Document 14063913

Page 4
Y. W. C. A. to Conduct
Campus Days in Previous Years
Meeting in Lounge
Have Presented Varied Events Dr. H. C. Phillips Will Address
'News' Reporters
Council Invites
to Meet Wednesday
Tryouts to Tea
Wolzok Announces Meeting
College Men and Women
by Charles Walsh
For Editorial Staff
the arrangements as a result of a
A d v a n c e d Dramatics Class
It was on October 20, 1920, that revision of the college constitution
Young Women's Christian AssocThere will be a meeting of all reWill Present Plays
State college students got together In the preceding year.
iation will conduct a mass meeting
porters of the STATE COLLEOE NEWS
Tuesday Night
on the campus, "for a day of sport," Historically, Campus day reached Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock In the
on Wednesday at 12:00 o'clock in
Its peak In 1924. On that memorunder the direction of the Physical able occasion, Colgate university met Lounge of Richardson hall.
room 206 of Draper hall, according
Dr. Harold Cooke Phillips of CleveThere
fresheducation club,
the State gridders at Ridgefleld land, Ohio, a college speaker of nato the announcement of Sophie
The program has always consisted Park. According to the NEWS of tional repute, will be the main men tryouts for Music council on Wolzok, '38, editor-in-chief, a n d
Richof athletic contests between the the time the State team scored a speaker. All academy and high
member of Myskania, senior honorclasses on a Saturday afternoon, moral victory, Colgate winning by school students as well as college ardson hall, according to Muriel
Goldberg, '38, president of the coun- ary society.
with festivities following in the the comparatively close score of 33 men and women are invited.
This meeting will include not only
evening. These have been climaxed to 0.
The first meeting of the National cil.
by the coronation of the Campus Traditions began in 1900 when Preaching Commission convening in The committees are: general chair- the sophomores who were promoted
Queen from 1922 on. Other features State college had 100 per cent pay- the capital district October 24 to 27
from last year's cub classes but those
of that Campus day in 1922 were ment of Student tax and a football will be conducted Sunday, October 24 man, Muriel Goldberg, 38; arrange- upperclassmen who held staff posiments,
relays of Eskimo running and ele- team. Today we have reacquired at 3:30 o'clock in Immanuel Baptist
tions previously and are interested
phant running. The first queen was payment of the tax, and our men's church. The speaker will be Miss Baker, '39; publicity, Margaret Mat- in continuing news work.
a member of Myskanla, as have been athletic program Is on the up-grade, Muriel Lester, "the Jane Addams of tison, '39; invitations, Alice Brown
Students who are unable to attend
all of her successors save three. She so we can feel that tradition has England" well-known British social and Lillian Rivklnd, sophomores.
was attended by five girls in Oreek been upheld.
The winter concert, January 14, the meeting are advised to comrobes with headresses of their class In 1928-1930, student participation
will be the council's first presenta- municate with Jean Strong, '39,
colors. This year, 1922, was also was so active that It was necessary
tion of the year. The Sorcerer, an associate managing editor. Those
marked by the presentation of the to issue tickets of admission.
who do not attend will be automaticoperetta, will be given in April.
first stunts.
ally dropped from the staff. This
This year marks the 17th anniverThe first plays of the season by applies only to the reporters on the
In 1923 the theme of the day wassary of Campus day as a State colthe Advanced Dramatics class will editorial staff, not the business staff.
a circus. The events were conduct- lege institution. The program will
be presented Tuesday night in the
ed in the gymnasium, each class differ but slightly, if at all, from
The purpose of the meeting is to
Frances Riani Wins First Post
auditorium of Page hall.
presenting one act in the circus, that of recent years. Student counrevise the list of staff meetings, and
In Freshman Elections
On November 8 the Dramatics and explain the new system of collectwhile clowns amused the crowd be- cil Is in charge of arrangements, and ]
Myskania Is jealously guarding tne
tween the acts.
At a meeting of the freshman class Art association will present Walter
Former programs have even in- secret of the Queen's identity, as last Tuesday, Frances Riani was Hampden, one of America's foremest ing news stories.
Members of the business staff, and
elected manager of women's ath- actors of the legitimate stage. He
cluded faculty participation. At one
point the high spot of the day was Not until the strains of "Pomp and letics. Revotes were taken last will give readings from Cyrano de the business cubs should watch for
a "faculty sack race," while every- Circumstance" are begun will the Thursday for the remaining class Bergerac, Hamlet, and many others. announcements in the Nuws of
body gathered around for a basket mystery be solved, and the sixteenth officers.
forthcoming meetings.
The Dramatics and Art association
queen will parade slowly down the
lunch in the evening.
Revotes Included: president,, Fred
Day, Barbara Ferree, Stanley Smith
Myskania held control over the
Folders D u e Monday
activities of the day from 1923 to over the student body of State col- and Clarence Olsen; vice-president, Association. The association will
All senior folders must be in the
present four shows, each containing
John Alden and Beatrice Dower.
1835, when Student council took over lege for an evening.
Secretary, Virginia McDermott and twelve pictures chosen as the best Appointment Bureau on Monday at
Robert Mesek; treasurer, Rosemary contemporary art by today's critics. the latest, according to an announceBrucker and Elizabeth Cottenham; These pictures are constantly being ment from the bureau. Those students who have not filled out their
cheerleader, William Haller, Stephen featured in the magazine Life.
schedule cards properly are requestKusak, Dorothy Peak and Charlotte
Several exhibits of the Dramatics ed to do so at once. On these cards
Songleader, Howard Merriam and and Art association will be given at must be shown the student's whereabouts for each hour of the day,
The NYA Campaign has received was doing, After the executive allot- Mary Miller; reporter, John Murray Lounge teas in conjunction with Miss both in class and outside.
discovnumerous criticisms recently, but
the best editorial support for the ered that It is less than 45 million M. A. A., Stephen Bull, Louis Greenspan, and Roy McCreary.
campaign has come from the Cam- dollars,
pus News of New Jersey ColDinners 25c and up
lege for Women, but Hunter is This executive deviation from an Three Graduates Leave
also strong in Its backing. However, obvious legislative intent means that
Delicious Sandwiches and
to Teach High School
at the same time, two editors, the the money alloted to student work
heads of the Bucknellian of Buck- will provide work for only 220,000 Three people have obcained teach7:30 A. M. — 11:00 P.M.
nell U n i v e r s i t y and of the
ing positions since the last announ, fUtifi.y m-routiio 39
Opp. the High School
Silver and Gold of the University students instead of 310,000 as was cement, according to the Appointof C o l o r a d o have sent forth the case last year. A great many ment bureau.
much criticism. Their view Is that students, who came back to college These people are Harry T. Gumaer,
'37, History and E n g l i s h at
Glenfield; Luella Wersen, '36, Ariththere
metic and Geography at the Amshould help the president to balance
the budget, Their criticism of the people are the constituency of the sterdam Junior High school; and
at the
national office for getting NSFA college, and It is necessary to look Ward Donner, '37 Graduate student,
Economic Citizenship and Football
Into the campaign has been particu- out for their needs.
larly strong.
The N. Y. A. was founded as a re- coaching at the Troy High school.
The reply to all of these ideas has sult of the united efforts of all
been threefold: funds are definitely groups interested In education, and,
needed; although the budget needs In this effort, the N.S.F.A. and
to be balanced, the money doesn't student councils throughout the
have to be taken from the youths, country, regardless of political viewfor a billion dollar military machine point, took a leading part.
