Revised May 2016
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Accepted May 2016
The name of this Association shall be Inglewood Home & School Association. Inglewood Home & School
Association is a chapter of the North Penn School District Coordinating Council, Inc., established
pursuant to the PA Non-Profit Corporation Law, Section 5511(15 Ph.C.’s. Section 5511). To the extent
the provisions of this chapter’s by-laws (“By-Laws”) conflict with the dissolution, purpose or financial
reporting requirements set forth in the Coordinating Council by-laws, the provisions of the Coordinating
Council by- laws shall prevail.
To promote the welfare of children in the home, community and school.
To foster a closer relationship between the home and school so that parent and guardians,
teachers, administration and staff may cooperate in the education of the children.
To raise funds to provide educational enrichment along with activities and other items deemed
to be beneficial to the school and the students beyond that which is provided by the North Penn School
District (“District”).
The Association will be non-profit, non-sectarian and non-partisan and will not endorse any
commercial enterprise or political candidate.
The name of the Association or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be
used in connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest.
No member of the Association shall make statements, sign agreements or make commitment of
support, financial or otherwise, to any institution beyond the next fiscal year without prior approval of
the Executive Board and Chairpersons. No part of the net earnings of the Association will inure to the
benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the
Association will be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.
No substantial part of the activities of the Association will be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise
attempting to influence legislation. The organization will not participate in or intervene in (including the
publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public
office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the Association will not carry on any
other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) or (b) by an
organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Code.
Upon the dissolution of the Association, assets shall be forwarded to the organization replacing
said Association at Inglewood Elementary School. If there is no such organization, the assets will be
distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Code or will
be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any
such assets not disposed of will be disposed of by the court of common pleas of the county in which the
principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization
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or organizations, as said court will determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such
This Association may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare,
such as conference groups or coordinating council, providing its representatives make no commitments
that bind the group without its consent.
This Association shall seek neither to direct the administration or activities of the school nor to
control its policies. The Association shall seek to support the goals, guidelines and policies of the
District, as established by its School Board.
Parents or guardians of Inglewood Elementary School students and faculty members interested in the
objectives of the Association and willing to abide by the By-Laws shall automatically be extended
membership. Dues, if and when necessary, shall be established by the Executive Board.
Any parent or guardian of a child currently attending Inglewood Elementary School is considered
a member of the Association and is invited to attend any general meeting of the Association. General
meetings shall be held monthly during the school year from September through June, unless otherwise
indicated by the Executive Board and Chairpersons. The President may call special meetings of the
Association if required upon at least 48 hours prior notice to the Executive Committee, the
Chairpersons, the general membership, the staff and the administration.
Each adult member of the Association in attendance at a monthly general membership meeting
represents one vote.
When 10 or more Association, Executive Board or Chairpersons members are present, it shall
constitute a quorum. When a quorum has been attained, a simple majority of those present and voting
in the affirmative constitutes passage of a motion. There will be no absentee voting.
At the first meeting of the Association there will be a review of current By-Laws and the
approved Budget for the year.
Roberts Rules of Order shall apply to all general membership meetings.
The fiscal year shall begin each July 1 and end the following June 30.
A proposed annual budget of estimated income and expenses and a statement of financial
position showing assets and liabilities of the Association shall be prepared by the existing Executive
Board and Chairpersons with input from incoming Chairpersons.
In the event a particular issue should arise that affects the final vote on approving the budget,
the president has the discretion to call a special meeting to approve the budget. This meeting must have
a quorum in line with Article V, Section 3 noted above. The approved budget shall be made public to all
parents, guardians, staff and administration at the start of the school year and at the first Association
meeting in the Association’s fiscal year.
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Requests for funds that are not included in the approved budget that exceed $100 will be put
forth for approval vote at a monthly Association meeting before funds can be released.
Request for funds that are not included in the approved budget that do not exceed $100 may be
approved by the Executive Committee.
Any proposed change to the approved budget (that exceeds $100) must be approved at a
monthly Association meeting.
Funds not included in the budget less than $100 will be considered by the Executive Board for
Checks can only be signed after being made “Payable to” a certain party. Two signatures
(Treasurer and President) are required on every check.
The Treasurer will make disbursements only after proper documentation has been provided (i.e.
receipts, contracts, invoices, etc.).
The officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Corresponding
Secretary and Recording Secretary. These officers will be known as the Executive Board. Two
individuals may share each of these positions and no one individual may hold more than one office.
Each officer shall serve without compensation from the Association, Inglewood Elementary School or
the District.
The Executive Board shall:
The President shall:
a. Serve for a term of one year, but no more than two consecutive years in any one position
with an open election annually. An officer may hold no more than 2 consecutive position
terms, not to exceed 4 years of continuous service, with the exception of the Treasurer, who
may hold 4 consecutive one year terms, not to exceed 4 years of continuous service.
b. Prepare two copies of an annual report: one for inclusion in the permanent file and one to
be given to the incoming officers. It shall include a review of goals, list accomplishments
and offer recommendations (basically, a general outline of duties and responsibilities).
c. Meet with the Principal on a regular basis and upon the Principal’s reasonable request.
d. Have the discretion to approve non-budgeted expenditures not to exceed $100.
e. Has the responsibility for the formation and dissolution of all standing, yearly and special
committees. All committee appointments shall be on a volunteer basis.
f. Offer input and support to all standing committees, resolving any committee issues that
may arise.
g. Fill any vacancy in any officer or Chairperson position that arises during the fiscal year, in
accordance with Section 7.
a. Have served as an officer of a District Home & School Executive Board for a minimum of one
year and shall have attended five or more general membership meetings during the past
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b. Preside at all meetings of this Association.
c. Serve as a member ex-officio of all Committees offering input and support to all standing
d. Represent the Association at official functions or appoint a representative.
e. Submit rental agreements to the District Office.
f. Call work sessions of the Executive Board as needed.
g. Act as liaison between committee Chairpersons and administration for flyers, facility use
contracts and rental agreements.
h. Send a letter to all parents and guardians of students prior to the end of the fiscal year,
requesting volunteers to fill Standing Committee Chairpersons and Fundraiser Chairpersons
vacancies as needed. It shall be noted in this letter that all job descriptions are available
within the By-Laws.
i. Communicate with Chairpersons of Fund Raisers a month before their event to make sure
questions are answered and assistance is offered where needed.
j. Communicate with Principal regarding Home & School representation on Inglewood
Correlate Teams (i.e. Assembly, Safety, etc.).
k. Prepare an agenda for monthly meetings of the Association, coordinating with the
President. Ensure the agenda is sent in an e-blast, at least one week prior to meeting, to the
Inglewood parents and guardians. Ensure it is posted on the Inglewood Home & School
website and distribute to the Executive Board and all Chairpersons. If there is something of
significant importance to be voted on, as determined by the Executive Committee, the
Recording Secretary shall send out a hard copy in the backpack distribution.
The Vice-President shall:
The Treasurer shall:
a. Have served as a Chairperson of a committee on a District Home & School Association and
shall have attended general membership meetings.
b. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of or at the request of the President.
c. Serve as a member ex-officio of all committees offering input and support to all standing
d. Perform other duties as delegated by the President and be prepared to step in for the
President if the need should arise.
e. Coordinate and plan New Parent Orientation and Kindergarten Orientation at the beginning
of the school year.
f. Be responsible for collecting, organizing and distributing the September back-to-school
informational packets.
g. Responsible for ordering planners and folders for the following school year.
h. Communicate with Chairpersons of Special Events a month before their event to make sure
questions are answered and assistance is offered where needed.
a. Have served as a Chairperson of a committee on a District Home & School Association and
shall have attended general membership meetings.
b. Establish custody of all funds of the Association to be kept in a federally insured financial
institution. Disbursements from said accounts shall require two signatures (Treasurer and
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President). Checks can only be signed after being made “Payable to” a certain party.
Keep a full accurate account of receipts, bank accounts and expenditures. Make
disbursements as approved by the Executive Board and/or by the Association if over $100 or
as indicated in the annual budget. Offer a written account of monies received to Committee
Chairperson after verification by Treasurer & Committee Chairperson.
Present a budget prepared by the Executive Board and Fundraising Chairpersons for the
next fiscal year at the last Home & School Association meeting for approval by the
Association. The Treasurer should serve as chair at this Budget Meeting and ensure minutes
are taken, reviewed and approved. The proposed annual budget and statement of financial
position shall be presented to the parents and guardians of the student population for their
review at least 2 weeks prior to the last Association meeting. It should be posted on the
website. The Treasurer should be contacted if there should be any concerns.
