Difficult Emotions and Defense Mechanisms

Difficult Emotions and Defense Mechanisms
Directions: Using your assigned defense mechanism, create a realistic scenario in which someone uses a
defense mechanism instead of dealing with a difficult emotion. Write out the scenario below. At the very
bottom, write out what the person could have done differently to respond in a more healthful way.
Common Defense Mechanisms
Displacement – substituting a different target for impulses when the original would be dangerous or
Regression – returning to behaviors characteristic of a younger age, rather than dealing with problems in a
mature manner
Denial – unconscious lack of recognition of something that is obvious to others
Reaction Formation – preventing dangerous impulses from being expressed in behavior by exaggerating
opposite behavior
Projection – attributing your own feelings or faults to another person or group
Rationalization – making excuses to explain a situation or behavior, rather than taking responsibility for it
Compensation – making up for weaknesses and mistakes through gift giving, hard work, or extreme efforts
Sublimation – Working off unmet desires, or unacceptable impulses, in activities that are constructive
What could this person have done differently to have a more healthy response?