Is of less value to the future of the
Realizing the fact that a new
country than the government's effort Is necessary, a nation-wide
social program Is expected to be; the
national office entered this cam- campaign has been embarked upon
paign as a way of aiding the decision to secure an executive restoration
made by at least 85% of the dele- of the full amount of N. Y. A. approOPTICIANS.
gates at the last Congress to ask priation, or an additional appropriaLegitimate Theatre, Schenectady
for more money for youth, and all tion. This campaign will bring to
Federation actions are based on the the attention of the country, and the
• Plays Changed Each Monday •
decisions of Its student council mem- president, the desirability of restorNights: 8:30. Matinees: Wed., Sat., Z;30
ing these cuts. Several meetings
Several student presidents have have been held, delegations sent to
written in, commending the campaign. One president wrote in tell- been made to secure the participaing exactly what they were doing at tion of as large a group as possible.
his college, They have, as in many
Just recently the expression of the
other universities, a N. Y. A. com- united opinion of the people to
mittee, which Is composed of the whom this is an Important problem
Dean of Men, Dean of Women, was given. As yet the result Is un- The Uptown
Director of the Employment Bureau, certain,
A llroudwuy Company in the Broadway Hits
Assistant Comptroller of Men, the
N.Y.A. Director, and the president
171 Central Ave.
of A. S. U. S. C. This committee
Between Itohin St. and Lex. Ave.
must pass upon all those desiring
appointments, and investigate Into Get Your Greyhound Bus Tickets
- : - N. Y.
each case; consequently, those who
A Comedy Sensation by Mfirk Reed
— at the —
are trying to slide under the bar are
DIAL 3-7045
OapHviouH an a lark and twice as flii/hty Literary Digest.
eliminated. This Is a great help, for
those In dire need are given the
Jolly holiday for unyonu on phumro bent Herald Tribune.
7 No. Lake Ave. One Mock West
positions with higher pay.
There has been a cut in the N.Y.A.
budget to quite an extent. The facts
Dial 5-11)13
Geo, D. Jeoney, Prop
are that two years ago, at the request
of educators, relief administrators,
and outstanding citizens of every
A Thrilling Courtroom Melodrama, by Ayn Kami
type, the President established the
N.Y.A., a government agency to
help young people, who were the
Nights itux included): 55c, 8So, $1.10
worst victims of the depressions.
Bulking large In the work of the
Wciliicsduys and Su I unlays lYlutiiu-<>, 55c, H5c
N. Y, A. was the student aid program,
which enabled many students otherMAM. OKDLKS: Mail sell-IllllllCbsd .slumped envelope
wise unable to, to remain In school.
with check payable to LMl'lHi; l'l AVi;i(S, Inc.
Last year the N, Y. A. spent somewhat over seventy million dollars;
this year Congress appropriated to
It "a maximum of 75 million dollars,"
being Impressed by the work that It
Guardians Announce
Freshman Revotes
N. S. F. A. Outlines Arguments
For Federal Aid Job Retention
x '^rssnrsa •?ss \ ^^:?: t^™*™.
Good Food and a Friendly Fire
^SLi tt(e«trni at Quail
Now Playing, Thru Sat., Oct. 23
Francis E. Cox
"Petticoat Fever"
State College News
VOL. XXII, No. 6
Hop to Feature
Haymes' Rhythm
At Colonie Club
C a i n is C h a i r m a n of E v e n t ;
Dancers to Enjoy Swing
T o 2:00 O'Clock
H o n e y B u r n s is V o c a l i s t ;
Girls H a v e Late Leave
To 3 : 0 0 O'Clock
State's 'cats' will swing to the
music of Joe Haymes and his swing
stylists at the Senior Hop on Friday,
November 5. Dancing will take place
at Hie Colonie Country Club from
9:00 o'clock to 2:00 o'clock, according to Dorothy Cain, chairman.
The music of Joe Haymes is well
known to the devotees of modern
rhythm in the New England section.
His vocalists, Honey Burns, Ronnie
Chase, and Clyde Rogers are known
for possessing that certain something
necessary for jam band singers.
The fact that the dance will be
conducted at the Colonie Club will
be an innovation for the only previous dances that have been there
were the Senior Balls at the close
of the school year.
Bids for the hop will be on sale all
next week in Room X, according to
Christine Dershimcr and Edith Cort,
bid co-chairmen. The price of the
bids will be $2.50.
The girls will have special late
leave until 3:00 o'clock.
The faculty chaperones will be
Mr. William Hardy, instructor in
English, and Mrs. Hardy; Mr. William Wood, instructor in English, and
Mrs. Wood; Mr. Paul Bulger, secretary of the Appointment bureau.
The faculty patrons and patronesses are: Dr. A. R. Brubaeher,
president of the college, and Mrs.
Brubaeher; Dr. Milton G. Nelson,
clean of the college, and Mrs. Nelson;
Dr. William French, instructor In
education, and Mrs. French.
All seniors who are going to Hop
will please register their names and
those of their guests at the bid table
before Tuesday, whether or not they
have yet bought their bids.
The co-chairmen of the music
committee who secured the orchestra
are Kathryn Hobble and Margaret
Senior Hop's week end will be
rounded out by the various sorority
house dances on the following evening.
S T A T E C O L L E G E F O R T E A C H E R S , A L B A N Y , N . Y., F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 29, 1937
State Board of Regents Makes
Safety Education Compulsory
by Leonard Kowalsky
Safety education was tne point Alice Marble of Utlca. Miss Marble
stressed at a meeting of teachers is director of the Utlca Safety Counconducted October 24 to 26 in Syra- cil and has already set up a very
program of safety educacuse This new topic in the f i e l d 'effective
Uon l n ^
m j c n s c h o o ] g a n d pJay_
jatiOn is
Is now made
innrip rinmmiL
of education
sory by an act of the New York. |grounds.
, Regarding the actual teaching of
State Board of Regents passed last j s a f e t y e d U c a t i o n j D r G e b l . g e M
Wiley, Associate Commissioner of
According to this act, all pupils Education says'
in elementary and secondary schools,
„ u , s vecognizea
that the materials
both public and private, are required l h a , m a y b p d e v e l o p e c , i n t h e u n l t s
to lake instruction in safety educa- of instruction in connection with
tion. Under the present plans, the safety education may be found in
course will embrace safety on the various fields or areas of the school
highway and in traffic, in the home, program. Tn some schools this is
in recreational activity, in industrial done in the social studies in connection with civics and citizenship.
and occupational situations and safeIt, is also noted that purposeful inty in the school. What the course structions Is oft-times given in con
aims ultimately to do is to make | n e c t i o n w U h The "tea"ehFng"of'heaTth
the pupil sulcty-conscious, and thus LM h y g i e n e , safety materials are
develop safety habits in every situa- a l s o a r t iculated in connection with
lion of daily life.
, h e w o r k l h a t is d o n e m practieal
A course in safety education was and industrial arts. Units of vital
offered in the summer session of interest have also been developed in
1937 at State college under Miss connection with the work in science,"
$ 2 . 0 0 P E R Y E A R , 32 W E E K L Y
Dr. Salisbury Will Address
Today's Student Assembly
Campus Day Features
Crowning And Stunts
Well. Campus Day saw the
crowning of Lucille Zak, '38, as
Campus Queen of 1937 by Rita
Kane, who was queen in 1935.
Miss Zak, chosen as the most
beautiful girl of the senior class,
and her charming court reigned
over the events of Campus night
in regal splendor.
Stunts presented for their entertainment were won by the
seniors, fresh, sophs, and juniors,
in order named.
Due to drizzly weather, Ihe
baskcteers started their season
early, with the boys and girls
each playing a game in the Page
hall gym; however, the girls'
hockey game and their rivalry
athletic contests are still to be
conducted. Get out and root for
your class!
Students Direct
Milne Activities
Many junior, senior, and graduate
stutidents of State college are helping with or sponsoring extra class
activities in Milne High school.
Gertrude Tryon and Karl Bohrer,
seniors, are helping with home rooms
22(1 and 323 respectively. Elizabeth
Appekloorn, "ill, and Gertrude Wilkes, graduate, are assisting Willi
.senior dramatics.
