udent Press 4
$ht 1970.
Vol. IVII No. 37
by John Fairhall
Controversy later arose when
Newfeld criticized the proposed
lots, saying they would ruin "the
quality and nature of living," and
would make it impossible "to
enjoy campus life with a car rolling in at seven in the morning
underneath your window."
Tisdale said, however, that to
provide for the necessary parking
space, certain areas had to be
used. He further said that the new
lots will only increase the total
to 6000, not the 8000 necessary
for 1975. Stating a desire to avoid
additional encroachment upon open areas, he expressed confidence
that the remaining 2000 spaces
w o u l d come in the yeL
unapproved two-level garages.
Mr. Tisdale added that the areas
to be used will not lose their
Plans for four new permanent
parking lots have drawn fire from
David Neufeld, President of Student Association. Designed tu
meet the need for 8000 parking
spaces by 1975 (there are 3200
now), were first presented to students at an Educational Policy
Council meeting.
Walter Tisdale, Assistant to the
President for Planning and Development, is the administer most
involved in construction planning.
Mr. Tisdale, present at the meeting, said discussion there resulted
in a proposal for paving the temporary Colonial lot. This has been
accepted and according to President Benezet, the lot will be
paved during Thanksgiving. The
meeting ended with Tisdale "feeling we had an assent."
by Roy Lewis
Looking north at West Podium site and Colonial Quad.
\ i! Tl
>-- El
• ;.,H'liiHI
\ Pj {' lllliMHHI'll !
To be tvw-tlor giram I
To be t«mpor«ry parking
until construction of
Friday, December 4, 1970
Day Care Center Opens
State University of New York at Albany
surrounding trees, and said of the
land to be used, "it's by no means
an ecological area."
The map itself demonstrates
that Neufeld's latter remarks are
not justified. Cars will clearly not
surround the quads. However,
there does remain the fact of an
increase in air and noise pollution
form a more than doubled increase in cars. There is also the
fact of diminishing open areas and
this will increase even with the
While Tisdale has not seriously
considered the possibility, there is
the suggestion that cars should be
limited. Instead of planning for
increased cars, why not study the
possibility of reducing their numbers?
Certainly many students could
be restricted, as on other campuses, as well as faculty and administrators. Car pools might be
feasible for the latter groups.
However, on the question of the
four lots, Mr. Tisdale feels that
student involvement is now "too
late." He feels reconsideration of
the plans would necessarily involve a great loss of time, time
necessary to meet the increased
need for space. He noted that the
present Comprehensive Campus
Plan was a year long effort and
that additional time is consumed
as plans are inspected by the
central office.
That judgment is, though, quite
questionable: if the lots have become an issue, then surely further
discussion must be based on the
fact that students will have to
severely limit their right to cars on
The parking lots will fade as an
issue in a relatively short time.
The far greater issue is that of
future construction on campus.
Mr. Tisdale feels that now is the
time for student involvement in
campus planning. "It will be welcomed," he said, and suggested
that Central Council organize a
group now to meet with him. He
feels strongly that student influence should be felt and has initiated steps to discuss lake area construction with students.
The parking lots, then, represent
far greater importance if the present controversy results in vastly
improved student influence on
State's future.
— T. OmrMMw. Camp*,
The predicted need lor K000 parking spaces by 1975 will be met by
construction of four new permanent parking lots. The additional need lor
space will arise mainly from increases in graduate and commuter students.
On Wednesday of this week, this reporter had the distinct pleasure
of meeting several new residents in Pierce Hall. Unlike most of the
graduate residents in that building, these newcomers carried blocks
and bottles instead of B.A.'s. And it seemed quite apparent that the
first priority of these residents was the mastering of their new
The scene described above clearly refers to the newly instituted Day'
Care Center on the Albany State Campus. The Center as it now stands
in a large sense is the product of demands made by Women's
Liberation on the Administration. The current site of the Center was
determined by a fact-finding committee composed of both
Administration and Women's Liberation. In Addition, both these
groups are represented on the Center's Temporary Board of Directors,
along with parents and concerned outside parties. Yet in a short
period of time the Center has assumed a very professional atmosphere.
The regular Day Care Center staff is composed of one program
director with an M.A., one certified teacher, one registered nurse, a
secretary and ten full-time workers with at least n high school diploma
and some experience in child-care.
Mr.". Blair Barrett, the director of the Day Care Center, explained
the procedure for enrolling a child in the Center. To register a child,
the parents must fill out a formal application. A committee of Social
Services from the School of Social Welfare then interviews the parents
and either accepts or rejects the application. Acceptance is based on
roughly three criteria (a) financial need, (b) the number of children in
the family, and (c) scheduling difficulty of the
In addition, euch child must undergo a thorough physical and no child
with any severe emotional or physical problems will be accepted. It is
hoped to replace this existing Committee by a committee of parents
in the near future.
The financing of the Day Care Center is a best nebulous. At present
the Center is being funded by left over monies in the budget. REcent
talks of budget cut-backs for next year seem to worry the Staff. They
are still hoping to be incorporated into the regular budget in the next
fiscal year. As far as parental contribution is concerned, Mrs. Barrett
pointed out that since the parents of the children are students, it
would be impossible for them to pay $-10 or so a week per child,
which is, the current rate f r private Day Care facilities. Instead the
Welfare Department's sliding scale is used to determine their ability to
The basic cost of running the University Center works out to be
approximately $2000 a year per infant and $1000 a year per preschooler. Most of these funds are needed for staff salaries.
At present there are 2n-,'i0 children enrolled at the Center.
Hopefully this number will be increased to a maximum capacity of
60. Two distinct age groups are handled at the Center. One group
included children from the ages of six months to Iwo-an-half years of
age. The other includes pre-schoolers from the ages of two-and-half to
five years of age.
Mrs. Barrett pointed out thai already many of the University
Departments have asked to observe the children. The staff will only
comply with such requests if the various interested parties consent to
first work in the Center with the children. This gives the children a
chance to better acquaint themselves with outsiders.
Many of the children at the Center are left there close to nine hours
(7:30 to 5:30). In addition, the number of infants exceeds the
number of preschoolers by about four to one. Yet Mrs. Barrett does
not feet that il is unhealthy to separate the child from the parent at
such a young age. The adjustment to the new environment is rapid. In
one sense the Day Care Center at Albany State is a pioneer. This
Center is the only center in the area which will accept children below
the age of two-and-half. On Wednesday, the Center had been open for
only the third day. Yet already the children were crying to slay and
no! to go home.
Pierce Hall, on the downtown campus, is the site of the Child Day
Cure Center now attended by twenty-five to thirty children.
Parking Fines
Policy Changed
by Robert Schwartz
cars on campus, thereby making it
more likely for students to park
"The current policy of with- illegally and have their cars towed
holding student grades, preventing away.
student academic registration and
preventing student graduation
from the University for outstandThe Senate also passed an
ing parking fines will be discontin- amendment proposed by Leonard
ued after December 1, 1070."
Kopp, Chairman of the Student
Affairs Council of the University
Center, which changes the membership of the Council. The new
This bill was narrowly passed
Student Affairs Council will conby a vote of 22 to 1H after almost
an hour and a half of debate by sist of 19 members including the
the University Senate at its November 23rd meeting. Several student senators tried to amend the
proposal, which in its original
form would have gone into effect
as late as February 1, 1970, and
make it retroactive to the beginning of the year. They cited the
unfairness of policy which punishes student parking violators by
preventing them from registering
while allowing members of the
faculty to escape with a total of
$18,000 in unpaid lines. The senate decided upon the December 1
date in order to allow students
who must preregister the first
week in January to do HO.
(ircen areas on the map are the sites of the four lots and the hast
Podium extension, and will remain until construction begins there ol the
extension in 1973.
Area ("A") is the site for two of the lots, to be built adjacent to the
West Podium extension. Construction of the west extension and the two
lots will run from 1971 1973. 1973 should mark the beginning of
construction on the Bast Podium extension and two lots adjacent to it
Temporary parking will continue at Indian Quad but the temporary
Colonial Quad lol is to be paved during Thanksgiving. Future plans, as yet
unapproved,!call for two 2-lcvel parking garages (area "('") after 1975.
Use of the new lots by faculty or students has not been deeded by the
Safety Committee.
Originally introduced together
with the first proposal but voted
upon separately, was a bill
attempting to create a new policy
for disciplining parking violators.
The proposal reading "that individuals who do not pay their
parking fines within 30 days of
notification of such fines shall
have their parking privileges revoked and be subject to having
their vehicles towed away" passed
by a vote of 27 to 15. Several
student senators in opposing the
bill raised the question of whether
or not the percentage of parking
spaces allotted to students is less
than the percentage of student
Vice President for Student
Affairs, 9 faculty members, 6 undergraduate students and 3 graduate students.
A recommendation from the
University Senate to the University Council which would allow
fraternities and sororities to live
off campus and not lose their
recognition as a chartered SUNYA
organization was also passed.
Since 1963 the University Council
of SUNYA hus not recognized
Greek organizations living off
campus thereby denying them the
use of SUNYA facilities. The new
proposal intends to correct this
situation "with the understanding
the University has no legal responsibility for their off campus
housing accommodations."
Finally, just before , adjournment, a proposed bill introduced
by the Council on Promotion and
Continuing Appointment making
it mandatory for nil departments
to consider for promotion any
individual holding the rank of
assistant professor for at least 6
years, or the rank of associate
professor for at least 7 yours, was
overwhelmingly passed. Any individual, though, bus the right to
waive in writing a review of his
Albany Senior Snes A AM CO
Charges Consumer Fraud
do n « i i my work.
A few dry* later, he received
another call, Tney claimed that
the car's rear alignment needed
about $200 worth of work and
that it was ''necessary/ 1 Ed reluctantly consented. Soon after,
he received a third call. This time.
they said be needed a new clutch.
and it would cost about $80
At this point. Ed asked them
to forget the whole thing- They
were quite willing to forget it. bu;
claimed that it would cost £400
to put the the car together For
only a few dollars more, they
would fix it. They also said that
hts clutch spring was broken, yet
they would fix it free of charge
Once again, Ed agreed.
fid Pottkowfcfci, & senior a:
SONY, is samig AAMCO Antomitic Transmission* for consumer
fraud. violation of bis constitutional rights .and compensatory
d&rrmpe to hi* career. The events
that caused Ed to take legal action
began this paw summer -when be
was hired a& Chief Research Photographer for the t)epartiiient of
Atmospheric Sciences.
The job required him to provide
convenient transportation, so Ed
bought a '65 Corvair with a
standard transmission for $400.
About one week after be bought
the car, the clutch spring broke.
Since AAMCO wa* a well known
company that advertises as "transAAMCO "fixed" his car and
mission specialists," Ed brought
sent him a bill for £459 Unable
his car to them.
to pay that sum at once. Ed tried
"Within a few days., he received a to finance the cost AAMCO recall from AAMCO. that bis trans- fused to give him his car until the
mission was broken and it would hill was paid in full.
cost about $355 to fix
He went to the Attorney Gener
They offered to sell him a al's office, explained what had
new transmission for about $246. happened., but they weren 't able
but he refused, specifying that be to do much more than refer bu to
planned to keep the car until the Legal Aid Society There, he
spring and that they should only enlisted the help of Mr Sorbin t
Tap!- recording tsn*l tus" fa* he easy-chi
Mode 4 t Action-corder tarw rf*cord'ing :! tn* al T*>.F kinrt--dowr
drag-out razJtt-darzte soun VOL car nake Likf m* wile win?
whistle o? sky-diving :r f i t pugh-ano tumpff r-un-r :v loptbali
It's TQr the excitement ol ! asabal; skiing beating - to- an*
arrive sport wttf t i e o/g ^vunr tn- /'* I/OL want it capture tn~h£ Sony Made 4C Aniop*ro f, ae'
huif* to'ip r be: a use
r e m a r k a b l e di J3 nifi-r'pri! b-r.h\-n;r:
s t a n ' tapf mo i0 Pver -* * a
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pic+ ur
anvtn •ii vow e.a < : ar - i ! aa*
^ r : o r - r n ' : i f i srna' e n r u r ' i: i r r i t ; " 'it
p.-irkf-- n- ; i ! * a : I f ; . 2 V >£ f i'C.-!'"lf- :
A ' •'- '
or tb( p i a v n x fieic a ' " > : tv;r ITT?.; . :i ' ' « ' • - ' •
'ODrr, r ^ a i u ' f It 1»revfV w "
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D u a - D i t t f 'pntia Baia^ ~ec '"ivwifce < toServo-Contro M p t o i in • a ; r.u'ate tape S P
End-o^Tape M a n r
National News
President Nixon issued the second "inflation ajert" which
heavily criticized wage and price increases in several industries
The Administration, however, singled out wage increases as the
most damaging cause of the inflationary spiral Wage or price
controls were excluded as possible cures for the country's
economic ills, though. But the Administration did announce that
it intended to help speed up the expansion of the econom;. which
is a retreat from its former policies.
A former machine gunner, Robert Earl Maples, testified before
the court-marshal! of Lieutenant Galley, that Cailey had s.hoi
unarmed Vietnamese civilians who had been herded into a ditch at
Mylai. Maples, who had been ordered by Cailey to open fire or;
the old men, women, and children, had refused to do so He also
implicated Private Paul MeadJo in the Mylai Massacre
State News
Governor Rockefeller has announced that the state will face a
minimum deficit of $400 million during the nen fiscal year He
said that he is hoping that the federal government will assume pan
of the deficit. Rockefeller would not say. however whether =
raise in state taxes will be necessary
Senator-elect James Buckley has declared thai he nopef to r.r
welcomed into the ranks of the Senate Republicans He saic '.--'.
he is "in tune with the national Republican parn
and is ajsc ,
registered Republican, so he does not foresee an> p-c-niems
Senator Javits, though, is considering the possibility :>i try .:.z ;o
deny Buckley the privileges of belonging to trie »o;> a. oppos : :»r
party, because of what Javits calls the danger of er.c •:-_ -sc :.z
Conservative opposition to other liberal senators
with Suzy Chaffee and Pepi Stiegler
i r , a g m e skiing the
Jacksoi" Hole
--mi HI
Gentle Giant "
It 5 r a n of
s p e c i a c o l l e g e contest i n c l u d e s
r f u n d - m p h • f a ' e <'C?rr > o u i
h o rr. e 1 c w r 10 J a c k s o n H o l e
roorn all meals litt tickets lessons
ana a tree o a i ' of S A L O M O N SKI
Glamorous former
^ S Ski Tean- n i e m b e i Su?\ and
Oivrnpic a o i o m e d a l i s t Pepi w i l l
be there t o : personal instruction
01 j u s t t u n - s k n n g Enter t o d a \
^ ^
Aftermath of Crimes:
Several Arrests Made
by Al Senia
After years of being a temporary parking lot, Colonial Quad's is
becoming a permanent one—paving has finally begun.
from within
Grievance Committee
Ton students were present al the I 1/16/70 meeting.
