band Monolithic Microwave
Integrated Circuit Phase Shifter 14(4),307.
Rempt, R P., and Langston, M. 1., Theater Missile Defense:
Technologies to Support a New Naval Mission 14(2), 141.
Resch, C. L. , Ablation Models of Thermal Protection Materials
Resch, C. L., and Szabo, Z. , Analysis of Dynamic Positron
Emission Tomography Images Using a Neural Network
Rickman, D. L. , see Massof, R W.
Robinson, A. R, see Dobson, E. B.
Roe, C. L. ,An Operational Computer Program to Control Self
Defense Surface Missile System Operations 12(4),323.
- - -, The NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System 12(4),
Roelof, E. C. , and Williams, D. 1., Update on Global Imaging
Using Energetic Neutral Atoms 11(1 & 2), 72.
Romine, C. H. , On an Unsolved Problem of Olga Taussky 12(3),
Rosenberg, A. P. , see Ku, H.-C.
Roth, M. W ., Neural Networks for Automatic Target Recognition
11(1 & 2), 117.
Rothman, N. S. , Volume Determination Using Acoustic Resonance 12(2), 176.
Russo, A. A., see Valverde, C. R
Russo, A. A. , and Clatterbaugh, G. V., A Space-Based HighSpeed Direct Digital Synthesizer Multichip Module Using
Low-Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic 14(4),324.
Rust, D. M., Hayes, J. R , Lohr, D. A., Murphy, G. A., and
Strohbehn, K. , The Flare Genesis Experiment: Studying the
Sun from the Stratosphere 14(4),358.
Rust, D. M. , O ' Byrne, 1. W. , and Sterner, R E., II, New Instruments for Solar Research 11(1 & 2), 77.
Sadowsky, 1. , Guest Editor's Introduction 15(2),96.
- - - , The Continuous Wavelet Transform: A Toolfor Signal
Investigation and Understanding 15(4),306.
Sadowsky, J. , and Massof, R W. , Sensory Engineering: The
Science of Synthetic Environments 15(2), 99.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (/994)
Sanchez, E. R , Meng, c.-I., and Newell, P. T. , Observations of
Solar Wind Penetration into the Earth's Magnetosphere:
The Plasma Mantle 11(3 & 4),272.
Sanford, C. 1., Tonetalker: A Text Telephone Device for the
Hearing Impaired 13(4),499.
Sarabun, C. C. , Jr. , and Dubbel, D. c., High-Resolution Thermistor Chain Observations in the Upper Chesapeake Bay
11(1 & 2), 48.
Sarabun, C. c., Jr. , and Frizzell-Makowski, L. J. , New Developments in APL Chesapeake Bay Research 14(3), 244.
Sauer, M., see Brown, C.
Scheerer, D. 1., Reasoning Under Uncertainty for a Coastal
Ocean Expert System 14(3),267.
- - - , see Dantzler, H. L., Jr.
Schoeberlein, H. C. , see Baker, M. A.
Seymour, S. 1. , see Holmboe, E. L.
Sharnleffer, W. H. , see Coleman, J. R
Shotts, W. E., and McNamara, T. M., Jr. ,A Blueprintfor the Use
of Unmanned Undersea Vehicles in Littoral Warfare 14(2),
Sibeck, D. G., The AMPTE Program's Contribution to Studies of
the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction
11(3 & 4),279.
Sides, D. J. , see Dantzler, H. L. , Jr.
Sigillito, V., see Newell, P. T.
Sinex, C. H., and Winokur, R S., Environmental Factors Affecting Military Operations in the Littoral Battlespace 14(2),
Sinsky, J. H. , see Sloan, R F.
Skaggs, G. L., see Coleman, 1. R
Sloan, R F., Bokulic, R S., and Sinsky, 1. H., An X-Band
Telecommunications Transmitter for the Mid-Course Space
Experiment 14(4),3 17.
Smart, J. H. , Seasonal and Spatial Variations in the Attenuation
of Light in the North Atlantic Ocean 14(3),231.
Smith, G . L.,APLand the
Naval Service: A Partnership for
the Future 14(2), 94.
South, H. M., High-Speed Processors for Sonar 11(1 & 2), 105.
Sova, R M., see Grabow, B. E . .
- - -, see Moorjani, K.
Sova, R M ., Grabow, B. E., and Boone, B . G., High-Temperature Superconducting Electromagnetic Radiation Detectors
Sova, R M ., Linevsky, M. 1., Thomas, M. E., and Mark, F. F.,
High-Temperature Optical Properties of Oxide Ceramics
Spall, J. c., Guest Editor 's Introduction 13(2),284.
Spaur, C. W ., see Olsen, D. E.
St. Ville, J . A., Ecker, 1. A., Winget, J. M., and Berghauer, M. H.
The Anatomy of Mid thigh Pain after Total Hip Arthroplasty
12(2), 198.
Stark, V. L. , Quantifying Ocean Color in the North Atlantic and
North Pacific Oceans 14(3), 224.
Sterner, R E., II, see Rust, D. M.
Stilwell, R K, Satellite Applications ofthe Bifilar Helix Antenna
12(1), 75.
- - -, see Jablon, A. R
- - - , see Nhan, E.
- - -, see Valverde, C. R
Stokes, R G., and Thompson, G. R , Naval Service Roles and
Missions in Littoral Warfare 14(2), 102.
Strider, R S ., see Feldmesser, H. S.
Strohbehn, K, see Rust, D . M.
Strohbehn, K , Meitzler, R C. , Andreou, A. G. , and Jenkins,
R E., Analog Image Processing with Silicon Retinas 15(3),
Sumey, R A, see Dennehy, M. T.
Suter, 1. J. , Zucker, P. A., and Martin, L. P. , Precision Accelerometers for Gravity Gradient Measurements 15(4),
Szabo, F. , see Resch, C. L.
Takahashi, K., Response ofEnergetic Particles to Magnetospheric
Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves 11(3 & 4),255.
Telford, 1. K., The Number ofTests Needed To Detect an Increase
in the Proportion of Defective De vices 13(2),326.
Thomas, M. E., see Sova, R. M.
Thomas, M. E., and Tropf, W. 1., Optical Properties of Diamond
14(1) 16.
