From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
High Performance Expert Systems
Todd D. Cherkasky
Workand TechnologyInstitute
1775 K St NWSuite 630
Washington, DC20006
This paper reviews two divergent approaches to the
development and application of expert systems in
manufacturingand suggests that AI researchers and system
designerscan moreeffectively contribute to manufacturing
solutions by pursuinghigh performancedesign rather than
reinforcingtraditional technocentricassumptions.
To make expert systems more relevant
to the
manufacturing environment, applied researchers and other
artificial intelligence (AI) designers must face the actual
problemsthat arise in manufacturing organizations. While
current AI research responds to demandsfor specialization
and flexibility
by modeling and automating process
planning, scheduling, material handling, and other
complicatedprocesses, manufacturers’ attention has shifted
from exclusively technical concerns to include the complex
processes of workorganization, interpersonal interaction,
and organizational
From design for
manufacturing (DFM)to integrated process and product
development(IPPD), organizational theorists, management
scholars, and interdisciplinary design studies researchers
recognize that manufacturing solutions require an
understanding of the social, cultural, and institutional
dynamics underlying technologies
of production
(Appelbaum & Batt 1994, Cormier 1994; Susman 1992).
Al-based systems would better support manufacturing
if they complemented manufacturers’
attention to such factors as work organization and teams
and if they built systems that leverage and extend workers’
The technocentric approach to manufacturing problems is a
legacy of an industrial system that achieved production
gains by increasing efficiencies in individual tasks, by
concentrating information and control toward the top of a
multi-layered hierarchy, and by adjusting humanactivity to
the capabilities of new technologies (Howard& Schneider
M & Mimuf~cturing
1994). In technocentric development, investments in
technology are assumed to compensate for inefficient,
error-prone, and otherwise limited workers. Design
proceeds linearly from conception to execution, from
engineering to production. Those most closely affiliated
with the design and development of machinery--engineers
and managers--make
all decisions
about work
organization, plant layout, and workers’ activity. Ignoring
both the implications of increasingly competitive,
segmentedmarkets and the affordances of new technology,
technocentric designers overestimate what computers and
machinerycan achieve on their ownand underestimate the
social and organizational contributions to industrial
High performance
Over the last few decades, managementscholars have
addressed some of the deficiencies of the tecimocentric
model. In Technology and the Future of Work, Paul S.
Adler highlights several key factors of successful
production that are neglected by the technocentric
The effective use of newtechnologies will require a
workforcewith both higher skills and broader roles ....
(and) also requires that the business firm
reconfigured to support a process of continuous
learning .... It is becomingincreasingly obviousthat,
to compete effectively,
firms need to develop
comprehensivelong-term strategies for building their
"knowledgeassets," that is, for jointly managingthe
development of the knowledge
embodied in technical systems and the knowledge
accumulated by employees. Clearly, the success of
firms in developing this new approach depends to a
great extent on changesin the broadersocial, political,
and institutional context (1992,13).
Situated in a larger arena than the narrowly focused
technocentric model, new approaches to work systems--often characterized as high performance---emphasize
continuous learning, a long-term orientation, and an
From: Proceedings
AI and Manufacturing
Planning Workshop.
© 1996, AAAI
relianceof the
on workers’
and judgment.
in part All
With a goal of improving overall organizational
by applied researchers, designers, marketers, distributors,
system integrators, and application engineers. (Individual
effectiveness over the long term, high performance work
systems foster workerparticipation in technologyselection,
discretion is infiuenced to a great extent by institutional
determinants as discussed below in "Entry Points for
implementation and customization and provide training to
improvetechnical and process skills. See Table I for the
Change.") Thesedevelopers participate in either the design
eight key elements of high performance, as enumerated by
or implementation (or both) of expert systems
economist Ray Marshall (1991).
manufacturing environments. The design stage involves
knowledge-acquisition and the merger of the knowledge
domainwith an inference engine. Implementingthe expert
systemrequires that it be integrated into the processes of
Table 1
workalong with other manufacturing technologies.
Eight Key Elements of High Performance WorkSystems
Effective use of all companyresources, especially the
insights and experienceof front-line workers,in order to
Expert system design and implementation
in productivity.