1. University buses don't ulways stop at the Administration
Circle stop.
2. Poor Campus Communications
3. S.A. involvement limited to those who "know someone"
•I. Parking distribution discriminates in favor of faculty
5. P^SA controlled copy machines in library cost too much
6. Fire alarm system on State Quad are deficient because they
are not loud enough according to two RAs
7. Refrigerators ordered by two students in September have not
been received yet 8. Cost of concerts, plays, etc. was questioned
in view of SA activity fee
All grievances were directed to the proper channels. Item five
was presented to Jonathan Ashton, Director of the Library who is
presently trying to get the copy rate lowered to Scents.
Campus Center Governing Board
Renovation of the Snack Bar-Rathskellar area is under
consideration. A survey was taken and studenLs indicated that
they would like to see drapes on the windows, the replacement of
the saucer lights, booths and round tables and a permanent beer
bar with bar stools.
A Christmas party is scheduled for December 17 from 7:00 to
10:00PM in the ballroom and balcony area. Finally the schedule
for the used book sale is being planned. Tentative times: submit
books Jan. 17, 5:00-9:00 and Jan. IK and 19 11:00-9:00; sale
times Jan. 21, 22, 23 from 9:00-9:00.
Spring Semest 1 97 1 there will be an opportunity for students to
devote an entire semester to independent study and modular
courses covering a wide variety of environmental topics and issues
under the course number A&S 301. Fifteen faculty members from
twelve departments will participate.
Interested students should see Dr. Richard Brown, Phy. 213,
457-8340 for more information and drop-add cards to change
from present pre-registered courses. Enrollment will be limited
due to the somewhat experimental nature of the program.
Seats available in LAAC-Apply CC3464, KA.l, and faculty, 1.
alumni, 2, commuters,
Monday, December 14, is not a reading dav, but it is a regularly
scheduled class day.
Faced with an acute manpower
shortage and in an effort to combat the spiraling crime rate that
has seen the campus plagued by
car robberies, dorm thefts, and
even armed holdups, SUNYA police arrested a number of suspects
within the past week.
The first arrests occurred lust
Saturday night when a patrolman
observed a Chevrolet sedan cruising in the Dutch Quad parking lot
at 1:00 a.m. with its lights extinguished. The officer had noticed the car on two previous
occasions and so decided to search
it. His work yielded him a small
quantity of marijuana, resin, a
hash pipe, and rolling paper. The
four occupants of-the car—all high
school students and all 17 years
old—were charged with possession
of dangerous drugs. Additionally,
one was charged with loitering.
In the second instance, events
were much more complicated.
Osie Bell, a SUNYA student, was
arrested on November 20 and
charged with criminal trespass and
petty larceny arising from an incident of burglary on campus. He
was released on bail and his case
adjourned until last Monday.
t'll-i ^ i l Tv '
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Returning Jan. 12, 1971
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Hob Burstein
However, in the interim, five
students of Anthony Hall returning from lunch one afternoon
entered their suite to find two
other students sitting on their
beds. When questioned, the two
claimed they were waiting to negotiate a marijuana purchase with
the sixth member of the suite and
gave their names as "Willie" and
"Joe." When the missing roommate returned later, heclaimed to
have no knowledge of the drug
deal or the two students. Meanwhile, one of the members of the
by Peter Coughlin
The question of security on the
campus seemed to be of overriding concern at President Benezet's Campus Forum, Wednesday.
The concern over security met
with the admission that virtually
nothing additional has been done
this semester with the problem of
people breaking into cars. The
only hopeful note was that a
earful of people, who were allegedly attempting to vandalize cars
over the Thanksgiving vacation
was apprehended. .The possibility
of relocking or rekeying the entire
university was seriously discussed
because of the large number of
complaints about lost and stolen
master keys. It was also noted
that the number of incidents
(thefts, bomb scares, etc.) has
significantly increased this year.
President Benezet expressed
sympathy for the students closed
out of Psychology, Sociology, and
other courses, but said that thy
problem won't be solved until the
"fad" for such courses dies out.
Part of the problem could he
solved by a successful collection
and compilation of the preference
sheets, distributed at registration,
but the fact that only a little over
il.OOO studenLs out t»r 0,000 completed them hampered the effort.
Birth control programs also provided a source of controversy. The
stale has no set policy for its
University system. The Health
Center here does offer counseling
and referral for anyone on cam-
suite noticed his drawers had been
tampered with. No articles were
missing. Security was notified and
investigator John Henighan noted
that there was a similarity with
other cases that he was investigating.
Last week, two suspects were
arrested and charged with criminal
trespass. One was identified as
Harold Nelson. The other was
Osie Bell who, ironically, was arrested in court where he was
appearing to answer charges stemming from his first arrest.
Cousins9 Tenure
Denied by Council
by Aralynn Abare
Peter Cousins, instructor in English, has been denied tenure here,
concluding a controversy which
began last April.
At thai time, Cousins was not
recommended for tenure by his
department. After a "Keep Cousins" campaign, the department
reconsidered his case and reversed
its decision.
The Council on Promotions and
Security Concerns
Highlight Forum
pus—married or unmarried.
Students may also find it interesting that FSA would like to hear
more student complaints, and that
an independent agency is going to
test the quality of the food served
here. It was also announced that
the University is going to begin
running busses from downtown to
uptown every 20 minutes next
semester so as to provide better
shuttle service.
Continuing Appointments did not
approve the recommendation and
President Benezet, who has final
say, upheld the Council's decision.
"I assume it's because I have no
PhD.," explains Cousins, who was
given no definite explanation for
the tenure denial. He has completed all but three doctoral courses
and part of his dissertation, a
collection of short stories.
"There is an idea, a principle
involved," he says. "There appears
to be a drift in the university from
a teacher to a researcher emphasis.
It raises a question as to what the
university is for. A PhD esposes
one to more knowledge, but there
are people in the department who
have been given tenure without a
Cousins came here in 1965 from
Western Illinois University where
he taught for three years. He
currently teaches General Survey
of English Literature, tbe Short
Story, and Critical Writing.
Ob.ier faculty in the English
department being considered for
tenure include Myron Taylor,
Diva Daims, George Hastings and
Helen Carlson.
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.'.apli.-"- s;imrwh|"i anc '
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World Newi
The United Nitioni paved a United States resolution which
called for the humane treatment of prisoners of war and provided
for the periodic inspection of prisoner-of-war camps. The resolution was specifically drawn to protect American soldiers in North
Vietnam, although no particular mention of Hanoi was in the
Dave Bruce, the chief American negotiator at the Paris peace
talks, denounced what he called Hanoi's ''shameful attitude
toward its prisoners of war. He termed the PartE peace u-Jks a
sham, because the North Vietnamese, be taid. have refused to
negotiate in good faith. The talks, Bruce said, were nothing more
than "a propaganda field day" for the Comraunihte.
Israel ha* announced that an Egyptian motor launch was sunk
last weekend, killing four Egyptian crewmen. Israelj authorities
claimed that the vessel had engaged in espionage and hashish
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lawyer of the Society. In the
meantime, Ed was fired from his
job because he wis unable to get
to work although the Department
was very pleased with bis work.
Later. Mr. Corbin secured a court
order for Ed to get his car until
the case is settled.
Approximately three days after
Ed pot his car back, the clutch
spring broke again. It cost $20 to
have the car towed ba ck to
AAMCO, where he was told that
the car would be fised without
They said that the
problem was probably the result
of his driving.
The next day, Ed brought a
friend over to AAMCO who had
knowledge of mechanics. Once
look at the clutch and his friend
said thai tbe supposedly "new"
paru were greasy and worn. When
confronted, the manager of AAMCO said that the parts were what
he called '"rebuilt "
A* a result. Ed if suing AAMCO
lor SfiOOO compensatory damage
to hit career due to losing his job.
anc many free lance opportunities. Ht feeli that he was the
victim en" consumer fraud, and
thai his constitutional rights as
stilted ir. the Fourteenth Amendment wen violated as he was
deprived of personal property
without due process of law.
1 f Ed wins h is case. it will
overt-urn the KYS Lien Law which
justifies AAMCO s action in holding Ed t car until payment was
complete Cm December 23. Ed
Potsfcowsfc and his lawver, Mr.
C-orbii wil present then case to
im I niH'O States Federal District
t -ouri ir Atbbtu Tuv\ are prepii-ec to pursui the IT case to the
higher courts ii nectssan
<jivt <L little
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Harry Noon & Night Leads
University Theater Events
scene exploded
20, at the
CACTUS was replaced
by a third-rate
group, and the Armory
hud ils usual bomb scare, the concert was a
success. As far as the fans were concerned,
THA FFIC could do no
wrong, and they were not disappointed.
The group's performance
no less than great.
The Concert Hoard will present Cordon Lightfool,
Tom Hush and
Leonda this Saturday,
December r>. It promises
to be a still
evening than that of two weeks ago, as the concert will be held in the
Gym and should be minus the bomb scare.
" H a r r y , Noon a n d N i g h t , " written by Ronald R i b m a n a n d directed by Albert Weiner, will be the
entry of State University of New
York a t Albany for t h e American
College Theatre Festival
spring in Washington D.C.
The play will open in the Studio
Theatre of the Performing Arts
Center Wednesday, Dec. 9, at
8:110 p.m. and c o n t i n u e the remainder of the week. Reserved
seat tickets are $2 or $1 with
s t u d e n t tax card. Preview performances will bfi held Monday and
Tuesday, Dec. 7 a n d 8, at 8 : 3 0 for
a limited general admission audience at $1 and $ 0 . 5 0 with tax
T h e competition aspect of t h e
p r o d u c t i o n is an added challenge
for t h e t e c h n i c a l
costumes ,
R o b e r t Donnelly, scenic design
and J e r o m e Hanley, lighting, because t h e festival rules place certain limitations upon them. T h e
entire c o m p a n y with costumes
and set must be able to travel to
the regional contest, a n d perhaps
to t h e final Washington competition. T h e J o h n F. Kennedy Center
Tor t h e Performing Arts a n d the
Smithsonian Institution will be
hosting the festival, with American Airlines, in Washington.
One h u n d r e d sixty five plays
from campuses across the country
are e n t e r e d . The competition is
presentee! by the American Educational T h e a t r e Association and the
American National Theatre and
Academy and sponsored by American Airlines.
Raeh cnl ry musl be judged
twice, firs I regionally and then
finally in Washington against the
other I:! regional finalists. T h e
preliminary judging in Region XII
(New York, New Jersey, a n d eastern Pennsylvania) will he d o n e by
Arthur Lilhgow, the executive director of Princeton's McCarler
Repertory C o m p a n y , from the regum's I ,S entries he will select
three or lour to c o m p e t e in the
semi-finals at Lycoming College in
Witliamsport, Pa., in J a n u a r y .
One production will be chosen
there t o represent Region XII for
a week in Washington a n d t o
c o m p e t e against the other region
The audience will find several
familiar faces in the cast when
"Harry N o o n & N i g h t " opens on
Wednesday, December 9 in t h e
Studio Theatre of the Performing
Arts Center. Eric Poppick, w h o
will be well remembered as
Jacques Casanova in " C a m i n o
R e a l " and as the double character
" A Scent of
F l o w e r s , " will play Harry himself.
Harry Kuivila, w h o plays t h e
soldier in " H a r r y , " was the Baron in " C a m i n o Real" a n d Uncle
Edgar in " A Scent of F l o w e r s . "
Sandra B o y n t o n emerges from an
impressive backstage career t o
play Herman's wife a n d Marylin
Liberati who played the gypsy in
" C a m i n o R e a l " will be the prostit u t e . Archer will b e played b y
Richard Learning, seen as G u t m a n
and as Fred respectively in the
t w o major
A n t h o n y Mastriani, playing the
policeman, was the first officer in
" C a m i n o Real." Those fortunate
enough t o have seen "Viet R o c k "
will recognize Jeffrey Tinkleman
—or perhaps they won't—as he
portrays Immuel.
Dr. Weiner, w h o directed last
p r o d u c t i o n of
*** *******
During the weekend of Decernher 1th and 5 t h , Experimental
Theatre will present a n o t h e r triple
feature, leading off with A RESOUNDING T I N K L E by N . F .
Simpson on Friday, the-1th. Mori
Hess directs this comedy in which,
"All aspects of modern suburban
living and the people w h o make it
what il is come in for a p p r o p r i a t e
shares of uprorious s a t i r e . " In his
cast are Paul Poore, Eleanore
i n n n i i i n i i i i i i i i U H i m , , -
Happily, all your special moments together will be
symbolized forever by your engagement and
wedding rings. If the name. Keepsake is in the
ring and on the tag, you are assured of fine quality
and lasting satisfaction. The engagement
diamond is flawless, of superb color, and precise
cut. Your Keepsake Jeweler has a selection of
many lovely styles. He's in the yellow
pages under "Jewelers."
