Honoraries Elect Officers, Next Year With The Greeks

Elect Officers,
Two honoraries, Pi Omega Pi, the
National Honorary Commerce Fraternity, and Kappa Mu, the honorary Mathematics fraternity, have
elected new officers. The incoming
officers for Pi Omega Pi are President, Warren Dunham; Vice-President, James Lorrichio; Secretary,
Ann Hitchcock; Treasurer, Fred Arcoraci; Historian, Bernice Tyler, and
Editor, Marie Harrigan. All are
Next year's officers of Kappa Mu
include President, Clinton Carpenter '57; Vice-President, Dolores
Peck; Secretary, Mary Bullock, and
Treasurer, Patricia
Twenty new members have been
initiated into Mu Lambda Alpha,
the Modern Language Honorary
Fraternity. The new initiates include: John Krail, Professor of
Education and Supervisor of Modern Languages at Milne, Marilyn
Chenfeld Cohen, Carol Greenhill,
Carol Ann Keyser, Judith Larson,
Rosemarie Sollecito and Elizabeth
Steife:d, Seniors.
New members from the class of
1958 are; Judith Ambrosino, Mary
Crawford, John W. Cronin, Claire
Hampel, Helen Hofmann, Suzanne
Lieberman, Charlotte Norton, Mary
Piccia.no, Donald Rice, Janet Senez,
Selmo Jean Wagenhein, Renate
Wilfert and Dukene Zervas.
Paul Dammer has been elected
President of Mu Lambda Alpha for
the coming year. Serving with
Dammer will be Janet Senez as
Vice-President, Mary Crawford as
Secretary and Mary Picciano as
Treasurer. All are juniors.
State College News
Next Year With The Greeks FeldmanDirectsOriginalSkit;
Plot Satirizes College Camp
Seven sororities a n d t h r e e fraternities have released a listing of their
officers for t h e coming year. T h e
list does not include t h e results of
t h e Alpha Pi Alpha fraternity elections. Their officers will be elected
next week.
Beta Z c t a : President, Sally H a r t er; Vice-President, Arlene Slusarz;
Secretary, Marcia Cogley; Assistant
Secretary-Treasurer, Brenda B u c h a n a n ; Alumni Secretary, Marge
Wemple; Marshals, Phyllis Mallory,
Barbara Kennell; Chaplain, Connie
Olivo; Historian, Cathy Rosso; Serg e a n t s - a t - a r m s , J o a n Novak, Sally
Espey; Song Leader, J a n G a r a t t ;
Pledge Captain, Grace Palmissano.
Chi Sigma T h e t a : President, P a tricia Corcoran; Vice President, Eileen Lalley; Treasurer,
Ackerman; Secretary, P a l m a Longo; Alumni Secretary, Nancy Lou
Ryan; Historian, M a r t h a Lesick;
Song Leader, Carol W a l d r o n ; F a c totum, Catherine Antonucci; R e p resentative to ISC, S u e Goodrich.
Psi G a m m a : President, Patricia
B a c h m a n n ; Treasurer, B a r b a r a T h i ele; Secretary, Dolores Russell, Corresponding Secretary, J u d y B u n t ;
Marshals, M a r i a n n e Moran, J a n e t
Reigle; Chaplain, Helen Hofmann;
Critic and P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n , J a n e
Cass; Social C h a i r m a n , Gale Kleim a n ; House President, J e a n Stress;
Stewardess, K a y e H a r r i s ; Representative to ISC, B a r b a r a Nardecchia.
K a p p a Delta: President, C h a r l o t t e
Norton; Vice President, Sue Russell;
Treasurer, Leah G r e e n m a n ; R e cording Secretary, Peg Neil; Alumni
Secretary, Lorraine L a t t a ;
Marshals, Shirley Stewart, Nancy M c Gowan; Chaplain, Sheila Sullivan;
Historians, Marit
J u n e Sprague; Rush Captain, Anne
Gale Argetsinger; P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ,
Lorraine Kozlowski; Song Leader,
Dorothy Harper.
G a m m a Kappa P h i : President,
J u d y S w a n ; Vice President, Beverly
Petcoff; Treasurer, Ann Sheldon;
Recording Secretary, Sally Eggleston; Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Vaas; Rush Captains, Ginny
Buddenhagen, Mary Clark; Alumni
Secretary, Ami Carl;
J o a n DeLeo, Patricia Fitzgerald;
Clerk, Florence Albani; Historian,
Joyce Pennucci; Editors, Elizabeth
Aceto, Nancy Rishel; Song Leader,
Gail Hogan; Sports Director, Joan
Anderson; P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n , Valerie
B u r n s ; P a r l i a m e n t a r y Committee,
Audrey Hall, G r a c e Nesbitt, and
Deborah Harris, Photographer, Eliza b e t h Aceto.
Phi Delta:
G e a r i n g ; Vice President, Ann Griffin; Treasurer, Sally Weeks; Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Jolly; Marshal, Ann Hitchcock; Representative to I S C ; Sheila Dabrusin;
Co-Rush Captains, Gall Roberts;
Nic a n d r i ; Alumni Secretary, S h i r ley Clarke; Song Leader, Bunny
Silverstein; Athletic Director, Donna K a r r i s ; Publicity Director, Ginger Clum,
Frieda Cohen; Vice President, S h e r ril Silver; Treasurer, Leila Levlne;
Recording Secretary, Ellen Lieberm a n Ritualist, B a r b a r a Schwartzb a ' j ; Corresponding Secretary, Paula H y m a n ; Alumni Secretary, Lenore Mosner; Rush Captain, Susan
. oldfarb; ISC Representative, J a n .ce M a n n i n g ; Social Chairman, Cecil Blum; House President, Barbara
S hwartzberg;
B a r b a r a K a u f m a n ; Assistant Treasurer, Donna Weshner; Historian,
G r u n n a Cohen; Activities Director,
Laurie R o t h s t e i n : Song Leader, Arlene Diamond.
Sigma Lambda Sigma: President,
Ronald Pryor; Vice President, J o h n
Ormsbee; Corresponding Secretary,
J o h n H a g a d o r n ; Recording Secretary, William Cole; Treasurer, Jerry Banflcld; Pledge Master, Paul
Erlckson; Assistant Pledge Master,
Rodney H a r t ; Senior IFC Represent-
Page Hall audience this evening
at eight will witness Typically Dippikill, an original musical comedy
written and directed by (whom else?)
Richard Feldman. A cast of t h i r t y three has been working h a r d all
week to portray the results of this
action in an exaggerated picture of
the W a r r e n s b u r g camp.
Show Tunes Used
Many of the musical n u m b e r s are
taken from c u r r e n t Broadway sellouts with original words by Mr.
Feldman, S t a t e College's lyricist.
"It's a Typical Day" is t h e opening n u m b e r introducing t h e citizens
of Dippikill who are garbed In L'il
Abner attire. A proclamation is issued and read by Brawny Bill telling the people of Dippikill t h a t a
group known as Myskania of S t a t e
ative, Burton Rounds; J u n i o r IFC
Representative, J o h n Cocca; House
House Steward, Paul Erlckson; A t h letic Director, Paul Sloand; Senior
P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n , Robert Kopecek;
P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n 19G0, Fred Collins;
Alumni Coordinator, Lawrence B a ker; Historian, Arnold R o t h s t e i n ;
Song Leader, Richard Bartholomew;
Co-Editors of the Sigma Lambdian,
Robert Fox and Arthur Plotniik.
Edward Eldred Potter Club: P r e s ident, Ronald Graves; Vice-President, Wendell Fowler; Treasurer,
T h o m a s G a r n u ; Clerk, Robert Williams; Alumni Secretary, Robert
G e b h a r d t ; IFC Representative, Wesley B r o w n ;
Herbst; Editor of Potter Post; Art h u r Palazzolo; Song Leader, R o b ert Bosomworth.
K a p p a B e t a : President, J a m e s
Lorrichio; Vice-President, Lee DeNike; Secretary, Henry Hughes;
Treasurer, J o h n Trombly; Senior
IFC Representative, William H e r s h field; Member at Large, Charles
Huntress; Historian, Edward G a l lager.
College is going to come to Dippikill to e d u c a t e them.
A delegation from Dippikill has
been s e n t to S t a t e College to investigate t h e situation there and r e t u r n
to sing " G o v e r n m e n t and Social
Life Is G r a n d , " a social satire on
the college.
Myskania arrives and a t t e m p t s to
educate t h e people of Dippikill. but
in a song and d a n c e number, "They
Had to Pick Us," t h e people of D i p pikill show their dissatisfaction for
The Cast
T h e cast consists of Ronnie Da\ is as Honey Bee, Joe Fosegan as
Brawney Bill, Ro Bordonero as Indi
Anna, P a t Allein as Morning Glory,
Ken K a d c t as Alexander Mcintosh.
Dick E s n e r as Wacky McBang, Lois
J o h n s o n as J u n e Bug, and Tom
W a t t h e w s as Juggles. Bob Fox portrays McKinley McKeever; Dave
Mead, Big R o a r i n ' Moose. Betty
King is t h e C h a i r m a n of Myskania.
T h e rest of t h e Myskania members
are Ron Short, B u n n y Silverstein.
Chuck H u n t r e s s , Marion Brown,
and Don Reinfurt.
B a r b a r a Lessen is May Flower.
J u n e A l e x a n d e r is April Shower.
Roberta Mullarkey is Miss Ippi, Audrey H u r d is Misty Wickum, R-ochel'e Rosenfeld is Missus Ippi.
T h e Dippikillizers (dancing t-hoi us) a r e Linda Nlcandri, DoloreS h l m a n d l e , Carol Scheu, Lois J o h n son, Dick Esner, Tom Watthews.
Dick F e l d m a n , a n d S t a n J e n d r z e j czak. T h e singing and dancing Dippikillers are Carol Mallozzi, Grace
Nesbitt, F r a n k Favat, Steve Hoove:.
Dick Clifford, Marilyn Darzano, and
Katje Bonk.