A dominantpart of the design of expert systems entails
Acuteconcernfor the quality of products and services in
an expert’s knowledgeand experience into a
order to satisfy the demands of a consumer-driven
expert system can digest. Knowledge
recognized this process as a serious
Aparticipative and non-authoritarianmanagement
style in
slows expert system development.
which workers ... are empoweredto make significant
that have studied the knowledge
decisionsby (a) using their individualdiscretion,experience
acquisition process suggest "that the knowledgeengineers’
and creativity, and (b) cooperatingwith their peers in
assumptions have some unintended negative consequences
for their ownpractice, for the systemsthey build, and thus
Internalandexternalflexibility in orderto: (a) rapidlyadjust
internal productionprocessesto producea variety of goods
(potentially at least) for the broader society" (Forsythe
or services; and (b) accurately comprehend
the external
1993, 448). These are assumptions about the nature of
environmentand adjust to changingeconomicand social
knowledge, the capabilities of expert systems, and the
contributions that workers can make to manufacturing
A positive incentive structure that includes: employment
security; rewardsfor effectively workingin groups;decent
Knowledge, as it is often viewed by knowledgepay and workingconditions; and policies that promotean
acquisition engineers, is asocial and acultural---and thus
appreciationfor howthe company
functions as an integrated
independent of human interaction.
Essentially a
expert by
Leading-edgetechnologydeployedin a mannerthat extends
to be a
humancapabilities and builds uponthe skills, knowledge,
common-sense question-and-answer
andinsights of personnelat all levels of the company.
procedure. Knowledge, in this sense, is captured and
A well-trained and well-educated workforcecapable of:
stored in an ahistorical context for later retrieval and
improvinga company’swork organization and production
application to manufacturing problems that have well
processes; adapting existing machinetechnology and
selecting new equipment; developing new and improved
defined parameters. Because "knowledge engineers tend
products and services; and engaging in continuous
to reify knowledge, often leading to naive and
inappropriate elicitation strategies in dealing with experts,"
Anindependentsourceof powerfor workers---alabor union
they contribute to their ownfi’ustrations (Forsythe
and collective bargaining agreement--that protects
Buchanan 1992, 206).
employeeinterests in the workplace; helps to equalize
Beyondthe practical bottleneck that is created, more
power relations with management; and provides
severe implications for manufacturing systems result when
to resolve disagreementsthat arise becauseof
expert systems are designed without recognition of their
the inherently adversarial nature of labor management
limitations. Onelimitation is an over-reliance on formal
models as the exclusive means for solving design
problems. Although these models work particularly well
Expert System Development
for clearly defined problemsthat anticipate all potential
the complexity of the contemporary
The contrast
between technocentrism
and high
manufacturing environment demands workers’ skills and
performancecan be seen in the developmentof a variety of
technologies, including expert systems. Whether the enduser expert systemis configured as a technocentric or high
Cherkasky Z3
Workers have compensatedfor inelegant designs and
limits in engineering knowledge by employing a
range of skills and experience-based knowledge, or
even by unsophisticated intervention .... Althoughthe
performanceof one or several machinesmight be well
understood, when systems are truly integrated and
various machinery and electronics interact directly
with each other, a higher order of complexity is
created. One must predict not only the function and
limits of one machinebut the conditions created from
the interaction of multiple machines and control
systems; sometimes effects are created that arise
solely from their interaction and could not be found in
the operation of one unit in isolation. (Salzman
Lurid 1995, 331)
of production before someonerealized that something was
wrong.... It was just too easy to trust that the computers
had got it right.’ In addition, the opaque computerized
systems prevented workers from learning howthey might
improveoperations." (Upton 1995, 80)
As operators’ direct experience with manufacturing
processes declines, the long-term viability of knowledge
domains deteriorates. The danger is that knowledge in
expert systems adversely affects manufacturing
applications because it remains static (as contrasted with
knowledgethat is modified by social negotiation), brittle
(it neglects common-senseknowledgeabout the world and
contrasting views of different experts), and narrow (when
KBSknowledge does not cover a broad enough domain
because only one domainexpert is used in the elicitation
process). (Forsythe 1993)
If, in contrast, knowledge engineers understand the
value of workers’ experience, they will design systems that
dependupon and help augmenttheir skills, thereby making
the knowledgebase more robust. Whenthese systems are
linked to the rest of the manufacturingapplication, they
provide the meansfor workersto contribute their ideas and
to be actively engagedwith production processes, thereby
ensuring the knowledge-domain’slong term relevance and
in the design of expert systems, knowledgeengineers
and applied researchers shape what counts as relevant
knowledge. Similarly, when implementing expert systems,
operators, managers and
application engineers makecrucial choices that determine
the extent to which expert systems conform to
technocentric or high performance tenets. The resulting
expert system is then linked with other production
technologies (e.g., graphical user interfaces, intelligent
sensors, supervisory process control software, data
boards, etc.) to become part of the
manufacturing environment.
