Document 14064371

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 , 1 9 5 4
Choralettes To Perform Publically Student
(Contlnuea jrom raoe i, Column k>
complete t h e All College Revue
A t Annual Christmas Programs Committee.
I t was reported by A n n Vigilante
T h e Choralettes, a group of selected girls' voices, will m a k e four
public a p p e a r a n c e s singing for C h r i s t m a s programs between T h u r s d a y
a n d December 15. T h e singing group is under t h e direction of K a r l A.
B. Peterson, Associate Professor of Music. Their first a p p e a r a n c e will
be Thursday a t t h e a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s tea of t h e D a u g h t e r s of the A m e r l e a n Revolution a t t h e First Presbyterian Church. O t h e r performances
include t h e college Assembly, the
S t u d e n t C h r i s t i a n Association Annual C h r i s t m a s Sing, a n d t h e F a c ulty C h r i s t m a s Tea.
Greeks Schedule
Parties; Release
List O f Pledges
Included in t h e p r o g r a m a r e t h e
following n u m b e r s : "Glory to God
in the Highest," Pergolesi; "Blow,
Winds, O Softly Blow," G e r m a n
traditional melody; "Carol of the
Sheep Bells," Slovak Folk Song; "I
Psi G a m m a a n d Chi S i g m a T h e t a Wonder As I W a n d e r , " Appalachian
a r e having parties this week a n d Carol; " T h e Coventry Carol," a n four fraternities have pledged new d e n t melody; "Deck t h e Hall,"
traditional melody.
A dessert-card party will be held
Next Friday in t h e Assembly proMonday for Psi G a m m a faculty
m e m b e r s states Sylvia K o r a b '55, gram, the orchestra, u n d e r t h e d i President. Phyllis H u r d a n d B a r - rection of Charles Stokes, Professor
of Music, will perform also.
b a r a B a u m are C o - C h a i r m e n .
Chi S i g m a T h e t a is having its
Choralettes is a special women's
a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s party for its fac- vocal group for public performance.
ulty m e m b e r s Sunday from 3 to Membership t h r o u g h tryouts was
5:30 p.m., specifies Ann Tobey '55, held a t the s t a r t of t h e sei. ester.
President. General C h a i r m a n is Vivian Schlro '56, and committee
c h a i r m e n a r e : Marilyn D e S a n t a , E n t e r t a i n m e n t ; Sheila Lister, S o p h o mores; Gifts, Carole Hughes '56.
T h e new members of K a p p a Beta
a r e : Lawrence Suffness '56, and
Theodore Pederson '57, according to
Richard T i n a p p '56, President. Sigm a L a m b d a h a s pledged Jesse Vies,
Edward Demske, a n d L. K e i t h Gilmour, Sophomores, reports Robert
Henderson '56, President.
H u g h Brown, Donald Murdock,
Juniors, a n d T h o m a s Boehm, Robert
M a n t h e y a n d J o h n Pengelly, S o p h omores, h a v e pledged Alpha P h i Alpha, announces T h o m a s Mullen,
Potter Club h a s pledged Edward
Syzmanski, Grad, a n d J o n Smith,
Horace Crandell, Herbert Felski,
Donald Kesel, and J o h n Demster,
Sophomores, reports Robert Sage,
'55, t h a t the Assembly n e x t Friday
will be t h e C h r i s t m a s Assembly,
since it is t h e last before vacation.
S h e also stated t h a t the National
s t u d e n t Association regional (lor
New York State) conference is to
be held this weekend h e r e in Albany.
Since S t u d e n t Council is investigating t h e possibility of joining the orgamzation, Miss Vigilante urged
t h a t SA m e m b e r s a t t e n d . Registraincluding the p a y m e n t of $1.50
f e e from 3 to 5 p.m. will be In the
Hotel Ten Eyck this afternoon, with
discussions a n d the balance
0 f t h e convention to be tomorrow, in
t h e S t a t e Assembly C h a m b e r s .
Two motions were m a d e relative
to t h e S t a t e Colegc News, one to increase the n u m b e r of copies printed,
to the a m o u n t of $48; t h e other, to
rectify mistakes in the budget in the
printing line, a m o u n t i n g to $R6.
T h e president a n n o u n c e d t h e following members of t h e newly formed "New Types of G o v e r n m e n t "
Committee: Bruce King '56. Chairm a n : Joseph Anderson. J o s e p h Ta.ggert, Sophomores; H e n r y
9n *1ke Qiooue
Greetings Cats, what's cookin' i n
the grove these days? As of late I
have been riding the cloud floating
from Moonville to Crater City here
on the moon. C a u g h t some real gone
sounds coming up this way trom
the e a r t h lately, Man, like w h a t
are you cats up to? I figgered I best
catch u u on t h e latest i n t h e dulcet
sounds from the m o d e r n cats on
wax. By the light of t h e Moon my
list reads in t h e wildest of ways,
so let's go stompin' cats.
Cookin' the greatest sounds for
Columbia these days is Rosemary
Clooney who this week h a s t h e top
disc, "Hey T h e r e . " This i.s really
wild with some spooks
through with some gone lyrics.
Spinning in the second spot is
Denice Lor's waxing of "If I Give
My H e a r t to You." W a t c h this one
close like because, m a n it's going
H e a n throb Eddie Fisher, who
(ust look the big step with Debbie
Reynolds, is singing "I Need You
Now." on an R.C.A. Victor label for
his one and only. Sorry girls, t h a t ' s
No filter Compares with JUJ.W5
for Qualify or Effectiveness!
' 9 4 8
t h e way t h e ball rolls.
MAN, LOOK OUT. T h e M a m b o
is in town a n d it's hitting t h e p l a c e
like wild storm. Again we find t h a t
Columbia doll Rosemary Clooney
coming up with a n o t h e r hit. T h i s
time it's "Mambo Italiano."
T h e second five, in t h i s week's
listings are as follows: sixth, "ABC
Boogie," by Bill Haley, seventh, " M r .
S a n d m a n , " c u t by the Cordettes, In
eighth spot is P a t t i e Page's waxing
of " M a m a Doll." Wailing like m a d
all the way from England on t h e
London label is David Whitfield's
recording of "Carl Mia," a n d last
but far from least is the ever s m i l in' Nat " K i n g " Cole's disc of
"Smile," cut for Capitol records.
Cats, I j u s t received t h e greatest
news. T h e new G l e n n Miller L i m i t ed Edition I I is now available a t
the Blue Note upon request. So d o n ' t
forget, for the real end sounds get
the new Glenn Miller album.
Have to be shovin' off like m a n
but will be coolin' here again n e x t
week with t h e local stomp c h a t t e r .
Until next session with t h e clan.
State Student Poetry
Appears in Anthology
T h e National Poetry Association
In California announces t h a t the
following poems, written by students
of State, have been accepted for
publication In the Annual Anthology of College Poetry: ' To My
Associates," by Theo A. Rleck,
G r a d ; " T h e Mystery of W h a t Follows," by J a n e Slezuk '57; a n d
"Intrusion," by Mary Urquhurt '57.
T h e Anthology Is a compilation
of t h e finest poetry written by the
College men and women of America,
representing every section of the
country. Selections were m a d e from
t h o u s a n d s of poems submitted to
the Poetry Association of Los Angeles, California.
Actress Dliiiui l y n n : This is llie
liesl filler of all —LaM's MiraHeTip.
The smoke is mild, yel lull of lluvor.
Mr. anil Mrs. Shi Krwiu, sTiirn of T \ ''« great "Slu
Krwin Show": As \w say on TV, thi-. certainly
is the Miracle Ti|i. l.ftM's filler heals 'em all.
SCA Sponsors
Christmas Sing
Sunday Evening
Mrs. Laddie Sauford, Socialite:
I smoke L.&Ms . . . so do most of my
friends.Wonderful filter...line luslel
F or
Enjoy Much More Flavor- Much Less Nicotine
II \ I is il tluil m a k e s l.x.M 11it* m o s t
lifihl a n d milil s m o k e . T h a i ' s HTective Ultra-
lalkcil a l i o u l , iiiusi e.ieeilv
l i o n . \ n o l h c r cifriirclle h a s i l !
J I M t i n - , h ' s llie fillri llial l u i i n l s
\\ li) wail lo It y l.xiVls? D i s c o v e r for y o u r sell what m i n e a m i m u r e filler lip s m o k e r s
n o n e ci HI i p a i r s w i t h \ \ \ \ s \l'u a c l c I ip. \t>\\
a r e l n n l i n g out e \ e r y d a y : l.&Ms
gel m u c h n u n c lliivur, m u c h less n i c o t i n e
a hut llir iliiiim
America's Best Filter Cigarette!