Submit solicitation forms to District Office.
Provide cash boxes when necessary for a committee or event. At least one other member
of the Committee must count and sign off on the amount of cash box after an event before
the Treasurer may accept the cash for deposit.
Present a financial report at each monthly meeting of the Association.
Provide financial information to the Coordinating Council as required to maintain taxexempt status. Prepare bi-yearly reports to North Penn Coordinating Council and to provide
for yearly audit.
Ensure that the Association is bonded as provided by the NPSD Coordinating Council.
Ensure timely deposit of all fundraising activities in the bank accounts established for the
Be responsible for sending a tax receipt/thank you letter to any individual who makes a
charitable contribution to the Association in a timely manner.
The Corresponding Secretary shall:
The Recording Secretary shall:
a. Be responsible for correspondence for the Association.
b. Be responsible for the purchase and delivery of gifts, cards, etc. as outlined in the annual
report and as approved by the Executive Board and Chairpersons.
c. Acknowledge National Education Week in November with Executive Board’s assistance.
d. Coordinate and plan the end-of-year Home & School Association Dinner, including any endof-year gifts.
e. Coordinate and plan the Staff Appreciation Luncheon for the end of the year with the
Executive Board’s assistance.
f. Be responsible for certain end of year duties include engraving of Shirley Perrone, Schickling
Memorial and Inglewood Scholarship plaques.
g. Act as liaison with the Web Site Coordinator to make sure the Inglewood Home & School
web pages are kept up to date.
a. With the assistance of the Executive Board, prepare a calendar of events to submit to the
Inglewood office for the fiscal year which is then to be submitted to the District Office for
printing on the District Calendar.
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b. Be responsible for ensuring quorum at each general membership meeting.
c. Record the minutes of all meetings. Any motions/votes must be clearly documented within
the minutes. Provide a copy of the monthly Association meeting minutes on Home & School
Web page within two weeks of the meeting. Also place a hard copy in the Teacher’s Room.
d. Bring to each meeting a copy of the By-Laws, copies of the minutes from prior meetings in
the fiscal year and a list of the members of all standing and special committees.
e. Maintain file of all documents distributed at monthly Association general membership
meetings including, but not restricted to, the minutes of the prior month’s meetings, the
current agenda, the current Treasurer’s report and budget and any miscellaneous handouts.
f. Maintain a list of Executive Board and Chairpersons’ contact information to be made
available to the Executive Board and Chairpersons.
g. Coordinate with the Executive Board’s help and input a meeting to be held with committee
chairs to provide them with details and procedures of their committees, the policies of the
Association, Inglewood E.S. and the District, at the beginning of the school year.
h. Distribute, collect and maintain the End-of-Event Reports from each Committee Chair.
i. Responsible for coordinating information from appropriate Chairpersons and school staff for
monthly activity calendar and newsletter.
The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy in any officer or Chairperson position that occurs
at any time during the fiscal year due to any reason. Vacancies should be filled expediently, no later
than the end of a 90-day period. The time a replacement officer serves shall not count against the any
term limit contained in these By-Laws.
The Nominating Committee shall be solicited and approved by the Executive Board by the
January general membership meeting.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least (2) members of the Association, the
chairperson having been a member of the Executive Board and one or more from the general
The Nominating Committee shall advertise Executive Board position elections by the March
general membership meeting, highlighting the open positions.
The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of qualified prospective officers with one or
more candidates for each office at the April general membership meeting. That list to be posted on the
Inglewood web pages at that time.
All nominees shall have expressed a willingness to serve prior to their names being placed in
The final slate of nominees shall be distributed to the general membership at least one (1) week
prior to the election. At this point no further nominations shall be accepted. This slate should be sent
home in backpack distribution and also posted on Home & School Web pages.
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Elections shall be held at the May general membership meeting, to be held on school property.
Each member of the Association attending this meeting represents one vote, excluding Inglewood Staff
If there is more than one nominee for an office, the election will be held by secret ballot. In this
case, an announcement shall be sent out to all Association members at least one week prior to the
election with a brief note from each nominee detailing their intent and qualifications.
Votes will be tallied by the Nominating Committee immediately and results communicated to
parents and guardians via backpack and web pages.
