Bidding for Success: Dr James Hodkinson Warwick Alumni Day: Saturday 8


Bidding for Success:

Teaching Innovation, Research and funding in German Studies at Warwick

Dr James Hodkinson

Warwick Alumni Day:

Saturday 8 th March 2008.

The Continued Shift towards a ‘bidding culture’ in Higher Education

We face an ever increasing need to bid for internal and external funding to aid teaching development and research …

Success stories

 Warwick Educational Innovation fund

Dr Se án Allan and pod-casting Goethe project

 Funding for postgraduate research, to create

‘studentships’ to free students from paying tuition fees and provide them with money, proves more elusive, however.

Postgraduate Life in Warwick

German Studies

 Three Taught MAs

MA in German Cultural Studies

MA in Pan-Romanticisms

MA in Translation, Writing and Cultural


 The MA by Research

 PhD programme

A student’s perspective:

Mary Sage, currently an

MA student in the department ….

The future costs money:

Typical Warwick fees for

 an MA student: £3,830 p.a. rising to £5,200 in 2010?

 a PhD student: £3,300 p.a.

Cost of living: ca. £10,000

Sources of Funding:

WPRS (does not fund MA-s, PhD-s only)

AHRC (only eight MA awards for German in the whole UK)

Investing in the Future

 Studentships: a fee waiver plus £ 7,000 towards maintenance

 The Godfrey Carr Fund : requires constant topping up …

Growth in Warwick German Studies

 Increase in size in the department:

 A large German department, bucking the national trend of shrinkage in the field

 Year groups of 70 students

 New academic posts

 National Student Survey : 100%

 Postgraduates: in 2000, 1 student in 2008, 8 students.

Can you help us continue to grow....?

Contribute financially?

Remember how it was?

Come back to join us and study again?