"And Away We Go I "
Would it be rushing the season too much to think about
Easter just before C h r i s t m a s ?
Bill Floyd is organizing a s t u dent excursion to t h e Isle of
Bermuda for the Easter v a c a tion. A deposit of fifteen dollars
is necessary by J a n u a r y 15 for
all those interested in having
a ball.
J u s t think, a six-day party
of college crew on the island of
everyone's dreams but no one's
reality. T h e rates are low, n o t
should be iiuite a "blow" or
"blast" with memories t h a t last.
Wednesday a technicolor movie will be shown that's g u a r a n teed to put students' hands in
the wallets to seal the deal. J u s t
A private
plane ride
down and back, a six days stay
in a Guest House a n d plenty
(o do.
Get on the bandwagon!
Group houses will compete S u n day evening in the fourth a n n u a l
Christmas Sing sponsored by S t u dent Christian Association.
S a n t e r '55, C h a i r m a n of the evening reports t h a t 17 groups will e n ter the contest which is scheduled
to begin a t 6 p.m. a t Page Auditorium, and Singers will be seated in
groups according to the order in
which they will sing. All singers
arc requested by Miss S a n t e r to be
at the Auditorium at 5:45 p.m. Girls
who arc siiiging should wear white
blouses, black skirts, and black dress
shoes.Men should wear a dark suit,
white shirt, and a dark four-inli.iiui tie.
Judges for the sing include Mrs.
J o h n P. Renison, P r a n k B. Bailey.
Choir Director
at Albany
School, and Judson Rand. Choir Director at St. Peter's
Church. Dr. F r a m e s Colby. Associate Profe.-sor of English and SCA
Advisor will award the prize, a gold
Committee chairmen for the sing
include Carol S a n d e r s 'f>(j in charge
of publicity; programs, Eleanor R o ney; and set, Nancy Gade, S o p h o T h e Stale College News, r e p r e mores.
sented bj two editors and a reportei,
Beta Zeta will open the program attended the regular weekly m e e t with "The First Noel" followed by ing o! Myskania Tuesday evening,
Alpha Pi Alpha who will .sing " 6 which is held in the G o v e r n m e n t
Come, O Come E m m a n u e l . " B r u - Room at Brubachcr.
Liiclicr will be next singing "Angels
T h e News was in attendance, since
We i-.ave Heard on High," followed
by Chi Si. ma T h e t a with "I Wonder Myskania had been requested to
As I Wander," then College Heights clarilj a ruling made by the orwith "We I liree Kings," C o m m u t - gan./ation recently regarding t h e
ers' Club singing "No Candle Was closing of meetings of organizations,
operating under the Student AssocTheir".
G a m m a Kappa Phi will sing "Go iation budget.
Oilier observers at the meeting
Tell It 011 'llie Mountain," Kappa
Bel.1 presenting "What Child is included the Visiting Committee of
Tni.s". then Kappa Delta singing the American Association of Col"holiday Greetings", followed by leges tor Teacher Education, c h a i r Newman with "O Holy Night," P i n - mailed by Dr. F. De-Alton Partridge,
ter Siii ing 'iianover Winter Song", President of the Stale Teachers Coland finally bclore the intermission lege, Monicliiir, New Jersey.
Pierce n a i l singing "Silver Bells."
Joan Carhn '55, Chairman of MysAlter the intermission Sa.vles Hall kania, subsequent to discussion r e will pMSciil "Jesu Bam.lino," Sigma garding llie closing of meetings, r e Phi Si un.1 " T h e Christmas Song", leased to the News llie motion as
Si ,111a Lam.xla Sigma "Medley," Phi pas oil by the Senior judicial body:
Del'.i "Je. 11 Bambino," Psi Oaininu "Stu.ienl Association
"The Little Jesus Came to Town," isli.n.i be opened unless t h a t o r g a n Van Derzee "God Rest Ye Merry ization ca ngive valid reasons to
C.i nllemen." T h e Choralettes under Myskania
these gs
llie (erection ol Karl A. B. Peterson, shouici be closed." This means t h a t
Associate Professor of Mll.sic will all organizations nn.So obtain sing but will not be competing. mission 1 mm Myskania to close any
TT.e juages will .select llnalists who planned meetin ;s, and Miss C a r h n
W1I1 present a second milliner bclore urges all organization heads to take
the 1111:11 tie. isioii is made.
pari icular notice of the ruling.
I I | nil time'; 1
lO, 1 9 5 4
Billy Butterfield Will Play For Winterlude Toni3ht;
SCA Sing Will Open Yuletide S eason Sunday
tin- fa.slcsl o | , i w i i i o l i q u e u r
Judicial Ruling
Opens Meetings
Students To Play
Santa For Smiles
Smiles Is planning a Christmas
P a r t y for the Albany Home lor
Children Wednesday, December 15,
from 7 to 9 p.m. Any member of
S t u d e n t Association is invited to
act a s S a n t a Claus for one of the
children a t the home by Elaine
Swartout '56, C h a i r m a n of Smiles.
S t u d e n t s are requested to spend
fifty cents to one dollar on a gift,
and place t h e package in boxes set
up in t h e halls during the next two
weeks. E a c h package should be
marked with the age a n d sex for
which the present is suitable.
Seniors with last n a m e s beginning with A through K are requested to purchase gifts for boys of ages
14 to 16. Seniors with last names
which begin with L a n d continue
through Z a r e requested to purchase
gifts for girls of ages 14 to 16.
J u n i o r s with last n a m e s beginning
with A through K should buy gifts
for boys from 11 to 13, and those
with last names L through Z for
boys ages 14 to 16. Sophomores with
last names A through K should buy
their gifts for girls 11 to 13 and
those with lust names L through Z
for boys 7 to 10.
Miss S w a r t o u t requests freshmen
to buy gifts for girls 3 to 10 if their
last n a m e begins with A through K
und for boys 4 to 8 If their last
n a m e begins with L through Z.
State College
To Publish Special Publicity Edition
Use In High Schools
The Slate College News Hoard 111
a sj.e. no inc. ting Monday aticinoon
in lie t o-ordu.a,or ol I'U'id Her, ice.
Ofiii c, approved a motion lo put
out a spi.1.11 1 sue ol llie News for
the Acimimslralitiii. This special issue 1. to be used by the to inform prospective freshmen ol llie virtues ol S t a t e College
Arthur Jones, Co-ordinafor of
Field Services approached lionald
I.acke.v '.ifi, Kditor-ln-Cliiel 011 the
possibility of such an issue I.111T
called a special meeting ol
Kclilors lo decide llie issue.
II was pointed mil by Ml Jones
II1.1 ii'cv lolls literature has nol been
loo 'Ifeclive lie belie w s thai a
copy ol the student
would attract more iiltenlion and
nilerc ,1 lo llie 1 olle ;e,
1 be Hoard discu sed the possibility lo.ii an issue ol llie News extolling llie virtues ol llie College would
not, necessarily present an accurate
p i . l u r e of State They felt in such
an illicit flaking I woiilii be ncccssary 10 stale 11) 1 ih.s was not an
ordinary is ue. 1 lie stones in it
shouiu, however be written in the
.News story style.
Eveiyn Huoeii '55, Managing Editor moved: The Stale College News
would undertake llie project of
ptll'iiig out 11 lour page issue tor the
Admiuistralion in 11)54-55 for t h e
pur, ol informing prospective
In siinien ol the virtues of State
Colic e The Hoard voted uiianiiiinush in l.ivor of the motion. All
expenses incurred in the publishing
ol llie is-ue will be paid by the
Adiuuiisl rid 1011.
l i ard v. ill again meet next
II) a 111
in Draper 111 to
(lis, us M i l
forthcoming banquet
and ('. i l l s ! I
una! revisions. J a n uarv 1 the Hoard will meet In discuss slatl promotions, llotli are open
meetings, reports Lackey.
Forensic Club \j
To Debate Topic
For Bank Groups
Inter-Sorority and Inter-Fraternity Councils will join
in sponsoring their annual ball, Winterlude, tonight. The
dance will be held in the Circle Inn at the Latham Circle
from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., reports Patricia Finger and Custer
Quick, Seniors, the respective Presidents ol ISC and IFC.
Billy Butterfield,
T r u m p e t Player In t h e World," and
his orchestra will provide the music
for the dance.
