ST. BRIGID CATHOLIC SCHOOL September 2015 Newsletter

A. DaSilva…. ………..…Trustee
416 -709 -5679
V. Pugliese ……………Principal
C. Rice ....……….........Secretary
L. Clark ... School Council Chair
St. Jerome
8530 Chinguacousy Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 5G4
Tel: 905-455-4260
Fax: 905-450-6326
Fr. J. Kolodynski
Dear Lord,
We ask that You bless this new school year.
We are excited to be back
With our friends and teachers.
Help us to make the best
Of a new beginning.
Guide us to make wise decisions
And to do the best that we can.
Help us to make this a happy school year.
Let us share with our friends
And make new classmates feel welcome.
Bless our teachers
With the gifts of wisdom and patience
As they guide us in our journey of learning.
Bless our parents
So that they will continue
To encourage and support us
With their generous hearts.
Together help us create a community of learners
That teaches us not only skills for success
But all that we need to live our faith
Fully in the world.
School Hours
Recess :
11:00 – 11:15
11:55 – 12:55
2:20 – 2:35
Professional Activity Day
Please note that Friday September 18th, 2015 is a Professional Activity Day. There
will be no school for the students on that day.
Principal’s Message
I’d like to welcome everyone back for the 2015 - 2016
school year. Once again, the summer seems to have
flown by very quickly. I hope that your summer holiday was a
safe and enjoyable one.
This year promises to be a year full of great growth and
excitement. As the principal of St. Brigid School, I look forward
to being part of a school community where students, staff,
parents and our parish team work together to create a safe,
caring, and positive learning environment that reflects our
Catholic values and traditions. I wish to extend a warm welcome
to all of our new families and students who have moved into our
community over the summer months. I am also very excited to
have a brand new group of kindergarten children who will be
starting their school for the first time. As we start our new school
year together, I look forward to meeting all of you, and
personally welcoming you back to our school.
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new staff
member; Mrs. C. Rice (Secretary), Ms. A. Marchese (ERW) and
Mr. J. Anga-Angan (SERT/P.T.), as well as to our returning staff.
After several years of service and dedication to the St. Brigid
community, Mrs. Bianchi, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Irving retired at
the end of the last school year. We thank them for their years of
service and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
Our staff has been working hard these past few weeks preparing
for the beginning of the new school year. Thank you to the
teachers who have spent a great amount of time preparing both
their curriculum and their classrooms. You may have noticed
that there have been some renovations to the school throughout
the summer, and continuing on into the school year. A big thank
you goes out to our custodial team, Mr. R. Meana, Mr. R. Smith
and Mr. P. Hendricks, and to Mrs. C. Rice, for doing such a
wonderful job in preparing our school to welcome back our
Ongoing communication between the school and home is
essential to supporting your child’s progress and success. As
parents/guardians, please feel free to contact the school at any
time if you have any questions or concerns. Communication is
essential in the learning process. I, along with the staff at St.
Brigid School, am committed to developing and maintaining
strong community relationships. Please get involved in your
child’s education by participating in our volunteer program or
perhaps by joining our School Council. Volunteers enrich our
school environment and contribute to the growth of our students
in many important ways. Your involvement in your child’s
education is vital.
V. Pugliese
Open House/Curriculum Night and BBQ
Thursday September 24th from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. has been set for
Open House/Curriculum Night, where parents will have the
opportunity to tour the school, talk to staff and learn about your
child’s curriculum for the school year. Please join us at 6:00
pm. for a hot dog barbeque. We are looking forward to seeing
you there.
September 2015-2016 school organization is based on projected
enrolment established through the School Board. The Ministry
continues to cap primary (1-3) class sizes at 20 students. This
has resulted in more combined grade classes, with a reduced
student-teacher ratio. Based on enrolments within our
boundaries during the first two weeks of school, we may need to
reorganize some classes. Please note that your child’s present
classroom assignment is tentative. If reorganization is
necessary and your child is affected, you will be notified by
Friday, September 18, 2015.
Catholic Code of Conduct
The Catholic Code of Conduct sets standards of behaviour that
promote, encourage and foster a shared commitment to gospel
values in daily life, respect for the dignity of persons created in
God’s image, responsible participation in the civic life of the
school community, peaceful conflict resolution, respect for
diversity, and a commitment to exemplary conduct,
conscientious work, and service to others. At St. Brigid we
continue to work together to provide a safe, caring, inclusive and
healthy Catholic school community for all.