T h e P r o d u c t i o n Staff
T h e P r o d u c t i o n Staff is as follows ;
Direction and Choreography, Dick
F e l d m a n ; Musical Direction and
A r r a n g e m e n t , George Harris; Makeup. K e n K a d e t ; Costumes, Bettv
King; Lighting, Don J a c k s o n : wr.d
Scenery, Ei een Lalley.
VOL. X L I I . NO. 13
Student Body Votes On Proposed Constitution Today;
Compulsory Convocation Hears Budgets For Approval
Math Honorary Turns National;
Initiates Members At Banquet
Robert Stimpson '57, this year's President of Kappa Mu,
Mathematics Honorary Fraternity, announces that Kappa
Mu will be installed as the New York Beta Chapter of Kappa
Mu Epsilon, the National Mathematics Honorary Fraternity.
Kappa Mu will be the second chapter of KME in New York
State, the only other chapter being at Hofstra College.
The installation will take place at the annual banquet
Thursday at 6:30p.m. in the University Club. The installing
officer will be Frank Hawthorne, Supervisor of Mathematics Education in New York State and also National Historian
of Kappa Mu Epsilon. Dr. Hawthorne will also be the guest
speaker. The topic of his speech is "Projectile Geometry."
Kappa Mu was organized here in the fall semester of
1955. Violet H. Larney, Associate Professor of Mathematics,
Tli;1 Cummer: e Club announces
that its ninth a n n u a l conference
will be held tomorrow al Brubacher
Hall. T h e program will commence
at 8:liO a.m. with a coffee hour to
be sponsored by Pi Omega Pi. Oscar
E. Lanforcl, Dean of t h e College, will
present the welcoming address. T h e
morning session will consist of
machine exhibits, s t u d e n t - t e a c h e r
demonstrations, and a speaker.
(illest S i t t ^ e r
The guest' speaker for this occasion will be Dr. Robert E, Slaughter,
Vice-President and General M a n ager of the Gregg Publishing Division of the McGraw-Hill Book Company. Dr. Slaughter's topic will be
" F u t u r e Problem Areas in Business Education."
Dr. Donald Mulkerne, Associate
Professor of Business, will demons t r a t e correct and incorrect teacliing methods with "Operation Mixup." A luncheon will be held al
12:30 in the main dining w u u at
Brubacher Hall. T h e eosl will In
$1 .HO per person. T h e afternoon • e.s
sion will feature panel discussions
T h e club cordially invites all tin
people in tin Commerce Departim-n
to attend the conference.
WINSTON is always good company !
is the faculty advisor to the honor
fraternity and is the only living
member of Kappa Mu Epsilon a t
S t a t e College.
This year K a p p a Mu has sponsored monthly
programs, most ol
which have been open to the p u b lie, concerning "Mathematics
Industry." including guest speakers
from R.P.I., G e n e r a l Electric, and
P r u d e n t i a l Life Insurance Company.
T h e r e are three requirements to
become a member of Kappa Mu.
First, a 3.0 average in Mathematics
Courses; second, a 2.5 overall academic average: third, consent ol
present membership.
T h e total membership ol Beta
Chapter, including members who
have graduated last J u n e is 82.
T h e following new members will
be initiated at the banquet: Albert
O a t m a n and Michael La Cava, Seniors: Louise Wells. Barbara T a c k a bury, Richard Guzewick, and H a r t ley La Duke, J u n i o r s ; Dorothy Davis,
Doris W u r m u t h , William Mackie,
Robert Wiggin, George Harris, and
J a m e s Powers. Sophomores.
faculty members will inciiide Glenn
lie Long, Assistant Prolessor ol Education: Charles Haughey. Associate Prolessor ol Education; Paul
Kcbaefer, Assistant
Professor of
M a t h e m a t i c s ; and William Adams,
Assistant Professor ol Mathematics.
1 he o t h e r s for next year, wno
will also be i n f l a t e d at t h e banquet
('ml!una il "it l'iu/< ) Column ,". <
After a week of controversy, the
proposed Student Association Constitution comes to its test today in
a vote of the student body. T h e new
Myskania will conduct the balloting in lower Draper Hall from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m.
Controversy Rages
Throughout this past week, some
issue was raised as to the effectiveness of the Amendment clause of
the document (article 10, as printed
in last Friday's issue of the News).
At an open hearing on the constitution Tuesday evening, J o h n Yager
'59 proposed a substitute clause
which would permit a -u "yes"
vote of the student body to pass
any amendment.
This proposal would have opposed
the Constitution Committee's wording. which also calls for a --j "yes"
vote, but also adds t h a t this % tion to reconsider or rescind t h e
must include thirty per cent of S t u - motion to vote today m a d e in this
dent Association.
morning's convocation would be out
of order. In establishing this ruling
Hearing Poorly Attended
from t h e chair, he quoted from
At the hearing Tuesday evening,
Robert's Rules of O r d e r : "A vote
which was poorly a t t e n d e d , t h e
Amendment clause was debated, a n d cannot be rescinded after something
those in opposition to t h e docu- has been done as a result of t h a t
ment's wording asked for either a vote t h a t the assembly c a n n o t u n He then ruled t h a t voting
vote on the two proposals today, or do."
a postponement of voting for a n - would be held today, with a s t r a i g h t
other week. Clyde Payne, out going •yes" or " n o " vote on t h e document
President of S t u d e n t Association, as it appeared in last week's News.
ruled t h a t since S t u d e n t Associa- It was pointed out t h a t in t h a t
tion, in an authorized convocation, issue, there is one misprint. Corhad voted to vote on t h e ratifica- rected. Article VII, t e r m of office,
tion of the document today, any reads: "All elected officers shall
other suggestion would be out of
assume office a t the beginning of
second semester and serve until
Wednesday Night Ruling
the beginning of the second semester
At S t u d e n t Council Wednesday of t h e following academic year. . ."
evening, Payne ruled that any m o - T h e rest of t h e article is correct as
printed. Today's vote will be posted
on the Myskania bulletin board
Monday morning.
Expert Lists Foolproof Method,
Plans Mental Attacks On Profs
So exams arc coming, so what?
Ho I'll tell you what I'm going to
do. Just .step right up and get the
dope on the newest, most foolproof
method of passing ever devised. And
think twice brother if you think
you don't need any help passing.
Why do you think UN I VAC is
working for a radio station this
year? Study? T h a t won't help you.
They don't ask you any questions
about alii thing you studied. Someuody might get good grades then.
But back to this new method that
has received both the Good CourseCribbing Seal and the Underdcsk
W i n . i's Lavatory Seal.
The first plan of attack is to
u l l your instructor t h a t the only
reason you missed his class so much
was because you set your watch b>
the Page Hall clock before you realized this week that the clock
wasn't working. Of course this clock
stopped in 1911, but it lakes a little lime to gel thing's done at State.
Jusl refer your instructor to the
Convocation Agenda
According to Marilyn Leach '58,
C h a i i m u n of the Convocations C o m 1KANKONIS
mittee, this morning's assembly is
compulsory, and all those with seats
devised by those s t u d e n t s who ob- in Page Hall must attend.
.'.i rved at the o u t s t a n d i n g Albany
At this morning's meeting, the
high schools. Here you walk up to
j o u r professor and convince him new SA officers will be installed,
that you should pass by tapping l m n Clyde Payne will offer his farewell
lightly on the head. (Use an object addr"'&, and Donald Rice '58, C h a i r similar to our new trophy case. T h i s man ol S t u d e n t Boaid of Finance,
object not offered 1957-58.i T h e n
will present several budgets for
take out your switchblade and proapproval
of the Convocation.
ceed to cut his red pencil into .ittle
pieces. J u s t before he passes out
lrom the shock of losing his little
red pencil make him sign a paper
saying t h a t you have passed his
course with a C. (Anything higher
might fatally shock the old folks
at home, i
In case of failure of the above two
methods (which is unlikely) the
third plan is sure to work. J u s l
collect uOO ol your best friends and
vole to eliminate the course you
are failing. No course, no grades.
Naturally no credit either, but w h a t
good are grades. T h a i ' s w h a t they
say in Education.
Thc. 3 c budgets have yet to. have
the approval of the s t u d e n t body:
C a m p Board, AMIA, Dramatics and
Arts Council, the College Handbook,
and Piimer.
C o m m o n - S t a t e r Writers
At the conclusion of the meeting,
the State College News Board will
announce the writers of "CommonS l a t e r " for the first semester of tne
coming school year.
Dean Gives
Final Notices
These are the three alternatives
II this doesn't work, then try II you are unable to apply any ol
plan Number Two This method was them successfully, the only thing left
A service charge of five dollars
to do is to bid the cruel world for late registration wili be charged
goodbye, and throw yourself to the
to all those who fail to register i m mercy of the pigeons.
mediately, a n n o u n c e s Oscar Lanford,
Dean of the College. Pre-registrution Ibis Spring should be completed as soon as possible in order t h a t
fall registration may be completed
Qatzd, fifo-tice AH4ftkmif?
Social Service
Offers Grant
The Albany Jewish Social Service
is offering a two .'.ear scholarship
lor professional training in the
field of social case work T h e c a n didate must meet the r e q u i r e m e n t s
ol a bachelor's degree lrom a recognized college, and must be a woman ol tilt Jewish faith. She must
also meet the requirements ol a recognized professional school ol social work.
• Here's a cigarette you and your date can
get together on! Winston flavor is rich,
full — the way you like it. And the one and
This scholarship is bem^ offered
with the expectations that the recipient will join the s t a l l of t h e
Albany Social Service a Her she
completes her professional training
and receives her master's degree in
social work. The recipient is expected to work as a m e m b e r of the
staff for a period ol time equivalent
to t h a t spent in training.
I O U A C C 0 CO .
Switch to WINSTON America's best-selling, best-tasting fitter cigarette!
W I H b l O H »AUKM, N
All women who wish to apply may
receive further information by calling Miss Rosemary Antin, Albany
Jewish Social Service, 2U1 S t a t e
Street, Albany, New York.