Bids a r e now on sale a t t h e W i n terlude booth In lower Husted a t
four dollars per couple. They will
also be sold at the door of t h e Circle
I n n tonight.
I S C - I F C Will Not C h a r t e r Bus
There will be no chartered bus,
as previously stated in t h e S t a t e
College News. T h e m i n i m u m of
twenty people did not sign up by
Wednesday, thereby m a k i n g it i m possible to charter a bus in a d vance.
T h e Circle I n n is located a t t h e
L a t h a m Tralfic Circle. I t m a y be
reached via Northern Boulevard. A
left t u r n a t the L a t n a m Shopping
Center from N o r t h e r n Boulevard
will lead directly to t h e L a t h a m
T n e following committees are
making a r r a n g e m e n t s lor the dance.
T h e Band Committee is u n a e r t h e
C h a i r m a n s h i p ol Kilen Baronas, a s sisted by Marjorie Liadeil a n d Anne
Dvorak, Seniors. T h e A r r a n g e m e n t s
were handled by T h o m a s M u n e n 'o5,
aided by Quick a n d Bruce Wise
Committees Direct Bids, Publicity
Robert Henaerson '56 is hi charge
of the bids. Working with h i m a r e :
Marilyn WerbalowsKy '55, J u d i t h
When, Nicholas Cassevoy, a n d S h i r ley Hainan, Juniors. Publicity is
directed by Beatrice E n g e l h a r d t '06
witn tne ueip ol A n n l o ^ e y , Sylvia Korab, Robert Sage, Donald
Capua no, Seniors, a n d S a m ivrchniak '56.
Committee under t h e direction of
J o a n Fuller '56, include Wi.liam
Limage '55, Richard T i n a p p a n d
Arnold Newman, Juniors. T n e C h a p erone Committee includes
'56, C h a m n a n ,
WhnehiUot, Juniors, a n d Oiga K o manowsKi '55.
Chaperones for Winterlude i n clude: Hudson S. Winn, Associate
Professor of Biology, a n d Mrs.
W i n n ; Dr. Rudolph Schmidt, College Physician, and Mrs. Schmidt;
and Donald T. Donley, Associate
Professor of Education, a n d Mrs.
Four members of Debate Council
will present a debate on the Communist China topic before a meeting ol the American Institute of
Banking in Albany Tuesday evening, reports Phyllis Bialow, Presid e n t of Debate Council. Miss Bialow and Phyllis Lyeth '56, will take
t h e affirmative a n d Richard Clifford and Emilie Vavra will present
meeting of bankers from the Troy,
and Schenectady
These same four debaters have a c cepted an invitation to meet Cornell on the Red China topic before
the Cornell Alumnae Club next
Siena entertained S l a t e debaters
for a series of four debates, at a
social evening Wednesday night.
Monaco and
Testa, Sonda Schectar and Patricia
Wisoiiwer were t h e affirmative d e baters in the two debates. T h e negative teams for S t a t e were composBILLY B U T T E R F I E L D
ed o! Shirley Allen and Phyllis
Will Play at Winterlude
Lyeth, and Linda Niles and Barbara Salvatorc, Juniors.
Student Board of Finance agreed
to .1 line change this week so t h a t
Debate Council could send three
speakers to the National Forensic
T o u r n a m e n t at Ohio University,
Athens, Ohio, in April. Eight debaters will attend the Regional Forensic T o u r n a m e n t at New York UnOscar E. Lanfnrd, Dean of the
iversity and three different debaters College, a n n o u n c e s ti.e regulations
will be chosen for the Ohio trip.
llie graduation
course requirements
to be followed by u n d e r g r a d u a t e students.
The requirements listed in the c a t a log under which t h e student entered or the catalog which is in effect at the time of his graduation
S t u d e n t Union Board will spon- are perfectly acceptable, states the
sor a coffee h o u r Sunday from Dean.
9 to 10:110 p.m. immediately following the Student Christian AssociaThe Class ol 1955, for instance,
tion Christmas Sing reports Nancy may use the present catalog, the
Hazzard '55, C h a i r m a n of SUB
one lor 1051-52 or any catalog isThis is the first lime t h a t a coffee sued during those years, providing
hour has been held in the evening. t h a t the requirements in any one
Prior lo tins hour the coflee hours catalog be lollowed. I t is not poshave been held Sunday afternoon.
sible lo fulfill p a r t of the requireStudent tryouts and members of ments from one catalog and p a r t
SUB and faculty members will from another.
serve the coffee a n d cookies. Background muiic will be played. As an
added attraction S U B lias arranged
for the winning group in the sing
to rentier a selection during the
coffee hour.
Co-Chairmen of the evening's a c tivity are Edna Standley and F r a n k
Lo'lru.giio, Seniors. Publicity is u n Included in llie busine.-s handled hour of discussion on proposed cander the direction of Alice O'Neill '55
by .S.u.ieiit Council Wedmsda., eve- didates, Council elected Mary J a n e
and Ruth Fairba.rn '.Ji, Edna Anning vv.,s llie election of the Chair- Fisher '56 Chairman of S t a t e Fa.r,
dersoii '58 heads the a r r a n g e m e n t s
ma.1 lor S . a . e f a i r , standing com- with J a n e W h u e h u r s t '56, altercommittee, Anne Kimdrates is in
mittee reports, approval of D&A n a t e
charge of inv.tation.s a..d Mike MaxAssotiat.on
coiisiituii JII
amendCouncil entered a period of disiini '57 leads the c.ean-up commitme.iis, o.satssi in of ilie My k.una cus ion (.entering about the accurtee.
ruimg on closed meetin s. and the acy ol the inventory submitted to
set,nig of the agenda for today's the organization from the AssociaDean States Schedule Assembly.
tion of Men's I n t r a m u r a l Athletics
Joseph H a r t '55 and David Gold- 1AMIA1, formerly MAA. E x p l a n a berg '1)7 requested that S t u d e n t tions were given by AMIA President,
For Christmas Recess
Council allow the Driver Training Thomas Hogue '55. Council deckled,
College classes will officially close class to picsent a short skit in however, t h a t the next regular inat 11:50 a.m., Friday, December 17, Assembly today, relative to National ventory, due in J a n u a r y , should be
and will be resumed at li a.m., J a n u - Sale Driving Day, which is Decem- in a iorm far more complete.
ary II, according to Oscar E. Lan- ber 15. They stated the possibility
T h e meeting closed with a disof a wrecked aulo being displayed
lord, Dean of tne College.
on campus as pail ol the national cussion of the ruling of Myskania
The regulations require all stu- program. Also, the group is planning regarding the closng of meetings,
dents to be in a t t e n d a n c e December a piinlo exhibit ol wrecks.
Myskania's position in the m a t t e r
17 and J a n u a r y li, with the excepSince the selection of the S t a t e being described by J o a n C a r h n '55,
tion ol those students who are on Fair Chairman became the next C h a i r m a n .
llie Dean'.' List und those graduate order ol business, President Charles
Foremost on today's Assembly
sludeuis wTiu have m a i n t a i n e d an Buck with '55 then read the Mystiyenda is a Christmas program, disaverage ol 11,5 tor the preceding kania ruling of llie previous evecussion of Campus Commission m o semester. Exception also arc those ning, Hie result of which prohibited
tion lo lake money from surplus,
students vvlio have been excused by Count il from closing the meeting to
either tne Dean's Olilcc or llie Stu- non-Council members while there
vacation trains and Safe Driving
dent Personnel Office before the was discussion and voting on the
Day, and possible discussion on the
nominees. Alter approximately a n Campus Commission regulations.
Dean Clarifies
Catalog Rulings
Coffee Klotch
To Follow Sing
Council Elects Chairman For Fair;
Driving Class W i l l Present Skit
0 IJI.I.H i (V Mi i n TOMCCO C a
Open Door Policy
Because of many questions raised by SA members, and
a request in last week's News for a clarification on the recent Myskania ruling that an organization could close their
meetings to outsiders, Myskania ruled Tuesday night, that
"SA organization meetings be opened unless that organization can give valid reasons to Myskania why their meetings should be closed."
Student Council, in their meeting Wednesday night,
protested this, claiming that Myskania had no power to
declare this ruling. It was brought out by Council members
that there was nothing in the constitution of Myskania
or in the SA constitution which provides. Myskania with
such powers as they have apparently assumed.
