RECOGNITION OF STUDENT/SCHOOL SUCCESS School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
December 11, 2006
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the following students/groups for these
outstanding examples of success:
At this particular time of year, we pause to remember the sacrifices made for Canada by men and women in
the past and those on the front lines today. Here is a poem in remembrance of these brave soldiers (from
West Bench’s November newsletter):
Remember Me. I was the one who played
Ran and laughed on the school grounds
I loved all the games and fun
With my friends all around
Remember Me
We dreamed and planned what we would be
When we grew older and free
To make those choices in our lives
How exciting it all seemed
Remember Me
But when I grew up, there were dark clouds of war
And I needed to go
Far away from my friends and family
To protect my loved ones, country and home
I didn’t return from far away
So when you’re with your friends at play
Remember Me
Remember Me
Princess Margaret and Penticton Secondary students organized and ran another incredibly successful
“10,000 Tonight” food drive. They collected well over 10,000 food items and over 350 students
participated from both schools. It is an amazing sight to see so many young people gathered to help
their community.
Penticton Secondary students partnered with Columbia, Uplands and Carmi Elementary to put together
250 boxes of gifts for Operation Christmas Child. These boxes, filled with toys, health items and
clothing will be sent to needy children in South America (Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua and El
Each grade four student in School District No. 67 received a Merriam-Webster Dictionary for his/her use
throughout the school year and in the future. These dictionaries are for the personal use of the
students and it is intended that they use them throughout the intermediate grades. Thanks again,
Penticton Rotary Club and London Drugs.
TD has presented every grade one student in Canada with a copy of “Franklin in the Dark”. What a
great way for a corporation to support literacy. Thanks again, TD!
November flew by with report cards going out, parent/teacher interviews, a Book Fair, and the
Remembrance Day Ceremony.
A fun bowling fieldtrip was held November 23rd to celebrate the hard work student leaders have been
doing at the crosswalk, as office monitors, recycling, setting up the gym for assemblies and their help in
leading the Remembrance Day assembly.
Thanks to Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Thacker’s classes for coordinating Operation Christmas Child with
the assistance of two student leaders from Pen High: Taylor Cook and Brittany King. Partnerships with
family schools are beneficial for all involved!!
Grades 2/3 Students Helping with Operation Christmas Child
Carmi’s Halloween Performance and Assembly
Student-Led Remembrance Day Ceremony
It is countdown to Christmas and excitement is in the air! We have our Christmas Concerts to look forward
to and will be attending High School Musical on Dec. 1st, PAC Craft Day on December 21st, and swimming
at the Community Centre on December 22nd.
Block X: Practicing for Christmas Concert – A Penguin Christmas
Grade 5 students (Divisions 1 and 2) and the Columbia Choir did an excellent job on the Remembrance
Day assembly. A great big thank you is extended to them for not only leading the assembly, but for
their poems and letters, and for their leadership in general. Many of the parents and guests who
attended the assembly commented on what a wonderful job they did. Specific thanks was also
extended to the following:
o Mr. Guza and Mr. Olsen for organizing their classes
o Ms. Forsyth for her incredible Columbia choir
o Mrs. Pickrell for the bulletin board displays
o Mrs. Kline for her Remembrance Day program
Members of the City of Penticton Pipers and Drummers who attended, particularly Shannon
Mair, Steve McPhee, Colby Gartner, Karol Gartner, Adam Patrick, Graeme Gane, and Dave
Grade 11 student Kevin Petersen for playing "Last Post" and "Reveille."
Special guests Comrade Bob Fitzsimmons and Comrade Robbie Robinson of the Royal
Canadian Legion for their attendance
School Trustee Larry Little
The 2006 UNICEF campaign was a great success! The final count is in and students have raised
$2838.32! WOW!! This year's focus was on the small country of Malawi in southeastern Africa. Funds
raised will help build classrooms, purchase resources and train educational staff in many Malawi
communities. The children of Malawi will be so grateful.
Fourteen students from grades 4 and 5 represented the Giant’s Head Running Team at the “Pumpkin
Run” at Trout Creek School. The students were great ambassadors. They participated well in the run
and completed the 2.5 km course. They ran around Trout Creek School, down the street to Powell
Beach, and then they ran along the beach and back to the school. The students encouraged the
runners in other races and showed congeniality.
Students’ art work celebrated
at the assembly
Students recognized by the Legion
for their good work on the
Remembrance Day banners
Kindergarten students making peace
Bringing friends to school!
Some grade 4 students saying thanks for
their new dictionaries
School wide pumpkin carving with lots of
parents and grandparents there to help!
Children’s Author Margariet Ruurs, read
stories, signed books and talked about the
writing and illustration process
Kaleden School once again supported Operation Christmas Child, a program that helps support
children in developing countries. This year 19 children will receive gift filled shoeboxes.
UNICEF – 53 envelopes were returned with is half of the school’s population. Good job!!!
