A Note from 5 Grade th Social Studies

A Note from 5th Grade
January 22, 2016
This week we continued our fiction unit by
identifying story elements in Fairy Tales and Tall
Tales. Next week we will zoom in on the elements
of conflict and character through our interactive
reading lessons and mentor texts. During
intervention block, students will continue to read
Bridge to Terabithia and practice silent reading,
reading dialect and fluency through the use of
Reader’s theater.
Students will write responses to their nightly silent
reading novels and turn in a response each week
for a grade.
graders are beginning Module 6, subtracting
fractions with like and unlike denominators. Mrs.
Kuczek’s class has started the second part of
Module 6, converting measurement.
All 5th graders are working individually with hands
on equations. They are really beginning to
understand algebraic thinking!
Social Emotional
Our next Social Emotional Unit will teach
students to be assertive. Topics include; dealing
with teasing and bullying, dealing with peer
pressure, handling issues with friends and
family, asking for what they need and standing
up to injustice.
Social Studies
In Social Studies, 5th graders will
begin lesson 12 during the first week
on February. This chapter is about
changes in the U.S. from 1829-1848
and includes Andrew Jackson’s term
as president, The American Indian
Removal Act and the Trail of Tears.
Students will learn about The
Industrial Revolution in correlation
with propaganda techniques and
complete an in class poster project.
The final lesson focuses on the
struggle for reform in our country.
Next week students will go back to court….Science court
that is! In this case, Ms Swindell claims to have a secret
formula to rid the body of excess gravity so you can
weigh less! Ms. Swindell claims her secret formula has
been tampered with and brings a lawsuit to court. Was
the formula sabotaged or is it impossible for such a
formula to exist? That is the question for the jury to
decide through hands on experiments. A test over
Newton’s Laws will be February 3rd. We will be giving the
students specific Bananapolis information on February 5 th
so they can begin to design their Banana mobiles!
Language Arts
We will work on Words Their Way this week
and next.