Document 14064460

Ministers Discuss Dippikill;
Total Budget Jumps $ 4 0 0 0
Moving-up Day is still a n u n s e t tied issue. I t opened a g a i n a t last
Monday's Cabinet m e e t i n g : Should
we wear h a t s a n d carry canes? M c c l a i n will bring the whole issue up
oO a class meeting. T o be or not
to be an issue of t h e S t a t e College
News for MUD?
Higher Budgets
Budgets are now ready to be
presented to t h e S e n a t e . As proposed, n e x t year's budget will be
$39,481, compared to last year's
$35,000. I t is interesting to n o t e
t h a t with the additional g r a n t s
from surplus, last year's total costs
were around $38,000. Noteable increases were allotted to Music
Council Guest Artists, $1500; S t a t e
College News, $400;
$1100. T h e Senate will probably
come down quite a bit, as t h e controversy over the c a m p grows.
Ditch Dippe
T h e same question—Do we need
a college c a m p ? Should we hold
off on appropriations for a while?
Should we tiy to sell? T h e longr a n g e plans not yet p u t into motion
were cited. DeNike, Yager and Cass
were very sure it can be built up
and interest the students, but they
were aware of t h e distance factor.
Yager felt there too m u c h of a
negative attitude toward the camp.
No one realizes t h e potentialities,
nor will they enjoy this realization
because it is too far in the future.
If we don't keep going we'll lose
w h a t tax we've already paid.
T h e r e was still a question as to
whether or not there wasn't a better use for the money. Therefore,
t h e budget is being held and a large
meeting will be called n e x t Friday
to deal with the problem. Myskania,
t h e Cabinet, t h e Presidents of t h e
sororities and t h e fraternities and
Commerce Club, S e n a t e and the ad-
ministration will all meet in the
New Budget
T h e appropriations which were
taken from surplus for special occasions are now under a Special
Days Budget of $1200, a time saving
Foreign Students
Foreign students in this whole
a r e a will gather at a dance here
next Friday, with e n t e r t a i n m e n t , a
movie on Venezuela, etc. About 100
are expected from SCT. Let's hope
more show up.
From T h e Crow's Nest
J u n i o r Class E a n q u e t will be on
May 24. F r e s h m a n Class B a n q u e t ?
Soph Class Banquet?
Where's the bomb shelter? Do
you have a l a m i n a t e d I D card?
Save it. There will be no more.
On £einf Pinned Dramatics & Arts Council
To Present 'The Marriage
Buy a carton of milk, pour it
on your ulcer, s t r a i g h t e n your
h o r n rims, a n d sit down and
read this bitter article.
Wellington Weekends a r e in
full swing, and scraps of brass
a n d glass a r e being t h r o w n
a r o u n d like so m a n y scraps of
brass a n d glass. Little girls get
carried away a n d suddenly find
themselves linked to guys who
they t r a p p e d into paying for
their rooms. Of course t h e converse is also true, a n d u n s u s pecting males occasionally wake
up minus one piece of jewelry.
Somtimes it all works out, but
usually the girl gets sick of
wearing black sweaters and the
guy just plain forgets. Sooner
or later, rarely never, t h e safety
c a t t h slips and the girl goes
back to wearing white blouses
and the guy tosses the trinket
back into his already cluttered
dresser drawer.
All in all, it's quite a game.
Some win, some lose.
T h e D r a m a t i c s a n d A r t Council
will present t h e S t a t e
T h e a t r e production of Nikolai G o gol's bright comedy, T h e M a r r i a g e
May 16 and 17 in P a g e Hall at 8:30
p.m. Under t h e direction of J a m e s
M. Leonard, Assistant Professor of
English, the cast a n d crews h a v e
created a n e v e n i n g of t h e a t r i c a l
tomfoolery in t h e t r a d i t i o n of farce
and burlesque.
The plot is concerned with the
m a n i p u l a t i o n s of a
m a t c h m a k e r named M a d a m Fyokla,
played by Adriana W a r n e r '58, and
a self-nppointed m a t c h m a k e r , K o t chkarev, played by C h a r l e s Weed
'60. Both are concerned with getting
their respective c a n d i d a t e s to the
"blissful" state.
M a d a m Fyokki's client is Miss
Agafya, played by Robin Roy '58.
T h e delightfully ambiguous C o u r t
Councillor Podkolyossin, a c a n d i d a t e
Editors Offer
Frosh Names Song Group; Essay Awards
Call Them The Ascots' Now!
F r a n c i s Fleck, '61 h a s earned five
dollars with her winning n a m e " T h e
Ascots" in the q u a r t e t - i n - a - q u a n dary contest.
T h e new q u a r t e t was featured two
weeks ago in the News as a singing
group of S t a t e students in search
of a n a m e and willing to pay five
dollars to obtain one.
Pourguoi Ascots
T h e n a m e "Ascots" abbreviates
Albany S t a t e College for T e a c h e r s
in a pronouncable, p l e a s a n t - s o u n d ing m a n n e r . In the way of information, as ascot is a wide, napkin-like
tie (usually with a diamond stickpin), and the Ascot Racing Downs
in England is a n elite g a t h e r i n g
place as well as the subject of a
t u n e in "My Fair Lady."
The Group
T h e group, reviewed last week by
Art Plotnik in "The Open Mind," is
led by Richard Robinson, '61. I t
includes Joseph K a h n l e , '59, Donald
Loopman, and Robert Helwig, Sophomores.
T h e Award Ceremony!?)
Miss F l e c k , a flaming - haired
young lady, defeated over thirty
competitors for the five - d o l l a r
award. She will be awarded the
money in an informal ceremony
taking place when s h e m a n a g e s to
c a t c h one of the members of t h e
group with five-dollars in his possession.
" T h e Ascots" rehearse continually
and with much e n t h u s i a s m , a n d are
now ready for any job offered them.
T h e editors of T h e New Republic
are offering $1000 in a w a r d s for t h e
best essays on the s t a t e of American
fiction, considered e i t h e r in general,
or in terms of a single novelist;
also for the best essays on a n y a s pect of present day television as a
medium for e n l i g h t m e n t or e n t e r tainment.
Ten Awards
T h e r e will be ten a w a r d s of $1000
each; five prizes will be distributed
in each category. T h e competition
is open to all writers a m o n g students a n d faculty who are u n d e r
twenty-seven years of age.
October Deadline
T h e essays should be 1,500 to
3,000 words in length a n d should
be submitted by October 1, to
Awards D e p a r t m e n t , T h e New R e public, 1244 N i n e t e e n t h Street, N.W.,
W a s h i n g t o n 6, D.C.
for m a r r i a g e to Miss Agafya, is
played by Robert Helwig '60.
O t h e r gentlemen in pursuit of t h e
h a n d of Agafya are L i e u t e n a n t
Zevakin, "a m a n of parts," played
by G r a n t Duffrin '61; Mr. Omelet,
"a prepossessing person, t h o u g h fat",
by F r a n k Ireland '60; and A n u t c h kin, whose "legs are as slender as
a girl's arms", by Robert M o n t gomery '61. Arina, a u n t to Agafya.
and champion of the m e r c h a n t
class, is played by Arleen Emery '61.
T h e servants in t h e households are
played by Donnalee Anderson '60
and David Oakleaf '59.
T h e play itself is a study in a t t i tudes of ambivalence and vacillation toward getting married. The
point seems to be t h a t m a r r i a g e is.
both a greater and a lesser decision
t h a n anyone knows. T h e acting
emphasizes broad characterization
and "bits" of physical action of an
improvisatory n a t u r e .
S t a t e Crews
T h e imaginative setting for T h e
.Marriage were designed by the S t a t e
College T h e a t r e S t a g e Manager,
J o h n Lucas '61, who m a k e s striking
use of line, color, and space. Under
his supervision, the m e m b e r s of Mr.
Leonards stagecrafts class m a k e up
t h e crews t h a t construct t h e sets
and assist in lighting.
T h e h e a d s of t h e various t e c h n i cal d e p a r t m e n t s a r e d r a w n from the
membership of D r a m a t i c s a n d A r t
Council. Charles H u n t r e s s h e a d s
t h e lighting d e p a r t m e n t ; Shirley
Stone, Sophomores, costumes; J u d i t h Dalvin '59, m a k e - u p ; K e n n e t h
S m i t h '58, sound; and Mary J a n e
Trzpis '60, properties.
Serving as assistant to t h e director is Rosemarie Sepe '59.
After two performances in Page
hall the 16 and 17 of May, the company and crews will travel to New
Paltz S t a t e Teachers College w h e r e
they will present T h e M a r r i a g e
May 19. Admission for the Albany
performance will be $1 or by s t u d e n t tax. Tickets will go on sale today in lower Huested.
A new idea in smoking...
refreshes your t a s t e
W Wte
Chairman Announces Schedule
For Moving Up Day Program
Rosemary Santonicola '58, Chairman of MUD announces that the traditional
day will take place on May 21st. The day will begin at 8 a.m. with a Junior and
Senior breakfast at the Boulevard Cafeteria. The class lines will form at 9 a.m. The
Seniors will form double lines, beginning at Minerva and ending in the peristyle leading to the library. Juniors will meet by the Registrar's office and their lines extend
into the peristyle of Huested. Sophomore lines will start in the Annex area at the foot
of the steps of Huested and end at the Co-Op. Freshmen double lines will start behind
the Sophs at the girls' locker room in lower Draper and will extend to the lower library.
Processional—The processional will be led by the Grand Marshall of Campus Commission, Barbara MacDonald, '58, followed by Miss New York State, Miriam Sanderson
and Campust Queen, Sally Harter. Opening CeremonyAfter the classes have assembled in Page Hall, Rosemarie
Sepe, '59, SA Song Leader, will open the program by directing the Alma Mater. Welcome—SA President John Yager
will extend the welcome and then introduce the four class
speakers. Annual Awards — Evan R. Collin, President
of the College, will announce the new members of Signum
In the past few weeks we have
Laudis. The Edward Eldred Potter Club Award will be
noted the lack of interest on the
presented by William Dumbleton, Assistant Professor
p a r t of t h e Sophomores and freshmen in their class banquets. Donald of English. David Hartley, Dean of Men, will present the
McClain, President of t h e Junior Fraternity Scholarship Award. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of
Juniors Plan
Class Banquet
To these six Seniors, State College, you owe a debt of gratitude for class, a n n o u n c e s t h e scheduling of
t h e NEWS you now hold.
the J u n i o r class b a n q u e t for t o morrow n i g h t a t Jack's R e s t a u r a n t .