St. Jerome Parish
St. Brigid School is part of the St. Jerome Parish.
We enjoy working with Father Jan Kolodynski and
continue to look forward to his leadership in the faith formation
of our students, families and staff.
Sacramental Preparation
Please be aware that sacraments are parish, not school events.
Preparation may be initiated by the school through the Religious
Education program. However, the immediate preparation is the
responsibility of the parents and the Parish. Registration for all
Sacraments takes place at St. Jerome Church. Parents of children
who are in grades 2, 7 or 8 and wish to have their child receive
either the sacrament of Holy Eucharist for the first time or the
sacrament of Confirmation are reminded that students must be
registered at St. Jerome Church. Students may pick up a
registration form at any regularly scheduled weekend mass.
Please note that parents must attend an information session
held at the church. Please refer to the weekly parish bulletin
for dates and times.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to
call the church at 905-455-4260.
School Masses
Father Jan will celebrate our School Opening/Thanksgiving
Mass on Friday October 16h at 9:30 a.m. As with all special
events at school, parents are welcome to attend. The dates for
our school masses this year have been established. Please note
the following dates on your calendar:
Opening/Thanksgiving Mass
Advent Mass (at St. Jerome Church)
End of Year Mass (at St. Jerome Church)
October 16
December 9
June 24
Please note that an Easter mass date is still to be determined.
You may have noticed that many of our teachers are dressing
down on Friday’s. St. Brigid staff members are using this
opportunity to wear jeans and have donated to ShareLife, in an
effort to raise money for the Catholic charity. Staff members
will also be participating in a number of other events throughout
the school year, all in support of ShareLife.
Rosary Apostolate
Through St. Jerome’s Parish, The Rosary Apostolate Group will
once again be working with all our students on a monthly basis.
Volunteers will be visiting the classes to teach about and pray
the Rosary. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to
develop their relationship with Jesus’ mother. We welcome this
partnership with the dedicated volunteers from our parish and
thank them for giving of their time to further develop the faith of
St. Brigid students. Most Rosary Apostolate visits will take place
on the first Thursday of the month,
Catholic School Council News
You are invited to become a member of the School Council
which is comprised of parents, school staff, as well as
community and parish representatives. The aim of the School
Council is to support school goals and our students through
community building, communication, fund-raising and
volunteer programs. It also provides a forum for parents to meet
and share information and ideas concerning the school
community. If you are interested in becoming a member of our
School Council, visit the school office and pick up a nomination
form. Nomination forms can also be picked up at the Open
House. Our first meeting and elections will take place on
Monday September 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the school library.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
If you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the
afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your
gloom be like the noonday.
Isaiah 58:10
The St. Brigid Diversity Team is busy organising our Annual
Food Drive in support of The St. Louise Outreach Center of Peel.
Thanksgiving is a very special time of the year when we as a
school community collect non-perishable food items to help
those who are in need in our own local community. Donations
of non-perishable food items can be placed in our front foyer,
beginning September 24th, which is also our Meet the Teacher
Night. So please come, meet your child’s teacher and if you can,
bring your donations with you. We will continue to accept
contributions until October 6th. We thank you in
advance for your generosity and support!
Catholic Student Leaders
Students from grades 7 & 8 who want to share their gifts and
talents with the St. Brigid School community are asked to join
our Catholic Student Leaders. Our Catholic Student Leaders
will be meeting throughout September to develop their vision
and goals for the 2015/2016 school year.
School Safety:
Student Attendance Verification
Daily attendance and punctuality are very important.
If your child is unable to attend school, please inform
the school. Messages can be left on the school attendance line at
any time. Your child’s safe arrival to school is imperative and
must be verified by the office. Our school’s phone number is
Student Verification Sheets
During September, a “Student Verification Sheet” is sent home
with each child. Please review the information contained on this
form and return it to the school as soon as possible, even if no
corrections or additions are required.
Student Verification
Sheets provide us with vital information that we need in order to
contact you in the event of an emergency or as part of our student
attendance verification.
We appreciate parent co-operation in keeping us up to date
concerning changes such as addresses, phone numbers, care
givers and emergency contacts.
Fire Evacuation and Lockdown Policy
We have a detailed fire/emergency evacuation policy at St.