Thompson, G. R, see Stokes, R. G.
Thompson, R 1. Jr., Berl, W. G., and Maier, L. L., Guest Editors'
Introduction 13(1),3.
Thurber, R. E., Data Fusion for Navy Test Ranges 11(1 & 2),
Tilley, D . G., Yemc, D. J., Wave Domain Processing ofSynthetic
Aperture Radar Signals 15(3),224.
Tillman, D. B. see Meyer, R A
Tropf, W. J., Guest Editor's Introduction 13(3) 366.
- - -, Guest Editor's Introduction 14(1 ),2.
- - -, see Thomas, M. E.
Trowbridge, D . A, see Neradka, V. F.
Tyler, G. D., Jr., The Emergence of Low-Frequency Active
Acoustics As a Critical Antisubmarine Warfare Technology
13(1 ), 145.
Uy, O. M., see Cohen , P. H.
Valverde, C. R , see Jen en, 1. R
Valverde C. R , Stilwell, R K., Russo, A A., and McKnight,
T. R. , The S-BandBeacon Receiverfor the Midcourse Space
Experiment 15(1 ),67.
Van Wie, D. M., White, M. E., and Corpening, G. P. , NASP Inlet
Design and Testing Issues 11(3 & 4), 353.
Va holz, D . P., see Baker M. A.
Veliodi ,V., ee Jensen, J. R
Vermeij, P. , see de Jong, J. H.
Vest, C. E., Lubrication of Spacecraft Mechanisms 14(1),68.
- - -, The Effects of the Space Environment on Spacecraft
Surfaces 12(1), 46.
Vetter, J. R. , The Evolution of Earth Gravitational Models Used
in Astrodynamics 15(4),319.
Vila, J., and Ahlers, K. M.,Read-My-Lips: A Multimedia Project
for the Hearing Impaired 13(4), 503.
Wagner, G. D. , see Charles, H. K. , Jr.
Wagner, G. D ., Falk, P. R , and Murphy, L. H. , Engineering
Design and Electronic Fabrication Facilities in the Steven
Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1), 14.
Wajer, S. D. , McLeod, D. S., and Lutty, G. A, Confocal Microscopic Imaging of Fluorescently Labeled Sickle Erythrocytes in the RetinaL Vasculature 15(4),336.
Walker, J. H. , see Hatch, R R
Waltrup, P. J., Guest Editor's Introduction 11(3 & 4), 31l.
Warren, J. W., see Huting W. A
Wat on,J. M. , The Strategic Missile Submarine ForceandAPL 's
Role in Its Development 13(1 ), 125.
Weckesser, L. B., see Lin, J. S.
Wheaton, E. P. ,An Alternative Energy Systemfor Transportation
White, M. E., The National AeroSpace Plane Program and the
APL Role 13(1 ),2 18.
- - -, see Van Wie, D. M.
Widmer, H. P. , Lev, E., and Costabile, 1. J., Demonstration of a
Low-Frequency, Long-Range Acoustic Communications
System 14(2), 174.
William , D. 1. , see Roelof E. C.
Williams, K. E. , Prediction of Solar Activity with a Neural
Network and Its Effect on Orbit Prediction 12(4), 310.
Wing, S., see Newell, P. T.
Winget, 1. M. , see St. Ville, J. A
Winokur, R. S., see Sinex, C. H.
Wyatt, c., ee Brown, C.
Yanek, S. P., Ko, H. W., and Farrell, R A , Biomedical Sciences
Yemc, D. 1. , ee Tilley, D. G.
Zucker, P . A., see Suter, J. J.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest
Volumes 11 through 15 (1990-94)
A Four-Bit Ku-Band Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Phase Shifter 14(4),307. Reinhart, M. J.
A Space-Based High-Speed Direct Digital Synthesizer Multichip Module Using Low-Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic 14(4), 324.
Russo, A A, and Clatterbaugh, G. V.
An X-Band Telecommunications Transmitterforthe Mid-Course Space Experiment 14(4), 317. Sloan, R. F., Bokulic, R. S. , andSinsky,
C-Band Receive Module for Phased-Array Antenna Applications Using Commercially A vailable MonoLithic Microwave Integrated
Circuits 14(4),333. Kopp, B. A , and Barnett, J. C.
Custom Design of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits 14(4), 300. Moore, C. R. , and Penn, J. E.
Guest Editor's Introduction 14(4), 298. Edwards, M. L.
Guest Editor's Introduction 15(1),3 . Edwards, M. L.
Microwave Component AnaLysis Using a NumericaL Electromagnetic Field Solver 15(1 ), 38. Jablon, A. R , Moore, C. R, and
Penn, J. E.
Microwave Multichip Modules 15(1 ), 48. Lehtonen, S. 1. , Moore, C. R , Francomacaro, A. S. , Edwards, R L. , and Clatterbaugh,
Modeling and Analysis of High-Temperature Superconducting Thin-Film Detectors 15(1), 18. Grabow, B. E., Boone, B. G. , and Sova,
Phased-Array Antenna Development at the Applied Physics Laboratory 14(4), 339. Frank, 1., and Q'Haver, K. W .
Precision Quartz Oscillators and Their Use aboard Satellites 15(1) 30. Norton, 1. R , and Cloeren, J. M.
Johns Hopkins A PL Technical Digest. Volume 15. Number 4 (1994)
Sumey, R A, see Dennehy, M. T.
Suter, 1. J. , Zucker, P. A., and Martin, L. P. , Precision Accelerometers for Gravity Gradient Measurements 15(4),
Szabo, F. , see Resch, C. L.
Takahashi, K., Response ofEnergetic Particles to Magnetospheric
Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves 11(3 & 4),255.
Telford, 1. K., The Number ofTests Needed To Detect an Increase
in the Proportion of Defective De vices 13(2),326.
Thomas, M. E., see Sova, R. M.
Thomas, M. E., and Tropf, W. 1., Optical Properties of Diamond
14(1) 16.
Thompson, G. R, see Stokes, R. G.
Thompson, R 1. Jr., Berl, W. G., and Maier, L. L., Guest Editors'
Introduction 13(1),3.
