Director of Facilities and Operations North Penn School District

Director of Facilities and Operations
North Penn School District
Support Services Committee
Thomas Schneider
October 2015
Montgomery Elementary Project – Civil Engineering
It is the Administrations recommendation to contract with Remington & Vernick Engineers for the Civil
Engineering and Land Planning portions of the Montgomery Elementary Renovations and Additions
project. In the past the Civil Engineering was a pass through expense by Bonnett Associates. We would
prefer that this contract be directly with North Penn in lieu of a pass through expense.
Remington & Vernick Engineer’s services commenced in the summer with a topographic survey of the
property and will continue through the final completion of the project.
The contract amount for the Topographic Outbound Survey is $15,848.00.
The total contract for the Civil Engineering Design and Land Planning services is $76,935.00.
Y:\Department\Facilities\support services committee\2015-16\Oct 2015\MontgomeryCivil_Support Services_Oct2015.docx