D e p a r t m e n t ... S a f e t y

Department of Public
M o t t
C o m m u n i t y
C o l l e g e
Po l i c e B l o t t e r — N e w S e r i e s
August 2012
Your Department of Public Safety works hard each day of the year to provide your public safety needs. You see us on campus, walking on patrols,
unlocking doors, providing escorts, and responding to medical requests.
But did you know that we’re responding to criminal calls on a regular basis?
As a full service police agency, we are also upholding city, state and federal
laws. The Department of Public Safety newsletter will begin to include a
police blotter. Here you will find some of the events that brought about a
police response. This information is being provided, not to alarm, but rather to inform and bring awareness to your surroundings.
Inside this
June 1—Subject arrested for larceny from the bookstore.
Police Blotter
June 6—Subject arrested for violation of a Personal Protection Order
do 1 thing
June 7—Subject arrested for the use of marijuana in the Prahl Center.
June 7—Report taken of an attempted armed robbery at the bus stop
near Ramp J.
Summer Tips
June 12—Arrest of subject at 3 a.m.on Court St. pushing a stolen lawn
mower and carrying a stolen leaf blower.
June 15- - Subject arrested off campus for attempting to sell stolen MCC
June 23—Subjects arrested for the use of marijuana in Ramp G.
June 27—Juvenile subject apprehended for a purse snatching from the
Genesys Hurley Cancer Center.
July 7—Subjects arrested for a larceny from the bookstore.
Phone Numbers
of Interest:
July 17—Subjects arrested for larceny of a catalytic converter, once on
July 10 in the RTC lot and once on July 12 in Ramp G.
July 24—Subjects arrested for possession of heroin in Lot A.
We take this opportunity to remind you to be aware of your surroundings,
report suspicious behavior, look ahead while walking, make a plan of escape
should trouble arise, call for an escort instead of walking alone and call Public Safety for all of your public safety needs.
(810) 762-5666
• Non-Emergency
(810) 762-0222
• Campus Closing
(810) 232-8989
Department of Public Safety
Page 2
do 1 thing—Get Involved
The Goal: Make your community stronger by getting trained and getting
People who are involved are the key to a disaster resilient community. They are
willing to look out for themselves and others. A resilient community is one that
can withstand a disaster and get back to normal activity quickly (even if normal
isn’t the same as it was before).
Connect with an isolated individual in your neighborhood or start a
neighborhood organization. Who are your isolated individuals in your
neighborhood? The elderly, those with disabilities, or someone new to the
neighborhood may be isolated and more vulnerable during and/or after a
disaster. Take some time to meet these folks. Help them make a plan for
emergencies and include checking on them in your plan. Consider joining
your neighborhood watch group or access resources online at
www.usaonwatch.org to start a watch group.
Promote emergency preparedness in your community. Scout troops,
service clubs, residential associations, communities of faith are all great organizations to promote preparedness. Do 1 thing activities can be used toward preparedness badges. Get a group together to make emergency kits
for seniors or isolated neighbors. Visit Ready.gov for more ideas.
Become a volunteer in your community. There are many places to volunteer in your community. Consider volunteering in your neighborhood
watch group, your local chapter of the American Red Cross or Salvation Army. Don’t wait for disaster to strike, volunteer now. See if your area is involved in VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster). VOAD
helps volunteer groups work in their community during a disaster.
It takes more than police, fire and EMS to respond to a disaster. It takes people
who are committed to neighborhoods, churches, schools and volunteer organizations. When people are willing to work together for the good of others, communities are stronger.
Community preparedness starts at home. If you know that your family is prepared at home, you will be better able to help others in your community.
Visit do1thing.com today.
Hydration: Remember to stay hydrated during these hotter months of the
year. Don’t wait until you ‘feel’ thirsty. Have kids drink 30 minutes before
play and every 15 to 30 minutes during play.
Summer Tips:
Car Safety:
Never leave your child
unattended in a vehicle, not even for a minute. A child’s body
temperature rises 5
times faster than an
If you feel you may be
distracted and forget
your child is with you
then consider a reminder tool such as
putting something you
need for your next
stop on the floorboards in the backseat
area. Or placing a
child’s toy in your lap
such as a rattle or
teething ring. When
you’ve removed the
child from the vehicle
then toss the reminder
tool back in for your
next trip.