Thurber, R. E., Data Fusion for Navy Test Ranges 11(1 & 2),
Tilley, D . G., Yemc, D. J., Wave Domain Processing ofSynthetic
Aperture Radar Signals 15(3),224.
Tillman, D. B. see Meyer, R A
Tropf, W. J., Guest Editor's Introduction 13(3) 366.
- - -, Guest Editor's Introduction 14(1 ),2.
- - -, see Thomas, M. E.
Trowbridge, D . A, see Neradka, V. F.
Tyler, G. D., Jr., The Emergence of Low-Frequency Active
Acoustics As a Critical Antisubmarine Warfare Technology
13(1 ), 145.
Uy, O. M., see Cohen , P. H.
Valverde, C. R , see Jen en, 1. R
Valverde C. R , Stilwell, R K., Russo, A A., and McKnight,
T. R. , The S-BandBeacon Receiverfor the Midcourse Space
Experiment 15(1 ),67.
Van Wie, D. M., White, M. E., and Corpening, G. P. , NASP Inlet
Design and Testing Issues 11(3 & 4), 353.
Va holz, D . P., see Baker M. A.
Veliodi ,V., ee Jensen, J. R
Vermeij, P. , see de Jong, J. H.
Vest, C. E., Lubrication of Spacecraft Mechanisms 14(1),68.
- - -, The Effects of the Space Environment on Spacecraft
Surfaces 12(1), 46.
Vetter, J. R. , The Evolution of Earth Gravitational Models Used
in Astrodynamics 15(4),319.
Vila, J., and Ahlers, K. M.,Read-My-Lips: A Multimedia Project
for the Hearing Impaired 13(4), 503.
Wagner, G. D. , see Charles, H. K. , Jr.
Wagner, G. D ., Falk, P. R , and Murphy, L. H. , Engineering
Design and Electronic Fabrication Facilities in the Steven
Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1), 14.
Wajer, S. D. , McLeod, D. S., and Lutty, G. A, Confocal Microscopic Imaging of Fluorescently Labeled Sickle Erythrocytes in the RetinaL Vasculature 15(4),336.
Walker, J. H. , see Hatch, R R
Waltrup, P. J., Guest Editor's Introduction 11(3 & 4), 31l.
Warren, J. W., see Huting W. A
Wat on,J. M. , The Strategic Missile Submarine ForceandAPL 's
Role in Its Development 13(1 ), 125.
Weckesser, L. B., see Lin, J. S.
Wheaton, E. P. ,An Alternative Energy Systemfor Transportation
White, M. E., The National AeroSpace Plane Program and the
APL Role 13(1 ),2 18.
- - -, see Van Wie, D. M.
Widmer, H. P. , Lev, E., and Costabile, 1. J., Demonstration of a
Low-Frequency, Long-Range Acoustic Communications
System 14(2), 174.
William , D. 1. , see Roelof E. C.
Williams, K. E. , Prediction of Solar Activity with a Neural
Network and Its Effect on Orbit Prediction 12(4), 310.
Wing, S., see Newell, P. T.
Winget, 1. M. , see St. Ville, J. A
Winokur, R. S., see Sinex, C. H.
Wyatt, c., ee Brown, C.
Yanek, S. P., Ko, H. W., and Farrell, R A , Biomedical Sciences
Yemc, D. 1. , ee Tilley, D. G.
Zucker, P . A., see Suter, J. J.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest
Volumes 11 through 15 (1990-94)
A Four-Bit Ku-Band Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Phase Shifter 14(4),307. Reinhart, M. J.
A Space-Based High-Speed Direct Digital Synthesizer Multichip Module Using Low-Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic 14(4), 324.
Russo, A A, and Clatterbaugh, G. V.
An X-Band Telecommunications Transmitterforthe Mid-Course Space Experiment 14(4), 317. Sloan, R. F., Bokulic, R. S. , andSinsky,
C-Band Receive Module for Phased-Array Antenna Applications Using Commercially A vailable MonoLithic Microwave Integrated
Circuits 14(4),333. Kopp, B. A , and Barnett, J. C.
Custom Design of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits 14(4), 300. Moore, C. R. , and Penn, J. E.
Guest Editor's Introduction 14(4), 298. Edwards, M. L.
Guest Editor's Introduction 15(1),3 . Edwards, M. L.
Microwave Component AnaLysis Using a NumericaL Electromagnetic Field Solver 15(1 ), 38. Jablon, A. R , Moore, C. R, and
Penn, J. E.
Microwave Multichip Modules 15(1 ), 48. Lehtonen, S. 1. , Moore, C. R , Francomacaro, A. S. , Edwards, R L. , and Clatterbaugh,
Modeling and Analysis of High-Temperature Superconducting Thin-Film Detectors 15(1), 18. Grabow, B. E., Boone, B. G. , and Sova,
Phased-Array Antenna Development at the Applied Physics Laboratory 14(4), 339. Frank, 1., and Q'Haver, K. W .
Precision Quartz Oscillators and Their Use aboard Satellites 15(1) 30. Norton, 1. R , and Cloeren, J. M.
Johns Hopkins A PL Technical Digest. Volume 15. Number 4 (1994)
Radio-Frequency Connector and Interconnect Reliability in Spaceborne Applications 14(4), 348. Nhan, E., Lafferty, P. M., Stilwell,
R K, and Chao, K
Spacecraft Reflector Antenna Development: Challenges and Novel Solutions 15(1), 57. Jablon, A. R , and Stilwell, R K
The Application of Quantum-Well Modulators in Satellite Instrument Design 15(1), 7. Jensen, J. R., Valverde, C. R , DeBoy,
C. c., Veliodis, V., Khurgin, 1., and Li, S.
The S-Band Beacon Receiver for the Midcourse Space Experiment 15(1), 67. Valverde, C. R, Stilwell, R K, Russo, A. A., and
McKnight, T. R
Design and Development of Single-Stage-to-Orbit Vehicles 11(3 & 4),336. Billig, F. S.
Guest Editor's Introduction 11(3 & 4),311. Waltrup, P. 1.
NASP Inlet Design and Testing Issues 11(3 & 4),353. Van Wie, D. M., White, M. E., and Corpening, G. P.
The Beg'inning of Hypersonic Ramjet Research at APL 11(3 & 4),319. Gilreath, H. E.