Telephone 62-4291.
Dean Lanford
classes will be suspended on T h u r s day. May lit), and will resume the
following morning al 8 a.m. Examinations will begin on Saturday,
.June 1.
All male students who have not
t h e n military
obligations .should request before the end
of t h e school year that the Registrar's Office send a FORM 109 to
their local draft board, announces
David Hurtley, Dean ol Men T h e
forms are a s t a t e m e n t of the relative standing of each man in his
class and are used by the d r a l t
board for the granting of educational defen'iiumts.
Dean Hartley announces t h a t all
men who are not housed in the inside hall will know by a p p r o x i m a t e ly Wednesday, May 15, so they c a n
huve a m o n t h to check on offcainijus housing. Those who have
not yet d r a w n for rooms should do
so today.
3 0 Per Cent ? ?
This proposed constitution will be impossible to amend once that it is passed by
you. When you are casting your ballot today remember . . .
It will take an affirmative vote of 30
per cent of the entire student association
in order to amend any single portion of
this constitution. Think. Just stop and
think of the possible consequences of such
a situation. A requirement such as this is
actually giving those individuals who did
not possess enough interest in the contest
to cast a ballot, an automatic no vote. Not
(-> vote is to vote no.
Yes, this constitution would abolish the
dreaded compulsory convocation, it would
create a senate, but so also could a constitution which included a more practical
amendment clause. To be able to amend a
constitution does not forsee a chaotic condition of constant change. It simply insures us of the ability to amend if amendment should become necessary.
Defeat this constitution on the basis of
this amendment clause. Demand that this
article IX be revised, and that this second
constitution be submitted to you for your
ratification. A constitution which may last
years is well worth another week.
Vote no!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Vote "yes" and ratify the
proposed Student Association Constitution
today. It is a sound document—in fact,
the only controversy which has arisen is in
the amendment clause. To those people
who h^pc to defeat the whole document
on this one clause, we ask "Is it worth it?"
The opposition to the clause has repeated, time and time again that expecting
thirty percent of SA to vote the ratification
of an amendment "is too idealistic." What's
wrong with being idealistic? These same
people-say that no stipulation as to the
number of persons percentage-wise needed
to pass an amendment is "realistic."
We agree 100% (not 30%) that this is
realistic—when you're tightly bound by the
past of this college, and fail to give the future half a chance! Who are you to say
that we won't get over five hundred people
to vote on an amendment in the future?
If the opposition owns a crystal ball, please
let us take a look . . . exams are coming up!
Who cares if only 900 people vote in the
college's biggest election today? How are
we to know that next year, or even in 100
years, 99''<of the school won't want to vote
for an amendment?
Let's make amendments to this constitution worthwhile, and not the "junk" we
have incorporated in our present document
today. This is an SA Constitution—if we
can't get 30rr out to vote "yes" on an
amendment, it doesn't deserve to be included in an SA Constitution.
To the opposition: vote "yes'' — then
change if you want to!
Alpha Pi Alpha, Sigma
Phi Sigma Slate Formats
Year In Review . . .
The semester . . . spring, 1957. . . . You
should have been there. . . . We will chalk
up one mark for the 1956 Pedagogue as it
reached our hands last February. . . . How
about it, will the Ped make it this year? . . .
Replacement elections. . . . The ball began
to roll for revision in student government
and it gained impetus as a tri-class meeting was held to discuss the possibilities of
political parties. . . . Outcome was the removal of all restrictions on campaign procedures by Election Commission. . . . After
a long, long trail the sororities and fraternities finally pledged their new members.
. . . They numbered 249. . . . The drum was
beating as Albany Staters invaded the Armory for the big game against Siena. . . .
Regardless of the support, the gigantic
floor proved too much and the Peds fell to
the mercy of the Siena team. . . . Tough
break. . . . Never say die though, for our
team turned in an excellent season with a
17-5 record. . . .
State Fair rolled around and the halls
were mobbed with a fine spirited crowd. . . .
They dug deep into their pockets and contributed $1,119.66 to the cause. . . . Remember the terriffic Potter show. . . . Come
back next year. . . . A new magazine hit
the literary scene . . . Penguin. . . . Heavens, look at this. . . . The fall semester
Dean's List shows an increase in numbers.
. . . How did that happen?
First . . . Parents' Day. . . . Nice, warm
balmy day. . . . Swarms of parents. . . . Success.'. . . Ah, the State College Revue
finished the day in a fine fashion. . . . Another first . . . Broadway hit . . . "Plain
and Fancy." . . .
Nominations open for school and class
officers for next year. . . . Declinations overwhelmed Student Association. . . . No vicepresident candidates. . . . Second attempts
permitted . . . two candidates. . . .
Annual Dawn Dance snags too few ta^crs"
Marcia Levine captures the best
award of the co-eds of State College. . . . Marcia Lawrence, Editor of the
State College News for the fall semester,
receives a first place rating from Columbia
Scholastic Press. . . . 1958 Pedagogue . . .
Juniors have pictures taken . . . efficiency
. . . rings, rings, and banquets. . . .
Moving-Up Day . . . 13 seats are filled and
13 votes decide the presidential race. . . .
Today . . . proposed constitution goes to
Student Association for ratification
Vote . . . Vote.
iMLd* 7a Glydi
It is the custom eaeli w a r In pay a tribute to the
outgoing SA President. For us this year it is more
t h a n an empty r i t u a l : it is a welcome opportunity.
To be a leader at any time is a difficult task. To
lead at a time when sweeping changes are eddying
about, and coni lit ling opinions are coming a t you
from all sides, is an almost superh u m a n task. Calmly and thoughtfully Clyde has led lis in such a
lime, never claiming infallibility hut,
harder and more important, offering willingness to rectify mistakes,
loyalty to his duties, and patience
with his co-workers. His record of
BY r u t C U S S O f I O I a
MTvice to the college stands ably
S I M ' D I K I Place A C ! ' on its merits and will not soon be
F'lrst °!acfl USPA
N u 1H
Such a person could nut, .mil does
,V. : i i '
Iron, 7 I M»h
Member*, ol the NEWS Mat! iimj l/i r e u c h e n
not, lack our re peel. K i t u, do not
l 3-3326
I I. I .!.• I III) n HI
11 iJ m and T u e s d a y from 3 to (1 p m
respect Clyde lor tills alone. To
azareK 2-D870. Hitchcock 2-7830. Kampl 3-UH70
know a person sincerely line in all
The u n d e r g r a d u a t e n e w s p a p e r ol
tin New
i,e NKWH II..
published every Friday of the College >. I I l>
lie does is a privilege, and this
I l> I ,111M! in ( hlcl privilege is ours in knowing Clyde.
MAItlfc U K T I M E R
( ii lidllin i n C h l i l
And it is in knowing Clyde that
IMTlillve lihtui
Iliiaini'Sh Advertising l i l l i u i our best tribute finds its cause. This
f i l l Ml.ll.llll Lilitoi is the tribute of friendship, based
Asuoi lute Lditm on many
memories: memories ol
AsMii-late Eiiltiii
. , i,m
„ c l . i l e„ ..„
J .hi,,i ( \vde swaying to the beat of his
Associate i.iliiin drums with his eves almost shut at
Feature KdUui .,
,( cMege
,, s
( , a I u .,. |
( |V(lt.
AUTill.'H r X O T N I K
S p u r U Lilllut many
attraction-clown at
(oluulllftlll llu.sliiesfi AdviTlislnjj Lililw
i ; j t r l i c s C l y d e grinning and pitching
A»»<iilati. F e a t u r e Editur tin- softball
in to where he thought
W i l l i AM fKA.NHONIS
CiiiiMiltani Siiuii., Editor
JOSEPH S W I E I l / O W H K l
was, Clyde "adjoining"
stuff l'lllltOKIull{ll'l
WII.I.AK1I ( i l l . L E T T f !
assemblies . . . who of us cannot
A1J conwnUhic-at.on. 1 ! should lie a d d r e s s e d to the e d i t o r ami uiu&l be oigneii
will be w i t h h e l d o n r c i u t M
'the S T A T E COLLEGE NKWH a .Mem.;, no rc-.poni.bi!.'., fill in his ntwi memories of Clyde?
for o p i n i o n s e x p r e s s e d In Its c o l u m n s or c o m / n u n k a l l o n s , a-, su h e x p r e s s i o n s Ct> not
To Clyde Irving Payne two tribn e c e s s a r i l y reflect its views
utes: one for loyalty, service, and
leadership, written here; one for a
«*£>>fiiend in the h e a r t s of his friends.
"I feel sort of liirhl-headed
L Gammon,-State/i
B W-
Alpha PI Alpha and Sigma P h i
Sigma will hold formal weekends
beginning tonight. APA announces
t h e election of officers.
George M u r p h y '57, Social C h a i r m a n of Alpha PI Alpha fraternity,
announces p l a n s for a formal weekend. Tomorrow n i g h t a
d i n n e r - d a n c e will be held a t t h e
Normanside Country Club in Delmar. Murphy Is c h a i r m a n of t h e
d i n n e r - d a n c e a n d Is being assisted
by Michael Newman '59 in p l a n n i n g
the fraternity picnic to be held
Sunday afternoon a t T h a t c h e r Park.
APA Officers
Alpha Pi Alpha elected the following officers Monday n i g h t : P r e s ident, Robert Anderson '58; House
Manager, T h o m a s Hoppey '57; VicePresident, Richard S h a n d s ; Pledge
Master, David Youst; Treasurer,
J a m e s S o u h r a d e ; Social C h a i r m a n ,
William Bird; I F C Representative,
Henry Boehning; Recording Secretary, M a r t i n Goodrich; Alumni Secretary, Sverre Samuelson; S e r g e a n t at-Arms, Conrad Schmidt; Parliam e n t a r i a n , J o h n Yager, Sophomores.
S p i r t s C h a i r m a n , Russell Hall;
Chaplain, William Schwager; Historian, Donald Bindrim, J u n i o r s ;
Corresponding Secretary. Richard
P a r d e e ; Custodian, William Thiesen;
Songleader, Lee Upcraft; Publicity
Director, Charles Fowler, freshmen.
