M m£
• H ^ I • f i s l PRESS
Vol. LXVII No. 1
January 18, 1980
SUNY Faces Budget Cutbacks
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These position cutbacks coupled
with a $122,000 reduction i n
operating expenses bring to more
than a half million dollars the forced savings the University has had to
bear in 1979-80.
The D O B mandated a 475
SUNY-widc position cutback in
November. T w o hundred sixty-five
positions must be eliminated by
March 31, with the remaining 210
to be cut by June 1, explained SA
President Lisa Ncwmark. According t o Ward, an additional 300
already frozen positions will be
automatically eliminated, bringing
Ihc cuts t o a total o f 775.
one gross indicator to the costs of
According to SUNY Chancellor
o f Finance and Business Harry
Spindler, the November reductions
saved SUNY $1.6 million. He said
that this figure, added to the anticipated 1980-81 budget cuts, may
save S U N Y approximately $6
In a memorandum issued in late
December to deans, directors, and
department chairs, S U N Y A President Vincent O'Leary imposed five
measures " i n order to meet our im-
I'residenl O'Leary plans for cuts
Memorandum outlines measures.
mediate problems between now and
March 31, 1980."
These measures include:
• A total freeze on all position
vacancies, except those that bear
directoy o n health o r safely.
O'Leary will authorize Ihc filling of
by Sue Milligan and A r o n Smith
Welty said there were " n o proPittman
S U N Y A ' s blems other than location" that led
Loudonville supplementary housing to the decision to close Pittman.
building, closed at the end of the Welty denied that October '79
' 7 9 semester
d u e t oasbestos level testing was a factor in
the decision.
"transportation problems," according to Director o f Residences John
Pittman residents were given onWelty.
campus housing priority for Spring
'80. A "sufficient number o f
A number of students prefer onstudents graduated, withdrew from
campus housing other than Pittman
due l o its lack o f convcnience.Wclty the University, of left on cxcanges
to accommodate such students,"
said. He added that " t h e cost of
Welts said.
t r a n s p o r t i n g t h e numbers o f
students who needed housing (at
Pittman Hall was leased t o
Pittman) was not feasible financialSUNYA by the Episcopal Diocese
of Albany. As was provided for in
The Episcopal Diocese has said
Ihe complex will probably not be
available next fall.
* " » • « • - . . • - «
Continued on page five
Gun Destroys Windshield
by I'm Brnnlcy
S U N Y A Police Officer Lawrence
Gaal found himself at the wrong
end o f a .22 caliber semi-automatic
while patrolling his regular rounds a-.
few.weeks ago. At the other end
was William A . McCarthy, 32, a
psychiatric out-paiicnt at Albany's
According to Brown, a substitute
for Pittman Hall must be found i f
current enrollment figures do not
decrease in 1980-81. A n y action
taken by SUNY loward real estate
acquisition or-new construction will
depend upon projected enrollment
figures t o be released late this
month or early in February.
Welty, however, claims that a
search for substitutes for the housing space offered by Pittman Hall
may be avoided i f the property is retained by S U N Y A . In spite o f the
diocese's current plans for transfer
o f Ihc Pittman properly, Welty said
he will "reconsider" the building as
possible student housing
However, both Brown and Welty
arc reviewing alternative means o.f
housing students requesting oncampus housing for whom space is
unavailable. Brown, who predicts
that between 200 and 300 students
will fall into this category next fall,
is considering federal loans, slate
grants and the leasing o f a building
in the Pine Hills section of Albany
continued on page five
95 E
the contract, S U N Y A cancelled the
lease with 30 days notice. According
to Welly, " t h e Diocese is attempting to sell the property."
According to Dean o f Student
Affairs Neil Brown, the Diocese is
expected to sell Ihc building to a
developer. The company is present-'
ly seking a zoning change befor the
City of Albany zoning and Planning Board. The developers plan lo
expand Ihc building into an apartment complex, Brown said.
vacancies upon the recommendation of the appropriate vice president.
A l l University offices-, will
be closed on state holidays, except
in certain cases to be decided by a
SUNYA Cop Victim of
Mental Patient's Attack
Problems Close Pittman Hall
If You're Into Sports, Get Into"
Andy's of Lathan Inc.
Another S U N Y A resident o f Albany's Pine Hills "student ghetto"
became the victim of assault Saturday, Ihc first reported case of rape
since classes were suspended for the holiday break.
Albany Police arc currently investigating the rape and sodomy of
the 20 year old SUNYA'student, who was temporarily slaying in a
Hudson Avenue first-floor apartment. According l o the police, the
woman was awakened and attacked at approximately 1 a.m.
The assailant apparently entered the apartment through an
unlocked window of a rear enclosed porch, then forced open the kitchen door. Police believe he left the apartment in the same way.
The rapist was described as a black male, approximately 5 ' 9 " , between 28 and 30 years o f age, with a muscular build and a dark complexion.
Police said there were some reported burglaries during the three
week vacation period, and entry had been gained in a similar manner
to Saturday's break-in.
The rapist is not believed to be the " P i n e Hills Toucher," who
does not rape his victims, but fondles them Instead. However, he
does enter apartments Ihc same way as the rapist. -Andrew Carroll
39 " ~
J h i W SET
SU NY A Student Victim
of Semester's First Rape
-^ —
$ 0 ^ 8 8 |NFLTEAM$QQQ
These figures remain tentative as
31, the last day o f the 1979-80 fiscal
year. This will result in an $86,800
reduction in SUNYA's budget as required by the D O B , according to
S U N Y A Budget Control Officer
Gene Gilchrist. The remaining positions must be eliminated by June.
| REG'110-105
S U N Y A may lose 25 l o 30 positions by June I in an attempt t o
comply with the New York State
Division o f the Budget's (DOB)
fiscal cutback requirements,
however, comprises but a small
percentage o f an anticipated 775
position cuts t h r o u g h o u t the
SUNY system.
no final decisions will be reached
pending > next week's release o f
Governor Hugh Carey's 1980-81
Executive Budget.
According to SASU President
Sharon Ward, SUNY has suffered a
five percent cut i n personnel in the
last five years, while enrollment has
increased by four percent.
SUNYA's reduction in faculty,
staff, and administrators will take
place in two steps. Fourteen positions must be phased out by March
Veterans Hospital.
McCarthy's rifle jammed after
one shot was fired. According to
another officer, Doug Kern, the
assailant then grappled with Gaal
before hurling the weapon through
the windsheild o f his patrol car
amid shards of flying glass.
According l o Gaal, McCarthy
had a fight with his wife earlier that
night. In his anger he crazily "shot
up his home" which is located less
than a quarter mile from the uptown campus. According to Gaal,
he was cutting through the campus
to get to his in-laws' home lo kill
"Officer Gaal spotted McCarthy
without a jacket carrying an objucl
in the wooded area between
Washington Avenue and Perimeter
road, north o f State Quad. He then
used his spot light l o further investigate whal he thought might
have been a stranded motorist,"
said Kern. The assailant fled t o a.
position behind the trees and officer Gaal c o n t i n u e d
Washington Avenue to search for
the assailant. A t this point a shot
was fired at officer G a a l , " said
"Through laboratory analysis,
and the impact point on the car, it
was determined that the target o f
the gunshot was officer G a a l , " said
SUNYA police Assistant Director
John Hcnighan.
Gaal turned the spotlight and saw
a man lying in a prone position aiming a .22 caliber semi automatic rifle
continued on page five
SUut Unlv.,«lty ol N . « York *t Albany
G O O D *I N
, .
— - ' - « * i w w f c ^ i i -M i - " ^ I n
Andy's Inoof Troy I
74 Fourth Street, Troy
Open. Mon-Sat. 10-9 P.M
Sun. 12-6 P.M. 7II Christmas
IVNU by Albany »lurt»n< Pr«a» Corporation
"The cost of transporting,
. , was not feasible financially.
Soviets May Use Chem Warfare
WASHINGTON (AP) The Soviet army has brought decontaminating equipment into Afghanistan, raising the
possibility that the Russians may be prepared to use
chemical weapons against rebel tribesmen, U.S. intelligence
sources said Thursday. American specialists have no way of
knowing what this means. The sources said, however, it
suggests that chemical warfare may be used against rebels
and to clean up affected areas so they can be occupied by
Soviet military forces or Afghan government Jroops. Some
U.S. military specialists say the Russians may have brought
the chemical decontaminating equipment into Afghanistan
because this equipment is normally assigned to many Soviet
army units.
Afghan Ousts U.S. Journalists
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (AP) The Soviet-backeu
Afghan government has ordered all American journalists
out of the country, accusing them of biased reporting and
"interference in the country's internal affairs," a U.S. Embassy official told the journalists today. Authorities detained the Americans at Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel, where
most were staying, and told them they would be expelled
Friday. About 50 or 60 of the approximately 200 Western
correspondents, photographers and broadcast crew
members now in Afghanistan are American. Most arrived
early this month after the Soviet Union poured tens of
thousands of its troops into this central Asian country,
where they helped overthrow one Marxist government and
replace it with another and have been helping the Afghan
army put down an anti-communist rebellion in the countryside. The Afghan order came three days after Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini's regime in neighboring Iran ordered
all American journalists out of that country.
the Georgian red-brick building at 115 E. 65th Si. Po|itc
refused to allow the protestors to demonstrate in rronl of
the building. The PLO bought the rive-story townhouse for
$1 million and plans to convert it into a combined office
and residence. JDL chairman Irv Rubin said, "There arc 2
million Jews in this city and we will not allow ihc I'l.o t0
exist here. We will come week after week and dcmonslraie
at midnight if the PLO moves in here."
England Urges Pakistan Aid
LONDON(AP) Britain's Foreign Secretary predicted that
the Soviet Union will not advance beyond Afghanistan for
the time being but warned the Western allies to give top
priority to bolstering Pakistan's defenses. "Anybody who
does not take the Soviet threat to the region seriously is certainly deceiving himself," said Lord Carrington after a visit
Wednesday to a refugee camp in northwest Pakistan 40
miles from the Afghan border and 18 miles from Kabul, the
Afghan capital. "There will be a period of comparative
calm," he continued. "But it will be unwise for the West
not to understand the urgent need for the defense of their
interests, including Pakistan's security."
Quake Shakes
U.S. Searches For Grain Outlets
WASHINGTON (AP) The United States, selling Mexico
some of the millions or tons of grain embargoed for shipment to the Soviet Union, wants to expand sales to other
countries, an administration official says. Dale E.
Hathaway, under secretary of agriculture, announced
Wednesday an agreement under which Mexico will buy just
over 1 million tons of the 17 million metric tons of corn and
wheat embargoed to the Soviets. He said the United States
was looking into the possibility of having other countries
buy more of the grain thai had been destined for the Soviet
Union, but declined to name the countries or indicate how
much grain might be involved.
For Yiddish
For the first time in nearly a decade, SUNYA students
will have the opportunity to read and discuss the classics of
Yiddish literature in English translation in a new 3-crcdll
course offered jointly by the Departments of German and
Judaic Studies, "Great Yiddish Authors in English
Translation" (German 246). The course includes works by
Sholpin Alcichetn about Tevye and his daughters, Isaac
l.ocb Pcrcl/'s controversial tales about passive heroes (or
are they buffoons'.'), stories about rabbis and scholars,
woodsmen and horse thieves, and even a short novel narrated by a horse. The course meets on Thursdays from 7:15
to 10:05 in Lecture Center 5. Enrollment for undergraduate
or graduate credit is still open.
Upcoming politicians, here's your chance. SUNYA's
Political Science Association is sponsoring Ihc "1980 New
York Stale Student Legislature", to be held February .1 and
4 in the Empire State Plaza, Albany.
The Sincleni Legislature will deal with issues currently
before ihc New York Stutc Legislature using actual bills as
a basis of discussion. The delegates will be given advanced
notice of the areas lo be discussed by Ihc Student
In addition, a reception will be held on Ihc nlglll of
February 3 for the delegates. New York Stale Legislature
members will have (he.opportunity to discuss questions of
inicrcsi among each oilier.
To Start
In an effort lo encourage students lo return library books
earlier Ihc SUNYA University library will begin colliding
overducs fines as of February 1.
According to SUNYA acting Library Director John
Farley a book five days overdue will noi accrue any fine,
however, the charge will be ten cents for every day after ihc
due dale.
I le added thai the current fine of one dollar a day will remain unchanged for books recalled by another user.
In Ihc past no fines were charged on overdue books. Only recalled books were billed.
According to Farley this old policy allowed students lo
hold books indefinitely and ilieir patrons could noi use
l hem.
"By charging fines we hope to gel the books back and
improve ihc availability of our collection",
The library has also initiated a new service whereby a lis!
of all overdue books will be seal lo the borrower,
"The purpose of this is la remind borrowers of Hie books
they have out", said Library Director of Clrculailon John
Included on the lisi is the day Hie book was laken out its
due dale and the number of days overdue.
According to Town of Clifton
Park attorney Joseph Martino,
UAS failed to establish "a trial that
they were organized exclusively for
i not-for-profit purpose.
" A percentage of the accounting
balance sheets showing the total income from this year were from nonuniversity sources," he said.
UAS, which has paid over $5000
in taxes to the two towns in the past
year, may soon launch an appeal to
the c o u n t y c o u r t decision.
However, Zahm stressed that he
will' "keep friendly relationships"
with the towns.
"They're also customers of
ours," he said, citing the Town of
Clifton Park's annual summer rencontinued on page five
Arrest Warrant Issued For
Man In Library Theft
Over 1,000 Volumes Missing
Photo: Mike Farrell
Mohawk Campus 25 miles north of Alhuny.
UAS claims Mohawk lax should be waived.
by Wendy Greenfield
SUNYA Police have issued a
warrant for the arrest of a suspect
in the theft of more than 1,000
books from Ihc University Library.
According lo SUNYA Police officer John Coleman, who is investigating the case, the books were
stolen over an undetermined period
Sociology Department
Appoints Lin As Chairman
Cited Interference With Research
SUNYA's English and Journalism departments were acclaimed in the Village Voice last wc:k In Ihc survey results
of many New York colleges and universities.
The survey, which was an effort to inform the city's
college-bound of the state's "best bets," listed SUNYA
among the top 37 schools.
The information ranged from admission fads and financial concerns to special features s'uch as the ill famous
SUNYA "shuttle bus" service connecting the uptown and
downtown campuses.
Certain SUNYA staff members were also praised.
Political science professor Bernard Johnpoll and business
professor John l.cvalo were rated as "tops" b) students.
Irving Bonawiiz was named as being "ciil-lhroal lough.
Presldenl Vincent O'Lcary was described ;is "well liked"
due to his accessibility.
Downtown Albany, referred lo as "the student ghetto,
was noted by the Voice as "a desirable living cnvironincitl
because of the numerous bars present.
In addition, the ASP was acclaimed as ";t watchful c>t
on campus activities."
For the firsl lime since Ihc building's initial occupancy in
1966, the Campus Center's main lounge has been partially
Campus Center Director Jim Docllfcld said the old I'urniltirc was replaced "due lo heavy wear and lear." He feels
Ihc replacements "will enhance the appearance of Ihc Campus Center and the main lounge."
The $7,000 liemsliaff furniture purchase was funded by
the University's equipment money.
dispute dealing with SUNYA's non-profit institution.
Mohawk Campus. The decision
Located 25 miles north of
denies the property tax exempt' Albany, the 100-acre facility constatus as an educationally-related tains a swimming pool, a pond for
PALISADES, N.Y. (AP) A mild earthquake centered a
short distance from the Indian Point nuclear power sitcoccured at 5:13 a.m. today, the Lamoni Observatory
reported. Dr. Alan Kafka, a seismologist al Ihc Columbia
University research facility, said preliminary readings of ihc
shock's trace indicated it was approximately a 3 on the
Richter scale and probably was shallow in origin. "The
shock would be felt locally and probably picked up lo a
radius of something less than 50 miles," he said. He said
the quake was not unusual for the area, Westchester County just north of New York City. "We see about one a year
of this type," Kafka said. Consolidated Edison, which
operates one of the three reactors al Indian Point, said
there was no damage or problems reported there, lis own
seismic monitoring system picked up two events a minute
apart at 5:13 a.m. and that data was being evaluated, said
Pat Richardi, speaking for the company.
If you can't gel a raquclball or tennis court in our own
Phys. Ed. building, try Ihc Colonic Tennis Club 10 makeup those required class hours,
The new studcnl rates are $6 for singles and $8 for
doubles, Monday thru Thursday (except 5:30-10 p.m.) and
Friday thru Sunday, all limes.
In addition:
Students have use of lockers, sauna, whirlpool and
swimming pool on day of reservation.
Raquclball courts are available al member prices.
Students must have an l.D card.
"Prime Time" rales are $14 for singles.
CC gets
by Beth Sexer
Saratoga County Supreme Court
Judge William Ford ruled against
UAS last week in a tax exemption
Near Nuke
WASHINGTON (AP) California Gov. Edmund G. Brown
Jr., apparently lagging in the battle for Democratic caucus
support in Iowa, is escalating his demand thai NBC give
him and President Carter equal television exposure just
before Monday's clash in the farm belt. The Iowa caucuses
scheduled by both parties are considered the firsl real lest in
the 1980 presidential campaign. NBC announced last week
that the president would appear Sunday on "Mccl the
Press." Network officials refused lo invite Brown or Sen.
Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) to join Curler, saying both
already had appeared on the program.
NEW YORK (AP) The national chairman of the Jewish
Defense League has pledged that "the streets will run red"
if the Palestine Liberation Organization moves into an East
Side townhouse it purchased last week. Shouting "Two,
four, six, eight, Israel is a Jewish state, three five, seven,
nine, no such thing as Palestine," two dozen JDL
demonstrators protested on Park Avenue, one block from
Judge Denies 'Educational Status'
Brown Wants Equal TV Time
PLO Move In NY Threatened
Mohawk Campus Denied Exemption
sailing and canoeing and a
longhousc in which seminars and
meetings are held.
UAS initiated the suit against the
Towns of Half Moon and Clifton
Park last spring, claiming that the
Mohawk Campus is used exclusively for educational purposes, and
that school and property taxes on
the land should therefore be waived.
"Ford felt that the (Mohawk)
Campus was used basically for a
recreational facility — therefore,
not educational," said UAS attorney Guy Roemer. "My argument was that recreational is a part
of educational."
"Education wouldn't be complete without an outlet," said UAS
General Manager E. Norbert
'• by Peter Berczny
SUNYA's Sociology Department
has appointed Professor Nan Lin as
Chair, effective through 1982. Lin
has been acting Chair since August,
when former Chair Ronald A. Farrell resigned.
College of Social and Behavioral
Sciences Dean John Webb said,
"Chairman Lin was nominated by
ihc department by preferential vote.
The department was overwhelmingly in favor of him because he is a
well known sociologist and has administrative-experience."
. Lin said he was reluctant to accept the position permanently since
he "was gelling lircd of it but after
further discussion decided to accept
because it was a bad time for the
Sociology Dcpartmenl to start looking for a new chairman." .
Lin received a doctorate in
Sociology from Michigan State
University and has a master's
degree in Journalism. He taught at
John Hopkins for five years. Lin
was born in China, raised in
Taiwan, and came to the United
Stales in 1961.
Presently, Lin is doing research
in the area of social influence
through nepotism within various
social classes. He is also studying
the effects of social factors in health
and illnesses, such as stress «s a
cause of illness, and how we might
use social support to buffer these
Photo: Roanne Kulakoff
Sociology Department Chair Nan Lin
"The Department was overwhelmingly in favor of him. "
According to Lin, Ihc Sociology
Department is the larg'csl department at SUNYA, with over 22 professors. "Undergraduate enrollmcnl is over 3,000," said Lin.
"With enrollment being the highest
it's ever been, this will mean even
more work for the chairman."
of lime.
University Library Assistant
Director Richard Tastor appeared
before an Albany County grand
jury January 3, and testified that
the volumes were never checked out
of the library. A scaled indictment
has been ordered, he said.
Tastor said he became aware of
the therL when SUNYA officials
received a" telephone call from an
Albany landlord who complained
that one of his tenants had
"skipped town" without paying the
rent, leaving a huge stack of books.
"We have no idea when or how
this occurred," he said. "We hope
to find out how the books were
stolen to prevent this kind of incident from happening again."
Tastor said the books are currently being held as evidence in Ihe
custody of SUNYA Police and the
University Library. He said he does
not know when they will be returned lo the shelves.
The case was turned over lo
Albany County District Attorney
Sol Greenberg's office for investigation about a month ago.
Grcenberg refused to comment on
how much time elapsed before his
office began its investigation. "The
library wasn't too concerned about
'.he missing books until they called,
our office," he countered. "They
never made an inquiry all that time
when the books • were off the
Tastor said he could not estimate
the cost of the missing books, pan
of the library's 1 million-volume
collection. The book thief was interested In economics and history,
said Tastor, who could not recall
any specific titles of the stolen
Lin said he was needed because
the dcparlincrnt would have confronted ndminislralive difficulties.
Lin said Ihe pos! will take time,
away from his research projects. He
claimed t|iat he will be receiving
another secretary to case the increased burden his ofricc will face.
