Geos 1000 Exam 3, Spring, 2011 A) syncline.

Geos 1000 Exam 3, Spring, 2011
1. The oldest rocks are exposed along the axis of a(n) eroded:
A) syncline.
B) anticline.
C) dip.
D) plunging fold.
2. Why are some faults named "reverse" faults?
A) The rock moves in one direction, then reverses and moves in another direction.
B) The rock moves in opposite directions on each side of the fault.
C) The rock on the hanging wall moves opposite to the direction it does in a normal fault.
D) The rock on the hanging wall moves perpendicular to the direction of a thrust fault.
3. At greater depths, rocks are
A) hotter and more brittle. B) hotter and more plastic.
C) colder and more brittle. D) colder and more plastic.
4 Anticlines and synclines are formed by ____ stress
A) tensional
B) compressional
C) shear
D) high
5. Folds that are arched upwards with limbs that dip away from the hinge line (axis) are called
A) inclines.
B) anticlines.
C) synclines.
D) reclines.
6. Which of the following terms best describes an area of continental crust that has remained
undeformed for a very long time?
A) fault
B) craton
C) relief
D) stress
E) anticline
7. Line of equal elevation are called _______ lines.
A) isostasy
B) basin
C) contour
D) orogen
E) shear
8. Cracks where very little or no displacement of rock has occurred are called
A) faults.
B) sills.
C) joints.
D) dikes.
9. In a normal fault, the footwall moves ________ relative to the hanging-wall.
A) down
B) up
C) right
D) left
10. A _______ map shows the locations, kinds, and orientation of rock units.
A) topographic
B) geologic
C) bathymetric
D) political
E) road
11. Which of the following eroded geologic structures has the youngest rocks in the middle?
A) syncline
B) anticline
C) fault
D) craton
E) dome
12. _______ deformation is a temporary change in the shape or volume of a rock that rebounds
after the stress is removed.
A) Buoyant
B) Ductile
C) Shear
D) Elastic
13. Which of the following is a tensional fault?
A) thrust
B) left-lateral strike-slip
C) right-lateral strike-slip
D) normal
E) reverse
14. Rocks that bend and flow in a ductile manner create __________.
A) folds
B) ruptures
C) horst and grabens
D) uniform stress
E) strike and dips
15. _______ deformation includes grinding, crushing, bending, and fracturing.
A) Chemical
B) Mechanical
C) Metasomatic
D) Burial
E) Hydrothermal
16. Foliation produces alignment of minerals:
A) parallel to the applied stresses
B) perpendicular to the applied stresses
C) at an acute angle to the applied stresses
D) at an obtuse angle to the applied stresses
17. A shale metamorphosed to high metamorphic grade would become a(n)
A) slate.
B) phyllite
C) schist.
D) gneiss.
18. What is the difference between limestone and marble?
A) chemical composition
B) temperature and/or pressure of formation
C) color
D) source rock
19 Which process makes it the most difficult to trace metamorphic rocks to their parent rocks?
A) hydrothermal metamorphism
B) regional metamorphism
C) contact metamorphism
D) melting
20. Where do black smokers occur?
a. above igneous intrusions.
b. on the sea floor in mid-oceanic rift valleys
c. where faults intersect the surface above regional metamorphic rock bodies
d. at the center of basaltic volcanoes.
21. Which type of metamorphism occurs exclusively at higher pressures?
A) Regional metamorphism occurs exclusively at higher pressures.
B) Contact metamorphism occurs exclusively at higher pressures.
C) Hydrothermal metamorphism occurs exclusively at hgher pressures.