R.nrjt IfOmVIWlO I
Don'l W r \ p m a d e n
W e ' i c .. im
cliims -n;ilmn.olv k m n .
of t h e m.uls VV'e h i ; ,>
tlnnr; nt tin- m r r i r i ' ii
we've pill t u e r t h r i n
traceptives n rnnt.ui .
h a n d s m m - laMi-ful \>,<
v a r i e t y fir Rive .1 11 \i>
traecptive sampler
v"i; tn „'!•[ m e n ' s r u n l r a c c p l i v c s
'*•"' v" ' " " ' U l ' " K I T q u a l i t y e n n m r \ i m p o r t s itiruueii t h e p r i v a c y
r a n d s w h i c h .ire s u p e r i o r to a n v •\"u 111 k e e p i n g w n h t h e s e a s o n ,
in'•i jiift s i m p l e r of m e n ' s c o n • ii ' ' ' s e v e n different b r a n d s in a
"'•lv.S7 !if, ( , | V ( . yourself a little
'|"K u n i q u e
t'SI's pxciusive con-
105 N. Columbia st [i,.,,t ( ; s 1 . n i „ p , .
Pleaie lend new 70 page b o o l M
and lull
•H page'i Kccrnole Book
ficnlli'mcn Please wr-iut ,,,,.
cifi sampler' in , i,l..m «.•, .>
Planner, Yo,,' f • i i ' i c ^ e M
N r 27514
I S7 !
each (remlttar
I u n r i e r s l a n d I1 it
Ratlfifted w i l h t h e
iiriv PSI p r o d u c t s
full r e f u n d
A u d i t i o n s for S U N Y at Albany's
fourth major theatrical production, PETER
PAN, will be held
from S u n d a y , December 6 to
T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 8. They will
be held in t h e L a b II {Experimental) T h e a t r e beginning at 7:00 p.m.
each night. A u d i t i o n s will also be
held o n T u e s d a y , December S
from 10 a.m. till 12 noon in the
Main Stage in t h e PAC. This is the
full scale musical version of the
play, a n d a large cast is necessary.
All thowinte-Ptmlod are invited tn
a t t e n d a n y o r all of the auditions
A u d i t i o n s are open to all umver
sity s t u d e n t s .
RP1 Players,
W o r k s h o p will present t u n one
-act p l a y s : Alberts
Undue ,m
illogical c o m e d y by T o m Ship
a n d , lintuelli,
McNally's anli war drama FmUs
and S a t u r d a y . December limrih
and fifth
at Hie Fifteenth Sir.-i-i
Lounge ( o p p o s i t e the T i m Ai
Admission is free 'In
public is invited and r-urtriill Mm.'
is ,S:;S() p.m.
BOX ?0.
I 3 JO I ,
n, v
I Can we ana
a girt
In ynur
Mr Barsrimiiin ii> a native id
a t t e n d e d t h e Worcester Ail Museum in li!6:(, a n d received Ins
H.F.A. degree from the Mussaflui
setts College id Art in I !!«!) lbhas been s t u d y i n u al Ah
S '"''
over a y e a r , working prunarlh
wilh 'I'bom O ' C o n n o r and liolieil
Cartmell. lb- has alrcadj hail
teaching e x p e r i e n c e al Ihis I nivi-i
sity a n d t h e Massachusetts College
ol' A r l . lie hopes to ciiiilliiinleaching when he leaves>
T h e artist has exhil
I w o r t - 1.1
a t w o - m a n s h o w al Capital (!aller.\
in A l b a n y , a n d al the (ieorgr
Waller Vincenl Smith Arl Muse
inn e x h i b i t i o n lie prefers print
making t o p a n n i n g , but lias
in tnosl
crafts as well.
if I am n o t
P e r f o r m a n c e s will be given on
b o t h nights a t 7 : 3 0 and 0:00 in
the A r e n a T h e a t r e of the Perform
ing A r t s C e n t e r . Admission is Tree,
b u t as a l w a y s o u r poor box is
open to your donations.
A o n e mini S h o w by KUIUTI II.,r
sitmiiin will <I|H'II 111 11n- Ail ('.il
li'ry ul t h e Kltill- Ifnivi'i-Mly "I
N r w Yurli al Albany nil Sunclaj.
D e c e m b e r Ii, 107(1, from -••'> l> in
This exhibit is the final ivqimr
m e n l fen- i»l)tuinine; n M n s t e r \ elf
Mree, which he will i-umplfti- in
When you know
it's for keeps
F r e e m a n , Karla Busch and the
voices of D e b o r a h Boxer and Neal
S a t u r d a y i ight's double bill includes P U R J A T O R Y , a one act
play b y W.B. Yeats, directed by
P.S. King with Peter Reiss, Fred
Bucker, Jeff Passe and Barbara
Latini in t h e cast. Also on Saturday, D e a n n e Brown directs THE
G L I T T E R I N G G A T E by Lord
D u n s a n y with Peter Coughlin and
Joe G e o c o playing t h e two dead
burglars a t t e m p t i n g to crack open
the gates of Heaven.
_ _ _ » * _
T h e e x h i b i t i o n will remain in
the Gallery t h r o u g h December 'Ml
The Gallery is open to the public
M o n d a y t h r o u g h Saturday from
9-5, W e d n e s d a y evening 7-il, and
S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n from 2-6.
The Sound of Gold
by B o b Rosenblum
The following albums either are
currently or in the near future will
be on sale at bargain prices in area
department stores and discount
stores. I will try to present such
reviews periodically in an attempt
to reacquaint readers with older
A Question of Balance,
The Moody Blues (Threshold,
T h e Rolling Stones' Beggars
Banquet (Decca L K 4 9 5 5 ) is not
their best album, but Stones fans
should like it, There seems t o be a
thin coating of satire throughout
the album both musically as well
as literarily. There is a good deal
of variety ranging from t h e sardonic Afro C u b a n " S y m p a t h y for
the Devil", t o t h e oriental inspired
" F a c t o r y G i r l " t h e c o u n t r y and
westernish '*Dear D o c t o r , " the
hard r o c k " P a r a c h u t e W o m a n "
the c o u n t r y blues of "Prodigal
S o n " a n d t h e p r o t e s t of " S a l t of
the E a r t h . "
The Soft Machine
C P L P 4 5 0 0 ) is t h e name of an
excellent g r o u p a n d their a l b u m
t h a t deserves wider recognition.
T h e i r songs are consistently imaginative a n d fresh t h a n k s chiefly
t o Kevin Ayers. T h e blend of acid
rock, jazz a n d m o d e r n E u r o p e a n
" s e r i o u s " music provides a rewarding and lasting listening experience.
(Tetragram m a t o n T - 1 1 2 ) is an u n p r e t e n tious, relaxing a l b u m in t h e folk
-rock idiom. J o n Mark is an unexc e p t i o n a l vocalist, b u t he seems t o
feel w h a t he sings. T h e musical
backing is never offensive always
soft. Woodwinds, organ, guitar
a n d d r u m s are used with a good
deal of restraint, b u t with little
variation. On t h e whole it is satisfying, b u t not moving.
Deep Purple ( T e t r a g r a m m a t o n
T-1 19) by Deep Pruple is an adv e n t u r o u s reach for ecelecticicism.
My favorite tracks: "Chasing Shad o w s " which spotlights a flashy
guitar solo, a soulful organ and
e c h o c h a m b e r voices w r a p p e d in a
heated rhythmic context making
use of various percussion instrum e n t s . D o n o v a n ' s " L a l a t i e " is
s u n g with feeling and contains a
swinging, hut out of place solo o n
" F a u l t l i n e " is t h e most experim e n t a l track on t h e a l b u m " i n g
various electronic affects in a
dirge-like m a n n e r which suddenly
j u m p s t o u s o u n d salad bridge
to surly
phrases. T h e vocal seems vaguely
similar to " S u m m e r t i m e . "
" A p r i l " t h e longest a n d m o s t
intriguing selection, is a c o m b i n a t i o n of rock a n d classical music.
Well, 1 e x p e c t e d m o r e , b u t I
e x p e c t e d a l o t . If y o u ' r e familiar
with t h e M o o d y Blues, y o u ' r e
aware that their music can be
breathtakingly beautiful. DAYS
O F F U T U R E P A S S E D was d a m n
good. IN S E A R C H O F T H E
L O S T C H O R D was n o t s u p e r b
throughout, b u t some cuts were
t r e m e n d o u s . ON T H E T H R E S H OLD O F A D R E A M h a d only o n e
good cut on t h e first side, b u t the
s e c o n d side was beautiful. I kept
waiting for their perfect a l b u m ;
T O O U R C H I L D R E N ' S CHILD R E N ' S C H I L D R E N might have
been it. T h a t was virtually flawless
and absolutely beautiful.
I w o n d e r e d h o w t h e y ' s follow
that a l b u m . Their answer is A
QUESTION O F B A L A N C E a n d ,
while it's by n o means a disaster, I
d o n ' t think it's a total success
The highlights of t h e album--not
surprisingly--are Justin H a y w a r d ' s
three songs ( " Q u e s t i o n , " " I t ' s U p
to Y o u , " " D a w n i n g is the D a y " )
where the lyrics are up to par with
the music. If y o u check t h r o u g h
all t h e a l b u m s , you'll see t h a t
while the o t h e r Moodies write
s o m e t i m e s well a n d s o m e t i m e s
not so well, H a y w a r d virtually
never flaws; h e ' s got q u i t e a h e a d .
Try playing " I t ' s Up T o Y o u "
early some m o r n i n g when y o u ' v e
been up all night. It makes everything okay even if it really isn't.
T h e rest o f t h e a l b u m falls d o w n
mostly because the lyrics, which,
with the e x c e p t i o n of H a y w a r d ' s ,
are generally p r e t t y trite. I t ' s
strange, because by the last a l b u m
(or before) t h e Moodies h a d all
T h e Music D e p a r t m e n t of t h e
proven themselves to be excellent
songwriters. Y e t , this a l b u m lyric- S t a t e University of N e w York at
ally comes n o w h e r e near t h e stan- Albany will p r e s e n t its Annual
dards they set for themselves last Choral Festival in t h e Main Theatime. " T h e B a l a n c e " is particular- ter of the Performing Arts C e n t e r
ly p o o r : strange, since it appears at 8 : 3 0 p.m. on t h e evenings of
that they consider it a major Dec. 10th and I 1th. Admission is
effort. 1 really (really) hate to p u t free a n d t h e public is cordially
clown the M o o d y Blues, b u t this invited.
A m o s t unusual a n d exciting
song comes off s o u n d i n g like The
bible rewritten by R o d McKueii. c o n t e m p o r a r y work by N o r m a n
J o i o , a y o u n g American
It's t o o b a d t h a t t h e lyrics a r e n ' t
always up to the music on this c o m p o s e r , will be p e r f o r m e d by a
album, b u t the music is often so chorui of m o r e than 2 5 0 voices
beautiful t h a t you forget the lyric from singers of t h e Mixed ehorusanyway. This is a m u s t buy al- es, the University Singers, a n d the
bum, despite its faults, if y o u dig
the Moody Blues. Just d o n ' t expect perfection. T h e Moodies
aren't perfect, though they s o m e times appear to be.
H E L P ! My <ipi male Mas (led the
me w . i h a
l.l'.JQ/Mionth leaso ( u n t i l June 5 t h ) .
1 lie apt is Ilia lower halt of a
latmhouse, recently redecorated, in
the Calskills, 4 0 minutes
SUNY w i t h lit-u horseback riding
(one (jtade Horse, t w o ponies) on a
lake 25 m i l e view, (Ireplace like
stone, In an academic c o m m u n i t y ,
Lake Phowod In winter (or ico
skating, trails lor riding or h i k i n g ,
t w o bedrooms, furnished, up t o
four bnds available.
I w o u l d like to sublet or f i n d an
apartment-mate. Call Ted Kendrick
days al GR 4-7519. Late evenings
c i l l 1-906-5764 (collect).
Get Y©r Yfl-Yd's Ollt
I a m holding in m y hand the
cover t o o n e of the finest rock
albums ever made. Lester Bangs,
in Rolling Stone, calls it the
Stones' best album and "the best
rock concert ever put on record."
The album o p e n s with a collage
o f MC i n t r o d u c t i o n s from t h e
S t o n e s U . S . t o u r last year. O n e
MC s c r e a m s : " T h e G r e a t e s t Rock
a n d Roll B a n d in t h e W o r l d — t h e
Rolling S t o n e s ! ! " a n d e n o u g h exc i t e m e n t is generated in this intro
t o m a k e y o u believe t h a t t h a t MC
just m i g h t k n o w w h a t h e ' s talking
T h e n s u d d e n l y all y o u hear (or
w a n t t o h e a r ) is t h e Rolling
S t o n e s , loud a n d beautiful. Jagger
begins w i t h a solid version of
" J u m p i n ' Jack* F l a s h . " T u r n it u p
l o u d ; it's really far o u t . When it
ends, all t h e little girls are in a
fervor a n d Mick is teasing: " U h oh
I t h i n k I b u s t a b u t t o n on m y d o n ' t w a n t my
t r o u s e r s t o fall d o w n , n o w d o
Of c o u r s e , all t h e girls
scream " y e s "
they do, and the
m e a n it. T h i n k of the sociological
implications ( I ' m serious). T h i n k
of m o t h e r s s i t t i n g h o m e while
their fourteen year old daughters
are a t a c o n c e r t screaming for
some cat's trousers t o fall.
This a l b u m is rock a n d roll, a n d
t h a t m e a n s losts of sex p o w e r .
And t h a t ' s always m e a n t danger
t o Middle America, ever since
1 9 5 6 when Elvis Presley in an
a p p e a r a n c e on Ed Sullivan, was
p h o t o g r a p h e d from t h e waist u p
(The Stones had trouble
with Sullivan, t o o ; (hey had t o
change " L e t ' s S p e n d t h e Night
T o g e t h e r " to " L e t s ' s S p e n d S o m e
T i m e T o g e t h e r " for o l ' E d . )
T h e a l b u m moves right into
Chuck Berry's " C a r o l " . A n d by
n o w there's n o m i s t a k e : this is
R o c k a n d Roll, possibly by the
I'inesRock a n d Roll b a n d ever.
T h e " S t r a y Cat B l u e s " which, if
y o u k n o w the song, relates right
back t o t h e trousers thing. T h a t ' s
followed hy " L o v e In V a i n , "
w h i c h , like m u c h of t h e album,
c o m p a r e s favorably t o previous
" p o l i s h e d " s t u d i o cuts. Because
this a l b u m is m o r e free, m o r e
r a u n c h y , m o r e alive than s t u d i o
m a t e r i a l , it bears up much b e t t e r
o n r e p e a t e d listenings. T h e first
Music Notes
S t a t e s m e n . T h e w o r k , " A Psalm
of D a v i d " is based on a c a n t u s
firmus by J o s q u i n des Prez in a
setting of the Psalm ( N o . 5 0 in t h e
Catholic n u m b e r i n g , 51 in t h e
P r o t e s t a n t a n d Jewish n u m b e r ing.)