A turkey dinner will be served to
class m e m b e r s and their spouses
for only $1.75.
Women will announce the Inter-Sorority Council Scholarship Award, and Residence Council
a p p o i n t m e n t s . T h e U.B.E.A. Soiead
Award will be presented by Milton
C. Olson, C h a i r m a n of t h e Commerce D e p a r t m e n t . Y a g e r
a n n o u n c e t h e Alumni Counselor.
Moving up of Classes; T h e classes
T h e new and different Frosh will t h e n move up u n d e r t h e direc"Bradley! You can't print t h a t ! " ed Wednesday night. I t was no
One of t h e major events of the Weekend promises to be a change ticn of the new G r a n d M a r s h a l , Do"Lonkwood, can't you type faster?" trouble getting Seniors to write
will be the presentation of from previous years, hard.y recog- lores Russell '59. Miss Sepe will lead
this issue—the Dean m a d e it re"McGough, T H I S is a typewriter!"
the singing of "Arm in Arm." Anquired for graduation.
t h e class rings by Evan R. Collins, nizable, in fact.
n o u n c e m e n t s ; T h e p r e s i d e n t s of t h e
"No, F o t h e r i n g h a m , you can't
Well, to get back to t h e tale, Ro President of the College. O t h e r
write an editorial."
various organizations on c a m p u s
Santonicola s a t quietly behind one
Women's C a m p
guests of t h e class will be: Mr.
"Sneaking out, D u n h a m ? "
will be announced by J o h n Yager.
of the filing cabinets pecking out
Carolyn OUvo '59, Director of WAA and AMIA will m a k e a pres"You mean you can't n a m e the with her t h u m b a story on Moving- Spector, Assistant Professor of HisWomen's
Up Day. . . . Mary Shelton ( Busi- tory, and Mrs. Spector, Mr. Price,
entation of trophies followed by the
t h a t other officers serving with her
. . . and this is but a brief ac- ness M a j o n m a n a g e d to mummify
Direccount of w h a t h a p p e n e d in the herself as she a t t e m p t e d to change
counselors. F r a t e r n i t i e s a n d SororNews Office this p a s t week. You a ribbon in h e r typewriter. . . , Mrs. Price, and Mr. Carrino, Assist- tor, and C a t h e r i n e Rosso, Marion
see, dear reader, this literary m a s - Dave F o t h e r i n g h a m mumbled to a n t Professor of Modern Languages, Silverstein. Treasurer will be Estelle ities; Ex-fraternity
Kaufman, and Secretary, Marcella presidents will t h e n each present
terpiece you're holding in your himself as he tried to dislodge his and Mrs. Carrino.
Van Leuven. All are Sophomores. their gavel to the newly elected
grubby little paws was written by little linger from under the roller.
E.irline Merrill '61 is freshman ad- presidents. S t a t e s m e n ; T h e S t a t e s the Seniors . . . well, mostly by Sen- . . . Marilyn Leach. ex-Myskanla Reminders
men, under the direction of Mr.
iors. T h e r e are a few "guest" col- c h a i r m a n , reported t h a t she was
Juniors—Don't forget your PedaKarl Peter.-.on, Associate Professor
u m n s written by Scnilin' J a c k thrown out of a meeting. . . . n a t u r - gogue pictures; we wouldn't w a n t to
(Ormsbee), Mrs. Egelston of the So- ally, it was a Myskania meeting. miss your beautiful faces. Be sure Men's C a m p
of Musi:, will sing several selections.
cial Studies Department, and even . . . Sue Russell t h o u g h t her trip to attend Moving-Up Day. R e m e m David Youst '59 is directing Men's Recessional; Miss Russell will diMinerva of R o t u n d a fame.
to Florida would have m a d e inter- ber
take your
pre-practice Frosh Camp. He will be assisted by rect the recessional after which t h e
esting copy. . . well, it would have, teaching h e a l t h exam. T h i s college Alan Jaquays, Robert Helwig, F r a n k program will end with t h e formaBedlam
But, let us give you a vivid de- you know. . . . but not for the not only puts out good teachers but Krivo and Stanley Myslmski, Soph- tion of class numerals, the ivy
healthy ones too.
scription of w h a t actually h a p p e n - SC News. . . .
sLeech and p l a n t i n g of it and t h e
Ross Mills 'lil is F r e s h m a n Ad- National Anthem led by Miss Sepe.
visi.r to thi' camp
Evening P r o g r a m ; "Play Ball," a
skit, written two years ago by Dick
Feldman, will appear again in Page
T h e c a m p will be entirely on Auditorium. T h e skit is bigger and
campus this year and will be a joint better with a larger cast a n d more
weekend. Approximately 210 men music. T o score a second hit, J u n e
will be housed in Pierce and Sayles Alexander '59, T h o m a s W a l t h e w s '58,
Seniors will have their last u n - Friday, J u n e 13, 1958
directorship of Marilyn Leach and
Halls, while 440 women will occupy
dergrad fling ut the host of activiFrancis Murphy will provide the Richard Bartholomew, will be a preBrubacher and the Western Avenue and Grace Nesbitt '59 will lake the
ties on t h e a g e n d a of the four day music lor the Senior Ball Friday sentation of a musical satire on
leads. T h e skit will be presented at
weekend beginning J u n e 12.
night to the theme cl "Bye Bye college life here a t State. T h e show
li p m . Traditional Sing; I m m e d i Blues," announces W a r r e n Dunham, will start at 8 p.m. It promises to Who?
ately alter t h e skit Miss Sepe will
Thursday, J u n e 12, 1958
c h a i r m a n of t h e event. T h e dance be the best yet, of course, as one
Jack's R e s t a u r a n t will lie the scene will be held at the Aiirania Club ol the best classes at S t a t e College
The counselors for both weekends lead tiie traditional sing on the
of t h e Senior Class Banquet. Lor- between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 prepares to make its exit the next will be announced Movmg-Up D.;y. steps of Diaper Hall. T h e MovinffGeneral
raine Ko/Jowski, General Chairman, a.m. T h e bid is only $3.00, a nom- day.
T h e ratio of staff to freshmen is l'p Day Committees;
promises a gay feast at only $1.50 inal lee lor the
Sally B a r t e r will lead the G r a n d
Programs Rhoda Levin, A r r a n g e a plate. Mr. and Mrs. Skldmore and Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs ( Id Seniors in singing as a throng
Mr. Dumbleton will be Chaperones. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Leidel.
Donald Gladstone, Faculty
ut clinked throats make their way Who Comes?
All lreshuien except veterans and Arrangements Anne Fleming, Skit
Saturday, J u n e 14, 1958
out lor the Torch Ceremonies T h e
Saturday is also Alumni Day, anil Class of 1958 will be iormally in- married students will be required to P r o g r a m s -Joseph Szarek, Publicity
ill '.i:'M p.m., President anil .Mrs. ducted into t h e Alumni Association a l t i n d this weekend, which will be11 and
• Ben Willard, Annouceinenls
Collins will hold a reception In the ol the College ut this lime on the gin September
Joyce Arihurton
Hrubacher Hull Lounge lor Seniors, steps of Draper Hall under the di- through the fourteenth.
alumni, and members of the college rectorship of Leonard Friedlander,
President of the Alumni Association.
Page Hall will ruck, and maybe
Sunday, J u n e 15, 1958
loll, as the Senior Skit, under the
If they can live through the gay
Girls. White skirts and blouses or
celebrations of the night before, the
dresses, white socks, while
Seniors will gather for breakfast
sneakers and beanies.
Sunday morning at 8 a.m. BruSeven new Initiates in the class 195J honorary includes Peter BlomBoys: White shirts
bacher Hall will provide the facili- of 1958, and the top four per cent tTly, Martin Cohen, Ellen Dosch,
Dark slacks
ties under the c h a i r m a n s h i p of of the class of 1958 will be a d m i t - Mary Filipalrick, Gail Hogan, J a n Bennies
Rosemarie Santonicola. T h e price is ted to Signum Laudis slates Donald ice Manning, and Joyce Sandidge.
A meeting ol Varslt> Club has
Rice '58, President of the honorary.
Girls: White skirts, yellow sweaters, been announced for 1 p i n today by $1.00.
Also admitted were F r a n c e s SkinSeniors
white socks, white sneakers.
ner, T h o r n t o n S m i t h , A n n e Sweet,
T h a n k s To . . .
Wendell Fowler, President
Boys: White shirts
Barbara Thiele, Doris W a r m u t h ,
T h e sometimes tedious job of
A banquet sponsored by Athletic
Dark slacks
Board will be held Wednesday handling p r o g r a m s will be done by initiates are Carol Andres, Beverly Margaret Weilzuer, and Robert WigJ unloru
a t 7 p.m., ut Brubacher
Hall. J u d i t h S w a n and J a m e s Lorricluo. Rahn, Helen Sallord, Susan S h a l a r - gen.
Girls: White dresses
Tickets are $2.50 and only $1.00 for In charge of chaperones will be zek, Hollis Tibbetts, Carol Wukifs,
V a n i t y and J u n i o r Varsity mem- Suzanne Russell. Mary Shelton will and G r a h a m Zeh.
These people represent the last
Initiation took place Wednesday
bers. T h e guest speaker will be Nat take care of decorations. Charlotte
Boys. Dark suits
Hats and canes will be on sale for Hohnaii, Coach at St. J o h n ' s Uni- Norton will see to the flowers and two per cent of the class of 1958 lo night at the Annual B a n q u e t of
Signum Laudis. Edwin Lawson, Asversity. Varsity and J u n i o r Varsity the making of t h e punch. Publicity join Signum Laudis.
the Jolly Juiriors m Co-Op.
sociate Professor
awards, i n t r a m u r a l awards and tro- will be promoted by Lloyd Seymour Juniors
and T h o m a s Wulthews.
phies will be given.
Caps and gowns.