.Students who are sponsoring clubs
arc us follows: Airplane, James
Speuco, "ID; Boys Athletics i7), Merrill Hui'd and Walter J. Kuss, juniors; Boys Athletics iiii, Raymond
J. Marling; Boys Athletics <8), Mr.
Sweeteull and John W, Policy; Cooking (boys), Helen Zenutn, '30; Dancing 7 'section 1), Mary Jaueili Smith
and Josephine Maurice, seniors;
Dancing (.section 2i, Anne Burr, '3ti,
unci Preida Kurkhill, '30; Dancing
(.section 3), Anne luillelimiin, '30.
Dramatics, Josephine Cypher, '3B,
itiul Nan Emery, '3D; Game, Galen
Plumb, '37. and Herbert Frunkel, '3D;
Glee, Christine Adas, '30; Marionette. Bl'ltu Decormler, '30; Newspaper, Miss Moore, H. O. Dixon,
graduates, and Ramona Van Wie,
'38; Sub-deb, Muriel Stewart and
Lucille Lancaster, seniors; Sub-deb,
Elizabeth Philpott, 'SB, and Marion
Rockefeller, '3D; Typewriting. Marlon
Lawless, '311.
Photo by courtesy of Timcn-Union
Lucille Zuk, '38, who became the sixteenth queen to reign over the State college campus in an impressive coronation ceremony which climaxed Ihe Campus Day festivities last Saturday night.
Constitutional Convention
and Related Principles
Will b e S u b j e c t
Student Assembly to Vote
For Final C a n d i d a t e s
For Secretary
Dr. W. S. Salisbury, instructor in
social studies, will speak in today's
assembly, according to the announcement made by Warren I. Densmore,
'38, president of the Student association. Dr. Salisbury will talk about
American principles and American
constitutions as related to the coming Constitutional Convention of
New York state. The convention
will be held in Albany in the coming year.
Dr. Salisbury's talk will include
a discussion of the desirability or
undesirabillty of minority groups in
New York State and their affects on
government; minority groups of the
past and present; the real strength
of the Federal Constitution and the
New York State Constitution. He
will also discuss the constitution ln
the light of past experiences.
After the address by Dr. Salisbury,
Myskania, senior honorary society,
will pass the ballots for revotes for
the office of secretary of the student
association. The remaining candidates, after several eliminating votes,
are Joseph Cappiello and Rita Sullivan, sophomores. In filling out your
ballots write your class numerals on
the first line, your vote on the
second, and sign your name on the
third line.
Constitutional Assembly
Following Dr. Rienow's speech in
assembly two weeks ago, a resolution was introduced in last Friday's
assembly which read "Be it resolved,
that the Student association sponsor
a Constitutional Assembly and authorize the chair to appoint a committee of seven members." The resolution was unanimously adopted.
Warren I. Densmore, president of
the Student association, appointed
the following committee: Leonard
Friedlander, '39, chairman; Dorothy
Clapp and Henry Groen, seniors;
Edmore Melanson, '39; Marjorie
Baird and Haskell Rosenberg, sophomores; and Rosemary Biwcer, '41.
At a meeting Tuesday, with the
advice and aid of Dr. Rlenow, instructor ln government, the committee decided upon the following temporary plan of organization;
1. An assembly composed of all
members of the Student association.
2. To be presided over by a speaker
who will be assisted by a clerk.
3. A publicity head whose duty will
be to collect and disseminate publicity of the activities, resolutions
and proceedings of the assembly and
to see that this Information is sent
to all the newspapers throughout
the state.
4. The assembly will be divided
into groups of members from the
fifty-one Senatorial Districts. Each
group will bo represented by a floor
The committee has termed the
purpose of the Constitutional Convention to be: "The purposes of the
State College Constitutional Assembly are to encourage thoughtful consideration of the probable issues of
the Constitutional Convention; and
to exert pressure wherever necessary
in the interests of this assembly."
Plans call for the first meeting
of the assembly on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Roo:n 20 of
Richardson hall. At this meeting
plans for organization will be announced, and election of permanent
officers held. It has also been planned to inaugurate Issues and business to be considered by the
assembly. All students interested
are invited to attend.
Page 2
S T A T E C O L L E G E NEWS, OCTOBER 29, 1937
Established by the Class of 1918
The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State
College for Teachers
Published every Friday of the college year by the News
Board representing the Student Association
Telephones: Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-6752; Smith,
3-1814; Nightingale, 2-4144; Oaylord, 2-4314
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y,
nepRCaiNTED ran
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
• BOSTON - Los
i for-in-Chief
Associate Managing
Associate Managing
Associate Managing
William Ryan
Charles Franklin
Betty Clark
Men's Sports Editor
Assistant Bports Editor
Women's Bports Editor
Associate Editors
Ramona Van Wie Albert Architzel Joyce Maycock
Charles Ettinger
Charles Walsh
Assistants to Business Board
Assistant Business Manager
Grace Castigllone
Assistant Advertising Manager
Joan Byron
Abolish N. Y. A.
Extra-Class Teachers
Joe Haymes and Talented Cast
To Regale 'Hopstets' at Dance
At Saturday's conference of the Central
School Section of the Associated Academic
Principals a t Syracuse, special stress was
laid on extra-class activities for the secondby Charles Walsh
ary school teachers.
When and if you find yourself at
Extra-class activities are now assuming the Colonie Country Club on Noan importance closely second to academic vember 5, you'll be sure to notice a
diminutive little fellow who prances
teaching. A teacher is now expected to about
in front of the orchestra, A
direct clubs and activities in high school. little inquiry at that point will reveal
These clubs previously consisted of depart- him as Joe Haymes, whose place in
mental clubs, journalistic societies, and the radio and dance orchestra field With house dances only a week or
athletic clubs. Now extra-class activities has gone far out of proportion to so away, the sorors are getting the
floors waxed and the evening wraps
invade every field where a possible hobby his size.
out of the closets. How are the
may linger. Knitting and crocheting clubs,
dates coming along? We haven't
marionette clubs, rifle clubs, clubs for the himself with a company of fifteen heard any frantic calls for blind
philatelists, and clubs for would-be terp- musicians and entertainers. Featur- dates yet . . .
sichorean artists have come into being in ed with the orchestra are Honey The teachers' convention at Schethe secondary school extra-class education- Burns, Bonnie Chase, and Clyde nectady brought a flock of sisters
Rogers, vocal soloists who have been to the various houses this week-end.
al program.
heard with the orchestra on many
Beta Zeta welcomed Helen Clyde,
People who expect to teach school of their NBC and CBS network Betty Narosly, and Mary Markham,
all of '37, Charlotte Rockow and
should have hobbies—hobbies in every
The popularity of Joe Haymes and Emma Rogers, both '36.
field. For one reason, hobbies tend to give
his orchestra is due in a great degree
Chi Sig announces that it has two
a person added information about interest- to
the many phonograph recordings honorary members, Mr. and Mrs.
ing things of life. These interests will do made by the band. They have made William
E. Wood. Five alums rang
much toward making the teacher's life numerous records for Victor, Bruns- the door-bell at the Chi Sig house:
more interesting and stimulating. The wick, and the Columbia recording Kay Kearney, and Eileen Wallace of
companies and many are listed as '35; Rita Kane, '36 Campus Queen;
teacher, through hobbies, will come more best
and Frances McVeigh and Estelle
into contact with the world and will become
who plays piano, arranges, Murphy of last year's class.
less grim through daily detail.
and composes, has to his credit such
Shirley Kaplan and Fay Scheer,
These interests, if passed on to students, well known numbers as "The Life sophomores,
took the final vows at
are obviously of tremendous importance. of the Party," "One Man Band," AEPhi, and incidentally the AEPhi's
Those students who lead sequestered lives "Let's Have a Party," and "My Fa- played hostess to Florence Marx, '30;
Hermlne Williams, '32; Bess Harton farms, as many students of this state do, vorite Band."
mann, '35; and Phyllis Grossman,
will find impetus for a zest for living. The Haymes' rather checkered career and
Lois Kraus, both '37.
has Included positions of such wide
teacher is wanted who can teach academic variety as being a professor of music Pi Alpha Tau wishes to announce
material and also direct the leisure activity in a small Missouri college at the age a change of residence. The new
of nineteen, chief arranger for Ted address of the PATs is 63 North
of students.
