Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Concepts of Engineering and Technology
Session Title: Conflict Resolution
Performance Objective:
Once the assignment is complete, the team will be able to understand personal conflicts within
the team dynamic. The individual student will have the ability to recognize interpersonal conflicts
within a team based environment and seek a mutually beneficial conclusion by completing the
Conflict Resolution Exercise and rubric to the satisfaction of the teacher.
Specific Objectives:
The student will be able to :
 Resolve conflict through effective confrontation
 Apply the skills to become an “influencer” within a team environment
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Concepts of Engineering and Technology:
...work in a team face-to-face or in a virtual environment to solve problems;
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
…expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing;
…rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary;
…establish a purpose for reading such as to discover, interpret, and enjoy;
…use study strategies such as skimming and scanning, note taking, outlining, and using
study-guide questions to better understand texts;
…read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time;
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Teacher Preparation:
Conflict resolution is one of the first skills a new team will learn to employ in the day to day
operations of work and at school. Recognition of conflict and having a variety of action plans in
place to deflect and/or resolve the conflict is the key for the new team’s development and
Weyant, B. (1995). Confronting Without Guilt or Conflict. Brassy Publishing.
Instructional Aids:
1. Resolving Conflict PowerPoint presentation
2. Conflict Resolution Exercise for each student
3. Resolving Conflict Video: www.teachertube.com
Direct link to Resolving Conflict video:
Materials Needed:
1. Pen or pencil
2. Paper
Equipment Needed:
1. Projector
2. Computer
Learner Preparation:
1. Confronting without guilt or conflict excerpts from text
2. Student observes Resolving Conflict PowerPoint presentation and takes notes
3. Complete exercise Part 1
4. Discuss various strategies to recognize conflict and control emotional response
5. Complete exercise Part 2 and debrief with instructor
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: As teams form, interpersonal conflicts will occur. This is normal for team development.
ASK: Can you recognize normal conflicts within a typical team environment?
SHOW: Resolving Conflict PowerPoint presentation.
SAY: Now you have been shown how to recognize various types of conflict.
ASK: What are the points to effective confrontation?
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
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Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in
conjunction with the following outline.
Notes to Instructor
I. Resolving conflict
A. So, you are a new team and everyone is
getting to know another’s strengths and their
weaknesses. You are a great communicator
and your partners all have great talents that
complement one another. But one thing is
missing – not knowing how to compromise.
The teacher begins
discussing what is
meant by resolving
II. Resolving conflict and weakness
A. What if your only weakness is not knowing
how to compromise? You say you do, as long
as everyone agrees with you. But the best
ideas are usually the ones that everyone said
wouldn’t work.
B. Quote from NCR CEO Thomas Watson about
personal computers: He is well known for his
1943 statement: "I think there is a world
market for maybe five computers".
Discuss what is meant
by being honest with
your teammates.
III. Overcoming weak point in yourself
A. How do you overcome this weak point in
yourself and make your team stronger in the
Discuss what is meant
by being realistic in
how you are during a
IV. Let’s look at a video discussion:
Preview the video as
the teacher leading the
discussion makes
a lot of good points on
Note: The video will lead to a discussion on conflict.
Resolving Conflict Video: www.teachertube.com
V. Confrontation
A. What are the benefits of effective
a. Take control of ourselves
Make sure the learner
can define
compromise – a
settlement of
differences by
arbitration or by
consent reached
through mutual
Use your work
experience to give the
first example. Have the
students relate based
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
b. Avoid being the victim
c. No emotional baggage buildup
d. Positive relationship investment
B. What are the negative aspects of avoidance or
ineffective confrontation?
a. Not in control of our life
b. Increases stress
c. Emotional baggage is created and
d. Become resentful or detached towards
the other person
C. What are the characteristics of ineffective
a. The expression of emotions like anger
b. Blaming the other person
c. Describing the undesirable behavior
d. Describing the negative actions that
are caused by the undesirable
D. What are the characteristics of effective
a. No excess emotional baggage (calm,
respectful, rational)
b. Requests the desired behavior
c. Positive consequences described
d. Uses “I” messages avoiding “blaming
the other person”
on interpersonal
relationships such as
their friends or
Point out that conflict
resolution, in the
workplace is one of the
biggest trends in lost
hours for an employer.
This is due to the 2
parties having to be
mediated by their
supervisor or Human
Resources in order to
solve the conflict.
Typical conflicts take
multiple meetings to
come to a satisfactory
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Conflict Resolution Exercise Part I
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Practice individual’s role play part.
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Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Conflict Resolution Exercise Part II
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Debrief after Part II of Exercise
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Conflict Resolution Rubric
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Have a Support counselor from the school talk about conflict resolution and her/his experiences.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Conflict Resolution Exercise:
Part I - Ineffective Influencing:
Roleplay: Conduct the following exercise with a teammate. You will be conducting 2
Scenario #1: (The first scenario is an ineffective confrontation.)
You: {Angrily} “You really hurt me! Last night when you finished your work, you
just left without offering to help! At times, I don’t think you care about anyone else
except yourself! And on top of that, you expect people to help you! I don’t think so.”
Teammate: {Annoyed, but trying to be polite} “Why did you leave so quickly last
Problem: Scenario #1 shows the negative emotional tones, blaming the other person,
dwelling on the undesirable behavior and the negative consequences.
You: “I was really disappointed when you left work last night without checking
with me to see if I needed help. It made me feel that you don’t care.”
Scenario #2: (The second scenario is an effective confrontation.)
You: {Calmly, with confidence} “I would like you to be more supportive of me. For
example, before leaving work, check with me to see if I need help and do the same
periodically during the day without having me to ask for help. As a result of this, I will
feel that you care about me as a teammate and will be more productive and willing to
assist you.”
Emotional tension reduced
Avoided blaming the other person
Part II - Effective Influencing:
Refer to the previous scenario. Use the influencing tools discussed in the PowerPoint.
Try a scenario related to you personally. Act it out with your teammate. Have a third
teammate observe you both and review the observations together.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Conflict Resolution Rubric
Task Statement: Create a scenario in which conflict arises and how to resolve it amicably. Use the examples as a guideline.
Task Assignment: Students will role-play a scenario in order to better understand resolving conflict within a team environment.
Criteria Concepts/Skills to be
Roleplays Part II
The roleplayers only address
1 influencing aspect.
Criteria Categories
(Novice to Exemplary)
The roleplayers only
The roleplayers only
address 2 influencing
address 3 influencing
The roleplayers address all
4 influencing aspects.
(25 points)
Debrief the roleplay
(1-5 points)
Negative influencing with 3-4
aspects involved.
(6-15 points)
Negative influencing with
1-2 aspects involved.
(16-20 points)
Positive influencing with
1-2 aspects involved.
(21-25 points)
Positive influencing with 3-4
aspects involved.
(25 points)
Confrontation Goals
(1-5 points)
None of the process was
(6-15 points)
Sharing the expectations
was accomplished.
(16-20 points)
Sharing the expectations
and perceiving the other’s
response was
(21-25 points)
Sharing the expectations;
perceiving the other’s
response and dealing with
the other response are all
(25 points)
(1-5 points)
No confrontation was
(6-15 points)
One resolution was found.
(16-20 points)
Two resolutions were
(21-25 points)
Three resolutions were
found and/or negotiations
were accomplished in one
out of the 3.
(16-20 points)
(21-25 points)
Total Points:________
(1-5 points)
(6-15 points)
(25 points)
A = 84-100 points; B = 64-80 points; C = 24-60 points; D = 4-20 points
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