Farrell, according to Lin, had
resigned so he could spend more
time doing research.
ll' one Is searching for an alternative
Bookstore, Capital District Art and Book Ma
trril Avenue may be ihc place; .30 percent db
books and price reductions on all ail supplic
"We all faced ibis problem," Lin
-said. "It took a while for me to
make the commitment to spend the
time this position requires, otherwise it wouldn't be fair for mc to
He also added, "The faculty's
support was very helpful in my deci-
JANUARY 18, 1980
Photo: Sana Steinkamp
Slippin'and Slidin'Soon At SUNYA
Sharpen your ice skalcs because the university is building an ice skating rink on
Ihc ca.sl side of the Phys. Kd. building. According to SA member Frank lliiitmsui,
Ihc rink was filled with water earlier this year, but the temperature was too warm to
form ice. Twenty degree weather is needed lo freeze the walcr. SUNYA Administration donated $1,000 for publicity and construction of (he rink.
Library Assistant Director Tastor
"We have no idea. . ."
Start off the New Year right,
JSCcard7 5«
t ax card $1.00
others$1 .50
C.C. Ballroom
9 0 0 p.m.
SA Funded
Info,callSondra 7-7 7 86
Mama Nina's
Italian Plate
79I Madison Ave. Albany NY
Open 7 days. 4 p.m.
2 a.m.
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German 246 (cross-referenced with Judaic Studies) may
be added without penalty during the add/drop period.
Graduate or undergraduate credit available. For more
Information, call 457-8379 or come to the first class meeting,
erry s \
R E S T A U R A N T & C A T E RN
ERS^ .
809 Miidtsun <W\. Album NV
Between Quail a n d Ontario
"OI'KN 24 H O I K S '
1 coupon per person per o dor
Summer Planning Conference
Positions Available
FRidAY, JAN. 2 5 , 1 9 8 0
Ed. 127
9:00- 12:00
continued from front page
Gilchrist explained that the posal. This, he said, docs not reprevice president.
budget appropriations are divided sent any increase in service, merely
• C e n t r a l s t o r e s , C e n t r a l into two categories: salaries and reflecting the effects of inflation.
Ward said that the period extenDuplicating and the Rapid Copy wages and "other than personal serCenter cannot provide'services or • vices" (OTPS), the latter group ding from 1975 to the present saw
supplies unless departments have representing 20 percent of budgetary cuts of 549 faculty
funds to expend for these purposes. SUNYA's total budget request. members and 16,697 in non-faculty
• All out-of-state travel during OTPS includes such items as personnel. "There is no doubt that
January, February, and March utilities (such as gas and electric), this trend will continue," she said.
Spindler stated, however, that
must be approved by the ap- equipment (instructional, bus service, cleaning machines), and previously negotiated contracts
propriate vice president.
According to Gilchrist, "we classroom supplies. "When we're with United University Professions
(faculty) and the Civil Service
have little if any idea of what they'll cut here, that hurts," he added.
(DOB) do to us. The governor is
According to Spindler, a $20 Employees Association (staff) will
making a lot of noise in the million increase was required in the probably remain unaffected in the
newspapers." He added that 1979-80 budget appropriation for 1980-81 Executive Budget.
Spindler explained that the conSUNYA can handle some reduc- utilities SUNY-wide. Another $20
tions. "A certain number hurts us million has been requested as part tract figures were carried over in
but it doesn't kill us."
of SUNY's 1980-81 budget pro- SUNY's budget proposal from the
1979-80 budget. The contracts will
most likely continue to be carried
over into future budgets, until their
expirations. Because the UUP and
CSEA contracts have already been
negotiated, they arc one of the least
likely targets for budgetary cuts,
said Spindler.
MHSummer Jobs!!!!
minimum T/rchase $2
-xplres Feb, 1. I « H O
Expected Reductions in Supplies, Utilities
Student Assistants
Orientation Assistants
must be a v a i l a b l e
Students who will be SUNYA undergraduates during fall semester, 1980.
Time Commitment:
June I - August 5, I980
Attendance at mandatory interest meeting on Wednesday, January 23 at 9pm in the Indian
Tower Penthouse (if you cannot attend you must contact Ed Spailster or Lynn Docll in Student
Affairs, AD 129, 457-4932 before the meeting.)
Grandma went to Kansas City to steal this recipe
for true western ribs. Served with choice of tossed
Sre^n mlad or spinach salad, french fried potatoes,
roll & butter.
expires2* l'SO !
Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany, N.Y. 12203
your small classes
your services
your mind
Fight to save SVNY
January 29
At The Capital
Mental Patient Injures Cop
continued from front pane
at him.
"The light must have blinded him
because he stood up and held the
gun over his head," he said. Goal,
alter calling for a back-up crew,
stepped out of the car and attempted to restrain the assailant. "He
was not physically very aggressive
but he refused to cooperate with
me." McCarthy apparently thought
Gaal was after him because of his
shooting spree. According to Gaal
McCarthy implied, "If I could kill
you it would give me more time to
get away."
McCarthy then threw the rifle
Mohawk Denied
through the windshield of Gaal's
car. The'officer was able to subdue
McCarthy until other officers arrived.
McCarthy is a veteran with an excellent military record. The rifle, his
private property, was a sporting
model which does not require a
New York State registration, said
SUNYA police officer Gary
McCarthy is presently under
psychiatric examination and is being charged with second degree attempted murder. His hearing will
begin today In Albany Counlv
Court House.
continued from pane three
nil of the Mohawk Campus swimming pool.
In recent years, the site has been
used for such events as the Senioi
Class picnic, resident assistant
orientations, and individual and
group outings.
Pittman Substitute
continued from front page
as at least partial remedies. None of
these can serve as a total solution,
he stressed, but any one of them
could case SUNYA's annual hous-
ing crunch at least to the extent of
replacing Pittman Hall.
Brown is considering re-applying
for a pcderal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
loan to build an on-campus apartment complex. Last fall SUNYA'
was denied the $5 million loan that
would have funded an eightbuilding, two-story complex with a
housing capacity of 440 students.
Brown pointed out, however, that
the complex would take at least one
year to construct.
Brown may request a change in
the SUNY 1980-81 Executive
Budget proposal to provide for additional housing funds.
The building is within walking
distance of the downtown SUNYA
campus and the SUNY and CDTA
buslines. Brown estimates the
warehouse building could be converted to 50-60 apartments, housing
74-90 students.
In addition, Brown said that "tnc
(Pine Hills) Neighborhood Association and improvement association
should be very much interested in
having it renovated for the use of
University students."
Brown stated that although the
Lake Street building could replace
Pittman and hold more students,
"it would not resolve the housing
"There may be some other options," he said. "There's no doubt
that the doubling RA's rooms and
the tripling of a few other rooms,
are possible options."
M£. (TiCeartr ©abaccamirt
Western Style
your teachers
Don't lose
$8004850, plus room and weekday meals
Office of the Dean for Student Affairs', AD129, between January I4th and 25th. A|
are due January 25th, before noon.
Gilchrist said O'Leary and
SUNYA's five vice presidents will
meet during the next two months to
determine which positions should
be eliminated.He added that while
faculty may or may not be retrenched, it is likely that SUNYA will experience in athletic equipment,
maintenance, and funds in vice
presidential areas.
In light of the annual budget increases, Gilchrist claimed that
SUNYA has received only a 19
percent increase from 1973 to
1978, while the Higher Education
Price Index states that nationwide
college costs have skyrocketed 41
percent in those six years." That is
one cross indicator to the costs of
higher education," he added. "We
have to cat that, and do the same
tilings a lot cheaper."
A statewide rally, protesting the
mandated cuts, will be held on
January 29 in Empire State Plaza's
"Egg." A coalition composed of
UUP, CSEA, SASU, SA, the Student Union, and the New York
Public Interest Research Group
(NYPIRG) are organizing the
"Save SUNY Day" mass gathering..
1273 Central Avenue (next to Valles)
JANUARY 18, 1980
between the uptown campus and
Bus and/or cars
leave the circle at 9:30 am, return at 12:15 pm.
Free lunch available by prior arrangement.
In order to provide better service
to the campus area, Pizza Dispatch
has opened a new store at
91 Russell Road.
Call436-9601 or 869-9348
Pizza Dispatch is a member of the
Domino's Pizza family, which is the
4th largest pizza company in the
world by number of pizzas sold,
and the number one company in
free delivery.
other times
January 2 2
Our specialty is fast free delivery,
and with our new store closer lo
campus, we'll be able to deliver our
delicious pizza faster than before.
Attendance is
Mandatory !!
Fleetwood Mac will begin
negotiating early next year with the
major television networks for the
broadcast rights to a one hour TV
special produced by the group.
During the past year, two
separate movie crews filmed the
band during recording sessions for
their newest album, "Tusk," and
during two of the concerts on their
current U.S. tour.
Mick Fleetwood, the group's
drummer and business manager, is
currently supervising the final
editing of the proposed TV special,
and reportedly has total control
over its final contents.
Fleetwood Mac hopes lo offer the
special to cable TV systems around
the U.S. and Canada after an initial
airing by a major network. The
group is also considering offering
the show for horiie viewing on video
cassettes and video discs.
Semester's 1st
Who Is Pizza Dispatch?
Call us!
8:00pm inLC-19
Wed.1 / 2 3 / 8 0
A nationwide poll of American
women has found that there is virtually no difference in the sexual
practices of Democrats and
Republicans, or conservatives,
liberals and radicals.
The political newsletter The
Baron Report states that "over 90
percent (of the women) of all
groups arc fully faithful to their
However, the pollsters reportedly
did fino that, when it comes lo sexual behavior, (quote) "Liberal
Republicans are the most liberated;
(and) Conservative Democrats the
77ie Baron Report adds that — in
its words — "on the question of the
frequency of premature ejaculation, Liberal Democratic husbands
come in first. And Liberal
Republican husbands last." The
Newsletter notes: "One could reach
some political conclusions from
t h a t . But we w o n ' t t r y . "
Pink Slips
for Men
91 Russell Road
serving the uptown campus
4:30- 1:00 Sun, Thurs.
4:30-2:00 Frl. - Sat.
On any large pizza.
Sunday through Thursday,
One coupon per pizza.
Limited delivery area.
Value includes sales tax.
Expires: j a n . 25,19B0
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Phone: 482-8611
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every Sunday morning
Tusk on Tube
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Domino's Pizza • 482-8611
571 New Scotland Ave.
serving the downtown campus
Dan Fogelberg
Steve Forbert
'Jackrabbil Slim'
clard cc|l fusion technique, and that
he achieved a cell with the same
chromosome count as a spermfertilized egg.
The researcher, says the next step
will be to transfer the all-female embryos he has produced to mouse
foster-mothers to determine if normal development will continue.
Incendiary Bats
A 1959 Armed Forces publication
reveals that, during World War
Arc you ready for this, guys? Two, the Army and the Navy atHuman males may soon be unnced- tempted to turn bats into incendiary
ed for the purposes of reproduction weapons — in experiments that failA researcher at Vanderbilt ed badly.
University claims that he has sucAccording to the Armed Forces
cessfully completed the first step in Chemical Journal, Harvard Univerfertilizing a mouse egg without us- sity researchers, working under a
ing sperm from a male.
Pentagon grant, used surgical
Pierre Soupart says that his ex- methods to attach small fire-bombs
periments mark the first time that to the bodies of trained bats.
The hope was that the bats could
"Parthenogenesis," has been be dropped from airplanes over
achieved in a mammal.
Japan, that they would find dark
Soupart says he combined Iwo buildings in which to settle, and
unfertilized mouse eggs by a stan- that they would chew off their fire
bond is that would soon explode and
cause fires.
The Journal notes, however, that
the first field tests were a disaster
for the Pentagon. A trial run with
the wired bats was supposed to lake
place near Carlsbad Caverns in New
Mexico, bill something went wrong.
A number of the bats reportedly
escaped and sel off a series of accidental fires. When the smoke had
cleared, a general's car had been
burned lo the ground and a $2
million (dollar) airplane hangar
demolished by flames,
The Journal says that the Navy
then stepped in and decided lo try
to salvage the plan by determining
if the bats could be artificially cooled and forced lo hibernate. It was
hoped this would slop them from
escaping and thai the bats would
revive while being dropped over
their intended targets,
However, Navy documents indicate thai when the cooled bats
were dropped from a plane — in the
words of the Navy — "most slepl
on." What happened is that they
fell lo lltclr deaths on I he ground.
After these scibacks, the bol project
was abandoned by the Pentagon.
It Doesn't Matter
A new scientific theory, which is
to be tested shortly, suggests that all
mailer in the universe — every lasi
atom — will eventually disappear.
If lite theory is correct, one day
there will he nothing left...nothing.
The New York Times reports that
leading theoretical physicists in the
United Stales and abroad are bcijinning to suspect that the very
building blocks of atoms — the proteins and neutrons — are slowly
breaking down and disappearing
over long periods of time,
To lest this theory, the U.S.
Department of Energy is funding a
$2 million (dollar) experiment lo see
if the disintegration of atomic particles can be observed in a cavern of
water under Lake Erie.
If the theory Is correct, how
much lime do we have left? According to The Times, the last bit of
mailer should vanish for good in
about 10,000 billion billion billion
» « ! • » » » «
A 8 f NcuiHUirtterBJ
ilectttUT $rai&atf,
c with Blended Canadian Whisky.
Yukon lack. Imported » d Bottled by Heubleln Inc., Hertford, Conn. Sole Agents U.S.A'<vi907Dodd, Mead & Co Inc.
I or n full color 40" x 30" poster of this original art, send $2.00 lo Poster Offer, P,0, Hox 11152, Newmglon, C1 06111.
JANUARY 18, 1980
l&ce Ai.011 page 11
- ^
m m i
Grading the Educators
inform and institute the beneficial results of a
by Ira Somneh
Somewhere in the doctrines and postulates monitoring system. The final need in an acof education it is written that students will curate evaluation mechanism is the careful
receive grades. Justification is given that the and organized distribution and collection. A
grade is an evaluation of a student's perfor- survey will be meaningless if it lies on the botmance. The grade is a measure of your ap- tom of a seldom used waste paper basket
titude using a standardized measure and per-: because of improper organization. The
formance scale. A grade to many is supposed organization of a university survey requires
to also indicate your weaknesses and en- the full time ullention of those whom arc
courage you to improve those imperfections respected and powerful enough 10 insure Ihc
which are way below par. Why do we not proper unbiased distribution.
Monday, January 21 at 3:30 p.m., a
grade teachers?
Students have increasingly played a smaller resolution is before our University Senate,
part in their education. Today (he disscmena- encouraging Ihc university to adopt a stantion of information is primarily through a dardized, unbiased, university wide evalualecture formal with a primary instructor and tion mechanism. For years (his campus has
listeners in a passive role. With such an em- allowed ihc evaluation process of both
phasis being placed on Ihc presentation of the teachers and courses lo be based upon crude
lecturer, should it not he just that he loo be evaluating mechanisms or rumors. Ii is lime
Evaluations have come to be thought of as
the horrors of an educational system. Vet the
evaluation itself is merely a reflection of the
system from which it is monitoring. An
evaluation, if properly done, can provide for
both instructor and student a careful measure
of the effectiveness of material presented.
The archaic notion thai evaluations arc used
to gel revenge on teachers, both ethically and
statistically unsubstantiated. The implementation of a university wide evaluation '
mechanism on this campus, would go very
far in enhancing the quality of instruction at
SUNY at Albany.
In order for an evaluation to be accurate, it
need have only several basic features. The
questionnaire must be easily read, unbiased
questions, which can be applied to the entire
population being polled. The universality of
a Questionnaire provides lor the slandardiza-'
tion of thought and impression regarding that we as a mature institution of higher leareach question. Biases, which often occur in ning recognized the importance and
many departmental, school or college ques- relevance of a university wide evaluating
tionnaires are removed by having a question mechanism. II is lime that we allowed student
which is used to evaluate all who participate. feedback on the effectiveness of different
The second need is thai Ihc evaluation be teaching styles and methods. It is time that
published. There is an alienation between we advanced past Ihc archaic notions of Ihc
solicitor, solicitec and evaluatce in the mean- sanctity of a teacher's domain and concening of their evaluations, if it is hidden behind trated on his or her importance in pursuing
closed doors. Students as well as faculty an accelerated educational experience.
should doubt the accuracy and validity of
Monday may very well be the most imporany evaluation which does not make its tant day on this campus because the issue
results public. The importance in construc- dealt with in this resolution is Ihc reason why
tive criticism is that it be aired and then this University was created. The pursuit of
monitored. The evaluations which are closed education is not merely the outflowing of
to the public can be manipulated and inter- educational material, it is the constant
preted by private individuals in private ways. evaluation of that material and its imOnly through publication can you accurately provements.
SAVAK,' Ihe Shah headed one of ihc most
brulally repressive regimes in „„„,„,,
Por twenty-fisc years ihe Shah t\.
propriaied much of Ihe nation's wealth and
To the h'dilor:
built a small elite core lo run ihc country. |ik
" . . . No man is an island, entire of itself; estimated by Amnesty International ihnidur.
every man is a piece of the continent, a part ing His rule ihe Shah was responsible for at
of Ihc main, if a clod be washed away by the many as 100,000 political murder* and iii
sea, Europe is ihc less; as well as if a promon- torturing and Imprisonment of coutillcu
loric were, as well as if a house of thy friends, other dissidents. The U.S. government
or' thine own were; Any man's death meanwhile, poured billions of dollars ij
diminishes me, because I am involved in military and economic aid inio i| . Shah's
mankind; and therefore never send lo know regime, mosl of which ended up in ihe royal
for whom the bell lolls; il lolls for thee."
— John Donne, 1624
When Ihe Shah was ousted lie riocl ilie
Some would do well to heed Ihc advice of country with much of Iran's wealth, flankers
John Donne, specifically those who shout estimate ihis lo be anywhere between 20and
"nuke Iran", or those who would oppose 50 billion dollars. The Shah left behind hints
Human Rights or any .segment of the legacy of brutal regression mid millions of
poverty stricken people.
Many people may nol have realized this
After installing ihe Shah and maintaining
yet, but since many countries now have the his repressive regime, ihe U.S. government
ability to destroy the world many limes over, has now temporarily granted him political
Ihc only way the Human Race will survive is asylum. II is hard lo believe ihnl the Untied
if we all work together for Love, Trust, and Slates is the only nation in the world ilini can
Understanding in each and every issue we provide medical treatments forgnllslonesand
cancer, so "asylum" seems lo be ihc most acIn love for the Human Race, curate description.
Milch Damon
We should never have allowed • lie Shah inio Ihc U.S. in ihe first place. Ily addingilih
final blow, the American government provoked the Embassy seizure. Iranian mineral
the U.S. government has been brewing for
Iwenty-five years.
Obviously Khomeini is a religious fmiaik
To the Kditnr:
In 1964, after the North Vietnamese and a reactionary ruler. Following his rise lo
allegedly attacked a U.S. gunboat off the power he faced stiff opposition from ethnic
Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, the American Jurds, Leftists, women's rights activists, and
government stirred up a frantic war hysteria. ami-Moslem forces. When ihc American
This enabled the U.S. lo send 500,000 troops government gave the Shah political asylum,
into Southeast Asia and involve us in a war however, the Iranian people united with Khowhich cost us 60,000 American and hundreds meini, as they did when ihey overthrew ihc
of thousands of Vietnamese lives. The Pen- Shah in 1978. The Iranians now sec a comtagon Papers later revealed thai the "Gulf of mon enemy, the Shah and the American
Tonkin incident" was sel up by the American government which aided him every step of
the way. We have in fact strengthened KhoOnce again the U.S. government is attemp- meini's support in Iran.
The major priority should be 10 ensure ihc
ting to generate war hysteria, the same
hysteria needed lo reinstate the draft and release of the hostages. This cannot lie done
send Iroops into Iran. In the furor over the by continuing lo give protection lo ihe Shah
seizure of American hostages by Iranian and insist that he did no wrong.
students, 'some facts have been ignored.
The Shah is a criminal. He plundered the
Those who wish to go to war and who are ad- nation's wealth and installed a brutal dicvocating thai we "nuke Iran" should reflect tatorship, murdering lens (possibly hunon a few things thai Waller Cronklle lias left dreds) of thousands of people, and stole
out of his newscasls.
billions of dollars when he fled. He is no less
In 1953, fearful thai Iran would na- a criminal than Adolf Eichniaiiti, the Nazi
tionalize ils oil industry, lhe United States murderer whom Ihe Israeli government
(through the CIA) overthrew Iran's hunted down, kidnapped from Argentina,
democratically elected governuieni and in- and brought back for trial. If returned to
stalled the Shah. The Shah, trained at Iran, the Shah will be given a trial mid
American universities, then sought the sentence as fair as the Nazi war criminals
assistance of the U.S. in forming and training were given at Nuremberg.
SAVAK, the Shah's secret police. Modeled
To those who say the U.S. should nol subafter Nazi Germany's Gestapo! SAVAK was mit lo blackmail, lei them reflect on Ihc facl
set up to rid the nation of dissidents, political that the American government has
opponents, and reformers through ihc use of blackmailed the nations of the world for the
terror, murder, and torture. With the aid of past iwenty-five years. Those governments
A Plea for Humanity
American Meddling
wouldliketo present theirfirst
i tinual
Flea Market
- on Sonde r, Feb. 10th
in the ( C Ballroom.
