Sudan, South Sudan, & Darfur

Global Studies
Name ____________________________________________
Sudan, South Sudan, & Darfur
1. Since independence, _____________ Sudan has
dominated the government and other areas have felt
2. ________________ between north and south raged until
__________when the desire to develop _______________
helped lead to South Sudan becoming ________________.
3. As part of the peace deal, ____________________ was
able to declare independence in ____________.
4. In 2003, groups in ___________, SLA & JEM,
5. The Sudanese government enlisted the support of the
___________________, to fight the rebels.
6. _____________________have been killed and
_____________________ have become refugees.
7. The U.S. declared the situation in Darfur as _________.
It and other nations have imposed ___________ on Sudan.
8. Sudan’s president, ____________________, has been
indicted on ___________________ by the International
Criminal Court.
9. There are African Union/United Nations
_______________________stationed in Darfur.
10.____________ is Sudan’s major supporter. It has
_____________ in Sudan, buys most of its _________,
and sells ______________ to Sudan.