A popular vendor in the machine control industry,
Intellution ©, has recently acquired Visual Expert ©, a
MicrosoR Windows©-based development and run-time
package. Combiningthe graphical control interface and
data acquisition power of Intellution’s FIX DMACS
Visual Expert’s decision support, lntellution provides a
flexible product. Visual Expert can be configured as
specified in its product announcement:"It provides stepby-step graphical representations of diagnostic procedures
for equipment troubleshooting and minimises (sic) the
possibility of humanerror by requiring the operator to log
in and follow the instructions displayed on screen" (Expert
Systems1995). In this technocentric configuration, frontline workers execute procedures designed in advancewith
no opportunity to modify them. Visual Expert’s "display
builder" and development environment--where the logic
structure of pertinent processes are defined---are
From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Workers’ contributions to production are necessarily
overlooked if the knowledge base assumes they do not
exist. Their skills and experience will be neglected if
knowledge engineers do not realize that knowledge is
"distributed through the division of labor, the procedures
for getting things done, etc." and that "complete and
unambiguous knowledge about expert procedures is
unlikely to be transmitted through experts’ verbal or
written self-reports." (Forsythe 1993, 453)
Defining the role of the eventual operator is thus a
central issue for designers of expert systems. Accordingto
Jfirgen Dorn of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for
Expert Systems, the steel "industry has always been very
innovative in the application
of new production
technologies and the latest computertechnology.... Despite
this rapid automation, the process operator has remainedan
important link in the production process, and with the
introduction of these new control systems, operators are
being overloaded with process data." (Dora 1996)
The operator, increasingly
removed from direct
experience with the production process, faces a wealth of
information generated by programmable controllers,
sensors, and other intelligent 1/O devices. To deal with this
data bottleneck, Dornsuggests that the industry should use
"an expert system that acts as a consultant or even as a
decision maker .... " Here is the crucial choice. Will
systems be developed to leverage or to replace workers’
experience? While a high performance orientation to
manufacturing actively encourages workers’ critical input
and experience, the teclmocentric path consistently
undervalues humancontributions to production.
Emphasizingthe dangers of the technocentric approach,
David M. Upton summarizes in the Harvard Business
Review the case of MeadCorporation’s Escanaba paper
mill: "The mill’s managers ... realized
computerization in itself was no panacea. Someof the
machines in the mill were relatively highly computer
integrated. ’Even though we had a lot of computers on the
plant (sic), sometimeswe’dmakea couple of hours’ worth
M & Manufacturing
unavailable to operators. The Visual Expert application
manufacture(DFM).Thesemanufacturingtrends focus
From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
could be configureddifferently, allowingoperatorsto add
organizational issues that traditional technocentric
nodes andproceduresto its logic structure as well as to
approaches to manufacturingignore. IPPDand DFM,for
perform the more passive task of monitoring alarms,
example, stress the importance of communicationand
temperature, and other process information. The high
teamsandtheygrant authorityto thosetraditionallyleft out
performanceimplementationof Visual Expert allows users
of design processes (e.g., production and maintenance
to be actively engagedwith the process, to update the
workers, as well as customers) (Thomas1994; Liker
systemwith real time processimprovements,
and to ensure
Fleischer 1992).
that ’the computers
got it right.’
Theseinitiatives recognizethat continual innovations
require the experiential knowledgeof humanexperts-expertise that is based on direct interaction with
Technocentric design and manufacturing trends
manufacturing processes. They draw on economicand
Oftenexpert systemdevelopersassumethat manufacturing
intrinsic rewardsthat stemfromparticipatory andskillapplications are moreeffective if they are controlled
based applications of technology. For example,a $500
entirely by "decision-malting"expert systemsrather than
million plant that producesspecial order alloy steel was
by workerswhoare assisted by them. This assumptionis
explicitly designedto incorporatethe real-timeinteraction
readily apparent in documentation summarizing the
of the experiencedoperators. Thefundamentalassumption
benefits providedby expert systems. For example,General
Electric’s Dodger--adiagnostic expert system--"employs of this design is that the computer makes
recommendations, but does not make decisions
a numberof AI techniquesto analyzeeddycurrent signals
automatically.It provideson-line diagnosticcapabilities
andassess trends in material condition. Benefits realized
andrelies onthe critical insightsof plantpersonnel.