Last week the NEWS printed some facts
relative to the cutting down of N. Y. A.
funds. This reduction has brought heated
Weems at twenty, and a batoneer in Pine avenue. Their week-end guests
opposition from many colleges and univerhis own right at twenty-one. It was included Tilda Centner, '34; and
he who developed the present orches- Sherle Goldstone and Helen Loth, of
sities in the country.
tra under Tommy Dorsey, having '36.
The NEWS, however, feels that this opsold its rights last year.
Alpha Rho entertained Phyllis
position is totally unwarranted. First, why
Haymes developed his present Vermilye, '37, while Marion Townstyle
sophsend, '37, made herself at home at
were federal aid jobs created? The answer
isticated swing as a result of his Epsilon Beta Phi.
-COMMENTSTATERis that, as a RELIEF MEASURE, the govmany years experience with arrangeKappa Delta had a full house over
ernment instituted positions for the youth
What activity have you got the most out of in ments.
the week-end. The guests included
Marion Helnneman, '35; K&thryn
of the nation who needed the money to State college? We know it's an old and trite question
Jamba, Betty Morrov, and Mary
stay in school. A good number of these but we'd like to have you start thinking about this
Harbow, last year's seniors, and
jobs were real and necessary; many were and see if you agree with our idea. We believe that
Cornelia Schoonmaker and Virginia
excuses for charity. The opposition argues we've learned more from bull sessions than we have
learned from any class or any activity that we've enSo, after all is said and done, we
that there are still many college youths who gaged in.
Stellar P e r f o r m a n c e s —
still love the alums and may they
need reimbursement. However, there were
keep coming back I
Bull sessions make you think and that's what most
Sparkling Direction
such people before the depression. The of us
do too little of, or do you? The other night we
Federal EMERGENCY Relief Act came got into an argument and found there are still people
Successful S t a r t
with the depression, and it is only fitting left who refuse to listen to other peoples' arguments
that it leave with the depression. The im- in any subject. We really don't care because our ideas
proved economic conditions of parents of aren't worth hearing or reading but we do not like to
Last Tuesday night the Advanced
college students should take care of college see people with such a smug, complacent attitude Dramatics
class presented their first
that they wouldn't even listen to a Darwin or a two productions rf the season. Their
educations today.
Campus day has came and went
well chosen and well directed plays
The first argument advanced by those Nietzche If he were teaching at State.
were received by a large and enthus- . , , with Zak leading the way to
the tape . , . Now we can get back
It's very difficult to believe that all ideas of every iastic audience.
who are bitterly opposed to the cut is:
to our knitting . . . Except, we ask,
one on any certain subject are all very clear and very,
"Funds definitely are needed."
The comedy directed by Miss didn't Ruthie look cute, with her
feet in the footlights?
True, funds are needed. Funds are alThe set, props, and costumes proways needed. They were needed before any mortal person at any time in his life is definitely vided the authentic 'back in the Overheard by one of our stooges
last Saturday: "I thought I wouldn't
the emergency act. But the height of their positive that his philosophy on life Is absolutely cor- hills' atmosphere. Miss Jesse devel- have
to sit in the front seat I" Why,
need came during the peak years of the rect. If you ever feel like this, just read a great radical oped a remarkably real character. Ursula!
And it would appear, from
depression. This need was therefore taken
the stunt, that the frosh have got
of your assumptions are built on sand. In fact you'll youthful movements and her lack of something there . . . Dear me, I
care of by an emergency relief measure.
find that the concrete was not in your philosophical enough variety to rise to the climax dropped a stitch!
interestingly. Miss Gifford helped
Their other argument is that "Commend- base but in thine cranium.
And now for the very latest of the
create reality by her convincing
able as is the desire to balance the budget,
piece of work. Mr. Stevens was asizzling dirt:
the cuts don't have to be taken out of the
ill The Lion will very definitely
very likable and magnetic Orrie. His
come out in the future.
hides of youth" and the fact that " 8 5 % of educated man is his ability to doubt. You'll find that chief need is added experience.
12) So will the Echo.
the delegates" (to the N. S. F. A. Confer- every bull session will contain a remark that will
Miss Mlnst is to be especially com(3) So will the News.
ence) decided to ask Congress "for more
(4) Bilzi is on the loose again.
is to educate one and so you'll soon have a degree. Do of a very difficult play. The actors
money for youth."
(5) The Library is in Hawloy hall.
held the audience's attention in
I make myself clear (not queer)?
< (3 > This is a bore.
This argument seems to us extremely
Some time your chatter will be on the most trivial spite of comparatively little action
There seems to be nothing more to
flimsy. Why shouldn't relief measures for details such as; boys (or girls), clothing, a way to play and long uninterrupted speeches. write in our field. And our field is
Meltz gave us a V3ry carefully
youth be cut down along with all other to play bridge, or something else that's light. Then Mr.
and Intelligently thought-out por- limited these days. Oh, yes, Senior
relief measures? And these same youths again it may take a sudden turn and it will be ex-trayal. Even during moments when hop Is coming. (Yawn.) So let it
that clamor for N. Y. A. today will rant at tremely serious—about books, philosophy of living, he had only to listen, we felt that come,
he was developing his character. This is whore you came In.
the high taxes tomorrow.
teaching attitudes. You'll really learn something from Miss Donnelly's charm and poise
Quote nothing but sausages unAs long as this country is to remain a such activity, so, why don't you drop that book for an caught our attention immediately, quote. . . .
democracy, as long as the people wish to hour or so, or leave that burning ambition for a high and her lovely voice held our interest Well boys and girls, this Is all
through the long unfolding of thethere is. , . . You can all wako up
get along on theiv own initiative, they activity post and sit down and 'gab'? You might situation.
The performance of thenow,
should not beg for relief from the govern- learn little or you might learn much, depending on evening was Miss Sinovoy's. Her
ment. As a temporary act, federal aid is the mood and ability of your group.
own identity was completely lost in
that of the old woman, Hor charadmirable. Admirable, also, is its gradual
acter evolved through infinite variety Y. W . C. A. W i l l C o n d u c t
decline with aid given to those students who
The other night we were discussing Schopenhauer of gesture, voice inflection, and
Open Forum Meetings
are still dependent on it. When it is totally (If that's spelled right it is a miracle) and remembered mood; until she had translated the Young
Women's Christian associaabolished there will still be those people that he said that a man fell in love with a woman: psychological term of "threshold" tion will conduct
a round table conwho will need the money. These people first, for her nose; second, for her hair; and third, into a personal experience.
ference at the Albany Country Club
can obtain positions in other than govern- for her eyes. How many of you men at State have
Congratulations to the Advanced to-morrow. The meeting will start
0 o clock and will be terminated
ment work. With the gradual passing of fallen In love with that latest peach fuzz of yours Dramatics of '38, You're off to a at
at 3:.I0 o'clock in the afternoon. Tho
depression comes the gradual opening-up because of the classic beauty of her nose, If that's good start. Keep it up.
THE PLAYGOER. discussion will center about plans
of jobs in the ordinary business world, and the first thing you consider, then you, too, may be a
for the year with reference to the
those people who are working their way great philosopher. However, to argue the gentle- Club to Have Communion purposes of the "Y" organization.
