Solutions Notesheet

Solutions Notesheet
Applied Chemistry
Name ______________________________
Date _______________ Period _________
I. Background
A. A solution is a _________________________that has different substances dissolved in it
that cannot be seen. This results in a ___________________ physical state.
Solute: _____________________________________
present in _________________________ amount
Solvent: _____________________________________
present in _________________________ amount
iii. Properties of Solutions
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
Soluble means something ________ be dissolved in something else.
Insoluble means something ___________ be dissolved in something else.
Dissolving a solid in a liquid can affect the _______________ point and
_______________ point. This is called a ___________________________.
II. Types of Solutions
A. Solid Solutions
 Alloys: ______________________________________________________
Advantages of alloys over pure metals:
B. Gaseous Solutions
C. Liquid Solutions
 Miscible liquids:
Immiscible liquids:
1. Aqueous Solutions: Solutions with _____________ as the solvent.
Because water can dissolve so many things, it is called the ___________________
Electrolyte – a solution that ____________________________.
2. Tincture: Solutions with ______________ as the solvent.
3. A saline solution is a solution of ________________ and ________________.
The solute is _________________.
The solvent is __________________.
4. A dilute solution is a solution with ___________________________________.
5. A concentrated solution is a solution with ______________________________.
III. Concentration
A. Definition: Concentration is ______________________________________________
B. Types
1. % Concentration =
mass of solute
x 100
mass of solution
Usually used for ____________________ solutions.
Example 1: A saline solution is prepared by mixing 3 grams of salt with 97 grams of water.
Calculate the % concentration of the saline solution.
Mass of solute:
Mass of solvent:
Mass of solution:
% concentration =
Dilution: ___________________________________________________________________
Example 2: A sugar solution is made using 25 grams of sugar with 45 grams of water.
Calculate the % concentration of the sugar solution.
Mass of solute:
Mass of solvent:
Mass of solution:
% concentration =
Example 3: Kool-aid is prepared by mixing 33 grams of Kool-aid with 99 grams of water.
Calculate the % concentration of the Kool-aid solution.
% concentration =
Example 4: Calculate the % concentration of 16 g of salt in 120 g of saline solution.
% concentration =
Which is the most concentrated?
Which is the most dilute?
2. Parts per Million (ppm)
a. Usually used with _____________________ solutions.
b. Which is larger? (circle)
One hundred
One thousand
One hundredth
One thousandth
One million
One billion
One millionth
One Billionth
Looks Like
Looks Like
Looks Like
Looks Like
3. Sea water is a _______% solution.
______ grams of salt to _______ grams sea water or
______ parts salt to ______ parts sea water
Looks like: _____________________ dilution (as a fraction)
4. Food coloring is a 10% aqueous solution.
_____ grams of pigment to _______ grams of solution or
_____ parts pigment to ______ parts solution
Looks like: _________ dilution or _________ dilution
Example Problems: The following serial dilutions were performed. Write the dilution fraction in
each well.
a. 1-to-4 dilution of a 10% solution
b. 1-to-2 dilution of a 20% solution.
c. 1-5 dilution of a pure substance.
5. Other examples of parts per million
1 ppm means 1 second in ______ days of your life
1 ppm means 1 penny in ___________.
1 ppm means one inch in __________ miles.
IV. Solubility and the Dissolving Process
A. Solubility is a _____________________ property that gives the ___________ of
solute that will dissolve in a solvent (usually water) at a given _______________
and pressure.
B. Saturated: A solution is saturated if it contains as much ______________ as can
possibly be dissolved under existing conditions of _____________________ and
C. Unsaturated: Has __________ than the maximum amount that can be dissolved.
D. Supersaturated: Has _________ than the maximum amount that can be dissolved.
E. 3 Factors Affecting the Rate of Dissolving
1. Surface Area: increases the number of ____________________ between the
______________ and ______________
2. Stirring: increases the number of ____________________ between the
______________ and ______________
3. Temperature: increases the ____________________ between the
______________ and ______________