Brigid School. If the fire alarm rings, it is important that all
students proceed to evacuate the building in a quiet and orderly
manner. If further instructions are to be given, it is important
that the students are able to hear and follow them. We will be
practicing evacuation procedures three times during the fall and
again three more times in the spring. If the fire alarm goes off,
students will not be permitted to stop to put on shoes, coats, hats,
etc. Student safety is our first priority. Please ensure that your
child has an extra pair of shoes at school during the winter
There may be situations where the school, under the direction of
the Peel Regional Police, may need to be placed in a
“Lockdown” or a “Hold and Secure” state. The School Board
has mandated that lockdown procedures attempt to secure
students in their own classrooms in the event that there is a high
risk incident about to unfold in the school or in dealing with the
presence of an individual in possession of a dangerous article on
school property. Lockdown procedures follow Board policy. As
with fire evacuations, we will be practicing Lockdown drills at
various points throughout the school year.
Please be aware that if the school is placed in a Lockdown or
Hold and Secure situation, students will not be released from
the school until instructed to do so by Peel Police.
School Day and School Yard Supervision
Yard Supervision begins at 8:35 a.m. For safety reasons, please
do not send your child to school until then. Our supervisors wear
orange vests so that they can be easily visible to a child in need.
For reasons of safety, students are expected to go home at the
end of the school day, unless supervised by a parent or staff
member for a scheduled school activity. If there are any changes
to dismissal arrangements, please contact the office or with a
note to the teacher.
Visitors To School and Sign In Procedures
For safety reasons, we are reminding the school
community that all visitors, including parents and former
students, must report to the office, sign-in and wear a visitor’s
badge while in the school or in the school yard. The sign-in
book is located on the counter in the school office. Please do not
go into the school yard or to your child’s classroom without
coming to the office first. Remember – to your child you are the
parent … to the other students you may be a stranger.
If you bring a lunch or other items to school, we request that you
leave it on the counter in the office, with both your child’s name
and teacher’s on it.
When leaving early during the school day, all students must be
signed out at the office by a parent/guardian. Students must be
signed in at the office when they return. Also, when students
arrive at school after the school day has begun, students must
come to the office and sign in.
We welcome you to meet with the teacher whenever you have
concerns or questions. Please call for an appointment in advance
as staff is very busy during the day with classes, duties, calls to
parents, extracurricular activities and meetings. They are seldom
able to meet with you on a drop-in basis
Cooperation in following these routines helps ensure our
student’s safety
Storage & Administration of Prescription Medication
If your child requires prescription medication,
signed request/authorization forms from the
parents/guardians and the supervising physician must
be provided to the school. These forms are available
through the school office. The required authorization
forms and the medication must be delivered to the office. All
medication with the exception of Epi-pens will be housed in the
office. Medication must not be kept on the child’s possession
(ie. pocket, back pack, etc.) or in the classroom. No child should
bring any form of medication to school without prior
approval from the office.
Please note, all students who require Epi-pens (except those
in kindergarten) will be required to wear them during the
school day.
Nut Allergies
St. Brigid Catholic Elementary School is an allergen aware
school. We have a number of children in our school who have
severe life threatening allergic reactions to nuts, peanuts, peanut
butter, peanut oils and any peanut by-products. For some
children, even the smell of nuts can bring on a severe attack. We
need your cooperation! We do not want to put any child at risk,
therefore ask that NUTS, NUT BUTTER, NUT OILS AND
SCHOOL. Please do not send any lunches or snacks that contain
nuts/peanuts or nut by-products. Parents are also reminded not
to bring food into the school for their child’s birthday or other
Personal Electronic Devices and Wifi
At St. Brigid Catholic School we recognize the value of using
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) to enhance learning and
curriculum delivery. As such, we support the responsible and
ethical use of PEDs in keeping with the Catholic Code of
Conduct and the DPCDSB’s Policies and General
Administrative Procedures. Through the authority of the
principal or designate and under the direction of staff, students
are permitted to use the school board’s wireless network and
their registered PEDs for educational purposes. Policy and
guidelines will include, but are not limited to the following:
 PEDs may be used only with permission from a staff member
 Students need to be diligent about safely storing their
PEDs. St. Brigid Catholic School is not responsible for
lost, stolen and/or damaged PEDs
 Students are to keep their personal information private (e.g.
age, address, phone numbers, usernames, passwords)
 Students are to use good judgment in accessing material on
the internet, and report concerns
 The Catholic Code of Conduct and academic integrity apply
to the use of technology when students are accessing
 Any communication with your child (i.e., personal phone
call, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through
the main office
 The board will not be responsible for any cost incurred
through the use of personal data plans
 It is the student’s, and/or parent/guardian’s, responsibility to
address normal and reasonable security measures such as
maintaining anti-virus protection and security patches for
software for the protection of those sharing the wireless
 Students should not expect privacy with respect to any of
their activities when using the board’s wireless network and
agree to and accept that access and/or wireless network
activity may be monitored in order to identify usage patterns,
security issues, etc.
 Photos, videos or images of an individual/group are not
permitted to be taken without expressed consent. Expressed
consent must be obtained from the individual(s) - over the age
of 18—or parental consent (for those under the age of18).
 No school and/or board data can be stored on a PED
Inappropriate use of board technology and/or PEDs may result
in confiscation of the PED, discipline, suspension or termination
of these services, or police involvement
Check out our school web
site. Access the site
through the School
Board’s website at
Excursions & Field Trips
Educational trips, which extend learning opportunities, are a
wonderful means by which curriculum can be developed and
expanded. However, appropriate Board procedures must be
followed. The school must have on file permission forms, which
must be signed by the parents/ guardians.
If on the day of an excursion, your child did not return his/her
form, and the parents/guardians cannot come into the school to
sign the permission forms, the student will remain at the school.
Verbal Telephone Permission is Never Acceptable. Students
will be reminded by their teachers about this policy prior to the
trip taking place.
Please be aware that in order for parents to volunteer to be
supervisors on class field trips, they must have a valid Criminal
Reference Check.
Distinctive expectations for graduates of
Catholic schools are determined and shaped
by the vision and destiny of the human person
emerging from our faith tradition. This
Christian world view, reveals the dignity and
value of the person. Our tradition tells us God
creatively and lovingly calls each of us into
the wonder of life, sustaining us by the power
of the Holy Spirit, throughout the human
journey, into life eternal.
Catholic education views human life as an
integration of body, mind, and spirit. Rooted
in this vision, Catholic education fosters the
search for knowledge as a lifelong spiritual
and academic quest. The expectations of
Catholic graduates, therefore, are described
not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but
in terms of values, attitudes and actions.
The Graduate is expected to be:
1. A discerning believer
2. An effective communicator
3. A reflective, creative and holistic
4. A self-directed, responsible, lifelong
5. A collaborative contributor
6. A caring family member
7. A responsible citizen
Lunch Policy
We have a large number of students eating lunch at
school and at times children need to be reminded of
proper behaviour while eating. We ask for parents’
co-operation in reinforcing with your child appropriate
behaviour in their lunchroom. During the lunch period, students
are expected to:
 eat in their assigned class room
 remain seated while eating
 chat quietly to their neighbours
 dispose of all garbage in the proper receptacle before they
leave the lunchroom
 students who stay at school for lunch are not permitted to
leave the school property. If ever there is a need to do so, a
written request signed and dated, from a parent is required
for each occurrence.
Accident Insurance
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of Education,
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board annually
provides parents with information about cost-effective student
accident insurance coverage via student courier.
Thank you for going over these expectations with your child(ren)
and for supporting us in our efforts to make eating lunch at
school an enjoyable experience for all.
Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation Consent
At St. Brigid School we remain committed to reducing the use
of paper. The new Canadian Anti-Spam legislation, prohibits the
sending of electronic communications without the express or
implied consent of the receiving party. Consent forms will be
sent home and should be returned to the school. Once consent
forms have been received we will resume sending newsletters
and other information via email. Until then, you will be
receiving hard copies of all correspondence. Our goal is to have
a majority of our families involved and sign up for this. Thank
you in supporting our environment and our green initiatives.
School Agendas
Again this year the students at St. Brigid will be
using school agendas/organizers to help develop organizational
skills and ensure completion of assignments. The agendas are
$5.00. The assigning and completion of homework and/or
assignments is a cooperative endeavour of parents, students and
teachers. Therefore, parents should be aware of, assist with and
monitor student’s homework. It is particularly important to
emphasize that the agenda is to be used daily to help your
child(ren) organize his/her time and to keep parents informed on
what is happening in class and in the school.
The school cannot assume responsibility for valuables. Students
are requested not to bring any valuables to school. Valuables
may include any item of importance such as Nintendo Games,
cell phones, I-Phones, cameras, expensive sports equipment,
trading cards, etc.
Physical Education
Please note: All students must return the signed Element of Risk
and Medical Information Form to participate in the Physical
Education Program. Students in Grades 5 to 8 will be required
to bring a change of clothes for Physical Education. Students
from J.K to 4 are required to wear comfortable clothing on Gym
days as well as appropriate running shoes (non-marking shoes
with ankle support).
Indoor Footwear
Students are expected to wear shoes in the school
building at all times. Please note that in the event
of an emergency evacuation, students will not have
the opportunity to put on shoes, boots, clothing
articles, etc. Please ensure that your child has an extra pair of
shoes at school, to keep their feet dry and warm during wet
and/or snowy weather. A change of clothing stored in a child’s
backpack, may also be a good idea for younger students.
Although enrolment is voluntary, the Board encourages parents
to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage,
especially if their child participates in sports, excursions / field
trips, or, if parents do not have dental insurance coverage.
Enrolment is required in writing. There are two options for
Complete the traditional form and mail it.
Apply on-line at
St. Brigid Green Team
St. Brigid’s Green Team will once again be working
towards reducing the amount of waste that we as a
school community produce. To achieve our goal,
we are encouraging students to pack litterless
lunches as a daily routine. So dig out your reusable
containers and refillable water bottles and together
we can do our part in helping the environment.
Our Green Team will continue with various
initiatives to keep St. Brigid an environmentally
friendly school. Last year St. Brigid received Gold
Certification from the province for being an Eco
friendly school.
Dogs on School Property
Dogs are not allowed on school property. A dog’s behaviour and
response around strangers can be unpredictable; for example,
dogs may jump on visitors or children. Although dogs can be
good pets for some, they can be scary to some other people, and
pose an allergic response to others. Therefore, dogs must not be
exercised on school property or brought to school when dropping
off or picking up students.
All kindergarten and grade one students who
will be riding the school buses this year will be
required to have a coloured bus tag on their back
packs. Every effort must be made to maintain a
high standard of discipline and safety in the
operation of the school buses. Students are to follow the
directives of their bus driver.
Transportation is provided for students who reside more than the
following distances by road, path or walkway from the school
they are eligible to attend.
Kindergarten & Gr. 1
1.0 km
Grades 2 - 4
1.6 km
Grades 5 to 8
2.0 km
To check for transportation
Bus Safety
Parents are asked to review carefully the following rules for
student while riding the school bus. Students are required to:
Be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the pick-up
Listen to the driver when getting on or off the bus,
especially when a road must be crossed.
Go directly to their seat and stay seated until they are let
off the bus.
Follow all instructions from the bus driver, especially
where they put their belongings.
Not open or close windows unless the driver permits it.
Keep all belongings inside the bus.
Keep arms, hands, head, etc. inside the bus.
Not damage the bus seats (students will be held
Respect private property while waiting for their school bus.
Not talk to the bus driver while the bus is in operation
unless it is necessary
Courtesy Rider Policy (Empty Seat Policy)
Every year we get numerous calls from parents who do not live
within the transportation areas as established by the Board,
requesting permission for their child(ren) to ride the bus by
accessing the Courtesy Rider Policy. In accordance with Board
Policy, we will not be granting permission for students to ride
the bus using the Courtesy Rider Policy until mid-October.
Requests should be made in writing, dated and addressed to the
to for daily
cancellations or
Kiss ‘N Ride
Please note that it is extremely important that parents drive
slowly and cautiously while on school grounds. The lane closest
to the curb is for BUSSES ONLY. The Kiss ‘N Ride lane is the
middle lane. Please follow the procedures outlined below when
using the Kiss ‘N Ride lane:
Drive your vehicle in this lane and proceed to the furthest
point closest to the front doors of the school.
Child(ren) must exit your vehicle by the right hand side
door(s) only
Drive to the end of the Kiss ‘N Ride lane and cautiously
proceed into the Drive-Thru lane once all children have
left your vehicle
Do not park in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane. If you need to enter
the school, please park your vehicle in the school parking
lot or on the street.