Anyone in ested
in selling their
wares please contact
Laurie: 489-6689
Rhonda: 482-0538
Stacy: 482-6872
SA Supreme Court
SA Legal Services Lawyers Searc h
Student Dwelling Board of Directors
Bookstore Committee
And muc h muc h more
Just drop by the SA Office, CC 116
or call 457-8088.
University Cinematography Assoc.
Chess Club
M o n d a y Nights at 6 : 0 0 in C C 3 7 5
Firs General Meeting of the year
All are
Speed Chess
attention all interested In Film making
SUNYA Championship
Sunday 20th
Fine Arts <26
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Super Bowl Sunday
at the
They couldn't have celebrated
happier anniversaries if they were
married to each other.
Ellen Burstyn Alan Alda
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Pubs Draft 35*
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Hot Butter Flavored Popcorn
20* &40«
The Editor's Aspect
II. Y.
It's a stewed town. Take a generous portion of every
ethnicity on Earth, heap it on an island smaller than the
,Dallas-Fort Worth airport, stick on a few concrete and
jsteel erector sets, let it bake for a few hundred years and
what d'ya got??? Nu Yik City, but specifically Manhattan.
That's right, there are four other boroughs and the rest of
the Empire state, as well as other states and countries and
continents. Geographically Manhattan island is a spec, a
dot on a map, to the enormity of the rest. But when you
think of culture, education, finance, power (not the
bleached out kind found in White Houses but the kind
over looking Grand Central Station, and the kind in small
'restaurants on Mott Street), arts, museums, entertainment, sports, music, even crime, then you've got to talk
about the Big Apple. And that means Manhattan, the
island where all things are possible.
Perhaps the last stop on the roller coaster that is the
American dream Manhattan is where young maidens of
Nebraska and Wyoming come to become somebodies.
Some end up on the streets, but there's always that one,
one out of millions, who goes out there a nobody and
comes back a star.
They say it's a heartless town filled with ambitious types
who beat their kids and die of heart attacks before they're
4.r.. It's a tough town, demanding, persistent, it never lets
up though it often lets you down. They say that you
haven't made it until you make it on the streets of New
York. And for every light on Broadway . . .
Yet despite it all, the masses never stop looking east to
The City and the State of Possibility. Nor do its haters
ever abate their wrath: always rushing, all the dirt and
grime and crime, conjested. Like pepperoni, New York is
hot, spicy, and hard to swallow. You either love it or hate
it, but you must react to it.
Spiritual G r a f f i t i
be in
W.C. Fields
Stuart Matranga
Associate Editor
Bob O'Brian
Friday and Saturday
January 18 and 19
New York state
Soft Pretzels
lltiiumiitij Auxiliary Scruitea Spunanrtb
Page 3a
7:30 and 9 : 3 0
Lecture Center 18
1.00 w/iiix 1.50 w/out
Design & Layout
Jay B. Glssen
Glssen and Matranga
Staffwriters: Al tiara, Bob Blau, Jim Dixon, Sue Gerbei, Jell Hall,
Larry Kinsman, Thomas Martcllo, Steve Osier, Mark Rossier, Cliff
Sloan, Laurel Solomon, Audrey Specht, Craig Zarlder
Graphics: Evan Garber, Lisa Gordon,
Diversions: Vincent Aiello
The Student
Hnt I ifiks a " r i Rhetoric
Page 5a
Christ was, at present, more popular than the
Fab Four but that doesn't Imply anything
"sacrilegious or uncool."
Hollywood mass murders, reminiscent of
the Manson slayings. have once more raised
questions as to the connection between
popular music and the criminal mind.
Suspected murderer Bernie. Polanskl has admitted to being a rampant disco freak, A d ding light on some of the bizarre details ol the
"bleeding hearts who don't pay their dental recent Derek-Domino murders. Last week,
bills." By 1969, the agency had abandoned Los Angeles police discovered the words
the use of Muzak as a political weapon "boogle-oogie-oogle" scribbled In blood on
because of Its devastating effect on everyone the wall of the Domino home. Polanskl is
concerned. The Senate Committee will con- reportedly convinced that an Incredible war
tinue to investigate the CIA and is reportedly between the races will ensue In ihe next
considering a full-fledged scrutinizing of every decade. This conviction was extrapolated
supermarket in the country.
from the complex and Intricate lyrics of "Love
First Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama, to Love You, Baby" by Donna Summer who
was the site of a ritual burning today as several Polanskl Insists Is trying to communicate with
thousand parishioners put their New him. In addition, Polanskl has been Implicated
Testaments to the torch. The Inferno was in in the 1969 Tate-LaBlanca-Folger murders
direct response to Rev. Maynard Hlggs's state- because of his well-known hostility Inwards
ment that Jesus Christ was "bigger than the Mrs. Olson.
Beatles." Hlggs explained that he only meant
Boh O'Brian
The News
MUZAK as' a mind disorienting device in the
1960s. In addition to LSD, the CIA had
employed Muzak for nearly nine years as a
weapon to thwart alleged subversive activity,
according to ex-CIA agent, Rutherford
"Purple" Hayes. "It was just awful," confessed
Hayes, "unwitting victims who wanted only a
tooth pulled or maybe Just a cleaning were
subjected to the wrath of the 'Black Angel.'
The following Is a series of events to keep Hayes later elaborated that the "Black Angel"
SUNYA readers up to date on Impending was none other than Dr. Irving Schmaltz, the
issues of the day.
notorious dentist from Yonkers who Is
Key members of the Senate Committee on suspected to have collaborated with the CIA in
Intelligence were reportedly outraged follow- the late 1950s and early 1960s In an effort to
ing recent disclosures that the CIA had used rid the country of "Godless Commies" and
Thomas MartellQ
Friday Observer
m fi
Queens Stoops To Conquer
. In this country, there are three types of
animal: city dwellers, country folk, and suburbanites.
Each grows up with some knowledge the
other cannot readily acquire. The country kid,
for example, can reveal wonderful tidbits
abou,t,the milking of cows at 5 in the morning
and polling for Fresh Air Fund commercials
while splashing Into water holes.
The city kid, a much faster talker and walker
than his country counterpart, will be able to
guide you through the subways at age eight
and show you the art of "moving up" at
basketball games ($6 seats for general admission) .
And then there is the third member of the
species, the suburbanite, of which most of
SUNYA is comprised. The suburban kid mostly offers ignorance about Ihe things the city
dweller and country folk know. And he can
tell you all there is to know about hanging out
at a shopping mall.
I should know. I'm a suburbanite, from Northport on Lawn Guyland. I can cut grass, rake
leaves and cut off commuters while picking my
father up at the train station. But as a kid, I
couldn't fit into any of these categories. You
see, 1 grew up in Queens.
Queens, though technically within'the New
York City limits, has many sections which look
more like Long Island than Manhattan. People
in Queens brag to suburbanites that they live in
"the city," while Inwardly they consider
themselves as part of the suburbs.
The block I grew up on had trees, houses
and back yards with gardens. But former
Mayor John Lindsay made sure we
remembered we were part of New York: there
was the teacher strike, the garbage strike and
the Infamous Lindsay snowstorm. John Lindsay. Pretty-boy mayor of the 19_60's. Oh, did
Queens ever hate him. Which reminds me of a
little ditty we would sing that you wouldn't
hear in schoolyards in Syossel or Tonawanda:
Though we ventured Into Manhattan only
on school trips and visits to relatives (much like
the suburbanites), there was one aspect which
set us apart from non-city kids: the games we
When I moved to Suffolk County at age 12,
I gazed around our block and experienced my
first case of culture shock. The houses had no
stoops! I couldn't play stoopball anymore — a
passion of my youth, along with dozens of
other games which would fade Into wistful
With a little league field on every corner,
suburban kids have " m deprived of the Imaginative and resourceful games the kids In
Queens and the clii jlay. Give us a "Pencle
Pinkie" (a rubber ball) and watch us go: handball, stoopball, stickball, catch-a-flles-up, errors, punchball, slapball. kickball, saluggi.
Make the ball a bit larger and we'd have a
Have a car run down the street and we'd
see how many times we could chuck a ball
over it before it passes. Take an ice cream stick
and we'd see how many times you could hit it
In the street from several feet away with one of
those balls. For forty-two cents, the pencie
pinkie was the biggest bargain In town.
Soon we would discover hardballs, which
had a strange way of discovering windows.
With more windows per square block, Queens
has its share of more errant home runs causing
terror among kids
The other major sports had some variations,
too. Basketball hoops never had nets and
telephone poles served as yard markers (or
strt for>lbal: don'* ever remember playing
hockey. In our neighborhood, I don't think we
knew what It was.
And r there was stickball, which was our
answer to one-on-one basketball. In stickball,
the trick to winning was to find an opponent
who was shorter than you and chalk in a strike
zone box on the wall just a little bit over his
head. Feed him high hard ones and watch
him suffer.
On our block, all games would cease at the
sound of bells. Like Pavlov's dogs, we'd Immediately salivate because those bells meant
the arrival of the ice cream man. Those men In
white would really milk our block —
sometimes coming four times in the same day.
Our favorite ice»cream man was named John
and he worked for a company called
Bungalow Bar. To show him our affection,
we'd give him a rousing chorus of our version
of the Bronx cheer:
Bungalow Bar,
Tastes tike tar!
The more you eat it,
The sicker you are!
And then all us young Robert Frosts would
buy every cone and sandwich and dixie cup
he had.
The key to fun in my neighborhood wasn't
equipment, It was people — bodies. Get
enough kids together and you could play Red
Rover, Red Light Green Light, Freeze Tag,
Hide and Go Seek (which, with lite accent,
came out "hlnegoseek") and those two
classics: Johnny on the Pony and Rlny-OLiveo. Like baseball card flipping, these games
would often errupt Into wars. Bottle caps came
In handy In "skelly". a variation of marbles,
and even the yellow lines in a parking lot
would provide amusemenl In a game t ailed
And when the girls got away from llieir
Barbie-dolls, they could do more things with a
jumprope than we could with a rubber ball.
For a kid, the difference between Queens
and Suffolk County was like night and day.
Most of those games were discarded in favor
of such strange pasttlmes as soccer ami Little
But one never forgets a Queens childhood.
"Hey Lip, you wanna challenge 177th
Place In stickball? Them Richardsons say they
can beat us."
"Tomorrow, maybe. We got a new
clubhouse we built from taking lumbet Irom
that new house. The Mets Fan Club. I lall Wes
"1 thought you wuz a Yankee fan "
"I am, but we're gonna play baseball card
colors and I'm gonna win all of Ricky's cards.
All I need is a Casey Cox to have all Ihe cards
in the check list. I never had that before "
"Well good luck. Hey Gino. let's steal
Ellen's hat and play saluggi . . . "
B r i ght
Li ghts
Robert Bjau
S t r e e t l i f e Serenade
Despite its reputation for blunt, impulsive,
often ruthless brutality, street life in The City
has ironically maintained a romanticized and
glorified existence. It was brought to Broad
way in West Side Story, to the screen with The
Bowery Boys, to literature with Rich.ml
Wright's Native Son, to sports with Connie
Hawkins and Roberto Duran, and Bruce Springsteen lyrlclzed it for vinyl, in fact, it's no
longer fashionable to be" born and bred under
the sterile, painless, canopy of luxury. Rather,
it's considered somewhat chic to have channeled Ihe raw animosity t >( street life ini,
spirited, yt'i lame sensual sackage, Sylves ,-i
Stallone, Robert Blake Mirk Jagget a
numerous Winston men :an altesl lo il
Almosl anyone possi sslng he "male ego" i ill
1 can hat li
"Undoubtedly conlesl ihi
myself," and follow wllh a 1oastful rendillot ..I
some daring slrei i esi apad • Sowhat'sthe it
traction? Whal keeps our "civilized" ocli Iv
constantly Intrigued bi a - nail. I.luiii lawk
Cliff Sloan
Marijuana, Marijuana
Rockefeller makes it,
Mayor Lindsay takes it,
Why can't we, why can't we.
Raven's Paracte
Good Points, Bad Pnint s
On a sunny day even the brick looks alright
against the blue sky. The Skyline rises glistening in Ihe distance, and nothing really
obscures the view — not the lumpy black lar
roofs, not the stocky chimneys, not the rust
paint chip fire escapes that climb up and down
every building in sight. Every few minutes a
plane growls above you. Sometimes you can
see the nuts and bolls lhat gird its belly. They
are going someplace.
And that's home, and that's where I come
from, or at least that's where I go lo during
vacation. Roots. A tree grows In Flushing, my
hometown. Up In Albany lots of people have
hometowns. It often makes you wonder what
all the alfection Is (or — the sentimental and
nostalgic and rosey proud terminology about
place of birlh.
I've seen tin bright lights of Flushing where
u/e have playgrounds and barrels and seesaws
lor Ihe kiddles, and '.odium lights thai bring
out (he skin color I tmeath the make-up.
This Is where ny patents live. They tell me
.,w.i'j'?' , "i i rpr
that they missed me while I was away, and
that Is a nice thing to hear. It used to be (hat
every story started with a question, an ambivalent combination of curiosity and reflex,
like a settled foreigner asking about AMERIKA
from someone that had just returned. Now
they shine. Their neighbors, most of them
anyway, ride the elevators and are getting old
and stuck. But I can't spill it even though 1
want to because I don't have the guts or the
tact or perhaps the naivete. And if you hold It
in long enough II levels out and you discuss
things that matter like Afghanistan or Iran or
Ihe PLO, and you are strategic and they are
flexibly obstinate and you part as friends.
This Is growing up, And I wonder if maybe
In one great swoop of an air raid or maybe just
an air raid siren, that we'll all wind up In the
same bunker and realize together that strategy
Is lor generals and politicians of which you are
neither but try so hard to be at the dinner
So 1 stutter in my thoughts bul there are
I'll I.. Mil ,; . ,'| ,'
questions that you have to ask like why do the
elevator operators live here and the cabbies
and the people that don't complain because
Ihey can't afford to. And why do they say to
(Ind a job and get an education and to work
hard and that II will all pay off in Ihe end
Across Ihe tunnel things are dill
There's money and power and cafes People
take cabs. Cabbies make a living. It all look, so
pretty (rom across the bay, and it is. 11 >•' Iralns
lake you back. You move last lo eal d
and relax. Flushing of my mind - Ihlnk cleat
ly son . . .
Back in Albany, where the whip of ihe trend
cracks at aboul the same lime as in Hushing.
5 ebody plays music by a band lhat!
llating The Beatles, and some bodv else I
Ing to shake like Mick Jagger
A u d i hope with all of.my I art lb'
gobai i. Ihe old ladles sunning
bloated buttocks and polyene
store don't wan with open arn
my face. "We told you so."
' • i I > '. > I I /.JO') I I ' •'
Perhaps it's that numerous Illegalities and
degeneracies are traditional components of
street life, .We've always been fascinated with
the Illegal, the rebellious, and the hidden.
Hence our constant interest in gangsters,
gambling, alcohol
d "sex and drugs and
rock n roll." We gobble up even-glimpse of il
legality that Ihe media has to spll out, Our
headlines reek of murder, robbery and rape
television is crammed wllh documeniarles on
prostitution, alcoh llsm, drug abuse, and
prisons One might also take note ol Ihe sut
eess ol movlet like The Godfather, The
French C a n , , cllon, and Superfly rhetruth It
that underneath all our moral lacades, we
crave violence, sex. escape, and almosl all the
other societal taboos.
Slreel life Is a world most of us don'l know
too much aboul. Therefore we view It from a
distance, remaining disinfected. Ironically, we
are Intrigued by the unknown, yet fear It at Ihe
same lime. But as one starfleel admiral taught
us, the true lest o( manhood Is not to fear the
unknown, "to bravely go where no man has
gone before." So you'll find many a pompous
ass palling himself on the back for being streetwise, and chances are he'll have a good story
ready In case you decide to Interrogate. But
knowledge comes only through repeated experience. Selling one nickel bag doesn't make
you a dealer. Selling your body once doesn't
What k e e p s our "civilized"
society constantly intrigued
by a small, blunt, lawless
make von a prostitute And having a few in
hestreel doesn't make ou stree
tolarsol ih,' • el mak< 'their llv
Ing from 11 'helt food and shekel d •pendot
a so ih' i. le trn then trade well, as Iocs any
enterprising vorkman l"hey don't t 'II gallan
lalesofvlok ice and weaponry beet
o f t h e m a r e i i proud ol whal i l . " . d
Perhapi i te blggesl fallai conci nlng oui
ent hantmen wilh slreel life 1 that v. e plctun
Its Inhabitant s,,s making a ralhei luci alive, ef
ih,' American i ream, il
fortless Hun j
seems thesi days We view 11 as an tscape, a
we all envy to some extent It gnaws at ihe
back of out minds, telling us that Ihese people
have lieal Ihe system. They've gone theii own
way, and serve as a constant reminder thai
dreamer believing that somewhere there's a
gel li, li qui, k scheme lhat really works.
The people who live off the street, however,
don't necessarily view things thai way.
long Ihe line glorious fallacy
ceases to exist and reality begins.
"Il'smyjob That's Ihe way I look at 11," con
(essed a Hue,' Card Monie on 7th Ave, and
34th St. "Monte's" stand has a crowd around
it full of eager contestants helling that Ihey can
follow the red playing card and pick It (rom
amongst Ihe Iwo black ones. "Monte" shuffles
his hands quickly, constantly rapping as he
proceeds. A middle aged man throws a $5 bill
on Ihe table and gleefully turns over the red
card. "Monte" reaches Into his pocket and
with a look of .reluctance, pa'ys,.the man $5,
Quickly, "Monte" resumes his motion, rapping quickly, enticing the audience. "I got $30
says you can't (Ind the red lady (a queen of
hearts)." The $5 winner scrambles through his
pockets and drops $30 on the table. He pulls a
black card and curses in disgust as he makes
his way down Ihe street. "Monte" smiles and
starts the shuffle again.
it's all aeon I know it and Ihe funny thing
Is. Ihey know il also. All von gotta do is flash
money at somebody and one out ,,f ten will
lake a chance Everybody's aflet Ihe last buck
so I just capitalize on it. you dig?"
Ilgsgellln' high one w a y o i
Iher," explained Charlie, a Cei
I Park
marijuana sales
proud, even snotty. The business ol love making breeds little or no romance and emotion
Rather, il you walk down 26th stteet between
midnight and fi a.m . you'll probably see a car
door open and wateli a lowered head spit a
wad of sperm onto Ihe pavement It's not pret
ly and il's nol fun — it's business, nisi another
way of getting by.
This is not lo say that sheet life exists solely
on one side ol the law On the contrary, any
, op walking a beal is as much a part ol it as a
slreel |
I patrolling Ihelt lurf. There tends to
he a love hale relationship between the
breakers and the law enforcers
"I i.nely lo, k up a hooker," said Johnny, a
vice squad , ,,p "They're lunny and they just
don'l aive a ..hit lias one bitch lined in,
and when I told het I was (he heat, she told
Well so am I Ihey keep me laughing ,
give me Information. Sometimes Ihey'n
„ "Nol evi rybody likes lo
admll it. bul col
ion nine I iell more herb
lO whileys ill shirts and lies than .ill,," lie else "
Charlie kids you nol A joint at lunch time Is
quickly replacing Ihe traditional martini lunch,
ami Ihe N Y.C. parks from noon to on,.' p.m.
ale a living documentary. Like "Monte" or any
other businessman, Charlie must advertise.
Happing is a lool of the Irade, ihe street's form
of advertisement. It's a soulful, catchy, singsong type ol speech lhal boasts of one's assets.
It's used to , atch the attention of a passer-by.
C'hailie's went something like this; "I may be
delirious hut I'm serious. I got the best (or less
'cause I ain't like, the rest " Again society is
fas, Inated Wilh the way ol Ihe street, and we
pick ii|> oi. remote associations. So if a guy
gets over on a lot of girls, he'' said to have "a
good rap." lint amateurs play for kicks, and
professionals play (or keeps.
"Now I ain't no rich man and I don't claim to
be," explained Charlie. "Money don'l Ihrill
me, you know? I hang out, got no boss, and I
make the hours. I don'l need to push racks In
the garment center like 'dem dumb niggers.
Everybody gels high and I know It."