N o r m a n Dello J o i o , t h e c o m p o s er,
u n i q u e l y characteristic of o u r cultural life: a first-generation American w h o assimilates the heritage
of his fatherland (Italy) and m o r e
indigenous elements such as leading his o w n jazz h a n d a n d s t u d y ing at t h e Juilliard School as well
as w o r k i n g with H i n d e m i t h .
by Jeff Burger
side ends with "Midnight Hambier" ( 8 : 3 2 ) . Here, Jaggei starts
singing before the band is even
ready, he's that into it. Side One
is kind o f long
over twenty
three minutes
and you'll dig
every second.
Side T w o begins with an absolutely fantastic beautiful excellent
far o u t "Sympathy for the Devil."
"Live With Me" is next. Jaeger's
invitation is somewhere between
the sexual message of "Let's
Spend the Night Together" and
the insult of "Under My T h u m b . "
Again, beautifully d o n e : tight, but
Queenie" repays more of the debt
t o Chuck Berry. Then "Honky
Tonk W o m e n " (third version on
record, n o t counting the Bootleg
album). "Street Fighting Man"
ends Side T w o , which is just short
of t w e n t y minutes.
Don't get this album if the
landlord lives downstairs and y o u
have t o keep quiet (unless y o u
have headphones). Otherwise, get
the m o n e y together, get the record, get spaced out of your head
and experience true rock and roll
as it should be done. 1 see a big
future for this band!
Handel and Bach in
Albany This Weekend
T h e annual C h r i s t m a s p r o d u c tion of Handel's " M e s s i a h " by t h e
Capitol Hill Choral Society will b e
presented on t w o evenings again
this year. T h e c o n c e r t , a t Chancellors Hall on Hawk S t r e e t at Washington Avenue in A l b a n y , will b e
performed on F r i d a y a n d Saturd a y , December A a n d 5, at 8 : 3 0
T h e 2 0 0 voice c h o r u s , accompanied by the O r a t o r i o Orchestra
and Allen Mills, organist, will be
u n d e r t h e direction of J u d s o n
R a n d . T h e special guest soloists
for this season's p e r f o r m a n c e are
J u d i t h Hubbell, s o p r a n o ; Anne
Cleaves, c o n t r a l t o ; Leonard J o h n son, tenor; a n d Samuel R a m e y ,
Born in Washington, D . C , Miss
Hubbell is a g r a d u a t e of t h e Juilliard School of Music where she
was t h e winner ol t w o c o m p e t i tions to p e r f o r m with t h e Juilliard
Orchestra. Miss Hubbell m a d e h e r
Carnegie Hall d e b u t in May as
soloist with t h e N e w Jersey
D o u b l e Chorale a n d O r c h e s t r a .
She is currently a recitalist for t h e
Lincoln C e n t e r Programs for t h e
high schools in N e w York City
a n d N e w York S t a t e . Having lived
in t h e Albany area for twelve
years, Miss Hubbell is delighted t o
r e t u r n t o t h e Capitol District t o
sing once again.
A n n e Cleaves has d o n e r e c e n t
solo work with the Philadelphia
Orchestra, the Lehigh University
C h o r u s , and t h e Riverside C h u r c h .
Miss Cleaves p e r f o r m e d Mendels s o h n ' s " E l i j a h " with t h e Capitol
Hill Choral Society last May.
Leonard J o h n s o n t a u g h t college
music for several years before
deciding on a career as a performing artist. He has given over sixty
o r a t o r i o p e r f o r m a n c e s of 37 different works. Mr, J o h n s o n h a s
d o n e recent solo work with t h e
Wichita Choral Society and t h e
American Operu C e n t e r a t t h e
Juilliard School of Music.
S a m u e l R a m e y has d o n e r e c e n t
solo w o r k w i t h t h e O p e r a Orchestra of N e w Y o r k , t h e Santa F e
Operu C o m p a n y , a n d t h e Maitonnl
O p e r a C o m p a n y o f Raleigh, N o r t h
F r e e p a r k i n g will b e available for
concert-goers in t h e S t a t e e m p l o y ees p a r k i n g l o t at t h e c o r n e r of
Elk S t r e e t a n d Hawk Street. T h e
lot will b e patrolled during t h e
A d v a n c e admission tickets for
the t w o c o n c e r t s are n o w on sale
at A l b a n y area music stores. Tickets will be available at t h e d o o r . A
limited n u m b e r of s t u d e n t disc o u n t tickets are available for
both performances.
T h e w o r l d - f a m o u s Bach Aria
C - o u p , William H. Scheide, director, will be heard in p e r f o r m a n c e
in the Main T h e a t r e of t h e Performing Arts Center, S t a t e University o f N e w York a t Albany,
D e c e m b e r 5 at 8 : 3 0 p . m . under
t h e s p o n s o r s h i p of t h e Music
T h e only performing organization of its kind, possessing t h e
unusual feature of placing world
f a m o u s i n s t r u m e n t a l a n d vocal
soloists o n equal footing, t h e Bach
Aria Group consists of singers
N o r m a n Farrow, Maureen Forrester,
a n d instrumentalists
S a m B a r o n , R o b e r t Bloom, Bern a r d G r e e n h o u s e , Oscar S h u m s k y
a n d Y e h u d i Wyner.
Organized by Mr. Scheide in
1 9 4 6 t o p e r f o r m t h e arias a n d
d u e t s from t h e c a n t a t a s of J o h a n n
Sebastian Bach, t h e group has
achieved its international reputation t h r o u g h recordings, broadcasts,
a n d concerts in
E u r o p e , S o u t h America, Canada
a n d t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . T h e program h a s been described as "Music
w i t h o u t equal or a n y near parallel."
Admission will be $ 1 for stud e n t s , $ 2 for faculty a n d $ 3 for
the general public. Tickets may b e
reserved from 12-1 p . m . by calling
Gordon Lightfoot
Tom Rush
New Shipment of
just arrived for Uuys & Gals
fur vests
fur rugs
S o m e V u r y Long Coats
Saturday, Dec. 5th
Raccoon & Bear
In t h e g y m
$10-$15 $ 2 0 - $ 2 5 - &up
d o o r s o p e n at 9:30
Good ihru December 15th
98 Central Avenue
$2.50 u>/tnx-$5.00
tick uls will boon salo Sal. in tha CampusCenteV & at the door
Got Lead in Your Tailpipe?
Non-Violence: Active and Creative
injustice through non-cooperation. Integration was
both Dr. King's ends and means."
Non-violence is action-oriented. Non-violent activ"Violence has a finality that no man has the right
to impose." Ghandi lived his philosophy and ists can never rest as long .is there is injustice in the
brought India independence, peacefully.
world. To make non-violence through non-cooperaDr. LeRoy Pelton, of SUNYA's Psychology De- tion effective, Ghandi's tactic of cooperating with
partment, expanded on the theme of non-violent the evil doer in good acts and not cooperating with
activism as a peaceful alternative to social conflict the evil doer in evil deeds must be employed.
resolution. Dr. Pelton, in his lecture before the Non-violence is a tactic designed to reform or
Psychology Club, Cathexis, said, "Non-violent modify behavior and is not directed against the
means of resolving social conflict is the only way to person or his property.
secure peace."
"By responding with violence, you are cooperating
"Each side in a conflict seeks the same goals, the with your adversaries' means by proving your means
same ends, i.e., justice, self-determination, and are evil, therefore, you are evil. The non-violent
peace. The Vietnam war is justified by both sides. activist must suffer the violence passively, but not
We are fighting for peace, justice, and the right of cooperate in the execution of evil deeds.
the people to decide their own fate and not have "Ghandi understood that to deal with large social
one imposed on them. Each side looks at the other's organizations, non-violent activists must be
means of achieving these ends and castigates their organized themselves." To resist the draft, an
opponent while disregarding their own violent individual can be jailed. But if thousands resist, it
means and congratulates themselves on the loftiness will become unprofitable for society to jail
of their ulterior motives or ends.
thousands of its young. There are more cases of
"By perpetrating violence, each side is perpetrat- draft resistance to be prosecuted in New York City
ing injustice. Terrorists feel just in their use of than the courts or jails can handle. "It's too bad
bombs and murders and can rationalize these means more didn't come of project 'Undo' during last
with their ideals while the American Government year's student strike." Undo offers a chance to
does the same about its war in Vietnam."
organize against a social wrong by massing passively
Dr. Pelton cited examples from the civil rights against the draft through mass turn-ins of draft
movement as a demonstration that nonviolent cards.
means arc successful against an oppressive society. There are many non-violent alternatives to con"Anywhere there is oppression there is coopera- sider. Non-violence gives the mind a chance to be
tion in the oppression by the oppressed. Blacks innovative, non-violence profits from novelty, that's
could not have been put down for so long had they why demonstrations aren't successful this year.
not cooperated. By obeying the signs, 'Negroes Not
Among Dr. Pelton's closing remarks was, "NonAdmitted,' 'Negroes Sit in the Back of the Bus,' violence may never change some minds, but judge
blacks were cooperating in their own oppression. the alternatives. History has shown repeatedly that
The force was in themselves to rectify social violence can't change minds either."
"On the Other Hand"
by Michell Frost
Vietnam War critics never cease lo amaze me. For some reason they
seem to take it for granted that everyone-bul everyone—opposes the
"anti-democratic, imperialist venture" in Vietnam, in the words of our
latest critic, Ira J. Wolfman (ASP column , Nov. 20). The consistency
with which this attitude is taken has so dulled my senses that I am no
longer amazed when writers criticize our stand there so
Mr. Wolfman has called the war "anti-democratic." This is an
interesting choice of words—calling the war "anti-democratic" rather
than the traditional "undemocratic." Let me see if I understand him
correctly. Is he saying that the Vietnam War has had the effect of
tearing down the democratic processes in this country? If this is what
he means, then I can only say that this is true only to the extent that
those opposing the war have yet with so much resistance form the
electorate that they use violent and undemocratic means to express
their discontent. Thus it is not the war in Vietnam which is
make as many students as possible anti-democratic, but those who have taken their opposition to
apathetic—so the prospects for extremes. It might even be argued that the war in Vietnam has
getting out look better for a lot of sparked such interest among the population—hardhat, student,
people next year.
everyman— that "democracy" is on the rise. Let us not forget that it
4. The limit of 195 is holding was in this period of renewed political participation, when almost
firm. For any questions see a everyone took a stand on the war, that Richard Nixon and George
Draft Counselor: Friday from 1-3,
Monday from 10*3, Tuesday from Wallace together polled 57% of the total popular vote for the
1-2:30 and at 8:00 p.m.
Mr. Wolfman has also called the war "imperialist." Does this mean
n. Don't drop your deferment if
your number is lower than that he thinks we are in Vietnam to exploit the Vietnamese people,
196: you will not get out of the
bleed them dry, so to speak, for our own economic benefit? If so.
draft if you do not get dratted by then I think Mr. Wolfman has begun to believe his own rhetoric.
December 3 1.
Rather than gaining economically, our venture in Vietnam has cost us
The law provides that any per- billions of dollars, not to mention the tens of thousands of deaths. We
son who is l-A on December 3 1 , are in Vietnam, believe it or not, to help prevent the free and
and whose number has been
reached by that date is eligible for independent government of South Vietnam from being overthrown by
induction until the 31st of March outside aggressors (the North Vietnamese) and their cohorts in the
of the following year. In other South (the Viet Cong). The eyes of the free world are upon us,
words, if you are under 196, this wailing to sec what an American commitment in defense of her allies
year there is no way you will not is worth. The Soviet Union is watching too.
be drafted.
N.B.: Footnotes on the Draft
A few important developments
in the tottery bingo:
1. The date for sending in letters
to the board in order to be reclassified i-A has-been changed.
According tu a directive by Curtis
Tarr, any request foi reclassification must be honored if it is
Tower East Cinema
Friday, Dec. 4lli
postmarked prior to December
31, midnight. (Aside: would advise those who are involved to act
before the last week in December
in order to be on good terms with
your draft board. Seems like there
is little reason to wait any longer.)
2. To clarify a misconception
running rampant, the only people
who can play the lottery and win
this year (by turning in their II-S)
are those whose lottery numbers
were picked in the December
drawing last year. You must be 20
years old this year in order to
be considered eligible for the
1970 lottery.
3. Prospects for next year's lottery indicate that perhaps the
numbers will go no higher than
160 or so—maybe even lower.
Nixon wants to stifle dissent and
Legal Abortions Without Delay
3 4 2 Madison Avenue
The C o u n c i l o n A b o r t i o n Research and
E d u c a t i o n provides referral services and
free i n f o r m a t i o n regarding legal a b o r t i o n s
p e r f o r m e d w i t h o u t delay m hospitals and
out patient facilities in strict compliance
w i t h proscribed medical standards and
Prices range f r o m $195 t o $ 3 9 5 f o r D & C /
vacuum procedures up t o 13 weeks and
f r o m $ 6 0 0 to $ 7 0 0 for saline procedures
A l l inquiries are completely c o n f i d e n t i a l
For details call (2121 6 8 2 6 8 5 6
New York, N Y . 10017 M ( 2 1 2 ) 6 8 2 6 8 5 6
learn a new science t h a i can restructure society to c o n f o r m w i t h
ethical idealism in human behavior. For i n t r o d u c t o r y literature
including a " F O R M U L A F O R
T R U T H " copr.; send $ 1 . 0 0 to
T r u t h o l o g y , 6 1 9 Central Ave,. A l bany, N.Y. I J 2 0 B ( T r u t h o l o g y is
a science, not a religion)
L O G I C A L D I F F E R E N C E S . Scholastic meanly invited.
U Vli ON
Sunday, December 6th
at 7:00PM
Jack Lemmon
Catherine Deneuve
"The April Fools"
Technicolor* [*]'(££>'
A Cinema Ct-ntcr Films Presentation.
