November News from Room 222 Dear Parents,

November News from Room 222
Dear Parents,
Where did October go? It can only mean one thing: the holidays are right around the corner. We’ve
been cruising along nicely. Thank you for all the signed notebooks, positive comments, and support
with your child. They sense that communication fosters growth and that’s what we want.
Thank you to all of my Mystery Readers and those who have signed up. If you’ve not, please consider as
we have lots of openings after the first of the year.
Please note the science test, Life Chapter 2, went home today with your child. Please review, sign, and
return on Monday. They will likely get their math test back Monday. We won’t see your child tomorrow
as teachers have meetings and are working on records. Likewise there is not school next week, 11/11
for Veterans’ Day.
I’m looking forward to conferences 11/19 and 11/23. I’ll be sending home reminders of your time and
date. There is an early release Monday, 11/23 for said conferences. That being said, there is a full day,
11/24 and no classes the rest of that week, 11/25-27 for Thanksgiving break. Enjoy!
As noted in my “Needy Family Sale” letter, kids can bring in their treasures, beginning next week, 11/12.
We’ll be selling 11/17-11/19.
Academically speaking with the completion of Module 3, we move to Module 4. In it we investigate and
explore adding fractions and mixed numbers.
Literacy has us continuing with WTW and Nonfiction. I have introduced a new writing program called:
How Writers Work. They have been very enthusiastic about the program so far. I’ve asked them to
purchase a separate spiral for their writings. It’s the pilot version for the Literacy Committee. We will
continue to write expository and persuasive throughout the year as well. I’m very excited about the
writers’ workshop model.
Thank you for helping me inspire your child to be a passionate learner in room 222. We grow every day!
Brenda Bollman