Staff Professional Development Survey

Staff Professional Development Survey
Topic: Administering and Analyzing Assessment Tools
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Today’s date: _______________________
 I have attended professional development or training on the above topic.
 I have NOT attended professional development or training on the above topic.
If you checked this box, you may stop here.
Since attending the professional development training, have you been able to administer the assessment tools in your classroom?
 Yes
 No. If not, what obstacles have prevented you from administering the tool?
In what areas or domains (e.g., motor development, social and emotional development, pre-literacy skills) have you collected
information about children?
Please check the following statements that are true:
 I have attended professional development or training on how to use the information or data collected through the
assessment tool to guide my lesson planning for my classroom.
 I have NOT attended professional development or training on how to use the information or data collected through the
assessment tool to guide my lesson planning for my classroom.
 Even though I received training on how to use the data to guide my lesson planning, I am still not sure how to do this.
In what ways have you used the information collected through the assessment tools to shape the lessons taught in your
Please check one of the following:
 I know where my site stores the data collected on each child through the assessment tools. This information can be found:
 I do NOT know where my site stores the data collected on each child through the assessment tools.
Comments, questions or concerns regarding any aspect of this training: