August, 2015 Dear Churchville Parents:

August, 2015
Dear Churchville Parents:
Welcome to Fifth Grade! This year your child will be experiencing
many new adventures through his/her learning. I am looking forward
to a great year working with and getting to know your child.
My classroom, “Churchville,” is set up to allow the children to
feel very comfortable and enjoy learning in a non-threatening
environment. We will grow together to achieve our high academic
goals cooperatively. Our class will be striving for responsibility,
kindness, consideration, and caring about others.
Daily, your child will be responsible for completing his/her
assignment notebook. It will list any incomplete assignments to be
finished at home and also long-term projects and tests. I expect
homework assignments to be done neatly and on time. The
assignment notebook should be signed on a daily basis to verify that
your child has completed all of his/her assignments. Their
assignment notebooks will be useful in assuring and rewarding your
child for completed work.
Graded assignments and parent informational letters will be sent
home periodically to allow you to share in our learning experiences. I
appreciate your concern and cooperation in these areas.
Please feel free to contact me at school. I am very proud of my
classroom and my students. I look forward to meeting you at
Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 1st.
Miss Church (Mayor of Churchville)
voicemail: (847) 719-3520