On the other hand, there is nothing in the Student
Council constitution which states that Council meetings
be closed to SA members. Myskania is not assuming the
power to levy this statement on organizations, rather, they
are challenging organizations and. bringing out the fact
that no organization does have the power to close their
meetings, as was tried last week by Council.
The News is wholeheartedly backing Myskania in their
challenge of the powers of these organizations and will
be interested in seeing the outcome of their protestations.
roressionaI Bloc
Last week the Academic Council approved a proposal
for the establishment of a professional semester bloc for
all Seniors starting with the Class of 1957. This professional bloc will include eight weeks of student teaching
and a student teacher seminar and eight weeks of Education courses and a course in the student's major field.
This reorganization of student teaching arrangements
was designed to handle efficiently the increased enrollment in the College. During the 1956-1957 school year it
is estimated that the College will have to provide student
teaching opportunities for nearly three hundred persons
in off-campus situations.
This plan will allow students many more opportunities
for off-campus teaching and will provide stuuents teaching at Milne a greater total experience. As a result of this
new proposal, crowded conditions at Milne would be alleviated since there would be a decrease in the number
of student teachers to be assigned there.
It is our opinion that this professional bloc will prove
very successful and by creating opportunities for greater
experience in student-teaching it will eventually result in
the production of better teachers.
A Time To Give
Congratulations are in order for the new SMILES
organization which was rejuvenated this year by a group
of interested students. Starting from scratch they now
have a constitution, budget, a set of officers and a very
admirable will to work. In existence less than two months,
they have started programs at the Albany Home for Children and the Clinton Square Neighborhood House, which
are progressing very successfully.
Right now, SMILES is planning a Christmas party
for the children and is asking for help from all of us, in
the form of small presents for the children. We feel that
SA should get behind SMILES and help them who are
willing to help the less fortunate. Now is the time to give.
Let's see those boxes filled to overflowing!
First Place ACP
First Place CSPA
December 10, 1954
No. 12
Members of the NEWS staff may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from
7 to 11 p.m. at 2-3320, Ext. 11. Phones: Lackey, 3-0277; Ruben, 02-0570; Rellz, 2-97U;
Swlerzowskl, 2-3744; Moore, 2-3320.
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York state College for Teachers; published every Friday of the College year by the NEW8 Board for the Student Association.
Managing Editor
Public Relations Editor
Feature Editor
Circulation- Exchange
Business-Advertising Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
- Junior Sports Member
Junior Spurts Member
Staff Photographer
All communications should be addressed to the editor and must be signed. Names
will be withheld on request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for
opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as such expressions do not
necessarily reflect Its views.
Wittschcn & LoTruglio
We feel t h a t anonymous notes eg., those sent to
t h e Editor of t h e S t a t e College News, are n o t only
ineffective but also trite. If you have worthwhile
criticisms, state t h e m and back t h e m with your n a m e .
Hedging around h a s n ' t gotten anyone anywhere except maybe a few more "friends."
'Music Hath Charms .
Council Selects State
As Next Year's Host
T h e a n n u a l Inter-Collegiate Association conference
was held a t Geneseo S t a t e T e a c h e r s College Friday
a n d Saturday. December 4 and 5. State's delegation
included J o a n Carlin '55, C h a i r m a n , Marjorie Kelleher a n d Robert Betscha, Juniors, and Clyde Payne '57.
T h e purpose of t h e ICA conference is to discuss
problems p e r t i n e n t to t h e New York S t a t e T e a c h e r s '
Colleges and to achieve unity between them. I n the
past, ICA was not a very active organization but
this year's conference went, a long way to s t r e n g t h e n
it. S t a r t i n g in February, a monthly newsletter will
be mailed out to all member colleges carrying interesting facts a n d news from each of the S t a t e T e a c h ers' Colleges. Revision of the ICA constitution was
begun in order to give the association more power.
Proposals were discussed to m a k e ICA a pressure
group in the State Legislature. I n view of the p r o g ress m a d e a t t h e recent conference Albany S t a t e
should do everything it can to back up this organization.
T h e program was divided i n t o four m a i n groups:
Inter-coilegiate relations, Professional attitudes, ICA
constitution revision, and S t u d e n t Government. Ideas
were gained from each of these groups t h a t could be
applied to Albany S t a t e to help us in different ways.
At the closing session, several colleges submitted
bids to have the next conference at their college.
Albany State was selected by a majority vote to be
the place of n e x t year's convention. T h e committee
is now working on plans to publicize t h e conference
within the school.
'Androcles': S.R.O.
Open Letter to t h e Editor:
D r a m a t i c s and Art Council sincerely regrets having
had to turn away so many students, faculty, a n d
townspeople from the recent S t a t e College ' t h e a t r e
production of "Androcles a n d t h e Lion." This was due
to an unexpectedly large d e m a n d for tickets.
We hope to remedy t h e situation by having two
night performances for ah subsequent productions.
T h a n k you for your p a t r o n a g e and your u n d e r standing.
Sincerely yours,
F r a n Vervcn,
D&A Council.
Keep It Clean I
To t h e Editor:
Campus Commission wishes to make known to
those who do not already know it t h a t the Commons
is beginning to look as it did before it was painted.
We had it p a i n t e d and cleaned up for your use but
you seem to be taking a d v a n t a g e of it. In view of
this fact it is becoming necessary for us to lake u n wanted steps to keep it clean. If noticeable change
In the stale of the Commons is not seen in the very
near future, the Commotio will have to be closed lor
un Indefinite period. We are sure t h a i this is hut
w h a t you want, so please keep the Commons clean.
Paul Lewis '57
C h a i r m a n til' Commons for Campus
Due to fault of the I'osl Office the STATE
COLLEGE NEWS copy did not reach our printers in Hudson yesterday. Some news may t h e r e fore have been overlooked,
We urge you to
consult the bulletin boards and posters around
c a m p u s a n d the a n n o u n c e m e n t s In Assembly,
T h e question of ouen or closed meetings for our
campus organizations h a s been a controversial one
for S t u d e n t Council, Myskania, and the News. U n doubtedly it has also raised discussions among others
who are not on these organizations, (If not, why not?)
This controversy is a recent one, and one which we
have gotten along w i t h o u t for a t least several years.
I t uiay be t h a t in these same years the reasoning
behind the exclusion of "outsiders" from a meetingh a s been lost. W h e n used as a protection for an i n dividual being discussed, or in the better p a r t of tact,
such exclusion seems justified a n d wise. W h e n the
protection is for those doing- t h e discussing, or if
used for unnecessary types of m a t t e r s , exclusion is
no longer justified "nor wise. Myskania's ruling a l t h o u g h positive, sidesteps a general policy and t h e
problem. An organization, no m a t t e r how carefully
it prepares an agenda, c a n n o t be certain t h a t its
meeting will not have new business which m i g h t r e quire both a decision from Myskania baous closure,
and also immediate action. A solution m i g h t better
be a t t a i n e d by organizations intelligently seeking the
purpose behind the "barring of n o n - m e m b e r s and
using it with discretion so t h a t t h e s t u d e n t body as
a whole will not feel t h a t their democratic toes have
been stepped upon.
The '55 box is so slow in being filled with gifts . . .
Ihe 'limes crosswords can m a k e you feel so d u m b . . .
all the "temporalily
' signs on doors, Monday
. . . SCAGS had a meeting so late in the semester . . .
t h a t big turnout at Page S a t u r d a y Light, for the
presentation of "Androcles a n a Ihe L i d . " Pays to p u b licize— h u h . . . SUB is finally putting up those m u c h
needed murals, and t h a t you can now get more t h a n
one channel on the TV set a t Bru . . . t h a t all t h e
clocks at Bru Hall have a different time on their
faces. Such confusion.
State Delegates
Attend Annual
NSA Conference
L a s t weekend, December 3, 4, and
5, t h e New York S t a t e Region of
t h e National S t u d e n t Association
held its Fall Regional Conference
at the Hotel Ten Eyck and t h e State
Assembly. Approximately 100 stud e n t s including delegates, alternates, and
a b o u t 20 colleges a n d universities of
New York S t a t e . Six representatives
from S t a t e a t t e n d e d t h e conference
as observers. They were Ann Vigila n t e and T h o m a s Dixon, Seniors,
Marie Carbone and F r a n k McEvoy,
Sophomores, who comprise the comm i t t e e investigating NSA from S t u d e n t Council, Ronald Lackey '55,
representative from the News, and
Morton Hess '57, an interested observer.