T h e first four per cent of the sp;;ke to the group.
Seniors Publish SC News (?)
What Will Columbia Say!
Directors List
Camp Officers
Senior Class To Schedule Final Festivities;
Senior Ball, Torch Night Highlight Week
Classes State
MUD Dress
Awards Trophies
• menthol (res
• rich tobacco taste
• most modern filter
Mcfri'sliing! Y e s , ihi' s m o k e of a S a l e m is a s reliesliiiijj; In y o u r la»le a» a ilewb p a i k l e i l S|iiinji m o r n i n g is to y o u ! Now y d (lie r i c h l o l i a e e n U u t e you love, w i t h
a new s u r m i s e s o f t n e s s a m i e a s y c o m f o r t , T h r o u g h S a l e m ' s p u r e - w h i t e m o d e r n
filter flows tilt; freshest l a s l e in c i g a r e t t e s . Y o u l a k e a puff
. . it's S p r i n g t i m e !
Smoke refreshed... Smoke Salem
Signum Laudis Initiates New Members,
Hears Professor At Annual Banquet
Common- State*
By Russell and F o t h e r i n g h a m
Confucious say: "Do n o t worry about people n o t knowing you, b u t
strive so t h a t you m a y be worth knowin."
BUT . . . BUT
"Oh it's a long, long time . . .", so goes t h e song. It really h a s been,
too. A long time since we've h a d our c h a n c e to speak our mind on t h e
h a p p e n i n g s of t h e last four months. If this column resembles a comp l a i n t d e p a r t m e n t — it's because it's m e a n t to!
J u s t so t h a t you, the readers, won't t h i n k we're complete pessimists,
we would like to compliment two things. One is P a r e n t s ' Weekend and
the Boyfriend. (This we hope will be a p e r m a n e n t tradition—if we dare
to use t h e term.) And the second is T h e Marriage. I t was an excellent
presentation. We h e a r New Paltz liked it quite well, too.
Elmer C. Matthews, Assistant to
t h e President, states t h a t the Spring
E x a m i n a t i o n Schedule will be posted on various bulletin
t h r o u g h o u t t h e college as soon as
possible d u r i n g t h e coming week.
Richard Bartholomew and M a r i lyn Leach '58, a n n o u n c e t h a t a n
i m p o r t a n t meeting of those Seniors
who plan t o t a k e p a r t in t h e Torch
Night Skit will be held today a t
1 p.m. in D r a p e r 210.
Mary Fitzpatrick '59, Editor-inChief of t h e STATE COLLEGE
NEWS, a n n o u n c e s t h a t an issue of
the newspaper will be published for
Moving-Up Day. T h e issue will be
distributed following t h e Page Hall
Dukene Zervas '58, Editor-inChief of Pedagogue, announces t h a t
the yearbook will be distributed following the MUD ceremonies in Page
Girls! Do you have two friends? If so, you c a n enter any F r a t e r n i t y
House—like p r i m and proper ladies. However, no m a t t e r how many
" F r i e n d s " you have, you can't be involved in w h a t is known as " a p a r t m e n t parties." T h r e e young ladies, and we use the term as literally as
it c a n be m e a n t , are taking their p u n i s h m e n t for a crime which h a s
been committed by nearly every well-adjusted female on campus—including grad students. " R e d - h a n d e d " is t h e t e r m applied to these
unfortunates—but t h i n k how m a n y would be available for dates if every
red-gloved lady a t S t a t e were to be put on a four m o n t h campus????
T a k e these same ladies, give t h e m jobs, and they are adults in
society perfectly capable of handling themselves properly. Send them
Movies a r e better t h a n ever?
to o t h e r men's colleges, the same. W h e n will they be allowed to act the
same on this campus? And how many parents take the view supported PALACE
by this s t a t e ? Few, we say!
From Here To Eternity—This one
copped several oscars a few years
Good things are far too often misused. T h e publications which rack. Not as good as the book 01
S t a t e College students have, though few in number, are still ours-ALL course, but a pretty meaty story.
OURS—without faculty advisors. However, if these publications are Full of sex, sand, a n d soldiers.
going to be an outlet for perverted minds, we'll lose our freedom of ex- S i n a t r a blows a m e a n bugle in this
pression for sure.
G e t rid of these sick minds before every extra-curricular activity STRAND
in t h e college takes on a faculty advisor. And let's face it! T h e faculty
Too Much, Too Soon—The c h a r m doesn't w a n t t h e job. Mature students can h a n d l e it themselves.
For t h e Primer, we congratulate those of you on t h e staff who ing expose of a wayward stripper
achieved literary accomplishments. It's too bad your work was clouded gone pro. Strictly from the dairy
by a collection of cheap filth not fit for garbage, obtainable at any down- of a roving blabbermouth. Sure to
m a k e D i a n a B a r r y m o r e look like
town barroom.
Lana. Second feature is Chase a
Crooked Shadow, which offers more
C h a n g e ! C h a n g e ! Change! Of course, you c a n ' t have progress with- plot and definitely more clothes.
out it. I n four years S t a t e College has changed and gTown! T h e only
t h i n g t h a t h a s n ' t changed is school spirit! Isn't it about time students DELAWARE
Razzia—Frenchie flicker designed
of this school t h o u g h t of something else besides themselves and their
own personal glory? MUD is one of the nicest traditions we have, but to bare the true facts about drugs,
t h e n u m b e r of people who participate in it is disgusting. We have a peddlers, sex, etc.—one of the better
pretty good baseball team this year and yet very few are interested foreign flicks of late. If anybody
enough to see them play—the crowds for the i n t r a m u r a l games are knows what t h e title means, let as
bigger! I n our opinion the best change t h a t c a m e about this semester know.
was t h e new rivalry system. With this system, the classes will enjoy
themselves and the freshman class will come out of it with a more LELAND
positive view towards college life. We hope!
A double-barrel triple t h r e a t is
T h e Case Against Brooklyn and
Let's Rock, t h e former daring class
We see a campus stretching from Washington P a r k to the Quad. " B " tabloid on crummy cops, the
We see about eight fraternities and ten sororities with houses capable latter t h e touching saga of what
of holding thirty-five. We see fraternity and college scholarship funds, happened to the Charleston.
more work opportunities. We see a student union building; a field house;
a football t e a m ; a large airy library, with all shelves open except for MADISON
of course reserves, with a file of finals, and newer publications. We
T h e Younjf Lions are still roaring
see a n 18 hour semester; all three hour courses, and probably S a t u r d a y in Albany. This one had made t h e
classes. We see a student body cooperating in levels above the chore- rounds, but still looks good. For
boy. We see liberal reforms beyond many persons' belief. Prepare, ye further convenience, it plays a t all
local drive-ins. Intellectual co-feature is King Kong, definitely n o t
for anybody with a weak heart, bad
First of all we'd like it understood t h a t we like it here. Even with digestion, or a meatless diet.
the corruption land stuffi that's floating around—we like it here. We
must—we're coining back. We just hope t h a t the class of '62 will—like
it here.
In many ways we're ashamed for some of you - even those of you
who say, "We like it here." As for them—They've got t h e whole school
in their hands"—and like it there. And the 2.5 average—that we don't
like here. But laminated I.D. cards, we do like here! To the .students'
publications—"Best of luck, all you Charlie Browns."
First Place CSPA
Vol. X L I I I
May 23, 1958
Second Place ACP
No. 15
Members of the NEWS stall nay hi- reached Mo-day Tuesday ami Wednesday
from 7 to 11 p m m 2-3328, Ex!
I Phones FlUpatrlck 11-48^4; Allu: 2-71130; Kaingtl
The undergraduate newspape
ol Ilia New York HUle College fur Teachers;
published every Friday of the (. jlleije year by the NEWS Board lor the Student
MARIE WKTTMKU - Executive Co-Editor
JliSM'll HZAKKK - Executive Co-Editor
Muiiauing Editor
liuiiiiifhH Advertising Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
JAMES MclHJOH - Associate Editor
Associate Editor
JOHN O.CIRK - Feature Editor
Co-Sports Editor
Co-Sport* Editor
Consultant Sports Editor
- Circulation-Exchange Editor
PHOTOGRAPHY ~ ~ Slate College Photo Service
All communications should be addressed to tl
editor and must be signed. Names
will be withheld on request. The STATE OOLL fcXIB NEWS assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed In Its columns or comir mentions, as such expressions do not
necessarily reflect Us views.
I r i d a y , May 23
Ball game at HPI.
I''i 1 m
.Seven Brides lor Seven
Saturday, May Z\
Ball game at Danbury 2:00 p.m.
(lamina K a p p a Phi Date Party
Beta Zeta Picnic
1) .\i A High .School Play T o u r n a ment
Sunday, May 25
G a m m a K a p p a Phi Picnic 1 :00 p.m.
Chi Higma T h e tit F'acutly Picnic :i
Thursday, May :'.',)
(.'In Higma T h e l a .Senior Banquet
I r i d a y , May HO—Memorial Day
Baseball at, Oneontu 1 00 p.m.
Alpha Pi Alpha Picnic.
Potter Club Picnic.
Saturday, May 111—Moving-Up-Day
Kappa Delta Picnic 1:00 p m
Monday, J u n e 'i
Examinations s t a r t .
Wednesday, J u n e II
Senior P a r t y .
Thursday, J u n e Vi
Senior Banquet.
Friday, J u n e Li
.Senior Hall
Saturday, J u n e II
Alumni Day.
Torch Night.
Sunday, J u n e IS—Commencement
F R I D A Y , MAY 2 3 ,
Dearie, Do You Remember When . . . .
Common-Stolen , ~>,
"O C a p t a i n ! my C a p t a i n ! our fearful t r i p is d o n e ,
T h e ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won."
Friends and loafers, 'peers t h a t a proclamation is in order. Alois,
w h a t is a Chingasi? I t is something frisky about Myskie? S o m e t h i n g
a r t y for all t h e smarties? A Penguin's m o t h e r ? Minerva's lover? C o u n t
t h e letters, add some vowels, spell it backwards, leave o u t t h e i's, who's
on first? New dorm's name—next year's Dean, go back four spaces!