Arid despite various rebuttals, everyone
needs sex. Where societal norms will not condone it, street life supplies the filler. "This Is a
Job honey, don't gel me wrong. I ain't makln'
love, I'm gettln' fucked," said an anonymous
hooker on Lexington and 26th. "1 got a kid to
support and there's no job In the fuckln' world
that'll pay $300 a night like this one. Now If
you wanna spend some money let's go. If not,
get away, you're driving off business." She's
Mu, h ol the reasoning, despite whal sldi
ihe law you happen to he on. is slmllai A cab
drlvei held many ol the same sentiments
toward his job as Charlie did - no boss, your
own hours, etc
-Street life is not a simple slory of cops and
robbers. Il's a matter of knowing one's bounds
tuu\ meshing together various succes formulas
through trial and error. Street life incorporates
all societal laboos and makes them accessible
for public consumption. It's a place where you
can buy almost anything confidentially. The
bottom line, however, is that you can't sell
anything without a market. The only reason
we shy away from the street Is thai it's nol attractive, pretty, or appetizing. If you look a
prostitute and put her In a bunny outfit, she
would be sought after, if not respected. If you
took a Three Card Monte and set him in
Resorts International, he would no longer be
looked down upon. And if you spent your
clays researching cocaine, pot, and heroine
you could probably market II in a magazine
like High Times. But we don't like raw, ag
gressive attitudes. So we make It appealing to
the eye or dainty In order to disguise our
animosity. There's no man who hasn't fan
tasized about rape and no woman who hasn't
fancied herself as a call girl. Yet we cover the
"ugliness" of street life because it holds' no
pretenses It Is truly survival of the fittest
Perhaps it's too much like a mirror and the
reflection Isn't as flattering as we'd like It to be.
Whatever your views may be, we can all find a
little piece of ourselves walking the streets of
After Fifty Hours
w York: Just Like I Pictured I t
The streets of N e w York City felt like t h e veins a n d arteries
of its conglomerate body. All of t h e offices a n d stores a n d
buildings a n d homes were the cells w h e r e its b l o o d r a n .
Ingly quiet, so it made the light and air of a
crowded Lexington Avenue more beautiful,
more of a relief, with big buzzing taxi cabs
leaping in front of each other and vying for
position, and pedestrians daring them to run
them over, while elderly women hunched
over to pick up their dog's newly born shit as
kids in wool hats ran by In between the legs of
the mainstream.
Cradled in the very heart of Manhattan, of foreigners' easy comprehension, my eyes
chilled to the bone with years of Icy treatment roamed every face. That alone was an exciting
and the current winter, a musty old hag sleeps trip, because there was such an abundance,
in the entranceway of a rather distraught? un- more faces than I could ever watch roll by
cared for building of New York City, a anywhere else. 1 wallowed In mobbed
photograph in the annals of a fifty hour sight sidewalks, and going with the flow of a crowd
log that has, because of the light and variety of that sometimes obeyed a little mechanical sign
this place, become an epic journey through that revealed a green 'walk' that let a surge of
life and reality In a town where you can still be caged up movers burst forth to meet the opnobody and ride a checker taxi-cab to Penn- posing force, heading equally up the other
sylvania Station at 3:00 a.m. to see a miracle way. The battlers engage, bump arms, nip
shoulders, pass on the right, and do all sorts of
on 34th Street.
stronger things like grab purses, and take
wallets from back pockets and ask for money,
and sell things like jewelry or joints, Some sell
Netted between the endless twine of New their bodies.
The streets of New York City felt like the
Yorkers who maki! what is called a "living"
(and that it must really be) here, are many veins and arteries of its conglomerate body.
foreigners, non-New Yorkers who tike myself, All of the offices and stores and buildings and
came here to see and experience a place that homes were the cells where its blood ran,
has become, because of reasons waiting to be dropping off little people that rushed in and
discovered, the recipient of a reputation of out, again and again. Its great brain was the
everything the concept of city can be. New brains of all the component individuals who
York is a place that embodies words like make it up, the nearly seventeen million peo'epitome,' or 'essence,' and how about 'life'?
ple who are there daily, working. Its powerful
I felt compelled to spend some fifty hours heart was the emotions and tragic-comic part
there, consecutively. My reward? Endless of everyone there, pumping feeling into it
chalk marks on the experience slate, each of twenty-four hours a day, feelings of every
which has behind it a tale, a history to tell, an kind, motivated by anything.
experience to relate, a lesson learned. SpenI shook hands with New York City on Friding fifty straight hours in what is acceptably
day of any week, when the Imperial hour .of
called "The City" (rightfully egotistical) was
New York's lunch begins, twelve noon. Thi.
like taking a crash course, except here, the
was the start of my epic, hour number one in a
course's subject was changing with every turn
fifty hour cycle of the world's most exciting
of my head.
The Ideals that now strike me as those of a
I began on the last business day of a week,
true New Yorker, from the lowliest bum to the
highest executive atop World Trade Center three hours before the stock exchange would
No. 2 (it's actually a foot or two higher), have close. I was filled with steep and had energy in
Impressed me as basic ones: Survival, coex- me stored up for possible tens of miles of walkistence, excitement, happiness. Yet what ing. I had speech on reserve for thousands of
seems to separate these people from others is words of conversation, and my sexual prothe intensity to which these things need be wess was ready for any acceptable invitation.
sought, because in New York there Is competiNew York's frenzied subway system, a
tion and zeal, and the people who are living myriad of underground and overhead metallic
there and breathing its crowded air are not on- noise that moved millions of people around
ly subjecting themselves to Its positive aspects, thousands of miles of track each day (save
but a slew of things wrong with It that make l'r_ strikes), brought me Into my objective.
harder every day.
Unavoidably, my first Instant In the bowl of
Jay B. Gissen
metropolis fruits's Big Apple was on an 'F'
train, staring at the abundance of black and
hlspanic faces, the elderly, the jaded and outdated ads that brimmed with cheerfulness
amidst this transportation turmoil.
When 1 was in New York City, for example,
during about the forty-fourth hour, I was suddenly struck with the fact that subway trains
entering a dimly lit, cold, sullen subway station
make unbearable noise. I realized that 1 had
not been In a single subway station that 1
would be able to describe as nice, and not a
single train had pulled In with a noise level I
might call low. So I managed to draw a conclusion about a lousy aspect of New York City
that was there, that people endured, that people had to reckon with along with the
countless reasons that made It wonderful.
There were thousands of aspects just like these
too, though.
I had not yet said a solitary word to anyone,
but my eyes met people who could stare back
defla.itly, who played the game of silent subway language or read The Post over their
neighbor's shoulder. There wasn't much else
to do if you were alone, for It was not a
meeting place. It was a going place. You simply sat and waited for the hall that sat below
your destination to light up, and you walked
When I walked the streets of New York City, so conveniently numbered for the farthest
The trains were noisy, but o.t.y with dead,
metallic sounds. The people seemed frighten-
It was a delightful first hour, because unlike
the masses who had to be somewhere,'who
had to look at watches and bank clocks at
every corner (and there are banks at every
corner, hundreds of them, too many, the obvious explanation for the slew of recenl robberies), I hadn't the need to be anywhere at
all. I could just go straight uptown, or left if I
felt like it, or back down again, or maybe over
to the east side if a stranger I was eyeing turned that way, and I could just stop when I
wanted, and shop, and eat at the hour I
Instinctively, I began heading downtown to
The Village of The City, but I decided to play a
walking game instead that diverted me right
through hour number five, when it led me into
an eating emporium and I found out suddenly
how hungry 1 was. In my game, I would eye
an individual walk out of a building or a subway hall, and I would follow that person until
they got to the next place on their city agenda.
I would then silently greet a new subject and
utter a low goodbye to my last leader. Randomly, I saw New Yorkers come, and I saw
t h e m , g o . I saw them meet appointments,
clean their clothes, satisfy their needs. I saw
them eat, I saw them buy, and I saw them go
Near five o'clock, my last subject, a husky
American with a collar as blue as they come,
hustled Into a corner restaurant where he
bought a Post and left again. The place was
called Crete, a cheap, greasy New York City
eatery that could've been an insult to the
Island it feted, probably where the owner was
born long ago, maybe a place he yearns for
I felt raw in the stomach, and my feet were
already asking for the weight to be put
somewhere else. 1 ate soup at the counter,
and coffee in a thick, thick, glass cup. My feet
slept on the ledge below the counter just off
the floor, and I read the newest Post (I believe
they put out a new one every hour or so),
while partially listening to the conversations of
Crete regulars, talkative and glad again just
because they got the hell out of work one
more time.
New York takes to darkness well, because it
becomes a different place. When I floated
away from Crete, it was already night. Neon
that was subllminally present all day suddenly
became a center of attention, and the Empire
State Building shot a beam of white light that
spanned the city.
At night, New York becomes a less natural
place, because all of the concrete and manmade things that fill It up and remain rather fitting just the same all day suddenly stand out,
flashing on and off, presenting conflicting light
against the sky's basic black. At night, New
York City becomes even more evident.
As a stranger in New York City with no
home to speak of, 'cept the ground below my
feet, I found shelter in bars and clubs. This was
where 1 could walk in and see a new stopping
place that usually welcomed me. 1 could iry
and meet people, I could fail and leave. Or I
coukTstay If things went that way. Bars were
home because wherever 1 was, I was only a
block away from home. So if it started to rain
(and it did), or if it was too cold (and
sometimes it was), or If the sign just seemed
like a light in the lightness, 1 went in.
I'm not much of a drinker, but I smoked a
lot of joints with a lot of strangers, and me and
New York got to know each other with and
without liquor and-or drugs, under sky and
bulbs and airs and first Impressions, and the
desire to make a few friends.
I walked down to the Village, and Into
Soho, where 1 shopped the chic stores thai sell
save certain insaleable solids
There were new wave record shops thai wen
like honey to strange bees, with white make
up and dark eyes on their faces, bright red
lipstick, and black, tight pants. There were
punks with one hundred dollar Items that loolin make-up shops and try on every colored lip
gloss, all over their wanting faces, 1 stared at
faces In cafe windows, couples, gays, goons
girls, women. There was so much to stare at
down there, so many people to stare back al
I breezed out of Soho. I had had two beers
there, in two small places. I had sat ai a bar,
put a quarter in the juke box. for two jaded,
flat selections, and walked.
It was near Tenth Avenue, somewhere
downtown, where 1 ran into the Ear, It was a
bar, but the B was partially painted so it
became an E. 1 met a woman at The Ear for
just a minute or so who kissed me before she
was leaving, so I sat down. There was white
wax paper all over the tables, and crayons in a
I took the hint and started drawing my
masterpiece to be left there for some waitress
to yank.off for a fresh piece for the artiste. I
drew New York City, realistically (?}, roughly,
with zeal. 1 chugged my brew, signed it in
some language, and walked.
I was feeling strange and alone now.
Everyone was going out now, with plans, with
someone, 1 felt unburdened but lonely. 1 was
worrying about the coming midnight, the impending dawn. I sat down with some strung
out black street bums who seemed hardly
older than me. They devoured a joint 1 gave
them as we talked, and I felt their hesitancy
slipping away to the taste of good weed and
my trusting smile. Now I felt even, on par with
everyone else: 1 was with friends, and I mas
doing something fine tonight.
I needed speed because I didn't want to
sleep. I needed to be awake, in a twenty-four
hour town where the ice of the night meant action, and I didn't want to miss any. The buddies 1 had brushed a goodbye to back on the
Library steps were in the past, except for the
information they had given me — speed,
street corner, name, look — in return for a
thick joint.
I approached the said subject cautiously, for
1 was white, non-Hispanic, and very possibly
an undercover officer of the law to these
fellows. I offered up tact and explicit instructions of what I was to say, and several dollars,
and 1 got speed, some of which I took right
It was the heart of the night. My eyes were
city that was drifting. Partially
into sleep, or dreams, or sensuous love making after a night out, with fire engines screaming by to coincide with a mutual climax. I was
drifting through the drifting city, frequenting
less bars, taking my chances on the street.
I wanted It to get light out. but that wouldn't
happen yet. Even some of the neon was out
now, even it got tired and went to sleep. I
pressed on. stealing down blocks of east side,
recalling sights I remembered from that afternoon, ages ago. I walked by lonely Crete,
barely alive for all the hours in New York City's day. A new Post was on sale, new people
were buying it. Early morning workers were
downing coffee loaded with sugar, to wake
their muscles before going to gut New York City's garbage, or build New York City's
buildings, or maybe repair New York City
where it was hurting.
1 pressed o n . I wanted coffee, or tea, but I
didn't want to stop at the Crete. Going back
there would have made New York an enemy;
It would be a place I'd be using to gel away
from New York, familiarity amidst the
newness. Going back there would have been
unadventurous at this time of night, so I went
to a different place several blocks up: a carbon
copy that had a newer Post.
I sai there speed reading and drinking coffee
until just before the first glare of day's sunrise
was about to descend on Saturday in this city.
I walked the morning in by being there to see
it. I saw It completely. 1 saw the Empire State
Building end its beam, and I saw subway halls
start to spill INniy shoppers around to get the
best first. I saw the pigeons wake up and start
working again.
I found myself in Central Park, a natural
man-made wonder that lies in the heart of the
city, the eye of the storm, the peacefulncss
that I needed, to relax and enjoy as the
weather warmed a bit and glorious day got into full swing, a day that saw New York City
and myself a day older, a day more experienced. Hour number twenty-four was complete,
and 1 felt like I had seen the creation of light on
day one.
1 spent a lot of time in Central Park, sitting,
walking. 1 couldn't resist the steps of the library
again; human bonds, made even simply in the
heat of the night, were too strong. We sat on
the library tier, watching a crowded New York
take lively advantage of sweet weather.
Money was changing hands, and goods, and
words, and feet were heading Into mouths,
and other protruberances were going Into
other oraflces, because in New York,
everything is always going into everything, including cars into people and dogs, and other
Bloomingdales, and Korvettes. and Macy's
(The world's largest department store), and
Madison Square Garden, and McDonalds,
they all had me on Saturday, before the final
night, during the last full day,
The speed was worn off and 1 was feeling
pretty exhausted, and willing to abort,
unready to press on, It was the energy of the
knowledge of Saturday night, waiting for me,
like a myth to believe in, a source. I was
wondering if il would be repetitive, If New
York, the twenty-four place, wouldn't be able
The speed w a s w o r n off and I was feeling pretty exhausted,
and willing to abort, unready to press o n . . . I was wondering if it wouldn't b e repetitive, if N e w Y o r k , t h e twenty-four
hour place, wouldn't b e able to h o l d a willing victim for fifty.
to hold a willing victim for fifty. I wonderud
how my mind would take another ramble all
night on feet. Could I speed again, do 1 want
to? Could I sleep somewhere, do I need to?
1 . look out my wallet and eyed a nice
restaurant. The City was brimming with kitchens to sell food for any price. A nice meal,
alone. I thought, would energize me for Satur
day night, but so would a Big Mac. I ate dinner
at the Crete, familiarity after all. a compromise, a cheeseburger, coffee, ice cream
the new New York Post, and the blue collar
brigade. It was dark now In New York City
when I finished eating and (or sonic reason, I
didn't want to leave. 1 didn't waul to leave
Il was even more crowded than the night
before. Bars were still home but I didn't want
to go home. 1 wanted to go in somewhere,
away from business, to a room with couches,
carpeting, a ceiling, and a drink without a
price on its head.
I had met many New Yorkers the night
before, but now I wanted one to take me
home. I was friendly but Icy last night and now
I was willing to warm up. 1 strolled around
Aves. and Sts. until my feet were ready to
strike, and I finally landed in a small spot in
The Village where I thought the natives might
be kinder, more willing to take a poor boy
home, hear his tales, and send him off with
breakfast and a hug the next morning:
I met Laurl. She was a plain looking New
Yorker, trusting, but wary, and I talked to her
for several hours at one table, and I would
have kept right on talking Until she was ready
to admit me to her world, o r a l least her apartment. She had been living in The Village of
New York for four years. She was twentythree.
had talked ourselves clean the night before.
Forty-eight hours after the 'F' train chauffeured me in, I was kissing Laurl goodbye with
an address in a lonely pocket. It was windy
and mean outside, but, aslired and used up as
I was. I had the means to bear it, For my final
act, I walked from the apartment straight up
S()lh Street, five miles in and out of the maze
the last atrocity niy feet would be subject to.
I walked up to Tin.' Park, and at two p.m.,
sat di )wn on a partially i iccupied bench, d< me,
victorious, an honorary New Yorker. A bum
next to me asked for change, and since we
were sharing a scat, I made him rich. I was
particularly vibrant as the wind whipped aged
Ppsts through the air violently, and hats flew
off pretty ladies' heads, ladies who had come
from church.
I arose with a goal: out, I insisted on walking
to .in 'F' train because I felt sentimental abon!
it. Like Crete, or That Empire State Place, or
The Post, or '-auri, or The Ear, or the bums
on the library steps, or that crack in the
sidewalk I had admired on some street during
one of the moments of my journey.
So New Yorl. was done, and an 'F' took me
under the East River into a comparatively
dreary Queens, where the street saw the city
as a scene, a distant mirage of imagery, reality
a river away.
I took a long hard look at that place, My
body was tired: that place was responsible. My
mind was filled, and that place took the blame
again. But what about /(? Had I changed that
conglomerate body, given any of its cells any
extra nourishment?
To be an individual in New York City seems.
hard, challenging. It's always willing to take
you in, but you will join millions, who make
you no more than a person at a desk, or a
figure on the street. And for every desk of
yours there are millions, and for every block of
sidewalk you are on there are millions. A n d
you decorate your apartment and buy your
own clothes but there are millions.
I didn't sleep In the same bed as Laurl, but
on her lovely couch, in her living room, in her
apartment, on Bleeker Street across from a big
supermarket that had pink neon screaming
The machinery of New York is living, grinPIONEER SUPERMARKET until the lights
went down. As It turned o u l , my eyes didn't ding real human gears to create an attempt at
shut off Laurl or New York until hours very harmony. Like the most complicated Interacnear Sunday morn, when 1 kissed Saturday tion imaginable, its network spans all that dare
night goodbye by whatever means were touch it. If i had any preconceptions about the
place, they were shattered. If I had any
available to all its citizens all around.
I dreamed about the Statue of Liberty, the dreams, they were strengthened, If I made a
Empire State Building, and the Trade Center, friend out of New York, it was a busy friend
and other big things, as people. People who just the same, with little time for me except as
had jobs like everyone else, a function in New a listener, a willing subject,
York City, For what would this place be
without these things? Ave they as vital as the
people: the lousy subway, the Post, Crete,
Laud's Image? F.verythlng in New York Is vital,
I dreamed.
We had a good time together, me and New
York, and we'll get together again. We'll meet
sometime on 14th Street, or at The Ear, to
share a tale or a drink, or maybe a tragico m i c moment that defines its heart.
Four hours to go. 1 spent half that time with
Laurl, eating breakfast and lunch over the
Sunday Times, chewing bagels and eggs while
sucking down coffee and penning The
Magazine's puzzle. We ate rather silently; we
1 shook hands with New York City and smiled. This was the end of my epic, and all
through Manhattan, a wicked wind swayed
trees and elderly women bending do\?n as little children ran through the legs o f the
Page 8a
. d A Vision
Page 9a
775 positions
are being cut
from the
SUNY System
• This may mean 98 positions lost
on this campus
'This may mean your department
may be eliminated
and the faculty fired
•There will be longer lines in
offices all over campus
^Classes would become larger
and less courses will
be offered
•Student services will be cut
jL 9
: Gather* ng
a* the
There was a time when a basketball and a
schoolyard were enough to keep a kid from
Queens content. But then one day, I can't
remember exactly when, I must've grown up.
Suddenly my Interested In the rubber sphere
that said VOIT on It dwindled considerably. I
could still bear the day, but night time was too
much. I guess a famous fat man said It best, I
was "all revved up with no place to go." I
complained bitterly of boredom, but person
after person gave me the same response:
"How could you have nothing to do? You live
in the biggest city in the world." So on a summer day when the hum of middle class Fedders air conditioners was the only noise being
made In a dry and dull Bayside, I decided to
brave it. I had heard so much clamor about
"The City" and how excitement was handed
to you on a silver platter. So I got on the Q16
omnibus which stopped right in front of the
schoolyard, went to Flushing, and boarded
the F train.
As I said, I had heard a million tales of
Manhattan. My main interests at the time (I
was 16} were music and appearing "cool". So
the first place I deckled to go was Greenwich
Village. I hard heard about this record store
called Village Oldies and read about all sorts of
musical enaeavora* In a paper called The
Village Voice that I found on the door ol the
subway. There was Folk Clly, where Bob Zimmerman gigged every now and then. There
was .Jazz at Tuesdays, and good old rock n roll
at "OMFUG-CBGB's". I emerged from the
subterranean railroad and made my way to
Blcecker Si., where .Village Oldies was. I was
amazed at the a
bum sleeping on a bench. There were clowns
miming, and people roller skating with large
radios on their shoulders. "What a
kaleidoscope of life," I thought, purchasing a
Joint from a dredclocked Rasteman and bopping my head in time with a street musician. 1
watched until I felt I had taken it all In. Was this
it? Was this "The City"? There had to be more
so I decided to take a walk uptown. I,passed
the 8lh Street Playhouse, where some of the
rarest and best rock movies are shown. I saw
the Joseph Papp Theatre where you can see
the hits before they reach Broadway, and 1
walked down Christopher St. and saw a gay
guy wink at me.
To my dismay I found myself on Broadway,
I had gone west instead ol uptown. I made a
right and continued my stroll. I saw Sammy
Davis Jr. plop-plop-fizz-flzzlng away on the
side of a bus, and read a billboard that said
"Carleton es mas ba]o." 1 passed through the
garment district where men in suits bumped
into me and didn'l seem to notice. I saw black
men pushing carts wiih rows of dresses on
Now by this lime it was beginning to grow
dark, and I had no Iritentions of spending any
of my nighl on the Infamous N.Y.C. subways.