A National General Pictures Release
starring Peter Sellers
and Ctaudine Lunget
Saturday, Doc. 6th
7:30 & 9:30
January 1 - January 16
only $285.00
•Flight from NY to Munich to NY
*Bus: Munich/Had Gastein/Munich
'Hotel (double roomsj-siiigles on request
•Breakfast Daily
•Dinner for 1st seven days
•Free entrance to Gambling Casino
•Free entrance to Hot Springs
•Ski pro to assist you
•All gratuities and taxes
Sponsored by Albany .Slate Ski Club
For mure information, contact:
Robert liursleiu
DB 107-2
Indian Quad
Legal Hassles
Any Problems
b 3 0 0 is .ilivti
and wi'li ,in<l will
Wn will11 lo liulp.
Call 457-5300 24 hrs/day
maybe we can help
Berkeley Casualty
^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ 3JQ5^ 9K PfC 3JC *f» vf**^ ^p
He has a wife.
She has a husband.
With so much in common
they just have to fall in love.
ket of photochemical smog. Re- motor vehicles. There are several
cently, schools in the Los Angeles methods of control under serious
area were instructed not to allow consideration by a joint autooutdoor recreation during periods motive industry research team
It is doubtful if anyone need be of heavy pollution, because the which will drastically reduce the
persuaded at this late date that children were collapsing due to amount of atmospheric pollution
from auto exhaust. Most of these
the problem of air pollution is a lack of oxygen.
very real and serious one. Most of
A good number of the pollut- apporaches involve the changing
our major urban areas are almost ants in the air are put there by the of exhaust components to harmconstantly enshrouded by a blan
internal combustion engine in less materials such as carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen.
Of all the alternatives being considered, by far the best and most
efficient one seems to be what is
called a catalytic converter. Briefly, a catalytic converter is a closed
system containing a metallic catalyst which, when the exhaust is
passed over it, changes the composition of the exhaust.
There is only one drawback to
this solution. Lead tetraethyl, an
octane-boosting ingredient present
in most gasolines, breaks down
the metallic catalyst and renders it
useless in a short time. However,
these converters have been effective for up to fifty thousand miles
in tests using lead-free gasolines. If
all oil companies manufactured
only lead-free gasoline, these converters could be installed in all
new cars within two years.
The solution? Once again, as
always it is a question of priorities. At present there is only one
company which produces a leadfree gasoline, the American Oil
Company. Lead-free gas is not
guaranteed to prolong the life of
the engine, nor is there any evidence that it may shorten it. I
gents. Consequently, Heyns was would personally consider this a
slow in complying with ethnic minor point (if indeed I would
College Press Service
consider it at all) when contrasted
Governor Reagan intervened with the possibility of prolonging
human life, or at least enhancing
What happens to a liberal who is
Front, with its protests for ethnic its quality.
trapped between the forces of
If we do not agree, then read no
rebellion and repression?
further; if so, there is something
When that liberal is Roger large-scale violence on cumpus.
can do as a consumer to
Heyns, Chancellor of „ne University of California at Berkeley, he ple, students began the "People's alleviate the smog problem.
Park" protests in the Spring of Switch to a lead-free gasoline (a
I960. Heyns proposed that the low-lead product does not even
After a five year post of acting
Regents lease the disputed land to affect the problem, as even small
as buffer between the disciples of
city of Berkeley and A...s quantities of lead seriously shortMario Savio and Jerry Rubin and
en the catalyst's life), and at the
Governor Ronald Reagan's Cali- turned down.
T h e n , Cambodia! Faculty same time drop a note to the
fornia Board of Regens, Heyns
company you switched from insubmitted his resignation on NoHeyns for lax frading policies and dicating that the presence of lead
vember 13.
widespread student and faculty in their product was your reason
In November of 1967, Heyns
political activity.
for switching. It is such a small
faced his first Berkeley crisis; he
For Heyns the resignation was thing, requiring for most people
called police to arrest Mario Savio
his only alternative: "I regard my only a slight effort, and the results
and other demonstrators who had
major accomplishment as the fact can be most gratifying. Your
been protesting against on-campus
that we kept going!"
children may thank you.
Navy recruitment. "Jolly Roger"
was the disdainful brand Heyns
Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver
was permitted by Heyns to teach
his experimental course until he
was banned by the California Reby Richard Lorenz and
Ann Kinigstein
by J. Steven Flavin
by Ira Wolfman
Palace Theatre
T l c k . l l SI'S and 14 7)
— Sunday, December 6, 1970
at 7 pm
— Physical E d u c a t i o n
Ticktli J3.50 and «,50
Sound by Professional i n t e r n a l tonal
7:30 p i n s l u r p ; doors open
30 minutes prior. Mail orders: E N C L O S E S E L F - A D D R E S S E D S T A M P E D ENV E L O P E w i t h CHECK OR
PRODUCT I O N S . " Otciois lucoivtid a
days before show w i l l bo
hold dl dour Also, orders
by personal cllCCh hold >il
box office loi r u d o i n p l i o n .
Remaining iickois available
10 days bofora show -it:
Albany V.111 Cuiluis 8. Ar
ni.idiu u,
Apex Music; l i o y Music
I n (01 m a t I o n :
not a Zebra Production
or a local production
— P i a n o selections by
Findlay Cockrell
— Followed by All-University
Reception in the
Campus Center
— Everyone welcome
De-Papering the Earth
by Lory Laglia
The PYE Club at Albany State has been very active this year. The
Recycling Committee, as yet one of the less vocal subcommittees of
PYE, has been working diligently since September. Under the
direction of Dr. Richard Brown, this group was formed in the belief
that the university community should take a step forward in the
crucial issue of recycling.
The urgency of recycling waste products is great. Progress moves
toward an infinite goal, but our resources are finite. Recycling will
help to redirect the flow of waste products. Besides replacing the use
of raw materials, this can reduce both manufacturing pollution and
the problem of waste disposal.
The group is currently trying to institute a program to recycle paper
on campus; we chose this as our first step because it seemed the most
feasible. Approximately one half of the waste on campus, which
amounts to several tons per week, is paper. There are nearby
companies that would be willing to buy the used paper. The State
Campus has achieved success in similar projects and can lend advice.
So far the project is still in the blueprint stages; a general outline has
been submitted to Mr. John Buckhoff, Plant Supervisor. The plan
provides for three types of collection areas: paper only, trash only,
and areas where the two are combined. These last areas will contain
separate waste baskets designated for either paper or trash. The paper
waste will then be re-routed to be recj :led rather than to the land fill
where all of it is currently dumped.
Committee members have received favorable reactions from faculty
members. Mr. Buckhoff has been responsive and co-operative. He has
assigned Jack Talmadge, a daytime dormitory supervisor, to act as a
liason for University Maintenance. To be effective, this project needs
the co-operation of the entire university community.
After completing preliminary gathering of information, the
committee hopes to move at a fast pace and initiate the program
directly after intercession. In the future the committee has hopes of
enlisting other colleges and volunteer groups to include more of the
Albany areas.
The quality of the food wiich we buy for consumption has not changed. All of the foodstuffs that we
purchase are at least of the same quality that the
average housewife uses in her home.
We purchase USA choice or USA prime grades of
beef, for student consumption. These grades are the
two best offered for sale in the United States.
Where some of the students derive the idea that the
food is of inferior quality, is they are not used to
institutional cooking. Therefore they try to compare
our food to the food that they consume at home.
Unfortunately we cannot meet this comparison because we must prepare and serve over 20,000 meals
per day.
Institutional style cooking does not cater to each
individual taste as home style cooking does. It does
try to please the majority of the students, the
majority of the lime. It is impossible to please
everyone all of the time,
We do realize that we can make mistakes while
serving in large quantities. Therefore on each of the
quads we have tried to form food committees to
bring student complaints lo our attention. These
organizations have been very successful and have
enabled us to be sensitive to the needs and desires of
the students. If you have a valid complaint about
food please let us know about it.
To voice your complaint you can join your food'
committees, attend the next meeting of your food
committee or call: Mary Ellen Korchinsky at 7-3048
for State and Indian Quads-Huron Block at 7-6896
for Qploniul Quad—Jay Zuckermun at 7-7922 for
Dutch Quad—Manager of snack bur at 7-3276;Manager of cafeteria at 7-4614—'Aider) and Waterbury have
formed no committee as of this writing...(their
student government indicated that since everything
was satisfactory, they didn't need one.)
Or: leave a note at the check-cashing service for Peter
Bluis, Ass'I. U) the Director for Student Relations.
In an age when the entire educational structure is being quesi
t i o n e d and consequently changed
it seems o d d that t h e system o f
tenure has been questioned but
not consequently changed.
On this campus alone we have
seen the abolition o f universitywide requirements and the institution o f a total pass-fail grading
system. We have also seen c o n t r o versies over teacher tenure and
promotion decisions: Waterman
and Rhoads (Psy.), Tucker (His.),
Wagner (RPA), Cadbury (Phi.)
and Cousins (Eng.).
What was m a d e a p p a r e n t in
t h e s e controversies was the realization t h a t " a PhD does n o t a
teacher m a k e , " a n d the ''publish
o r p e r i s h " d o c t r i n e o f t h e universities seemed an invalid criterion
for d e t e r m i n i n g a teacher's ability
as a teacher. T h e cry last year was
for m o r e s t u d e n t i n v o l v e m e n t in
t e n u r e decisions, a n d as Wilshaw,
a writer for New York Slate Education, has said, " T h e e d u c a t i o n
of s t u d e n t s is the e n d p r o d u c t of
our planning efforts, so why
s h o u l d n ' t they have some voice in
their o w n l e a r n i n g ? "
T h e y are right, but after t h r e e or
The issue of student involvefive or seven years should a teachm e n t while important is not the
er, w h o m a y teach for t w e n t y or
primary basis for this discussion.
or forty years, feel so terT h e point is that the requirements
ribly s e c u r e ? Security u n f o r t u have been abolished and grades
nately often leads t o c o m p l a have been abolished, but the tencency.
ure s y s t e m has n o t . Many administrators and supervisors c o n t e n d
T e n u r e does, h o w e v e r , afford
that the t e n u r e system provides a
some benefits. It does allow acarefuge for t h o s e w h o would endemic
gage in a c h a r a d e t o p e r p e t u a t e
However, t h e r e w o u l d be no fear
m e d i o c r i t y (N.Y.S. E d . . - G a l i s h ) .
if t h e teacher were r a t e d by his
T h e goal of the university is to
teaching associates a n d his s t u i n s t r u c t a n d stimulate. T h e net
d e n t s . T h e only p e r s o n w h o
effect of t h e t e n u r e s y s t e m seems,
would have t o fear w o u l d be t h e
however, t o have negated t h e posp o o r or i n c o m p e t e n t teacher, a n d
sibility of reaching this goal. Alisn't t h a t t h e whole p o i n t ? Adt h o u g h t h e majority of teachers
m i n i s t r a t o r s a n d supervisors w h o
remain innovative and dedicated
usually d o n o t set foot in a
after acquiring tenure t h e r e is still classroom c a n n o t and s h o u l d not be
a significant minority w h o sudthe final judge. S t u d e n t - t e a c h e r
d e n l y relax (Journal of Sec, Ed.—
ratings m e a n q u a l i t y c o n t r o l . A
S t o n e ) . It was reported in Mewsrating s y s t e m t h a t b r o u g h t its
t h a t t w o school superinm e m b e r s u n d e r s c r u t i n y every
t e n d e n t s in Nassau C o u n t y have
" x " n u m b e r of years rather than
suggested changes are needed in
o n c e m e a n s consistently
the t e n u r e laws t o rid schools of
q u a l i t y . When o n e reapplies for a
faculty m e m b e r s with "educadrivers license every three years
tional rigor m o r t i s . " It is time for
o n e m u s t have his eyes c h e c k e d
e d u c a t i o n t o meet the challenge
each t i m e . S h o u l d n ' t it follow
of change.
then t h a t a teacher, w h o in a sense
is t h e " e y e s " for s t u d e n t s , s h o u l d
Teachers'* unions argue t h a t tenalso be c o n t i n u o u s l y c h e c k e d ?
ure is necessary for j o b security.
by John O'Grady
S t u d e n t s , faculty, a n d administ r a t o r s in t h e S c h o o l o f E d u c a t i o n
initiated a series of revisions this
p a s t week w h i c h h e r a l d e d a p e r i o d
of t r a n s i t i o n for n e x t s e m e s t e r .
Briefly by way of b a c k g r o u n d ,
t h e School of E d u c a t i o n ( S O E )
functions as a s o r t of "service
f a c i l i t y " t o t h e College of Arts
a n d Sciences, h a n d l i n g s t u d e n t t e a c h i n g assignments a n d prescribing a s t a n d a r d set of courses ( t o talling 18 credits) which s t u d e n t s
e n r o l l e d in t h e T e a c h i n g P r o g r a m
m u s t pass in o r d e r t o b e c o m e
certified teachers u p o n graduat i o n . S O E ' s ten d e p a r t m e n t s also
Still, one might expect Elec-Trak
to be the forerunner of a pollutionfree automobile. Perhaps it is. But
there are many crucial problems left
to be solved.
The most important one, of
course, is the development of a
substantially heller electric battery.
Any car built today would be severely
limited in range and performance,
and probably prohibitively expensive.
General Electric is making
progress on new batteries, but there's
a long way yet to go.
We've experimented with zincair batleries, Sodium-sulfur batteries.
Silver-zin< batleries. Lithiumhalogen batteries. And others There
are problems with all of them
Problems ol life-span, cost,
Despite ihe problems, General
Tlec liic scientists and engineers are
working for the breakthrough thai
will make electric cars possible.
Maybe Ihe breakthrough is
closer than wp think But we'll
continue lo work and leave the
predictions to someone else.
Why are we running this ad?
We're running this ad, and
others like it, to tell you the things
General Electric is doing about the
problems of man and his
environment today.
The problems concern us
because they concern you. We're a
business and you are potential
customers and employees.
But there's another, more
important reason. These problems
will affect the future of this country
and this planet. We have a stake in
that future. As businessmen. And,
simply, as people.
We invite your comments.
Please write to General Electric,
i70 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y.
offer an excellent series of gradu a t e p r o g r a m s , s o m e of w h i c h are
r a n k e d a m o n g t h e b e s t in t h e
Deficienceis in t h e p r e s e n t setu p of t h e School o f E d a r e m a i n l y
in t h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e a r e a : S O E
does n o t have its o w n undergraduate advisement s y s t e m ; all Edu c a t i o n courses are p r e d e t e r m i n e d
a n d required, a n d it is, in fact,
illegal for S O E faculty t o advise
s t u d e n t s o n c o u r s e registration.
