Important Info:

Important Info:
* Please go on to home access and
REGISTER your child for 2nd
grade. This allows us to know how
many students will be returning
next year and how many classes
will be needed. Please pass the
word on to anyone you know who
may be new to MW next year too!
* learned about the poetic devices of: rhyming, repetition, * Today the LAST book order of the
year was sent home. There are a few
alliteration and onomatopoeia
flyers to help you stock up for summer
* learned about haiku poems & wrote some with the
reading. 
high schoolers on our field trip
*The ALS fundraiser, run by the
student leadership, goes until May
27th. Donate to see some of our
teachers get iced!
* planned & wrote opinion paragraphs
* wrote advice for next year’s class
* wrote a top secret project 
* Thanks for all the wonderful things
this week! I appreciated all the things
the kids brought in!
*FYI: 5/20 & 5/27 are BOTH early
release days!
* used 100 charts, digi blocks and what we know about
place value, to solve double digit subtraction problems
* fractions were introduced
* read about what animals and plants need to survive in
a habitat
* learned about things an animal has to help itself survive
(birds have feathers & wings, owls have good eyesight)
*Thanks to our mystery readers this
week! We heard some great books!