McKay Chapter 28

McKay Chapter 28
Explain how the text describes the world before WWI as “moderately optimistic”
and comforted by the Newtonian world view.
How and why had this view changed by the 1930’s?
Intellectual crisis of the 20th Century
Friedrich Nietzsche
Henri Bergson
Georges Sorel
Logical Empiricism
Jean-Paul Sartre
Leading French Existentialists
Why did Soren Kierkegaard “reject formalistic religion?”
Why did religion become popular again?
New Physics
Marie Curie
Max Planck
Albert Einstein
Why was the “new universe strange and troubling” to the general public?
Briefly explain Freudian psychology. What is psychoanalysis?
What is the “stream of consciousness” technique for exploring the psyche and
modernist writing?
Modern Art and Music (take your own notes)
The Search for Peace and Stability (928-940)
What were the main international uncertainties in the post-WWI era?
Why did France demand large reparations from Germany?
John Maynard Keynes
German Hyperinflation
Occupation of the Ruhr
Gustave Streseman
Dawes Plan
Locarno 1925
Kellogg-Briand Pact
(The text does a terrible job explaining Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch…I’ll do this)
British Labour Party
Ramsay McDonald
Stanley Baldwin
The Great Depression
Life “On the Dole”
Scandinavian Social Democrats
French Popular Front
Leon Blum