From Greece to the Reformation Test Review

From Greece to the Reformation Test Review
Please note: This review should only be used as a guide to the key points of information
in your notes. This is not a substitute for studying your notes.
1. The Greeks decided to form __city____-___states________ because they
were separated from each other by mountains and islands.
2. On the ______acropolis_________ you would find temples to the gods.
3. The ____polis____ is the walled city down below where people lived and
4. Athens got its name from the Goddess of Wisdom, _____Athena____. The
temple dedicated to her is called the ___________Parthenon_______.
5. Athens is credited with creating ____democracy____, or government by the
6. Athens' democracy was more _____direct___ than ours because everyone
could vote on laws, whereas in the United States we __elect_____
representatives to vote for us.
7. Athens' democracy was also more __limited____ than ours because so many
people could not vote, such as ___women_____, slaves, men under 30, and
many immigrants.
8. The ________Spartans_____ spent most of their lives training to be soldiers.
9. Spartans started training at the age of __7_ and even women were
encouraged to __exercise______ in order to produce healthy children.
10. The _____Olympics____ were held every year in Greece in order to bring
peace to the Greek city-states.
11. Greece's victory in the Persian Wars was so important because if they had
lost, _____democracy_______ would have ceased to exist.
12. The Peloponnesian War began a few years later with Athens' Delian League
fighting against Sparta's Peloponnesian League. ___Sparta__ won, but not
before all of the Greek city-states had been weakened.
13. ______Alexander the Great_______ was able to conquer these weakened
city-states, but when he died his empire fell apart and was later conquered by
the ________Romans_____.
14. __Socrates___ was the father of philosophy who taught everyone to
__question in order to seek the truth__.
15. Another famous Greek was __Pythagoras ___ who calculated the sides of a
right triangle.
16. Greeks were also famous for their contributions to drama/theater. They
created both
____comedy____ and ___tragedy_____.
Because Italy had less _mountains & islands__ dividing it than Greece, it
was easier to _unify_____ the Roman Empire.
Rome’s government, the _Republic___, was a representative democracy.
The __Senate____ and the Assembly made the laws for Rome.
The Romans elected 2 __consuls__ to serve as leaders during peacetime.
During wartime they chose 1 _dictator____ to rule.
_Julius Caesar____, a famous general, took charge and declared himself
leader of Rome for life, ending a civil war in Rome.
After Caesar’s death, his grandnephew _Augustus Caesar___ became the
first emperor of Rome, putting an end to the Republic.
___The Colosseum___ was the site of gladiator contests.
The Romans used __aqueducts___ to bring water into the city.
The Roman temple to the gods was called the ___pantheon___.
What religion became the official religion of the Roman Empire and has
remained the dominant faith in Europe today? __Christianity____
1. What period of time do the Middle Ages cover? _500-1500 CE_____
2. Give 2 examples of how the church abused its power _priests violated vows
of poverty and chastity, simony – the buying of church positions____
3. Feudalism is a system whereby lords gave their loyalty to kings in exchange
for _land and protection_____.
4. What document said the monarch must obey the law? _Magna Carta__
5. Pope Urban II ordered Christians to fight the Muslims for the Holy Land in a
war known as the Crusades________.
6. What caused the bubonic plague? ____fleas on rats_________
1. The word "Renaissance" means _____rebirth_________.
2. The movement that celebrated humans and their achievements was called
3. What important invention did Johannes Gutenberg create and why was it
important? Printing press – allowed for the spread of ideas________________
4. How was the Renaissance different from the Middle Ages? Instead of focusing
on life after death, it was about human experience in the here and now.
5. In Machiavelli's The Prince, what did he mean when he said that "the ends
justify the means"? __sometimes you need to be cruel and ruthless to maintain
power – as long as you achieve your goals it doesn’t matter how you got there__
6. Name 2 of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous paintings. ___1. Mona Lisa___
___2. The Last Supper__________________________________
7. Name 3 of Michelangelo's most famous works. _1. Sistine Chapel____ __2.
The David_____3. The Pieta__________
8. What was Raphael's greatest achievement? _The School of Athens___
9. Why is Shakespeare so famous? ___famous playwright___
10. Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler all believed in the heliocentric theory. What
did it say? __the sun was the center of the universe___________
11. How was it different from what Ptolemy had said over 1000 years earlier?
_______the earth was the center of the universe_____________
1. What is an indulgence? __pardon for a sin___________
2. What were the 95 Theses? ____Martin Luther’s arguments against
3. What were Luther's 2 basic beliefs? __1. Faith alone is necessary for salvation
_2. The Bibile is the sole source of religious truth
4. What became the 1st Protestant Church? ____The Lutheran Church_______
5. Why did Henry VIII break away from the Catholic Church? _______________
He wanted an annulment from his wife because he wanted a male heir
6. What church did he create? ___Church of England (Anglican Church)