Sorority Weekend
F r e i d a Cohen '58, P r e s i d e n t ol
S i g m a P h i S i g m a sorority, a n n c u n c e s t h a t the sorority formal
weekend will be held today, t o m o r row, and Sunday.
T o n i g h t t h e r e will be a concert
a n d a g a t h e r i n g for t h e m e m b e r s
a t H o t Shoppes. Tomorrow n i g h t
the sorority formal will be held a t
Herbert's from nine to one o'clock.
T h e weekend will end with a picnic
a t T h a t c h e r P a r k Sunday.
C o - c h a i r m e n for t h e weekend are
Arline Blrnbaum and Sherril Silver. J u n i o r s . T h e chaperones include
Mrs. Seiden, housemother of Sigma
P h i Sigma; Brlta Walker, Associate Professor of Art at Milne, and
Mr. Walker; and F r a n k Carrino,
Associate Professor of Modern L a n guages, and Mrs. Carrino.
Music Council Concludes Activities;
Schedules Annual Spring Concert
At 10 this evening, in Page Hall,
Music Council will present its a n n u a l S p r i n g Concert, a n n o u n c e s
Marilyn" de S a n t a , '57, P r e s i d e n t of
Music Council.
Professors t o Conduct
T h e o r c h e s t r a a n d string e n s e m ble p a r t s of t h e concert will be
conducted by Charles P. Stokes,
Professor of Music. T h e choral
groups a r e to be conducted by K a r l
A. B. Peterson, Associate Professor
of Music. T h e accompanists for t h e
evening are Barbara Sampler, Marcellne Waggoner, and George H a r r i s ,
Orchestra Selections First
S t a r t i n g the program will be t h e
"Song of J u p i t e r " by
HandelAnderson, next will be the " T o u r n a inent of T e m p e r a m e n t s " by D l t t e r s dorf, following this will be t h e
"Overture to La Vie P a r i s i e n n e " by
Ofrenbach-Dorati. All t h e opening
n u m b e r s wil be presented by t h e
Here's a last bit of advice. Vote "yes" for the new constitution. It.
the best thing we've seen here in a long time. T h e committee has spent
over forty hours of hard work and has come up with something in
telllgent, broad, general, and on an adult level. This is w h a t we've been
asking for.
Sororities and fraternities a r e n ' t the only Greeks around here. An
other group of the "toga crowd" is presenting "Antigone" on May 11
and 18. So hitch up your chariot and get going. If you've got musical
tendencies, you'll go to the Spring Concert tonight. T h e program sounds
Last Music Council Event
Everyone is invited to a t t e n d this,
Music Council's concluding event of
the year.
Much applause goes to Ann Kinsler for her excellent organization
of a very smooth and well planned Moving-Up Day. It was a shnnn
to waste J a n Champagne's beautiful ivy speech on an audience win
if they could hear, weren't interested anyway. We believe t h a t the i\>
speech should not be an anti-climatic p a r t of Moving-Up Day, bui
should have a specified time of its own, or should be entirely dispensed
with. By the way, the choices of class speakers this year couldn't him
been better.
We've complained about various things around the school, but
must admit that since September, we have seen m a n y new innovation:
the opening of the new English and Music building, the painting of tin
halls, P a r e n t s ' Day, wrestling as a varsity sport, a Broadway show, in
ginning construction on a new dorm, a new constitution, and a high
improved basketball team. Big things and little things . . . but they're ,il
important improvements. We know t h a t the school will always continn'
to improve itself. We, the commonstaters. leave as our class docs wi'i
many fine memories of the past, the present, and of what we hope v\:i
be in the future. Good luck, S t u d e n t Association, you're not such
bad group, after all.
Our last will and t e s t a m e n t :
To Student Council . . . a social calendar.
To Myskania . . . a trial and an impeachment, case.
To Minerva
. . a pair of skates for a quick getaway.
To Student Union Board . . . a c h a i r m a n .
To Campus Commission
. a tryout.
To State College News
two commonstaters.
To the Commons . . a fit size orchestra to ncn inipally the piiiih
To -State College Revue .
. Mime facilities.
To the peristyles
. bars,
To the mailboxes
"Happy Hunting."
'l'n thi' freshmen
"Th • Most Happy rella '
To the So| homorc
"Hells Are Ringing "
'1;. the Juniors
"Orpheus Descending."
To the Seniors
strong stomachs, a smile, strong slum,i
T,i in r -in i" ss irs
no, k ol jo '.!'-, s: i'i tin stomach, good quotations, si rung stomachs
in'ii'i: in • m m d , -1 rung loinaehs and a soul that is prepared to inn '
maker at any uiiuiiciil
D o Y< ill HAVF 588 FRIENDS?
College Calendar
I 1(1 DAY', MAY 10
10 I) a in Compulsory Comoc.alion. Page Hall
7 'Mi pin
Musi' Council's Spring Concert, P i n e
K :i() a 111 Commerce Club Annual Confereiwe, Hrubaclicr Hall,
\2 '.',{) pin
Commerce c l u b Luncheon, Brubacher Main Dining Room
si c
to all
ii:00 p.m. Alpha Epsilon Initiation Ceremonies. University Club
Senior Week
Starts June 13
The Senior Banquet and the Senior Ball are among the events
planned for Senior Week, reports
James Lockhart '57, Vice-President
ol the Senior Class.
T h e Hideway of Celebrites located
on Central Avenue will be the scene
of the Senior B a n q u e t Thursday
evening, J u n e 13. President Collins
has been engaged to speak a t the
'holographed above is the newly-elected Myskania. From left to right a r e : Patricia Gearing, Joseph banquet. Miss C a t h e r i n e Newbold,
S/.arek, J o h n Stefano, Robert Kopecek, Ronald Alexander, Freida Cohen, Richard Ilinck, Jack Tate, Sally Assistant Professor of History, and
Josiah T. Phinney, Professor of
Darter, Eileen Lalley, Marilyn Leach, Mary Bradley, and Lorraine Koslowski, Juniors.
Economics, will be guests a t t h e
event. Joseph Anderson '57 will be
Master of Ceremonies. T h e committee for the banquet consists of:
General C h a i r m a n ;
Sheila Lister, A r r a n g e m e n t s ; Marilyn De Santa, Programs and TickDid anyone ever hear of a
ets: Morton Hess, Speaker and
h a n u t e d newspaper office? Well,
Tickets; Betty King, E n t e r t a i n m e n t .
next year we're going to entertain three spirits (ya know—
ghosts) just cuz we can't afford
erasers to remove their n a m e s
The Senior Ball will be held
from N e w s b o a r d a t t e n d a n c e
Friday, J u n e 14 at the S h a k e r Ridge
order to write a good s h o r t story.
Leah Lovenheim Short-Story
Country Club. Bids for the evening
T h e best stories are those t h a t are
are $4 per couple. J o h n n y Mical
natural, real, and alive. Bob Backer.
If you can spell your name, type
and his orchestra will provide the
a non-English major h a s proven
leave behind her smiles and
up a short story and bring it to this assertion by creating some exmusic for dancing.
William A.
laughter to amuse and help tenRichardson 81! iDr. Mclhvainei be- tremely entertaining items for T h e
Dumbleton. Assistant Professor of
time story writers and headline
fore 4 p.m., May 21). You can win News and The Penguin.
English, and Frank G. Carrino,
experts. She'll remember News
twenty-five dollars. T h e a n n u a l
Assistant Professor of
Languages, will be guests of the
Leah Lovenheim literary contest h a s
W h a t can you write about? T h e r e
fun of being editor!
an. no restrictions; the adventures
R a t h e r t h a n merely
a n n o u n c e ol some one you know, someplace
J o s e p h Swlerzowski (that's
Torch Night and Commencement
tills fact in The News, we have you've been, a complete fantasy, a
Swizz, gangl has been around
decided to give the m a t t e r special s t r a n g e event you have witnessed,
for lour years and t h a t ' s a lot
Saturday, June lb' marks State's
e m p h a s i s because of the needlessly a favorite family tale—there are
of daze—he still wants to serve
"Torch Night",
small interest of the school in literally thousands of possibilities,
more time . . . t h a t is write
Stevens is Chairman. Her Comliterary endeavors. Since more peo- and there are no restrictions on
more spurts columns. Every ismitteemen a r e : Elizabeth Stapleton,
ple read this column t h a n any other length. A s h o r t Story can be onesue since way
Nancy Schneider, Patricia Burke,
bicau.se it is the best, I have a p - hundred pages long if it differs
bows . . er . . a folds to his
Barbara Duniont, and Miss King,
pointed myself to bring the m a t t e r
creative genius.
Seniors. Senior Week will culmincan be one page long.
t > your attention.
ate Sunday, J u n e hi with comWhen
T h e most iinpurtanl tiling is that
mencement on Dorm Field. If it
one does not have to be an English
rains, commencement
major ur a yutttig Hemingway in
place at the Palace Theatre.
will be completely rewarding wliethSclilotthauber, (Essiel, will j u m p
ei you win or not. In a curriculum
up at them. This is no gimmick
id absorption, a creative endeavor
to get you ituys gung ho over
is un unbelievably relaxing outlet
ads, hut r a t h e r a tribute to a
Kill w h o i s !
that the
It would be yood to see our college
show interest in a creative competiHarry Price, Professor of History tion. Perhaps teachers are really
we'll even supply the chains . . ,
OFFICE of the
and Dr. Matthew Elbow, Associate nut the walking text-book.s they
on which you've truly earned a
Professor of History; Dennis Demp- have been accused of being.
ster, Doris Dunn, Hergert Felske,
Fraternity Jewelers
Charles l.aFontaine and (Catherine
Monsees, Seniors; Marie Dettmer.
is located in
Shirley Eldred, Ira Goldstein, Rich1'he University Post Office
a i d Hinck, Hubert Kopecek, Willis
Lurkin, R u t h Larson, Margaret Mc2nd Floor - 171 Marshall St.