On Tuesday afternoon a t 3:30
through college can do so through these man; we believe, in modern days, that personality is
A corporate communion followed
the first general discussion
other positions, as did many a collegian more important to a girl or fellow than pulsating pulSunday at 8:00 o'clock in meeting of Y. w . C. A. will be conbefore there was any such thing as the chritude. And if you want that old personality you conducted
Andrew's Episcopal church. aucted in the Lounge of Richardson
Federal Emergency Relief Measure for the really have to be a sessionist of the 'gab' round table, St.
Memebers of Canterbury Club and nail. Dr. Caroline Lester, instructor
1929 Depression.
all Episcopal students are Invited to in mathematics, will lead the open
even if you only listen.
Bull and Baloney
State's Stage
forum. The topic will be, "Impressions of Youth, Here and T h e r e "
Page 3
State Harriers to Tackle
Bard in Initial Meet
Cross-Country Starts
Fourth A c t i v e Season
Purple and Gold to Strive
for Third Win Against
Down River Rivals
Starting three years ago as a
varsity sport at State, cross-country
has had with each succeeding year H A Y N E S IS K E Y M A N
a more successful season.
In 1934, the infant sport, without
coaching or experience, lost all of Last Wednesday's Time Trial
Shows a Strong Squad
its meets. The next year a more experienced purple and gold squad
In Cross Country
wrested its first and only victory of
the season from Bard, again losing
To-morrow afternoon the purple
to R. P. I. and Delhi.
and gold harriers will tackle Bard in
Last year, with five experienced their initial meet of the season over
varsity men on the team, captained the newly planned 4.4 mile Lincolnby Eddie Reynolds, '38, the team Washington Park Course.
swept all opposition out of its path
In the three years that cross
by winning all of its meets.
country has been a varsity sport, the
This year the harriers are deter- State hill and dalers have yet to
mined to keep that record of no lose a meet to Bard. They first ran
defeats clean, and they are In a the boys from Annandale-on-the- Camp Johnston, belonging to the Women's Athletic Association, was built during the summer of 1932. This
fighting mood to wrest their third Hudson in 1935 with captain Harold camp, which is located near Chatham, Is used for W. A. A. activities, including several weekends yearly.
straight victory over a two year per- Haynes, '38, taking the meet in his
iod tomorrow against Bard.
first year running under State colors.
Haynes, Key Man
1934 Season
Haynes not only took
State at R. P. I.
40-15 Lost
State at Vermont
34-21 Lost first place again but he broke a recof five years' standing on Bard's
Delhi at State
26-29 Lost ord
June Palmer Will Make Plans
course. He lowered the time by
According to Thelma Miller, '38,
1935 Season
For Hallowe'en Program
thirteen seconds, romping in with a
president, the Women's Athletic asand
State at R. P. I.
40-15 Lost snappy 23:42 for the 4.1 mile run;
sociation will make its headquarters
State at Bard
21-34 Won Tony Wilczinski, '39, took "place"
What with Hallowe'en coming
this year in Miss Isabelle Johnston's
Delhi at State
30-21 Lost! one second under the old record of during the week end, W. A. A. will
office in the gymnasium of Page
1936 Season
hall. All of the organization inforState at Delhi
26-29 Won 23:55.
starting tonight, in charge of June
State at Bard
23-32 Won Bard has just recently been de- Palmer, '39. This weekend Is for Our energetic equestriennes are mation and records will be filed
feated by R. P. I. to the tune of any and every member of W. A. A., getting quite fancy, going on these there. Beginning on Monday, a
15-40. The Trojans, in addition to so don't be bashful about going, moonlight rides. They'd better get member of council will be in the
this whitewashing placed twelve men Hallowe'en fun will be in the course acquainted with the weather man office during the following hours:
before a Bard runner crossing the of the weekend's entertainment, so though, if they really expect to have Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
finish line. In view of manager Joe come and get In the good times! moonlight instead 01 rain I And has 3:30-4:30 o'clock; and Tuesday and
De Russo's attempt to add the En-Anyone who is going is advised to "Boots" Walker tried to palm any of Thursday, 11:00-12:00 o'clock.
gineers to State's Schedule, it should bring blankets, a flashlight, and those red peppers off on her friends?
At this time all active members
be interesting to see what the result warm clothes.
and freshmen who wish at some time
of tomorrow's meet will be.
to hold offices in the association are
Sophs Push W a y to Victory;
Other committees assisting Miss contagious . . . the swimming cap- asked to report for clerical work.
Palmer are as follows: entertainJuniors S w a m p Seniors;
trial over the new course was runment, Rita Sullivan, Marjorie Baird, last few weeks of the season. The
WaldorfFrosh Girls W i n
with Tony Wilczynski taking the sophomores; publicity, Grace Cullen, four top-ranking performers will reheat in record time of 24:24. He '40, Adele Ronan, '41; guests, Phyllis ceive awards as an honorary varsity.
An all clay drizzle on Campus Day was closely followed by Frame RickFOR THE SENIOR HOP
After last week's preliminaries, the
necessitated a change in the outdoor man, '40, with only four seconds Arnold, '39; transportation, Marie
program, which saw the girls' hockey separating them.
T o Hire
Hessney, sophomores; clean-up, Lucy final stage. The four top-notchers
and the Junior-Senior softball game
The time, 24:24, lor the 4.4 mile King, '40, Charlotte Ritchie, Mary will constitute an honorary varsity
transformed into basketball games.
New ,
Only the Soph-Frosh pushball con- course is the new standing record Miller, Dorothy Rounds, Gladys and awards will be bestowed upon
test was played as scheduled.
see the lowering of this record? The freshmen.
We're actually going to find out
In the first basketball game, the result of tho meet will show.
luckless seniors were overwhelmed
player at State. But don't get exThe surprising upset of the time
by a junior squad, composed almost
cited yet. The winners of the fall
entirely of last year's sophomores, trial over the new course, was Hayand spring tournaments will play- Complete with
who will probably make up our var- nes coming in sixth place. In spite
D r e s s Shirt,
at the end of the spring season
sity this year. Next, the efficient
Collar, Tie and
and the "winnah" will have her
frosh girls' basketball team defeated that he will lead the purple and gold
Studs . , . 53.50
name engraved on the tennis cup.
the sophomore girls 9 to 6, in theto victory.
Snawalfirst freshman victory of the year.
Full Dress Suits
Although sophomores Sullivan and oski, sophomores, came in third and N o v i c e s G i v e V e t e r a n s R a c e remaining in the tournament each
season will be recognized as the
Mitchell tallied early in the fracas fourth places respectively. I t cerhonorary tennis varsity and will reFor Squad Positions;
to set off the fireworks with a bang, tainly appears that the sophomore
Waldorf T u x e d o Co.
ceive fitting awards.
Cut Frosh Squad
the freshman combination, led bytrio of Rickman, Prancello, and
We're off to Camp Johnston this "Mien's Formal Wear Exclusively"
Milller and Ritchie and Bussacher Szawalowski make a winning comThe varsity and freshmen squads afternoon . . . and a cold, cold week- 452 Broadway
Opp. Post Office
quickly overcame their tiring rivals. bination. Walter Russ, '39, finishing
The pushball contest, played on a in fifth place and Jim Snover, '41, are getting workouts that are really end it may turn out to be. Better
2nd Floor
Phone 4-5011
slippery field, was the first bit ofcoming up in the rear in seventh work in preparation for the new sea- bundle up, and bring lots of extraOPEN TILL 6:30
official rivalry of the year. With place make up the team that will son. With the center tap eliminated, warm clothes. And don't let those Sec "CHARLIE" FRANKLIN '39
the players will have to be in the Chatham spooks get you!!
the opening whistle the crowd was face Bard tomorrow.
