Bulldog Bulletin “Lowe’s Letter”

Bulldog Bulletin
November 16, 2015
“Lowe’s Letter”
Don’t forget that parents are invited to
our “Thanksgiving meal” on Thursday,
Nov. 19th. We are scheduled to eat at
10:25. I hope to see you next week.
All students should be reading each
evening at home. Your child should be
reading from his/her reading book or
reading worksheet. Please have your
child read his/her story each evening at
least 2 times. If your child is having
trouble, then practice the words more.
Thanks for your help.
There will not be a newsletter next
week due to a short week.
We are continuing to work on midterms
and will send a copy home as soon as
they are complete.
Our Christmas party will be held on
Friday, Dec. 18th at 12:30.
If your child is to exchange gifts, then
please purchase a gift that cost
between $6 - $7. Girls need to bring a
girl’s gift and boys need to bring a
boy’s gift. If you child will not be
exchanging gifts, please contact me.
Look What’s Happening!
Language Arts – We will be working
with the fat pushed air sounds of /ch/
and /j/.
Math – We will be creating sets 0-13
and writing numbers 1-20. We will be
also working with dimes.
Science –We are reviewing on “how to
take care of our body.”
Social Studies – We are learning
about the first Thanksgiving and how
the pilgrims traveled to the new world
Important Dates
16 SBDM Council @ 5:00
19 Thanksgiving lunch for
parents/guardians @ 10:25
23 Reward for those who sold 100 raffle
24 Burgundy and Gold day (wear your
burgundy and gold)
25 – 27 Thanksgiving Break (no school)