But I was on ilStli St.. and there was no way I
was going home without a glimpse of 42nd St.
I had heard so much about how 42nd St. was
the epitome of sireet degeneracy. 1 saw
dealers, and a man selling little elephants for,
There was a
. jrtlslng "The
lid olher similar
neon deluge — "A Chorus Line, Broadway's!
Best Musical", "Yul Brenner In The King and
i". Now I knew where my parents went to
when they went to "the theatre". I followed
the signs all the way up to 54th St. and walked
towards 8th Ave. I saw a line of people waiting
outside a renovated movie theatre called
Studio 54. 1 watched in awe as limousines,
Mercedes, and other flashy cars dropped off
other flashy people. I here it was — the
longest running cocaine party in existence. 1
had heard about other good discos like New
York New York and Reglnes, and the Copa
Cabana, but the Studio was far and away the
No. 1 place.
Night was falling and 1 returned to Queens
to report on my journey. The next day I decid-.
ed to continue the venture. I went to Central
Park and saw a play In an amphitheater. I
walked through the zoo and saw another line
of people waiting to get into the Wolnian
Skating Rink where the Dr. Pepper music
festival was held every summer. Some people
on line were talking about other concerts they
had seen. I had heard about a small rock club
called The Bottom Line and a larger theatre
called The Palladium. Bowie was playing at
Radio City and I can't remember who was at
'where they sell the best hot dogs In the world
and had lunch.
1 walked back towards Central Park and saw
a hotel called The Plaza, where people dine In
a luxurious piano lounge and spend $7.00 for
two eggs. I walked down 5th Ave. and looked
in the windows of Cartler, Tiffany's, and
Rockefeller Center. 1 saw an advertisement for
Leonard Bernstein at Lincoln Center, and Arthur Feidler at Carnegie Hall, I was so crammed with ads and ideas that I found myself
But dumbfounded was a nice change from
boredom. I knew no matter how long I tried,
I'd never run out of things lo do. I welcomed
exhaustion, I was tired before one-half the day
was over. I had learned of an endless frontier
of experience, knowledge, and entertainment.
I felt like Columbus discovering the new
world, because as the saying goes, "If you
can't find it here, they probably don't make it."
There are rewards altached lo living in the big^jiist city In the world — you can develop the
broadest mind In the world. The only problem
i to cover it all
Is II would take a few 1
"I see the faces and traces of home back in New
York City."
Busses will leave the circle at 9:45
— Genesis
Sponsored by Student Association, SASU,
tor information "New York, Yew Nork, y'a gotta choose one."
callS A 457-8088
— Little Feat
(« r
3" 2 ^
2" I »
3 5,0
•P "•
>* : &
"Daddy don't live in that New York City no more."
— Steely Dan
— Grateful Dead
: ?M
«8 2
the Garden. I lelt Central Park and took a bus
to the Museum of Natural History where 1 saw
reconstructed dinosaurs and learned about
Darwin. There was a big to do at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, but I decided to
check out the Planetarium instead. I saw a
laser light show that boggled my senses and
found out about the stars. 1 passed Madison
Square Garden and saw pictures of Willis
Reed, Mick dagger, and the Barnum & Bailey
, Circus. 1 went across the street to Deli r*'l-,jt
"New York, got the ways and means..."
s 2. 2
"" " •§
to -
I r* a. o
a! » ©
a" » s a.
5 Se" 2
B » 3
3 *Z3 •e« 2»
M< 5* o o
*• * a. »
"Wish I was back In the city, instead of this ol' bank of sand."
U Dylan
"When my heart starts to syncopate with the rhythm of the. city, then in
one with the Isle of Man-hattan."
_ R ^ ^
^ ^
in Manhattan, __
cute. "
miamgni in
. ^ to beSpnngsteen
"And your New York walk
and your New York talk."
- John Lennon
Page 1
Concert Corner
Stuart Matranga
w e n t . T h e b o y t o o k o u t a small black pistol
r e p e a t e d h i m s e l f In E n g l i s h , " G o o d b u y , m a n
Seventy-five cent. C h e a p . C o m e o n . "
The man had no money and walked
f r o m the p l e a d i n g b o y . L e a v i n g the alley he
p a s s e d a tall b e a r d e d m a n i n a t u r b a n . T h e tall
m a n g r a b b e d t h e little b o y a n d t h r e w h i m i n t o
I f § IF(fti(dl@iyS
a r o w of garbage cans. T h e boy leaped u p a n d
w i t h t h e agiltty o f a cat s p r a n g o u t i n t o t h e
shadows. The thin m a n
! 11a
fat w o m e n w e r e s i t t i n g , w a i t i n g f o r t h e b u s .
p l e a s e , " said t h e y o u n g e r o n e .
I k Hole
leaser Hunt
t h a t ' s w h a t y o u s a y n o w , b u t In t w e n t y !
w i r e s o u t s i d e his w i n d o w . A s h e e x h a l e d , t h e
y e a r s , y o u ' l l c o m e t o m e a n d it'll b e a d i f f e r e n t
li-r Hoogic
t w i r l i n g c o l u m n of s m o k e r o s e t o t h e e x p a n -
story," the older one said.
Ik* Horror Picture Show
" O h can't y o u u n d e r s t a n d . 1 k n o w , 1 k n o w .
c i g a r e t t e w a s e x h a u s t e d h e let It d r o p t o t h e
Y o u u n d e r s t a n d . Y o u ' v e seen It all b e f o r e b u t
7:25, 9:25
6:35, 8:45
c Horseman
" I t o l d y o u b e f o r e ft d o e s n ' t m a t t e r t o m e ,
f o n d l e d it b e t w e e n h i s y e l l o w e d f i n g e r s s t a r i n g
at t h e t w o v e r y still b i r d s o n t h e
ner vs. Kramer
older o n e .
H e Inhaled a long, s m o o t h stream of nicotine
f r o m his d i s i n t e g r a t i n g c i g a r e t t e . C a r e l e s s l y , h e
A D U L T : W a k e U p , W i n , and W i n d D o w n
" I t h i n k y o u better t h i n k a b o u t I t , " s a i d t h e
a n d d i s e m b o d i e d v o i c e s f r o m t h e street b e l o w .
I llellmnn
7:00, 9:20
floor joining other burnt-out dreams.
" B u i s . n o buts. L o o k dear, I t h i n k I k n o w
H e h a d spent t h e d a y , as h e h a d s p e n t m o s t
w h a t I'm t a l k i n g a b o u t . . . "
o f his d a y s , In b e d , n a k e d a n d s m o k i n g c o n -
l i e In Style
tinuously. A n d listening t o the voices t h r o u g h
" D e a r G o d ! T h i s w o m a n Is k i l l i n g m e , " s a i d
t h e w a l l s . U n a n s w e r e d v o i c e s o f o l d m e n , soft
the y o u n g e r o n e w a t c h i n g a cluster o f m o t h s
m e l o d i e s f r o m y o u n g g i r l s , breathless v i b r a -
attack t h e street l a m p .
t h e m , k n e w t h e m all v e r y w e l l . N o
It w a s t h e d e e p e s t p a r t o f t h e n i g h t .
w a l k e d t o his b u i l d i n g . H e felt d o w n a " v e i l , a
d e e p w e l l of silence as h e a s c e n d e d t h e stairs.
C o m i n g t o his d o o r h e h e a r d a l o w g r o a n i n g
n i g h t h e m i g h t sleep If h e c o u l d after w a l k i n g
but it w a s o n l y t h e o l d m a n i n his s l e e p . H i s
silently t h r o u g h t h e d a r k , still, n o i s y streets.
r o o m was dark and quiet. Carefully, he o p e n -
This night he decided t o skip dinner a n d h e s
e d t h e w i n d o w , It s o f t l y s c r e a m e d as t h e w o o d
r o s e e a r l y . C a s u a l l y h e slid his t w o p a l e , b o n y
legs i n t o a pair o f b a g g y p a n t s . H e c o v e r e d his
steaming strong coffee
stench of
w o r k i n g its w a y
sand thoughts. They followed htm to a candy
revolver in his spindly h a n d . Casually
S o u n d s of a city n i g h t w a s h e d u p o n h i m .
s t o r e n e x t t o t h e T u r k i s h r e s t a u r a n t w h e r e he
unhesitatingly he raised the barrel of the g u n
IWavcs flowing and b o u n c i n g a r o u n d lighted
b o u g h t a n e w s p a p e r a n d h e l d it, p r e c i o u s l y ,
t o his t e m p l e a n d p u l l e d t h e t r i g g e r . E v e r y o n e
corners were soaked with the music of a t h o u -
u n d e r his a r m . A y o u n g A r a b b o y s t o o d in a
heard the shot.
— t h e y h o r s e d a r o u n d . H e ' d g o d o w n t o Tif-
" D a s r i g h t . D a a a s r i g h t . Y o u is oil lost lest
the g l i t t e r ,
his b i g
C o s m e t i c s s e c t i o n . It a m a z e d h i m , d a y a l t e r
a n y o n e w i t h a little m o r e b e a u t y a n d class t h a n
reflected back to h i m . D i a m o n d s , pearls, what
d a y t o see all these f a n c y r i c h b r o a d s s p e n d a
she h a d . W e l l tsk tsk f o r h e r , M a r s h a t h o u g h t ,
l o n g c r e a m y necks must h o l d those necklaces.
fortune o n Junk.
a n d d e c i d e d to b u y b o t h shades, mostly to In-
h e a d s les'n y o u get m e b a c k o n m y
T h e n h e ' d g o over to F . A . O .
me, you
I have
s n e e r e d at t h e m , but*
all these s o p h i s t i c a t e d
N o w d o y o u h e a r ? " T h e o l d w o m a n lifted hei
t h i n k a b o u t all t h o s e c r a p p y g a m e s h e h a d as a
w h o n e v e r k n e w t h e sweat of w o r k i n g f o r a
devotees. Her deep b r o w n
P o p Yar Top a n d m o d e l F o r d M u s t a n g s .
T h e m , w i t h t h e i r A l c a p o c o tans
M o n i c a said as M a r s h a t o o k
h e r c r e d i t c a r d . A n d t h e y r e m a i n e d silent as
t h e y w a l k e d o u t of t h e L e x i n g t o n A v e n u e e x i t .
press? hie l i v e d for t h e d a y w h e n h e c o u l d
T h e d a y w a s e n d i n g a n d s w a r m s of eager
c a t c h o n e of these s e l f - r i g h t e o u s i n f e r i o r s steal-
p e o p l e f l e d office b u i l d i n g s c h a r g i n g t o w a r d s
subway tunnels. O n a corner a small c r o w d
i n g a scarf o r a sash I n t o h e r b a g a n d P o w .
gathered, Marsha and Monica, though tired,
But the Fifth A v e n u e c r o w d passed her
w e r e d r a w n t o t h e c o m m o t i o n , A n a g e d black
over In the Russian T e a R o o m to chat w i t h the
w i t h o u t m o r e t h a n a q u i c k b a c k w a r d g l i m p s e . d o o r m a n a q d see if a n y stars w e r e i n s i d e .
a n d a sneer,
Usually the d o o r m a n w o u l d chase h i m a w a y ,
" G e t a l o a d of her m a j e s t y , " said M u r r y to
but t o d a y h e c a m e p r e p a r e d w i t h a fifth of
h i m s e l f . M u r r a y u s e d t o w o r k in a g a r a g e o n
b o u r b o n . H e felt like l i s t e n i n g . '
N e w U t r e c h t A v e n u e , but after h e got l a i d off
" W a t c h w h e r e y o u ' r e g o l n ' . M a c , " said Her
h e t o o k t o t h e habit o f w a n d e r i n g a r o u n d C e n nie. a h u s k y m a n w i t h a p o t b e l l y a n d a (ace
tral P a r k , especially i n t h e P a l a c e H o t e l .
r e d as a b e e t , after M u r r a y n e a r l y r a n i n t o h i m .
T h e y h a d kicked h i m out a few weeks ago
B e r n i e m u t t e ' r e d a c u r s e l o u d e n o u g h (or M u r because they caught h i m l o u n g i n g a r o u n d o n e
ray | o h e a r , but n e i t h e r m a n s t o p p e d . L o o k at
of the private entertaining r o o m s w i t h the high
all this f i l t h . B e r n i e t h o u g h t as h e s t e p p e d o v e r
ceilings a n d chandeliers — n a k e d nyrnphs o n
a S p r a w l e d o u t d r u n k w h o s e p a n t s w e r e soak
t h e w a l l t h a t felt l i k e v e l v e t a n d s m e l l e d l i k e
e d . D a m n liberals, B e r n i e t h o u g h t , w h y can't
p e r f u m e , an expensive, k i n d . H e used-to walk
t h e y shut u p a n d let n a t u r e t a k e Its c o u r s e ?
a r o u n d a n d see w o m e n , ladies In l o n g g o w n s ,
T h e n all this (tllh c l u t t e r i n g t h e streets c o u l d b e
o n e l e g visible t h r o u g h a d i s c r e e t slit u p t o t h e
k n e e - just e n o u g h t h i g h p e e k e d t h r o u g h t o d u m p e d in (he Eosl R i v e r , A n d t h e b u m s o n
L e t h i m c a t c h o n e o f t h e m " l a d i e s " slippcome
FeD.is s s o o p n
a t t n e Paiace
on saie now!
by Vincent
his week
w o m a n wearing a green turban and a green
v Y o r k t h a i is ( o n l y
dress w a s d a n c i n g a n d s i n g i n g in s o m e m a d
course we m e a n N e w Y o r k C i t y ,
of i n t i m i d a t i o n . It w o u l d d a m n w e l l m a k e his
ritualistic f r e n z y . H e r a r m s s w u n g w i l d l y a n d
here is y o u r c h a n c e t o see h o w
d a y . B e r n i e t i t t e r e d a bit a n d t w o girls f r o m
j e r k i n g l y . H e r h a n d s h e l d o r d i n a r y sticks, yet
eh you k n o w a b o u t t h e B i g A p -
R o s l y n . L o n g Island s p o i l e d h i m a n d g i g g l e d
she w i e l d e d t h e m like s w o r d s . H e r j i b b e r l s h ,
at h i m . B e r n i e t u r n e d e v e n r e d d e r t h a n a b e e t ,
hoarse and gutteral. was
a n d turned towards the Shoe department
but s o m e t i m e s s h e ' d s h o u t s n i p p e t s o f b r o k e n
a n d l o o k e d o v e r the C l i n l q u e line of m a k e u p ,
with a creaky
M a r s h a h a d o n the S a s s o o n s w h i l e M o n i c a ,
t i n n e d t o M a r s h a . " W h o Is s h e ? " she a s k e d
being m o r e subtle, w o r e A n n Kleins.
a n d o n e lip c u r l e d f r o m t h e m i x t u r e o f c o n f u -
S o m e t h i n g m o r e was n e e d e d , thought Marsha.
t h i n k ? " she a s k e d , her
little l a u g h .
) W h a t is N e w Y o r k ' s
s a i d , " s h e ' s just
What Is N e w Y o r k ' s r a n k i n g
m a k e y o u r m o u t h d r o o l , b u t not e n o u g h t o
t h i n k y o u c o u l d g r a b h e r b y t h e f a n n y a n d it
n e w dress, Marsha's trip t o Florida, Marsha's
w o u l d b e o k . M u r r a y s m i l e d at t h e t h o u g h t of
s t r o n g e r a n d if t h e w e a k stay w e a k t h e y s h o u l d
Everything hail always gone Mar-
shrugged hei t w e e d shoulders a n d s u b m e r g e d
be t a k e n care of, because t h e y ' r e h o l d i n g t h e
sha's w a y
" T r y the P e r r l w l n k l e B l u e , it m i g h t
i n t o t h e I N D . M a r s h a a n d M o n i c a l o o k e d Bl
I Streci w h e r e B r o a d w a y crosses
rest of us b a c k , g o d d a m l t ,
t u i n g o u t y o u r *'vi's b e t t e r : " W h i l e she r e m a i n -
e a c h o t h e r - In t h e m i d s t o l a fastly d i s p e r s i n g
h Avenue'. 1
e d i n the w i n g s M a r s h a t o o k the
c r o w d t h e Q u e e n of
s t r o n g s h o u l d be t h e o n e s free t o get
M o n i c a r e m e m b e r e d Junloi H i g h . Marsha's
t h o u g h t , the g o o d life, t h e soft t o u c h . W h a t a
B l o o m l n g d a l e s . f o u r til c l o s i n g . H e g o t t o his
W h o was she a n y w a y , s o m e k i n g of
d i f f e r e n c e f r o m Ihe g r i m e of B r o o k l y n .
j o c k e i a n d p u t o n his u n i f o r m . T h e y
w h o though) the w o r l d o w e d her s o m e t h i n g "
M u r r a y l i k e d (0 pass t h e t i m e t a l k i n g (p t i n -
h i m l a k e off his " S c r e w I r a n " b u t t o n , but h e
M a r s h a s k i l l f u l l y a p p l i e d t h e light b l u e b l u s h
h a c k d r i v e r s a b o u t all t h e celebs — n a m e s t h a t
h a d it o n t h e Inside of his lapel f o r his o w n
t o h e r right e y e l i d . S h e c a u g h t a g l i m p s e of her
t o h i m w e r e just i t e m s o n t h e Post's Page
f r i e n d in t h e m i r r o r . S u c h a c o l d s t a r e , she
W i t h that the sophisticated
Lebanon prattled
p r a n c e d a n d p r o p h e s l z e d , " I will rule
'fin m a n u f a c t u r i n g c c n i e r s i n t h e
is l o c a t e d
w iat
W h a i is the largest b o r o u g h (In
1. T h e W a l l -
Pink Floyd
2. O n t h e R a d i o -— D o n n a S u m m e r
1. D o T h a t T o M e O n e M o r e T i m e
3 . T h e L o n g R u n — Eagles
all d i r e c t i o n s . S o , G o o d L u c k l
Captain a n d Tenllle
3 . Escape — R u p e r t
4. C o w a r d o l the C o u n l y — K e n n y
Petty and Ihe Heartbreakers
5. S e n d O n e Y o u r L o v e - -
of P l a n t s - - S t e v i e W o n d e r
6 . Crulsin' — S m o k e y Robinson
7. K e n n y — K e n n y Rogers
7. We Don'l Talk A n y m o r e -
8. Off the W a l l -
9. C o r n e r s t o n e — Styx
111. T u s k — F l e e t w o o d M a c
8 . C r a z y Little T h i n g C a l l e d L o v e —
9 . Please D o n ' l G o
6 . J o u r n e y T h r o u g h I h e Secret L i i e
the T o r p e d o e s
Bee Gees Grealest Hits —
li£ &
T R I V I A T I M E . A n s w e r s are g o i n g In
W r i t e d o w n y o u r answers and br-
l e n n s o f p o p u l a t i o n ) In N . Y . C . 7
m u c h Is i l i e I n i t i a l e o n -
s u l t a t i o n fee nl Ihe legal c l i n i c s o l
ing t h e m i " C (
.i.i-i by
Michael Jackson
K C a n d Ihe
M o n d a y . A l l w i n n e r s w i l l receive n
free p e r s o n a l i n the
r h l n a Called L o v e , F o o l in the R a i n ,
Jncoby and Myers?
the W.'
ided in 1K5!
1. 0 N 1)
I) B It S
It 0 1
B 0 11 T
M 0 T I:
A P s B 11
1. 1
E It B G 0
1: I T 1
1. 1.
A 0
p.m. o n
1 1-1 lv
Ing i h c m t
M1 "l w
l ln
l ld
l Ual .yt ,.
•• i n n e»r •s- w i l l receive .1
f r e e p e r s o n a l In Ihe
I reedom
P o i n t Z e r o , N i g h t In (he R u l s , L i v e
Rust, S e p t e m b e i M o m , D a r k S l d e o j
llu 1
W r i t e d o w n y o u i answers a n d bi
A n d s o m e wise g u y t u r n e d t o t h e c o p a n d
W h o Is the statue o f In
s i . a u ' i l a v . " until ihe blue m e n escourted her
s a i d . " L o n g live t h e q u e e n . "
royal highness away.
1 M 1 N
Sunshine Band
it)) H o w
T 0 A s K
0 P A
A it II i) 0
§ T H A W 11 B It it Y
s A N T 1 A (i 0 S
B It K
A V 0
N B A It B 1)
0 T It A
S A 0 N
W II I I. B Y 0 11 K I!
0 K 0
H B u S S
N 0 T 1. 1: A s T Hi.
A 11 N B it M A
• A M 11 i.B, 1 T
T i; 1, 1. S 1 T 1. I K
N 0 1 s 1!
N 0 V A
0 A s p
W h a t is the oldest U n i v e r s i t y i n
New Y o r k ,
New Y o r k
a hell of
a town!
• '
Bi llboard's Top Ten
o f .1 H a r v e y ' s
neily called?
h o l d i n g a briefcase a n d l o o k i n g like
ing largest cities i n t h e w o r l d ?
