– 22 ETATMBA Teleconference March 2012 at 8:30hrs GMT Notes

ETATMBA Teleconference – 22nd March 2012 at 8:30hrs GMT
Present: Paul O’Hare (Chair), David Davies, Doug Simkiss, Ed Peile, Francis Kamwendo, Chisale
Mhango, Marshal Lemerani, Staffan Bergström, Anne-Marie Brennan.
1. Apologies
Neil Johnson, David Ellard
Unable to contact: Fannie Kachale, Godfrey Mbaruku, Senga Pemba, Siobhan Quenby
2. Minutes of last teleconference held on 23rd February 2012
3. Update from Tanzania
It was not possible to obtain a complete update from Tanzania as unfortunately contact could not be
established with either Godfrey Mbaruku or Senga Pemba. SB has been away so could only give a
brief resume: post-course assessment is in its second week. SB thought that GM was about to
launch a new course in mid-May but this has not been confirmed yet.
Action: AMB to email GM for an update.
4 Update from Malawi
a) Ethics. FK reported that full approval has now been given by COMREC. (Note: in the light
of this, BREC has also given full approval to the study). Wanangwa is arranging to complete the
rest of the baseline data collection. FK also reported the DMOs’ isolation and lack of
communication about the project has hindered progress. PO’H said that it was important to ensure
that they were invited to an information and training session on Sunday 20th May. FK thought that
George Chithope-Mwale should issue the invitation.
Action: AMB/PO’H to draft an invitation for George Mwale and/or Fannie Kachale to send to the
DMOs. Representatives from both intervention and control districts to be included.
b) Accreditation: progress and plans. Discussion about UK modules and how these could
blend with modules which the CoM might develop. PO’H wondered if the COs could be attached to
hospitals for evening/weekend placements to enable them to increase their experience but without
depleting core staffing. FK thought that only a limited number of hospitals might be suitable for this;
CM confirmed that the Medical Council would have to approve hospitals where the COs will be
trained. PO’H has had discussions with Neil Johnson and David Davies about the development of
further modules and professional project. EP suggested that the modules produced could be taken
over by the CoM and adapted for their own course.
c) Stakeholder meeting on clinical officer training. This will take place on Saturday 19th May in
Lilongwe. A list of potential delegates has been circulated.
5. Research – Tanzania
SB had no further information about the PhD students.
6. Research – Malawi
Wanangwa has an internal supervisor and, as reported above, is continuing to collect baseline data.
PO’H reported that Eric Borgstein is keen to start his BSc qualification in August and would like to
include a research methodology module. He is using the COs to collect data from the district as a
practical application of the research module skills. Eric Borgstein has suggested that the ETATMBA
project join him for the module. It would entail inviting the most able COs to attend this training. It
might be possible to use material from a masters module developed in Warwick on research
methodology. EP and DS supported this idea.
DD asked FK if the proposed two-week module had been discussed in the CoM. FK replied that it
had not but would be included in a two-day conference to be held in Malawi on 23-24 April.
Action: Arrange to join this meeting by teleconference.
7. Leadership
DD has been away for the last 3 weeks; no further updates to report.
8. NPC Network
DD is still awaiting a document detailing the strategy of the new Non-clinician Physician network.
Action: DD to enquire whether this is ready yet.
9. Module 2 staffing and planning
A meeting is to be held from 5-7pm UK time on 26th March. AD to join by teleconference.
FK reported that Maureen Chirwa would be able to assist; DS is awaiting response from Queen
Action: FK to telephone Queen Dube and suggest she attend for the Thursday of week 3 to observe
(or DS could visit to train) ready to participate in week 4.
No paediatric cover for week 1 but EP will fulfil this role, with the agreement of AD.
10. Development of future modules
The dates for Module 3 are Monday 19th November to Friday 14th December. Will cover advanced
surgery. Possibly to be held in the Lilongwe Management Centre but may be able to use trainng
rooms attached to one of the hospitals at no cost.
Module 4 is a professional project. Would require a day of meetings to set up; would be best to
combine this with other modules. Modules 5-7 are: understanding research and critical appraisal in
low resource setting; clinical education and clinical science; sepsis and skills in reproductive
healthcare in low-resource setting. Module 8 will be a professional project and placement
11. Any other business
a) DS reported that the D-tree collaboration with Marije Geldof is producing some results.
Marije and Fannie Kachale are now in contact and it is hoped that with support from the MoH that
suitable guidelines for mobile phones can be developed.
b) DS reported that the use of training videos with Deb van Dyke is also under development.
GM supported the idea and Deb needs test sites. It is therefore possible that IHI could become a
test site.
Action: AMB to put link to videos on the website.
12. Date of next teleconference
The next meeting will be Wednesday 2nd May. Note that daylight saving time will have commenced
in the UK, so the times will be:
08.30am (UK), 9.30am (Malawi) and 10.30am (Tanzania).