Biography of Guangcheng Li FiberHome Technologies

FiberHome Technologies
Biography of Guangcheng Li
Guangcheng Li has worked with Fiberhome Technologies Group, a leading
telecom vendor for more than 20 years. He is a professor senior engineer
and serves as senior VP of FiberHome in charging of global strategy and
marketing. He is an industry expert in optical transport, optical
telecommunication network management (TMN), international business
management and business operations management.
Prior to the current position, Guangcheng Li had been a senior R&D engineer
with a series successful experience in optical transmission system,
telecommunication management system, optical broadband access system, IP
network security and ICT system integration for railway transportation
industry. All above products and solutions have been widely used in
domestic and global telecom industries. He has also got many honorable
technical titles for his continuous efforts in telecom circle.
Guangcheng Li has B.Sc. in Radio Engineering and M.Sc in Electronic
Circuit and System Technology from the BUPT( Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications) respectively in 1983 and 1986. He is a senior
fellow of China Communication Association (CCA), member of the
telecommunication software committee under the CCA and a guest professor
of BUPT.