The National AeroSpace Plane Program: A Revolutionary Concept 11(3 & 4),312. Barthelemy, R R
Determination of Fluid Velocity Fields with Particle Displacement Velocimetry 15(3), 188. Diamond, S. D.
Fine Structure in Two-Dimensional Electron Scattering 11(1 & 2), 180. Bargeron, C. B., Jette, A. N., and Nan, B. H.
Further Reading 11(1 & 2), 183.
High-Temperature Chemistry of Materials: An Update 11(1 & 2), 168. Hunter, L. W.
High-Temperature Superconductivity 11(1 &2), 155. Moorjani, K, Adrian,F. J., Kim,B. F.,Bohandy,J., Phillips, T. E., Kistenmacher,
T. J., Green, W. J., Agostinelli, E., Boone, B. G., and Sova, R M.
Molecular Scattering Experiments at High Altitudes 15(2), 164. Monchick, L.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Organic Conductors and Superconductors 13(2), 332. Fainchtein, R
Sensory Engineering: The Science of Synthetic Environments 15(2), 99. Sadowsky, J., and Massof, R W.
The Continuous Wavelet Transform: A Toolfor Signal Investigation and Understanding 15(4), 306. Sadowsky, 1.
The Wigner Distribution: A Time-Frequency Analysis Tool 15(4), 298. Najmi, A.-H.
Thermal Nondestructive Characterization of the Integrity of Protective Coatings 11(1 & 2), 175. Maclachlan Spicer, J. W., Aamodt,
L. c., and Murphy, J. C.
Twenty Years of Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors 13(1), 256. Kistenmacher, T. J., Cowan, D.O., and Poehler, T. O.
A Perspective: Collaborative Biomedical Research: Past, Present, and Future 12(2), 103. Johns, R J.
Analog Image Processing with Silicon Retinas 15(3), 178. Strohbehn, K, Meitzler, R c., Andreou, A. G., and Jenkins, R E.
Analysis of Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography Images Using a Neural Network 15(3), 265. Resch, C. L., and Szabo, F.
Automatic Detection of Epileptic Seizures Using Electroencephalographic Signals 12(2),182. Olsen, D. E., Cristion, J. A., and Spaur,
C. W.
Biomedical Program Research: The Primate Motor System 12(2), lOS. Georgopoulos, A. P., and Massey, 1. T.
Biomedical Sciences 15(4), 284. Yanek, S. P., Ko, H. W., and Farrell, R A.
Computer-Optimized Neurostimulation 12(2), 192. Fowler, K R, and North, R. B.
Confocal Microscopic Imaging of Fluorescently Labeled Sickle Erythrocytes in the Retinal Vasculature 15(4), 336. Wajer, S. D.,
McLeod, D. S., and Lutty, G. A.
Dedication 12(2), 103. Grant, D. G.
Detection and Classification of Transient Signals: Sorting Neural Waveforms 12(2), 144. Bankman, I. N.
Etiology of the Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Progress Report 11(1 & 2), 200. Flower, R W.
Further Reading 11(1 & 2), 206.
Light-Scattering Tests of Structure in Normal and Swollen Rabbit Corneas 12(2), 137. Freund, D. E., McCally, R L., and Farrell,
Low Vision Enhancement System 15(2), 120. Massof, R W., Rickman, D. L., and Lalle, P. A.
Magnetic Nerve Stimulation 12(2), 153. Eaton, H. A. C.
Microwave-Induced Changes to the Primate Eye 13(1 ), 244. Kues, H. A., and Monahan, J. C.
Multimeridian Photorefraction: A Techniquefor the Detection of Visual Defects in Infants and Preverbal Children 12(2), 166. Cole,
Neural Mechanism of Abnormal Sensations after Nerve Injury 12(2), 129. Meyer, R A., Koschorke, G.-M., Tillman, D. B., and
Campbell, 1. N.
Neural Microprobes for Multisite Recording 12(2), 159. Blum, N. A., Carkhuff, B. G., Charles, H. K, Jr., Edwards, R. L.,
Francomacaro, A. S., and Meyer, R A.
Numerical and Experimental Simulation of Coronary Flow Characterization Using Arteriography 15(2), 126. Geckle, W. 1., and
Raul, R
Optical Monitoring of the Generation of Singlet Oxygen during Photodynamic Treatment of Tumors 11(1 & 2), 185. Parker, 1. G.
Research on Corneal Structure 11(1 & 2), 191. Farrell, R A., Freund, D. E., and McCally, R L.
Speech Processing by Real and Silicon Ears 12(2), 115. Goldstein, M. H., Jr., Liu, W., and Jenkins, R E.
The Anatomy of Midthigh Pain after Total Hip Arthroplasty 12(2), 198. St. Ville, 1. A., Ecker, J. A., Winget, 1. M., and Berghauer,
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
The Development of Implantable Medical Devices at the Applied Physics Laboratory 13(1), 233 . Fischell, R. E.
Volume Determination Using Acoustic Resonance 12(2), 176. Rothman, N. S.
An Alternative Energy Systemfor Transportation 15(3), 269. Wheaton, E. P.
Space Systems Engineering 15(3), 271. Redd, F. J.
Analysis of Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography Images Using a Neural Network 15(3), 265. Resch, C. L., and Szabo, Z.
Computer-Generated Stereoscopic Displays 15(2), 137. Dolecek, Q. E.
Effects of Chemical Substitution on the Structural and Superconducting Properties of Some High-Critical-Temperature Copper Oxide
Ceramics 12(3), 263. Kistenmacher, T. J.
Guest Editor's Introduction 12(3),221. Monchick, L.
Modern Quantum Kinetic Theory and Spectral Line Shapes 12(3) 246. Monchick, L.
Numerical Solution of Turbulent Flows 12(3), 222. Raul, R.
On an Unsolved Problem of Olga Taussky 12(3), 271. Romine, C. H.
Prediction of Solar Activity with a Neural Network and Its Effect on Orbit Prediction 12(4), 310. Williams, K. E.
Pseudospectral Element Method for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Its Parallel Implementation 12(3), 234. Ku, H.-C., and
Rosenberg, A. P.
Theory of Electron Current Image Diffractionfrom Crystal Surfaces at Low Energies 12(3),255. Jette, A. N., and Bargeron, C. B.