Neil, F r a n k Merli, J e a n n e , Merritl,
Syracuse 75-7837
Carol Wiggins, and Lenore Mosner,
Headquarters for
Fraternity Pins - Rings - Gifts
Favors - Plaques - Cups - Medals
Stationery - Programs
*7i4e Open Mind
National Social Science Honor Society,
Pi Gamma Mu, To Install Members
T h e New York Delta Chapter ol
Pi Gumma Mu, National .Social
Silence Honor Society, will bold
initiation ceremonies for twenty-two
raw members Wednesday, B:3u p.m.
al the University Club announces
Charles Willsey '57, President Dniiit r will be served. Guest speaker
will be Dr. Watt Stewart, Professor
of History.
New Initiates
Those to be initiated are Dr.
'i C) p.m. News Board and St.,ill Picnic. T h a t c h e r Park
ti 3' p.m Pi G a m m a Mu initiation Ceremonies, University
D & A Council
Presents Play
T h e D r a m a t i c s and Arts Council
will present the Greek tragedy,
Antigone," by Sophocles on May
17 and 18 a t 8:3U p.m. in Page Hall.
Admission is by s t u d e n t tax. Outside tickets are $1.0J and may be
purchased from Marilyn Leach '58.
This will be the final production ol
the Dramatics and Arts Council
this year.
T h e play will be directed by
J a m e s Leonard, Assistant Prolessor of English. Paul Pettit, Associate Professor of English, is the
t.clinical director, and J a r k o B u r inn. Assistant Professor of English,
is in charge of m a k e - u p and costumes.
Members of the cast include:
Antigone. Anastasia Perdaris; chorus, Emtnett Ten Broeck, J u n i o r s ;
C.nUiry, Frances Ireland '57; Cretin, K e n n e t h S m i t h ; Ismeiie, Nancy
Gayde; Teiresias, William G a r d n e r ,
Sophomores; Haimon, Robert Helwig; messenger, Jack B u r t o n ; Choragos, David C h a n c e r ; chorus, J o h n
Griffin: lecturer. Ralph Wessellm a n n ; boy, David Miller, freshmen;
guards, William Hoani and Patrick
Moylan, and
Wi Hum G a r n e r .
Objective Analysis
This play needs no contemporizution to "Speak for our own time."
In the staging concept of this play,
however, there is a planned a d a p t ation ol the ancient Greek "presentaiitional" tlie.lire to make an objeclive unalysis of the plot easier lor
a i nod •in audience. The ".ecturer"
is a i har.icter added to the play by
Leonard who lakes over some ol
th.e speeches ol Coragos His I inn
11:HI is to lend some added measure.
HI "estrangement," all increasing ol
ai slhelic distance ,o thai .suspense
audience become
and i mot ion in ih.
eotivc coiisidera-
bell-Tipton, "Llsthe Young Maidens" by De Carac, "A Blo.ssom P a l l s "
by Ravel, and Dlak's "Sing a Song
of Sixpence".
Woodwind Ensemble P r e s e n t a t i o n s
S t a t e s m e n t o Sing
Next t h e S t a t e s m e n will sing t h e
'Musette" by K a t h e r l n e Davis
"Creation H y m n " by Beethoven, "O a n ( j 'Rondo" by von Weber will
Jesus G r a n t Me Hope a n d Comfort' t h e n be presented by t h e Woodby F r a n c k . La-verty's "Psalm 117" wind Ensemble.
will t h e n be sung.
T h e next songs to b e presented
String Ensemble to Play
will be "My Soul's G o n n a Rise
T h e String Ensemble will t h e n
Again" by Touchette, "This T h a i n "
play "Opus 7 in G" by Haydn.
by O'Hara, and "Economics" by
Women's Chorus
Weill. They will be sung by the
Following this the Women's Chorus will present " W i t h a Voice of Statesmen.
Singing" by Shaw, "Open Thy Blue
Final Selections
Eyes" by Massenet and "The CreaT h e final presentations will be
tion" by Rlchter.
sung by the Collegiate Singers.
C'horalettes to Sing
These selections will be "The Keys"
After this t h e Choralettes will by Rubinstein, "Song of the Vagapresent "A Spirit Flower" by C a m p - bonds" by Friml, " S h e n a n d o a h " and
a "Sea S h a n t y " arranged by Siegmelster and "Hop Up, My Ladies"
and "The American Play Party
Song" arranged by Gilbert.
"With every word, a r e p u t a t i o n dies."
As for our predictions, we think we did pretty well, considering vo
picked eleven out of the thirteen people for Myskania. Maybe our sen
choices were wrong, but we think they were better suited t h a n some ol
Myskania's choices.
SS N. Luke Ave.,
Near Washington Ave
H e Aim To Please
L(», Balfour Company
Gerald Drug Co.
Carl Sori'mui, Manager
Syracuse '39
17 Western Ave.
Albany, N. V.
Phone (i-3610
75 State Street
N. Y.
Write or call
or visit us a n d see
for information complete display
and catalogue Open daily 10 to 5
Diane Davey, Registrar, releases
the following schedule for t h e spring
exams. T h i s schedule is subject to
change, and the room numbers will
be posted on t h e S t u d e n t Personnel
Bulletin Board a t a future date.
T h e S t a t e College News wishes to
t h a n k Mrs. Davey for her work in
releasing t h e schedule at this time
in order t h a t it could be published
in our last issue.
Saturday, J u n e 1, A.M.
Co 19
En 106
Ge 3
Sp 3
Bi 20
Bi 25
Saturday, J u n e 1, P.M.
Gk 1
Co 113
Ed 301B
En 109
Li 320
Ma 28
Pr 104
Ma 222
PI 100
Bi 122
Hy 2A
Hy 2
Hy 3
Monday, J u n e 3, A.M.
Co 3B
Ed 218
Ed 114GS
S h 112
En 203
Li 313
Sp 120B
Pr 8
He 1
Bi 15
P h 119
P S 10
P S 12
Monday, J u n e 3,
Gk 203
Ed 20
Ed 114SS
LI 228
Py 126
Hy 244
Tuesday, J u n e 4,
Co 24
Ed 216
Li 321
ES 5
Ch 18A
C h 116
So 209
Tuesday, J u n e 4,
Ed 261
En 29
Bi 200
Ph 1
Hy 121
Wednesday, J u n e
La 217
Co 6
Ed 301A
Ed 325A
En 2
Sh 163
En 216
Li 222B
Ma 328
Co 125
Ed 114ML
Ed 260
Ma 227
Bi 312
Ed 285
Ma 111
Sc 1
Ec 232
Hy 214
5, A.M.
P r 203
Ge 103
Sp 9
S p 110
Bi 204
Ch 106
Ch 206
Ec 238
Hy 101
Wednesday, J u n e 5, P.M.
Bi 203
La 113
Ch 140
Co 1
F h 219
Ed 114C
Ed 225
Hy 4
En 233
So 212
Li 212
P r 109
P r 208
Ge 2
S p 137
Ma 23
Ma 30
Thursday, J u n e 6, A.M.
Ar 1C
Ge 1
Sp 1
Mu 52
P h 104
Bi 125
Hy 122B
P S 210
Thursday, J u n e 6, P.M.
La I B
La 8
Co 215
PI 111
PI 210
Bi 22
Ec 3
Ch 17
Gy 115
Friday, J u n e 7, A.M.
Co 2A
La 1C
Ed 114L
Ed 326A
Li 323B
Py l
P h 18
Friday, J u n e 7, P.M.
La 10
Co 217
Ar 3
Fr 3
Saturday, J u n e 8, A.M.
Co 2B
En 8
PI 2
Bi 101
Bi 106
Gy 4
Saturday, J u n e 8, P.M.
Ed 114E
En 17
Li 2
Ma 208
Ge 9
Bi 216
Ch 18B
Hy 216B
So 4
Monday, J u n e 10, A.M.
En 249B
Co 111
Ma 22
Ma 21
Ma 27
Ma 25
Fr 10
Ph 17
Hy 223B
Monday, J u n e 10, P.M.
Ed 209
Ed 203
En 230
En 19
Ma 110
Ma 26
Sp 103
Sp 2
Ec 105
Tuesday, J u n e 11, P.M.
Co 3A
En 16
Mu 2
Mu 4
BI 119
Hy 220B
Student Essay
Wins Summer
Training Cruise
J o h n Stefano '58 is the winnei
of the Maritime College contest, an
nounces David Hartley, Dean ol
Men. Along with students from tin
other colleges of the S t a t e University, he will accompany the Maritime College Cadets on their annual
training cruise. His winning essay
on "Why I Am Interested In Making This Trip," will enable him In
travel to European countries while
lie is learning during this coming
The Fmpire S t a t e III is the tram
ing ship which leaves on J u n e 111
and will take the cadets and students to ports a t : Port Schuyler.
New York; Albany, N. Y.; Dublin
Ireland; Amsterdam. Netherlands,
Balboa, Spain; Genoa, Italy; Villefranche-stir-mer, P r a n c e . This ship
will return to F o r t Schuyler on August 21 to end the cruise.
W e ' r e still shelling o u t $25 for every Stickler we
a c c e p t — a n d we're still accepting plenty! B u t
if you w a n t to c u t yourself in, y o u ' v e got to s t a r t
Stickling N O W ! Sticklers are simple riddles w i t h two-word
r h y m i n g answers. B o t h words m u s t h a v e t h e s a m e n u m b e r of
syllables. Send your Sticklers (as m a n y as you w a n t —the more
you send, the b e t t e r your chance of winning!) to H a p p y - J o e Lucky, Box 67A, M t . Vernon, N . Y . N O W ! T O D A Y ! P R O N T O !
Tuesday, J u n e 11, A.M.
La 2
En 157
Mn 24
Fr 1
PI 1
He 121A
Hy 117
i fr*l' •
S^"V * ^ V
Mormon Foreman
While on the voyage, the students
must help with the maintenance
work and take p a r t in watches and
duties of which they are capable.