D) All three types of metamorphism occur exclusively at higher pressures
22. What major change occurs during metamorphism of limestone to marble?
A) calcite grains recrystallize to form larger calcite grains
B) clays crystallize to micas, forming a highly foliated, mica-rich rock
C) limestone grains react to form quartz and feldspars
D) calcite grains are dissolved away leaving only marble crystals
23. What platy, parallel, mineral grains are the most visual aspect of foliated metamorphic
A) micas
B) feldspars
C) carbonates
D) quartz
24. Which type of metamorphism is associated with orogens?
A) burial
B) regional
C) contact
D) meteorite impact
E) none of the above
25. The process in which water changes from a liquid to a vapor is known as _______.
A) transpiration
B) evaporation
C) compaction
D) condensation
E) infiltration
26. Subsurface water contained in pore spaces in regolith and bedrock is known as _______.
A) water table
B) groundwater
C) aquifer
D) aquiclude
E) transpiration
27. __________ controls the ease (or difficulty) of groundwater movement through a porous
A) Gradient
B) Hydraulic head
C) Artesian pressure
D) Permeability
28. The zone of aeration __________.
A) lies above the water table
B) is a zone where pore spaces are completely filled with water
C) is a well-oxygenated, shallow aquifer below the water table
D) lies below an aquiclude
29. __________ is the total volume of voids or open space in a rock or unconsolidated material.
A) Permeability
B) Solubility
C) Porosity
D) artesian
30. The depression of the water table near a pumping well is called the:
A) artesian level
B) confined zone
C) cone of depression
D) potential water table
31. An aquifer that is located between two confined aquifers is called a(n):
A) unconfined aquifer
B) permeable aquifer
D) karst aquifer
D) confined aquifer
32. The water level in an artesian aquifer rises to:
A) land surface
B) the water table
C) the potential water table
D) all of the above
33. The water table is the boundary between ___________
A) An aquifer and an aquitard
B) The zone of aeration and the zone of evaporation
C) The zone of aeration and the zone of saturation
D) The zone of saturation and the zone of concentration
34. The steepness of a stream channel can also be called the _______.
A) discharge
B) load
C) percolation
D) deposition
E) gradient
35. The _______ is another name for a stream's point of origin.
A) headwaters
B) oxbow
C) drainage basin
D) delta
E) channel
36. A body of rock or regolith that is water-saturated, porous, and permeable is known as a(n)
A) aquiclude
B) aquifer
C) aquitard
D) oxbow lake
E) spring
37. The process in which water has condensed in the atmosphere and falls back to Earth is
known as _______.
A) transpiration
B) evaporation
C) precipitation
D) condensation
38. The replenishment of groundwater is known as _______.
A) discharge
B) recharge
C) runoff
D) eutrophication
E) porosity
39. A _______ is a topographic high that separates adjacent drainage basins.
A) spring
B) reservoir lake
C) delta
D) divide
E) gradient
40. A(n) _______ is the flat, low-lying area adjacent to a stream channel that receives overbank
A) flood
B) floodplain
C) oxbow lake
D) levee
E) zone of aeration
41. Salts containing the elements sulfur, potassium and sodium in the oceans come
A) the sun's rays
B) chemical weathering of rocks
C) evaporation of seawater
D) meteorites landing
E) sea shells
42. The upper density zone of the ocean is called the _____:
A) thermocline
B) deep zone
C) thermohaline circulation
D) equatorial zone
E) surface layer
43. The term “conveyer belt circulation” is also referred to as _____.
A) the ocean tides
B) the thermohaline circulation
C) deep ocean circulation
D) North Atlantic Current
E) Antarctic bottom water
44. Cold, salty water off the coast of Greenland sinks to form a large ocean mass called _____.
A) New England seawater
B) Antarctic Bottom water
C) North Atlantic Deep Water
D) Subtropical Convergence
E) Arctic Top Water
45. An enclosed bay shoreward from a barrier island is a(n) _____.
A) estuary
B) beach
C) wave-cut bench
D) lagoon
E) tidal bay
46. A passage between Russia and Alaska, which became passable during the Ice Age, is the
A) Bering Land Bridge
B) Isthmus of Panama
C) Trans-Alaska Highway
D) Aleutian Island
E) Pribiloff Island
47. The most important factor causing tides is the gravitational attraction between the oceans
and the:
A) earth
B) sun
C) moon
D) asteroid belt
48. Normally, in a 24-hour period, there are:
A) one low tide and one high tide
B) one low tide and 2 high tides
C 2 low tides and one high tide
D) 2 low tides and 2 high tides
49. The second most abundant gas in the atmosphere is:
A) nitrogen
B) oxygen
C) water vapor
D) carbon dioxide
50. Which of the following class of compounds is believed to cause destruction of stratospheric
A) alcohols
B) greenhouse gases
C) hydrocarbons
D) chlorofluorocarbons
E) methane
True-False. Mark A for true and B for false.