W h a t is the s e c o n d largest
High (in t e r m s o f p o p u l a t i o n ) i n
she just
s i o n a n d c o n t e m p t she felt. A s m a r t l y d r e s s e d
S n i o k e y A m e t h y s t o v e r h e r left e y e .
by V i n c e n t
Cood luck!
Burst of a c t i v i t y
C i t y , Oklahoma
B r i n g upon o n e s e l f
Some U.N. vetoes
Board a t O r l y
Jidda n a t i v e
Euell Gibbons, e . g .
Word Search
escort t h e d e a r t o t h e s e c u r i t y o f f i c e . T h e n a
t h o r o u g h f r i s k i n g . Let t h e m k n o w t h e m e a n i n g
T h e girls w e n t o v e r t o t h e c o s m e t i c s c o u n t e r
This week's W O R D S E A R C H c o n ided to visit T H E C I T Y .
9 Singer-actor
10 R i g h t - a n g l e
11 Oldtime a : t r e s s from
Scotland (2 wds.)
12 Manufacturer
13 "Massachusetts,
21 Memorable Brando
film (2 wds.)
22 Go one up on
28 Crossings
29 "Nevermore" bird
30 Race-car driver
31 Give birth (3 wds.)
32 Squirmy
33 Violent upheaval
34 Physicist's concern
35 Grapefruit
41 Certain believers
43 Month after Avrll
45 Lost on purpose
47 Kind of Saxon
4U Rocky Mountain
49 Scenic view
Park, Colorado
53 Test answer
54 Monthly payment
56 A
U, and
sometimes Y
43 Creme de
44 UnlIsted securities
45 Road substance
46 Pass by
51 Communications
device (abbr.)
52 Theatrical display
55 Harvesting machine
57 War god
58 Pesky insect
59 Nickname for Esther
60 Alfred of the
61 Gallop
62 Cut the lawn again
63 Backdrops
64 Cash register
Trivia Time
w e l f a r e w o u l d be f o r c e d t o w o r k f o r a l i v i n g
me j e r r y
40 Ceremonial robes
42 "Just the facts,
S t u d i o f><1 get u p s , w h o are t h e y t r y i n g t o i m -
T h e P a l a c e . M a n , t o l a y u p t h e r e e v e n for a
6. Slrangely enough, S L E E P LESS, L I V E M O R I - : was
noi written by a magazine editor.
©l;dward .Julius
n i g h t , eat t h a t r e a l r i c h f o o d , c h a m p a g n e , he
N . Y . Flyers
Sam & Dave
WEBana 9i Fn
5. E D U C A T I O N O F A W O M A N G O L F E R was not
published by C r o w c l l , nor was it subtitled W H Y 1 W I L L
N E V E R HE F A T A G A I N .
1 Auto j a u n t
5 Enthusiasm
f T r W i time manaces
14 Dance of the
\b Mrs. Nick Charles
16 Mohammedan deity
17 Suffix for clear
or appear
19 "
Seeing You,"
1938 song
20 Info from the
longa, vita
21 Mi ss Mason
25 Nonsense
26 I l l u m i n a t e d
27 Conrnit a lawenforcement e r r o r
30 "Your Show of Shows"
31 Like the U.S.
35 Heathen
36 Make one's day
37 Prefix: of birds
38 Portrayer of
Charlie Chan
39 City In SW Illinois
furiate M o n i c a .
and her wrinkled h a n d , held high, gestured to • astronaut
t h e m a s s e s as if she c o u l d start t h e r e v o l u t i o n d r a g s t e r .
b y w a v i n g It. " I shall be y o u r q u e e n a g a i n , m y
It w a s a sad d a y w h e n A b e r c h r o m b i e a n d
b e l o v e d p e o p l e . W e s h a l l f-fill o u r d e s t i n y . " F i n c h c l o s e d their d o o r s . M u r r a y w a s h e a d i n g
2. Clue one used either the firs! or last name o f each
3. Arranged numerically by Ihe number o f words in each
subtitle, Ihe books arc: 1st, S L E E P LESS, L I V E M O R E ;
2nd, ihe one published by Simon & Schuster which was
written neither by Everett M a l l l l n nor by Eda LcShan; 3 r d ,
ihe book written by a family counselor who was not named
Nancy L o p e / a n d whose hook was not subtitled A B O L D
lissen t o
Robert Gordon
Danko, Ilutterfield Band
From the following
vims, can you mulch uuthor,
sublllle, publisher, unit the author's
1. Arranged alphabetically by author's name, the books
are: 1st, W I N N I N G T H E L O S I N G B A T T L E ; 2 n d , Ihe one
published by l.ippiucoll w h i c h was m i l written by a ramily
counselor or by a prize winner; 3 r d , the one subtitled A
u s u u r p e d ! A n d d e w r a t h a' G a w d be o n y o ' a l l
7:45, lt):(X)
l u m k Mull
liner vs. Kramer
l l r i c Horseman
I k Hole
91 m
Three books have interesting messages a n d subtitles.
Each one challenges you lo get more out o f each minute o f
your l i f e .
4. Clue three arranged llic books by number cither in
ascending or in descending, order.
TOY, nc
j Trek
Crystal Ship
n e w s p a p e r o n t h e b e d a n d c r a d l e d t h e black
f r o m the Turkish restaurant d o w n the block.
H e didn't bother to wash o r shave. Closing the
c a u g h t b y his p r o w l i n g e a r s . A l l d a y l o n g . A t
c o u l d g o u n h e a r d , n o sigh c o u l d p a s s u n -
b e n t , b l o o d l e s s t o r s o w i t h a n o l d p l a i d ' shirt.
•null House
B u t t h e n h e w a s t o o far.
w e a r y mothers; he listened for t h e m a n d k n e w
David Johansen
Edgar Winter
by Howard P. Alvlr, Ph.D
C o m i n g h o m e he passed a bus stop. T w o
Count Basic
The Logic Puzzle
Movie Timetable
l o d g e d it i n t h e f o l d e d p a p e r .
breeze c a r r i e d o u t t h e d i s c o r d a n t ,
went back into the
alley a n d p i c k e d u p t h e f o r g o t t e n g u n .
T h e w i n d o w was u p a n d the c o o l twilight
J.B. Scott's
Jan. 21
Jan. 23
Jan. 24
Jan. 25
Jan. 26,27
Feb. 3
Feb. 6
Feb. 9
n a r r o w alley b e t w e e n t h e restaurant a n d t h e
c a n d y store. T h e b o y called h i m over.
Used Book Exchange
is taking in and selling books
Tues Jan 15 - Fri Jan 18.
W e will continue selling books
Mon Jan 2 1 - W e d Jan 23
in CC Ballroom
from 10 am - 3 pm
Traditional and Country Rock
^ &
and electric guitw
Tom Flynn
guitar and bass
Joe Cirdillo
n * l . bain, •ml 9
with a touch of humor that
AC'OMI'l.rrii LINK
You MUST pick up your books
and/or money Jan 25 - in Ballroom
Jan 28, Jan 29 in - i n C C 3 6 1
an & mt
To the Editor:
6 p.m.- l:3n a.m.
Uliutinaiti 1 auxiliary i&rrutrrs
A Call for Purity
all tl)ia Dclcomc (Back Ucckenb at the fJnh
The only way we can ensure the release o f
the hostages is to slop protecting the Shah.
Superpairioiism and war hysteria will not
help the hostages. The U.S. docs uol need to
prove it is not " s o l i . " We have tragically
" p r o v e d " that in Vietnam. Korea. Chile.
Greece, and in many oilier situations. When
Gerald Ford sent the Marines into Cambodia
to free Americans captured In t h e '
"Mayaguez Incident" more Americans were
killed than were captured in I he first place.
Come Together
jfritiap anb g>aturt.ap, fanuarp 18 anto 19
All proceeds go to Telethon '80
who is quoted wrongly'.1 Is that good reporting'! ASP, you arc a line paper but you have
some Haws. Why don'l you work on this one
for nest semester, You can quote me on that.
What we need to prove to the world is that
American intervention in other nation's affairs and support of foreign dictators will
end. Only then will we avoid future hostage
— Bruce Cronln
dint have not conformed in U.S. economic
and miliiary lliiere.sts laced punishment. The
American government (through ilie.CIA and
miliiary) lias overthrown the democratically
elected governments o f Iran. Chile. South
Vietnam. Greece, and the Dominican
Republic, and replaced them with ruthless
Rachael Sweet
It is very clear from the letters published in
this newspaper that many minds on ihis campus arc so clouded wilh their own ideals and
beliefs that the one and only issue at hand is
becoming grcally distorted. That issue is the
immediate and unconditional release of the
50 Americans that are unjustly, irresponsibly, and inhumanely being held hostage In
Iran. No other issue can be discussed,
debated, or defended until these 50
Americans are released. It is this violation of
international and basic human rights that has
united America. The cry for vengeance, lor
respect, and ultimately, for war, is not tillered lightly. Americans know the horror of
war. The memory o f Vietnam is ever present
on our minds, precluding the need to visit a
Veterans Administration hospital to see its
victims. However, there conies a time when
all diplomatic and peaceful means have failed. There comes a time when the burning o f
American Embassies, and the killing and kidnapping o f Americans in those embassies,
must end. There comes a time when one can
no longer turn the other cheek, for it has
been turned too often. If, unfortunately, no
other means but war will guarantee that the
rights of Americans will be protected, will be
respected, so be it. During the war for independence, one proudly displayed banner
read, " D o n ' t iread on m e . " The time has
come when all nations must learn to respect
that idea.
— Stuan Click
tiukw*** /ibruaru >3* * 6WJWL
T ^
Thursday, 7*nu*ry T
)A funofv
in fffopus.
Last semester tax cards being honored.
To the Editor:
The ASP is a very fine college paper but,
like all, it has its faults. I believe that others
will agree with me in saying that the ASP has
been known to print misquotes. 1 understand
that the ASP wants to relay certain messages,
however, putting quotes around something
someone never said is very amateurish and
deceitful. A reporter has no righl to rearrange words in a statement and quote it.
Rearranging words can make the difference
between honesty and lying.
I am referring in particular to my quote in
the past December 7th issue of, "Where is
Power Bred — The Aspects 5 0 . " Alter seeing
the quote that was put next to my. name, I
wished I was never chosen. True, a quote saying, "Once the group chooses who tliey want
to hear, I have to sel up the whole t h i n g , "
may sound like a powerful statement, bu 1 I
do NOT do the whole thing, and I NEVER
said It, What I do is oversee the whole thing
(event). A word change like that lakes away
all die credit thai the group, and especially
the vice chairperson, deserve. Il makes a difference!
Now, I understand that the ASP iries to
present accurate quotes and stories, but is
their mistake lair to me'.' Is it fair to anyone
— Roberta I arkan
T o the Editor:
1 hove been on the faculty here for more
than ten years. While a student til a scry large
mid-West university 1 wrote for the daily student newspaper. I do mil read the ASP.,
However, your Idler sounded sincere so I'll
lake the time to write a sincere letter. I did
pick up a copy of the ASP last Fiidas lo sec
If, indeed, it had improved since my last encounter with it some years back. Il had uol.
So I'll go ahead with my note.
You said you had a desire lo do the " l i g l u
things" and become a "responsible publicat i o n . " Well, doing so is uol really using lo
see how many four letter words you can cram
into an issue. Before you label me a prude let
me say that I spent four years in the Murine
Corps. I've heard and used all of the words
and all of the combinations of words dial
your paper might come up with. I'lint doesn't
mean, however, thai 1 want litem llfnrslcd ai
tne in a publicaiion which may offend people
who read things in my office and in my
You said you weren't aiming ai one group
o f people. You're wrong. I'd say you're aiming al the immature readers who gel a kick
out o f being able lo contribute or just read
the four letter words that Ihey won't find in a
"responsible" newspaper. There's an old axiom in journalism and in show business
which says that if the material has to he
" b l u e " and rely on lour letter words, I lien
the act is strictly second rate, tlow does the
ASP stand u p i o thai lest. 1 think you (and all
of the editors before you) base under-fated
the campus community. Most o f them seem
lo be able lo struggle through I he N. >'. Time,
and other legitimate newspapers without nisi
skimming and looking for I he compromise o f
obscenity. It appears that no ASP editors
have ever had the courage lo edit the letters
and articles which would fall fltu on their
face if they didn't create an interest by their
choice ol' words.
If you are as sincere as you say, give it a
try, You might end up with some credibility
after all.
— (Potential) Constant Reader
An Irish Toast
I n the Editor:
Who be these Irish folk that do liner the
Podium sieps with their puddles of remorse
each parly night? How do they gel on campus, these Gaelic sots who would leave no poicni refreshments for the rest of us??? I sorely need a drinkydrink, but where is there a
bar stool without some Mickey O'Toole or
Molly Maguire perched upon il? I thirst for
justice and beer. We must harmonize our
parched throat-cries into a song o f indignation. Pop the Corkers! Dump die Dublincrs!
— Daniel O'Connell
• • • • • • • • • • a
You are fast becoming
what you are
going to be.
Enough is Enough
W e l c o m e back m y f r i e n d s , we have p r o b l e m s . W e have entered the t o u t e d eighties
m a w o r l d that is u n d o u b t e d l y at one o f its most c r u c i a l points ever. T e n s i o n is i n the
a i r a n d we all feci i t . Y e t , we have c o m e back t o S U N Y A , c o n t i n u i n g everyday l i f e ,
h o p i n g that t h a i r o u t i n e does not have t o change. But S U N Y A a n d S U N Y are at one
o f their most crucial p o i n t s ever t o o . T h e i n t e r n a l i o n a l s t a n d - o f f m a y s o o n make
S U N Y A troubles seem l i k e pleasures, but the h o m e f r o n t s a r e n ' t l o o k i n g g o o d j u s t
the same, as d e p a r t m e n t s are r u n n i n g out o f money i n h o r r i b l e u n i s o n because the
D i v i s i o n o f Budget ( D O B ) a n d G o v e r n o r H u g h Carey are t r i m m i n g the fat o n an i n s t i t u t i o n t h a t ' s already s k i n a n d bones.
It is almost tragically i r o n i c that o n one h a n d , a ' g o o d e d u c a t i o n is so s t r o n g l y
stressed i n A m e r i c a n p r i n c i p l e s , ye'l o n the o t h e r h a n d , it is given such a l o w i m p o r tance p r i o r i t y i n some u n f o r t u n a t e hut necessary procedures, l i k e b u d g e t i n g f o r example.
e d u c a t i o n i n A m e r i c a t o d a y is u n f o r t u n a t e l y very dependent o n the capitalist
system, a n d is a helpless v i c t i m o f i n f l a t i o n ' s a n d recession's d a m a g e . Nelson
Rockefeller became a great m a n when he created the finest college system a n y state
h a d , and H u g h Carey is a l l o w i n g il l o lie l o r n d o w n , because he's a l l o w i n g t r e m e n dous budget a n d s t a f f cuts, t h a t , after previous similar actions t h a i d w i n d l e d tlie
system t o a bare m i n i m u m , w i l l cause sever under-staffing, a n d b u d g e t i n g , a n d
education w i l l u n d o u b t e d l y suffer.
Students: W h e t h e r y o u arc here l o gel a j o b , o f l o learn, or just t o have a g o o d
l i m e , these cuts w i l l deteriorate the e d u c a t i o n y o u are paying m o r e motley f o r . Y o u
w i l l learn less.
Teachers: W h e n tin E n g l i s h Department doesn't even have a d i t t o m a c h i n e , when a
d e p a r t m e n t can't even order s o m e t h i n g us vital as paper, when there's n o t h i n g in the
k i l t y nt all f o r any e x c i t i n g ideas you might conic up w i t h , can y o u possibly he
leaching as Interestingly, as freely, us well, as hefure?
A m e r i c a is i n t r o u b l e n o w , and the higher education syslcm must t u r n out wellr o u n d e d , finely educated, s i u m i l a i e d c i t i / e n s . Now more than e v e r l T h e s l u d c n l c o n eepl o f college e d u c a t i o n has deteriorated i n recent years, t o u stale where the
numbers tire valued higher than lltt: i i i u o u n l actually learned. O f course, that can be
c h a n g e d , w i t h g o o d e d u c a t i o n , u n h a m p e r e d by financial woes.
W e must stop these budget cuts. I'hey must be s l o p p e d . T h e d a y is J a n u a r y 2 9 t h .
T h e place is ihc heart o f the South M a l l , the Egg- I he lime is ten o ' c l o c k . Teachers,
students, simply all w h o really believe i n those admirable A m e r i c a n principles o f
d e v o t i o n to e d u c a t i o n , and assurance o f its q u a l i t y , iniist c o n i c .
It is a p p r o p r i a t e l y called Save S U N Y D a y , because S U N Y is at stake. T h e j o i n t effort o f students, teachers, a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , a n d concerned c i t i / e n s as a team w i l l u n d o u b t e d l y m a k e a s t r o n g impression on those people w h o t h i n k they can destroy
The Stale U n i v e r s i t y o f New Y o r k ' s q u a l i t y w i t h o u t a l i g h t .
Tuesday, .lanttary 2 1 ), !():()() a . m . , I he E.gg. T h e r e are classes t h e n , b u t classes
w o n ' l he w o r t h a d i m e a n y w a y i f litis i l t i n g isn'l s l o p p e d . So cut for a g o o d reason, a
v a l i d reason, a n d teachers, you cut t o o . A n d i f eveibo.ly cms together, classes might
really be w o r t h g o i n g l o a g a i n .
,• \ ,'.- •"'
5 ' ^ t f t « & n B V W H M i'HI
Jay B. Glssen, liitlint nt f.VWc/
Ron Levy, Richard Behar, MmiUf/fflg En • •''.•>
News Editor
Associate News Editors . . . . .
ASPects Editor. .
Associate ASPects Editor
Sports E d i t o r . .
Associate Sports Editor
Editorial Pages Editor
Mlcilele Israel
Idiur • mrenlino. Sylvia Saunders
Stuart Malranga
Bob O'Brian
Paul Scliwail.
Boh Bellafiore
Staffwriters: Charles Ik'll, Pal Rranley. Andrew Carroll. Karen Finn. Mike Piled. Maureen
George. Hi! Goodman. Larry Kahn, Debhy Kopf, Susan Mllliyah. Michelle Mackrull, K.uliy Perilli.
Roberta Rosunlinum. .Ml Srhadntl. .Belli Scxer. Amn Smith. Debbie Smith Zodiac and
Preview: Carol Vulk. Jamie Klein News Editor Emeritus: Aion Smith
Debbie Kopf, liuHlnemt Mnnnyer
Advertising Manager
Billing Accountant
Assistant Accountant
C o m p o s i t i o n Manager
Sieve Goldstein
Lisa Applebaum
Bundle Brown
Fran Glueckeh
Sates: K.uliy Bosco. Rich Schnningcr. Rich Sellgson Classified Manager: Robbln Block Comp o s i t i o n : Mike McDonald Advertising Production Manager: Sue 11 HI .man A d v e r t i s i n g
P r o d u c t i o n : Charles Bell. Helene Drucker. Tammi Geiger. Penny Greenstein. Joy Preler. Office
C o o r d l n s t o r : Kvelyn L.llis Office Staff: Jay Lustgarten. Bonnie Stevens
J o r d a n Metzger, Rob Grubman, Production Managers
Eric K o l l . Vincent A l e l l o , Ellssa Beck, Associate Production Managers
Vertical Camera
Typist Entraordtnalre
. . Dave Benjamin
Hunk's Chick
Paste-up: Lisa Bongiorno. Marie llallano Typists: Rosemary Peirara, Robin Goldberg. Carol
I Islao, September Klein. Debbie Lqeb, Wayne Robertt. Zarl Slahl, Laurie Wallers Proofreaders:
Rachel Cohen. <loy Friedman. Sue Llchtensteln. Chauffeur: Tom Sallna
Photography, supplied princlpal/y ay Unineis/ly Photo Setolce
Send us a letter...
while there's still time
Established 1916
The A/bony Sli'depl Press Is puM/s/md euery Tuesday and LViday during the school year liy Ilia
/Vnuny Student /''e;.b ('orporatlon, an Independent, not for-profit organisation" editorial poltt L1 IS
determined by the Edllai In Chief and Is subject lo realemby the Editorial Board Mailing'fldkluns
Albany Student Press. CC 329, MOO Washington Ave . Album'. NY !:'.•:.!
(,ril,s'J 4S7.SS9Z
The ASP will not accept requests
for billing for advertisements totall- •
Ing less than $25. Any campus
group or organization must submit
payment when placing their ads
when cost Is less than the
minimum. Receipts available In
contact office. Thank you for your
• ^)
Wanted: One or two Pink Floyd concert tickets. Call Andy at 7-4727.
Babysitter needed for 2 yr. old. Mon.
and Wed. 3-6 pm. and-or Wed.
9:30-11:30 am. and Thur. 8:30-10:30
am. Near downtown dorms. Call
( Rides ..)• (Housing ")
tiHo wanted
uKnntfiri to
t n RPI
RPI or
or Troy
Trnv earlv
afternoons, Mon. through Thur.
Leave a message for Bob at 7-8315.