include a high consistency of interpretation and a
decreased reliance on humanoperators". (KIahr & Bymes
The design of the system was based on an explicit
1993) The implicit (and sometimesexplicit) statement
principle of operator control of the process. The
system was designed to provide operators with the
being madeby these researchers and the technologiesthey
informationand technologynecessaryto makenearly
produceis that operators, skilled machinists, process
all production decisions without supervision. It
engineers,cost estimatorsand other workersandtechnical
providedoperators with a display showingthe status
professionals are liabilities to the productionprocess.
of all the heats. At each operation, it provided a
Thesepersonnelare seen as expensivevariable costs, as
computer-calculated "recommended"
procedure and
inefficient anderror-prone, or as lacking the specialized
an analysis of any operator-proposedchanges.There
expertise of moreexperiencedemployees(Chorafas1992;
werealso manualoverrides for all equipmentin the
Cunningham& Smart 1993; Hayes-Roth & Jacobstein
process.... (Salzman
1994;Hauser&Hebert1992;Kowalskiet al. 1993).
eachof these ostensibleliabilities offers ample
The benefits included "a flow of process improvement
opportunity for technical problemsolving, the current
ideas" and total system performance that exceeded
manufacturingenvironmentdemandsan alternative to the
productivity and quality expectations and industry
technocentric strategy of design. Current manufacturing
standards. Severalrecent studies concur:participation in
trends recognizethat labor is not the only---andnot the
workplacedecisions, including technology design and
most significantmvariable cost. Other costs in this
implementation,increases productivity (Cormier1994;
category include inventory, purchase price, machine
Potter & Ngan1996; Levine& Tyson1990; Keefe1995).
utilization, scrap, etc. Cycle-timereductionsand other
These insights can be extended to knowledgeprocess improvements
stem fromcontinual correctives to
engineering,resulting in high-performance
expert systems
workorganization and technologyconfiguration, which
that serve the needs of experts, relying on and
can be heavily influenced by the input of front-line
supplementingtheir skills instead of replacing them.
In high performance manufacturing
in "anthropocentric production systems"--the
environments,workersat all levels of the companyare
Europeanequivalent of high performance---isunderstood
understoodas innovative contributors to both design and
to include muchmore
manufacturing solutions.
To ensure continual
whichhas been left to waste and has not ... been
contributions from these workers, high performancework
exploited yet: creativity, imagination,flexibility,
systemsemphasizetraining for both technical and process
learning frommistakesandthe potential to copewith
skills. (SeeTable1.)
the unforeseenand deal with contingencies. Manyof
The organization-centered approach that looks to
these qualities cannot be programmed
in advancenor
workersfor process innovationsis realized in integrated
elicited by tight proceduresof command
and control
product and process development(IPPD)and design for
or assignedto strictly prescribedtasks nor conserved
Three ©key
that can
the design
in the software
work (Littek
From: Proceedings
of the of
AI and
Planning Workshop. Copyright
All rights
Charles 1995, 6).
Derivedfrom the results of newmanufacturingpractices, a
high-performance, skill-based understanding of what
knowledgeis considered relevant and howexpert systems
are implementedwill ensure the long term viability of the
knowledge domain.
Entry points for change
To ensure the design of high performance expert systems,
which criteria must applied researchers, knowledge
engineers, system integrators, and application engineers
follow? Given the limitations of technocentric design and
the performance advantages of skill-based, participative
design, we might ask designers to:
¯ Focus on process and product quality
¯ Ensure long-term inputs to the system
¯ Utilize and augmentworkers’ skills
Referring to Table 1, each of the eight key elements of
high performance work systems relates to at least one of
these three criteria. The concern for quality relies on a
high performance approach, which emphasizes overall
organizational performance through both process and
product improvementsinstead of a bias towards reducing
costs and increasing individual efficiencies (Table I, items
1, 2 and 5). To ensure long term inputs to the knowledge
domain and end-user system by experienced and skilled
users, designers must count elements of organizational
culture and workers’ knowledgeof day-to-day operations
as relevant to the knowledgedomain. Over the long term,
workers need to he trained to perform at expert levels to
enable continual innovations (Table 1, items 1, 3, 4, and 7).
