Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Andrew Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 30, 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support wellbeing, by increasing the proportion of students indicating that they feel accepted by
students in the school.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/28/2015: Our Catholic School Learning Team is very pleased with the increase in the proportion of students
indicating that they feel accepted at school. Throughout the school year, our teachers have focused on a variety of
successful practices that support student well-being. A collaborative approach between our Social Worker, CYW,
Family Tranistion Place Workshop leaders and classroom teachers has resuted in a number of programs being
implemented throughout the school to help increase students' feeling of acceptance and postive well-being.
Overall, any vistor to our school can see signs of well-being and students feeling accepted because of our caring
and compassionate Catholic school community. As well the virtues program continues to be a school wide focus in
continuing to build a strong Catholic school community.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June, 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support the school's
collaborative inquiry. Evidence of growth will be demonstrated by an increase in student
achievement and personal well being.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/28/2015: Our school-wide collaborative inquiry and our small-group collaborative inquiries (based on schoolwide collaborative inquiry) was extremely successful this past school year by increasing student achievement and
well-being. On of the reasons for our success was the fact that our teachers were able to tailor their collaborative
inquiry to more closer align with the specific needs of their own classrooms, As teachers gained a greater
understanding of how their collaborative inquiry positively affected student learning and well-being, they utilized a
wide variety of successful practices that supported the iniquiry. As well, our staff collected evidence of growth
through the school year which clearly demonstrated an increase in student achievement and well-being. Our
Catholic School Learning Team and our staff as a whole, are looking forward to the 2015-2016 school year to
develop the 'next steps' for our school-wide collaborative inquiry.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Andrew Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, all students will be provded with appropriate transition and pathway
options in collaboration with parents to meet the diverse learning needs of students.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/28/2015: Our classroom teachers, SERT & Principal have worked collaboratively to share pertinent information
with R.F. Hall Catholic Secondary School, as well as the two public secondary schools in Orangeville so that the
diverse learning needs of every student transitioning between elementary and secondary school are met in order
to ensure student success. As well, we had our Welcome to Kindergarten Night at St. Andrew. Parents have
received information through workshops and other means of communication to help their child achieve success
with the transition from home to school. Our classroom teachers, SERTs and Principal also meet in May and June to
ensure successful transitions of all students on Individual Education Plans from one school year to the next. As a
staff we look forward to the 2015-2016 to build capacity/documenting student work in all areas of "Creating
Pathways" for all learners.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June, 2016, our team of learners will include the six Assessment For and As Learning
Practices as outlined in Growing Success and will actively engage students in the assessment
Outcome Progress Comments
5/28/2015: Our School Learning Team has worked extensively throughout the year with our teachers to insure that
assessment 'For' and 'As' Learning practices have been successfully utilized in order to focus on authenitc
assessment. In doing so, our teachers have a more accurate picture of how students learn and how to measure
their success. This past year, the focus has also been placed on actively engaging students in the assessment
process. In doing so, students become more aware of what they need to do to improve their own learning, based
on their own accurage self-assessment which, in turn, supports teacher assessment.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, teachers will emphasize the process of problem solving and teach
students to use problem solving strategies and critical thinking in order for students to
approach Inquiry-Based Learning.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/28/2015: Our teachers have worked collaboratively with eachother, as well as with their students to learn about
and understand inquiry-based learning. In dong so, our teachers have supported students in learning about and
understanding the process solving. Students, in turn, have developed a wide variety of problem solving strategies
and critical thinking skills in order to successful approach Inquiry-Based learning. Students have clearly become
more excited about their learning and more confident in their abilities to be problem solvers and critical thinkers.
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SkoVision™ Report