Parking Enforcement
City of Brampton Parking Enforcement officers
have been vigilant in enforcing city parking by-laws in the area
around the school. Please be aware of where you park your
vehicle. There are fire hydrants and other No Parking / No
Stopping areas that need to be observed.
Please note that vehicles in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride lane should not be
left unattended, as they could be ticketed. Please do not park in
the Kiss ‘N’ Ride Lanes and walk your child to their entry point.
If you wish to walk your child, we request that you park on the
street and escort your child. Cars parked in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride
create a very dangerous situation and also impede the flow of
Also, please be aware that only vehicles that have a handicap
sign displayed in their vehicle are allowed to park in the handicap
parking spots in the school parking lot. Under no conditions
should vehicles without a handicap sign park in these designated
We respectfully request your co-operation when driving and
parking on school grounds.
End of the Day Parking
Dismissal time is a very busy time of day and the safety of our
students must be our number one priority. As such, please be
aware that at the end of the school day pylons are placed at the
entrance of the school driveway. This is done to prevent vehicles
from driving on school grounds while students are exiting the
school grounds. The gates at the parking lot are also closed at
this time, and will not be opened until our students and busses
have left school grounds. If you are parked in the parking lot,
we ask that you respect our policy and wait until our gates are
opened by a staff supervisor. Also, please be aware that our drive
way is one way, with the entrance at the east end of the school.
Please do not enter the school grounds through the exit drive at
the west end. We thank you for your cooperation.
School Picture Day
Individual student and class pictures will be taken
on Wednesday October 7th. Further information
will be forthcoming closer to picture day.
Intermediate’s Trip to Quebec City
We are in the process of planning an intermediate trip
to Quebec City, to take place during the month of May.
Students will be exploring many of the sites of Quebec City
incuding a visit to the Plains of Abraham, Montmorency Falls
and a visit to Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Once details have been
established there will be a parent information meeting for
parents, where a representative from Brightspark Tours and staff
will be available to answer any questions that you may have.
Terry Fox Run
This year again, students and staff of St. Brigid
School will be participating in the annual Terry
Fox fundraising for cancer run. This year’s event will take place
on Friday September 25th in the afternoon. Staff and students are
encouraged to wear red and white on that day.
Volunteers play an important part in the life of any school
community. At the school level, they help to enhance the
learning opportunities available to students. They can make a
difference in the academic life of a student. They assist students
with reading, writing, academic drills and reinforcement,
educational games and in other activities that help to improve
specific areas of need. Please contact the school if you are
interested in volunteering.
We always appreciate your assistance, support and the sharing
of your many gifts and talents with our staff and students. Please
consider volunteering at your child’s school. Anyone working
in our school as a new employee or volunteer must have a
criminal reference check completed by Peel Police. Please
pick up the appropriate forms from the school office.
Student Vote
Once again Canadians are going to the polls next month, and
once again St. Brigid will be holding Student Vote. In the days
leading up to the election, we will be holding an assembly with
our junior and intermediate students wherein both the role of the
federal government and the platforms of the candidates will
be illuminated, so that when our students vote in the simulated
election they will be able to make an informed
choice. The Student Vote program teaches our students that
learning about the electoral process is both a life skill and a
responsibility for citizens fortunate enough to live in a
Lunch Moms
We will continue to offer Lunch Moms lunches on Wednesdays.
The first Lunch Moms lunch will take place on Wednesday
September 23rd.
Again this year, we will be offering Mr. Sub lunches to students.
Tuesday October 6th is our first Mr. Sub Day. Individually
packaged 6” subs, drink and snack will be delivered for students
that ordered Mr. Sub sandwiches. All subs are compliant with
the Ministry of Education’s Food Guidelines and will be
prepared and delivered fresh to the schools. The following will
also be Sub days:
 Tuesday October 6th and 20th
 Tuesday November 3rd and 17th
 Tuesday December 1st and 15th
 Tuesday January 5th and 19th
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and
information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools.
Back Again! Milk Bags for Haiti
This year St. Brigid School is continuing to collect Milk Bags
for Haiti. Last year we collected over 10,000 milk bags. This
provided 16 beautiful sanitary and comfortable sleeping mats for
those in need in Haiti.
It also stopped these milk bags from going into the landfill sites.