The high performance expert system utilizes and augments
workers’ skills by providing diagnostic support and
integrating humaninsights interactively with machine
"intelligence" instead of pursuing automatic control with
operators only reacting to alarms in a crisis (Table !, items
1 and 6).
Thesecriteria for high performancedesign are subject to
value orientations and structural incentives beyond the
level of individual designers. "The combination of a
country’s or a firm’s economic market, employment
practices, education system, legal system, social and
engineering values, and other factors shape the wayit will
organize its production process or, for our purposes,
technology design." (Salzman & Rosenthal 1993, 46)
shift in design criteria thus requires not only the
of individual
but also
organizational and institutional changes.
AI & Manufacturing Workshop
environment to prioritize high performance criteria over
technocentric ones are government,professional societies,
and labor unions. Government’s role is to help guide
technological development by providing public funds and
institutions for basic and applied research, amongother
resources and regulations.
Ultimately, however,
technologies do not develop autonomouslyguided by some
natural internal logic; and thus governmentcan not merely
prod technologies along a single linear trajectory.
Althoughthere are significant constraints to social control
over technological development’, choices madeby funding
agents, researchers, and designers facilitate certain social
arrangements and constrain others. Government, as a
means for reconciling diverse values and opinions, must
make normative assessments of what technologies should
be developed and provide a research agenda that supports
all of the society’s stakeholders.
Withthis responsibility in mind, top-level policy makers
from the federal governmenthave been emphasizing a high
performance approach to technological innovation and new
work systems. They encourage workers to master
knowledge-intensive skills via continual training and
education, as a way to help them maintain secure jobs in
the global marketplace. In general, they see technical,
specialized knowledgeas the key to personal, corporate,
and national success. Secretary of LaborRobert Reich, for
example, sees a promising future for "symbolic analysts,"
knowledge workers who leverage their value to the
globally competitive firm based on problem-solvingskills
and data analysis. (Reich 1991) In Technology for
America’s EconomicGrowth, the Clinton administration
recognizes that "the new growth industries are knowledge
based. They depend on the continuous generation of new
technological innovations and the rapid transformation of
these innovations into commercial products the world
wants to buy. That requires a talented and adaptive
workforce capable of using the latest technologies and
reaching ever-higher levels of productivity." (Clinton
Gore 1993) These technologies, including knowledgebased systems, can be developed with either technocentric
or high performance assumptions. One entry point for
change towards the latter is a technology policy for high
performance design. (Jarboe & Yudken1996)
Another significant means for influencing the design
context involves designers as professionals. Individually
and through professional associations, designers are in a
good position to contribute to the high performanceagenda
1e.g., technological momentum, inherent physical
of materials and machines, emergent
organizational and institutional imperatives, etc. (Clark et
al. 1988; Hughes 1983; Winner1977; Winner 1995)
the Workshop.
From: Proceedings
the AIincludes
and Manufacturing
© 1996, the
All rights reserved.
for processes
to run
critical judgment of users. By broadening the design
smoothly, unions offer a variety of resources. Froma
problemto include both technical and social processes,
local to internationallevel, throughstrategic partners and
consultants, unionssupportworkers’needsto be effective
individual technicalprofessionalscan join other designers
froma variety of disciplinesto expandtheir skills. Often,
participants in the design process. They encourage
professionalsocieties serve this networking
function. They
continual learning for workersand increased training and
also encourage joint work between, for example,
education in both process and technical skills. Unions
engineering societies and other professional groups,
provide conferences and seminars on workplace
including those fromthe social sciences and education.
technologiesand can tap the resources of consultants on
Professionalassociationsalso often shapeeducationaland
workplace change and technology choices and
training curricula for their members,affecting both
eventual and incumbent designers’ assumptions. New
Finally, labor unionsprovidea sourceof stability and
programs,in interdisciplinaryengineeringdesignstudies--long-term commitmentthat is not always found among
informedby the participation of engineeringprofessionals
managersand other professionals. In manycorporations,
andthe endorsement
of their societies---addressthe issues
managersandengineersare rotated fromplant to plant as
of re-training, a~actingunder-representedstudents to the
part of the overall businessstrategy. In contrast, workers
field, reducing the effects of artificial disciplinary
and their unionrepresentatives are morelikely to spend
boundaries, challenging traditional curriculum and
their entire career in one location. They possess an
extensive knowledgeof the everyday contingencies and
accreditationstandards,discussingsocially relevant issues,
and expandingexclusive, linear def’mitions of design
interactions. In addition, becausetheir ownfinancial
processes. (Schumacher1995) Reinforcing an expanded
futures are tied to the successof the plant, they are deeply
view of design through educational change, civic
to its success.
