APPLICATION FOR NOMINATION TO COURT OF APPEALS AND LOWER COURTS The following is the application to fill a vacant seat in the Judiciary of the Student Government Association. The Student Body President appoints students to vacant seats in the Judiciary and current members of the Senate confirm the nomination. Nominees to the Court of Appeals will also be interviewed by the Senate Committee on Internal Affairs prior to confirmation by the full Senate. All students interested in this position are encouraged to complete an application. You will be notified when granted an interview by the Office of the President. Applicants should know that the appointment requires a high level of commitment during the term. Please review the SGA website, SGA Constitution, SGA Bylaws, and SGA Election Rules & Regulations in applying for this position. First Name_________________________________ M.I.____ Last Name__________________________ Phone Number_______________________ Email Address_____________________________________ Major(s)__________________________________ Minor(s)____________________________________ College________________________________________________ Graduation Date________________ Classification_____________________________ Select Judicial position applying for: _____ Chief Justice, Court of Appeals _____ Associate Justice, Court of Appeals _____ Chief Judge, Elections Trial Court _____ Judge, Elections Trial Court *Please enclose your resume and answer the following questions on a separate sheet. Answers to the questions should not exceed more than two (2) pages. Cover letters are optional. 1. What would you hope to gain/learn from the position that you are applying for that would contribute to your future personal and career goals? 2. What skills or expertise do you bring to this judicial position that makes you the best candidate and how do plan to use them? 3. Please give your best example of working cooperatively as a team member to accomplish an important goal. What was your most successful contribution? 4. What is your definition/philosophy of “justice”? I hereby certify that I have read and understood the description and duties of the position I am applying for and ensure that all of the information on this application is correct. Your Signature: ___________________________________________ Date Signed: _____________ Please submit completed applications with resume and questions attached to 