Second Team
ultimate of condition to keep up
amazed to see the frosh work the
A second team composed of those with the promised faster pace of
ball toward the sidelines, into sophomore territory, but tho experienced men who didn't make the varsity the new rule. No new cuts are
sophomores quickly took command will also run. This will give those promised in cither the varsity or
P f t i P
Legitimate Theatre, Schenectady
and rolled down over the plucky who have not been out long a chance freshmen squads although the recent
Vi Wm I H
• Plays Changed Each Monday •
freshman first team for the first, to get some experience in competi- cut of the freshmen has left only
nineteen men out for yearling
five points. Just before the half tion.
• • I I l b
Nights: 8:30. Matinees: Wed., Sat., 2:30
time whistle, the invincible sophoThe boys who will be on theberths.
mores, after a see-sawing tussle, suc- second team are us follows: Jim
Both of the squads will continue
ceeded in pushing tho huge sphere Johnson, '39, Walter Kilmer, Douglas practicing fundamentals until the
down lor another score, although the Manley, and Lloyd Cloom, freshmen. first of next month. While the
class of '41 fought for every inch.
Tony Wilczynski and Joe De Russo freshmen are getting over some of
The half ended 10-0 with the ball are the men who mapped out thetheir awkwardness at ball handling,
in sophomore territory, and the ex-new course. As it, is now, the last the varsity men are developing a
hausted players dragged off the two miles bring the hill and dalers great deal of efficiency. A fast and
around the lake, up by the tennis furious pace has so far been the rule.
courts, back to the lake and on to
court looks more like a conThe second sophomore squad met the macadam road at Englewood The
A Broadway Company in the Season's Third Broadway Hit
glomeration of fast running halfa determined team, led by Steve Place.
Bull and Jerry Saddlemire, who reThis gives the runners a two hun- basketball.
sisted their scoring attempts, until,
Although the present juniors by
following the example of Simmons dred yard straightaway finish and
and Howe, the sophs annexed the enables the spectators to see the best virtue of their experience hist year
on the varsity have a partial edge
A murder trial play without it prearranged verdict. You can
final goal. In the closing minute part of the race.
Joe De Russo asks that those men on the less experienced sophomores,
serve on the stage jury anil get paid for it and thus determine
a stubborn frosh squad threatened
the ending of this Court room Melodrama by Ayn Hand.
consistently, but failed to place the who would be interested in taking they will have to prove their worth
ball in a scoring position, Willi part in the meet as aids and offi- In order to get positions this year.
(he ball in sophomore territory, an cials to please see him some time The squad will bo picked on tho
exhausted but experienced freshman lo-day or write him a note telling worth of the individual players in
tlie practice sessions alone, Coach
team left, the field. Reinforced and him of their willingness to serve.
Team Prospects
Hatfield asserted. No cuts will be
Improved through experience, the
freshmen will certainly put up an It is the hope of the boys to place made until scrimmage has been held
men In at least seven places. Com- since it is unfair to Judge actual
even better battle Movlng-up Day.
paring the time record of the Bard play on knowledge of fundamentals.
New York Theatre Guild's Pulitzer Prize Smash Hit
No casualties were sustained by course with that of State, it shows
Those freshmen who still remain
either class. Perhaps the next en- that State should place eight men
eligible for the yearling team after
counter will be more disastrous.
TICKETS (tax included)—Nights a t 8:30: 55c, 85c and $1.10
before a Bard runner crosses tne first cut are: Dick Abernathy, John
Wednesday uiul Saturday Matinees at 2:30: 55c. and 85c
finish line.
Bnkuy, Fred Duy, Harold Duffey, Les
Join First Night IT Club: Save 2So on each Orchestra Seat
When the season started, the Gerdts, Vincent Gillen, Bill Haller,
All those seniors and graduates squad lost the services of Joe De-Cyril Kilb, Roy McCreary, George
MAIL OK IMiKK: Mail self-addresses stamped envelope
who have not returned their folders Russo and Ed Reynolds, seniors, Noonan, Steve Paris, Charlie Quinn,
with cheek payable to EMPIRE PLAYERS, Hie.
to the Appointment bureau are through illness and schedule conflict. Sam, Romanchak, George Saddleurged to do so Immediately, The fol- Now, the team is in the mood to mire, Joe Schwartz, Stan Smith,
ders were due October 25 and further trample their rivals into decisive Phil Sullivan, Patsy Turlno and
delay is inexcusable
John Yatsenik.
W. A. A. to Weekend
At Camp Johnston
Fall &eason
New W. A. A. Office
To be in Page Hall
Campus Day is
Great Success
Basketeers Squad
Rounds to Form
Now Playing, Thru Sat., Oct. 30
"Night of January 16th"
NEXT WEEK: NOV. 1 thru NOV. 6
Page 4
Smith, Dower
Will Lead Class
Nelson and Bulger
Newman Will Have
Attend Conference
Annual Communion
Members Especially Emphasize
"Extra-Class Activities"
Stanley Smith and Beatrice Dower
L a s t S a t u r d a y t h e Central School
will lead t h e freshman class through
its first year at State, as president Sections of t h e Association of Acaand vice-president respectively, as demic Principals convened in Syrat h e result of a n election of t h e class cuse. T h e meeting was a t t e n d e d by
which was conducted by Myskania Dr. Milton G. Nelson, d e a n of t h e
college, a n d Mr. Paul Bulger, secrelast T h u r s d a y .
tary of t h e Appointment Bureau.
The various o t h e r officers who
T h e topics for discussion were:
were elected a t t h e same meeting "Extra-Class Activities" a n d "Cafeare as follows: Robert Mesek, sec- terias in High Schools." T h e subject
r e t a r y ; Rosemary Brucker, treasurer; "Extra-Class Activities" was p a r t i c songleader, M a r y Miller; cheerlead- ularly stressed.
ers, Dorothy Peak a n d S t e p h e n
Today teachers a r e being placed
Kusak; reporter, I r e n e Poger; repre- in charge of a wide variety of e x t r a sentative on M. A. A., S t e p h e n Bull. class activities. Many schools have
At a meeting conducted t h e prev- clubs, including such unusual ones
ious Tuesday u n d e r the supervision as knitting a n d rifle clubs besides
of Myskania, F r a n c e s R i a n i was t h e more common d e p a r t m e n t a l and
chosen as representative on W. A. A. journalistic organizations.
T h e cabinet of t h e class met Wednesday noon with Muriel Goldberg
German Club to H a v e Hike
a n d Leslie Knox, members of MysT h e G e r m a n Club will conduct a
k a n i a a n d f r e s h m a n class guardians,
hike, weiner a n a marshmallow roast
to draw up t h e year's budget. A S u n d a y afternoon.
Meet a t t h e
meeting h a s been scheduled on Mon- Western avenue e n t r a n c e to Draper
day for class discussion of this bud- hall a t 2:00 o'clock. I n event of rain,
get. No further plans have yet been the hike will take place Monday aftformulated, according to S m i t h .
lernoon at 4:30 o'clock.
N e w m a n club will conduct its a n n u a l communion breakfast S u n d a y
morning. Mass will be said a t 8:30
o'clock in t h e grotto a n d will be
followed by breakfast in the Vincentian I n s t i t u t e cafeteria. F a t h e r J o h n
F o r m a n , diocesan director of the
Christian Doctrine, will officiate.
About one h u n d r e d a n d fifty people
a r e expected to attend.
T h o m a s Ryan, '38, will be the
toastmaster. Victoria Bilzi, '39, is
general c h a i r m a n of t h e Religious
Activity committee. She is assisted
by Charles Kelly a n d Joseph Wells,
juniors; J a n e t Byrne, '40; a n d Ellen
Hurley, C a t h e r i n e O'Bryan, Evelyn
Olivet, and Leonard Varmette, fresh-
"Buy Where the Flowers Grow"
Bonded Member of F.T.D.A.