Officers Elected
T h e conference consisted of two
opening plenary sessions, panel discussions concerning various commissions, programs, and problems, a
plenary session a t which Ihe panel
reports, I ('solutions and recommendations were presented and approved,
and a closing session with Ihe election uf replacement officers.
To Give Report Next Week
T h e NSA commit lee was set up
in Studeni Council to look into the
possibilities of S t a l e College joining NSA. T h e committee will have
ils report and
rend} for Council next week.
Psychology Club JtdUte .
To Hear Lecture
Out Of Order
To the Editor:
On Delinquency T h i s letter Is being written
T h e Psychology c l u b will present
a program on juvenile delinquency
a t Its next meeting Tuesday night
a t 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher. T h e
guest speaker will be David F r l e land, a practicing- psychologist a t
t h e Berkshire F a r m s , announces
Donald Howard '57, President of t h e
Following the talk, all members
will be invited to participate in a
discussion period led by Dr. F r i e land. All aspects of juvenile delinquency will be considered and will
t h e n oe applied to the general psychology course offered a t college.
T h e discussion will be guided by
Alfred Quonsli and Edwin Lawson,
I n s t r u c t o r s of Psychology a n d a d visors to the club.
T h e purpose of the Psychology
Club is to acquire a better unders t a n d i n g of and further its m e m bers' background in psychology.
Meetings are held every other T u e s day ni.,ht a t Brubacher and are
open to anyone interested in a t tending.
D&A Postpones Date
For 'Girls In Uniform
T h e production of "Girls in Uniform," originally scheduled for t h e
middle of J a n u a r y , lias been postponed until Friday and Saturday,
March 11 a n d 12, reports F r a n Vervcn '55, President of D&A Council.
D r a m a t i c s and A i t Council is
planning the sponsoring of the
ANTA Players on Feoiuary 7. They
will also present "The Winter's
Tale" and "The Skin of Our Teeth."
T h e Dramatics and Art Association to which every student belongs,
is governed by a Council composed
of not more t h a n five members lrom
each class.
regarding a decision m a d e In S t u d e n t
Council this p a s t Wednesday. Elsewhere in the paper is stated t h e
ruling of Myskania regarding opening of meetings of an organizations
on c a m p u s . This, of course, results
in S t u d e n t Council meetings now
being opened unless otherwise s t a t ed by Myskania, during elections
a n d a p p j i n t m e n t s a n a discussions
tnereoi, wnereas previously
meetings h a v e been closed. This
rulmg was m a d e on Tuesday, D e cember 7. At the S t u d e n t Council
meeting this past Wednesday, D e cember 8, t h e President of HuUaent
CouiiL.ii announced tnis ruling to
t h e memoers wnlcn aiiected t h e
appo.ncment of the S i m e Fair
C n a i r m a n t h a t night, and all succeeumg elections a..a appointments.
S t u d e n t Council was n o t totaiiy In
agreement, with t h a t ruling.
T h e a g e n d a s for S t u a e n t Council
meetings of this year have been extiemeiy crowded of necessity, t h e r e fore, various important items have
been h a n g i n g over. One of these i m p o r t a n t items is the revision ot the
S t u d e n t Council Constitution, the
legal d o c u m e n t unaer which this
organization m u s t r u n . This h a s
been hanging over lor a m o n t h .
Logically it should be taken care
of as soon as possible, since C u u n cil is now running illegally, until
levision is completed and brought
up for consideration within t h e
Council. At the meeting Wednesday
nignt, the agenda for t h e meeting
was read, including revision of the
constitution. Certain SC members,
dissatisfied with the ruling, brought
this up for consideration in preference to the constitution revision,
even t n o u g h t h e ruling would not
affect t h e m in the near future. It
was almost overwhelmingly passed
by SC.
I, as an interested observer, consider this a very bad move since it
represents more interest on the p a r t
Academic Council States Education
Teaching Changes For Class Of #57
Academic Council, composed of the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d faculty m e m bers who are the heads of t h e d e p a r t m e n t s , a t Its meeting on November
29, approved a proposal for t h e establishment of a professional semester
bloc for all Seniors s t a r t i n g with t h e Class of '57. According to this
plan one semester of each Senior's p r o g r a m will be divided Into two
el^ht-week periods. During one of these periods t h e Senior will do s t u d e n t teaching (6 hours credit) a n d will take a s t u d e n t teaching seminar
(2 credit h o u r s ) . The program for the other-eight-week period will consist of five hours In Education and three hours in his major field. T h e
five hours in the field of Education will include both Ed 23 (Evaluation
and Guidance—2 credit hours) and Ed 22 (Curriculum—3 h o u r s ) . (Both
these courses are currently being required in t h e J u n i o r y e a r ) . T h e t h r e e hour course in the student's major
field will not result in any increase
In t h e n u m b e r of credit h o u r s now
neeaed to fulfill major requirements in t h a t field. In most cases
If you can find a little time be- it will be a course t h a t is p a r t of
tween all the big goings on around t h e c u r r e n t major requirement.
campus this weekend, the t h e a t r e s
Because of t h e increased enrollIn Albany have seme fine h o u r s of
e n t e r t a i n m e n t to offer. "The N a - m e n t some reorganization of s t u d e n t
ture Girl, Athena," is pulling crowds teaching a r r a n g e m e n t s was neces
in a t t h e Palace, in color, the pic
features J a n e Powell, Edmund P u r - sary in order to h a n d l e efficiently
dom, Debbie Reynolds, Vic Damone t h e large classes already on campus.
and Louis Calhern. Gene Kelly rides
During the 1956-1957 school year
the "Crest of the Wave" in the secit is estimated t h a t the College will
ond flicker.
All t h e beauties of Cinemascope be called upon to provide s t u d e n t
and Stereophonic sound e n h a n c e Leaching experience for approximthe m a i n bill a t the Strand, •The
Adventures of Hajii Baba." J o h n ately four h u n d r e d and sixty-five
Derek and Elaine Stewart hold down Seniors and G r a d u a t e students. T h e
the leavs in this saga lifted from Milne Schuol c a n provide adequate
the Arabian Nights.
teaching opportunities for about
Just around the corner at t h e
h u n d r e d a n d seventy of these
Madison Anthony Quinn and P e g gie Castle are in the midst of " T h e students. This m e a n s t h a t t h e ColLong Walt." Errol Flynn has "Cross- lege will have to provide s t u d e n t
ed Swords" in the second hit. For
teaching opportunities for nearly
those who like a long walk there's
always the D e l a w a r e . ' T h e boy star three h u n d r e d persons in off-campus
of the "Mudlark," Andrew Ray, is situations.
starring in "The Yellow Balloon"
To move such a high percentage
of the students off-campus, it is
of SC members in exerting their essential to a r r a n g e their profesown power t h a n in discussing a n d sional a n d academic sequences so
taking care of a basic legal n e - t h a t they may be released from
campus obligations for an extended
Consider. SC members what ire period during the Senior year. T h e
and should be your most i m p o r t a n t approval of the professional semduties as such.
ester by Academic Council m a k e s
this possible.
Mary Ann Johnpoll '55
Kofutal Kap&te
Assemblies might begin more promptly and c e r t a i n ly would be more enjoyable if the Pep B a n d started
t h e m off as they used to do. T h i s fall we h e a r d it a t
a few activities but even then most of the effort in
organizing it was put forth by a good student. Since
then we haven't heard a n y t h i n g of it. It seems a
waste after the hard work t h a t went in building the
group last year (plus t h e money spent for music),
not to have a P e p Bund now because of lack of
New filter cigarette brings
flavor back to filter smoking!
and a s t a r to the Snack Bar decorators.
and a book of recommendations to Chuck who
doesn't have last year's yet.
and a typewriter ribbon to those students with
papers due.
and a breather for rushers and rushees.
and a bell to S t u d e n t Council for m a n a g i n g all
their ringing salesmen,
and a lot of cooperation to the new S t a t e Fair
and some cold weather for MAA's coming ice rink,
and a bottle of chocolate milk for the basketball
team—to win.
and a new mink .serpent lor Minerva,
and inure records tor those who play them in the
lower hall,
and some new red pencils fur (he faculty fur those
finals coming up.
and a nice vacation lo you all.
TOO! .
Winston tastes good—
like a cigarette should!
• Now there's a filter smoke
college men and women can really
enjoy! It's Winston, the new,
king-size, filter cigarette with real
flavor—full, rich, tobacco flavor!
Can Myskania still continue to function as an h o n orary and also a judicial body?
College Calendar
11:00 a.m. | News Stall' Meeting, Room 206.
