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As required by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a, @, the Register
publishes executive orders issued by the Governor of Texas. bibpointments made and proclamations issued 'by the governor are also
published. Appointments are published in chronological order.
Additional information on documents submitted for publication by the
Governor's Office can be obtained by calling (512) 475-3021.
Executive Orders
Goalsfor A warding Contracrs to Small and Minority Businesses under Texas Civil Statures, Article 5186a ant
Arricle 5190.3.
WHEREAS, in promulgating the Small Business Assistance Act of 1975, the legislature found that an indispensable element of the American economic system is free and vigorous competition, and it is the policy of this,
state to ensure economic competition by assisting small business entities; and
WHEREAS, in 198I the l6gislature established the Small and Minority Business Enterprise Division of the Texas
Industrial Commission for the purpose of further implementing the Small Business Assistance Act of 1975 by
encouraging greater small and minority business development; and
WHEREAS, although minority-owned businesses constitute one-third of small businesses capable of doing business,:
with the state but only a negligible number of srate contracts awarded to small businesses were awarded to privatelyowned minority businesses in 1982; and
WHEREAS, the failure o f minority-d~vnedbusinesses to receive an equitable share of contracts awarded by the
state to small businesses is a threat to the well-being of this state in that the preservation and expansion of economic
con~petitionhas been inadequate to benefit all persons of this state; and
WHEREAS, the governor is one of the persons designated by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5190.3, $10(c), for
oversight responsibility of the Small Business Assistance Act of 1975 and has an affirmative duty pursuant to
the Texas Constitution.. Article IV, $10, to see that the.laws of the state are faithfully executed.
NOW,THEREFORE, I. Mark White, governor of Texas, do hereby direct each state agency engaged in procurement of goods and services, pursuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5186a and Article 5190.3, to establish annually small and'minority business participation goals of 10%. 30% thereof representing purchase and service
contracts solely for ~vlinoritybusiness enterprise.
The Small and Minority Business Enterprise Division of the Texas Industrial Commission .is hereby directed, to
redouble its efforts to encouraee developinent and support of minority-owyned businesses throughout the state
by espansion of'rhe master list of such businesses and by provision of techrlical assistance to such in procuring
srate contracts. The division shall further actively assist other involved state agencies, boards, commissions, task
.forces, committees, or councils in reaching the goals established hereby.
This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended,
or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on May 19, 1983.
atid Renarrritrg tire Go~.errror'sCorrrlrrirreeon E~nplo?.nrenrof tire H(~nrlicappedas rlre Goserrror's
Ifor Disabled Persons; Repealing Evec~rti~e
Order M'PC-14.4.
WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has enacted legislation stating that it is the policy of the State of Tesas to
encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to participate in. the social and economic life OF the state;
to achieve maximum personal independence to become gainfully employed; and to otherwise fully .enjoy and
use all public facilities available within the state; and
WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has enacted legislation stating that it is the policy of the Stare of Tcsas to
provide rehabilitation and related services to persons with disabilities so that they may prepare for and engage
in gainful occupation; and
$,. TexReg
February 14, 1984