S o while you m a u l over t h e n a m e , remember—old Chingasi'U never die,
only people because passe (What, us passe? E a t your feet!)
T h e name of the game is Chercher L'Exam a n d everybody's playing
it. T h e time has come for all good students to come to—arise, t h e Ides
of Marks are upon us. With no Reading Week before finals and n o
exemptions, there's no hope for t h e dope who c a n ' t c r a m an exam. C a n ' t
cope? Try rope! After a night of another game, "Spin the Bottle," with
bagged eyes and fagged sighs, t h e s t u d e n t finally finds t h e room and
h e a r s the prof scoff, h u m m i n g "Catch a Failing Student." Worry? Not
us—a test is merely a review!
To those two brave new souls in this dead world we wish all success
and leave the following: our following; our classy photos and a tin of
No-Doze; a n R.N. a n d a censor; one used raccoon coat; large coffeecup disguises for Fri. a.m.; a list of our spies; erasable bond and
erasers; inrinitestinal r u t s ; a weekly pass from class a n d g a s ; perspiration, inspiration, and precipitation, and a good two-cent tranquilizer.
Have fun—but a slaughter, son a n d d a u g h t e r !
T h e cry of the wild goose echoes from D o r m Field as Albany's
Amorous Amazons have a ball. Red Jacquettes vs. the Stoppettes. Every
outfield hit a home run, as the bags get loaded and our d i a m o n d s in
the rough tear a t their facet.s. We stayed to p h r a s e and h e a r d one
honey scream, " P u t me in, Coach, I love to play t h e field!"
Going twice! Sold for ten dollars—one Primer. Following in Playboy's feetsteps, this prime grime of a r t for Art's sake h a s been condemned
by Legion of Decency. American Legion, a n d Foreign Legion. T a k e
equal quantities of porno, add some graphy, a drop of h a r m a n d a pinch
of less. Stir, shovel, and it comes o u t the same wasted dough. A rose
is a roe still smells. Weary query. Will the Pedagogue be burned, too?
As we come to the end of these perfect (?) days, lets look backward like the penguin does . . . Four years . . . long time, n o C . . . convocation, vocation, vacation, excavation . . . late Peds, early Penguins.
. . . Golly-Golly and Miss Polly (BF) . . . college c a m p , college s c a m p
iDK) . . . WAD, quad, ball squad, riot squad, riots . . . J a n . - J a n . , S p u t nik, a n d Miss NYS . . . Newman, West, ICA, AA, I ABLE, LS, JC, the
rest—and T A L K ;
All good things m u s t end, they say—At least t h a t ' s w h a t we're told.
You can tell we're sage old Seniors—By our cultivated mold.
Our steps are somewhat slower—As we skulk from hall to hall.
But watcli out for our Ped-work—As we m a r c h on Senior Ball.
And as for fancy footwork—There's one line we'll join with pleasure.
And we'll grope our way on stage, gang—To retrieve t h a t 4-yr.
So, goodbye to carefree college days- -With their joyous up.s and
Polish up your pomp and circumstance- And dun your cups and
Doodle Space
of '58
Fly On '58
Blue jays are birds. Birds fly.
T h e Srnior class are called Bluejays, Seniors walk. Blue jays are
blue. Seniors are many colored.
S e m e bluejays lay eggs. Some senlcr lay eggs. Blue jays build nests.
Some seniors are built. Baby Bluejays ara calied baby Bluejays. Some
Seniors are called babies. Some
B.uejays are found in Some
Seniors are found a t the I have not come to bury t h e
Senior Class, but to praise them
(original quote stolen by Shakespeare i. T h e Seniors are cal.ecl the
G r a n d Old Seniors (original qu.ue
stolen by some songwriter). They are
also called Seniors, Big people, and
other original names.
T h e Seniors are nice. No one ever
realizes how nice Seniors ar-1 until
they g r a d u a t e . T h e y had a nice
banquet every year. They will have
a nice one this year. They h a d a
nice J u n i o r Prom. They had a nice
Myskania. Yes, they are nice. Everyone is nice. All seniors a r e nice. All
J u n i o r s are nice. All Sophmores are
nice. r l h e freshmen are nice. This
i.; a pretty d a m n nice school! Gee
whiz, B.uejays.
I think t h a t Bluejays should do
one last thing before they leave
school. They ought to change the*r
^ul.;r.; to purple and gold. Purple
and gold are neutral colors. They go
wi h e v e n thing. So onward Purple
and Golujays. O u t into t h e nice
world and m a k e a n a m e for the
birds. But remember a t h e a r t you
a r j all for t h e birds.
I havs often heard t h a t I a m for
the birds—and this is true. As Chief
Purple a n d Goldjay I have tried to
do my best to the Purple and Goldjays a n d Albany State, to help other
people a t all times and to obey
the College rules. So fly on, old '58.
The Cracked Skull
State College Students Tour
Europe As Ambassadors
m i n d e d " enough! B u t I sneaked in
anyway and stole all t h e cigarettes
on t h e floor and smoked theim and
got sick and said nasty things about
everybody when I left. W h e n I left.
W h e n I left. W h e n I left.
And then t h e r e was the time
when, and this took t h e cake, the
time when our class won a cup, they
filled it with beer, and one guy
kept it all night and then when I
did get it . . . And did other people
say nasty things about that, and did
uhe stories go a r o u n d ! ! And
Minerva's Diary Reveals
Formerly Undisclosed Facts
7:59 a^m. this is t h e college—Al- trays,
bany State—N.Y.S.C.T. of S.U.N.Y. t h o u g h t I was non-conforming'.
Call m e Minerva—goddess of wis- 12:00 Glided over to Hawley and
dom, 4.0 average. You guessed it— p u t t h e finishing touches on m y
Dean's List. Woke up this morning term paper entitled, "Transition"
to the tune of the custodians' i from upper John left to r o t u n d a
"Campus Serenade." I was feeling squared in one easy movement.)
poorly—stayed up all night helping Gj-abbed a quick "Pabst" after t h e
a frantic frosh prepare for the traditional inquiry and left for t h e
"Wac" test. Remember, too, a ped- Mayflower.
estal may be t h e place to perch 1:00 p.m. Did a spot commercial
purple people-eaters, but . . .
on TV, attended a Cabinet meeting,
8:00 a.m. It's t h a t time of year
a g a i n - G r a d u a t i o n - a local 1-9-5-8.
Looked up my list of S e n i o r s - c a m e
up with a lot of m e m e n t o s - w r o t e
t h e m all up into a n Ivy Speech, took
it to the dean; he reviewed it, put
in correct punctuation, patted me
on the helmet, said I was a good
10:00 a.m. Climbed down from my
stony hideaway, sped to the cafeteria, gave Myrtle the word: "Coffee-break." Table-hopped , and discussed politics, sex and religion.
Came away with my original con
11:00 a.m. Checked
the student
mail under M. Looked for a 2x4 literary effort but n o t h i n g was there.
Inspected the Steinway, the ash
,e tu re J
? . f i n ™- 213*- checked the
schedule of the mortal I m hawking.
2 4 p m
' ***in o n a ?. e - 2 2 c}&sfT
supervised the operation of t h e
P ™ J " * ° r - took my A g r a piously Sallied over to B r a - s t o o d
in cafeteria line—read Shelley and
K e a t s while waiting—"They serve
who only stand and wait—" wanted
to be more individualistic—read S a linger;
iambic pentameter, settled down to
a bowl of Irish stew.
7:C8 p.m. Went to Page. Watched
h o m e
m n
Headed back to my roost in the
above a n d beyond. Bewitching hour
—Campused S t a n d a r d Time. It was
a day like all days—it was S t a t e .
And it was typical.
8:0:> p.m. Case closed.
And when they t h o u g h t I finally
was "open minded" enough, some
guys took m e down to some "street."
T h e y got mad. Yea, MAD, cuz they
told me n o t to speak to strangers,
but I was just havin' fun seein' old
friends I h a d n ' t seen since I turned
conventional back in '54. I took a
motorcycle home. Nice policeman!
Oh, don't get shook. T h e r e ' s no
message here. But I'm reserved.
And, well, w h a t do you want? Wisdom? Advice? Blood? Gossip?—yea,
yea. See t h a t ' s w h a t I mean. G r i p e !
Gripe! Gripe! T h a t ' s all I ever do,
I m e a n t h a t ' s all I ever hear.
J u s t one more thing. Invite parents to t h e beer party. The beer
will last longer and t h e n they can
s t a y all t h e rest of t h e week and
impression of our college!!
Three Albany Statesmen will have
the opportunity to travel abroad
this summer. Two will go as C o m munity Ambassadors and one h a s
been chosen as our representative
on t h e Maritime Cruise for t h e
Maritime College.
Ravcna's Ambassador
Parker Mathusa '59, C o m m u n i t y
Ambassador to Holland from t h e
town of Ravena, New York, will set
sail J u n e 23 for LeHavre, F r a n c e .
He will stay there for one m o n t h .
Mathusa will then tour the rest of
the continent, spending most of his
time in Holland. Some i m p o r t a n t
stops t h a t he will make will be: t h e
World's Fair in Brussels. West G e r many and "Gay Paris."
Bruce Norton '59 has been chosen
as the Community Ambassador from
Albany. He will go to D e n m a r k a n d
live with a family for one month.
There he will learn about the political, economic, cultural, educational
and geographical aspects of t h e
country. After that, Norton will visit
West G e r m a n y , t h e Netherlands,
World's Fair and Paris. About eight
hundred students will be on t h e
ship which embarks from Montreal
July 23. While on the ship t h e r e
will be orientation meetings which
will include everything from t h e
Danish language to American Foreign Policy. He plans to return to
New York City September 6.
Honorary Elects
New Members
At a banquet held a t Jack's Oyster House May 8, 1958, Mil L a m b d a
Alpha, Modern Language Honorary,
initiated t h e following new m e m bers: Lucille Schneider '58, Gisele
Boulais, Doris Joy, Wilma K u h l ,
Raymond Phillips, Delores Reid,
B a r b a r a Thiele, Marceline W a g goner, and Margaret Weltzner, class
of '59.
