Instruction and Assessment for Alternate Learners

Instruction and Assessment
for Alternate Learners
Understanding and Using the NH Alternate Learning Progessions
November 10, November 17, December 1,
& December 12, 2011
Time: 4pm–7pm, registration begins at 3:30pm
Registration Fee:
$75 each
IOD Professional Development Center
56 Old Suncook Road, Concord, NH 03301
Workshop Instructor:
Laurie Lambert, M.Ed.
Available in alternative formats upon request
Disability / UCED
Instruction and Assessment for Alternate Learners
Understanding and Using the NH Alternate Learning Progressions
Series Description
The recently released New Hampshire Alternate
Assessment Learning Progressions (NH-ALPs) present an
amazing opportunity for both teachers and students to
focus on the most important Grade Level Expectations
necessary to become proficient in a content area. This
series will take an in-depth look at each of the four content
areas assessed by the NH-ALPs: Reading, Mathematics,
Writing, and Science. In addition, these workshops will
focus on how using the Learning Progressions can support
IEP development, instruction that connects to the general
education curriculum, and assessment for students who
have a variety of sensory profiles, levels of communication,
and learning styles.
Who Should Attend
General education teachers, special education teachers,
speech pathologists, and others putting together Alternate
Assessment portfolios are encouraged to attend.
Climbing the NH-ALPs: Developing Proficient Readers
Using the NH Alternate Reading Learning Progressions
Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 4pm–7pm
This workshop will focus on understanding and using the
NH Alternate Reading Learning Progressions to support
literacy instruction and assessment for students with
disabilities. Participants will review resources from the
NH Department of Education, learn to use the Learning
Progressions as a developmental pathway for achieving
reading proficiency, and explore a variety of ways students
can demonstrate reading skills while maintaining student
Adding Up to Success!: Highlighting Student Academic
Achievement Using the NH Alternate Mathematics
Learning Progressions
Thursday, November 17, 2011 | 4pm–7pm
This workshop will provide understanding in using
the Mathematics Learning Progressions to support
the learning of mathematical concepts in a way that
is relevant, meaningful, and applicable to future life
options. Participants will review resources from the NH
Department of Education, learn to use the Learning
Progressions as a developmental pathway for achieving
mathematic problem solving skills and explore a variety
of ways students can demonstrate understanding of
mathematical concepts while maintaining authorship.
Write This Way!: Using the NH Alternate Writing
Learning Progressions to Develop Student Writing Skills
Thursday, December 1, 2011 | 4pm–7pm
This workshop will explore the ways students can
communicate in writing without necessarily holding a
pencil. Participants will understand the construction
of the Writing Learning Progressions, explore resources
provided by the NH Department of Education, learn
alternative ways for students to express ideas, and examine
purposes for writing. Participants will learn to use the
Writing Learning Progressions as a developmental
pathway to achieving written communication proficiency
and its importance in a balanced literacy program.
Participants will also explore real-life examples of students
demonstrating written communication skills while
maintaining authorship.
Eureka! I’ve Got it!: Demonstrating Science Skills Using
the NH Alternate Science Learning Progressions
Monday, December 12, 2011 | 4pm–7pm
This workshop will focus on understanding and using
the Alternate Science Learning Progressions to support
critical-thinking skills and scientific process skill
development in instruction and assessment for students
with disabilities. Participants will review resources from
the NH Department of Education, learn to use the
Learning Progressions as a developmental pathway for
achieving scientific knowledge and process skills, and
explore a variety of ways that students can demonstrate
scientific skills while maintaining authorship.
Sponsored by the National Center on Inclusive Education
The NCIE at the UNH Institute on Disability (IOD) advances the view that disability is a natural part
of the human experience and promotes the inclusion of all students within general education classrooms and school communities.
With the NCIE, the IOD is bringing together all of its inclusive education efforts under one “roof” in order to better meet the needs of
children with disabilities and their families, educators, and others concerned with inclusive school communities.
Questions? phone/tty: 603.228.2084 | relay: 711 | email:
Instruction and Assessment for Alternate Learners
Understanding and Using the NH Alternate Learning Progressions
Event Policies
Advance registration is required and accepted in the order received. Registration is not complete until full payment
or purchase order is received. Payment or purchase order must be provided at least seven (7) days prior to the event.
Registrations received within six (6) days of the event may be accepted (depending upon availability) if accompanied by
full payment or purchase order.
If an event is cancelled or postponed, registrants will be given the option of canceling their registration, receiving a full
refund, applying their registration payment to another event, or attending the event if the event is rescheduled.
To receive a full refund, cancellations must be made in writing seven (7) days prior to the event. Cancellations received
within six (6) days of the event are not eligible for a refund.
Registration Information
Register Online at
Time:4pm–7pm, registration begins at 3:30pm
Location: IOD Professional Development Center
56 Old Suncook Road, Concord, NH 03301
Registration Fee: $75 each (includes all materials)
fax: 603.228.3270
56 Old Suncook Road, Suite 2
Concord, NH 03301
Please select date(s):
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thursday, Novermber 17, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________Organization: __________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: _____________ ZIP: ___________________
This address is my:
Daytime Phone: ___________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________
*An e-mail confirmation will be sent prior to the event.
Please Select Method of Payment:
Check #: _____________
Purchase Order #: _________________________
*Checks can be made payable to the University of NH
Visa/MC #: ________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________
Total Amount Enclosed: $____________________
I understand and agree to the event policies outlined in this brochure (Signature Required)
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please note any dietary/accessibility accommodations here: ______________________________________
*Payment must be received prior to participation.
56 Old Suncook Road, Suite 2
Concord, NH 03301
Stay Connected:
Instruction and Assessment for Alternate Learners
Understanding and Using the NH Alternate Learning Progressions
Series Information
Dates & Topics:
11/10/11 – Climbing the NH-ALPs: Developing
Proficient Readers using the NH Alternate Reading
Learning Progressions
11/17/11 – Adding Up to Success!: Highlighting
Student Academic Achievement Using the NH Alternate
Mathematics Learning Progressions
12/1/11 – Write This Way!: Using the NH Alternate
Writing Learning Progressions to Develop Student
Writing Skills
12/12/11 – Eureka! I’ve Got it!: Demonstrating Science
Skills Using the NH Alternate Science Learning
Time: 4pm–7pm (registration begins at 3:30pm)
Registration Fee: $75 each
Location: IOD Professional Development Center
56 Old Suncook Road, Concord, NH 03301
About the Presenter
Laurie Lambert, M.Ed.
Having come up through the education ranks as a
paraprofessional, Title 1 tutor, general education teacher,
special education teacher and inclusion facilitator, Laurie
brings a wide variety of experience, perspectives, and
expertise to the education of children with disabilities.
Laurie has had significant training in the many areas of
educating students with disabilities and holds graduate
certificates in Intellectual and Development Disabilities
and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Laurie has also done
significant work in the Beyond Access for Students with
Disabilities project, the Beyond Access for Assessment
Accommodations project, the Gaining Access to What
Student with Cognitive Disabilities Know project, the
National Center and State Collaborative Community of
Practice, and the National Inclusive Education Initiative,
research projects at the UNH Institute on Disability.