Spirit Day was held November 24th. !yaD sdrawkcaB Can you guess?? Dress with your clothes
backwards! What fun!!
The annual Scholastic Book Fair was held November 27th to November 30th.
The grade 4/5 students led the Remembrance Day assembly with related songs by the grade 1-5
School Choir and poem selections by the grade 4/5 class.
Students throughout the school collected 55 boxes of educational supplies, toys, small clothing items,
and hygiene items to be donated to students in need in other lands. This came close on the heels of
our yearly UNICEF collection at Halloween where over $300 was collected.
In the literacy program two students have made wonderful progress during the month. Raelene
Hofman took home five books for one night (special permission) and went from level five to six
overnight. Raelene also had a perfect home reading record for November. Noah Caruso-Kramer
began the year as a nonreader and during the month of November reached level six. Well done and
286 report cards went home over the final weeks of November. Students in many classes were
prominent in guiding interviews and sharing work with their parents and teachers.
Grade 11 student Holly Eksal was selected by the Kunei Girls’ School in Japan for a full year
scholarship. She leaves for Japan in late April.
The Senior Boys’ and Senior Girls’ Volleyball Teams both qualified for the Provincial Championships.
The girls go into this tournament ranked 5th in the province and the boys go in ranked 14th.
Over 80 students were actively involved with this year’s musical entitled “Disney’s High School Musical”
held at the Cleland Theatre. All matinees and two of the four evening performances were sold out.
This show was a “must see”. Hats off to Lori and Don Grant plus the other twelve staff members
involved with this big hit. Well done!!
Approximately 50% of the junior students are on the honour roll!!!
The school hosted an RCMP Bike Rodeo for the grade 4 and 5 students on November 10th. Students
first viewed a bike safety video at the school and then everyone went across the street to the
Community Centre parking lot for the Bike Rodeo. It was a great experience and a follow-up will be
held in the spring.
Five very successful S.A.F.E. programs were held with the school’s ten families.
The grade 3-5 soccer team played in a mini tournament and did extremely well; over 30 students
A school popcorn day was held and raised $27 for the SPCA.
The grade 5’s hosted a school leadership day with the recreation centre staff and invited the Parkway
grade 5’s to take part as well. It was an excellent day.
Two author visits were hosted this month and the Penticton Vee’s kicked off their “read to Succeed”
reading program at the school.
Over 70 students participated in a weekend floor hockey tournament for grade 1-5 students. Parent
turn out was excellent.
A second movie night of the year had a turn out of over 100 students and parents.
$1400 was raised at the book fair. $700 will come back to the
school for book purchases.
Eighteen Aboriginal students took part in a walk on November 20th
to increase awareness of drug and alcohol issues. This was
sponsored by the Penticton Indian Band as part of Drug and
Alcohol Awareness Week.
Skaha Lake Middle School had a full house on the 16th of
November when students and parents gathered for the Fall Coffee House. Band students shared their
talents with the audience with a number of guest appearances by other students and bands in the
Eight students from grades 7 and 8 went to the Trade and Convention Centre on November 24th for
peer mediator training. This was done under the supervision of Counselor Louise Ganton
Counsellor Louise Ganton presented a PowerPoint presentation to all classes in the school on AntiBullying.
All drama students attended the play “High School Musical” put on by the drama students at Princess
Margaret. The performance was outstanding!!
Five teachers and one administrator attended the Faye Brownlie workshop on November 22nd. Staff
was. inspired to bring ideas back to the school to present at a staff meeting.
KVR joined Skaha Lake Middle school for an afternoon basketball tournament.
Ms Brisch’s Leadership 8 class hosted a “Multi-Cultural Day” on December 1st. Classes visited the
gym where stations were set up for different countries and students had the opportunity to view artifacts
and taste food samples from those countries. Another highlight was a number of Skaha students
presented dances from their native countries.
Operation Rwanda 2006
Since the end of September and beginning of October, Division 8-5 (with Madame Ochman as the core
teacher) has been involved in a fund raising effort to send children in Rwanda to school. To support
one child’s education for one year costs $100.00. This amount covers the actual fee, school supplies,
school bag, two school uniforms and one gym strip. The goal of the class was to raise $600.00. The
class was very creative in providing a variety of fund raising initiatives including: “Hire a Student Class
Helper”, bake sales, general donations and a “Jello and Pie Face Off”. As of November 2nd, which was
officially the last day of the fund raising, these students had raised $650.00. This has been an
incredibly rewarding experience for the students and teacher in 8-5 as well as the school in general.
Vinny takes a “Pie in the Face” for the cause while Madame Ochman hands out jello.
Amazing Race 2006
The 21 stations included “Brain Teasers in Math” and “Obstacle Course” as a team.
The most favorite station…..the “Surprise Drink” which students knew may include broccoli!!
