C W rimson

Crimson and White
MAY 29, 1952
Bennett Thompson
David Clarke
The time has come again for the
senior high students of this school
to select the people who will make
up our student council in the com­
ing year. The importance of this
election must be taken into con­
sideration by all. The selecting of
officers of our council should not
be a “vote for your best friend
deal.” Qualifications and personal
characteristics must be taken into
consideration by the voters.
It is to everyone’s advantage to
study the candidates carefully and
then to select the best pnes for the
various offices.
Bennett has held many positions
while he has been in Milne. He has
always been interested in school
affairs and was elected president
of his class in the eighth grade.
In the ninth grade Bennett was a
member of the class ring committee.
The following are jobs that he has
held since his freshman year: presi­
dent of the dramatic club, chairman
of the Alumni Ball committee, and
president of his class in the eleventh
grade .
Last week Bennett was elected
by the members of ' Theta Nu to
represent them on the Intersociety
Council for next year. Bennett is
serving on the newly organized
assembly committee which is striv­
ing to give bigger and better assem­
After looking over the list of
offices Bennett has held since he
came to Milne, you will see that
his qualifications are many. He .has
the necessary experience that is
needed for a president’s duties.
This is proof that he is the man
we want to lead us next year.
Bunny Walker,
Campaign Manager.
In 1947 there came to Milne a
very outstanding group of students.
Among them was David Clarke, one
of the two candidates nominated
by the junior class for the position
of president of the Senior Student
The student council this year is
going to have one of its hardest
sessions in many a year. One of
the biggest reasons for the session
ahead being one of many difficulties,
is the school budget.
In any organization it is com­
monly known that the leader must
be a person of high integrity, a
person who possesses a high degree
of intelligence, and most important
of all, the leader must put his job
first, above all other activities.
Carole Jean Foss
Dick Nathan
BULLETIN: A 17 year old girl,
5 feet 7 inches tall, blue eyes, red
hair has been seen roaming Milne’s
halls putting up posters. Opponents
be on the lookout. She might win!
This girl has held many offices in
Milne. For three successive years
she has been a treasurer in some
organization. In her freshman year
she was treasurer of the Junior Stu­
dent Council. She was treasurer of
her class in her sophmore year.
This year she was vice-president
of the choir, member of the Music
Council and treasurer of the class.
She has also held many homeroom
She is a member of Zeta Sigma
Literary Society where she is the
Inter-Society representative repre­
senting Sigma.
My candidate loves sports and
participates in most of them. In her
sophmore year she was the 10th
grade representative of the Girls
Athletic Association. This year she
was vice-president of the Girls
Athletic Association.
For the next year this girl was
appointed editor of the Crimson and
White. Holding these offices means
that she can handle the respon­
sibility of being vice-president of
the Senior Student Council.
She likes good student govern­
ment which is another reason why
I think she would live up to being
a good vice-president.
If you haven’t already guessed
the description of this girl with the
bubbling personality, it’s every­
body’s friend, Carole Jean Foss.
“Vote for Foss and it won’t be a
“Buzz” Sternfeld,
Campaign Manager.
Here at the Milne Downs, its post
time, 1952. This is Lou Snyder in
the press box to cover the 23rd
annual running of the Milne Stu­
dent Council vice-presidential race.
“Nate’s” first positions coming to
Milne from School 16 were as
seventh grade homeroom vice-presi­
dent and in the same year class
Red Cross Representative. In these
capacities he gained the respect of
his classmates so that the following
year he was elected homeroom
president. Representing his fresh­
man class on the M.B.A.A., Dick
did an especially fine job. The fol­
lowing year he was both a repre­
sentative and treasurer of this
orgaization. He joined Theta Nu
and, has just recently been elected
president. He also holds the posi­
tion as Boys Sports Editor on- the
staff of the Crimson and White.
In addition to these many offices,
“Nate” has been very active in all
athletics which has proved a very
valuable experience.
Dick’s outside activities have been
extensive, providing the kind of
leadership experience that will
make him a good vice-president.
His earliest leadership training was
in Boy Scouts. In Religious School
“Nate” was a member of the Student
Council for three years, serving one
year as vice-president and the fol­
lowing year as president.
The honesty, efficiency, dependa­
bility, experience, and intelligence
which my candidate has displayed
are all good qualities of leadership.
I feel that it is a special privilege
to present “Dick Nathan for vicepresident.”
Lou Snyder,
Campaign Manager.
I will add at this point something
that might help you freshman and
sophomores who don’t know Dave
too well. Knowing Dave as well
as I do. I have brought to light
many interesting things about him.
Dave has been in many extra­
curricular activities while in Milne.
Most of Dave’s classmates know
that he is a very good student, but
I don’t think most of them realize
how really good he is. I found out
that Dave is ranked one of the first
five in his class.
Dave with his wonderful sense of
school spirit has also found time to
be an outstanding athlete.
As I wind up this brief outline of
Dave’s activities during his stay at
Milne, I want to point out that Dave
has all the necessary requirements
to fill the highest position of the
student government.
Mike Meyers,
Campaign Manager.
MAY 29, 1952
Bob Seiter
Jerry Hanley
White bucks are now the rage at
Milne. The only one wearing gray
bucks is Robert Seiter, worthy
candidate for treasurer of the senior
Student Council.
Jerome Richard Hanley was born
in Chicago, Illinois on May 20, 1935.