Dial 3-3318 Ontario at Benson St.
65 Columbia&ftferofow had
7 No. Lake Ave.
One Block West
Dial 5-1913
Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop
Will Conduct
With Joe Haymes and His Orchestra
N. Y.,
5, 1937
Senior Hop Opens State Social Season
Sorority Dances to Climax Week-End
Students Elect
Len Friedlander
Assembly Head
Sororities Will Conduct
Annual Fall Dances
Tomorrow Night
Constitutional Convention
To Conduct Bi-weekly
Assembly Meetings
H a y m e s Orchestra to Give
Novel Entertainment
For S o c i a l i t e s
With the election of Leonard F r i e d lander. '39. as speaker; Richard
T a x i s to C o n v e y C o u p l e s
N e w H o u s e R u l e s for W o m e n
Lonsdale. '39, as clerk; and the apAt Reasonable Prices
Extend Late Leaves
pointment of J. Edmore Melanson,
T o Colonie Club
'39, as publicity director, the State
T o 2 : 0 0 o'Clock
College Constitutional Assembly, the
Tonight the dance "is t h e t h i n g "
first of its kind 10 be established in
T h e second event on the weekend's
frr all those S t a t e college couples
any college of the state, got under
social calendar will be the annual
who have intentions of a t t e n d i n g
way Tuesday a t the first session in
| fall house dances conducted by the
the Senior Hop at the Colonie club.
room 2U6 of Draper hall.
sororities of State. Dancing will be
C h a i r m a n for the occasion. Miss
T h e assembly inaugurated its sesfrom 9:00 o'clock to 1:00 o'clock and
Dorothy Cain, vice-president of t h e
sions with the adoption of the orgirls will be allowed late leave until
Senior class and member of Mysganizing committee's report to have
2:00 o'clock.
kania, has announced t h a t dancing
an assembly of the entire studenl
T h e sorority presidents a n n o u n c will begin at 9:00 o'clock and will
body, headed by a speaker and clerk,
ed the committees for Ihe house
continue until 2:00 o'clock.
and divided into senatorial districts.
dances as follows:
Haymes and his lads will be on h a n d
T h e group heard Mr. Robert Rienow.
lor the swing session.
Delta Omega: general c h a i r m a n .
Instructor in government and faculty
Alice Holt. '38; food, Betty Clark, '40;
In order to facilitate t r a n s p o r t a advisor, s t a t e t h a t if was the intendecorations, lrnia Anderson, 38; ortion to and from the club the taxi
tion of t h e assembly to exert preschestra. Billie Castiglione. '39; cleancommittee has a r r a n g e d a novel
sure "wherever necessary in its
up. Peggy Hora. '39: programs,
idea for those who may desire to
interests, and m e n to "buttonhole"
take advantage of it. Through t h e
the delegates in order to effect the
Eta P h i : general c h a i r m a n , Milcooperation of one of the companies
adoption of the issues favored by the
Cmtrtrxi/ HI Times-Union
'38; programs.
Dorothy Cain, '38, who is in charge in this city taxis will be available
Walter Hampden, in the role ol . J e a n n e Chrisler, '39; orchestra, Mary of all committees for I lie Senior Hop. for t h e price of $1.60 per round trip.
Immediately following the elecS t a r t i n g at nine o'clock taxis will be
tions, students introduced resolutions CltlHWXdt fill, which he has made Nolan, '39; refreshments.
obtainable a t the following points:
Sweet, '39; clean-up, sophomores.
for consideration by the various sub- famous.
State College Players
S t a t e College and Washington Ave..
Kappa Delta: general c h a i r m a n ,
committees, whose duly will include
Dormitory, Chi Sigma T h e Virginia Hall. '39; orchestra, VirTo Broadcast on Radio Women's
the conducting of hearings a n d reta, G a m m a Kappa, Psi G a m m a ,
ginia Mitchell. '40; a r r a n g e m e n t s .
search on the various issues. T h e
S t a l e college students are being , K a p p a Delta. Eta Phi, Delta Omega,
Ruby Stewart. 40; clean-up, Marion
following resolutions were offered
a chance to go on the air in a l i l l ] c | A . E. Phi.
for discussion:
'40; chaperones, J a n e t Montfort. '40; series of half hour playlets over sta-1 T o those interested in modern
"Resolved: T h a t this assembly go
programs, Lorraine Green, '39.
on record as favoring the use of
tion WABY on Wednesday evenings i swing bands and new modes of prerevenues from taxes on motor ves e n t a t i o n s Joe Haymes' original
Chi Sigma T h e t a : general chair- at 8:15 o'clock,
hicles or gasoline for highways purman, Lucille Zak. '38; music. Betty
,.,,, , , , „ , , . ,',
, ,,
style and individual direction should
T o I n t e r p r e t " C a p o n s a c c h i , " j Baker. '39; a r r a n g e m e n t s . Margaret
poses only."
I h e programs are u n d e r the d i r e c - | H f o v e , 0 b e a n o y e l t y
T n o u g h
"Hamlet" and "Cyrano"
"Resolved: T h a t in the Bill of
Fehlner, '39; programs and novelties, Hon ol Robert Hiiikleman, and the I Haymes' orchestra of last year is
Rights of the New York HI ate Con| C a t h e r i n e Lynch, '39; refreshments,: casts are made up entirely of S t a t e j the present Tommy Dorsey aggregaMonday Night
tion, this year's group has proven to
there be inserted
Alice Brown. '40; clean-up. sophocollege students. This past week the be equally as popular. Among his
following: ' t h a t there shall be proDramatic and Art council will pre- mores; chaperones, Eleanor DuBois,
group presented Shakespeare's Mei- vocalists are included Miss Honey
hibition of any discrimination on
| '38.
account of race, creed, color or sex.' " sent Waller Hampden, internationIt was the first Burns, Ronnie Chase, and Clyde
Psi G a m m a : general chairman. rlmiil nj Venire.
Rogers, each of whom has plenty of
"Resolved: T h a t this assembly be ally known actor. Monday night at Marion Bisnett.
chaperones, time 11 nit the play had ever been
variety, personality, and individualon record as favoring the establish- 8:30 o'clock in t lie auditorium of Page Helen H e m e , '39; music. Lizcttc
presented in an English-speaking ity. During this past year, Mr.
ment of a one-house legislature in
hall, according to Sally Whelan. '38, IParshall. '38, and J a n e Schwerzmann
Haymes played at many of the leadNew York Slate."
i'39; clean-up, Florence Gebe, '40; country with Shylock using a Jewish ing Eastern colleges and universities.
"Resolved: T h a i
this assembly president.
refreshments, J a n e Wilson, '40; dec- accent.
His growing list of fans and admirMr. Hampden will oiler a program orations. Marcia Brown, 40,
favor the inclusion in the s t a t e conNext Wednesday the group will ers lias given him the undisputed
stitution of a provision in:' protect- of
Alpha Epsilon P h i : general chair- present Tin Bride nl
Lnmmerinoor. title of "America's Swing Stylist."
ing citizens against
irresponsible scenes from "Cyrano cle Bergerac,"
Barbara Levy, "III; refresh- Several other plays are also in line
labor groups.