For the second year Summerland Middle hosted the Amazing Race which is modeled after the T.V.
show. Students were divided into groups of three or four with a representative from each grade on the
team. The focus was to have the students move from station to station, using only clues and no verbal
hints from teachers or other students. The 130 teams began the race which included 21 stations and at
the end of 1 ½ hours, 26 teams had successfully completed the race. Activities continued in the
afternoon with various races and relays. The goal of team building in cross grade groupings was an
absolute success - one which the school plans to continue to build on.
Reaching Out to Our Seniors
For a number of years Summerland Middle School has had Senior Greeters. Many of the greeters are
now living in the Summerland Senior Complex. Division 8-3, with their teacher Ms. Jessa Hunter, are
now reaching out to these seniors. The class spends part of a morning each week visiting the residents
at the Senior Complex. The seniors say their favorite activities include having the students read to
them or playing cards with their young visitors. The students say they love listening to the stories their
senior tells them. Many students say, “It’s real live ancient history….wow!”
Mitch Baker, a former Canadian National Team snowboarder, visited the school and spoke to grades 3
to 5 students to encourage them to set goals and strive to reach their dreams. Mitch has been a
popular ESTEEM Team speaker for many years. He relates his success in sport and his approach to
life to show young people “what can be achieved with hard work and a dream”.
Trout Creek's second annual Health Fair was held November 25th in the morning. Students had an
opportunity to learn lots about staying healthy this year. The morning was kicked off by Erica Wolfe of
the Summerland Aquatic Centre, who led everyone in a warm up exercise session in the gym.
The primary students participated in four stations such as learning how to wash away the germs with
hand-washing and activity stations like dance and gym games. The intermediate students participated
in stations such as tobacco prevention, dance and kick boxing. Intermediate students also attended a
station called "Escape Schools" presented by Barbara Bleiler, Community Outreach Coordinator from
Lakeview Dignity Memorial. This program has been profiled on Oprah, Hard Copy and Americas Most
Wanted and teaches three principles, 1) family members are often the best people to teach about
personal safety 2) strangers are people they just haven't met yet and 3) Be Smart, Not Scared. They
focus on teaching children to avoid and get out of a dangerous situation.
Both intermediate and primary students also attended stations on nutrition to learn more on topics such
as healthy snacking, beverages and bone health. Students were provided with muffins at recess and a
surprise snack organized by Charlotte Venkataraman. Students received a water bottle to decorate in
their classrooms prior to the morning start.
Uplands school families sent over fifty shoe boxes to Tim Horton’s or Safeway. Thank you to the
Penticton Secondary School Leadership Class for organizing the boxes and delivering them. The
school did receive a wonderful thank you letter from the leadership class for joining them in this cause.
The school also received Tim Horton’s cookie certificates as a thank you from Tim Horton’s. Ms.
Babiak’s class surpassed their goal of sending one box per student sending twenty-eight boxes to
Safeway. Well done!
This year Uplands School sent $895.10 to UNICEF. Donations came from coin collecting, Pumpkin
Carving Night UPAC concession, and Ms. Babiak’s UNICEF class initiatives.
Six students in grade five attended the Trout Creek Pumpkin Run. Congratulations to Dan Thornton
(2nd Place), Aidan Davies, Nakai Penny, Abi McCluskey (6th Place), Sydney Garnett and Shayla
Mrs. Hennen’s grade 3 and 4, Mrs. Silvius’ grade 4, and Mr. Major’s grade 5 classes did a wonderful job
at the Remembrance Day Assembly. Students played guitar and piano and sang and recited poems
about Canada’s involvement in the wars. Students made presentations about their grandparents who
had fought in the Second World War. It was a very moving ceremony.
Grades 5 and 4 students filled shoe boxes full of gifts for needy families in the third world. The students
showed great dedication and devotion to the task.
The grade 4 & 5 soccer team did a great job representing West Bench at the games that they played.
They were wonderful ambassadors for the school.
Nathan McLennan is in kindergarten and he was very moved by the story of Terry Fox and the need of
people to be cured of cancer. He decided that he was going to earn money by selling hot chocolate
one weekend. He raised $148.00 which he donated to the Terry Fox Foundation. He also has a lovely
bracelet which he will be sending to Terry Fox’s mom.
Primary student helpers have been working at keeping the school play ground clean. These primary
students in our Tong Brigade are diligent in keeping the playground nice for everyone.
The song writing club has come up with five original songs for the Intermediate Christmas Concert. The
songs are very good and everyone seems to enjoy singing them. The students did an excellent job with
the lyrics.
Wiltse is implementing the PALS program (Parents as Literacy supporters). PALS is a program for
parents and their kindergarten children. It is designed to improve the child's performance in reading and
writing at school and to build the connection between home and school.
Ref: 06-07SUP/00300-01/Admin/Board of Trustees-General/Student Successes/ Success Stories 06Dec11
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