Dr. Wesley Childers, C h a i r m a n of
the Modern Foreign Language Dep a r t m e n t , spoke on the topic of t h e
students' opportunities for travel
Officers for t h e coming year were
elected at a meeting May 15. They
a r e : President—Margaret Weitzner,
Vice-President—Gisele Boulais, S e c retary—Lillian C a 11 o r I n i, and
Treasurer — B a r b a r a Thiele. Dr.
F r a n k Carrino h a s been named faculty advisor for t h e academic year
you can have a ball together for
your last few days here, and they
can come away with a ".spirited"
Seniors and Crads
So t h e last guy was a writer a n d
I'm not. Gripe! G r i p e ! Gripe! And
I don't have an "open m i n d ! " And
I have the "audacity" to write this
column. And I'm reserved a n d conventional.
Yea! Well, don't hold yer b r e a t h ! !
I been ta parties, see. And I seen a
lot of this college stuff, see. And
when I seen t h e m kids coming outa
t h a t a p a r t m e n t . . .!!
And then there was all them
loud parties they wouldn't let me
get in to 'cause I wasn't "open
Hoot Howls:
Dorms Elect
New Officers
The new officers ol B r u b a c h e r
a n d Pierce Halls have recently been
announced al their respective May
Announcing for Birubacher Hall
was Ann Ridley '58, this year's
President. T h e newly elected officers a r e President B a r b a r a Dressier
'59, Vice-Presidents
Burke and Rosalie Walsh, S o p h o mores, Secretary P a t r i c i a J o h n s o n
'60, Treasurer Evelyn Keller, P u b licity Director Marcia Marion, Song
Leader Gail K a s p a r i a n , freshmen,
with Gilda Sesti '60 h e r assistant,
Sports Leader Anne O'Connor, a s sisted by Diane Donk, Historian
Lorna Wilson, freshman, and Editor Mary Ann N o t t i n g h a m 'fid.
Mary Hastings '59, Pierce H a l l s
President, announces t h a t Dorothy
Davis, Junior, will lead the women
of Pierce Hall next year. The other
officers are Margaret O'Donnell '(>;),
Vice-President, Elizabeth Druimin,
'treasurer, Carol Stephenson, Secretary, Mary Lee Glass, Hon;; Leader,
and Barbara Clapp, Athletic Director, freshmen
M a r i t i m e Cruise
Douglas Penfield '60 will r e p r e sent Albany S t a t e on the Maritime
Cruise for the Maritime College. He
was selected frctn several a p p l i c a n t s
by a committee composed of s t u dents and faculty. He will spend
approximately t h i r t y - n i n e days on
s h i p and t h i r t y - n i n e days touring
While on the voyage, the s t u d e n t s
must help with the m a i n t e n a n c e
i"ork and take p a r t in watches and
duties of which they are capable.
I h e v m u s t follow the same rules
and regulations t h a t the Maritime
Ccllege Cadets follow, both aboard
ship and on shore leave. Their p a r ticipation is also expected in orientation classes which are held aboard
the ship.
SA States
Rivalry Plans
T h e big ciuestion of what next
year's rivalry will be like has been
answered bv J o h n Yager '59, Presid e n t of S A !
T h e main features of the new
program are as follows:
Fresh Days
1. "No m a k e - u u Monday."
2. "Carry an upperclassman's bunks
to and from school Monday."
3. "Boys' pants rolled up Monday."
•!. F r e s h m e n are reciuired to carry
m a t c h e s for t h e iipperclass'.nen
during rivalry.
As it has been in past years the
freshmen are required to know the
'Alma Mater." the "Fight Song,"
and "Lite Is Very Different." In
addition to these songs they must
also know their class fight song and
the "Torch Night" SOUK by Wednesday, September 24.
Beanies will r e m a i n the freshman
fad lrom H to S except on .Sunday
and in addition they are lucky lo
have "Name Tags."
W a r n i n g s will be handled by the
"Red K a n g a r o o C o u r t " consisting of
two Sophomores, Iwo Juniors, and
three Seniors, and can be issued for
violation of any of the above.
W a r n i n g s mav be issued by any upperclassnian and Court penalties arc
to be of a humorous and constructive n a t u r e .
T h e rivalry events will consist ol
I he following: A .serious debate. Tun
ol War, Frosh-Koph Sing, FroshSuph
Frosh - Soph
Dance, and Men's Pushball Ciame
Cheering points will be given for
these events. T h e r e will also be a
C a m p u s Nighl Skit.
II is liearlciung lo see a rivalry
program s:uiilar lo our old o n e yet
wil li some innovat ions
Fraternity Jewelry
Badges, Steins, Kings
Jewelry, Gifts, Favors
Stationery, Programs
Club Pins, Keys
Medals, Trophies
C M V F K S r i V I'.O. 11LDG.
171 Marshall Street
Syracuse 10, New York
(JK ")-7M:i7
Carl Sorenson, IVIgr.
Gifts For Family And Friends
From The
I P.M.
8 I* VI
Page Hall, Soccer & Softball Fields, And All That!
It seems very disgusting that a college run by the
great State of New York should have such inept athletic
facilities as we have here in Albany. Granted the recent
. Bond Issue passed by the citizens of this State will provide
funds, eventually, for athletic facilities here at the college.
It seems, however, that this matter could have been taken
"care of much earlier. If some hearsay is correct concerning
this matter then construction on new facilities should have
, started 2 or 3 years ago with some of it being completed
' before June, 1958.
The only new items we have to look at around our
"campus" are the Washington Avenue tennis courts and
• the cleared land which resulted from the tearing down of
Albany State's "College Heights." The facilities that are
still landmarks around the college area are: (1) Page Hall
(Orchestra Pit) Gym, (2) Beverwyck and Page Fields, (3)
Bleeker Stadium. These areas are either inadequate, congested, or otherwise inconvient for many of our athletic
events, both varsity and intramural.
It is apparent that the Bond Issue will provide adequate funds, we hope, for new athletic facilities, but why is
it that institutions of this nature have to wait for such
a great period of time before necessities of this nature are
provided? It seems as though the State of New York
would try to cut some of their red tape to see t h a t educational institutions have the proper facilities to develop
students physically as well as mentally. Here's hoping that
when some of the grads return for a Homecoming Weekend within the next 5 years they will see some changes
around our "campus"—here's hoping that a couple changes
. to the better may be seen concerning the college's athletic
Do You Remember??
. . . Harry Millett's grand slam in the Rivalry Softball
• game of 1954—(Harry's first home run at State . . .) State's
J.V. beating A.B.C. during 54-55 season—only time we've
ever beaten them . . . Backer leading Potter to 3 straight
Softball championships . . . Brierly leading '58 to a 19-0
victory over the Class of '59. Tom's ability at the quarterback slot also led the Club to two successive football championships with Kordziel, Morgan, and others holding at
-the line. . . . Sloand, Gropp, Pryor, Legault, and Swiskey
leading the SLS football team to many of their victories.
. . . We also remember the feats of such people as Maxon,
Harvey, Bosomworth, Causey, Mayer, Caldwell and Dave
"Billy" Burroughs who added much to the athletic events
' d u r i n g 4 years at Albany State.
Netmen End
Initial Season
Albany State's answer to the
Davis Cup Team has safely tucked
away a successful season in its initial campaign.
Willi one regular scheduled match
remaining against Oneontu .State
on Oneonta Courts Friday a l l e r noon, the Hathaway men have compiled a. •)-:> record to dale
Lose to Siena
During the past two weeks the
Peds gained a repeal victory over
New Pall/,. 7-(i, along with a pair of
7-2 triumphs over Potsdam and
Oneonta, respectively. All three victories came on the home courts.
Siena handed the Albanians their
second loss of the season, (i-H, last
Wednesday in the closest match ol
the campaign.
Vivtorious lor Slate in the Siena
- match were Bob Kainpl, who ha.s
won all six suedes mulches thus far,
Ed Vesneske, and the Doubles Team
of Hob Englcs and J o h n Uoystun
Potsdam, Oneonta ToilKh
The. l l a t h a w a y m e n did nol have
an easy time with either Potsdam
or Oneonla as the visltllU Stale
teams presented tough opposition
i n both singles and doubles. Hob
Fugles playing first singles against
Potsdam went down to defeat along
with the doubles learn ol Lou Wolner and Kampl Against Oneonta,
Wolner lost straight sels of ti-1, and
the combination ol Bud and Bob
Austin were stopped by identical
> « j ITS.
State College CO-OP
M A Y F 1 , 0 W E It
200 Central Ave
As an added feature to the year
old season, the HaUiawaymen have
scheduled two additional mulches
for the final school wek, both at
home against Siena Monday and
the Uidgefielri Tennis Club Tuesday.
e>p.a>U SfiatlitjJtt
Peds Close Season With Road Trip;
Drop Home Finale In 10 Innings, 9-8
Albany's baseball Peds, paced by the big bats of Ray
Haver, Ken Brett, Dick Lewis, and Larry Gunderman, head
into the home stretch of the season today when the squad
hops across the River to RPI for a 4:30 game before making
the treck to Danbury tomorrow and to Oneonta on Memorial day. The Oneonta trip will be the finale of the season
that thus far has seen the Sauersmen score Six victories
while dropping five, the latest being a ten-inning loss to
Oneonta at Bleeker on Monday last.
Official statistics for the first nine games, which do
not include the loss to Oneonta or the 11-6 win over Plattsburg last Saturday, show Ray Haver to be the team leader
in batting with eight bingles in twenty-eight trips to the
plate for a 286 average; Lewis is 14 points below this with
272. Lewis leads the team in RBI's with eight, followed by
Howie Caldwell (seven) and Haver's six. Ken Brett, who
is number three man in batting with .259, has four.
Softball Teams
End Schedule;
Slate Play-Offs
Since t h e last issue of the paper
t h e teams in t h e i n t r a m u r a l softball
leagues have continued to battle
furiously for their respective crowns.
In view of the games reported in
the past weeks we find t h a t t h e
Pogos are still way out front In the
fiist league and the SLS squad has
dropped to third position as a result of two defeats a t t h e h a n d s of
Potter Club, 3-0 and 5-4. Last week
SLS vanquished the APA club 19-8
with a h o m e - r u n by pitcher Jack
Ormsbee highlighting the action.
