NAME __________________________ Short Answer.

NAME __________________________
HPER 221 FINAL EXAM (100 points)
Short Answer.
1) Identify the 5 steps of the Information Processing Model and describe one advertising characteristic that may influence
progression of an individual toward doing the intended behavior (10 points).
2) Review both of the print advertisements attached for two similar products and write a brief advertising analysis describing
each of the ad’s implicit and explicit messages, intended impact on the information processing model, context, use of text vs.
graphics, symbols, etc. How do the ads differ in their approach? How can public health messages be packaged in a similar
way? (12 points).
NAME __________________________
Fill in the blank (1 point each).
3) Individuals that are in the top 5% based on their amount of alcohol consumption account about ____% of the total alcohol
4) An alcoholic beverage that is 80 “proof” has a volume that is made up of ____ percent alcohol.
5) ________________is an example of a secondary negative consequence of alcohol use.
6) Women usually have higher blood alcohol concentrations than men after drinking the same amount of alcohol because they
___________________________________________________ than men.
7) _____________________ is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the United States.
8) The class of drugs with the highest potential for physical dependence is __________________________.
9) The class of drugs that relieves pain, causes drowsiness, reduces anxiety, and induces euphoria is called
10) The class of drugs that decreases nervous and muscular activity, causing drowsiness and sleep is called
11) Playing a drinking game is an example of alcohol __________________.
12) ____________________________________ is a reason why alcohol use is often a problem in college environments.
13) The following sequence best describes the cycle of addiction:
Problem → ____________________ → Tolerance → Drug-centric behavior → _____________________ → Addiction
14) Environmental tobacco smoke is comprised by __________________ and ________________ smoke.
15) Cigarette smoking is associated with a risk of coronary heart disease because this disease often results from the build up of
deposits on the inner wall of blood vessels called plaques. This condition is referred to as __________________________.
16) Despite the fact that only 1 in 1,000 smokers will get lung cancer, about 1 in _______ smokers will suffer from at least one
smoking related disease.
17) __________________ is the substance found in tobacco and interferes with the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen
once tobacco is lit.
18) __________________ is the primary addictive ingredient in tobacco.
19) __________________ is characterized by a decrease in respiratory function and an increased shortness of breath.
20) The number of firearm homicides in the US is almost _________ times higher than Canada.
21) ______________________ is one reliable risk factors for violence.
22) A steady _____________ followed by a steady _______________ represents the current trend in violent crimes in the US.
(hint: increase or decrease)
23) Researchers estimate that _________ percent of college women experience completed or attempted rape during their college
24) Alcohol use can impair your ability to _____________________________.
NAME __________________________
25) One way to protect yourself from violence is to ______________________________________________.
26) A raised threshold for reaction to violence and a loss of compassion is called _____________________________.
27) Individuals who are less likely to engage in criminal acts tend to _____________________________________ .
28) A form of violence directed against person or property for the purpose of instilling fear and indenturing a sense of
helplessness is __________________________.
29) The highest number of vehicle deaths occur in those aged ____ to ____.
30) Responsible driving that anticipates potential hazards and monitors changing environments is defined as _____________
31) Safety belts prevent at least _________ percent of serious injuries, and reduce the risk of fatality by _________ percent.
32) An example of a passive restraint, would be ________________________.
33) Motorcyclists are about _________ times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash.
34) If you are in a boat that turns over, you should __________________________.
35) Batteries in smoke detectors should be replaced every _________________________.
36) To help someone with hypothermia you should never ________________________.
37) _____________________ has the greatest lifetime odds (most likely) of death due to injury.
38) _____________________ has the greatest lifetime odds (most likely) of death due to injury.
39) Because violence and injury often affect the lives of younger individuals, researchers like to emphasize this impact by using
____________________________ as an indicator of health status.
40) ____________________________ are the leading cause of death among children and adults between the ages of 1 and 39.
Short Answer.
41) List 4 specific classes of drugs, providing an example and a physical symptom of use for each. Also, identify at least 1 drug
that does not fit well into a specific class and provide a reason why (10 points).
NAME __________________________
42) What is a harm reduction strategy? List at least 2 harm reductions strategies that individuals can use in order to decrease the
risk of negative consequences due to alcohol use (10 points).
43) Describe 5 community prevention activities that can be implemented to reduce the incidence of violence and other crime (10
44) Define resilience. What is the importance of building resilience to reduce the incidence of violence and related crime?
Describe at least 2 characteristics of resilience and indicate how this could be built stronger among today’s youth (10 points).
NAME __________________________
Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey
King, Oct 2006
NAME __________________________
Hennessy Cognac
King, Oct 2006; Vibe, Oct 2006