Name_________________________ ... Ellis Island- A Brief History

Ellis Island- A Brief History
Directions – Answer the following questions using the packet – A Brief History of Ellis
Island. Write the answers in complete sentences.
1. From 1892- 1954 how many immigrants entered the United States through Ellis
2. Where is Ellis Island located?
3. What President designated Ellis Island as the site of the first Federal Immigration
4. Who regulated immigration throughout the United States before 1890?
5. Where were most of the immigrants from that constituted the first wave, passing
through Castle Garden from 1855 to 1890? (give not only continent but also
specific countries)
6. When did Ellis Island open? Who was the first immigrant to be processed through
Ellis Island?
7. What happened to Ellis Island five years (1897) after it opened?
8. What was the process for first and second class passengers upon arrival in New
York? What was the logic behind the decision?
9. Describe the conditions of steerage (third class)10. How were they treated differently from first and second class passengers?
11. Describe the 6 second physical.
12. What percentage of immigrants were refused admittance into America? What
were the reasons?
13. What was the peak year for immigration? How many immigrants came to
America? Most of the immigrants from 1880-1920 were from what sections of
14. What was the role of Ellis Island during World War II?
15. What President declared Ellis Island as part of the Statue of Liberty National