This further insured APA's last position in the first league. Ormsbee has
done an excellent job of pitching
two S I S games in the ppast week
with a broken finger.
T h e playoff games in the first
league began this week with the
Potter Club-SI.S contest in which
the men from S t a t e St. were again
victorius, 3-2. T h e outstanding plays
included Harry Millet's h o m e - r u n
end an excellent relief pitching job
by Bob Backer who entered in t h e
lifth inning and with three men on
base, retired
the side Willi a
strikeout. This may well have saved
the game for the Potter squad.
Thus, discounting the playoffs, t h e
first league has emerged frctn the
season as predicted with the Pogos
and Potter Club now in first and
second place being followed by
SLS and APA respectively.
In the second league the Apaches
seem to have dominated the action
as far as the number of games is
concerned. On last Friday they
garnered their sole win by rolling
the Rousers, 14-0. A h o m e - r u n by
Ed Jones followed by Bob Kampf's
four bagger highlighted the action.
Keith Kempton batted four for four
to help keep the bases occupied. On
Saturday they met defeat at the
hands of the K B squad, 7-(i. A
h o m e - r u n in t h e last inning by
Bump LaValle enabled KB lo retain their unbeaten record which
is ll-i) to date. T h e Apaches dropped
another to EEP on last Tuesday by
a score ol 8-3. Skip Gehhardt was
outstanding for EEP as he rang a
total of five UBls which included
a home-run, a double and .single.
EEP vanquished the Vets 11-10 on
last T h u r s d a y under the line pitchin.', of Bob Bosomworth
All those Seniors, both male and
female, who have ever played any
sort of sports while here at S t a t e
are in this week's Sport, Spotlight.
II would be very h a r d to single
out any of these people for their individual
members of the Class ol Til) have
given their lime to the development
of the athletic program here at t h e
The spotlight, not. only shines on
those who participated in varsity
sports, but also on those who played
on intramural teams and didn't receive the great recognition they
The Leftovers, under the excellent
richly deserve. Those people know
who they are and can lake this pitching of captain, Bob Willis have
little bit ol t h a n k s for whal they .swept I lie third league with a !)-()
think il is worth
3)ea* QaUnf .
"Vou a Senior?"
"Yur "
"Good. Need advice."
" 'Bout w h a t ? "
"Phys Ed."
" W h a t about i t ? "
"Did you take i t ? "
"Good. I need advice."
" W h a t do you w a n t to k n o w ? "
"How do I get out of i t ? "
"Transfer or die."
"No. I'm serious."
"So am I!"
"You m e a n I have to take i t ? "
"But it's killing m e . I c a n ' t
r u n three laps a r o u n d t h a t field
twice a week."
"But it's good for you, frosh.
Develops you physically. Teaches
you a sport for your old age.
Keeps you off D e a n ' s List. P u t s
you on Probation. Does wonders."
" T h a n k s , Senior. You've been
"Glad to do it. Going to stick
it out, e h ? "
"No, transfer."
Caldwell Shines
T h e 8-9 loss to Oneonta could be
summed up by a pair of innings in
which the visitors got the breaks
while the Peds did not. T h e winning
run pushed across in the t e n t h n u l lified a good pitching performance
by Caldwell, who came in as a r e liever and absorbed the loss, and
also batted three for five.
Lefty Pete Spina, the Long Island
sensation who started the game, left
in t h e seventh inning after a mediocre performance—his first since being plagued by a sore arm which
cost him the game on successive
losses to Siena and Union. He is
now four wins and two losses in t h e
record books.
T h e win in t h e Plattsburg game
went to Wes Brown, a r i g h t h a n d e r
who absorbed a tough loss on u n earned r u n s in his only other s t a r t .
He allowed eight hits in his seven
inning s t i n t before yielding to Caldwell who held the Cards scoreless
and hitless to wrap up the win for
Wes. Brown also helped his own
cause by singling and doubling for
two hits in three trips and four
Infield Info: Ray Haver and Connie Schmidt are tied for t h e lead
in base stealing with four apiece.
. . . Haver owns the lead also in r u n s
scored and walks . . . Lewis h a s 19
of the former and nine of the l a t t e r
. . . he h a s also had more times a t
b a t . . . Larry G u n d e r m a n and K e n t
Brett, are the only two regulars who
still have perfect fielding averages.
History Professor Looks At
American National Pastime
A s s i s t a n t spectacular in its execution of the
professor of History, is an avid suicide squeeze. Three of our playbaseball Ian. She has written the ers are potential professionals and
all at least two are distinguished bephases of the great American sport: cause of their versatility. Who
Why a m I interested in Baseball? kr.o'.vs but that we'll send one all
It's a very exciting game. It the way lo the top'.' Certainly he
makes great d e m a n d s on tile play- will have the option.
ers calling for perfect coordination
Do you ever see Minor Leagues
of physical and m e n t a l effort, and in action?
perfect liming. Also it gives great
Of course. My whole family wants
Albany to keen a club here. T h a t is
group play,
F u r t h e r m o r e , the men in my why we follow the newspaper acfamily either have been or art now counts of Al Evans' work with the
players. My active association with Senators "keep book" on them;
baseball lias come
t h r o u g h t h e cheer
games. By the way, fans, their winI,lltli' League.
loss record may not be very imWhy is the Little l e a g u e in
pressive bin their tickling is the
taut to you?
best in the League, and their batIt is of importance to me
ting average is second best
I arent of a twelve year old i n flow about the majors?
fielder. Any of his interests autoII is no .secret so tar as the
matically interest me. T h e r e l o r e . I
serve on committees, run errands, American League is concerned that
and work in the concession to help the Yanks will lake the pennant
They are my bet lor the Series, too
the sponsoring organization.
A: a teacher I am very much con- Bin I must confess that Uus "conYankee'
cerned about l lie proper balance ol certed
children's tune and
e n t h u s i a s m s misses the exciting "near misses,"
Willi their academic responsibilities and "altogether nusse.-,' which made
As a citizen I a m concerned with Brooklyn games the experiences
any form of regulated activity which I hey were
contributes to the well-being ol the
It the o l e Pcrleasor" dots what
very young and the adolescents
in threatened May II), anil pulls
Reputable members of our League Mickey to the mound, he will prohave convinced me that juvenile vide fans wuh something more exI roubles are at a m i n i m u m during citing i h a u anything j e t produced
Die League season lrom May 1- by any team except Unit last gam.Augitst 1. Delinquency rises rapidly in October.
during August, t h e off-season.
So far as the Nalional League is
Are you Interested in college base- concerned, I suppose it's Milwaukee.
My h i a i in st unci bet I wishes go to
Very much. S t a t e College this Hank Auron, Wes Covington and
year lias one of the most colorful Lew Burilett. Davenport and all I I
as well as one of t h e very best teams give you the west coast. Qo get the
( oacli Suiters' Squad continues to provide top-flight baseball lor State. I remember. Our t e a m has become oeniiunt!
Student Senate Hearing Packs In Crowd; Collegians Discuss Question
Close Vote Determines Fate Of "Primer" o n c e r n i B R o Jf K o p P K U g e
On Wednesday eve, a local p h e n o m e n a occurred when Senate performed before a packed house!
T h e r e was standing room only as
the audience anticipated the night's
drama, "The Primness of
t h e Primer.
T h e r e was a slight
among the crowd with the late
e n t r a n c e of Art Plotnik, editor-inchief of t h e Primer. Plotnik s u b mitted a letter to the Senate which
explained his best intentions in
apologized for w h a t was a misjudgement in taste, a n d requested
c" copies for himself.
T h e question before t h e S e n a t e
was w h a t to do with the copies of
Primer not yet distributed. J i m
Dougherty's solution to t h e problem
was to withhold these copies from
circulation. T h i s motion was d e feated 13-12 with 3 abstentions. Discussion was long with m u c h a u d i ence participation. W h e n it a p -
Latest Statistics Show State
College Fashion Preferences
W h a t is Joe College of Albany
S t a t e wearing this spring? According to a survey tabulated by Donald Mayer and R. J. Banfield,
Seniors, Joe and his female c o u n t e r p a r t have shown a preference for
"s.mple, practical clothes" and a
"neat and conservative appearance."
W h a t the Men Wear
Statistics show t h a t ninety per
c n t of the men at S t a t e wear white
shirts for dress. Fifty-five per cent
wear no tie. Only thirty-five percent of those observed were button
t o w n collars.
T h e Sport Coat
One hundred sixty out of two
hundred men were without spurts
coals, while eight percent wore suits.
Eighty-one percent of our boys
prefer to go without sweaters, while
the rest wear crew necks, v-necks
a n d cardigans.
Khakis captured the attention of
t h e observers; they have a sixtyseven percent majority over black,
brown and check slacks.
T h e Distaff Side
On the better-looking side of
the campus, we find dresses and
skirts and blouses in competition.
Full-skirted dresses lead the race
comprising fifty percent of the
taste of State's girls. T h e modren
chemise had only a t t r a c t e d three
out of one h u n d r e d seventy-one
t.ii\s on the clay t h e survey was
Point of interest: almost eighty
percent preferred high necklines,
favored solid colors, and
ninety percent wore cotton dresses.
Pleated, gathered and
skirts are more popular on c a m pus t h a n s t r a i g h t or wrap arounds.
425 to 171 skirts are preferred
over dresses. O n e last note 125 out
if 175 girls wear bangs!
peared t h a t many observers were
only at S e n a t e for a show and
possibly a farce, Yager quite forcibly put discussion back in place. A
show of n o n - s e n a t o r s showed t h a t
at least 95'" of those present wanted
P r i m e r to be distributed.
T h e second scene opened with a
motion by Don Donato to distribute
copies of the literary magazine to
S. A. members only, and t h a t this
distribution should not be interpreted as either S e n a t e approval or
this edition of
Interestingly enough, when the
c u r t a i n fell on a r a t h e r mild performance,
bother to see the next bill of fare.
As Yager announced discussion of
a possible constitution change, t h e
mass exodus to t h e snack bar
drowned out his speech.
It seems t h a t this flash audience
valued a play of personalities more
t h a n discussion of our constitution
—good taste?
