Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Construction Technology
Session Title:
Grouting and Sealing Ceramic Tile
Lesson Duration:
3 Hours
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to properly mix, apply
grout, sealer and finish a tile project.
Specific Objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
Select the proper grout and color for the project. Properly mix the grout.
Apply the grout properly.
Clean the grout joints and prepare for sealer.
Properly choose the sealer and apply to the grout.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.54. Building Maintenance Technology
(13) Students will select and install various types of floor coverings, including
carpet, vinyl tile, ceramic tile, and wood flooring systems and
(a) describe the methods used to install ceramic tile, carpet, and vinyl tile;
(b) make repairs of ceramic tile, carpet, and vinyl tile.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
110.xx(6) - Reading/word identification/vocabulary development
...expand vocabulary through...listening and discussing
...rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning of words, and technical vocabulary...
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
110.xx(15) - Listening/speaking/critical listening
...rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning of words, and technical vocabulary...
Instructor knowledge and experience.
Instructional Aids:
Grouting and Sealing Ceramic Tile PowerPoint .
Grouting and Sealing Ceramic Tile PowerPoint Slides Grouting and Sealing.
Ceramic. Tile PowerPoint Notes.
Grouting and Sealing Ceramic Tile PowerPoint Handouts.
Grading Rubric .
Materials Needed:
(Enough for the class size)
1. Grout
2. Grout tinting, if called for.
3. Water supply
4. Sealer
5. Grout trowel
6. Rags
7. Sponge
8. Foam brushes or other means to apply sealer.
Equipment Needed:
Infocus Projector.
Computer/with PowerPoint presentation.
Chalkboard and chalk or a dry erase board and pens.
Completed Introduction to Construction Careers.
Completed all safety lessons to this point in the course.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Ask: Now that the ceramic tile is installed. What is the next step?
Discuss grouting the tile joints.
Ask: What is the final process after completing the grouting.
Discuss sealing the grout joints.
Instructor Notes:
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Write the objectives on the chalkboard before
class begins.
Supply students with a grading rubric for this
Present PowerPoint Presentation.
Discuss your expectations before beginning to
answer questions.
Display the first
PowerPoint slide on the screen.
Have grout, sealer and the tools
needed available for students to see,
touch and ask questions about.
Continue through the
PowerPoint presentation until
complete. Allow time
between each slide for students to
ask questions.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Select two students to mix the grout, using manufacturer's guidelines. Ask the remaining
students questions as the grout is being mixed. Have two other students apply the
Have the students applying the grout, ask questions of the remaining students in the
class. Move to a section of flooring that has had time for the grout to cure. Select more
two students to apply the sealer.
Have them explain to you and the remaining students why the sealer is used.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Divide the class into group of two to three depending on the class size. Have a portion
of the groups grouting and the remaining groups sealing the tile projects.
Use this time to evaluate the students and to check their understanding of the lesson as
presented to them. Spending extra time at this point with the group or student that is not
understanding, will help in the final formal grading phase.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Review the complete lesson and process of mixing, tinting and applying
the grout and finally applying the sealer and completing the project.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
The informal assessment starts when the class begins watching the PowerPoint
presentation and continues through to include participation in class discussion,
guided and independent practice sessions involvement and participation, review
and preparation for the written test.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Each phase will have a percentage factor assigned to it resulting in a
100% when all totaled:
25% -- Classroom and review involvement
50% -- Guided and independent practice
25% -- Test
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
• Field trip to visit a showroom displaying the different types and styles of tile and
grout selections available.
• The instructor to find a location where students can observe tile being installed.
• The instructor to locate a project or job where the students can perform tile
installation, grouting and sealing for the customer.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
QUIZ on Grout
1. The grout float is used for what?
2. When mixing grout, how much should you use?
a. A small batch.
b. None, you use cement.
c. A large amount .
d. A medium amount .
3. Where do you start grouting from?
a. The middle.
b. The outside edge.
c. Underneath.
d. The corner.
4. Tile sealer should be used for what type of tile?
a. Mirror.
b. Hand made.
c. Porous.
d. None, it does not need sealer .
5. After allowing the grout to dry for four hours, what should you then do?
a. Spray it with water.
b. Buff it with a soft cloth.
c. wax it.
d. Do nothing.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.