Solutions Wellness & Health Management

Wellness & Health
September 2011
Take a Loved One To The
Prostate Health I.Q
Anticancer Foods
National Yoga Month
Top 5 ‘Should Have’ Habits
Additional Resources
Quit, Quit, Quit
Smoking has no health benefits. I
am willing to bet most people
know this. Most people know they
need to workout...but don't.
Smoking is even more detrimental
if you have diagnosed or undiagnosed cancer. The Journal of The
American Medical Association
concluded that men with prostate
cancer who smoke are much more
likely to die of disease or experience recurrence. Please ‘kick the
habit’ or you may ‘kick the can’.
This Newsletter is sponsored
by Fit Essentials.
Even in my early thirties I am acutely aware of ‘The Exam’. Like most men I
will admit I am a bit intimidated and
pray for technological advancement
allowing me to receive this exam from
my computer. But the reality is that it
is unlikely to happen; at least not in
the next month. So, our actions must
exemplify proactivity and a desire to
live life abundantly.
If you are 40 years of age and older,
you are at risk for prostate cancer. Like all cancers, there is no cure; prostate
cancer does not have any definitive signs or symptoms. Our best weapon is
awareness and prevention.
Having a prostate exam is not a desirable procedure for most men.
September 20th is take a “Take A Loved One To The Doctor’ day and many
Americans will commit themselves to helping someone else. Can you think
of a male relative or friend 40 years of age or older that has not had a
prostate exam? If so, encourage and support them by taking them to receive
a prostate exam. These are our grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles,
friends, husbands, loved ones, and friends. Help to save a life.
Prostate Health I.Q
Think you know about prostate health and prostate cancer. Well, lets
put your knowledge to the test. See if you know the answers to this 3
question quiz!
1. True or False: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among
all men regardless of race or ethnicity?
2. True or False: A possible symptom of prostate cancer may be
frequent urination, especially at night.
3. True or False: You should wait until your are 55 to have a prostate
Answers on page 2
Wellness & Health
Men’s Health
Top 5 ‘Should Have’ Habits
Downtime– Take at least 10-15 minutes to relax. Meditate,
pray, take a yoga class, or close your eyes and just sit still.
Regular Exercise– Notice I said regular. Establish a routine
that consists of 3-5 days per week of regimented exercise.
Beware of the weekend warrior syndrome.
Regular Check Up– For some reason we men take better care
of our cars than our bodies. When you schedule your 5,000
mile tune up, schedule your annual doctors visit too.
Relationships– Maintain good relationships with family and
friends. Relationships play a vital role in our wellbeing. Don’t
grow old without company.
National Yoga Month
Try taking a yoga class at your local yoga studio, fitness
center, or at work. Yoga is developed for all levels of fitness
and helps to reduce stress, tension, and improve flexibility
and strength.
Anticancer Foods
In addition to the various nutritional
benefits of fruits and vegetables
many of them also posses cancerfighting potentials. Lycopene, a phytochemical found
in tomato products, has been shown to reduce the
progression of tumors in breast, lung, and
endometrial cancer patients as well as reduce
prostate, stomach, and pancreatic cancer risks.
If you find it difficult or an inconvenience to
incorporate fruits and vegetables into your daily
dietary habits try these helpful tips:
1. Add strawberries, blueberries, peaches, or
bananas to your cereal, pancakes, waffles,
oatmeal, or toast.
2. Replace your mid-day or desk snack with
oranges, apples, carrots, strawberries, bananas,
celery, tomatoes or any fruit or veggie you desire.
3. Place fruit on the table at home for more
convenient access.
4. Juice your fruits or prepare a delicious smoothie.
5. Purchase bite-sized fruits and vegetables like
baby carrots, grapes, and strawberries as
convenient carry-around snacks.
Additional Resources Available
Prostate Cancer–
Worksite Fitness & Exercise Equipment–
1. True, 2. True, 3. False
This message has been presented to you from your Gallagher Benefit Service, Inc. Consulting Team.