Sofa for sale. Brown plaid: converts
to full-size bed; fair condition. Call
Helen, 474-8211 (days) or 456-17J5
CiVE OFF CAMPUS: rent furniture
from Sherman Furniture Rentals,
Happy belated birthday. Hope It
was great.
Love a l w a y s , A l m o s t M r s .
To my only pillow,
Dlpplklll w a s the greatest. By the
way, you always have an open Invitation!
Love, Your new roommate
Attention Campus Groups and
VaTentlne's Day Is almost here. Why
not sell carnations and roses? For
more Info, call Saul at 438-5091.
( Services )
i- . .
FRI. JANUARY 18 f 1 9 8 0
Ontario, Quail,
larK, mmngnn
WCDB 91 FM mandatory meeting for all current ami prospective
members. Tuesday, January 22 at 8:30 p.m. in LC I.
Campus Amnesty International Group Meeting on January 24, al
7:00 p.m. in SS 131. Everyone welcome!
Community Service Mandatory orientation on Tues. Jan. 22nd at
7:30 or Wed. Jan. 23rd at 6:30. LC 7.
NYPIRG will be meeting Sunday, January 20th at 9:00 p.m. in CC
382 to discuss upcoming projects.
Welcome Hack Colonial Parly Soda, beer, munchies, Friday, Jan.
18 in the Colonial U-Loungc. $1 with tax card, .9 p.m.-l a.m.
lean Vfelngton
too m
Lutheran Campus Ministry Fireside Bible study. An hour of informal discussion at the Chapel House on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
Lutheran Campus Ministry Protestants Worship Service. Sunday
mornings at l l :00 a.m. at the Chapel House.
Need Money?
Preview is a free
service of the ASP
'Want free publicity?
Tax Cards
Then, play at a
Ballroom party!
Deadlines are
will be distributed by your Central Council
Jan.21 and 22
Indian Dinner Lines
Colonial Dinner Lines
Dutch Dinner Lines
Alumni Dinner Lines
State Dinner Linee
Jan.31 and Feb.1
Off Campus Lounge
Feb.4 thru Feb.6
For auditions call:
Stacy Waite 7-5048
Class of '82
All {{roup members must be SU NYA
students, available this Friday, Saturday,
Sunday or Monday for auditions and
Feb. 2 for the party.
to the
SA Contact Office
or Campus Center 334.
January 91,1980
COLD C U T S - C H E E S E - T U N A - T U R K E Y
Available at
all locations
; Available at
all locations
A l , Johnny D., Chaz
P B S t i W I TTB9IMI8
in the Fireside Lounge ( 2nd floor CC )
Tuesday, January 22 at 8 pm
Sunday, January 20,8pm
Our first two movies are:
Hew Wri t e r s - Old Wri t e r s
$e W e Agf New* Mtttin$
All Students Welcome
All movies are free.
Shown in CC Assembly Hall
For more info call 457-7921
(2nd floor)
SA Funded
and 5:00 Friday for
Tuesday issues.
•Bring announcements
Prove your ability!
January 29
5 p.m. Tuesdays for
Fridav issues
Funded by Student Association
Public Enemy
nosnound stops
lark Ute, Quaa, Partridge,
Nktn, Manning, Russel,
Vhfi. Ed. nog.,
Social Science, Orcfe.
University Libraries The Columbia String Quartet will present Informal concert In the Red Carpet Lounge of the University Library
on Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 2:00 p.m.
Music Council Obcriin Baroque Ensemble concert. First 100 people — Buy I ticket, get 1 free. Tickets PAC Box — SA funded.
Sunday, Jan. 27, Page Hall, downtown campus at 3:30.
Telethon '80 Previews Anyone interested in selling at a Telethon
'80 Flea Market, Sunday, February 10 in the CC Ballroom contact
Laurie 489-6689, Rhonda 482-6872 or Stacy 482-6872.
Buy your books at the SA used book exchange. Tues, Jan. 15 —
Wed. Jan 23. Last day to sell books back is today. Sec ad for
Get your haircut at Gicnby's Hair Saion in Sears in Colonic Mall.
Mention Telethon, and $2 of any service will go to Telethon '80.
ta* Camput(arde)
Hh.it J iii a
Fire Dragon Kliritt Fu Club Classes every Thursday and Sunday al
8 p.m. in the Men's Auxiliary Gym.
Pre-Heallh Professionals 1st semester's meeting Jan. 23rd 8 p.m.
IX 19.
Conflict Simulation Society Weekly meeting. Military Gaming and
Dungeon Exploration. All arc welcome. Sunday, 6:00-11:30 p.m.
in CC 375.
International Folkdancc Club International Folkdancing, all invited, dances taught, free. Mondays, 6-7:30 beginners and
7:30-10:00 intermediate-advanced. 2nd floor gym, PI: Dldg. Every
Monday night, 6-10.
Speakers Forum Meeting. New members welcome. Monday
nights. CC 364 at 8:30.
SUNYA Rights for American Indians Now SUNYA R.A.I.N. will
hold a general meeting to discuss activities for this semester. All
students arc welcome. Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. in CC 370.
Coalition Against Nukes will be meeting Wednesday January 23 al
7:30 at Cayuga Programming Lounge on Indian Quad.-important
to attend to discuss future events.
S A late Might Buses
on Fridays & Saturdays
Club News
1 • 00 w/ TAXCARd
HKfll, rWmOJJO,
Miller Night at Sutter's, Tuesday, 9
pm. Don'I miss It!!
The Chin Bros. Party Is not tonight.
It has been rescheduled for next Friday In the Indian Quad U-Lounge.
Watch for details.
Any group wishing to receive an addltlonal or initial appropriation, call
Peter Welnstock at 7-8088.
i o i oon
Eadbound stops
Ryckman Hall,
Welcome backl Here's to the best
semester yet.
Elaine and Gerry
12:3d m
1:30 AM
2:30 AM
3:30 AM
Dirty Nelly welcomes back SUNYA
students. We gotcha covered. Call
Dear M.U.S.T.S. [formerly Slushes),
Welcome back. We hope yous had a
great vacation. This semester we's
will be testing yous to see who the
true Musts are.
Off Campus Students;
Love, Pres., SSI
Make your vote count. Elect Wile E.
Coyote. Super Genius, to Central P.S. Katla - There will be no warning
for you.
P.S.S. We'll get the T-shirts soon.
A great big hug and kiss to all my
Tntfnft nrnnareri
prepared -• Rnecial
special student
ng to go t o the friends for making my birthday a Dear J.B.,
rate! Call 4820376.
Bahamas over the February vaca- very extra special " 2 0 " . Your love Glad we're back here and can spend
The 1979 Wage and Tax Statements tion: Full payment is due on Mon- and friendship have truly been the time together. Those limes we saw
(Form W-2) for University Personnel day, Jan. 2 1 . Contact Bryan at
greatest flgts of all.
each other over vacation were
Including Graduate Assistants and 4340793.
All my love, Mlrm great. I'm looking forward t o the
Fellows will be available In their
coming semester • but remember Departments from January 24,1980 Miller Night at Sutter'sl Tuesday, 9 Dirty Nelly always covers you with sometimes t o o much talking Isn't
top quality and low prices. We got- always good.
through January 29, 1980 c.o.b.
pm. t o ? Don't miss It!I
It Is requested that each employee
cha covered.
Love always, George
pick up his or her statement In the Dave,
Manager wanted lor experienced
D e p a r t m e n t prior t o J a n u a r y I'm glad we have so much planned
f o l k s l n g e r . H a s P.A. N e e d s Happy,
29.19B0 c.o.b. Any statements re- together. 1 regret that It's your last
Let's be friends.
transportation. Call Michael at
maining after that date will be semester; but let's make It a blast!
returned to the Payroll Office and SUNY wasn't that bad • I found a 438-7565.
P.S. Happy birthday.
mailed t o the home address.
Your best friend, Daniel
The W-2 Forms tor Hourly Student
You waited 19 years and you finally Off Campus Students:
Assistants and College Work Study P.S. Now you've finally got your permade It t o the exclusive "20's"! Make your vote count! Elect Wile E.
Student Assistants who will receive sonal.
How's It feel? I know you'll have the Coyote, Super Genius, to Central
a pay-check at the Campus Center Ricky's gone, but Lisa's taking over.
best of birthdays.
prior to January 29.1980 will receive Get a subscription to the magazine
Love, Steve Dear Karyn,
their W-2 Form with their paycheck. of your choice for the absolute
P.S. These past 4 months have To a very special person In my life Those Student Assistants who are lowest student prices. Call Lisa at
made me really happy.
_ _ _ wishing you the best of birthdays!
not receiving a paycheck during
Love always, Artie
this period are requested to pick up
Off Campus Students:
their W-2 Forms at the Payroll Of- Pres;
Make your vote count.
fice, AD 322, through January 29, You make me wee-ee-eep...And
Pee dee dee
1980 c.o.b. After that date, all reWile E. Coyote
Pee dee doe.
maining W-2 statements will be wanna die...
Super Genius
Love, Musts
mailed to the home addresses.
to Central Council.
P.S. Welcome back Bru and Aldln
Ride needed to Memorial Hopsltal
In Loudenvllle on Tues. mornings at
around 8 and returning around 11.
Will pay. Call Laurie at 7-3318.
Crulseshlpsl Sailing Expeditions!
Sailing Camps! No experience.
Good pay. Summer. Career. Nationwide, Worldwide! Send $4.95 for application, Info, referrals to
C r u l s e w o r l d 120, B o x - 6 0 1 2 9 ,
Sacramento, CA 95860.
C o u n s e l o r s : A d i r o n d a c k Boys'
Camp: 7 and one-half weeks,
$500-$600; C a m p c r a f t , s a i l i n g ,
swimming (WSI), canoeing, trip
leader, rlllery, archery, sports, office manager (typing), driver, tennis,
39 Mill Valley Road, Plttsford, NY
Counter help, part-time, variable,
hours, good pay, LouBea's Pizza,
287 Central Ave. 465-2552.
^ ^ m , ^ £ ^ ^ m ^
541 Washington Ave. 7 rooms
paneled, remodeled, redecorated
modern bath. $340 per mo. Call
562 Washington Ave. 3 bedrooms,
off-street parking, excellent move-in
condition. 436-8956.
Off Campus Students:
Make your vote count.
Wile E. Coyote
Super Genius
to Central Council.
. J A N U A R Y S , 1!>8<
Join the staff, meet the editors, «W«n«&.'
JANUARY 18. 1980
Jayvees Start Year OffRight
by Bob Bcllafiore
After a layoff of more than a
month, and with less than six practice days, the Albany State men's
J.V basketball team won their first
two contests of the new year,
beating Hamilton College Tuesday
night 70-63, and then demolishing
nearby College of St. Rose last
night 106-73, both at University
Gym. Dave Hardy, returning from
a shoulder injury, Was top Dane
scorer in both games, with 21 points
Tuesday, and 24 points last night.
Albany's record is now 6-1.
91 £FQ
8:70pivi LC-1
Applications for
membershi p on t h e
Budget Committee
are now aval laMe 1 it the
S A Office
D o You K n o w What's Happening In the NYS
Are you aware of the controversial issues facing
NY in the next year???
-The 1980 NYS Student Senate will
attempt to answer these and other
important questions facing us. The
Senate will meet on Feb. 3 and 4
• •
and a $5.00 fee is required.
-State leaders such as
Anderson and Ohrnstein, SpGl
Fink and Assemblyman Emery WW
be among honored guests.
-All SUNYA students are welcome.
Information and registration will be
held on January 22, at 7:30 pm in
-This is a Poli. Sci. Association
event. An SA sponsored group
Last night, Albany went ahead
for good early on, and, in the second half. CSR never got closer
than 13, with the margin of victory
being the biggest Dane lead.
Five Albany players were in double figures in scoring (Hardy, Ray
Edwards and Glen Phillips-18,
Mike Gaincs-17, and Greg
Watson-12), For CSR, 6-8 center
Tony Franks netted 20, Mike Carrgol 17, and Ell Armstrong had 15.
Kopp cited strong rebounding
and fine bench play as keys to tlie
win. "We had more size," said
Albany's Mike Gatlo drives for basket in Dunes' 7(1-6.1 home victory Kopp. "If wc can gel the rebounds,
against Hnmillon Tuesday night.(IMiolo: Alan Ctilciu)
we can run well — and we goi the
rebounds." The running game was
important, at CSR was weary in the
final half. Offensive play improved
vastly from Tuesday's rusty performance, as Albany clicked for the
high score of the season.
T u e s d a y , sloppy
characterized both sides, as an excessive amount of passes were either
thrown out of bounds or into the
arms of opponents. Four turnovers
were committed before the first 90
seconds ticked off the clock, and
there wasn't a bucket until albany
guard Greg Watson put one in from
close after 2:30. The Danes had
worked the lead up to 13 points
(24-11) with 7:00 remaining in the
first hald, but the Continentals ripped off a 10-0 spree in the next three
minutes, and oulscorcd Albany
18-5 to knot the match by half-lime
at 29-29.
three occasions, they almost gave
the ballgame away near the end as
Albany failed to hit on any of nine
one-on-one foul situations in the
final three minutes, enabling the
tenacious visitors to close the gap.
Albany head J.V. basketball
coach Steve Kopp cited several
reasons for his squad's sloppy play,
including the long layoff and the
fact that, in the four days of practice, the team was down to eight or
nine men due to health reasons and
was inable to run a full-court scrimmage. Nonetheless, he was pleased
with the game. "It's nice to get that
type of play out of our system,"
said Kopp.
Defense was the key, as a tight
Albany zone, although allowing
sharpshooting Hamilton guard Bob
continued on pane fourteen
The remainder of the game was
basically uneventful, as the teams
played inorc-or-less run and gun,
exchanging offensive foul-ups as
well as baskets. Albany goi the lead
on a Mike Gat to (20 points, 6 offensive rebounds) free throw, and
never relinquished It. Although the
Danes were up by nine points on
ASP Top Ten
Attention Seniors
Last chance t o have y o u r
Senior P o r t r a i t t a k e n .
Portraits taken January 18- February I
$4.00 si t t l ng fee
Student Association
Replacement Elections
February 6 and 7
seats available:
1 • Colonial Quad
1 • State Quad
1-Alumni Quad
1 • Off-Campus
Self-nomination forms available in the SA Office
Monday 1/21 through Friday 2 / 1 .
Applications for Assistant Election Commissioner
available in the SA Office.
DePaul (28)
Oregon State (24)
Ohio State (23)
Syracuse (22)
North Carolina St. (11)
Louisville (10)
Duke (8)
(tie) Virginia (8)
')) St. Johns (6)
(tie) Kentucky (6)
North Carolina (6)
Notre Dame (6)
ASP collage basketball rank
inus compiled by Biff Fischer,
Schwartz. Points a wattled on a
10-9-8- 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis.
Spikers Rebuild
sign up at CCInfodesk January 11-15
Central Council
f fl
V J . /
continued from pane fourteen
Howie Nuisinov and Kohhy Harrington, juniors Fred Askalun, Gary
Becker and Tom Lehy, and
sophomore Cicnc Sosiak.
Earl described this shortage of
experience: " W e don't have
everyone we planned on. Willi only
six returning siartcrs, we'll be thin
on experience, especially on the
Perhaps a partial answci to this
problem will be junior Doyen'
Lock Icy. A transfer from a club
team in Syracuse, l.ocklcy may fill
pari of the void left by lasi season's
losses. Other than the addition of
I.ockley, however, the team is as
liarl says, wide open.
The schedule though, seems
favorable for the young team. Willi
the exception of the opening match
against Cortland on February 2nd,
Albany is not slated to nlav within
its own division until March. Playing those early league matches provides a fine developmental period in
preparation for the more competitive intradivision matches later
in the season.
"The big question now is for the
team to absorb and gain experience
and poise," Earl said,
Typifying the team's young
outlook is the team's most important addition, new assistant coach
Jamie McFarland. McFnrlund, a
former national team player, was
on the Danes' First club team a few
years ago. Earl rated his new assistant as invaluable to the rapid
development of the team.
After the Cortland match, the
Danes navel to Vassal on the 12th.
Because of the apparent lack of experience. Earl requests thai any experienced volleyball players contact
him Immediately,
JAMJARY 18, l«>8()
Ram's Deep Men Face Test;
Must Stop Swann And Co.
you defend against Lynn Swann
arid a John Stallworth? Simple,"
says Dave Elmendorf. "You do it
with a Pat Thomas and a Rod
Perry." That may well be the most
critical matchup in Sunday's Super
Bowl game, with Thomas and
Perry, the Los Angeles Rams' cornerbacks, trying to muzzle the Pittsburgh Stcclcrs' terrifying tandem
of deep threats.
No other team has really been
able to stifle both wide receivers.
Double-covering one meant handing Pittsburgh quarterback Terry
Bradshaw an engraved invitation to
exploit the other.
"But no other team has two cornerbacks that are as capable as
o u r s , " Elmendorf, the Rams'
strong safety, said Wednesday
before the team began what Coach
Ray Malavasi described as its two
hardest days of workouts.
"When you've got guys who are
as capable as Rod and Pat and
you're matching them up against
Stallworth and Swann, you've got
two natural battles there — and I
think that in the past we've won the
battles," said Elmendorf, reflecting
on the Rams' 10-7 victory over.
Steelers during the 1978 season. In
that game, Pittsburgh's two wide
receivers were limited to just 69
yards on five receptions.
"We'll be up in their faces just
about all day," said Thomas, who
missed half the season with a knee
injury and returned as a starter in
the Rams' 9-0 shutout of Tampa
Bay in the National Conference
championship game.
Swann's biggest asset, Thomas
said, is his concentration. "The guy
can catch a needle in the dark — he
can catch anything," he said. "If
the ball hits his hands, he's got it.
That doesn't intimidate me at all —
but I think we can do a few things
to intimidate him . . . 1 think it's
my job to destroy the will of the
receiver. Swann is a man; he's
human. And you can destroy his
.will to catch the ball."
Spikers Look To Rebuild;
Team Hurt By Graduation
by Marc Ilnspel
As coach Ted Earl and the
Albany State men's volleyball team
look ahead to the upcoming season,
the squad's fate seems questionable. The loss of four graduated
seniors and other transfers has left
the present team with only a thin
nucleus of experience, and although
this year's squad is capable of surprises, Earl believes this season will
be essentially one of rebuilding
The 1979 Dane volleyball team
finished its season with a deceiving i
13-10 record, deceiving because six
of the ten losses was good enough
for a first place tie with Cornell in
Division III of the Eastern Collegiate Volleyball League. In the
tiebreaker with Cornell to determine which team would receive the
playoff spot, Albany lost in heartbreaking style, 16-14, 15-10 and
15-13. This match was to be the last
one played for graduating seniors
Andy Kinstler, John Shaw, John
Virgo and Kirk Andrews and a few
transfers who had to leave because
of financial and academic reasons.
Thus, only six of last year's starters
have returned this season: seniors
continued on page thirteen
Hamilton Dunked
continued from page sixteen
past few games, my game has been
on vacation."
j Hamilton chipped away at the
Dane lead by employing a 1-3-1 trap,
defense which forced Albany into
II turnovers in the second half.
Orimmer cul the deficit 10 10 with a
lay in, followed immediately by a
steal and another easy hoop by the
C o n t i n e n t a l ' s " c e n t e r . After
giveaways by guards Rob C'lune and
Winston Royal, who had an off
night, with no field goals and just
four points, Hamilton's ['rank Garcia hit one free throw, Robinson
made a tremendous block on a
Stanish drive, and Ron Evans1 two
foul shots cut the Albany lead to
64-59 with 1:40 remaining.
"1 was disappointed thai we let
thai nice lead get away," said
Sauers. "Pari of ii was due to
smarl, aggressive play by Hamilton,
but we didn't handle their pressure \
as well as 1 thought we would."
"I don'l think we played very
well," added Hamilton coach Tom
Murphy. "We had loo many turnovers. I think when I look at the
charts I'll be sick. livery lime wi
needed a basket we turned the ball
over. But we came back in the last
two and one half minutes of the
game, and that was encouraging."
Aflcr a timeout with 1:29 left, the
Danes pul Hamilton out of reach,
as Royal's halfcourl pass found
Stanish alone for a lay up, Jones
scored on his jam, and Jednak and
Stanish hit free throws, Evans' uncontested basket at the buzzer made
ihe final score appear closer than
the contest actually was.
"We arc a young team, and we
will be better," Murphy commented. "But it would have been
nice to gel a win over a good club,
and these guys are a good club."
With seven underclassmen on
their rosier, Hamilton is a team of
the future, while Ihe Danes, off to
their finest starl in Albany history,
are looking forward to the present.
And Jones, who received a standing
ovation after his dunk and again
when he. was taken out with six
seconds left, is also off to his best
start, and was visibly pleased with
his stirring shot. "I've never seen
the crowd act that way before," he
Men & Women:
Look & Feel GREAT!
Defeat U nion And Williams
by Mike Williamson
The Albany State varsity wrestling team continued its 1979-80 campaign over the recent semester
break, winning two of three dual
meets and placing third in a Holida> tournament in Montreal.
