Philosophy: Two Cultures pp. 148-161 Sophie’s World

Philosophy: Two Cultures
pp. 148-161 Sophie’s World
Describe the Indo-Europeans?
Describe/define polytheistism.
What are some other words for insight?
Describe their cyclical view of history.
What is pantheism?
The Semites
Who were the Semites?
What is monotheism?
Describe their linear view of history.
Who was King David and why might he be called the anointed one?
Why did the Israelites believe they were being punished by God?
What were prophets predicting after around 750 BC?
How did Jesus of Nazareth distinguish himself from other messiahs?
For Jesus of Nazareth what was “The Kingdom of God?”
How were the teachings by Jesus of Nazareth radical for his time?
What were Paul’s contributions to the spread of Christianity?
What do you think Goethe meant by,” He who cannot draw on three thousand years is
living from hand to mouth?”