They must follow the same rule;.
and regulations t h a t the Maritime
Co lege Cadets follow, both aboard
ship and on shore leave. Their p a r ticipation is also expected in orientation classes which are held aboard
the ship.
Tlie committee which chose John
Stefano was composed of Hartley,
Mr. Frank Carrino, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Mauritz Johnson, Associate Professor of
Education, Marilyn D e S a n t a and
J o h n Rookwood, Seniors. The committee considered both the essay ol
the applicant and the fact t h a t he
will be expected to contribute to
extramural college and community
activities based on this trip upon
his return.
Students Sign Up
For Health Course
Roman Bowman
Cynic Clinic
• EVIBiv
YOU'VE PROBABLY HEARD of torch songs (music to cry
by), Air Force songs (music to fly byj, and Aloha songs
(music to bye-bye). The Lucky Strike song is music to
buy by: it's a pretty ditty that's devoted strictly to Luckies.
Naturally, that makes it a Cheerful Earful! It reminds you
that Luckies are tops and that better taste is the pleasin'
reason. Luckies' taste comes from fine tobacco— mild, goodtasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. So,
as the jingle says, "Light up a Lucky, it's light-up time!"
You'll say it's the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked!
Taste Better
fit /WJ
Product </ t/ite ,JP/tt&ue<zn Juvae&o
Health 21, which is a Safety and
Driver Education course, is open I"
only thirty-six students. Seniors and
Juniors will be given preference for
admission into the course.
Math Honorary..
p:»l"lii*-:iii"v '
Thug Hug
(Continued from Pai/c I, Column .'
are: President, Clinton Carpentei
'57; Vice-President, Delores Peek;
Secretary, Mary Bullock; Treasurer
Patricia Carapullucl, Juniors; Faculty Sponsor, Ralph Beaver, Pro
lessor of Mathematics; Corresponding Secretary, Elizabeth Glass, Assistant Professor of Education; .Secretary to the Corresponding Secretary, Geraldlne Wilder '57.
With the continuance of excellent w e a t h e r , the Intramural softball league
neared completion of the first round with Potter and SLS retaining their first place
positions in their respective leagues. All games here are taken from summary sheets
and are as complete as possible.
On Monday of this week, the Rousers were aroused by Clyde Payne's feats both
on the mound and at the plate. Clyde exploded on the Summit pitchers for three
home runs lead the R o u s e r s t o a 20-11 t a l l y . T h e r e were six round
trippers in the game altogether. John Cocca and Arnie Rothstein each had one
for the Rousers while Bob Sholtz toured the bases for Summit. Payne went all
the way for the victory and Allen suffered the defeat.
Potter remained undefeated with
a 29-6 victory over the hapless and
hitless G r a d s on Monday also.
Bosomworth a n d Backer took charge
of mound duties for the P o t t e r m e n
and limited the G r a d s to four hits.
T h e wood for the P o t t e r m e n was
supplied mainly by H a r r y Millett,
Bob Backer and Anderson. All had
one home run, Backer had two
t h r e e - b a g g e r s and Millett one, and
Millett Conner d for a double also.
In t h e S t a t e Loop on Monday, the
fast moving undefeated SLS squad
virtually assured themselves first
place by their 12-3 win over the
Apaches. J a c k Ormsbee
the opposition to four hits as his
t e a m m a t e s compiled nine. Ormsbee
aided his own cause with a fourbagger. Swenson handled the mound
duties for the Apaches. T h e game
was close until the sixth inning
when the South Lakemen opened
up a 5-3 lead with seven runs.
Don D a m e hit for the distance in
this seven run frame.
H u m p - P o g o s Score
On Tuesday in the S t a t e League,
the H u m p - P o g o s soundly walloped
K a p p a Beta by a 25-5 count. Once
more, G a r y Holway s t a r r e d on the
mound with some assistance from
MacDougald. T h e H - P ' s had twenty-five runs on twenty-five hits,
the biggest of these being two
r o u n d - t r i p p e r s by Tom LaRochelle
a n d solo h o m e runs by Bill Mackie
and Cullen. Lorrichio gave up
twenty-one of the r u n s to sustain
the lose. He was relieved by Pitkin
in the seventh.
Tlie other Tuesday game in the
S t a t e Loop was called a t t h e end
of four innings due to darkness and
will be completed this afternoon.
This was the tussle between Ridge
and the Apaches in which Ridge
was ahead at the time by a 23-15
Softball Heads
Posts Schedule
Spaxt SpoiUfkt
Clyde Payne, when n o t wielding
a gavel, does a pretty goo djob a t
wielding a bnt. This week in the
Rouser-Hilltop game the popular
SA president sent the leather cover-
Don Rice, Softball Commissioner,
has announced t h a t the second
round of I n t r a m u r a l softball play
will not be held due to a lack of
time. If it had been r u nU off a s
ed sphere sailing for three home- oviginMy planned This' wo uid"aiiow
runs and athis
in five times at n l y o n e d a y for r a i n e d o u t m e s
our congratulations owhich
bat, wFor fl,,
° """
«""»™I--»I»M™« feasible.
•• • ••t h e •loop h e a d s do n o-t deem
e Sport
and t h""
Tourney Held
In its place a t o u r n a m e n t will be
held between the top teams of each
loop and the bottom teams of t h e
two leagues. Following is t h e setup:
The first flight will contain six
teams, the first three t e a m s In both
the Albany and S t a t e loops. T h e
second flight will contain t h e bottom four of each league.
First Flight
Letters A-Albany, B - S t a t e , designate loop: numbers, place in final
standings: 1-first place, 2-second
place etc.
First Round
B2 vs A3 (1 game)
A 2 vs B3 (1 game)
Al and BI draw byes.
Second Round
Winner of B2—A3 vs Al (2 out of 3)
Winner of A2—B3 vs BI (2 out of 3)
Loser of B2—A3 vs Loser of A2—B3
for fifth place (3 out of 5).
Third Round
Winners of first two m a t c h e s in
second round play 2 out of 3 for
championship. Losers of t h e first
two matches in second round play
2 out 3 for third place.
Second Flight
A4 vs B6; B5 vs A7; A5 vs B7; A6
vs. B4—all one game.
Second Round
Winners of A4-B6—vs. Winners of
Losers face each other.
Winner of A5-B7 vs Winner of A6vs B4.
Losers face each other,
iAll 2 out of 3 m a t c h e s ) .
Third R o u n d
CONTACT DUE—The bat of Gus Tillman's of APA is about to make contact with one of Clyde Payne's
Winners of second round play
servings. T h e result of the contact was a grand slam H o m e R u n which helped carry APA to a deciding' 29-10 each other for championship. Losers
victory over the Rousers in Albany League action Wednesday nigfht a t Beverwyck.
play for third place.
Ruth vs Pavne—Month by Month
_ ..
,p " y °
1921 6 10 59
1957 1
3 (todate)?
Standings as of Tuesday Night.
Albany League
620 Affiliates
APA Wins Two
In further Albany League action,
APA came out the victors in two
contests. T h e first of these was
against the (120 Affiliates on Tuesday. APA won this one in the last
inning due to an error by the shortstop of the (>20'.s. The second was
a resounding 29-10 win over the
Rousers on Wednesday evenin 1 ,.
Ti in T h o m p s o n geared the Madison
Avenue c o n t i n g e n t to victory on the
mound. He was ably assisted by
grand slam home runs by Gits Tillm a n isee picture i and Bill Bird.
Clyde P a y n e handled the mound
duties for the Rousers long 'liough
to surfer the defeat.
State League
Games played on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday are not included in these standings. The top
three teams in each loop will resume play Monday as will the bottom teams of the two leagues. Details are presented elsewhere on
this page. See the AM1A Bulletin
Board for final league standings for
Other games this week in which the first round of play.
complete details were not handed
into the News included the Vets'
win over tile Grads, SLS's close
contest against Ridge, won by SLS,
Felicia's Beauty Salon
and EEP's victory over Sayles.
53-A No. Lake Ave.
iNear Washington Ave.)
S t a r t i n g Monday, the tournament
" J I M M Y " - H a i r Stylist
explained elsewhere on tills page
will begin. T h e second round of
Telephone 3-9740
action will not be played due to
lack ol time.
MAY 17 is the DEADLINE
for ordering University Rings
UNDERCLASSMEN—Rings ordered after May 17
will not be in until after school closes
AND 0 * 1 p ©
for a cool refresher
after sunbathing
Sooner Crooner
5A. T. O/.
All students desiring to take
Hea'th 21 are requested to sign-up
as soon as possible with Professor
Thomas R. Gibson at his office in
Lower Draper. Those already signed
i]]) for the course must also see
Gibson for admission.
SLS, Potter Lead I M Tearns;
First Round Play Ends Today
Lcr/runxn& —(Ja^ieeo-
is our middle, name
Money must accompany orders for Caps and Gowns
( oiner O n t a r i o & Benson
DIAL 4 1 1 2 5
come to the
( fi/lege I'lnrnl
Peds Drop Pair To Hartwick By 18-4, 9-7 Scores;
Sauers Plans Lineup Switch As Plattsburg Invades
Call Of The Wild Beckons To State College Students
Plattsburg will face a revamped Ped l i n e u p today, when it invades Bleecker
Stadium for a three o'clock tussle, as a result of the shakeup planned by Ped Coach
Dick Sauers in an effort to snap the ball club out of its five game losing streak culminated Wednesday by a double loss to Hartwick on the victor's field. The Ped coach
did not reveal the exact changes other than to say that he was "disgusted with the performance of the team with the exception of one m a n " and later that, "we have had
all the bad breaks but they can't all go thatway. We're due for some good breaks soon."
The "one m a n " to whom Sauers referred is first baseAMI A:
man Jim Doris, a Yonkers Sophomore who has turned in
some great playing in that position.