Three-Dimensional Rendering as a Tool in Science and Engineering 15(4), 342. Feinstein, M. R.
Using Fractal Dimensionfor Target Detection in Clutter 12(4),301. Constantikes, K. T.
Analog Neuromorphic Computation: An Application to Compression 15(1 ), 82. Pineda F. J. , and Andreou, A. G.
Audio-Enabled Graphical User Interface for the Blind or Visually Impaired 13(4),474. McKiel, F., Jr.
Computer-Generated Stereoscopic Displays 15(2), 137. Dolecek, Q. E.
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing in China: A Trip Report and Observations 12(3), 284. Kemelhor, R. E.
Creative, Interactive Teaching with LessonMaker 13(4), 494. Lippke, E.
DARCI TOO: A Computer Input Devicefor People with Disabilities 13(4), 496. Lynds, J. S.
Development of a Powerful and Affordable Screen Reader 13(4),478 . Bohlman, E.
Further Reading 11(1 & 2), 121.
Guest Editor's Introduction 13(4),448. Hazan, P. L.
High-Speed Processors for Sonar 11(1 & 2), 105. South, H. M.
Intellikeys: The Smart Keyboard 13(4),466. Khal a, A. S.
Neural Networks for Automatic Target Recognition 11(1 & 2), 117. Roth, M. W.
Read-My-Lips: A Multimedia Project for the Hearing Impaired 13(4),503. Vila, 1. and Ahlers K. M.
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Graphics Display for Antiair Warfare Command and Control 15(2), 110. Dennehy, M . T. , Nesbitt,
D. W ., and Sumey, R. A.
SAM: An Improved Input Device 13(4),490. Hauck, L. T.
SwitchEnsemble: A Special Needs Music Application 13(4), 471. Adam , 1. D.
The Sound-to-Speech Translation System Using Photographic-Quality Graphic Symbols 13(4), 482 . Brown, c., Cavalier, A., Sauer,
M ., and Wyatt C.
Tonetalker: A Text Telephone Devicefor the Hearing Impaired 13(4),499. Sanford, C. 1.
Update on Information Systems at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 11(1 & 2), 114. Blum, B. 1.
Winning Entries in the Johns Hopkins National Searchfor Computing Applications to Assist Persons with Disabilities 13(4), 454.
International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions 15(4), 353. Dassoulas, 1. , and Athey, B.
Second Symposium on Research and Development at APL 15(1) , 86. Bed, W . G.
Computer-Aided Engineering, Design, and Information Systems and Services at the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology
12(1),23. Crawford, D . P ., and Lee, D . G. , Jr.
Electronic Fabrication and Assembly in the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1),30. Feldmesser, H. S., Dietrich,
A. E., Falk, P . R., and Strider, R. S.
Engineering Design and Electronic Fabrication Facilities in the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1) 14 Wagner,
G. D., Falk, P. R. , and Murphy, L. H.
Guest Editor 's Introduction 12(1), 2. Charle , H. K. , Jr.
Materials Development, Analysis, and Testing within the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1), 39. Cohen, P. H .,
Biermann , P. J. , and Uy, O. M .
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
Quality Assurance and Configuration Control within the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1 ), 55 . Coleman, J. R ,
Johnson, M. J., Shamleffer, W. H., Ali, S. W. , and Skaggs, G. L.
Rapid System Visual Prototyping (RSVP) 15(4), 344. Hazan, P. L.
The Effects of the Space Environment on Spacecraft Suifaces 12(1 ),46. Vest, C. E.
The Engineering Design, Fabrication, Testing, and Qualification Process within the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology
12(1),4. Charles, H. K, Jr.
Environment 15(4), 288. Heaton, H. I.
Environmental Assessment and Research 13(1 ), 268. Kohlenstein, L. c., Portner, E. M. , Burton, D. T., and Reilly, J. P.
New Developments in APL Chesapeake Bay Research 14(3), 244. Sarabun, C. c., Jr. , and Frizzell-Makowski, L. l
Air Defense for the Fleet 13(1 ),39. Emch, G. F.
Airbreathing Propulsionfor Defense of the Suiface Fleet 13(1 ),57. Keirsey, J. L.
Battle Group Gridlock-An Update 11(1 & 2), 17. Miller, J. T. , Jr. , Lee, E. P., Joice, A. B. , Brockman, K D. , and Furst, D. I.
Bumblebee Missile Aerodynamic Design: A Constant in a Changing World 13(1 ), 69. Eaton, A. R.
Data Fusion for Navy Test Ranges 11(1 & 2),21. Thurber, R E.
Fleet Air Defense and Technology 11(1 & 2), 8. Emch, G. F.
Fleet Air Defense: Countermeasures 13(1 ), 101. Hyatt, W. C.
Further Reading 11(1 & 2), 37.
In Defense of Freedom-The Early Years 13(1 ), 31. Berl, W. G.
New Directions in Missile Guidance: Signal Processing Based on Neural Networks and Fractal Modeling 11(1 & 2), 28. Boone,
B. G., Constantikes, K T., Fry, R L. , Gilbert, A. S. , and Kulp, R. L.
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Graphics Display for Antiair Waifare Command and Control 15(2), 110. Dennehy, M. T., Nesbitt,
D. W., and Sumey, R. A.
Search Radar Automation: ANISYS-i and Beyond 13(1 ),90. Emch, G. F. , and Kirkland, G. I.
Typhon-A Weapon System Ahead of Its Time 13(1 ), 82. Gussow, M., and Prettyman, E. C.
Analog Image Processing with Silicon Retinas 15(3), 178. Strohbehn, K , Meitzler, R. c., Andreou, A. G. , and Jenkins, R. E.
Guest Editors ' Introduction 15(3), 176. Bankman, I. N., and Geckle, W. J.
Image Processing for Tomahawk Scene Matching 15(3), 250. Irani, G. B., and Christ, l P.
Point Detection Using a Coning Scan Imager 15(3), 242. Constantikes, K T.
Computer-Aided Engineering, Design, and Information Systems and Services at the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology
12(1 ), 23. Crawford, D. P., and Lee, D. G. , Jr.