professionalismencouragesa high performance
to design. Accordingto WilliamSullivan, author of Work
High Performance Expert Systems and
andIntegrity"the role of professionalexpertise... is being
redefined away from providing discrete technical
interventions.Instead, professionalsare givingcontinuing
This paper has identified two viable meansfor creating
attention to the institutional and cultural infrastructure
expert systems that solve practical problems in
neededto sustain a modem
society." (1995, 237)
It has outlined the
One of these institutions, effective labor unions,
deficiencies of the technocentricapproachto expert system
provides the necessary resources and structure to help
and highlightedthe benefits of pursuinghigh
developersmeeteach of the three designcriteria for high
performanceexpert systems:quality, long-terminputs to
Robert Thomas,an MITSloan School of Management
the knowledge domain and larger manufacturing
scholar on manufacturingand organizational studies,
application, and an emphasison workers’ skill. Unions
confirmsthat "the humanand social systemsthat makeup
provide an environmentwhere workers can feel secure
organizations... can be eliminated. That is, workcan be
enoughto critique existing procedures, to contribute to
automated.Organizationalpolicies can be tightened and
innovationsthat increase performance.(Table 1, item 8.)
moreclosely monitored.People can be madeto go away.
Withan explicit recognitionof the variousinterests in the
But the social costs of unemployedand underemployed
workplace, workers and designers will more seemlessly
people and skills will be quite high ... and ...
negotiateinevitable disagreements
becausethey will havea
organizational costs will take the form of a diminished
reliable, well structured meanstowards solution. Exability to innovate--arisky strategy to pursuein a global
Secretaryof LaborRayMarshallconcursthat if this laboreconomythat demandsinnovation and change." (Thomas
managementdynamic "is good and effective, it is
1994, 247)
inherently adversarial. In the best of circumstances,both
Expert systemdevelopersmustrealize, as Dorahas for
sides havedifferent perspectivesandare goingto disagree
the steel industry, that "despite even more pervasive
about somethings. Howhigh are mywagesgoing to be?
automation in the future, humanexperts will remain
going to run things? Disagreement
is inevitable and
unavoidable for production control .... because new
healthy. But a functioning adversarial relationship
productionfailures that cannotbe handledadequatelyby a
providesa wayto resolve differences."(Marshall1991,12)
system occur quite regularly." (Dora 1996, 21)
Equally important for the design context, the union
production operations require the participation and
provides a liaison between workers and engineers---a
intervention of humanexperts, expert systemsshould be
structured process for regular, two-waycommunication.
designed to operate interactively with workers and to
complement,not replace, their knowledgeand experience.
In current manufacturing applications,
developers of expert systems too easily impart the
technocentric perspective that humansare the weaklink.
In doing so, they limit options for the design of systems
using intelligent machines--resulting not only in harm to
workers, but also to their firms, in 1988 ShoshanaZuboff
published in the Age of the Smart Machine,a classic study
that highlighted how workers could take advantage of
computer-based control technology to
productively to the manufacturing process.
contribution to the study of work-life quality was to
recognize the "informating" capabilities of computer-based
programmablelogic controllers. She noted correctly that
shop-floor technologies of the 1980s, while intensively
automating manufacturing processes, actually generated
information about the processes they controlled. So,
Zuboff suggested that instead of de-skilling workers,
managers ought to encourage workers to develop
intellective skills--the ability to reason and analyze
Although the capabilities
of new manufacturing
technologies continue to increase--even intellective skills
can now be handled by intelligent
implementation is not determined by the force of
autonomous technological
technologies are consciously developed, with decisions
being made throughout the complex product development
process. Therefore, Zuboff’s lesson for managers and
designers is relevant today as well. She outlined the
tendency for managers to design programmable logic
control technology to reinforce technocentric assumptions.
The managers, therefore, sacrificed opportunities for
arrangements that were more flexible,
productive and able to synthesize the strengths of both
humans andmachines. Since that time manufacturing
managers have begun to recognize the value of high
performance skill-based design.
In contrast, the
emphasis of current expert systems
development suggests that humanneeds and contributions
to the production process may be neglected, threatening
future manufacturingproductivity and flexibility.
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