Sauers had been putting on the field the lineup which
he felt had the most hitting power but the plate potential
has not come through to support a weak pitching staff,
with the result that eighty runs have been given up by
Sullivan Takes
IM Presidency
In Small Vote Pair Gains
Tourney Final
HIGH BALL. Bob Devlin of S t a t e checks his swing as t h e ball comes
too high. Action came in the second game of Wednesday's doubleheader
Going along with t h e election
a.gainst Hartwick.
spirit, AMIA held its a n n u a l election
during the past week.
victorious and leading t h e officers
in the Association of Men's I n t r a Kampf Komments:
mural Athletics for t h e year 1957-58
will be Tom Sullivan who was u n opposed In the election for President.
Serving along with Sullivan will
be J a c k Ormsbee as Vice-President,
Joe K e t c h u m as Secretary, and Joe
Hickey as Treasurer.
With all due apologies to the Parker, Dan,
By Creation
The attempt will be made to write a column like that man. only 17G Votes Cast
Seems he pens his words in verse now and then
There were only 176 ballots cast
in this year's election out of t h e
To give the summaries of activities and men.
entire male u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t
In this attempt we will strive to show
.How the year '56-'57 did its come and go.
Sullivan h a s been active in m a n y
Back in the early days of Frosh Camp time,
AMIA activities and stood out as
The Frosh lost to the faculty, man, what a crime.
one of the o u t s t a n d i n g bowlers in
this year's league. Ormsbee is r e This was the start of a year of sport plans,
nown in AMIA Softball for his
Blemished with the decomposition of the AMIA clan.
pitching. Bowling was also K e t When the President, Ross, moved out of State,
The organization of AMIA met its fate.
Hickey, while participating in m a n y
IM activities, made his m a r k in
It didn't go to the lowest depths in its fall,
varsity soccer this year.
But it did lack a tournament in volleyball.
Weather halte dthe racket sport of tennis,
But there's little that can be done about that menace.
The boys from EEP made a pigskin sweep.
Beat SLS by two and APA by more to make them weep.
Led by passing, running, signal calling, Briefly,
The Pottermen went undefeated spectacularly.
Nancy Schneider, outgoing PresiThe Humps were there also with hats, bare feet and antics, dent of woman's Athletic Assoc!
tii n, a n n o u n c e s t h a t t h e a n n u a l
To add glamour to the sport and be termed, "panics."
Spring Spree will be held on May
With the coming of snow and the winter cold
18 this year. T h e one clay outing
The indoor sport of hoop took its hold.
that features fun, food, and the i n Somewhat disorganized and not up to par,
stallation of new WAA officers will
The leagues still maintained the services of Lew Canagain be held at C a m p J o h n s t o n .
Bus-s are expected to leave Pierce
Once more the men of Potter came out on top
H a l about 10 a.m. on S a t u r d a y ,
With Sandy and Tito helping them cop.
May 18. All girls planning to a t t e n d
The most enlivening function was held at Rice
this trip and planning to stay overWhere the bowling leagues did much more than just .suffice. night are reminded that they must
Action was good and interest was high,
And oh how Pardee made those pins fly.
With he and Obine, Kempton, Taylor and Bisscll too,
The boys from Ridge made the Dusters blue.
Right down to the final day, Oakleaf and his boys were first,
But the Ridgemen made their dreams of first place burst.
With the advent of spring, plans were made for diamond
1 hi- ..nnual Athletic Award B a n ipirl \vi I be held un either May 2H
or May .'0 (hi year, a n n o u n c e s Joe
And now on Page and Beverwyck runs aren't even held .SM
|I iv.ow.ski, C h a i r m a n ol Athletic
back by traction.
Advisor, Board
Scores of thirty, or even forty 10 twenty are more typical
Mi '1 homas Richardson, Presi Than a pitchers' duel with the score tied at one-all
nt ,,1 the Eastern Baseball League,
xpi cted lo be the m a i n speaker
Last but not least a tourney in badminton.
.1 11 ii- at laii' given in honor of S l a t e
Has entered the final round of action.
('nllege athletes
Thus the year of AMIA is over and done.
Al I.us lime also, outstanding
Next year they'll be led by the bowler, Sullivan
I n t r a m u r a l players and tenuis will
i • pre-.entcd with their a w a r d s
On the varsity level they all did well
'1 a el lor the allall' will be on
Except for baseball which is now going like hell.
• lie i i i ' week prior I o I he event
They're playing games almost every day,
Notices will be posted on AMIA
Won the first, lost the next two, and then played away.
aim WAA bulletin hoards when
Garcia's soccer squad had a six-three season,
p aiis aii- completed
Carl Maxson, All-American, was one reason
In Hold Hearings
The wrestling team also coached by Joe
T h e yearly AA Board hearings on
ihe following year's proposed inter Had a winning season. And did Farrell lose? No!
collegiate budget are likewise forthTops in record and going to a high extreme
coming Notices along with the proWas Sauers' Holway and company basketball team.
posed budget will be posted in v a n A win over Siena was gamely sought,
ous places around school as soon
But the Peds couldn't cope with the Armory court.
as tile Board completes its work
on It.
What with all this talk about sports for men,
This is the only opportunity that
It seems that I could find something for women.
members ol S t u d e n t Association will
However, WAA activities were at a low,
have to question points in the a n And for what there was, BZ took the show.
nuul athletic budget.
That is, they took just about all but bowling
Any Immediate questions on either
the budget or the banquet can be
And that went to the Bru, whom we're lauding.
answered by any m e m b e r of t h e
That about sums up the show for sports of all sorts,
Itoard. They inc.lido Joe SwierzowBut last and not least; let's keep indoor spotrs!!
ski, Nancy Schneider, Joe Puree)),
Dave C h a m p a g n e and Bob Kampf
worked their way into the final
round of the AMIA b a d m i n t o n singles t o u r n a m e n t by taking straight
set victories from their opponents,
Ron F r i e k a n d Bob Austin moved
into the
q u a r t e r - f i n a l s of the doubies
t o u r n a m e n t via a forfeiture.
In the
singles t o u r n a m e n t , K a m p f
s t r a i g h t sets from H a n k B o e h ning by scores of 15-8, 15-3 to put
him in the finals for the second
s t r a i g h t year.
Identical Scores
C h a m p a g n e had a more difficult
time with left-handed Arencl Bellreus, but managed to score twice
with tallies of 15-6.
T h e singles final between the two
will be played at 7:15 p.m. on Monday in the Page Gym. Immediately
following the singles, d o u b l e s
m a t c h e s pit Frick a n d
against K a m p f and Boehnlng and
Dick S h a n d s and Ed J o n e s against
Pete Barbagelota and p a r t n e r
W A A Schedules Spring
Spree For This Saturday
Ron Graves, Tom Brierly, and Dr.
Ralph Tibbetts.
receive overnight permission from
home. These girls will leave on Friday afternoon. Both groups those
s t a r t i n g out Friday and those leavi n y S a t u r d a y will return to Albany
around 3:30 p.m. on S a t u r d a y .
One of the outstanding events of
the day will be the awarding of
sports awards. Girls who have credit in sports for this academic year
s"-e reminded t h a t they must place
their n a m e plus the spoils in
which they received credit in Nancy
.Schneider's mailbox immediately.
Those girls who have received
hours in hiking and tennis are also
asked to let Nancy know via student
New WAA officers chosen tor the
coming year include Junel Vurnicvlk
as President and P a l l i d a Clearing
as Vice-President. O t h e r
are Sally Weeks, Treasurer, and
D u m a Harris, Secretary
Due tu a change in Hie o r g a n i / a , l l ) l m l , s i .t-up of Council this year
the new officers were elected by
the old Council members
Solihull Schedule
'I he •! p in gallics scheduled lor
next week a i r Wednesday, Ma\ 15,
BZ v- Brubaclier: Thursday. May
hi Sigma Phi vs KD
A A Board Slates
Athlete Banquet
Graves Heads AA
Board Next Year
Ron Graves has hern chosen to
head Athletic Advisory Board lor
Ihe coming academic year, lie will
C h a i r m a n of the group,
Also elected to serve on I h e
Board with Graves was Hoot Stefano as tin- other Senior member,
Tom Brierly will carry over us the
last of t h e Senior trio
New J u n i o r members will include
B ib K a m p t as Secretary and Sally
Weeks. Dr Ru'ph Tibbetts will again
serve as a faculty member and
Merlin Halhuwuy will serve as
Executive Secretary.
Ped pitching while batsmen have
accumulated only thirty runs in the
same first six games with fourteen
of them coming in the last five. As
a result of this he will sacrifice the
n o n - e x i s t e n t hitting p o w e r for
prowness in t h e field in an effort
to reduce t h e average of over six
errors per game,
Miscues have been costly to the
Peds and accounted for two u n earned runs by which Danburv
ecked out a n i n t h inning 4-2 victory last Friday to put the club
into its present tailspin.
Lose Caldwell
T h e D a n b u r y g a m e was costly to
the overworked mound staff as one
of the s t a l w a r t s of the stall, Howie
Caldwell, broke a bone in his wrist
when hit by a pitch in the last of
the n i n t h inning with two down.
He is not expected to return this
T h e day following the loss to Dan ''Ury, Siena buried the club under
a 1(i n i t
. 17 run avalanche in a Movlug-Up Day gaune to trounce a succession of Ped pitchers begun by
Mario Scalzi by a 17-5 score.
Tuesday, Jack Minon, of basketball
lame, went all the way as the Peds
absorbed a 13-1 pounding at the
h a n d s of Oneonta before t h e double
loss to Hartwick Wednesday.
It is a strong possibility t h a i
Wendell Fowler, a soccer s t a r t e r for
Joe Garcia's booters last fall, will
s t a r t today's s a m e in a n outlleld
post after a good showing Wednesday in his lirst a p p e a r a n c e on the
field, lie (grounded out twice, struck
out once, and sained first base on
,. , , ,
. fs
'" , o u r tri',s to
«».?,.£ C 'o , •
. M l U 1 ° . S c a l l d ' w h o I n c h e d the
club to its only win, is expected to
s t a r t against Plattsburg today. Mini n will ma.Ke his second start tomorrow as Utica travels tu Albany
for a 1:00 return engagement after
losing ti: Scalzi and the Sauers nine
by a l(i-ll score earlier in the season,
itoad (James Remain
Alter the weekend pair al Albany
only three Inane games remain mi
the schedule, including a Memorial
Day doubleheader in Bleecker Sla( nun where Union College will piovlde the opposition, and a Wednesday afternoon m a t c h with New
Pallz. 'Ihe squad goes tu Oneonta,
Plattsburg, and New Pall/, lor return engagements and makes its
single stand against
and Potsdam on the opponents'
home grounds.