1 :!)() p.m. \
10:01) p.m. Winterlude, Circle Inn, L a t h a m Circle.
(LOU p.m. Annual SCA Christmas Sing, Page Hall.
!):(,() p.m. Student Union Bo .d Coffee Hour, Brubucher.
8:00 p.m.
You're bound to enjoy Winston's
finer flavor. And you're sure to
appreciate Winston's finer filter.
This exclusive filter is unique,
different, truly superior! It works
so effectively — yet doesn't "thin"
the taste. Winstons are kingsize for extra filtering action.
Easy-drawing, too — there's no
effort to puff!
Try a pack of Winstons—the filter
cigarette that brings flavor bach
to filter smoking!
Oral Interpretation Readings, Draper 340.
:i:()() p.m Children's Chrislmus Party, Albany Home
lor Children.
10:00 t u n .
News Board Meeting, Room 141.
Albany Schools
To Hear Scripts
Sowdtf RiuU dulu
College Revue Commuters Club
Lists Directors Sponsors Teams
III.. Silent Period
to be set by council for each girl
A. During the silent period there present.
Radio Guild is initiating a pro- shall be no communication between
5. Rushees wishing to obtain ad- The All-College Revue Committee
gram of twelve scripts to be pre- rushees and sorority members ex- ditional information about the fi- has selected directors for the forthsented In the Albany Public Schools C ept for two parties given by each nancial obligations undertaken in coming All-College Revue. The folthroughout the year. The first script, sorority for invited rushees. The joining a particular sorority may lowing have been selected: Superdirected by Anne Marie Persico '57, period extends from February 7 at apply to the Dean of Women,
vising Director, J. Ruben Garcia;
was completed this week, states 8 p.m. until pledge service on Feb- IV Bids
Nancy Feder '55, President of Ra- r u a r y 14 at 5:30 p.m.
A. Entering Sophomores, Juniors, Dialogue Director, Evelyn Ruben,
dio Guild.
j There shall be no rushing Seniors and graduate students may seniors; Music Director, Neil Brown,
Sound effects for Miss Persico's during this period except by means be given bids at the same time as G r a d a s s l s t e c } b y George Dunbar '55
script were provided by Harold of the parties described above and freshmen but not before.
and Susan Garrett '56; ChoreoSchwager '56. William Floyd, Grad, then only in the sorority houses. ExB . The number of women in any grapher Direcoor, Salvatore Zacdid the narration.
cept at the parties there shall be no c i a s s thai a sorority may pledge shall charo '58, and Co-orainator, David
Trv outs DarticiDatinsr were' Jes- conversation between rushees and b e limited to 25.
Kendig '57.
s e v f c s ° W ' K S R a l p h O u t amembers,
and it shall be considered
take no
E a c h sorority may
n oflense to n a v e a tnird
ver Emmet Ten Broeck Ronald
more than two transfers beyond the
The deadline for
Lorigto, freshmen. Anyone interested a c t » a medium to carry on a con- q u o t a I 0 r e a c h class.
scripts is Monday. Anyone wishing
in participating is requested by Miss versation.
D . Second semester freshmen and to submit a script should give them
On the weekend of February 11 transfers must be in attendance for t 0 Mary Ann Johnpoil '55 or Marie
Feder to consult the Radio Guild
and 12 each sorority shall give two one semester before they may re- Devine '56 by this Monday.
bulletin board in Husted.
parties for invited rushees and in ceive bids.
Schools in the Albany Public the following order
E. Procedure for giving bids.
Anyone wishing to serve on the
School system will be working with
1. A complete list of bids from various committees which are listed
a. A buffet supper from 6 p.m
the Guild in this project. Scripts
each sorority must be in the office in the All-College Revue bulletin
on Friday.
are of a nature suitable for pre- to b9 p.m.
A formal dinner from 7 D m o f t h e D e a n o f W o m e n bV 9 a ' m - ? n board may sign up. I h i s sign-up
sentation to children of the ele- to 11-30 n m onsTtmMav (Invited February 14, 1954. The same day by sheet is located in the lower penmentary and Junior High School to 11.JO p.m. on baturday. (invited 1 2 : 3 5 p m a U r u s n e e s s h a l l h a v e s t y l e b e t w e e n D r a p e r a n d Husted.
level. They will concern the history rushees shall not arrive before the their preferences in the Dean's offirst hour mentioned and shall leave fice. At 5 p.m. Monday, the presiof Albany.
Tryouts for the show will be connot later than the second).
dents of the sororities may receive duced between Monaay, January 3,
c. No bids for waiters shall be lists of rushees who have chosen and ihe wees, of final exams. Miss
sent out before 3 weeks preceding tneir sororities.
Johnpoil would liice to stress that
Formal Weekend.
anyone may try out for the snow.
(Continued Next Week)
3. Notices will be sent by Intersorority Council to rushees thru
student mall on Monday, Feb. 7 at
8 a.m. These notices will instruct
We find two "types" on this the rushees to come to a designated
campus wnich at this time of year place beiore 5 p.m. of that day to
are not very unique: The tired stu- receive invitations to formal week- Student Council Tabulations:
dent . . . and tne tired proi. An Old e n c j . Rushees must return these in418 X 100
Caiabrian Dirge from che Vassar V itations to a member of council in
+ = 8361
Quota =
Misceliany ..News expresses the t h e designated place between the
plight of our "dear ole teachers."
hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on that Blun 14800 8361 8361 8361 8361 8361 8361 8361 8361 8361 8361
When disquisitory duty's to be day.
B'nest'l lt'00 2o45 2688 2688 2788
done, to be done
. E„
_, „ ,.
Cohen 2200 3060 3103 3203 3246 3389 3818 4161 4990
F r p r
A professor's life is not an 'appy «• *P">** ° » «<*
Corco'n 3700 4431 4431 4474 4774 5017 5203 6289 7104 7576 8705
maxlm m
one an 'anov one
expenses for
Cr'ford 1:700 3044 3044 3044 3144 3330 3430
EiKin 1300 1343 1343 1343
• a n ap *; y ° n e '
decorations for formal weekend
shall be $10 decided by the council. Leach 3100 3788 3888 3888 3888 4031 4674 5360 5789 7519 8234
The Rensselaer Polytechnic reb. A total of $10 or an amount Leieve 4u0 486
echoes tne plight of we poor stu- designated by council may be spent Meyer 2200 2673 2673 2959 2959 3302
for the houseAlso
for not
the Petty 2500 3102 31U2 3145 3345 3517 4003 4146
My nerves
are very close to break more than $2 will be allotted per Stefano 3000 4204 4304 4347 4547 5619 5962 6105 7263 7878 9750
W'fieid 400 744 744
My spirits are as damp as any rushee for corsages.
c. Buffet supper — maximum M'hews 2800 3058 3158 3301 3401 3644 4530 4973 5702 6474
For each professor has the notion amount to be spent for food is $1.00 Blanks £00 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
790 1019 1605 1731 3192 5950
161 161 247 547
That Ills is the only class I'm or amount set by council.
d. Formal dinner — maximum
amount for food is $4.00 or amount Total 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800
« * •
To "alleviate" our mind of these
trite complaints we picked up the
University of Buffalo Spectrum and
here is what we found:
Teacher: "Spell straight."
Pupil: "S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T."
Teacher: "Correct. Now what
does that mean?"
Pupil: "Without ginger-ale."
* * *
Judge: "So they caught you with
this bundle of silverware. Whom
did you plunder?"
Yegg: "Two fraternity houses,
your honor."
Judge: "Call up the downtown
hotels, sergeant, and distribute this
• • *
Irate Father: "Why were you kissing my daughter in that dark corner last night?"
Dubious youth: "Now that I've
seen her in the daylight, I sort of
wonder myself."
Commuters Club has announced
that it will sponsor teams in Intramural "State" Atnletics, The Sports
directors, who are Cressy McNutt
'57 and Nils Breaka '58, will act as
coordinators between the Club and
the Athletic Associations.
Commuters are reminded to watch
closely the bulletin board in lower
Draper for the announcement of
the time and place for the next
Commuters' meeting. All college
students who do not live on campus
are invited to attend these meetings.
Out 7I4a CacUoHpe
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B e a t s t h e stuffing out ol' other
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And this is g r a v y ! Travel home
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train. Then return singly or together, and each save 28'.l of the
regular coach round-trip fare.