51. In a right lateral strike slip fault, objects that were displaced by the fault lie to your right as
you stand with your back to the fault.
52. The strike is the direction of a line formed by a rock plane and a horizontal plane.
53. If the hinge line of a fold is not horizontal, it is a plunging fold.\
54. If a reverse fault is inclined by more than 45 degrees, it is called a thrust fault.
55. Dip-slip faults include normal, reverse and thrust faults.
56. Strike-slip faults include right-lateral, left-lateral and thrust faults.
57. The change in the shape or volume of a rock in response to stress is known as strain.
58. Uniform stress is stress that is stronger in one direction than in the other directions.
59. A fold in a rock forming a trough with the youngest strata in the middle is known as a
60. A permanent but gradual change in a rock due to flowing or bending is known as ductile
61. In the Michigan Basin, the oldest rocks outcrop at the center (below the glacial sediments).
62. Metamorphic rocks can occur from sedimentary and igneous rocks.
63. Marble and quartzite are both monomineralic metamorphic rocks.
64. The largest scale (area affected) of metamorphism results from contact metamorphism.
65. Quartzite results from metamorphosed sandstone.
66. Burial metamorphism occurs from pressures associated with sediments deposited in
sedimentary basins.
67. The hydrologic cycle does not include atmospheric processes.
68. Oxbow lakes are usually associated with abandoned meanders from braided streams.
69. The Mississippi is the largest drainage basin in the U.S.
70. On average, a flood occurs in a meandering stream system about every 10 years.
71. Natural levees are most commonly deposited near meandering streams.
72. The flood plain covered by a 100 year flood is larger than the area covered by a 50 year
73. The deep currents in the oceans are caused by the attraction of the earth and the moon.
74. Temperatures on land vary much more during a year than temperatures in the oceans.
75. A current that flows parallel to the beach is called a rip current.
76. The velocity of waves decreases as they approach shore.
77. A large amount of sediment is moved parallel to the shoreline.
78. Barrier islands are very dynamic landforms and are frequently affected by hurricanes.
79. The most important greenhouse gas is nitrogen.
80. The heat that is trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases is radiated from the earth
rather than from the sun.
81. Air masses typically sink toward the earth in two bands located at 30 degrees north and south
of the equator.
82. Winds in the Midwest blow from the east most of the time.
83. An aquiclude has both high porosity and permeability.
84. Artesian wells can be installed into unconfined aquifers.
85. As water flows toward a pumping well, the water table rises in the vicinity of the well.
86. A spring is a form of groundwater discharge.
87. Caves are most often developed in igneous rocks.
88. The porosity of a good aquifer may approach 30% or more.
89. Cementation decreases the porosity and permeability in an aquifer.
90. In an arid area, discharge from groundwater keeps rivers flowing all the time.
91. Lag time refers to the time between a rainfall event and the time at which the level of the
river returns to normal.
92. The flooding from Hurricane Katina in New Orleans occurred because the dikes along the
Mississippi River failed.
93. There is no water in the pores of a material in the zone of aeration.
94. The thermocline is the thickest density zone in the ocean.
95. After the formation of North Atlantic deep water, a dense current flows southward toward
Antarctica along the sea floor.
96. Coral reefs are common at shallow depths along most coastlines in the world.
97. The lowest level of the atmosphere is called the troposphere.
98. The Ozone layer is a shield against hazardous radiation.
99. Winds in the vicinity of the equator blow from the east.
100. The Gulf Stream keeps the climate of Europe colder than it would normally be without this