First Great Awakening Both Second Great Awakening

First Great Awakening
1730s & 1740s
Jonathan Edwards – “Sinners in
the Hands of an Angry God”
George Whitefield
Old Lights vs New Lights
Gives rise to the separation of
Church and State
Undermined religious control of
government (especially local
Reaction to declining church
membership and a lack of
religious zeal
Empowered people to cultivate
a direct relationship with God
People could study the Bible and
learn religion without direct
instruction from a church leader
Emphasized faith over reason
Emphasized fear and other
Emphasized damnation for
sinfulness or those without faith
Much more emotional
Put more control over religion into
the hands of the people
Ministers lost some authority
Planting seeds of democratic
thought and behavior
Caused new divisions in society
Baptist & Methodist
denominations grow
Second Great Awakening
1820s to 1850s
Fed growth of voluntary societies,
reform movements, and utopian
Charles Finney -- “Burned-Over
Evangelical Sects vs established
Protestant denominations
Reaction especially to
Americans’ attention to politics
over faith
Based on lessons of the free
market – individual success or
failure is in one’s own hands;
righteous living, self-control and a
strong moral compass would
lead to salvation
Temperance movement?