Information Science and Technology 15(4), 290. Hunter, L. W.
Space Data Compression Standards 15(3), 206. Beser, N. D.
Update on Information Systems at the fohn s Hopkins Hospital 11(1 & 2), 114. Blum, B. I.
A Blueprintfor the Use of Unmanned Undersea Vehicles in Littoral Waifare 14(2), 148. Shotts, W. E. , and McNamara, T. M., Jr.
An Expert Systemfor Describing and Predicting the Coastal Ocean Environment 14(2), 181. Dantzler, H. L. , Jr. , and Scheerer, D. J.
APL and the U.S. Naval Service: A Partnership for the Future 14(2), 94. Smith, G. L.
Demonstration ofaLow-Frequency, Long-Range Acoustic Communications System 14(2), 174. Widmer, H. P. , Lev, E., and Costabile,
J. l
Environmental Factors Affecting Military Operations in the Littoral Battlespace 14(2), 112. Sinex, C. H. , and Winokur, R S.
Guest Editor 's introduction 14(2), 87. Heaton, H. I.
f oint Littoral Waifare: Our Future 14(2), 90. Owens, W. A.
Modeling Acoustic Propagation and Scattering in Littoral Areas 14(2), 162. Boyles, C. A. , and Biondo, A. C.
Naval Service Roles and Missions in Littoral Waifare 14(2), 102. Stokes, R G. , and Thompson, G. R
New Array Technologies for Target Discrimination 14(2), 154. Lombardo, J. S., Newhall, B. K. , and Feuillet, loP.
Ship Self-Defense Against Air Threats 14(2), 125. Ousborne, D. R
Theater Missile Defense: Technologies to Support a New Naval Mission 14(2), 141. Rempt, R P., and Langston, M. J.
Immersing People in Virtual Environments: Perceptual and Cognitive Considerations 15(2), 143. Hamill, B. W.
Technology and Society in the Twenty-First Century 13(4), 526. Muller, S.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
Ablation Models of Thermal Protection Materials 13(3), 426. Resch, C. L.
Application of Composite Materials to Impact-Insensitive Munitions 13(3), 418. Neradka, V. F., Chang, Y., Grady, J. E., and
Trowbridge, D. A.
Epoxy Adhesives in Microelectronic Hybrid Applications 13(3), 400. Benson, R c., deHaas, N., Goodwin, P. G. , and Phillips, T. E.
Evaluation of Silicon Nitride as an Advanced Radome Material 13(3), 393. Frazer, R K
Flight Capabilities of High-Speed-Missile Radome Materials 13(3) 386. Kouroupis, J. B.
Guest Editor's Introduction 13(3), 366. Tropf, W. J.
Guest Editor's Introduction 14(1 ), 2. Tropf, W. J.
High-Temperature Optical Properties of Oxide Ceramics 13(3), 368. Soya, R M., Linevsky, M. J. , Thomas, M. E. , and Mark, F. F.
High-Temperature Superconducting Electromagnetic Radiation Detectors 14(1 ), 37. Soya, R. M., Grabow, B. E. , and Boone, B. G.
Imaging Performance of Crystalline and Polycrystalline Oxides 14(1 ), 4. Duncan, D. D. , Lange, C. H. , and Fischer, D. G.
Materials Development, Analysis, and Testing within the Steven Muller Center for Advanced Technology 12(1), 39. Cohen, P. H.,
Biermann, P. J., and Uy, O. M.
Materials in Electronic Packaging at APL 14(1 ),51. Charles, H. K, Jr.
Optical Properties of Diamond 14(1 ), 16. Thomas, M. E., and Tropf, W. J.
Oxidation Mechanisms of Hafnium Carbide and Hafnium Diboride in the Temperature Range 1400 to 2100°C 14(1), 29. Bargeron,
C. B. , Ben on, R c., Newman, R W., Jette, A. N., and Phillips, T. E.
Oxidation-Resistant High-Temperature Materials 14(1 ), 24. Newman, R W.
Reliability of Gallium Arsenide Devices 13(3),407. Maurer, R H. , Chao, K, Bargeron, C. B., Ben on, R. c., and Nhan, E.
Temperature Coefficients of the Refractive Indexfor Candidate Optical Windows 14(1 ), 12. Lange, C. H. , and Duncan, D. D.
Thermal Shock Capabilities of Infrared Dome Materials 13(3),379. Lin, J. S., and Weckesser, L. B.
Epoxy Adhesives in Microelectronic Hybrid Applications 13(3), 400. Benson, R c., deHaas, N., Goodwin, P. G., and Phillips, T. E.
Further Reading 11(1 & 2), 154.
Materials in Electronic Packaging at APL 14(1 ), 51. Charles, H. K, Jr.
Microelectronic Materials Characterization: An Update 11(1 & 2), 127. Charles, H. K , Jr. , Clatterbaugh, G. V., and Dettmer, E. S.
Microelectronics at APL: 30 Years of Service 11(1 & 2), 123. Charles, H. K , Jr., Wagner, G. D., and Abita, J. L.
Microwave Technology 11(1 & 2), 145. Abita, J. L.
Modeling for Electronic Packaging at APL 11(1 & 2), 137. Charles, H. K , Jr. , and Clatterbaugh, G. V.
An Operational Computer Program to Control Self Defense Surface Missile System Operations 12(4),323 . Roe, C. L.
Bumblebee Missile Aerodynamic Design: A Constant in a Changing World 13(1), 69. Eaton, A. R.
Fifty Years of Strike Warfare Research at the Applied Physics Laboratory 13(1 ), 113. Hatch, R. R, Luber, J. L., and Walker, J. H.
Image Degradations of an Aerodynamically Shaped Optical Window 12(1 ),8 1. Gearhart, S. A.
Image Processing for Tomahawk Scene Matching 15(3), 250. Irani, G. B. , and Christ, 1. P.
New Directions in Missile Guidance: Signal Processing Based on Neural Networks and Fractal Modeling 11(1 & 2), 28. Boone,
B. G. , Constantikes, K. T., Fry, R L. , Gilbert, A. S. , and Kulp, R L.
Recent Progress in Circular High-Power Overmoded Waveguide 12(1 ), 60. Huting, W. A. Warren J. W. , and Krill, J. A.