SOE also has n o s e p a r a t e admissions policy, i.e., n o formal introd u c t i o n i n t o t h e T e a c h i n g Program, a n d n o s c r e e n i n g of applicants.
courses are the responsibility of
six S O E d e p a r t m e n t s , a n d suffer
from the fact t h a t m o s t Ed dep a r t m e n t s are geared t o w a r d graduate programs. A n a t i o n a l accreditation
A l b a n y ' s e d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m for
its lack of facilities on t h e underg r a d u a t e level.
By this time a large n u m b e r of
E d u c a t i o n faculty m e m b e r s a n d
a d m i n i s t r a t o r s have already set
forth proposals, b o t h w r i t t e n and
verbal, for correcting these deficiencies; which proposals are m o s t
feasible is still a m a t t e r of opinion. Dr. Morris Berger of t h e
D e p a r t m e n t of F o u n d a t i o n s rec o m m e n d s making all E d u c a t i o n
e l e c t i v e ; Dr.
C o c h r a n e of the D e p a r t m e n t of
Instruction r e c o m m e n d s a fiveyear T e a c h i n g Program with j o i n t
advisement from SOE and the
various subject disciplines (English, Math, Science, e t c . ); s o m e
professors have suggested the form a t i o n of a separate d e p a r t m e n t
for u n d e r g r a d u a t e studies in the
School of Ed. These are b u t sumpies of the topics of discussion at
the meetings held this past week.
Of i m m e d i a t e i m p o r t a n c e , the
Teacher E d u c a t i o n C o m m i t t e e of
S O E held the first of t w o o p e n
hearings on the Berger proposal
last M o n d a y . T w o u n d e r g r a d u a t e s ,
t w o g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s , a n d about
ten professors a t t e n d e d the meeting, which covered m o r e items
than can be related h e r e . T h e final
hearing on t h e p r o p o s a l will be
held this c o m i n g M o n d a y , December 7, at 1 :30 p.m. in E d u c a t i o n
3 3 5 ; s t u d e n t o p i n i o n is sorely
S t u d e n t Advisory Council was
last spring by t h e
Dean of S O E , R a n d o l p h G a r d n e r ,
t o c o m p l e m e n t F a c u l t y Advisory
Council in m o n i t o r i n g feedback to
his a d m i n s t r n t l o n . A g r a d u a t e stud e n t , Sherry Eagun, was granted a
partial assistantship specifically
for the p u r p o s e of organizing
SAC called for » gathering of all
interested u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s
last T u e s d a y . Eight s t u d e n t s showed u p ; these eight indicated which
areas of t h e T e a c h i n g Program
they would be particularly concerned with, and agreed t o act as a
temporary telephone committee
for c o n t a c t i n g m o r e undergraduates first thing next s e m e s t e r .
S t u d e n t s interested in i n f o r m a t i o n
a b o u t SAC' right now m a y call
Sherry Eagan (7-H227, Ed BIO),
or u n d e r g r a d u a t e s J a c k i e C o o p e r
Arrangement! mide for all medical & aynocolojical services. Countelllns available.
Completely confidential.
For Private CdnlUlUtlbn, Til. (217) 791-731}
Texas 24 Arkansas 14
Danes Lose Opener To Williams 81-76
If General Electric
can build an electric tractor,
why can't they build an
electric car?
General Electric is marketing a
14-horsepower rechargeable electric
tractor capable of speeds up to 7
miles an hour.
We think it's a remarkable
innovation. But an electric car it's not.
As a garden tractor for home
use, Elec-Trak ' can lake advantage of
characteristics that would be distinct
disadvantages in an electric car.
The availability of fuel is no
problem for Elec-Trak. It's designed
for limited use near electrified
structures, making overnight
recharging possible.
The heavy weight of the
battery, which would slow down a
car, means greater applied traction
for Elec-Trak.
Because Elec-Trak must travel
at slow speeds In do its jobs, there
are no aerodynamic energy losses to
lake into consideration.
Who Does it Protect?
three personal fouls in the first
half, limiting their playing lime
and forcing Coach Dr. Richard
Sauers t o go lo his bench more
often than he would have liked.
However, the Danes still went into
the locker room al intermission
with an eleven point lead.
T h e second half for Albany was
a nightmare. Reid, Maslerson, and
Sheehan each picked up their
fourth foul early in the half.
Without Sheehan and Reid, the
Danes only managed eleven reb o u n d s in the second half as
Williams d o m i n a t e d the b o a r d s at
both ends of the c o u r t . T h e
E p h m e n k n o t t e d the score at 58
with a little less than ten m i n u t e s
remaining in the game and were
never headed. A key factor for
Williams in their second half s p u r t
was their ability to capitalize al
the free t h r o w line. Benefiting
from n u m e r o u s one-and-onc situa-
Albany S t a t e ' s basketball o p e n e r
T u e s d a y night was spoiled b y
Williams College as the visiting
81-76. After trailing '13-32 at halftime, Williams blew Albany off
the c o u r t by o u t s e n r i n g State
4 9 - 3 3 in the s e c o n d half. In defeating the Danes Williams avenged a o n e - p o i n t overtime loss t o
Albany in last y e a r ' s o p e n e r , when
Alan Reid hit two j u m p s h o t s in
the closing s e c o n d s t o provide the
margin of victory.
State forged i n t o the lead in the
first half behind a balanced scoring a t t a c k a n d alert defensive play
which caused n u m e r o u s t u r n o v e r s ,
A l b a n y ' s m a n - t o - m a n defense was
m o s t effective m i d w a y through
the first half when Williams was
held scoreless for nearly 3Va minutes. U n f o r t u n a t e l y for the Danes,
starters Al Reid, J i m Masterson,
and Steve Sbeehan all picked
Ihe E p h m e n
Albany 2 3 - 1 2 a t the charity
Williams were Dave Creen with 2-\
points and Vern Manley with
eighteen. Albany, which bad six
m e n in d o u b l e figures was paced
by J a c k J o r d a n with fourteen
q u a r t e r final round and were
finally defeated by the Murphy
twins from Syracuse. In the last
m a t c h , Albany defeated
Paltz 7-0 o n O c t o b e r 2 8 .
T h e Albany S t a t e S w i m m i n g
T e a m splashes into its s e c o n d Varsily season with a meet at RIT
t o m o r r o w . T h e Danes are hopeful
lbout improving on their mark of
1-10 in their maiden year. The
swim squad b o w e d t o Rochester
last season a n d they e x p e c t another tough contest this year.
T h e r e is reason for o p t i m i s m , as
several Dane s w i m m e r s have been
Lynn Gabriel, » j u n i o r , was
elected captain for the 1971-72
season. There were only t w o
seniors on this year's team, so a
strong squad is expected
will hi an AMI A Council
Meeliul(i today al 3:00 p.m. in
n l : i l of the I'hys Ed. Building.
non affiliates
would like lo be on the Council
should al lend fins meeting.
S o p h o m o r e A n d y McGrorty will
also be heavily relied u p o n . Last
year's Most I m p r o v e d S w i m m e r ,
Andy h o l d s every Albany S t a t e
Freestyle record with t h e e x c e p tion of t h e 1 6 5 0 yd. event.
Len Van R y n , George D e m p s e y ,
and Captain Jaik S c h u b e r t were
also a m o n g the impressive in Monday's s c r i m m a g e , and therefore
look to be valuable assets t o t h e
Although t h e R o c h e s t e r m e e t
kicks off the new season, Coach
Kelly seems t o have his sights on
the s e c o n d m e e t of t h e year. It
will b e a triangular affair, with
Kings College a n d Bridgewater
College, a n d will be held here on
December 12. Both t e a m s are
conveniently also in their second
Varsity year, and they'll b e picking on s o m e b o d y their o w n size
starting at 2 p.m. at the gym.
Entry forms for the Tup, of War
and Free T h r o w c o m p e t i t i o n s are
still available in the I n t r a m u r a l
Office, PE 134.
Current standings for the AllSports T r o p h y are as follows:
111). 5
r + **+++++*+*****
Free School Coupon
What would you like
Free School to do?
Seven w o m e n traveled to New
Paltz for the Women's Eastern
doubles team of Linda Westlake
|uul L y n n CJubriel reached ill"
Hush m e n
d r o p p e d from League IV Basket
ball T h e stains of M.V II and
A U ' IV is doubtful al this lime.
T h o s e teams w h o are seheduled lo
play AI.C should c o n t a c t the respective league eotlllnissioners beFore l,he .scheduled ^allies.
Also on N o v e m b e r 2Isl t h e Wo
men's S y n c h r o n i z e d Swim Club
opened its 1070-7 1 season by
traveling to Mount H O l y o k e , Mas
sachusells for the Eastern Intercollegiate S y n c h r o n i z e d
Swimming Conference Stunt Competi
and no losses T h e I Will 70 season
ended with I '1 wins am! no lossrs
(both fall and spring) T h e team
ondod Ihe spring I Wit) season
with 3 wins, giving the girls a total
of 22 consecutive victories in the
past three years.
impressive and improved. Albany
h o s t e d a 6 team Relay Scrimmage
»t our pool M o n d a y and did well
enough to encourage Coach Brian
Kelly t o anticipate an improved
season. " T h e r e ' s no d o u b t we'll
improve on t h a t r e c o r d " says Kell y ' / t h e a t t i t u d e is good, w e ' r e way
ahead of last year at a c o m p a r a b l e
time, a n d we did well in a preseason s c r i m m a g e . "
T h e team is of course plagued
with y o u t h and lack of d e p t h , as
10 of the 1H on the roster are
freshmen. Kelly does have several
d e p e n d a b l e p o i n t winners however. A m o n g t h e m are the two
b u 1 lerflyers, s o p h o m o r e
G e r s t e n h a b e r and freshman Dave
Callahan. This looks to be far a n d
away Ihe Dane's strongest event,
G e r s t e n h a b e r , last year's Most
Valuable S w i m m e r , placed seventh in the event in the New
York S t a t e S w i m m i n g Association
There were t w o o u t s t a n d i n g performers for Albany as s o p h o m o r e
Ma mi Gillard look second place in
the diving and junior eo-eaplain
Susan Galloway took -1th in t h e
50-yard b r e a s t s t r o k e and 3rd in
the 100-yard h r e a s l s t o k e .
This was Albany's first meet of
the season and many of the girls
had never c o m p e t e d before. As
these n e w c o m e r s gain more experience the learn should get m u c h
better. T h e girls have an invitational relay meet on December 6
before their first dual c o m p e t i t i o n
against P o t s d a m on December 12.
Albany won the leatn t r o p h y for
first place a n d the first place
plaque which will belong to Unlearn for a year. There were ap
proximately Hft c o m p e t i t o r s from
1 1 schools participating al tincompetition.
In the beginner division. Gloria
Newai'd p l a t e d Mil and
Goldberg c a p t u r e d first plat - In
the advanced
Melluig look first place
The SUNYA Women's Tennis
Team ended their second straight
Undefeated season with 7 wins
tougher o p p o n e n t s . After that t h e
Danes will h e o n t h e r o a d agaim t
Plattsburg and Harpur before returning t o Albany for t h e annual
Capital City Basketball T o u r n a m e n t , D e c e m b e r 28-29, versus
RPI, Siena
Swimmers Begin 2nd Season
Women's Swimming, Tennis
T h e third a n n u a l Albany Invitational Swim Meet was held on
November 2 1 . T h e meet
many m o m e n t s of e x c i t e m e n t
despite a poor showing by t h e
Albany team.
The University of Vermont l o o k
first place with Skid mo re and
Green Mount finishing second a n d
third, respectively. Three pool
records fell as .Joy Ynder of the
University of Massachusetts s w a m
the 100-yard freestyle in 1 :()3.9,
Ann Paloz/.i of ( b e e n Mountain
swam the 100-yard breast-stroke in
I ;10.i) and Sally Lundl of Skidmore swain the 100-yard individual medley in I :0!).3.
F r i d a y night, Albany
S t o n y brook on Long Island in
w h a t promises t o be a difficult
test for t h e Danes. S t o n y b r o o k
qualified for the NCAA college
division t o u r n a m e n t last season
and is regarded as o n e of State's
T h e Physical Education Building
will be open tor recreational use,
the following t i m e s :
8 am-2 p m
8 am-2 p m
8 am-2 p m
8 am-2 p m
Regular hours will resume o n
Suturduy, J a n u a r y 19, 1 9 7 1 .
(drop in box al CC info desk)
I For Inexpensive
Student/ Faculty
call Bob Burstein
A Program for SUNY Professionals:
Peace Project M e e t i n g : LBSt one
of semester; plans f o r
action t r a i n i n g and other activities
buses w i l l leave Colonial at 2 , 3, 4 ,
7_physics Lounge— 6 : 4 5 p.m.
5 , 6 and 7 p.m. on Saturday, and
A L B A N Y S T A T E Science F i c t i o n
soring free buses to Colonie Shop-
Fridays at 2 p.m.,
2 : 4 5 , 3:45,
5 : 4 5 , 6:45 and 7:45. Only 18 days
till Xmas!
HU 3 7 4 . We w a n t t o sponsor SF
Watch the ASP for details about
movies: Flash G o r d o n , M e t r o p o l i s ,
the Biggest, Cheapest USED B O O K
Forbidden Planet, etc.) and a SF
S A L E you've ever imagined.
convention (writers, editors, artists,
critics) but need y o u r help to carry
Experimental Theatre w i l l present
AH residence facilities, e x c e p t
one, w i l l be closed f o r W i n t e r recess, Wednesday, December 2 3 , at
10:00 a.m. through Sunday, January 17, at n o o n w i t h this one
e x c e p t i o n , all other residence halls
on campus w i l l be locked and the
lok-boxes removed. N o students
w i l l be p e r m i t t e d t o stay in these
halls. The rationale for consolidation facilitates s e c u r i t y , maintenance and cleaning o f the closed
halls, and allows most of
residence staff to have some time
out any program. A t t e n d our meet
ings: j o i n the g r o u p , help bring SF
Simpson, directed by M o r i Hess, on
freaks out i n t o the open by show
ing yourselves.
b. a double b i l l , Purgatory by W.B.