T h e present
academic average requirement for
S. A. presidential c a n d i d a t e came
u n d e r fire again with a proposed
constitutional a m e n d m e n t t h a t S. A.
president may not be on academic
probation a t the time of his election. This a t t e m p t to c h a n g e the
constitution was quite vehemently
discussed with the same worn arguments. Ex-Myskie member Bob Kopecek, did point out t h a t the S e n a tors were considering this motion
with themselves in mind, but t h a t
the majority of voters would look a t
the qualifications of a candidate,
not "who" he is. When t h e merrygo-round of a r g u m e n t stopped, t h e
constitution emerged victorious, and
the motion was defeated.
Student Medical Insurance
$7.25 - JUNE 15th to SEPT. 15th - $7.25
Senators, C a m p Board members,
the College administration, and a
vary few interested s t u d e n t s g a t h ered in Page Hall last Friday to
discuss t h e budget of C a m p Dippikill. T h e alleged purpose of this
meeting was to have c a m p board
explain to S t u d e n t Association their
proposed budget of eight thousand
do.lars, however the major p a r t of
the meeting was devoted to a
l a t h e r undirected discussion of the
purposes and uses of the proposed
T h e a n t i - c a m p bloc asked m a n y
questions which can be synthesized
into one premise—why have a college camp? To answer this question
the p r o - c a m p contingent tried to
impress upon the meeting t h a t a
major.ty of students get very little
out of t h e present S. A. budget ar.d
t h a t if t h e C a m p could be developed it is believed t h a t a great segm e n t of these students could find
uses for it. T h e a n t i - c a m p bloc
asked a n o t h e r question—why have
t h e college camp? Because in its
present undeveloped s t a t e about
a h u n d r e d different students used
a n d enjoyed t h e c a m p this year,
was t h e answer. The cons next asked
President Collins if the S t u d e n t Association could sell t h e c a m p site,
and the President answered t h a t it
was t h e s t u d e n t s ' c a m p !
Finally, t h e anti-group proposed
t h a t it might be a wise course not to
a p p r o p r i a t e any money to the c a m p
for one year and let the c a m p use
this period to gether interest. One
of t h e senators adequately stated
t h e folly of this proposal—the question of t h e camp must be met.
Arena Theatre
Slates Auditions
Open auditions and interviews
for t h e S t a t e College Arena S u m mer T h e a t r e are being conducted
today, according to Paul Bruce
Pettit, Associate Professor of English and Director of the Arena
Summer Theatre.
All those interested in acting and
working with t h e Arena T h e a t r e this
s u m m e r should meet in Richardson
291. Interviews will begin there at
7:30 p.m.
T h e Arena auditions are open to
all S t a t e College students, whether
they will be attending
school or not. Auditions are also
open to interested members of the
faculty and staff and to all residents of the Tri-City area.
Library Announces
Holiday Hours
Aiice Hastings, College Librarian,
a n n o u n c e s t h a t the College Library
will be open .Saturday, May 111
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., as usual, l i
will be closed Memorial Day. May
It is hoped that the s t u d e n t s
will take advantage of this opening
to study lor their
examinations. For those of you
that, haven't seen the new layout,
it's different.
T h e meeting d e m o n s t r a t e d t h a t
t h e C a m p Board and S. A. do not
have a c o m m o n u n d e r s t a n d i n g of
t h e underlying principles
which t h e c a m p should be developed.
Proposed Budget for 1958-59
S 250.00
Capital Construction
Coverage Is Good Anywhere!
Seniors Bid
Last Farewell
After recovering from an exam
induced h a t e period, we can, if
given to such things, indulge our
period dedicated to the s o o n - t o g r a u u a t e " G r a n d Old Seniors."
I h e hallowed halls of ivy take on
a warmer g.ow a t g r a d u a t i o n time,
and 1 suppose a few tears will help
diffuse t h a t glow, help soften the
ivyless bricks, and dull t h e sheen
of success, the glint of pride of a c complishment
t h a t each
shows. Its very proper to be wistful and a little sad at g r a d u a t i o n
time, but a great deal of s a d n e s s '
moisture comes from s t r a i n e d eyes.
Underclassmen are stronger t h o u g h ;
its not they who have to go, there's
still pleasant time left for t h e m ,
and fewer upperclass examples n e x t
year to set t h e m examples.
Seniors have to say goodby too.
1 hey bid underclassmen flip or
p o i g n n a n t farewells, d e p e n d i n g on
phrase heartfelt goodbyes to ins t i u c t o r s who have A-graded t h e m ,
nodding casually to those
didn't. T h e cold, cold world looms
larger when they bid Minerva's
academic piotection goodbye, instructors pay s t u d e n t s in grades,
deans in advice, but School Boards
,.ay money.
Some of the nicest people I know
a r e Seniors a n d I shall h a t e to
see t h e m go. To whom t h e n shall
I turn fur unasked advice, wasteful
shortcuts, and profitless mistakes?
I shall have to turn to myself, and
in my tui'ii do these things for any
underclassmen who m i g h t ask of
me the questions I did of Seniors.
Actually, Seniors a r e not t h e
i ase I make against them, and besides, there's nothing they can do
about their being Seniors. Somebody
has to do it, lor few, if any, colleges
come with only three classes. T i e '
Seniors I know, both of t h e m , are
perfectly acceptable here as well, 1
trust, as anywhere. T h o u g h they
might act slightly superior and
somewhat cynical, 'due, doubtlessly,
to their advanced experiencet they
appear as normal as you or I.
Seniors are dependable, too. They
can be trusted to break t h r o u g h
winningly m almost any given .situation, for haven't they successfully
broken rules, traditions, and a few
records for four long years? in t h e
end, Seniors will out; they're almost out now, tethered here only by
a lew weeks' time.
I shall be almost bereaved at
final d e p a r t u r e . T h e r e
something comfortably solid about
knowing that a Senior Class still
s t a n d s between yourself and "out
there " I don't want, them lu go,
lor I know I shall have to replace
Hut they will go, and I
genuinely hope Dial my wish for
their lasting success goes with them.
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We Aim To Please
J°£ OFj£
MAY 3 1 . 1 9 5 8
XLM| NO. 16
Classes Move Up At Traditional State Ceremonies;
Page Hall Skit, Sing To Conclude M U D Activities
DIAL 4-1125
You Do Not Have To Be In School
State College News
All Student Cast Stages
Popular "Play Ball" Tonight Press Bureau
Awards, Speeches Highlight
Morning M U D Ceremonies
Major League baseball comes to the stage of Page Arlrl
Hall tonight at 8 p.m. as "Play Ball," the Moving-Up Day " u u
stage spectacular, is presented for the student body and Mary F i L p a t r i c k '59, Editor-intheir guests.
Chief of ' h e State College News, a n "Play Ball" is a story about the fictitious baseball team nounced t h a t t h e following have
elected to positions with the
known as the Albany Atomics at Albany State College for been
newspaper by the News Board.
Baseball. The team is struggling to keep in last place when
Shoeless Joe arrives from Texas to help the team. Mr. Associate Editors
Wayne, the owner of the team, tries to break Joe away T h e Board has elected M a r t h a
The oldest traditional event in recorded State College
history was re-enacted again this morning as Page Hall
was the scene of the annual Moving-Up Day ceremonies.
Formation of Lines
Following the formation of the class lines, the Grand
Marshall of Campus Commission, Barbara MacDonald, lead
the procession down the Draper steps. Directly behind her,
Miriam Sanderson, Miss New York State; Sally Harter,
Campus Queen of 1958, and the Senior Myskania escorted
Directors Post
Counselor List
Connie Olivo and David Youst.
Juniors, announce the following as
officers and counselors at Frosh
Serving as Assistants to Miss Olivo and Youst will be Anne King '59
and Robert Helwig '60. Secretary is
Marcella Van Leuven, and Estelle
K a u f m a n serves as Treasurer. Both
are Sophomores.
T h e Executive Committee is composed of the following: Marion Silverstein. C a t h e r i n e Rosso, Allen J a quays, F r a n k Krivo, Stanley Mylinski. Sophomores, and Ross Miils
Female Counselors
From the Class of 1959. t h e following will serve as Counselors:
Charlotte Brown. Brenda B u c h a n an, Marcia Cogiey, Delores Giglio,
Natalie Leinoine, Corrine Marro,
Grace Palmissano, Marion Sciortino, J u n e Showernian, and Winnie
Sophomore Counselors are C a t h erine Antonucci, Kay Belknap, Joan
Cali, Harriet Dent, Donna Harris,
JentoftNilsen, Estelle Kaufman,
Kerwin. and Martha Lesick.
Also Nancy McGowan, J o a n Novak, K a t h e r i n e O'Connor. Nancy
Walsh, and Marcella Van Leuven
Freshuian Counselors a r e : Virginia Denhert, Barbara Gladysiewicz, Lucille Jacobson, Su;' James.
Joan Hey wood, J o a n n e Hobson, Rose
Kverek. Nancy Leighton, Barbara
Lewick, Earline Merill, Eileen Mullen, Marilyn Ryan, Alene Rabe,
Mary J a n e Sheperd, Judy Skocylas,
Ann Minie Suiidstrand. and Lois
Alternate Counselors are: I n u l a
Mandel, d a l l e Rogers, .Sharon Sanders, anil Julie Kleiner, ireshmen
Also. Lorraine I.alia J u n e Alexander. M a n i a Cavanaugh, Barbara
Huvti'ii, Ann Fleming, Ann Foley
S phoinures
.Male Counselors
Serving as Counselors lor Ihe in
coming Dlliejays are Hei man All
man. Jack Lewis, Gary Sabln Michael Cn\|e Frank Canni/./o. J a m e s
Kolley, and Richard Bailey
Also. Haul Hooker. Eric Kalka,
David Mead, Charles Nile. Arnold
IC ihstein. Hei berl Wallhers, Richard Bennelt, T h o m a s Galim. David
Feldman, J a m e s Dougherty, I ee
Upcralt. and Edward Whalen
Appointed also to serve as Counselors are Donald F c a i i n a n . J a m e s
Watson. J a m e s Cluvejl, Charle.Fovvler, Paul Harris Charles Reeesso, Walter K-hater, Arthur Strassle,
Jay Hui'lbul, Alex Capasso, B a r n
Jamason, Alan H a w s , Joseph DlCllacoiuo. and Donald Donato
Alternate Counselors are
Balllield, Ronald Short. L. Fred Williams, Juniors; Joel Smith '60; Michael Meader, Clayton LaValle, Anthony Dimperio. Robert Montgomery, David Murphy, Ireshmen
from his girl Sully by m e a n s of
Josephine, the romance wrecker.
