Romeo and Juliet Name:____________________

Romeo and Juliet Act I review
Who he/she is
What he/she does or believes
Quote said by or about him that
illustrates his personality (line
1.1.69: “I do but keep the peace”
Romeo’s cousin
Tries to stop fighting
Tries to cheer up Romeo by
bringing him to party to check out
other girls.
1.3.90-94: “Sups fair Rosaline…swan
a crow”
Lord and Lady Montague:
Lord Capulet
Impression and Predictions
citation plus first three-last three words.)
He is truly is “good”: a peacemaker who tries to console others
and means no harm. Seems like
a stereotype: a young man
focused on women’s looks.
I think he will have a calming
effect on Romeo throughout the
Lady Capulet
For those looking for a challenge or who want to look deeper into the play:
--Extension-- Taking a deeper look: What do each of the following lines imply (about the
character’s personality, his background, or his attitudes/feelings, or about the conflicts in the play):
1.1.20-21, 1.1.178-180, 1.2.1-3, 1.3.21-22, 1.3.44-45, 1.5.75-80. Write answers on a separate sheet
or insert post-its with comments in your book where these lines appear.
--Act 1 Challenge: Create a redux (reduction) of a scene from Act I. Using only the most
important lines (or parts of lines) from the play, create a abridged of the entire act.
For example, 1.1 might be reduced to the following. Note that the scene uses the EXACT
lines of the text but abridges them and deletes others so that only the most essential part of
the scene remains.
Abram: Do you bite your thumb, sir?
Sampson: I do not bite my thumb at you sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.
I serve as good a man as you.
Abram: No better.
Sampson: Yes, better.
Abram: You lie.
Sampson: Draw if you be men (pulls sword and begins to fight).
Benvolio: Part fools! (tries to stop fight)
Tybalt: Turn thee, Benvolio and look upon thy death. Peace, I hate the word. (more fighting; Prince arrives)
Prince: From those bloody hands, throw your mistempered weapons to the ground. If ever you disturb our streets again,
your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace (All leave but Montagues and Benvolio)
Lady Montague: O’ where is Romeo?
Lord Montague: Away from light steals home my heavy son. Could we but learn from whence his sorrow grows…
Benvolio: I’ll know his grievance. (Montagues leave, enter Romeo)
Romeo: (noticing that fight had occurred) O’ me what fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all (silence
Benvolio: (to Romeo, changing subject) In love?
Romeo: She’ll not be hit with Cupid’s arrow.
Benvolio: Examine other beauties
Romeo: He that is stricken blind cannot forget the precious treasure of his eyesight lost.
How would you reduce 1.2? 1.3? 1.4? 1.5? Choose a scene or two,
reduce it to its most essential lines, and be prepared to justify your
ACT I: Identifying Figurative Language
Find these lines and state which type of figurative language is being used in each:
metaphor, extended metaphor, implied metaphor, simile, allusion, hyperbole, idiom,
pun, oxymoron, paradox, metonymy
Act 1.1
 87 ______________________________
 139 ______________________________
 152-156 ______________________________
 180 ______________________________
 181-185 ______________________________
 217 ______________________________
 231-232 ______________________________
Act 1.2
 94 ______________________________
 102-103 ______________________________
Act 1.3
 57-58 ______________________________
 87-99 ______________________________
Act 1.4
 14-15 ______________________________
 56-57______________________________
 103-104______________________________
 119-120______________________________
Act 1.5
 55______________________________
 122______________________________
 130______________________________
 152______________________________