Board meeting summary March 19 will be an attendance day.

Board meeting summary
March 19 will be an attendance day.
April 5-9 no school, spring break
April 28 will be a full day attendance
Chief Academic Officer’s report: Assessment is coming to the forefront of all three schools as
testing quickly approaches. Because of bad weather, especially in Eastern Kentucky, there is a
chance the testing window might be moved back into May. This would be welcomed by most
educators because of more instructional time before the assessment and less time after the
test until the end of the year. Although we are still operating under the old testing system, the
talk around the state is about what the new system will look like. We recently got a glimpse of
the new Math and Language Arts standards in draft form. Our teachers are reviewing them
currently. Our focus now is to get the students ready to test in April/May through goal setting,
and narrowing in on the core content and how we can continue to make NCLB goals and
prepare our students to be successful beyond their careers here at Carlisle County.
Carlisle County is taking part in a pilot program that is rewriting the teacher observation
standards for Kentucky as part of the Race to the Top Federal Grant program. We are currently
collaborating with Fulton Co., Marshall Co. and Graves Co. in partnership with the KDE and
Debbie Daniels to streamline the process so that principals can get an accurate view of how
teachers are affecting student learning without the needless and tedious paperwork that is now
involved with the process.
Students are no longer tested in Arts and Humanities, Practical Living/Vocational studies, or
submit writing portfolios. Instead, each school has to do a program review for each of these
areas. We received this week, once again in draft form, what these program reviews may look
like when they are implemented in the 2011-12 school year. We are currently reviewing them
and making plans for a trial run next year. Also, grades 3-7 will take a nationally normed test
this year for the first time since the CTBS was discontinued three years ago. It is the Iowa Test
of Basic Skills and will provide a good indication of how we are doing nationally, not just
statewide. The students will be tested in Math, Language Arts, and Reading. They will also be
tested in Science and Social Studies for us to use locally. This is part of No Child Left Behind and
will be part of our accountability in 2001-12. Finally, it looks as if the new accountability will
include some end of course assessments at the high school. We don’t know much about what
these will look like yet, but it will put more accountability on the student and will probably be
very challenging.
Middle school: Administration is working on testing schedule options for the testing window.
Three options have been developed for teacher discussion and input. The final schedule should
be complete by March 18. The theme for this year’s testing experience is “Comet Pride Academic Excellence.” Testing Administration Training dates have been set for April 13 and
April 15. Teachers have chosen their testing groups and are in the process of developing plans
to build community within each group along with diligently working toward finishing up their
content and reviewing previous content with students.
Elementary school: Elementary school tentative testing schedule for state testing is grades 3-5
April 20-29 with the Iowa Test of Basic Skills May 3-7.
• 4th Grade Science Fair is scheduled for May 12th
• 2nd Grade Fairy Tale Ball is scheduled for May 7th
CSI report: There is a continual focus on Math, Science, and Literacy in our weekly schedules.
Mrs. Erin Provow is leading a Book Club program on Mondays and Wednesdays which has
raised AR points, considerably. Ms. Lea Ann Atherton is using her creative skills to lead the
students in art projects each Tuesday. Mr. Keith Crider heads up our science projects on
Thursdays. We continue to work one-on-one with our students to improve their multiplication
and division skills.
Brad and Jessica Finley have joined us on Thursday afternoons to lead us in organized
recreation. Jessica has a college degree that focuses on using recreation to teach important
messages about self-awareness and relational issues. We also purchased three TVs so the
students can play the Wii games on Mondays. We have over 15 students signed up (so far) to
attend the Youth Equestrian Festival at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington on March 19th.
High school: Juniors will take the ACT on Tuesday, March 9th. The principal and guidance
counselor met individually with each junior to set a goal for the ACT test as well as KCCT that
students will take at the end of April or early May. Our composite ACT score last year was a
17.4. This year’s juniors have set a 19.5 as their goal. Our science, math, and English teachers
have been doing the KAPLAN ACT program with the students in order to help them prepare for
the test. As soon as juniors have taken the ACT, teachers will begin reviewing with sophomores
and juniors for the KCCT using the KCCT Coach books. Our juniors have set the following goals
for the percent of proficient and distinguished on the KCCT:
Math: Last year-41.94% This year-47.06%
Science: Last year-40.33% This year-67.6%
Social Studies: Last year-29.03% This year-72.06%
The principal and guidance counselor will be meeting with sophomores at the end of March to set goals
for the reading section of the KCCT. We are hopeful that all of our efforts to improve scores on the ACT
and KCCT will pay off.
Our FBLA club recently competed in regional competition at Murray State University. The
members received the following awards and honors:
Susie Johns, Caleb Hardy, Thomas Wilson
Barret Looper
Mallory Murphy
Bryanne Tolbird, Hannah Whitlock
Amy Fostervold
Eric Baldwin
Erica Dunker, Hannah Whitlock
Mathew Burnell
Jacob Perry, Amanda Smith, Michael Dix
Katie Handley, & Jeremy Coe
Katie Handley
Sawyer Rambo
Shaniqua Dickerson
1st Business Ethics
2nd Business Presentation
3rd Computer Applications
2nd Desktop Publishing
3rd Impromptu Speaking
1st Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
3rd Local Chapter Newsletter
2nd Network Design
2nd Parliamentary Procedure
Haley Webster, Justin Cotton, &
Kenzie Hutchinson
Susie Johns
Barret Looper
Barret Looper
Barret Looper
Barret Looper
Hannah Whitlock
Carlisle County Chapter
Jeremy Coe
2nd Website Development
Regional Highest Parliamentary Score
3rd Public Speaking I
2nd Spreadsheet Applications
1st Word Processing II
McCann Scholarship alternate
Smith Scholarship alternate
1st Mr. Future Business Leader
Who’s Who Candidate
Plock Scholarship winner
2nd largest chapter membership
Region 1 Parliamentarian
Michelle Trevathan applied for and received an Ag Achievers Grant worth $900! The funds will be used
to install an identification garden around the ag shop. This is a grant awarded by the US Department of
Agriculture entitled a “Rural Rehabilitation Grant”. The AG Department received the following
congratulations from KDE: My reason for contacting you today is to offer
congratulations to your students, your Ag Ed program and to you as a teacher.
The data analysis study we have completed shows that your students ranked in
the Top 10 of all Ag Ed programs statewide in the percentage of students scoring
either "Proficient or Distinguished" on the Science Core Content portion of the
2008-09 KCCT!!!
KISTA (KY Interlocal School Transportation Association) bus resolution declares bus 53 as surplus and will
advertised to sale through the KISTA bus auction. A 4 wheeler and lawn mower were declared surplus
and will be sold by sealed bids. Approval for a trip request was granted for the FCCLA State Meeting in
Louisville at the Galt House Hotel March 28 – 31. Trips were approved for FBLA March 27 for annual
membership trip to Nashville and April 15- 17 to Louisville for state competition. Agriculture
department trip to Huntsville was approved for the Moonbuggy Race April 8-11. Local training hours
were approved for board members in-service program.
Next meeting is April 15, 2010.