Shortly afterward he moved to New
York State and he has resided here
ever since. Before moving to the
Capital District Jerry lived in Kinderhook, and there he attended
Martin Van Buren high school.
At the Kinderhook school Jerry
was active in music, sports, and
dramatics. Since junior high school
Jerry was a member of the school
student council. Jerry also found
time to maintain his “A” average
which he has had from the first
day he entered school. His high
marks in mathematics make him
ideally suited for the job of treas­
Fortunately for us Jerry moved
to this vicinity last summer and
entered Milne in the fall. He im­
mediately took part in many school
activities. He has become feature
editor of the Crimson and White,
a member of the band, and a mem­
ber of Theseum.
He is also a
member of the dramatics club.
Jerry played a trumpet solo in the
Christmas show. He started bring­
ing his trumpet to the basketball
games where his timely blast even
inspired Smitty to greater deeds.
In his spare time (he does things
so quickly and easily he has lots
of it) you might find him working
out with the tennis team at Ridge­
Last summer Jerry worked in a
local super market. Before that he
worked on a farm where he learned
to raise and take care of that nice
lie comes from a long line of poli­
ticians, that’s not a naughty word,
and he is the grandson of the former
Lt. Governor of the same name.
It’s very difficult to get this tall,
quiet, good natured guy to talk
about his accomplishments. I hope
I have given you an idea of what he
can do. If you want the man that
is best qualified for the job of stu­
dent council treasurer, then cast
your vote for HANLEY. When it
comes to experience and ability he
has the mostest and the bestest of
Bill Wade,
Campaign Manager.
He attended Binghamton Central
high school at Binghamton, New
York, before coming to Milne in
his junior year.
Bob was very
active in sports and dramatics at
Binghamton but found time to
carry the office of secretary of his
class as a freshman.
Bob was
treasurer of his class during his
sophomore year. While at Bing­
hamton he was in the top third of
his class.
Doris Perlman
Shirley Wagner
Got a minute? Here’s a red hot
If you have noticed the blue-eyed
tip non-stop from campaign head­ blonde about 5 feet 4 inches who
has been acting secretary in the
There’s a Milnite who has thrown main office for the past few days,
her hat in the ring, and is running you have seen my candidate for
for the office of Senior Student secretary of Milne’s student govern­
Council secretary, who has really
got it on the ball. She is he proud
Shirley Wagoner arrived in Al­
possessor of a completely over­ bany the evening of April 5, 1935.
hauled fountain pen, a year’s supply She has lived these 17 eventful
of Waterman’s Blue-Black Ink, and years at 26 Pinewood Avenue.
plenty of ability to keep the Coun
Her first years of schooling were
cil’s minutes without a faux pas.
spent at Public School 19 where
Her name? Why, Doris Perlman,
she was an honor student. Upon
graduation from the 8th grade she
Born on October 18, 1935, Doris received a prize for having the
has spent a good share of her six­ highest marks in her grade. Her
teen years dancing and writing. Her freshman year was spent at Hackett
writing prowess led her to become Junior High School where she con­
the Feature Editor of the Crimson tinued her excellent work and was
and White in her sophomore year, very popular. Shirley was elected
and to win the Regional Scholas­ president of her home room. At
tic Writing Award this year.
the end of the year she was awarded
two money prizes for having the
Aside from extra curricular ac­ highest average and attaining a
tivities, Doris has maintained a high average in Latin I.
high scholastic average and has al­
Shirley came to Milne in her
ways been a leader.
sophomore year and quickly proved
This year she held the positions herself to be everybody’s friend.
of homeroom representative to the She was a representative on stu­
Student Council, treasurer of the dent council for that year. Shirley
Dramatics Club, and secretary of is a member of Zeta Sigma Literary
the junior class. It is this last Society and the F.H.A. During this
office which we feel most qualifies year she was treasurer of the F.H.A.
and was recently elected presi­
her for the job at hand.
dent for next year. She also held
Doris is conscientious, hard-work­ the office of treasurer for Tri-Y.
ing, and efficient. She has showed Last June the Latin department
great capability in every office she awarded her $25.00 for having the
has ever filled. In our obviously highest average.
unbiased, impersonal opinion, Doris
Shirley is a very ambitious and
Perlman is the only person for the
job of Student Council secretary. whatever she- does is done well.
It’s up to you now. We’ve stated She is capable of assuming respon­
the facts. Quelle voulezvous en­ sibilities and also very conscient­
ious. The job of Student Council
secretary requires a conscientious
Judy Behymer,
and diligent worker.
Shirley is in favor of a strong stu­
Campaign Manager.
dent government, she will be your
representative and work hard to
get what the students want for their
Gene Cassidy, Jr.
Doris • •
Campaign Manager.
Bob gained membership in the
national fraternity Lambda Sigma,
and also the New York State Ath­
letic Association before attending
At Milne Mr. Seiter settled down
to the job of bringing home a good
report card. After five respectable
report cards he was able to take
time out to play tennis for Milne.
Bob is fifth man with the Milne
netmen. He is also one of the few
exclusive members of Mr. Thier’s
physics club.
Born in 1935, Bob is a man of the
world, for he has traveled far and
lived in many states. That he has
moved 16 times is proof that he has
been around.
Bob Seiter is sure to be in Milne
next year and expects, if elected, to
fulfill the office of treasurer to the
best of his ability.
Don Leslie,
Campaign Manager.
Side With
• • • Seiter