APA took over the lead by one
point In the fast Downstairs IM
Bowling League by downing the
APAthetics 3-1. "Jose" Duran led
the APA team to this victory over
their third string team by bowling
201-177-137 for a 515 triple. Eagan
led the APAthetics with 421. SLS,
featuring three "500" bowlers downed KB, 3-1. John Zidik bowled 186182-183 for a 551 triple. Shumanski
and Swierzowski backed him up with
513 and 503 triples, respectively. In
the third match of the downstairs
League Potter kept within one point
of the lead despite losing to the
Saylesmen 3-1. Potter was led by
Theobald's 452 triple, while Sayles
was paced by Legault's 46G, thirty
frame tally.
With this match, the team concluded its first semester of competition. The keglcrs will now take
a mid-semester break before resuming its schedule of matches February 1.
Co-ed Rifle Club
Elects Officers
State's newest club, the Rifle and
Pistol Cluo, passed a constitution and
elected officers at the last meeting.
Bill Monsell was elected President,
Lucy Faribraun, Vice President,
Linus Thrasher, Secretary, and
Bruce Wise, Treasurer.
This new athletic club is a co-ed
organization. It is open to all State
College students and is operated under the auspices of both WAA and
AMIA. Its constitution must still be
approved by WAA and AMIA in addition to the National Rifle Association beiore it can pursue a full
program of activities, but it is now
"finding the range."
The club will conduct a meeting
next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher to which all students interested in this organization arc invited. At this meeting Monsell and several of the club members will give
an explanation of the parts and care
of a rifle.
Gerald Drug Go.
217 Western Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Phone 6-8610
Get the Full Facts from
Your Railroad Ticket Agent
Well in Advance
RPI Defeats State 67-59 In Page;
Oneonta Downs Statesmen 76-72
APA Scores
In IM Match
To Take Lead
Intercollegiate Bowlers Cop Four
The Intercollegiate Bowlers took
four points from Hudson Valley
Tech to wind up their pre-Christmas schedule. Joe Duran rolled 150158-212 for a 520 triple to lead the
Intercollegiate team.
Save 25% or More
Fine Dry Cleaning
Basketball Squad Will Play Harpur, New Haven Fives
APAches Defeat Grousers
In the Upstairs League, the league
leading APAches swept Mahar'.s
Groggers 4-0. Duprey led the "Redmen" with a 476 triple, while Inglis
paced the Groggers. The Rousers
took 4 points from Summit in the
second match. Illingworth split the
maples for 425 to lead the Rousers.
DiGesare set the pace for the losers.
Hilltop and Van Derzee split their
match, each team taking two points.
Swiskey was the leading bowler for
Hilltop, knocking down 474 pins,
while Kloberdanz set the puce for
the Van Dergee team with a 457
Student Council Tabulations
Today is the Last Day
The Co-op will buy a
Limited number of Used Books
Blue Note Shop
156 Central Avenue
Open Evenings till 8:00
State's varsity basketball team lost its first home game
of the season, 67-59, to the invading engineers of RPI.
As in its previous loss, State lost this game on the foul
line as it tailed to sink the majority of its free throws.
Lew Carr led the State scorers wuh 24 points in addition to rebounding superbly on both backboards.
JV Hoop Squad
Bows To HVT
Pictured above is this year's varsity basketball squad. First row:
John Minon, Jerry McDonald, Denny Dempster, Joe Anderson, Sig Smith,
Bruce King. Second row: Coach Hathawav, Jack Gibson, Jack Peacock,
Nels LaRoe, Lew Carr, Don Meyer, John Rookwood, Manager Al Stephenson, Trainer Walt Barbach.
IM Hoopsters Increase Activity;
Thurlow Scores Two Victories
The IM Basketball League swung
into high gear this week with nine
games being played. Thurlow won
two games.
Last Saturday Van Derzee slaughtered the APAches, 49-10. Kotsi led
VDZ with 12 points while Eagan
had 4 for the hapless redmen. Thurlow squeezed the Lemons in the
second contest 71-44 as Blesi chalked up 27 tallies for the Thurlowites.
The Lemons were led by Dunham
and Schultes who each scored 9.
In the iinale KB overcame the Pub
Crawlers 32-23. Blattman pased the
frat team with 12, while Pub Crawlers were led by "spirited" Don Canonica's 12 markers.
Teams Play Tight Games
In Monday evening's first tilt the
Black Knights outstored SLS in a
close one 33-31. McDowell had 14
for the winners, while Estramonte
paced the fratmen with 13. The
Ponies galloped to a 47-35 victory
over EEP. Windsor hooped 13 to
lead the winners, while Roecklein
scored 8 for EEP. In the last game
the Flyers zoomed to a 46-42 win
over the Rousers. Chancer scored
22 points, but Dame of the Rousers
took high scoring honors of the
game with 24.
SLS outran and outscored the
Ridg'j Runners 49-36 to start Wednesday evening's activity. Willi
hooked in 22 for SLS, while Young
scored 11 to lead the Ridge. Thurlow won its second game of the week
beating APA 62-54. Blesi again led
the Thurlow hoopsters with 20
points Davie scored 16 to pace the
losers. In the final game Summit
Women's Athletic Association will beat KB 43-20. Olson hit for 20 to
commence its winter basketball sea- lead the barracks men, while Blattson Tuesday. Two members of WAA man scored 10 to pace KB.
Council reported a conference in
Basketball practice will be held Athletic Associations
in the Page Gym every Tuesday and
Thursday evenings beginning this W i l l Construct Rink
Tuesday at 7 p.m. Sports directors
The Association for Men's Intraof women's dormitories and societies are to sign up their teams on mural Athletics, (AMIAl, formerly
Men's Athletic Asociation, iMAA),
the WAA bulletin board.
Gina Hilfiker '56 and Ann Kam- recently presented its new r instimer '57 attended a conference of tution before Student Council lor
the American Federation of Wom- approval, reports Tom Hogue '55,
en's Athletic Associations last week- President. The Association plans to
end, witii 40 colleges in attendance. take inventory of the equipment
The Council members returned provided lor Intramural athletics
with fifteen recommendations for prior to the second semester.
WAA Council. One recommendation
AMIA and WAA are planning to
pertained to the organizating of a build a skating rink for State stuPlanning Committee. The commit- dents, probably in St. Mary's Park.
tee would be made up of delegates Everyone is reminded to bring their
from State, Skidmore, Russell Sage skates back with them after Christand Saint Rose. This committee will mas vacation in order that they
discuss intercollegiate standards and may take advantage of this co-ed
publish an intercollegiate newsletter. activity.
Girls Basketball
Season To Open
Student Owned
Student Operated
Quality Work - Reasonable Prices
Quick Service (3-day)
All work picked up and delivered at your dorm
See the Student Representative in your dorm now
The State College Junior Varsity
ouintet lost its game to Hudson Vallev Tech 77-73 in a real thriller. The
little Peds led by a substantial margin throughout the first half, but
failed to come out on top at the end
mainly because they missed 21 of
52 foul shots.
Another big factor in the JV's
loss was the presence of Hudson
Valley's lanky center, Gates. Gates
ended up the game with 38 points
to cop scoring honors. He dropped in
30 of these points during the second
half to whittle down State's early
i eac l
The State JV was paced by Millet
who tossed in 29 points.
f p tp
fb fp t p
8 o 16
Pa tile
Le Fever
2 (i CuliMn
!) 29
2 0 4
20 21 73 Totals
State Behind at Halftlme
At the end of the first half RPI
led 31 to 21. However, In the second
half RPI started to really assume
command, while the State team
was unabte to catch fire. RPI built
up its lead to 25 points before the
State squad finally began to hit..
Paced b
y LaRoe, Smith and Carr,
started to drive
andw l cut
t n e lead d o w n to six
oin s
about three
B f l ' n advantage of the three minu t e rule
> nr.anaged to stave off any
minute rally by the State squad.
Staves Off Rally
T h e last few
minutes were "wild
and woo
'y' ones M tnree s t a t e m e n
fouled out trying to gain possession
o f t h e bal1
- Dempster started to go
in for his
driving lay-ups successfull
ln t h e
second half to help considerabyl in State's second half rally.
The squad was hampered rather
seriously^during the first half when
and"' LaRoe were both forced
to leave the game for several minutes because they picked up two
quick fouls.
20 25 77 D. Mver
This week's spotlight beams on'
Carl Ma.sson, freshman forward on
the Sayles basketball team. Carl
scored 31 points in leading Sayles
to a surprising one-point overtime
victory over APA in their first game
of the season. On the basis of this
performance Sayles should prove a
strong contender for the league and
the school championship.