Dugout dots: '1 oin Bin i l\ . a w
up lour hits in as innns innings in
Ihe second name.
I asl Week's ' a l i u s
i 1st game i
I .'art Wick
'.!()!) Olil x 111 ill J
000 103 0
iL'nd gamei
030 213 x
000 070 II
7 .>
' 2
230 130 220 111 15 Ii
000 (111) 000
I 1I
(ton ooo 202
I 11
100 010 000
2 2 a
SII s.\All 11 !(
sT.vri All II l<
Weil Ml
(III,ll I
Mil IV
Kur r i' II
Of M-.11H
I >c w f y
" I'clcl .on
:• n
1 II
ii I
Ii i
0 :i
3 :!
1 l l
:i ii
2 (I
II M . i l l . , 1 1 ,
' II villi
Ii 11 u I 111)'
:: Dun.-,
ii l l r u w n
( i llllllllll
u K iiliiiin
(I I 111 lluy
l>0 15 17 (Jruuudok
u i
'! II
1 II
2 1
1 (l
(J 0
I 0
0 0
1 I
'J I
1 0
I 0
I 1
Snow Enthusiasts
Camp Dippikill, our college c a m p In W a r r e n s b u r g ,
has undergone many profitable c h a n g e s since it was
purchased by the students last year. Those who a t tended work parties a t the camp have been able to
accu.nplish quite a bit during t h e p a s t year. S u c h
things as tent platforms, a wash house, new cel'.arway. flooring, and walls, and general repairs have
been completed. Using funds allotted by the S t u d e n t Faculty Association, the college c a m p board h a s constructed a good-sized dining and recreation addition
with a stone fireplace. Kitchen equipment—stove,
sink, refrigerator—has been secured. For these Improvements and constructions, the a p p r o x i m a t e total
expenditure was $2,300, $2,200 less t h a n the a m o u n t
allocated to the board from S t u d e n t Association for
maintaining the camp during the year 1956-57.
Work Weekend Result*
A Sites Committee has been formed to inspect
the oronertv and gain a knowledge of t h e who'e
area. Therefore they will probably be qualified to
suggest possible sites for most of the buildings and
developments. T h e group is working on m a p s and
photos of the area and plans to have contour m a p s
produced. It is also looking around for possible trail
sites and has marked trail to the Glen. W h e n trails
and reads are established, the committee will m a r k
out a plan to soot first aid caches about the p r o p erty.
T h e n there are the problems of sanitation, water supply, sewage disposal a n d power
and telephone facilities, which are also being looked into by this committee.
Campboard seems to feel t h a t the camp has great potential for future use. Some of
with cottages, a recreation building, and other buildings nearby. T h e r e will probably be
facilities for most of t h e major sports, penic-campng sites, hiking a n d n a t u r e trails,
and primitive c a m p sites. Another proposal t h a t they have listed is a summer t h e a t r e
which could provide rewarding opportunities for a m a t e u r s t u d e n t talent.
t h e things which they think should be someday reclined are a road to the lake a n d a
d a m . They'd like to have a well-equipped waterfront area with a beach, dock, boathouse,
boats, and canoes. Even a ski development is propable with trails and slopes, rope tows
a n d warming shacks. T h e campboard would like a bus and truck to be used exclusively
for the transportation needs of the camp. T h e main camp area should contain a lodge
Work parties will travel up to Dippikill on weekends from now until the end of t h e
semester. Any students who are interested in spending such a weekend out-of-doors, a n d
in helping a very worthwhile endeavor, are most welcome. All you have to do is contact
Robert Kopacek '58, C h a i r m a n of C a m p Board, or any member a n d tell them t h a t you'd
like to help out. See you at c a m p !
Dippikill Comp Lake
Student Council:
/Cafutal Kap&U,
opponents-mental illness. A good
Abandon Ship with Lloyd Nolan, movie.
Tyrone Power and Mai Zetterling. _ » • . W . V B ,
A luxury liner sings and It's Ty's " t j T V ^ « . , „ „
. ai >
job to decide who stays on the raft
* Barretts of Wimpole Street
and who gets booted. (Bet he kicks
Jennifer Jones, John Gielgud
all the guys off.) The second smash " i d Bill Travers ("Wee Geordie").
hit is The Tall T with Randolph The life of Elizabeth Barrett Brown"Sonny Boy" Scott and Maureen ln&" f r o m the book of the same name.
CSullivan. The ads inform us its Jennifer plays Elizabeth, a cripple
±ne Ramrod
nauuuu off
mi the
uro w i t n a- domineering- and possessive
the storv
storv 01
of "The
Tall T Ranch." Now that tells us a father while Bill Travers portrays
Robert Browning who elopes with
heck of a lot!
her to Italy where they spend the
rest of their lives writing poetry
The Buster Keaton Story with for English literature courses.
Donald O'Conner, Ann Blyth and M A D | S Q N
Petter Lorre. Donald portrays the
The Robe with Victor Mature. The
all-time great slapstick comedian. story of the soldier who wins the
The picture gets off to a roaringly robe in which Christ was crucified
funny start and then slows down a n d t n e e f f e c t s 0 f its possession on
to nothing more than exposed cellu- the soldier. Also showing is The
loid. Also showing is Fear Strikes Gladiators. Victor "Barbell" Mature
is back again, this time Hexing his
Out. "The real life story of the All- biceps while Susan Hayward stands
Star baseball player Jimmy Piersall" by enthralled by this exhibition of
(Anthony Perkins) and his cour- physical magnificence. A must for
ageous fight against his toughest all beach bullies.
Chairmen State
Council Discusses Proposed
End Of Student
Loan To New Film Group
Dorothy Harper and Richard Esner, Sophomores, Co-Chairmen of
Student Guides, announce interviews for guides to the Class of '61
will start on
and will end
on Wednesday. All those interested
Last Wednesday evening at 7:30
p.m. a Joint meeting of the newlyelected Student Council and the
out-going members came to order.
Clyde Payne explained to the new
members the functions of Council
as a legislative group. Payne urged
that, in carrying out their duties
a r e a s k e d t o sl
on the student
of office, the new members always
Personnel Bulletin Board opposite be considerate of their constituents,
the Student Personnel Office.
Student Association.
Big Brother or Sister
Tliotograph Service
Student Guides is the new name
It was announced to Council that
for Junior Guides. The positions of a request for a loan of $750 for
Guides are open to anyone in the photographic equipment to be used
college. The duties of a Guide, or by a student photography service
the more common term of "big to the News and Pedagogue will be
brother" or "big sister," include made to SA in Convocation Friday.
writing to your incoming freshmen This loan would eventially be abthis summer, meeting them as soon sorbed by the budgets of the two
as possible this fall, escorting them publications because present exto the President's Reception, and penses would be reduced by the
trying to make them feel as one innovation of the proposed photography service.
of the college crowd.
Social Calendar
Suzanne Lieberman '58 reported
that the rules and procedures for
Social Calendar have been distributed to organizations wishing dates
for events next year. Most of the
dates have been handed in and
wrok on the calendar will begin
as soon as a new Social Calendar
Chairman has been appointed.
New Film Group?
Steve Jacobson '59 asked Council
for its opinion on a proposed new
film group here at State. This group
would present new movies—shown
en weekends. The films available
are mostly in color and all are
sound pictures. The new group,
which would be independent of
IFG, would be financed for the
first year by a loan from the Big
Four Fund. Jacobson states that
by charging a small admission fee
the loan could be paid back and a
profit realized. On basis of the discussion which ensued, it appears
that Council is generally in favor of
the new group. After more definite
plans of organization are made, the
group will come before Council for
its decision.
New Constitution
The next item of discussion was
the new Constitution to be voted
upon by SA in Convocation today.
A change in article 10 was proposed.
However, Payne pointed out that
this section was illegal according to
Hubert's Rules of Order. The final
outcome of the discussion was that
the constitution wil be voted upon
as it was moved in last weeks'
Alpha Epsilon
To Announce
Mary Furner '57, President ol
Alpha Epsilon, the women's honorary educational sorority ol State
College, announces that the society
will hold its initiation of new members Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Upper Lounge of Brubacher Hall. All
wn.nen faculty members of the college's education department have
been invited to attend and witness
the initiation proceedings,
Following the ceremony Dr. Margaret Hayes, Professor ol Education, will address the guests and
newly received members. The theme
of her talk will be "The Position ol
Women in Education." Coffee and
cake will be served alter the speech.
This year's officers, who will be
retiring, are: Vice-President, Kutherine Monsees; Treasurer, Lee Ha/.eltine; and Secretary, Helen Konefal, Seniors.
Group Schedules
Ellen McLaughlin '5B, Vice-President of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, announces an International
Picnic on Saturday afternoon ai 4:30
p.m., at the home oi Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon E. Randall, 2(il)fi Troy Road,
Schenectady 9, New York,
Hero's old-fashioned flavor in the new way to smoke.
Sturdy to kisep
cigarette* from
T h e man-size tante of honeat tobacco comes full through. T h e s m o o t h - d r a w i n g
filter feels right in your m o u t h . It works fine but doesn't get in t h e
No tobacco in
four pocket
V|» to duto
way. Modern F l i p - T o p Box keeps every cigarette firm and fresh.
The speaker for the day will be
Mi'. Peter Letchford. A series ol
games is being planned for the
Anyone who needs transportation
to the picnic should contact Ellen
McLaughlin in student mail.
On May 9 there was a student-led
discussion on the phases of the
Christian life.