Yeats, directed by Shawn K i n g , and
over this recess period. Requests t o
remain in residence d u r i n g this t i m e
The Giant M e m b e r s h i p meeting of
the A l b a n y Slate D r u m and Bugle
Dec. 4, and on Saturday, Dec.
Gatess, by
Great Dane Basketball Action Tonight live from Stony Brook. Jerry
Richardson and Elliot Nerimburg
bring you the play-by-play beginning with the pre-game show at
7:55 p.m. WSUA.
The Society of Physics Students
will hold a meeting on Tuesday,
Dec. 8, at 7 p.m. in Room 129 of
the Physics Building. A business
meeting and a film, Stone I
will be presented.
made t o accomodate students, simito Thanksgiving arrangements,
must be made t o your
B r o w n . Performances will be given
Corps w i l l be held Tues. Dec. 8 at 8
b o t h nights at 7 30 and 9 p.m. in
H a l l ' Direcotr
p.m.; r o o m to be announced. I f y o u
the PAC arena theatre. Admission is
have ever played or marched in a
legitimacy of each request.
10, 1970. The
(fly tht author of Rally Round the Flao, Bout..,
d r u m corps or band or w o u l d simply like to learn more about
The Senate Professional Association of
SUNY is one of four organizations
seeking to represent SUNY faculty and
professional staff in a bargaining
representation election this month.
SPA is ably suited to represent the
SUNY professional staff for a number of
SPA is the only organization totally
representative of, and devoted to the
needs of the SUNY professionals. SPA,
heir to the traditions of faculty
participation in governance, has been
intimately involved with the problems of
SUNY professionals.
This experience has confirmed SPA's
dedication to the principles of localautonomy, local solutions to local
problems, and genuine participation in all
phases of University life.
SPA is the only organization with its
origins in SUNY and completely
indigenous to SUNY. SPA is free of
entangling alliances with outside forces,
whose allegiences lie outside higher
education and the SUNY system.
SPA is democratic and representative.
On Nov. 20 SPA's 50-plus Representative
Council met in Syracuse to hammer out
SPA's collective bargaining program for
SUNY. SPA's program, developed by its
members was the product of a collective
decision. Because of its dedication to
democratic participation, SPA will never
be in conflict with its membership, nor
will SPA commit itself to causes alien to
higher education and the SUNY system.
SPA will be an effective bargaining
agent. Under an agreement with the 1.1
million member National Education
Association and the 115,000-member
New York State Teachers Association,
SPA is entided to purchase the services of
the leading professional negotiating team
in the nation. SPA will be able to draw
upon the bargaining experience developed
in literally thousands of negotiations in
education. Yet, SPA retains its
independence and complete autonomy.
When entering negotiations, we think
you will agree, it is better to draw upon
the resources of 1.1 million members,
than the 200,000 members of the
AFL-CIO Teachers Union, the 144,000
members of the Civil Service Employees
Association or the 80,000 members of
the AAUP.
SPA has a bargaining program. It is a
bargaining program that most accurately
reflects the needs and aspirations of the
SUNY professionals. (That's where being
democratic and representative come in,
SPA's bargaining program (your
bargaining program, actually) calls for:
*A salary program that will achieve
parity with top ranking public universities
nationally. The program calls for
minimum salaries, guaranteed annual
increments, longevity increases, a
cost-of-living adjustment factor and
discretionary merit increases.
*Workload adjustments, with formulas
to be developed on the local campus level
to provide equitable and uniform
standards. Workloads should be reduced
to provide optimum effectiveness for
each faculty member and professional
staff member within the SUNY system.
Assignments of workload should
differentiate between 1 ef els of
preparation required, the nature and
amount of research required to meet the
standards of a particular position, and
will take into consideration other
professional obligations such as
c o m m i t t e e work, laboratories,
community service, student advising and
student contact.
* Academic freedon and tenure should
be prefaced by AAUP's 1940 statement
on Academic Freedom and Tenure, as a
minimum standard of protection. SPA
seeks a uniform system of due process for
all University professional staff, tenured
and nontenured, and for all members of
the academic community, including
students. SPA believes that all decisions
of promotion and tenure should be made
locally by an individual's colleagues.
*SPA favors local governance and the
continued integrity and autonomyof local
campus units. Within the framework of
the statewide contract, SPA intends to
make every possible provision for local
decision-making as desired by the entire
professional staff.
*SPA seeks a wide range of
improvements in a number of additional
areas such as retirement, life insurance,
health insurance, dental and optical
coverage, tuition support and an
improved leave policy.
SPA is determined that that which is
good in the SUNY system be retained,
that every effort be exerted to preserve a
collegial atmosphere condusive to quality
labor-management approaches to
bargaining which would result in a loss of
traditional prerogatives and those special
elements that elude contractual
That's why SPA represents the best
chance for creative change in the SUNY
system--without creating chaos.
Organization attend this meeting.
Junior College of A l b a n y is sponsoring
West German
and a
Degree Applications for
accepted after Friday, February b,
Applications and workshops may
be picked up .it the registrar's
team on
The game
is Dec.
1970 at 8 p.m., Friday night at the
the ASP for details about
the Biggest. Cheapest USED BOOK
S A L E you've ever imagined.
H U 130.
the Biggest, Cheapest USED B O O K
S A l I" you've ever imagined.
case. Cheap. Call B r a d 4 7 2 - 5 0 9 2 .
let lure hall, R.P.I., on S a l . , Dec. 5
the Biggest, Choapest U S E D B O O K
Yollowstono and all U.S. N a t i o n a l
S A L E you've ever imaginod.
Parks. Booklet tells where and h o w
f r o m 11-4. Topics—the relevancy of
a college education and the old <ind
moral i t ies.
diince f r o m 8-2
F < ill o w e d
at the
Club. For i n f o r m a t i o n C J | I M a r t h a
a l 2 3 7 7722.
Guitar i n s t r u c t i o n w a n t e d
i n t e r m ediate
g u i t a r i s t - [Pick ing]
f o l k , blues, rock. 7 6 6 - 9 1 2 1 .
the Biggest, Cheapest USED B O O K
S A L E you've ever imagined.
to apply. Sand $ 2 . A r n o l d Agency,
I need o groovy couple for a nice
Rexburg, Idaho,
83400. Money buck guarantee.
wanted- $50
near Wash. Park. Nice. Call E l i o t .
little opt. { y o u r o w n ) in the country,
457-8990, leave message.
Watch tho ASP for details about
tho Biggest, Choapest USED B O O K
w r i t t e n or
Girl's high school class ring f o u n d
$ 5 0 m o t o r |ust installed. F u l l tape
in lavatory,
towor. Initials. Call Pom 4 5 7 - 4 7 1 5 .
included. Asking $86,000.
Call Joey, 4 7 2 - 5 1 0 5 .
Wanted. T w o
girls to share ex-
intercession. Call Loo at 7-3044.
Kenn 4 6 7 - 3 2 4 6 .
t y p e d , in y o u r
Send just $ 2 for instructions and a
L I S T OF F I R M S U S I N G A D D R E S SERS. Satisfaction Guaranteed)
& V Enterprises, D e p l . 11-104, PO
Wantod: Ono or t w o girls t o share
For S a l e - D r u m s
addressing envelopes and circulars.
S A L E you've over imagined.
FOR S A L E : 4 T R A C K , S T E R E O
enced. $ 3 . 5 0 for 45 minutes. Call
Paul 457-4996.
Jacket. G a m m u Kap Louugu. Call
467 8 9 2 9 .
Watch tho ASP for details about
Watch the ASP f o r details about
Piano lessons. Beginners preferred
A O V E RT15 E M E N1
sponsors a panel discussion, at Sage
Tin: Golden ( ye Coffeehouse pre
sent $ " S t i l l w a t e r , " .i blues and
c o u n t r y rock group on l-ridey, Dec.
4. 8 2 0 Madison Ave. Doors open at
9 p.m. Admission is free. I n f o
438 3604
Vote SPA. You Know What You Want.
Watch the ASP lor dewnls about
J.C.A. G y m on N o w Scotland Ave.
& Academy Road.
There w i l l be an i m p o r t a n t meet
ing of the PYE
lee M o n d a y , Dec. 7 <it 7 30 p.m. in
tour of the US. This team is sponsoring
P A R S E C - meets
noon at 1 p.m. H U 3 7 4 . We have
the c o n t r i b u t i o n s . We need w o r k e r s
to organize the hrst issue.
Salo... Fisher
N tivudo/Grond
A p a r t m e n t t o share: Male Student
M a s t o r s . . , 1 9 0 ' s . . . o r i g i n ally
seeks sumo lor ono b e d r o o m apart
m i n t nour S U N Y Bus r o u t e . $ 7 7 . 5 0
includes utilities. Call 4 8 2 - 4 0 0 1 .
Martin weekdays
SEEK C A M P U S R E P S - S t u d o n t s
or campus organization sought to
represent us on-campus for leasing
and purchase of tax free cars f o r
use in Europe by students a n d
faculty. Earn Hat foe—big b o n u s
earnings p o t e n t i a l . For application
w r i t o : Dir. Student Faculty Programs, Car Tours in Europe, 5 6 5
F i f t h Ave., N . Y . C . 10017.
Economics, and Other Unsolved Crimes
As you know of course, economics is often called "the dismal
science," but not because it's dismal. Oh mercy, no! In fact, it's a laff
riot! It's called "the dismal science" only because that'B the name of
the Englishman who invented it back in 1681 — Walter C. Dismal.
Mr. Dismal, curiously enough, wasn't trying to invent economics
at all. Actually, he was trying to invent plankton, but as you know of
course, Max Planck beat him to it. (This later became known as Guy
Kawkes Day.)
And so spunky Mr. Dismal went back to the old drawing board
and ataycd there till he invented economics. Then tired but happy, he
rushed to Heidelberg University to announce his findings. But, alas, he
arrived during the Erich von Stroheim Sesquicentennial, and naturally
everybody was yodelling and couldn't hear what Mr. Dismal was saying. And so, alas, he slunk bark home and died, old and embittered at
the age of 11. (This later became known as the Black Tom Explosion.)
Well sir, after Mr. Dismal, nothing much happened in Europe unless you want to count Lhe Dardanelles. Then in 1776 Adam Smith of
Scotland got tired of the cough drop business he had started with hiB
brother and published his famous Wealth of Nations (or Moll Flanders
as it is generally known as) and the world came to realize what a jolly,
uncomplicated subject economics really is.
It all boils down to this: when there is a great demand for a product, there is n great supply on the market. When there is a small demand, there is a small supply. Take, for example, knee-cymbals. You
walk Into your average American middle-sized town today and I'll
wager you won't stie more than eighty or ninety knee-cymbal vendors.
That's because the demand is small.
With Miller High Life Beer, on the other hand, you'll see a great
supply because there is a great demand. And of course the demand is
fircat because the beer is great. And, mark you, I'm not asking you to
take my word for it. Prove it yourself with this simple test:
Oct a can or bottle of Miller High Life and pour a few ounces into
an empty vessel —your roommate, for example. Observe how his jaw
unslacks with pleasure, how the torpidity leaves his tiny eyes, how he
drops his yo-yo and whimpers for more. Could mere words tell you
one-quarter as well what a great beer Miller is? Of course not.
"Great," in fact, is the single adjective that describes Miller Beer
best (except possibly "wet"). Indeed some people are so overcome with
admiration for M iller's greatness that they can't bear to drink it. They
just sit with a glass of Miller in hand and admire it for as long as ten or
twelve years on end. The makers of Miller Beer are of course touched
by this reverence, except of course for Clyde R. Greedy, the sales
But I digress. Adam Smith, aa you know of course, was followed
by David Kicurdo. In fact, he was followed everywhere by Mr. Ricardo.
He finally got so annoyed that he summoned a booby, as British
policemen are called, and had Mr, Ricardo arrested. (This later became known as the Humboldt Current.)
Upon his release from gaol, as British jails are called, Mr. Ricardo
married Thomas Robert Mai thus and ono night over a game of whist
they invented the stock exchange, ur chutney as it is called in England.
Next, economics spread to Franco (carried, some Bay, by sheep
ticks). The French, however, never really got the hang of it. At firBt
they tried using omelettes as the medium of exchange. When this
failed, they tried Edith Piaf records. When this too failed, they flew
into a fit of pique and dug the Suez Canal.
Well sir, 1 guess you know what happened next. Economics came
to America, John Kenneth Galbraith fought his famous duel with
Aaron Burr, Gresham's Law was repealed, and at lust came the happy
ending. Today, I urn delighted to report, any American boy or girl, no
mutter how rich, can afford to dress like a pauper.
We at Miller High Life Beer are brewers, not economists. But this
much we know about supply and demand: you demand great flavor in your
beer; we supply it —Miller, the Champagne of Beers.
r BfutVE r/ifiT
•i-BUT NO MORfTO BE ro»C£t>
' VWAV„?
SOE in Transition
The School of Education at Albany State has for some time
been a sort of veneer on the University, getting attention mainly
as a sluice for funnelling out undergraduates who want to avoid
their subject disciplines and get quick jobs as teachers.
Undergraduates seriously interested in becoming good teachers
have been faced with a set of required courses stagnant from years
of neglect.
Right now, the School of Ed is moving in the direction of
significant structural change, but it is moving slowly and is not
quite sure of the direction it's going in. The changes would
respond to the loud but unorganized student criticism of last
semester, to several long-standing complaints from individual
professors in SOE and to the general ancient malaise students have
suffered in education courses, since we ceased being a small
teacher's college.
Changes are slow and haphazard for a number of reasons.
Criticism may be aimed at Education professors for courses which
are dull and seem to lack substance; at the SOE administration for
not responding to student discontent sooner; at the University
Administration for giving SOE no powers of advisement or any
other status among the rest of the University schools and colleges;
at the State of New York for an education budget which
encourages the funding of graduate departments at the expense of
undergraduate courses.