In dual meets the Albany team
defeated Union and Williams by
scores of 41 -6 and 15-12, respectively, and lost by a score of 24-18 to
SUNY conference opponent
In the Union match, Albany was
led by Vic Herrman and Mitch
Litke, who both recorded pins in
their respective weight classes.
Other wrestlers who were victorious
included Steve Zuckcr at 118, Seth
Zamck at 126, Mark Dailey at 142,
and Steve Cronin at 177. Bill Papazicn and Dave Straub won by
In the Williams match, Dailey,
Cronin, and Herrman all pinned
You Think
had a Problem,
was Eva's
their opponents to account for 18 of
the teams 35 points. Zucker won his
match at 118 and Litke defeated his
opponent in the 150 pound class.
The remainder of the Albany scoring consisted of Papazlen and team
co-captain Paul Hornbach accepting forfeits.
The Potsdam match was the
closest of the three matches. Zucker
started things off for Albany with a
draw in the 118 pound class. Alter a
5-4 victory by Dailey at 142, and a
3-2 viclory by Cronin at 167, the
team score stood at 18-7 in favor of
At this time, Hornbach stepped
onto the mat al the 177 pound class
and proceeded to pin his opponent
in the first period. The score now
stood at 18-13 In favor of Potsdam.
The final Albany wrestler was Herrman, who defeated his opponent at
190 by a convincing 13-0 score. This
victory was worth five team points
for Albany and tied the score at
Albany was forced to forfcil the
heavyweight match and the final
team score was 24-18 in favor of
Potsdam. The teams dual meet
record now stands al five wins and
four losses, while Hornbach re-
M i 110 Steps to
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Compare John Sexton Course 'advantages with others, then
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Problems with
your refrigerator?
* *
Good Holiday Showing For Danes
Albany wrestling Coach Joe
DcMeo was very pleased with the continued from page sixteen
(cams showing against such tough
On January 9th, Albany used a
international competition. The balanced attack to defeat RPI,
learn hosts eastern power Colgate 64-56. Three Danes scored in doulomorrow afternoon at 1:00 in ble figures, and three more totaled
University Gym.
Babysitting and "Klndergym"
% of Eodyfal Test and Measurements
The "Ultimate Workout"
Books on various aspects of fitness :
and nutrition
mains undefeated in dual meets
with a 9-0 record.
The high point of the wrestling
team's holiday activity was a strong
third place showing in a 22 team
tournament in Montreal. Top
wrestlers from Canada and the
United Stales were presenl and
Albany wrestlers fared very well.
At 149.5 Dailey, another cocaptain, won live matches to place
second, losing only to the PanAmerican games champion. At
180.5, Hornbach won five matches,
including a victory over the PanAmerican games Silver Medalist.
Hornbach eventually placed second, losing 4-1 to three time Division I All-Amcrican John Juniak.
Herrman, a freshman, placed third
in the tournament. Other place
winners included Zuckcr and Albany's Vic Herrman grapples with opponent in recent tournament in
which the Danes placed third. (Photo: Mitch l.illu-l
Zomek who placed fifth and
seventh, respectively in the 125
pound class. Litke placed sixth at
• Towel service
Heeds repairs?
Jayvees Win
continued from page thirteen
Kicly to net 25 points and burlj
center Mark Burnham to hil for 21,
was stingy when it had to be, and
compensated for the offensive inadequacies.
Albany also hit the boards on
both ends of the court, us Hardy
snared 15 rebounds (8 offensive),
and captain Rick Cornell pulled In.
ten. According to Continental head
coach Bob Montana, this was llic
Grapplers Notch Big Victories
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JANUARY 18, 1980
and mora*. V»u nop only when you vr »-«d enough
CHU OWN (Under 10)
Albany then showed the poise
thai Sauers gave ihcm credit for.
Leading 54-53 with 1:30 remaining,
Sauers called for the Dane Delay,
and Ihe siall resulted in Clunc and
Stanish going to Ihe foul line, and
boih Danes were able- to hit both
their free throws, giving Albatlj
breathing room. *
"A few baskets al the end made
the score look more one-sided than
it was," said Sauers. "It really was
nip-and-tuck all the way. We made
a lot of big defensive plays, and we
had Ihe balanced scoring we wain.'.'
The Danes only loss in their first
10 games came back on Decembei
I4ih in the first round of the Stony
Brook Tournament. Despite
Royal's 13-21 shooting and 26
points, Albany could noi come up
wilh the big play down Ihe stretch,
and was defeated by Stony Brook,
66-64. Coming back strong in Ihe
consolation game, the Danes handed Quinippiac an 81-69 setback, as
Royal collected 16 points and Ray
Cesare hil for 14 points and nine
"I was disappointed al the Stony
Brook game, because I thought we
were the heller learn," Sauers said.
"We played a listless first half and
played passive defense, which is r.ot
our style. In the second half we
outplayed them, and we did
everything but win the game."
.—I'aul Scliwurt/.
David-Happy Birthday
Old Man-even though
we Just tool around,
incest has never been
so tine l Love Ya,
V I M ' . I S.in.l.v Noon l o C b l i n j Monday & 1 u.id.v * I'm InClu.ino
In » I « M " >x.n Ihr iloul.il J|.|>"
' T ; „ " ™ n u u^SBtim
I you off v
.ighl points apiece. Jones can.
through with one of his finest effo'.'j of the season, an II-point,
II-rebound performance, while
Royal and Stanish each hit for 10
One scoring burst by each team
turned a close game into a one-sided
game, and then back into a close
game again. Scoring 13 consecutive
points, the Danes turned a 29-28
halflime lead into a semiconforlable 42-28 margin. But noi
to be outdone, the Engineers
retaliated with a 15-2 spurt of their
own, and plowed back into the
.ballgame, trailing only by a 44-43
/E^MBBSf/ Sports
the j
Friday, January 18, 1980
Potsdam Nips Danes; Hamilton Falls
Jones'Dunk Stirs
Albany Beaten In
Overtime Thriller
Enthusiastic Crowd
by Paul Schwartz
Even the build-up could not compare to the 45 minutes of tense,
dramatic basketball displayed at
University Gym last
night. The two top ranked Division
III teams in the stale, number one
Potsdam vs. number two Albany,
squared off in a battle for eastern
supremacy. At the final buzzer,
Potsdam remained on top, but just
barely, edging the Danes 70-68 in
Potsdam, the third ranked Division III team in the nation, improved their unblemished record to 11-0,
and overcame the jinx that
Albany's home court had on them.
In gaining their first-ever victory in
University Gym, the Bears also
broke the Danes I'Jgame home winning streak, handed Albany their
first KUNYAC loss of the season,
and dropped the Danes record to
"We were fortunate to win,"
said Potsdam coach Jerry Welsh.
"We were also fortunate lo only be
three points down at the half,
because Albany c o m p l e t e l y
outplayed us. Albany's got a great
team and a great coach, and it's
tought to beat them anywhere— on
their court or ours. It was an important win for us."
Rob Clunc's two free throws with
1:17 remaining in regulation gave
the Danes a 66-64 lead, but Scott
Franko's . short jumper just 12
seconds later, brought Potsdam
even. A'hany held for the last shot,
but Chine's side jumpshot with four
seconds left was short, and bounced
just off the rim.
Potsdam's Derrick Rowland
fouled Dane center Kelvin Jones
with four minutes left in the overtime period, and Jones connected
on two pressure-packed free throws
to give Albany a 68-66 lead.
Rowland's one handed dunk tied
the score at 68-68, and the Danes
took control with 3:30 remaining.
Albany coach Dick Saucrs instructed his squad to stall for the
last shot, but after running all but
13 seconds off the clock, Dane forward Pete Slanish drove to the
basket, was fouled, and stepped to
the foul line. Stanish missed the free
throw, though, and Potsdam hurried the ball upcourt. With four
seconds left, Bear forward Maurice
Woods connected on a short
juniper to give Potsdam the lead,
70-68. After two Albany time outs,
Stanish's inbounds pass was stolen
by guard Ed Jachim, and the
Potsdam eclcbratfon began.
"We had our chance," Sauers
said. "If we hit that last shot in
regulation, we win the game. Chine
got a good shot off. In overtime, we
were trying to play for the last shot.
Stanish made his move .too soon.
Dm I'm not displeased with our effort. It was as good a basketball
game as you could see."
Woods and Rowland shared high
scoring honors with 22 points each,
while Dane guard Winston Royal
liii tin IK points, 14 in the first half.
Albany center Kelvin Jones goes up for a jumpshot over Potsdam's Maurice Woods during last night's
overtime thriller in University gym, Potsdam edged the Danes, 70-68. (Photo: Steve Essen)
Albany Tops In Capital District
in the past, the scheduled game!
over the holiday break have not
always been the kindest of friends
to the Danes. But this season, the
Albany Stale basketball team met
with nothing but success, starting
off the new decade by winning the
Capital District Tournament, and
then defeating RPI. The three victories boosted the suprising Danes
record to 9-1, their best start since
With a number of changes from
last year's squad, Albany basketball
coach Dick Saucrs figured his team
would need lime lo gel together.
This has not been necessary,
though, and even Sauers did not expect such a quick start.
"I'm very surprised," Sauers
said, "I looked al our schedule —
at the teams we had to play, and 1
couldn't see how we would be 9-1 at
this point. But this team has surprised me, and they are still surprising me. Actually, in our first ten
games, we didn't have a gpod
shouting night once. Din we've
shown poise, expecially al the end
of games,"
Albany successfully defended
their Capital District title by
edging Union on January 5th,
57-55 and downing Tufts 82-71..
The first round matchup turned out
to be a traditional Albany-Union
game — close, low scoring, and aggressive defense by both teams. The
Danes managed to take a 35-33 lead
at halflime, despite losing center
Kelvin Jones, who got Into immediate foul trouble and eventually
fouled out early in the second half.
Guard Winston Royal paced the
Danes with 16 points and five
assists, and forward Pete Slanish
came of the bench to hii all five of
his shots and contributed 13 points.
Both Albany players were selected
by Paul Schwartz
When he caught the ball in his
own backcourt, Kelvin Jones knew
what was about to happen. "It's
what I was thinking about," he said
afterwards. "When 1 looked up and
saw the basket at the other end, the
only think I thought of was throwing it down."
One other person in University
Gym Tuesday night 'also sensed
what was soon to occur. "1 knew
what was on his mind," said Dick
Saucrs, Albany's head basketball
coach. "1 could see it in his eyes —
there was such intensity in his
Hamilton pud all but erased a 12
point Dane lead, and was trailing
66-62 when Jones began dribbling
across midcourt. At 6-6, 215 lbs.,
the Albany center charged upcourt
with 31 seconds left, soared over the
Continentals 6-3 Keith Whelan, and
let go a resounding, two-handed
slam dunk, bringing the large crowd
to their feet. Whelan even fouled
Jones on the play, but the excited
Dane missed the free throw. Albany
managed to hold on though, and
turned back Hamilton, 70-68.
"There's been a lot of pressure
on me from my teammates to throw
one down," said Jones. "It's such a
The Danes almost broke the
game open way before Jones did.
After leading 28-25 at halftime,
Albany took control of the contest
in the second half, and ironically,
Ihey did it without Jones, who picked up his fourth foul with 14:50 remaining, and sat out for 8:23 as the
Danes boosted their lead to ten
points. Forward Steve Low replaced Jones, and did a credible job
containing Hamilton's leading
scorer, 6-6 center Kevin Grimmer,
who also was forced to sit for two
minutes with four fouls. Grimmer
finished with 25 points on 11 of 13
shooting, but many of his baskets
came on follow ups and offensive
After a short jumper by Charles
Robinson brought the Continentals
to within 42-40, Pete Stanish and
Ray Cesare combined lo lead the
Danes lo an 18-8 spurt and a 60-48
advantage. Before the game, Saucrs
opted to start Slanish in place of
Cesare, and Ihe move seemed to explain itself vividly in the first half,
as Stanish's strong drives to the
basket resulted in six of his 13 total
points. Cesare, however, struggled
through a scoreless 30 minutes in
which he missed an ahead-of-thefield fast break layup.
The Albany streak began with
Joe Jednak's side jumpshot, and
then Stanish and Cesare went to
work. Slanish plowed through the
Hnmilioii defense for one baskei
and leaped to convert Ccsarc's
perfect lob pass into two Albany
points. Cesare, still scoreless alter
33 minutes of play, then reeled oil
all of his 12 points in the next four
minutes on two drives, two
junipers, anil foul lice Ihrows, giving the Dimes a ivt hi cushion.
"In Ihe second hall I iusl liii a
lew shols and ii all came back lo
half, but Albany fell behind once,
the second half began, and trailed
49-40 with 11:50 remaining in the
game. That's when the Danes got
offensive help from an unexpected
source — reserve guard Bob Collier. A long Collier jump shot
brought Albany within three points,
and then after another 18 foot
jumper, Collier's basket gave the
Danes the lead, 58-57, with 7:14
left. Royal's steal and layup and
Jones' hoop gave the Danes a fourpoint cushion, and a late surge gave
Albany an 11 point victory.
"It was very satisfying to win the
tournament," commented Sauers.
"1 thought the four teams were
to the All-Tournament team,
evenly matched, and the other
Royal showed why he was also teams established us as the favorite,
voted the tourney's MVP the next so it's nice to win when the pressure
night against Tufts, shooting 9 of is on you."
14, scoring 19 points, and also hanConcerning Royal as the MVP,
ding off for eight assists. Joining Sauers added, " l o r the first 30
Royal in double figures was Rob minutes of b.iih games, Winston
Chine (14 points) ami Jones, who was just another player. Hut in the
came hack strong in the finals with last It) minutes of each game he wis
ti 10 point, lo rebound perfor- outstanding, He made a lot of big
mance. Forward Joe Jednak led all plays for us, and I suppose that was
why he was voted lo be the MVP." me," commented Cesare. "in the
players with II rebounds.
continued on pane Jourteen
continued on paste fourteen
The Danes led Tufts 32-31 al the
St! lUsgityJ
^ _ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ _ _ _
Reflecting both normal sWings and special expen
diture ceilings, State University's expenditures are sub
st-antially below appropriated levels. For example,
despite'an authorised level of 34,500 positions, the
University actually has only 31,800 filled"positions. The
negative lump sum that reduced SUNY's positions by
1,125 and appropriations by a gross total of ?12.3 million
serves to bring the gap between authorizations and expenditures to a more realistic level.
Allocation of the position and appropriation reduction
will be primarily the responsibility of the Trustees of the
State University, who will prepare and submit an
allocation plan to the Division of the Budget.
The personnel portion of the reduction, a total of
approximately S9.7 million, is actually a net amount
which reflects the fiscal effect of abolishing 1,125
positions, offset by significant savings relief. A substantial portion of this relief will be allocated to Stony Brook
to permit the phased opening of the University Hospital.
TAP Proposes Stricter Guidelines
Minimum GPA 's and Credits Proposed
by Douglas Kohn
as a death in the family or illness.
In an attempt to avoid misuse of
The committee would have the
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) authority to waive a penalty in the
funds, Ihe Slate Department of T A P a w a r d .
State University Re-examination
Education is proposing stricter
The "good academic standing"
Unlike the $12,300,000 base reduction described
guidelines for governing awards. clause is presently defined by the
above which constitutes a budgetary adjustment to
According to present rules, TAP student's particular institution.
make appropriations more consistent with actual expenis awarded to "full-lime students in
Nolan said that "many schools
good academic standing." The full- define good academic standing as
diture patterns, this §14,000,000 reduction in State suplime student must complete (pass nothing more than being enrolled in
port is designed to encourage a fundamental reor fail) at least three credits his
ihe school."
examination of State University's stuffing levels and
first semester, six credits Ihe second
Nolan said the proposed revisions
funding formulas, campus missions and programs,
semester and a minimum of twelve would direct the school lo have
Federal and private sources of funds, and user fees. This
credits for each semester following. strict guidelines including a
re-examination reflects the changed economy and
Credit minimum requirements minimum grade point average and
enrollments expected for the 19S0's. The reduction is
will be lighcnled, according to
a certain credit minimum per
proportionately consistent with that imposed at City
Assistant Commissioner of Higher
Education, Don Nolan. "What
University and will be distributed by the Trustees in a
"lire minimum grade point
we're trying lo avoid is having average is aimed to make sure the
plan to be submitted to the Budget Director.
students sign up for 12 credits at Ihe sludcnl is making satisfactory probeginning of the semester, making gress and showing a certain amount
State University Supplemental
them eligible for TAP, then dropp- of e f f o r t , " Nolan s a i d .
|Nt[°J!^iUn«_ ; jj rf ^^
ing down to six or nine credits dur"TAP costs Ihe taxpayers $250
The ASP has obtained an exclusive copy of Governor Hugh
ing the semester and slill receiving a
million last year and we want lo
full TAP award," said Nolan. make sure it's going towards helpCarey's Executive Budget lo be released today. These are the
major cutbacks SUNY will he expected to make, forcing univerHe said, however, each school ing students get somewhere," he
sities lo eliminate faculty and reduce expenditures. The ASP will
would establish a review committee added.
that would excuse students from
I continue its exclusive, in-depth coverage of the budget and its cfDr. James P e r d u e , Vice
dropping below Ihe credit minimum Chancellor of Academic Programs
fccls. See Friday's issue forjlejaHedJnforjnjUioji^,,^^.^,,,,
for cxlcnualing circumstunccs such Policy Planning for S.U.N.Y,
agreed Ihat "Iherc arc abuses to be
cleared u p , " but said "they could
be handled with a lot less legislation.
He is opposed lo provisions lhal
would exclude TAP support for
clcclivcs leading to teacher certification and programs leading to more
than one bachelor's degree. He
labels the proposed cuts as "very
bad education."Perdue stated,
"the institution does have a responsibility to define what a student in
good standing is," but feels Ihat Ihe
changes can be made within Ihe individual schools.
SUNYA Financial Aid Director,
Donald Whillock, termed the proposals " a n i g h t m a r e " and
by Sylvia Suunders
"impossible to a d m i n i s t e r . "
A female student was mugged on
Whillock sees the regulations as a
the podium Sunday at approximatereaction to "a small number fleecly 2:25 a.m., according to Public
ing Ihe government" and doesn't
Safety Department Assistant Direcsee the need for such regulation in a
tor John Henighan.
highly accredited school such as
The young woman, who police
SUNYA. According lo Whillock,
would only identify as a Cayuga
Ihe Financial Aid Office is severely
Hall resident, was reportedly walk- SASH President Sharon Ward is opposed to change in TAP awards
shorthanded with four unfilled staff
ing early Sunday morning through Shu believes problems with award'distribution exist within institutions.
positions and could possibly lose
the pine tree area between the
(Photo; Tassarotti)
Humanities and Library buildings.
Apparently a man came up to her
and said, "Let me have all your
money." Henighan said the man
did not show her any weapon.
According to police reports, the
woman told him she had no money,
but he took her ring and lied from
the area.
The assailant is described as a
white male, approximately 6 ' 3 "
and 190 pounds, lie Iras wavy dark
hair, a Ihin moustache, blue eyes
and a mole on his right cheek.
Henighan said this is the "first
assault Of this type" during the present school year. Police security
cannot be increased, he said,
"because there is no way we can put
a man on every square inch of the
Police have no leads on [lie case,
bin plan a routine investigation.
Eastman Tower Scene Of Vandalism
Telephone Lines Cut And Fire Equipment Broken
by llelh Sexcr
More than half of Stale Quad's
Eastman Tower residents were left
without telephone service this
weekend when service wires were
cut early Saturday morning, said
Stale Quad Coordinator Pattie
Thai same mornin". several glass
fire extinguisher cabinets, and lire
alarm coverings were shattered in
the lower, said Eastman lower
Director, Jim Esperon.
According to Snyder the cabinets
on the ninth, twelfth, and eighteenth floors were tampered with
"before 3 a.m. Saturday." Each
telephone box, or cabinet, services
three floors.
As a result floors 8-13 and 17-19
were without telephone service, explained Esperon. However, ihe
telephone company repaired ihe
wiles and complete service was
referred lo SUNYA police.
However, SUNYA Public Safety
Division Secretary, Nancy Loux,
said there are currently no suspects.
F.spcron saw no connection between the cutting of Ihe telephone
wires and ihe vandalism of ihe fire
RA, Michael Miller, added Ihat
c o m p a n y was
" n e g l i g e n t " in leaving the
restored by yesterday afternoon.
telephone cabinets unlocked.
Esperon said that Ihe issue was
continued on pane five
even more personel due to state
wide SUNY cutbacks.
"The provisions would add
an untold amount of paperwork
Ihat would be beyond the capacity
of this office," Whillock slated.
SASU President, Sharon Ward,
believes that much of the problem
lies in the institutions themselves.
"Schools are more than willing to
lake any money lhal TAP gives
them," Ward said. She cited the
fact that if schools were more stringent in defining good academic
standing they would lose a substantial amount of money ihat they gel
from TAP. Ward is also opposed to
Ihe exclusion of TAP support for
teacher certification clcclivcs and
multiple b a c h e l o r ' s d e g r e e
Gays And j
Page Three
Aspects on Tuesday,
The Christmas
Pages 6 & r