If there is only one nomination for any given office, that individual will automatically be selected
to serve as an officer without the necessity of a formal vote.
The elected officers assume their duties at the start of the new fiscal year.
If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall fill the vacancy for the
balance of the term. All other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board and
approved at a general membership meeting.
Each standing committee shall be led by at least one (1) Chairperson, although there may be
more than one Chairperson for each Standing Committee. The President and the Vice-President of the
Association shall be an ex-officio member of each committee noted below. Each Chairperson will be
tasked with the following responsibilities:
a. Each Chairperson shall seek to follow District and By-Law policies. Each Chairperson shall
refer to Article III and to the Committee Chair Guidelines and Forms found on the Inglewood
Home & School web pages. District policies can be found on the North Penn School District
Web Page under “Our District – Policies & Regulations.”
b. Each Chairperson appointment shall be for a term of one year. More than one individual
may hold this position. If after two years/events the same chair is in the position, the
position will be advertised for a new chairperson or co-chair of the committee.
c. Each committee shall meet to establish goals and review budget.
d. Prepare two copies of an end-of-event report: one for inclusion in the permanent file and
one for the incoming chairperson(s). The report is to include the list of goals,
accomplishments, recommendations, (basically, a general outline of duties and
responsibilities) and copies of all flyers sent home.
e. Each Chairperson shall maintain records of profits and expenses in order to provide an
accurate account of their committee budget to the Treasurer. This should include money
collected and receipts for reimbursement. Chairperson(s) shall maintain accurate
accounting of expenses by the committee (i.e. receipts, contracts, etc.) in order for
reimbursement and to stay on budget.
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Each Chairperson is responsible for requesting cash box from Treasurer at least one week
before event. Immediately following the event, the cash box(es) needs to be counted by at
least one committee member prior to submission to Treasurer for deposit.
g. Within one week of event all receipts should be submitted to Treasurer for reimbursement.
h. Prepare for the President all handouts (which include “Inglewood Home & School
Association” and date). No written information shall be distributed to the Home & School or
Inglewood students without prior approval of the President. Chair is to make copies of the
main event flyer (i.e. looking for volunteers) to give to backpack chair at least two weeks
prior to event for distribution.
If your event is not on the calendar, make arrangements with the President for the
appropriate District space requisitions.
New appointments may be made if a Chairperson is unable to perform his or her duties as
stated in the job description.
k. Attend general monthly meetings of the Home & School Association or, if pertinent, contact
a member of the Executive Board prior to the meeting with your report.
Contact Calendar/Newsletter Chairperson with information to be included on the Home &
School monthly calendar and newsletter.
a. Meet Tuesday mornings, as needed, in the cafeteria to assemble packets of information to
be distributed to students on Wednesday in their homerooms. The packets are delivered to
the Youngest Member in each family with students at Inglewood.
b. The Chairperson must inform the committee weekly to confirm the need to meet.
c. The Chairperson must obtain labels (Youngest Member) from the office to put on the front
page of all packets.
d. Two extra packets must be placed in the teachers’ lounge, one extra packet must be placed
in the binder located in the office, one extra placed in each of the Principal’s and the After
Care coordinator’s mailboxes and one extra packet should be given to the office secretary
to be uploaded to the Home and School website.
a. There shall be two representatives and one alternate, when possible, with representatives
having attended Home and School general membership meetings on a regular basis.
b. Attend monthly Coordinating Council meetings.
c. Keep Association informed of North Penn School Board activities as reported through
Coordinating Council.
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a. Those activities on the proposed calendar that are fundraisers.
b. Chairperson(s) of fundraiser(s) shall have served at least one (1) year on a Home & School
Committee in a District Home & School Association or shall have attended general
membership meetings.
c. The Chairperson shall coordinate with President and the Treasurer on the development of
annual fundraisers.
d. Separate committees may be established for each fundraiser.
e. Each chairperson responsible for choosing a company (see Article III, Section 2), deciding
what is being sold, distributing flyers, collecting orders and money, overseeing the
distribution of items and recruiting volunteers.
a. In the beginning of the school year, the Chairperson reviews with the 6th grade class what
their responsibility is as a “goodwill helper” for the entire school year. (For example Red
Ribbon Week.).
b. The Committee is responsible for coordinating Red Ribbon Week.
c. Coordinate Inglewood Helping Hands Day events, along with the Volunteer Coordinator
d. Research the needs of the community and organize programs to increase student awareness
and participation in service projects and efforts to aid others.