The Advanced Range Instrumentation AircraftlSonobuoy Missile Impact Locating System 12(4), 330. Mclntyre, J. W.
The NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System 12(4), 318. Roe, C. L.
The Postmission Processor for the Sonobuoy Missile Impact Locating System 12(4), 339. Arti , D. A., and Malcom, H.
The Strategic Missile Submarine Force and APL's Role in Its Development 13(1 ), 125. Watson, J. M.
An Automated Tactical Oceanographic Monitoring System 14(3), 281. Dantzler, H. L. , Jr. , Side , D. J., and Neal, J. C.
An Improved Airborne Ocean Temperature Acquisition Display and Analysis System 14(3), 253. Grempler, K E.
Further Reading 11(1 & 2), 61.
Geosat Wind and Wave Measurements during LEWEX 11(3 & 4) 408. Dobson, E. B., and Chaykov ky, S. P.
Guest Editor's Introduction 11(3 & 4),363. Beal, R. C.
Guest Editor's Introduction 14(3), 198. CaIman, J.
High-Resolution Thermistor Chain Observations in the Upper Chesapeake Bay 11(1 & 2),48. Sarabun, C. c., Jr. , and Dubbel, D. C.
HNLMS Tydeman' s LEWEX Experience and Motion Simulation in Multimodal Seas 11(3 & 4), 403. de Jong, J. H. , and Vermeij, P.
LEWEX.· Motivation, Objectives, and Major Results 11(3 & 4),370. BeaI, R C.
Marine Wind Variability: Illustration and Comments 11(3 & 4),392. Ezraty, R. S.
New Developments in APL Chesapeake Bay Research 14(3), 244. Sarabun, C. c., Jr., and Frizzell-Makow ki, L. J.
Oceanographic Databases at the Applied Physics Laboratory 14(3), 259. Myles-Tochko, C. J.
Optical Phase Fluctuations in the Ocean 14(3), 209. Baker, M. A., Mack, S. A. , and Vasholz, D. P.
Quantifying Ocean Color in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans 14(3), 224. Stark, V. L.
Radar Altimetry and Global Climatic Change 13(3), 431. Dobson, E. B., Monaldo, F. M., Porter, D. L., Robinson, A. R , Kilgus, C.
C., Goldhirsh , J. , and Glenn, S. M.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
Real-Time Ocean Wave Monitoringfrom Space: A Thirty-Year Quest Achieved 15(3), 237. Beal, R. c., aden, S. F., MacArthur, J. L. ,
and Monaldo, F. M.
Reasoning Under Uncertainty for a Coastal Ocean Expert System 14(3), 267. Scheerer, D. J.
Research Needs for Better Wave Forecasting: LEWEX Panel Discussion 11(3 & 4), 414. Donelan, M.
Seasonal and Spatial Variations in the Attenuation of Light in the North Atlantic Ocean 14(3), 231. Smart, J. H.
Statistical Aspects of Turbulence and Microstructure in the Ocean 13(2), 342. Baker, M. A., Mack, S. A, and Schoebedein, H. C.
Ten Years of APL Oceanography in the fohns Hopkins APL Technical Digest 11(1 & 2), 39. CaIman, J.
The CFAV Quest's LEWEX Experience 11(3 & 4),397. Nethercote, W. C. E.
The Practical Value of Directional Ocean Wave Spectra 11(3 & 4),381. Kjeldsen, S. P.
The Role of Spacebome Synthetic Aperture Radar in Global Wave Forecasting 11(1 & 2),54. Beal, R. C.
The Significance of LEWEXfor Ship Design and Operations 11(3 & 4),365. Bales, S. L.
Waves, Dreams, and Visions 11(3 & 4),366. HasseImann, K.
Wind Data and the Marine Boundary Layer 11(3 & 4),388 . Pierson, W. J., Jr.
Winds, Waves, and Bubbles at the Air-Sea Boundary 14(3), 200. Hanson, 1. L.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 11(1 & 2),216.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 11(3 & 4), 423 .
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 12(1), 96.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 12(2), 215.
Publications and Presentations 12(3), 297.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 12(4), 358.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 13(1), 279.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 13(2), 362.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 13(3), 445.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 13(4), 533.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 14(1), 81.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 14(2), 193.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 14(3), 293 .
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 14(4), 374.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 15( 1), 91.
Publications, Presentations, and Colloquia 15(2), 172.
Publications and Presentations 15(3), 273.
The Continuous Wavelet Transform: A Toolfor Signal Investigation and Understanding 15(4), 306. Sadowsky, J.
The Wigner Distribution: A Time-Frequency Analysis Tool 15(4), 298 . Najrni, A-H.
A Neural-Network-Based Systemfor Monitoring the Aurora 11(3 & 4),291. Newell, P. T., Wing, S., Meng, c.-I., and Sigillito, V.
Estimation of the Charged Particle Environmentfor Earth Orbits 11(3 & 4),300. Kinnison, J. D., Maurer, R. H., and Jordan, T. M.
Further Reading 11(1 & 2), 102.
Guest Editor's Introduction 11(3 & 4),224. Mitchell, D. G.
Image Processing Aboard the Midcourse Space Experiment Using the Ultraviolet and Visible Imagers and Spectrographic Imagers
Instrument 15(3), 195. Murphy, P. K., and Heyler, G. A
Magnetospheric Substorms 11(3 & 4), 264. Lopez, R. E.
Molecular Scattering Experiments at High Altitudes 15(2), 164. Monchick, L.
New Instrumentsfor Solar Research 11(1 & 2), 77. Rust, D. M., O'Byrne, J. W. , and Sterner, R. E., II
Observations of Solar Wind Penetration into the Earth's Magnetosphere: The Plasma Mantle 11(3 & 4),272. Sanchez, E. R., Meng,
C.-I., and Newell, P. T.
Precision Accelerometersfor Gravity Gradient Measurements 15(4), 347. Suter, J. J., Zucker, P. A, and Martin, L. P.
Real-Time Ocean Wave Monitoring from Space: A Thirty- Year Quest Achieved 15(3),237. Beal, R. c., aden, S. F., MacArthur, 1. L.,
and Monaldo, F. M.