Instead of throwing out your milk bags (outer big bag), collect
them and send them with your child to St. Brigid. Please ensure
that the bags are clean and flattened. Fold the bags in half before
sending them in. A big thank you to Mrs. Hill and her class who
collected, boxed and counted the bags last year.
The safety of all students at St. Brigid is our
number one priority. We remind students daily of
playground expectations. Please review the
following rules with your child:
 Keep your hands and feet to yourselves
 No verbal insults or inappropriate
 Treat all people with respect
 Respect school property
 Play only no contact games
 Stay on school property at all times
 Rocks, gravel and snow stay on the
Chocolate Bar Fundraiser
This year, we will be selling Lamontagne Chocolates as our
major fundraiser for the year. All chocolate items are nut free.
Under the direction of our Catholic School Council, our school
fundraiser begin September 24th with a very enthusiastic Kickoff Assembly. Students should only be selling chocolates to their
family and friends and should not be going door to door. We
will continue with our fundraiser until Friday October 16th.
Please ensure all money/chocolates are returned to the school by
that date.
Even if cases are not reported from the school, it is a wise
precaution to check your children periodically. If your children
are infested, we will be asking you to keep them out of school
until after they have been treated with the correct shampoo and
their heads are entirely clear of both lice and nits (eggs). If we
all cooperate in these procedures, we may not entirely escape
outbreaks, but we will be able to bring them under control
Dates to Remember
Sept. 18
Sept. 23
Sept. 24
Direction of school support has long been an issue for Catholic
school boards in Ontario. The fact is that, unless the municipality
is notified, the school support designation, for assessment
purposes, automatically defaults to public school support when
an individual or family moves to a new address. This may have
an impact on students’ eligibility to attend Catholic elementary
schools, trustee representation on school boards, and on
government perception of support for Catholic education.
If you would like more information on school support
designation or would like us to help you check or change your
school support designation to the Catholic system, please call us
at (905) 890-0708, ext. 24512.
Concussions are brain injuries caused by excessive, rapid
movement of the brain inside the skull. This movement causes
damage that changes how brain cells function, leading to
symptoms that can be physical (headaches, dizziness), cognitive
(problems remembering or concentrating), or emotional (feeling
depressed). A concussion can result from a blow to the head or
body in any number of activities including receiving a check in
hockey, falling from a jungle gym, or slipping on an icy
All head injuries can be difficult to diagnose, however, a
concussion is the most difficult head injury to diagnose. Brain
scans cannot determine if a concussion exists. The school calls
parents whenever a child has hit their head. It is important that
parents also keep the school informed if their child has had a
head injury during an extracurricular activity. The school will
work with the family to set up a plan (in line with the Board’s
protocol) to assist the student in returning to normal physical
A problem, which seems to occur in most schools, is pediculosis
or head lice. Head lice are parasites and they are not connected
in any way with un-cleanliness. If a case is found, we shall
inform all parents of all children in that class. We ask that you
periodically check your own children. If you find that your child
has pediculosis, please ensure that they get the proper treatment.
Sept. 25
Sept. 28
Oct. 1
Oct. 6
Oct. 7
Oct. 12
Oct. 14
Oct. 16
Oct. 19
Oct. 20
Oct. 21
Oct. 22
Oct. 28
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
P.A. Day
Lunch Moms Begins
Thanksgiving Food Drive Begins
Chocolate Fund Raiser Assembly
Open House & BBQ - 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Terry Fox Walk – pm.
School Council Elections & Meeting – 7:00
Rosary Apostolates
Thanksgiving Food Drive Ends
Mr. Sub Day
Lunch Moms
Thanksgiving Day – No School
Lunch Moms
Thanksgiving Mass – 9:30
Chocolate Fundraiser Ends
Federal Election Day
Mr. Sub Day
Lunch Moms
Hep. B, Menactra & H.P.V. Immunizations –
Gr. 7 & 8
Lunch Moms
Halloween Dance – Intermediates
Parents of current Grade 8 students are invited to
the St. Augustine Grade 9 Information Night, on
Wednesday November 18th, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
This evening is planned for those students
interested in attending Grade 9 in the fall of 2016.
Parents of current grade 8 students will have the
opportunity to visit and tour St. Augustine, and
learn about their programs. In the forum, course
offerings, academic levels, athletics, academic
support, daily schedule, school bussing and
summer camp will be discussed.