Compile a list of volunteers who are willing to donate baked goods or other items at Home
& School events.
Coordinate with committee chair to determine the specific needs of the event.
Contact volunteers 1-2 weeks prior to an event to fulfill needs of event.
INGLEWOOD SIGN COORDINATOR – Responsible for updating the Inglewood Elementary School sign on
a monthly basis, in coordination with the Executive Committee.
a. Collect Labels, Register Tapes and Box Tops from classes several times a year.
b. Submit labels, tapes and box tops for cash or merchandise.
c. Promote bonus programs.
a. Publicize information nights (both Inglewood and District) beginning of school year to help
facilitate organizing teams.
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b. Ensure coaches have proper clearances and training.
c. Work with school to highlight program in any means appropriate.
OLYMPIC DAY COORDINATOR -- For Olympic Day, assist Physical Education Teacher with programs,
coordinate lunchtime activities and schedule volunteers.
READING AND WRITING PROGRAMS -- Different Chairpersons may be established for each program to
coordinate with the Reading Specialist to support the following reading/writing programs: Reading
Incentive – periodic incentive programs to promote at-home reading, including the Reading Olympics.
Reading is Fundamental (“RIF”) – attend District-wide RIF meetings, assist in planning and running firstgrade RIF book distributions and classroom activities. Spiral Binding – operate and maintain the spiral
binding machine and supplies as requested by teachers.
a. Responsible for the collection of recycled items, packaging those items and mailing them to
the Recycle Company.
b. Promoting recycling efforts to the staff and students through flyers, contests, etc.
SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE – Responsible for attending various School Board meetings and
reporting relevant information back to the Association at its monthly meetings.
SCHOOL DIRECTORY -- Responsible for the collection and distribution of information to be included in
the school directory, with a distribution target date the end of October.
a. Special Events are those activities on the proposed calendar planned for Inglewood students
and their families beyond the regularly scheduled school hours.
b. Ideally, each Special Event should require a minimum of two co-Chairpersons.
c. The Chairpersons will oversee the concept, theme, planning, entertainment, food, activities,
publicity and clean-up of that event. They are also responsible for recruiting and scheduling
d. Refer to Guidelines for Special Events and Forms found on the Inglewood Home & School
web pages.
a. Establish list of homeroom parents after class assignments are made available.
b. Meet with all homeroom parents to present a list of their duties along with a copy of their
class list. At this meeting, have each class’s Homeroom Parents designate one parent or
guardian to be the teacher contact.
c. Maintain contact information for all Homeroom Parents.
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d. Using previous year’s Kindergarten homeroom parents, the Coordinator will schedule
volunteers during first week of school lunches to help First Grade learn Lunchroom
procedures, working with the Cafeteria Staff.
e. Shall solicit volunteers for events and committees, via Sign-up Genius, as requested by
committee chairs.
Be a liaison between the volunteers and the District.
g. Make volunteers aware of District policies (i.e. TB tests, criminal records checks, etc.).
a. Responsible for updating and posting information on the Home & School section of
Inglewood Elementary web page(s).
b. Responsible for sending e-blasts and text alerts when directed by the President.
YEARBOOK CHAIR -- Responsible for recruiting volunteers, coordinating assignments, setting deadlines,
overseeing quality and completion of book, recommending vendor, advertising sales, collecting/tracking
orders, delivering finished books
A committee, consisting of at least one Executive Board member, shall be appointed by the
President, when no volunteer interest is shown and approved by the Executive Board and Chairpersons
by January to review, every two years, revise and update if necessary, the By-Laws of the Association.
Any revisions to these By-Laws must be voted and approved by a quorum of the Association
with one month’s notification. Revisions must be presented no later than March at a general
membership meeting. Revisions must be posted at least one month in advance of a vote. Changes can
be voted on by a majority vote when a quorum is present.
Revisions are to become effective at the start of the next fiscal year.
Individual changes will pass with a two-thirds majority vote of the members present and voting
at a general membership meeting, providing a quorum is present. Copies of the proposed change will
be made available to all voting members at least two weeks preceding that general membership
2016 By-Laws Review Committee:
Carrie Skinfill
Nancy Kralik
Wendy Blanch
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