W h a t h a p p e n s and how everything
works out is for you to come and
Lesick and David Feldman to the
) osition of Associate Editors. Both f »
are Sophomores.
S o n i O r C
_ •
• l ^ ^ t
Elected to co-author of the "Comm o n s t a t e r " column for the first
YVhv Is Joe Shoeless?
semester of the next college year a r e
T h e Class of 1958 h a s elected
There are twelve musical numbers Carolyn Olivo and J o h n Ormsbee. Patricia Gearing to serve as its
which include a variety of unique
Alumni Councillor, according
songs, dances and production n u m Ronald Alexander, retiring Senior
bers. You will want to find out why Pedagogue
Shoeless Joe is shoeless. Your heart
Retiring Editor-in-Chief of the Class President.
will be melted away by Josephine Pedagogue, Dukene Zervas '58, a n as she slithers through her song nounces these a p p o i n t m e n t s to the Alumni Association
number. You will see a baseball yearbook staff:
Miss Gearing will work closely
player and cheerleader ballet. Such
Dolores Russel, Editor-in-Chief;
songs as "Goodbye, My Girl" and Teresa Kerwin, Assistant Editor; with the Alumni Association as the
"Sally Dear" will lift you out of Jerrv Banfield, Business Manager; representative of her graduating
your seats.
Laureen Dewey, Managing Editor. class. During the next year, she
Radio City's Rockettes have n o t h Also, J u d i t h Pearlstone and B a r - will write to members of t h e Class
ing on our Cheerleaders. See the l:ara Lewick. Assistant Managing
unusual production number, "We'll Editors; Josephine Pietruch, Typing of 1958 for information of interest
Never Lose a Game," and the clev- Editor; Mildred Pasek. Assistant to their classmates.
er opening number, "At. a Good Old Typing Editor; Nancy
This will regularly be printed in
Baseball Game." Hear George Har- Layout Editor; Gale Kleinman, I n the Alumni Quarterly, the journal
ris' superlative overture, and the dex Editor.
blending of the best voices at State.
of the Association. She will also
Yawn during the "Seventh Inning Press Bureau
keep class members informed of
Stretch," cheer during "Heart," and
T h e new director of Press Bureau, Alumni meetings.
laugh during "Give It All You've
Got." Siii'iing, dancing, sets, cos- the student body's publicity agency,
.•Myskania Member
tumes, and fun all go into a de- is Patricia Kovaleski '59.
Serving as her assistant will be
lightful two acts of musical enterWhile at State, Miss Gearing was
Barbara Hublak. Treasurer is Mary a member of Myskania, Secretary ol
Bordiuk. Both are Juniors. Press
Ihe (list
Bureau's Secretary is Josephine Pie- the Senior Class, Vice-President of
WAA, and President of Phi Delta
T h e cast of the musical extrava- truch '(it), while Rochelle Hoch 'til
ganza includes: Mabel. Grace Nes- llll the rapacity of Publicity Direc- sorority.
bitt; Gertrude, Rosalie Walsh: Mr. tor.
Wavne, Richard Erbacher; Clara
Mae, Audrey Hard; Ella Rae, Mar- wood, Carole Waldron, and K a t h garet Darzano; Sally, J u n e Alexan- arine O'Connor.
The Joe "Fingers" C a n ol S t a t e
der; Joe, Thomas Watthews; Benny, K e n n e t h Kadet; Scooter, Joseph College will provide the piano a c Fosegan; Slim, Stephen Hoover; ompanilnenl. His name? George
Ace. Royal Nadeau; Stumpy, Dennis Harris
Burst; Anabolic Newsy,
'>; Rocky,
Newman Club: President, David
Robert Fox; Curl). Donald Rein- Behind the Scenes
furl : Josephine, Frances Fleck.
in the past two weeks, and who you Seckner; Secretary, Jean Mershon;
Page Cheerleaders
won't sec on stage tomorrow a r e : Treasurer, Douglas F r a n k ; PublicThose who are in competition 'lechnica] Stall J o h n Lucas. Wil- ity. Henry Albrecht; Inter-Religious
with the Radio City Rockettes are li, n Gardner. Ginger Weinberg,
Sue James. Joan Call. Elizabeth Audrey Hurd, K a t h a r i n e O'Connor.
Spence. Louise Tornatore, Franzes Margaret Darzano. Louise Beals, Raven.
Pavllga. Frances Lislon Joan Hey- and Stephen Huo\ er
Lull n a n
VicePresident Linda Rehrig; Secretary,
Hi ins. Publicity, Lois Ague
5 8 Councillor
Religious Clubs
Elect Officers
College Honorary Societies
Announce New Officers
New ul lifers lor Stale College
honorarles loi 195H-a9 are
Alpha IJisilon i Education' Mary
Hastings, President , Sue Goodrich
Secretary; and Sue Carinlehael.
Kappa .Mil F.psilon i M a t h e m a t i c s !
President, Ri berl Wiggiu.
VicePresident, George Harris. Corresponding
Sei iciaiy.
Luippold; Recording Secretary, Barbara 'llilele, Treasurer, Kurt Nielsen,
and Faculty Sponsor, Dr
Ralph Heaver.
Kappa I'hi Kappa (Education*:
President, Michael Van Vranken.
Vlee-t resident. Lee DeNikc; Secretary, Walt Hems; Treasurer, Richard Gascoyne; Historian. La Verne
I.ibberl; Faculty S p o n s o r . Mr.
Charles Haughey
.Mil Lambda Alpha i Modern Language! Margaret Wellzner. President; Gisele Boulais, Vice-President . 1 ilhan Caltorini, Secretary
f r a n k Carrino. Faculty Advisor
I'i G a m m a IMu iSocial Science! :
President, Janice M a n n i n g , VicePresident. William Turnboll. Secretary. Marl li' Cohen. Treasurer,
Hurls Wormuth
I'i Omega I'i i Business Education! President, Ralph Spanswick;
Vi e-Pre-idcnl, Vivian Clowe; Secletary, Joyce Sandige;
Barbara Hublak; Historian, P a t r i cia
Tail Kappa Alpha i Speech i : Corrine Marro and J o h n Yager, J u n iors; Richard Clifford, Grad. Mr.
Samuel Pilchard will be the advisor to the honorary
President, Ronald Short. Vice-President, Richard
Wilheliniiia Burton Treasurer. Doroil ly Harper
the graduating class
They were followed
Class Myskania, t h e
the Sophomore Class,
to Page Hall.
by the J u n i o r
J u n i o r Class,
and the fresh-
Class Speakers
Following a welcome by J o h n Y a ger, S t u d e n t Association President,
Ann Marie S u n d s t r a n d , S t e p h e n
Hoover, Palma Vivona, and Sheila
M o n a h a n presented their speeches
for t h e classes of 1961, '60, '59, and
'58, respectively.
Signum Laudis
Evan R. Collins, President of t h e
College, announced the r e m a i n d e r
of those elected to Signuin Laudis.
the scholastic honorary. They a r e :
Carol Andres, Beverly R a h n , Helen
Safford, Susan Shafarzek, Hollis
Tibbetts, Carl Wukits, G r a h a m Zeh,
Seniors; Peter Blomerly, M a r t i n
Cohen, Ellen Dosch, Mary F i t z p a t rick, Gail Hogan, Janice M a n n i n g ,
Joyce Sandidge, Juniors.
Potter Award
William Dumbleton, A s s i s t a n t
Professor of English, presented t h e
Edward Eldred Potter Award to
Robert Whalen '58.
Greek Scholarship Cups
David Hartley, Dean of Men, p r e sented the Inter-fraternity Scholarship Cup to Ronald Pryor, retiring
President of Sigma Lambda Sigma.
This is the second straight year SLS
has received the cup. Should they
retain the award again next year,
they will retire the cup from further
Second to SLS's 2.49 average was
Kappa Beta with 2.30. third. Alpha
Pi Alpha, 2 27; fourth. Potter Club
with 2.22 average.
Sigma Phi Sigma was presented
with the Inter-Sorority Scholarship
Cup by Ellen C. Stokes. Dean ot
Women. Their average was 2.910.
Second was Chi Sigma T h e t a . 2.822;
third, Psi Gamma, 2.751; f o u r t h .
Kappa Delta, 2.750; tilth. Phi Delta, 2.691; sixth. G a m m a Kappa Phi,
2.659. Seventh was Beta Zeta with
a 2.631 average.
Folli wing the announcement ol
th.' Residence Council members lor
next year, and the leaders of J u n i o r
Guides by Dean Stokes, Milton C.
Olson, Director ol Business Education, presented the United Business.
Kcnead award
Yager then introduced Patricia
Gearing '58, as ihe class's Alumni
Canterbury Club: President, William Turnball; Vice-President, Mary
Hastings. Secretary-Treasurer, J o h n Moving-Cp
Conway, Religious Council RepreFollowing the singing ol the Sensentative, J o h n Harrison
na farewell song, directed by Sally
Millet: President, Tnbey Gedukl. Harter. the lour classes moved up
Vice-President, Kleanore Sllverstein, iu ihe singing of the traditional
Corresponding Secretary.
Deanna "Where, o h Where."
Diamond; Recording Secretary, Diane Rosen; Treasurer. Myrnu Mlkel- Organization Announcements
Yager then presented the r e t i r berg.
ing or incumbent leaders of S l a t e
Inter - Varsity Christian Fellow- College organizations, who m a d e
ship: President, Austin N a u m a n ; known new officers and honors. I n Vice-President.
M a r s h ; cluded in these a n n o u n c e m e n t s was
Treasurer, Margaret Sherwood; Sec- the introduction of fraternity a n d
retary, Louise Armstrong; Prayer sorority officers for the first time
and Missions, J a m e s Brower, P u b - on the Page Hall stage.
licity, S a n d r a K a i l b o u r n e
on Payti H, Column Si