15-2 Opposing Slavery

15-2 Opposing Slavery
(pages 439-442)
Roots of the Anti Slavery Movement
A. The Declaration of Independence
1. Jefferson wrote, “All ______________ _____ ________________ _______________”
2. Many Americans did not believe that included ______________, but
_________________ started to think differently in the 1800s
B. Early Efforts
1. ____________________ beliefs caused people to start to oppose __________________
2. ____________________ were some of the first to teach that slavery was wrong
3. By 1804, slavery had ended in the _______________________
C. Colonization movement
1. 1822, the American Colonization Society was set up to create a colony in Africa
(Liberia) for freed slaves
2. Some favored the movement because they could have equal rights
3. Some opposed the movement
Most, almost all, slaves were born in the U.S. and wanted to stay in their
Only a few thousand ended up settling in Liberia
The Abolitionist Movement Grows
A. ___________________________ – wanted to end slavery completely in the U.S.
1. Some favored a __________________ end to slavery, expecting it to ________ ______
2. Some ________________________ that all slavery end everywhere at once
B. African American Abolitionists
1. Wrote _________________ and _________________ against slavery, and filed lawsuits
2. Issued pamphlets encouraging ____________ and gave _________________ in public
against slavery
C. Frederick Douglass
1. Born a _____________ in Maryland, but escaped to New England in 1838
2. Learned to _____________ and _____________ as a slave even though it was illegal
3. Became a well-known abolitionist speaker and published ______ ____________ ______
D. William Lloyd Garrison
1. The most outspoken white ______________________________
2. Published The ________________________
E. The Grimke Sisters
1. Daughters of a slaveholder in South Carolina who left because they hated ____________
2. Moved to Philadelphia where they _________________________ publicly for abolition
The Underground Railroad
A. Created by abolitionists
1. Network of black and white abolitionists who __________________ helped slaves
__________________ to the North and Canada
2. “______________________” were those who guided the runaways to “_____________”
which were safe houses where they could hide
3. It was a _______________ and often _______________________ journey
B. Harriet Tubman
1.Runaway slave, known as “____________ ____________” on the Underground Railroad
2.Returned to the South ________ time to rescue others
3. Led more than __________ slaves to freedom and had a _________________ bounty
for her capture
Opposition to Abolition
A. Reaction in the North
1. Mill owners, bankers and merchants depended on ______________ from the South and
saw abolition as a threat to their livelihood
2. Some northern workers feared freed slaves may come North and take their ___________
B. Reaction in the South
1. Many southerners feared _______________________ wanted to destroy their way of life
2. Slave owners defended _________________ saying slaves were better off than northern
factory workers
3. Even southerners with no _________________ defended slavery because it was so
important to the South’s _____________________