Industry in the North American Nation Chapter 14 section 1

American Nation
Industry in the North
Chapter 14 section 1
Directions: As you read the section answer the following questions in the space provided.
New Inventions (pg.408)
1. The 1800s brought a flood of N _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the North. (408)
2. Under the name of each inventor, identify his invention AND describe how it made farming easier.
Jethro Wood
John Deere
Cyrus McCormick
3. These farming machines helped farms grow more crops with fewer people. As a result, thousands of
farmers left the countryside. Where did they go?
4. What was Samuel F.B. Morse’s invention & how did it work?
5. How did the telegraph help businesses? AND in what other ways do you think the telegraph might
change society? (Opinion)
The First Railroads (pg. 409)
6. How did the first railroads, invented in the early 1800s, work differently from the locomotive
invented in 1829?
7. Gradually, railroad builders improved the quality of the railroads. Engineers learned to build S _ _ _ _
_ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ & solid roadbeds. They replaced W _ _ _ _ _ rails with I _ _ _ rails. Such
improvements made railroad travel S _ _ _ _ & F _ _ _ _ _ .
8. What were some of the problems with the first railroads?
9. How do you think railroads helped the Northern economy?
Yankee Clippers (pg.410)
10. Railroads increased commerce WITHIN the United States. Describe how the “Clipper Ships,” helped
connect the United States with the rest of the world.
11. What oceangoing vessel would soon replace the clipper ship as the dominant ship of trading?
The Northern Economy Expands (pg.411)
12. What were some of the benefits of factories now being powered by steam-power?
A. Steam power was P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & C _ _ _ _ .
B. Factories that used steam power could be built A _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
13. Describe how each changed life in the North. Write 3 bullet points in each square.
14. What effects did factories, new machines, and railroads have on the northern economy in the mid1800s?