The first important step toward changing the situation at
Albany was initiated last spring by the Dean of the School of Ed,
Randolph Gardner; he created a Student Advisory Council and
provided for funds and a graduate-student organizer to keep it
going. This semester several professors, notably Dr. Berger of the
Foundations Department and Dr. Cochrane of English Education,
have outlined plans which vary from the unrealistic to the
ingenious and quite practical. And President Benezet has
instituted a Task Force on Deucalion to investigate administrative
But most criticism should be directed at a large, potentially
powerful group which has so far made few constructive inroads
into the system: undergraduate students who take Education
Student reaction to Ed courses has been characterized by
assorted feelings of tolerance, apathy, somnolence, and disgust.
Yet no constructive ideas were forthcoming until last spring when
a handful of students with concrete suggestions attempted to
organize and put to work several hundred strike-bound students
interested mainly in attending rap sessions. What traces remain of
last spring's activity in this area are largely the result of Dean
Gardner's efforts. And this year, organization of undergraduates
remains a demanding task: Two showed up at a hearing last
Monday on the Berger Proposal to make all undergraduate Ed
courses elective; eight students responded to announcements and
phone calls about a meeting of the Student Advisory Council
Tuesday night; classroom reaction has become more vocal in favor
of change, but so far few students have devoted extra-curricular
time to the Teacher Ed Program.
The last paragraph of the Berger Proposal ends with the
exhortation: "Why do we have to wait for students to tell us what
is wrong?...Why not...initiate the change ourselves?" Faculty
mem hers-as well as a number of graduate students-have already
made first steps toward change, and all Ed professors, with few
exceptions, have either shown a tolerance for student criticism or
have expressed great anxiety that not enough students are being
Despite the disappointing figures mentioned above, there are
already a good number of undergraduates interested in finding out
what's going on and in having their say. Right now, and especially
next semester, they have a number of opportunities: Student
Advisory Council, the Berger Proposal hearings, a newly-formed
committee to improve Methods courses, and the responsiveness of
their own Ed professors. Let us give some direction, and perhaps a
bit more impetus, to the forces for correction already set in
albany student press 1
neill e. sliaiiiihaii
managing editor
^ J
executiue editor
aralynn abarc
business manager
carol hughes
news editors
chuck ribak
bob wnnier
vicki zeldin
advertising manager
assistant ad manager
. . . . barbara cooper mail
technical editor
• • • • • : • .tomchngan
associate technical editors
sue selieson
dan Williams
circulation manager
dorothy phillip
assistant urt» editor
nuclide palella
sports editor
dave fink
assistant sports editor
bob zaremba
jon gunman
torn rhodes
\a1 rosenberg
The Albany Student Press il currently appearing in room 3211 of the
Campus Cantrt of tha the State Collage for Teachers in Albany. The ASP
was created in 1918 and hat lived on borrowed tlma until the present.
Funding il done thru the Mandatory Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. Our phone
numbers are 467-2190 and 2194.
Communications are limited M 301 words and are sub|act to adding.
Editorial policy li determined by Tha Great Leader hlstelf.
i copyright
asW Contents copyright 1970. " • - • . . . .
State Uniuerfitij of New York at Albany
Tuesday, December 8, 1970
LAAC Requests
Haley Resignation
To the Editor:
It was a pleasure to have an
interview with you last week, and
I have but one observation, and
that is regarding the comments of
Mr. Walter Tisdale and Mr. Buckoff.
I would like to make it absolutely clear that those who had the
responsibility for planning the
sewer system of the State University were one hundred percent
aware of where sewage was going
from the University, whether into
the sewage treatment plant at
Westerly Island or into Patroon
Creek. For Mr. Buckoff to try to
relieve the Slate University of its
responsibility is unrealistic. I
doubt if he would have appreciated it if the City had refused to let
the drainage from the Univeristy
go into the City of Albany sewer
The State University is a polluter as is the Tobin Packing Company, and other sewage going into
Patroon Creek. The responsibility
primarily rests with the people of
the state and nation whose interest in cleaning up the waters of
this country is comparatively recent.
I would also like to point out
that the City of Albany did build
a sewage treatment plant prior to
1920—modern when il was built.
The people of Albany have spent
over $5,000,000 on its construction and operation, and because
of the fact that none of the
municipalities on the other side of
the Hudson constructed any treatment facilities, the people of
Albany in effect received no belief i t. from their more than
$0,000,000 expense. 1 might also
point out that il has been generally recognized that the City of
Albany took the local lead in
furthering, enthusiastically, the
State's Pure Waters Program.
Sincerely yours,
Erastus Corning
Mayor of Albany
Imda waters
Albany Student Press
Vol. IVII No.38
features editor
John o'grady
assistant features editor
To the Editor:
It seems that many people on
campus feci justifyably outraged
at the national bullshit that they
seemingly can't do much about:
senators who are both directors of
large banks and committeemen
for financial policy, judges who
start racist country clubs and then
rule on discrimination suits, presidents who articulate about "uniting our divided country" and smilingly accept hardhats.
Yet 1, for one, am just as angry
at the bureaucratic bullshit that
goes on in our own university; the
rules without reasons, the arbitrary privileges, the unnecessary exploitations. Meaningless rules such
as allowing only three people to
visit someone in the infirmary;
arbitrarily established privileges
such as not permitting a student
to have a kitten in a suite yet
allowing a dorm director directly
below to have a dog, strictly
selfish exploitations such as forcing anyone who resides in university dormitories to buy an FSA
meal plan (How are they related?)
or implementing a clever bookstore policy in which getting the
discounts on textbooks is made
such a hassle that nobody ever
Dig it: if we allow this kind of
shit in a micro-community of
15,000 people what kinds of shit
will we allow in the macro-community of 200 million that awaits
us all?
Michael Dickman
Not Enough?
To the Editor:
As a staunch member of the
am very proud of the way the
SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY candidates, headed by former subway
dispatcher Steve Emery for Governor, conducted themselves in the
recent campaign.
In contrast to other so-called
Marxist parties, the SLP candidates did NOT make a chap bid
for voles by indulging in reform
bait promises bul stressed the
validity of making the much
needed imperative change from
capitalism to socialism.
Sooner or later the working class
majority is hound to accept the
solution offered by the SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY, the sooner
the better!
I noted the remarks made by
Basil Paterson as reported in the
To be against the wur in Vietnam is NOT enough. In order to
get rid of war entirely, capitalism
has to be abolished because it is
capitalism with its profit motive
that breeds war.
The logical thing to do is to
work to bring about Socialism
where production will be for use,
with the industries of the country
belonging to ALL the people,
NOT to a few as is the case today.
Nathan Pressman
Member of the SLP
To the Editor:
The ideas of Mr. Bob Warner in
this article are those of a person
totally ignorant of the real situation in the Middle East. He fails to
recognize that the basic issue is
that Israel has had unjustly displaced a peaceful people giving
them misery in place of a paradise. It is this trend of ignoring
the desires of the Palestinians that
characterized the efforts of the
Zionists, the British, and the Arab
statesmen and that complicated
the problem and made it insoluble.
We, Palestinians, are not
opposed in priniciple to the desire
of the Jews to have a state of their
own, but we are definitely opposed to anybody who encroaches
upon our land and occupies it by
force. What is dangerous in the
logic of Mr. Warner is that he
reiterates the Israeli configurations of the situation without
reflecting upon them. Thus, Israel's non-acceptunce of the Palestinians, the original owners of
the country, is just and reasonable; the Arabs are notorious,
they have rabid minds, and they
hate the Jews! By the same token,
it is only just and reasonable that
Israel would take over land by
force expanding its territories and
building new colonies and settlements as in the West Bank, the
Sinai, and the Golan Heights. This
is why we say that Israel is expansionist and imperialist. If Israel is
democratic, it is only in the sense
that Great Britain or France was
democratic with the British or the
French and despotic with the
"backward subjects." If Israel
were a forerunner of economic
socialism how could you explain
the fact that she has been continuously financed by capitalistic individuals, firms, and states right
from the beginning till the present? What we should realize is
that, if we should correct the
injustices done to the Jews in the
West we should not achieve this
by creating further injustices to
the Palestinians in the East. Finally, the decision to assimilate in
another country or not is fur the
Palestinians to make not for their
Bashir Khadra
Dr. Harry Hamilton, the Director of EOP, receiving a plaque from President Benezet. The plaque, which
was given to Hamilton from students, faculty, and administrators, was awarded for his "constant concern
for all students."
Clingan Named Editor
ASP Sets Goals For Future
Growth and change will direct
the Albany Student Press in the
coming semester, according to
newly elected Editor-in-Chief
Tom Clingan.
Plans for a thrice weekly
publication, expanded coverage
and staff, and membership in an
advertising cooperative will hopefully be completed by the next
semester. The increased revenues
through the business venture will
provide most of the funding for
the expansion of the paper when
coupled with projected additional
from St uden t
The printing of three issues per
week is the culmination of an
extensive re-organization of the
Albany Student Press begun Ibis
semester under the leadership of
Neill Shanahan. This had let! to
several innovations this semester:
sixteen page issues, highlighting
the general format of twelve page
issues, some use of color, and a
new arrangement for more efficient production.
Next semester's goals will allow
many of the editors of the ASP to
examine and evaluate their positions on the paper with the overall
direction of their education at the
university. The absence of a journalism school and courses has
been a barrier to expansion of the
paper. An increase in productivity
necessitates an increased staff,
both technical and reportorial.
Action through various committees seem to indicate the university's interest in this area, but
as yet this has been a seriously
neglected area of study.
"With the stress on educational
communication on this campus,
it's surprising to find absolutely
nothing in the field of journalism," commented Clingan, accurately summing up the opinion of
most of the ASP staff.
Membership in the Associated
College Media will also allow foi
the growth of the Albany Student
Press, according to Business Mana
ger Chuck Ribak and Ad Manage*
Jeff Rodgers. By increasing th'
revenues through advertising, crt
ativity can he expressed through
the use oT color, more pages, am
the printing of more issues.
The Associated College Media l
a new venture under the directioi
of ;i local business man, Davi
Ca vena ugh, which includes mos
of the col lege newspapers anc
radio stations of the Capital Are.
as its membership. Working with
the business staffs of these college
media, the organization aims at
increasing advertising income
through the union of all the
schools, thereby creating an attractive market for local advertisers.
Clingan was elected to the position of Editor-jn-Chief by majority vote of the Albany Student
Press staff on Friday. He previously served in the position of
Technical Editor of the paper. Mis
election came about as a result of
the resignation of Neill Shanahan
who is unable to continue as
Editor next semester.
by Bob Warner
News Editor
David Peck, a member of Central Council and Chairman of the
Grievance Committee, accused
Peter Haley, the Assistant Director of Food Service, of antiSemitism, last Thursday night.
The charge centered around a
bill introduced by Ken Stokem
that called for the dismissal of
Haley. Council was asked to endorse this resolution which had
been passed by LAAC.
Council refused to pass judgment on the hill, however, and
tabled it for one week. Yet many
Council members and outsiders
had their say beforehand. There
seemed to be three main positions
In the much heated debate: one of
complete proponance of the bill,
one of doubt as to the validity of
anyone's documentation, and one
of outright antagonism to the bill.
Peck's charges, were based on a
few signed affidavits and his own
personal accounts, which indicated, he said, that Haley had not
only been rude, but had "been
proven to be anti-Semitic." He
referred to what he called Haley's
"hostile" attitude toward the
kosher meal plan. He also said
that Haley refused to permit a
student to break the lunch contract, which had been recommend
by a doctor for reasons of health.
The skeptics of Peck's argument
against Haley could not, they said,
sit in judgment of a man's job on
such little evidence, and therefore,
requested Haley's presence the
following week so that he could
answer the charges. It must be
noted, though, that Council has
no power of employment in this
case; it may only recommend action.
The strongest opponents of the
hill defended Haley's character
Senate Sets Academic Calendai
by Boh Schwartz
graduate courses once a week on
Mondays, and the holding of
The Administration presented classes on the Wednesday before
its proposed 1971-72 calendar to T h a n Itsgi vi ng. Th e S e n a t e
the University Senate, yesterday. approved the hulk of the calendar,
The proposed calendar, which was however,
originally drawn up by Dr. Schick
The Senate passed a recantand his colleagues in the Aminis- m a it da lion from
1 ml ion, has been approved by the Benezet that an "Environmental
Educational Policy Commission of Decisions Commission," which
the Senate and both the Academic would make recommendation!
and Religious Affairs Commis- concerning the use of land and the
sions of Student Association. Al- development of the University's
though President Benezet stated fiic ili ties in relation to tha
thiil no long range permanent problems of the school's ecopolicies have been determined ye! logical environment. This commisregarding the relationship of the sion will have the right to oppose
calendar to religious holidays, the , the rcconunmeudations that are
new calendar will suspend classes drawn up by the central adminifor Hush 1 lash ana
and Yoni stration of SUNY.
John Buckhoff of Security reThe Senate brought up a few ported to the Senate that the bill
minor objections, (hough, to the passed which concerns parking vionew calendar, such as a luck of a lators will he supplemented startreading day before the finals, and ing January 1H, 1971, the start of
the fact that there are 13 Mondays in the schedule. This effects
Continued on page 10
African dancing during Black Weekend.
and competence. Some Council
members were outraged that Peck
could accuse a man of such a
controversial charge without, as
they put it, sufficient documentation.
On another controversial bill
that was introduced by five members of Council, Council narrowly
voted to table a bill that would
have "disbanded" Central Council
and frozen all Student Association
The intent of the bill was to
create a push for a new SA constitution by March of 1971; the
decapitation of Council was a way
of getting students to come out
and vote on the constitutional
referendum. Some students, however, noted the setbacks of such a
bill. Some said that the break-up
of Council or the refunding of
student tax monies if the required
20% of the student body did not
vote, would be an incentive for
students to stay away from the
The Council seemed to be in
agreement, though, that a new
constitution was imperative.
Council, in other action, endorsed the LAAC proposal which calls
for the reduction in room rates
for residents of Indian Quad. Poor
living conditions were cited as the
prime motivations for the bill.
Council endorsed the recommendation by a white ballot, which
designates wholehearted and
unanimous support.
Council, by a 21-0-4 vote,
$ 1 , 0 7 5 to
BLACKSPHEMY, the black literary magazine.
Council recommended to FSA,
by a vote of 25-0-1, that
Commodore Cleaners and Launderers be granted an on campus
monopoly of dry cleaning service
outlets. Roxy Cleaners, the present dry cleaning service, decided
not to participate in the bidding.