Place 5: David Stolle


Place 5: David Stolle

What are the top three reasons you want to serve as a Plano ISD School Board Trustee?

The last four years have been a tremendous experience, and I am proud of the work the board, the administration and the district have done to support our teachers, our students and our parents. I truly believe our district is second to none. I look forward to continuing the work we have been doing as a board. As an incumbent, I can’t say there are three specific reasons why I am running for reelection. I do this because I believe in public education, I believe in Plano ISD, and I believe strong schools are the bedrock of strong communities.

What do you feel are the most important responsibilities of a trustee?

The most important responsibility of a trustee is to be an honest and transparent representative of the community. I have said on numerous occasions that I believe all elected officials – not just trustees – owe a duty to their constituents to explain their votes and the logic behind their positions. I try to do this on every issue which requires our board’s vote. I don’t expect people to always agree with my position, but when we do not agree, I hope they will understand my logic.

What do you see as the top opportunities and challenges in Plano ISD?

Plano ISD has established within the last three years, three programs of choice at the high school level – the IB World Academy, the Health Sciences Academy and the Academy High School. These programs provide students with opportunities that are different than what they might find in the traditional high school setting. We now have the opportunity to move forward with other similar programs of choice, including programs at the elementary and middle school levels. I would like to see the district expand choice programs at all levels, to allow students and parents to find what interests and motivates them to success.

As to challenges, we face the same issues as most other districts in Texas. Our district demographics have changed over time, with higher rates of mobility and more students on free and reduced lunch programs. These students, through no fault of their own, often do not achieve the same level of success as their peers. Our challenge is to find ways to bridge that achievement gap, while continuing to challenge all students. We recently hired a new superintendent with a history of addressing these challenges, and I look forward to his impact on Plano ISD.

Why are you qualified to hold the position of trustee?

I am the sitting trustee for Place 5 and current board Vice President, as selected by my colleagues for each of the past two years. I believe that my track record as an advocate for our students and representative of our community support my re-election.

What is the most important thing you want to accomplish if elected?

I would like the opportunity to continue doing what I do now – lead, work hard for all Plano ISD residents and provide an open and transparent form of local government. I believe it is important for elected officials to do their homework and explain their actions. At the end of the day, we are the people’s representatives, and transparency is the basis of trust in government. I think those who have attended or otherwise viewed our meetings would acknowledge this is how I approach service as a trustee. Whether I am on the majority side of a vote or in the minority, I will always explain my actions at the board table, so our families will know why I am taking the actions I have chosen to take.

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