This week's runnerup is John Zedik, leading bowler of the faster
IM league. John led his SLS teammates to a 3-1 victory over KB by
bowling 186-183-182 for a 551 triple.
John also increased his average to
the point where his first place position is well nigh impregnable.
R. P. I.
fb fp tp
9 2 20
5 27
3 5
0 4
4 4
0 0
0 0
5 7
fb fp t p
24 19 67
Although managing to put on another last minute spirited drive the
Peds lost their third straight game
of the year to Oneonta Wednesday
Big Lew Carr again led the local
cagers, who came within one point
of Oneonta late in the third quarter, as he looped in 24 points. Lew
had good backing from Sig Smith's
18 and Nels LaRoe's 16 while Denny
Dempster set up many plays.
3a rr
1) 0
1 0
211 20
fb fp t p
6 7 19
3 2 8
11 2 24
2 0 4
0 3 3
1 0 2
5 4 14
1 0 2
29 18 76
Campus Casuals for the College Co-ed
Softies - Loafers - Low Heel Dress - Oxfords
Suedes - Leathers - Combinations
"Around the Corner from State College"
Thick Creamee Frosts — Ass't Flavors
We also serve hot chocolate, coffee and
If you like, bring your own lunch
and visit with Rocky & Sam.
475 Washington Ave.
PAflt •
'Smiles' Urges Students To Donate D&A Sponsors
Christmas Presents For Children Last Readings
SMILES urges the student body to support their Christmas Party
which will be held Wednesday at the Albany Home for Children. The
Baby Cottage will be the scene of the first party for the younger children from four to five in the afternoon. The second party for older
children is scheduled for 7 to 9 p.m. Elaine Swartout '56, President of
SMILES requests that the student body support this party through their
contribution of gifts which are to be placed in the SMILES boxes in
Lower Draper Peristyle through Monday afternoon. Suggested gifts are
on the class bulletin boards and in
the Co-op. All students who wish
to help in making this party a sue- DUSIflGSS
n u n o r a r /
cess should contact Marilyn Chen- | ••• i _ _
field '57, Chairman of the Christ- Initiates
mas party, through student mail.
pj, a National HonPi 0 m e g a
Seniors with surnames A-K are orary S o c i e t y in Business Eduto contribute gifts for boys, ages 14- cation, initiated new members at
18 and those Seniors with surnames their last meeting, releases William
L-Z are to contribute gifts for girls Eehunia; '56, Vice-President.
between the ages of 14 and 16. JunNew members are: Barbara Delors with last names A-K are to vitt, Marilyn Fuchs, June Palmer,
buy gifts for boys 11-13 and those Robert Sage, Seniors. Also, the folwith last names L-Z are to buy lowing Juniors have been initiated:
gifts for boys 14-16.
Robert Betscha, John Flanagan, EsMembers of the Sophomore class ther Goldstein, Jane Loman, Joan
with last names beginning with let- Mooney, Paul Polito, Delores Price,
ters A-K inclusive are to give gifts Vivian Schiro, Gay Scoville, Wilfor girls 11-13. Sophomores with liam Shlpengrover, Sheila Stanger,
last names L-Z are to buy gifts for Audrey Teal, Archie_ Westmiller,
boys between the ages of 7 and 10. Jane Whitehurst, and Patricia WilFreshmen with last names A-K are son
to buy presents for girls between
the ages of three and ten and those
with surnames L-Z are to buy gifts
for boys, aged four to eight.
Refreshments, entertainment and
a Santa Claus will be provided for
the party by Smiles. Myron Clement, Grad, will act as Santa Claus
for the parties. Rehearsal of entertainment will be Monday afternoon
at three in Richardson 20.
The class in oral interpretation,
directed by Agnes E. Futterer and
sponsored by Dramatics and Arts
Affiliates, will present a Christmas
program at 8 p.m. Tuesday, December 14 in Draper 349.
The highlight of the program will
be the Christmas sermon from T.
S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral." This will include a choral
reading by Thomas Smith, Anneliese
Hartnagel, Maxine Adner and
Marie Devine, Juniors; Ralph Adams '55; Marilyn Darzano, Mary
Jones and Marjorie
freshmen. To add to the Christmas
mood, a group of carols will be sung
by Steve Serniak '55; Elaine Swarthout and Carol Sanders. Juniors;
Peter Booke and Richard Erbncher,
Sophomores; and Roger Hunt '58.
The reading is under the direction
of Ruben Garcia '55 and the carolers will be accompanied by Esther
Tucker '56.
Other selections wil be read by
Jean Hageny, Helen Stubbs, Barbara Salvatore and Virginia Karl,
Juniors; and Jean Morris and Wilbur Green, Seniors.
Elizabeth Cobb, the college librarian recently attended a meeting of the Eastern College Librarians at Columbia University. The
theme of the conference was Library
—Instructional Integration at the
College and University Level.
Minnie B. Scotland, Professor of
Biology has attended the Annual
Meeting of the New York Academy
of Sciences In New York City.
Robert Rienow, Professor of Political Science has recently returned
from the annual convention of the
National Council for the Social
Studies at Indianapolis. Indiana.
Donald J. M u l k e r n e , Assistant Professor of Commerce, has
written an article titled "Economic
Geography Begins at Home Sweet
Heme." Mulkerne recently spoke to
a group of typewriting teachers at
a conference which was held at
the Christian Brothers Academy.
Sigma Phi Sigma
Replaces AEPhi
In compliance with the proclamation issued by the State University
of New York that all national sororities and fraternities be banned from
New York State Colleges for Teachers' campuses, the Albany Chapter
of Alpha Epsilon Phi has become
local. They have chosen a new
name, Sigma Phi Sigma, reports
Marilyn Werbolowsky '55, President.
Sigma Phi Sigma will retain its
present officers and ritual. A new
Constitut.on is nearing completion,
states Miss Werbolowsky.
The State University banned national groups due to discrimination
clauses in many of the Constitutions. AEPhi's Constitution contained no such clause. But as a national
group they had to follow the ruling.
Although the deadline for the disbanning of national sororities and
fraternities was set for 1958, AEPhi
decided to take immediate action.
In so doing, AEPhi as Sigma Phi
Sigma will remain a functioning
group on campus. Its members from
the Class of 1958 will graduate as
members of an active- sorority.
Tau Kappa Alpha
Will Induct Six
Six State College debaters will be
initiated into Tau Kappa Alpha,
National Honorary Forsenic Society,
Wednesday. The initiation will take
place at Brubacher Hall at 5 p.m.,
according to Paul Saimond, Grad,
Candidates were selected by the
outstanding work in debate activities. Phyllis Bialow '56, who has two
years of debating, is President of
Debate Council. Last April, Miss
Bialow was Chairman of the annual
Legislative Assembly held at the
Capitol for 26 New York State Colleges. Phyllis Lyeth '53, on the winning team at Dartmouth and University of Vermont debate tourneys,
has been on debate and discussion
for two seasons. Last spring, she was
the delegate from State to the Legislative Assembly. Delegate to Legislative Assembly last spring, Barbara
alvatore '56 is a member of Debate Council. She was also Included
on the winning Dartmouth tourney
team. East Coast winner of second
place in extemporaneous speaking
and third place winner in progressive
discussion is Richard Clifford '57,
Treasurer of Debate Council. Rita
Cohen '57 is a member of the Debate Council and has two years of
debating to her credit. Miss Cohen
was the delegate to the Legislative
Assemb'y last spring. Another Debate Council member is Emilie Vavra '57, wno has also debated for two
seasons. Last spring she was the
delegate to the East Coast discussion and debate tourney at Now
York University.
Library Anmun:es
Christmas Schedules
Library hours before and alter the
Christmas vacation period have
been announced by Elizabeth Cobb,
College Librarian. The library will
close at 1 p.m. next Friday and will
reopen at 8 a.m. Monday, January 3.
Overnight books may be borrowed
on or after Thursday and will be
due January 3. Reserved books may
be borrowed after Thursday at 4:25.
The fine on a reserve book, due
at 9:10 am. Monday, January 3 Is
twenty-five cents for the first hour,
or fraction thereof, that it Is overdue, and five cents for each succeeding hour, up to u maximum of
sixty cents for the first day, For
each succeeding day iin additional
twenty-five cents Is charged up to
the purchase price ol II e book.
The library Is currently featuring
an exhibit of part of a collection
of Christmas seals which belong to
John Sturm, Assistant Professor of
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