Chaperones for this "hit of the
"Hamlet." and "Caponsacchi." He
"Resolved: Thai lIns assembly be has performed in "Cyrano" over one ments, Freidn Kurklull and Ruth for Ihe group, most ol I hem adapted week" will be Mr. William Hardy,
m favor of a Bill of Rights tor labor thousand limes, and "Hamlet" gave
mi page /, column Hi
including the right of strike, collec- him his reputation as a .Shakespear- Sylvia Muffs. '38; decorations, Gol- lor radio work by Mr. Hiiikleman.
live bargaining, peaceful picketing ean actor.
and protection against labor InjuncWaller Hampden, an American
G a m m a Kappa P h i : general chair"Resolved. Thai Ihis assembly be who commenced his acting in Eng- man, Christine Ades, '39; decorations
in favor ol reserving Hie right in land as a member of the S h a k e - Marie O'Meara, '40. and
"III; orchestra,
.declare win lo Hie people "
this spearean company, nas been a c - Rushmeycr,
by Sully Young
Then, when he had not yet a t t a i n resolution was Introduced lo obtain a claimed our d u e l contributor to the B r u m and Joyce Mayeock. juniors;
who is coining ed the age of twenty-five, his great
statement ol policy and nut as a classical tradition in ihe t h e a t r e He refreshments, Muriel Barry and Fa ye lo Page hall auditorium Monday opportunity came. H. B. Irving beprojected amendment to the State has n reived decorations and honors Foreman, juniors; programs, Janet night, is widely known as an Amer- came ill and he was given the
from both French and American Gurney. '39, and Harriet Sprague.
ican actor who has achieved dis- chance to play in London the part
T h e assembly will convene bi- I universale!- Inr his excellence in in- 411; clean-up, Lois Game. '40.
tinction in the t h e a t r e for Ins ol Hamlet, and later Romeo, in
weekly and special meetings will bi
Beta / e t a :
c h a i r m a n . Shakespearean roles, and that nl which he made a remarkable, unHe
called whenever deemed uecessurj
equalled run of eleven week
Initialed by Edwin Gladys Fluster, '38, refreshments, Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac
bj the speaker. In the interim be- Players club
Glasgow. He lllt'll returned to New
Belly Sherwood. Helen
Bui. what else do \ on know aboul York with the script ol' "The Sertween mei i ings ii is expected that
juniors and Eloise H a r l i n a n n . '40,
committee hearings will be i (inductTickets may be obtained tomorrow a r r a n g e m e n t s and decorations, Helen linn? How did he happen to go on vant in the House" and began his
ed on Hie resolutions introduced a and Monday ill Ihe Van Curler Crosier and Betty Dodge, juniors the singe and w here did he start V llle career of a d o i - m a n a g e r , and
Why'-' Whal are his hobbles'.' T h e
i he i egular .- essions
Music Store mi S t a l e si reel
and Virginia Elson, '40; clean-up. answers lo these questions have been lias devoted his life to a presentation
I n addii urn to ueI ing as a "presMildred Hullcck, Dorothy Hill, Ger- found, and are now presented lor ol I he classics which has been the
ivstill ol years ol study and delire and discussion group," the
alilnie Thompson Doris Saunders, your iiiliirination
I liain
votion; his work has been rewarded
mi nihil.', a n ing i ht'otigl i I heir H( miand Evelyn Roberts, sophomori s;
Mr Hampden was educated al
lorial in 11 in inn i ings. tt ill contaci
To Knli'iluin
isscmhly programs Schwartz, Elea- ll.ii vai d and while there three con by a very appreciative and grateful
nor Schwartz minors, and Charlotte
i In ,r '. a n o n delegah
iiul v, ill fur
flit-1 nig inn ii" Is were struggling lor
i luce again in i his morning's I Mummery, '-In
iIn r curry i
i publicity campaign
Mr. Hampden's mam hubby e ilmt
supremacy his desire in be either
a: .• eniblj, Ihe Ireshlnell will be
lucts regarding the
"I being a gentleman larinei
Pi Alpha Tan geiierul c h a i r m a n a singi i cello player in actor
old.(•III l l l i e l t l ' i l l I h e c o l
issues and Ihe sent
Allelic Simon '3D decorations. Eve al: i) de.- II e(l an edllcal Inn so he (aim nas a ninety acre larin near Uulgei I and liiosl mtel e I in:1 I null
les Ihrougli
lege groups on I hi
I'.laleck and ( ' i d l e Pockrosa soph- pleted his college career first. When fleld ('oniiecl Kail which is lilt \ -live
I lull:
'I l i e
llpjlcl ( l a : lllt'll
it l l l r
11 II* newspapers ol
omores; i clrcsliinciii s, Anne Kalich- college had become a part ol the mill . Iroin New York
•1 c he
pad: the bouse In Witness Ihe
' I 'milin
'li il
•'. I "III .11 II ': '
in ihe
iiian, '39; bids. (lei li nil,- Lerner '39; pasl, he- musical talent had its turn spends his I line when not 111
annual pi oei • inn ol I In1 Iresh a n ilutiolis Mildred St i d l e r '39
in being Ihe object ol developiuenl, theatre or on lour, lor he coimmiic;
Ha li. nun chill) up anil dott n I he
Relations Club Names
tale every night, excepi
Pl.l Delia . general chairman, Mar- and lo it he devoted a period ol In till
aisle, singing in very dubious
lon Young, "ill, music, Helen laiwry study in both the cello and voice till e Del ore matinees, taking a Irani
iiniin and accord
Life is
Forman As President \lull
and iiulli Lew is. juniors; invltal ion:, lor he lined the cello and had a line Inr twenty-five miles, and driving
el \ I 111 |i'l clll ."
Al a luiel meeting ol Ihe I n t e r n a Ihe rest ol iIn- way in his own car
I Jons Anderson 311; a r r a n g e m e n t s bass-barilone voice.
iiniial llelalloiis club Tuesday noon,
During Ihe day lie relaxes in a
• ('milnun </ mi /«i(/r '/ iiiliimn i>
Filially Paris begun lo lose its
Ihe following oil leers were elected:
cap and overalls, mowing the lawn,
thea"ehuin-giilig ' procession gives
president Percy Formal) "ill: vicetre. He had started acting in prep spraying his fruit trees, working on
Armistice Holiday
Ihe freshmen a chance in show
president, be Roy Irvis. "ill. recording
school days, when, at ihe age ol the engine ol his car, or perhaps
II al Mull and good sportsman
Slide college will not be ill session sixteen, he played the part of S h y - trimming ihe hedges.
• c r r e l a n . lianiona Van Wle. "ID;
When he
mi Thursday, November 11, Dr. A. H. lock in the "Merchant of Venice." bought tlic farm twenty years ago
cui re..ponding secretary, Betty AusIill. 39: ireasurer. Robert Agone, '30.
Brubacher, president of the college, He went to England and joined the he tried farming but had to give it
Attendance and participation
An announcement was m a d e conin the event is compulsory lor .announced this week, inasmuch as Benson Company, in its Shakespear- up, due to his extensive work and
cerning the special student memberall Ireshuieii. T h e rest of Ihis I Armistice day is a legal holiday.
ean repertoire. For three years he lack of dependable help. Now hay
ship in the Foreign Policy associamorning's program will consist
On Friday, December 12, Rabbi played with Sir F r a n k Benson's is tiie only crop produced on the
tion. Itaniona Van Wie and Percy
of special music under the direcBamberger will address the s t u d e n t company, acting in more t h a n seven- farm. He also plays tennis, swims,
Forman, seniors, are the represention of Mary Trainor, '40, S t u assembly on the international peace ty major and minor roles of S h a k e s - or plays the cello In his large worktatives of S t a l e college.
dent association song leader.
peure in English provinces.
(Gonlinued on page », column 41
Council Presents
Walter Hampden
Walter Hampden Prefers Music,
Singing, and Farming as Hobbies
At the Colonic Country Club
Friday November 5
9:00 - 2:00 o 'clock
Bids $2.50
The Senior Class WW Welcome You
Get Your Greyhound Bus Tickets
— at the —
Radios, Vies Repaired
The Class of 1938
VOL. XXII, No. 7
Public Address Systems
For Rent
State College News