Geological Sciences Discipline Meeting Minutes  Fall 2008  August 20, 2008   

Geological Sciences Discipline Meeting Minutes Fall 2008 August 20, 2008 Attendees: Russell Smith, Jeff Langman, Deborah Caskey, Lloyd Burrows, Joe DiBenedetto, Will Seigler, Carlos Montana, Josh Villalobos, Kathleen Devaney. Discussion Topics: 1. The UTEP Geological Sciences department is considering (field testing) a new textbook. Several members present expressed concern that it may be long on illustrations and short on text. We will continue to select our own textbooks. It is important to the students that the course contents align, but there is no necessity to use the same books. 2. There are continuing problems with the bookstore at various campuses not ordering sufficient books. Russell pointed out that he had brought this to the attention of the IE committee. We will continue to work with the bookstores as closely as possible and we will continue to point out to our respective deans shortfalls in textbook orders as they occur. 3. Beginning with the current course catalog, our discipline name has changed from Geology to Geological Sciences. This is in accordance with departmental discussions and voting conducted in the early spring. 4. UTEP will accept 1301 and 1302 for geological science majors, not only 1403 and 1404. The current catalog shows only the 1400 pair. Russell will see to it that the curriculum office is made aware of the change. The fact that the 1300 series is not listed in the catalog will not impact our students and graduates in any way. Those students who know that they want to major in the geological sciences are encouraged to take the 1400 series. Those students who discover the joys of geology while taking the 1300 series may change their majors without impediment. 5. We as a department and individual instructors are encouraged to identify and mentor geology majors. Lively discussion followed, but no policies or procedures were established. We also discussed ways to encourage the dual credit students in particular and K‐12 students in general to consider the sciences as a career path. No decisions were made. We as a department will continue to explore possibilities and discuss this further at future meetings. This will probably be an agenda item for some time to come. 6. Josh Villalobos presented the Student Learning Outcomes that he had been working on all summer. After some discussion, minor changes in wording were approved by majority vote and the entire list was unanimously approved. 7.
The college is encouraging all faculty to attempt to reduce the number of student drops. We need to inform students that the Texas State Legislature has instituted a rule that no more than six drops (withdrawing with a “W”) will be allowed. The students need to understand that is six drop rule applies to their entire undergraduate career, not just their time at EPCC. Kathleen Devaney requested that we all submit a new slogan for our department web page. Currently we have: “Geology Rocks”. Russell pointed out that Dr. Brown has requested that each discipline post the minutes of any departmental meeting on their department web page. Kathleen said she would be happy to do that. Russell will get the minutes to her. The meeting was adjourned. 