Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology

Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Edited byChristopher Rawlings, Dominic Clark, Russ Altman, Lawrence Hunter,Thomas Lengauer, & Shoshana Wodak
414 pp., index. ISBN 0-929280-83-0 $50.00 softcover
The organizing committee can report that the level of interest raised by the First and Second Conferences has been sustained and
increased. A distinguished program committee, comprising a cross-section of biologists and computer scientists, who are actively
engaged in addressing problems in molecular biology using advanced computational methods, has again been assembled from 8
different countries. The call for papers produced 88 submissions which were of a high standard and which reflected the international nature of the Conference, in that submissions were received from North America, Europe, Asia and Australasia.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Edited by Russ Altman, Douglas Brutlag, Peter Karp, Richard Lathrop, and David Searls
408 pp., index. ISBN 0-929280-68-7 $45.00 softcover
The papers in this interdisciplinary work present breakthroughs in dynamic programming, multiple sequence alignment, the federation of molecular biology databases, hidden Markov models for sequence analysis, constraint satisfaction techniques for map
assembly or structure definition, probabilistic modeling of biological structures and sequences, simulation of metabolic processes,
heuristic ways to search large hypothesis spaces, the theory of neural networks, energy functions that fold protein structures more
accurately, search algorithms for protein conformation, linguistic parsing techniques for sequence analysis, novel map reconstruction algorithms, computational geometry breakthroughs for drug design, robotic applications to molecular structure, and more.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Edited by Lawrence Hunter, David Searls, and Jude Shavlik
460 pp., index. ISBN 0-929280-47-4 $45.00 softcover
The interdisciplinary work in this proceedings represents original biological results as well as pragmatically-inclined applications
of computational research, including work in robotics, statistics, and databases.
Published by The AAAI Press, 445 B urgess Drive, Menlo Park, California 94025
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