Response of Energetic Particles to Magnetospheric Ultra-Law-Frequency Waves 11(3 & 4), 255. Takahashi, K.
Satellite Absorption of Energetic Particles 11(3 & 4), 285. Paranicus, C. P., and Cheng, A F.
Satellite Applications of the Bifilar Helix Antenna 12(1), 75 . Stilwell, R. K.
Space Data Compression Standards 15(3), 206. Beser, N. D.
Space Physics in Antarctica: An Adventure on the Ice 11(3 & 4), 228. Baker, K. B.
Space Plasma Physics at the Applied Physics Laboratory over the Past Half-Century 13(1), 182. Poternra, T. A
Spacecraft Design Innovations in the APL Space Department 13(1), 167. Hoffman, E. 1.
Strategic Defense Initiative 13(1), 200. Coughlin, T. B., Crawford, L. 1., Dassoulas, 1., Griffin, M . D., Partridge, P. E., and Peterson,
The AMPTE Program's Contribution to Studies of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction 11(3 & 4), 279. Sibeck,
D. G.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)
The Astro-l Flight of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope 12(1 ), 86. Fountain, G. H.
The Creation of the Delta 180 Program and Its Follow-Ons 11( 1 & 2),86. Dassoulas, I ., and Griffin, M. D.
The Evolution of Earth Gravitational Models Used in Astrodynamics 15(4), 319. Vetter, I . R
The Flare Genesis Experiment: Studying the Sun from the Stratosphere 14(4), 358 . Rust, D. M ., Hayes, 1. R , Lohr, D. A. , Murphy,
G. A. , and Strohbehn, K.
The National AeroSpace Plane Program and the APL Role 13(1), 218. White, M. E.
The Navy Navigation Satellite System (Transit) 11(1 & 2),97. Danchik, R I ., and Pryor, L. L.
The Voyager Program at APL 11(1 & 2), 63. Mauk, B. H. , Keath, E. P., and Krimigis, S. M.
Ultra-Low-Frequency Magnetic Pulsations in the Earth 's Magnetosphere 11(3 & 4), 239. Anderson, B. 1.
Update on Global Imaging Using Energetic Neutral Atoms 11(1 & 2), 72. Roelof, E. c., and William , D. I.
Guest Editor's Introduction 13(2), 284. Spall, 1. C.
Isolating Errors in State-Space Models of Complex Systems 13(2), 309. Maryak, I. L., and Asher, M. S.
Large-Scale System Performance Prediction with Confidence from Limited Field Testing Using Parameter Identification 13(2),300.
Levy, L. I ., and Porter, D. W.
Statistical Process Control for Total Quality 13(2), 317. Ali, S. W.
The Number of Tests Needed To Detect an Increase in the Proportion of Defective Devices 13(2), 326. Telford, I. K.
Using Conditional Entropy to Evaluate a CorrelatorlTracker 13(2), 286. Deal, F. c., Jr.
Using Statistics To Assess the Performance of Neural Network Classifiers 13(2), 291. Hutton, L. V.
APL 's Submarine Security Program 13(1), 138. Holrnboe, E. L. , and Seymour, S. I.
The Emergence of Low-Frequency Active Acoustics As a Critical Antisubmarine Warfare Technology 13(1), 145 . Tyler, G. D ., Ir.
A Tribute to Samuel Koslov 14(2), 86. Moorjani, K.
Advanced Engineering Research and Development 15(4),294. Garritson, G . R.
An Empirical Investigation of High-Frequency Ground Wave Propagation 13(4), 515 . Champion, I . R.
A P~A Modelfor Applied Research and Development 13(1),5 . Bostrom, C. o.
A P~Expanding the Limits 13(1), 8. Kossiakoff, A.
Characteristics of a Successful Study 13(1), 160. Hunt, R I .
Editorial 11(1 & 2), 3. Koslov, S.
Editorial 11(3 & 4) , 223 . Koslov, S.
Editorial 12(4), 300. Koslov, S.
Editorial 15(1), 2. Moorjani, K.
Guest Editor's Introduction 15(2), 96. Sadowsky, I .
Guest Editors ' Introduction 13(1), 3. Thompson, R 1. , Jr. , Berl, W. G. , and Maier, L. L.
Guest Editors ' Introductions: Anniversaries: 50, 30, 1011(1 & 2), 4. Berl, W. G.
Guest Editors ' Introductions: Into the New Decade 11(1 & 2), 5. Pfenning, T. L.
Independent Research and Development Program at AP~An Overview 15(4), 282. Pisacane, V. L.
Lubrication of Spacecraft Mechanisms 14(1) 68. Ve t, C. E.
Modeling and Simulation 15(4), 296. Heidepriem, H . E.
Other Articles Published 1980 to 1989 11(1 & 2), 207.
Patents 11(1 & 2),2 18.
Patents 12(1), 99.
Patents 13(1), 282.
Patents 14(1), 83.
Patents 15(1), 92.
Photonics and Electro-optics 15(4), 287. Charles, H. K. , Jr.
Reality Perception, and Simulation: A Plausible Theory 15(2), 154. Powell, W . R
Recent Developments in Polygraph Technology 12(4), 347. Olsen, D. E. , An ley, N., Feldberg, 1. E., Harris, 1. C. and Cri tion, 1. A.
Research and Development Awards 11(1 & 2), 215 . Maier, L. L.
Research and Development Awards 12(1 ), 95. Maier, L. L.
Seminar Gaming: An Approach to Problems Too Complex for Algorithmic Solution 12(3), 290. Pace, D. K.
The Arctic Explorations of Fridtjof Nansen 12(3),275 . Potemra, T. A.
Transportation 15(4), 292. Kershner, D. L.
Wave Domain Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals 15(3), 224. Tilley, D. G. , and Yemc, D. I.
Writing Awards 11(1 & 2), 212. Maier, L. L.
Writing Awards 12(1), 90. Maier, L. L.
Writing and Research and Development Awards 13(2), 357. Maier, L. L.
Writing and Research and Development Awards 14(1 ), 76. Maier, L. L.
Writing and Research and Development Awards 14(4), 370. Maier, L. L.
Writing and Research and Development Awards 15(4), 358. Maier-Tyler, L. L.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 15, Number 4 (1994)