PLSC 330 Urban Politics Syllabus, Winter, 2014

PLSC 330 Urban Politics Syllabus, Winter, 2014
Professor: Adrian J. Lottie, Ph.D.
Class: PLSC 330
Classroom: 420 P-H
Class Time: TR 9:30-10:15a
CRN: 24484
Office: Political Science Department or
601 R Pray-Harrold
Telephone: 734-487-3113
Office Hours: TR 9:00-9:30a, 12:152:00p, 4:45-5p and by appointment
e-mails: Communication for assignment
related communications, examinations
or classroom discussions is preferred.
Course Description
This course introduces students to the political, social, and economic forces affecting modern
urban America. It is an examination of the urban political environment in the United States;
structure, processes, power relationships, ethnic considerations, fiscal constraints, and select,
specific policy areas are considered. It also considers how our changing world affects modern
urban America, including the influences of technological change and economic globalization.
Text: Available Online and sometimes at area bookstores.
Judd, Dennis R. and Todd Swanstrom. 2012. City Politics, 8th ed. New York: Longman.
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-03246-4
ISBN-10: 0-205-03246-X
It is strongly suggested that you stay abreast of major contemporary urban issues by accessing
major national and local media.
Requirements and Course Policies
1. Three examinations equally weighted: essay and objective items. They must be typed and
submitted via e-mail. Exams are usually assigned giving students approximately one week
for completion. Examinations will constitute 90 percent of your grade. Exams not submitted
by the due date receive a zero. Therefore, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU SAVE
2. Make-up examinations in general are not allowed due to the liberal amount of time granted
for completion. Late exams will be graded zero unless approved by the professor (see
3. Regular and meaningful participation in the discussions and regular attendance. Grading of
discussions will be based upon the level and quality of participation. 10 percent of your
grade will depend upon discussion participation.
Civility and academic honesty are required. Engaging in uncivil or dishonest behavior may
result in disciplinary action against the offending student.
Academic dishonesty, including all forms of cheating, falsification, and/or
plagiarism, will not be tolerated in this course. Penalties for an act of academic
dishonesty may range from receiving a failing grade for a particular assignment to
receiving a failing grade for the entire course. In addition, you may be referred to the Office of
Student Judicial Services for discipline that can result in either a suspension or permanent
dismissal. The Student Conduct Code details definitions of what constitutes academic
dishonesty, but if you are not sure about whether something you are doing would be considered
academic dishonesty, consult with the course instructor. You may access the relevant section of
Code at
Homeland Security:
Foreign Students and Homeland Security
Any changes in a foreign student’s name, residence address, academic status: full or part
time, dropping or withdrawing from a class, changes in program of study, completion
date, level of study such as undergrad versus grad, funding source, employment or GA
position, intent to transfer to another university, or any probation or disciplinary action
due to a criminal conviction requires that the student report the event or change to the
Office of International Studies within 10 days of its occurrence. Failure to do so may
result in arrest and deportation. For questions and concerns contact OIS.
Letter of Recommendation Policy: Letters of recommendation will only be
provided for the top two to three students in the class unless the student is an
outstanding performer in some other arena, with which the professor is
familiar(including the student's ability/performance), and relevant to the intended
recipient’s objectives.
Grading Scale as an aid to estimating your progress in the course:
88-89= A86-87= B+
80-85= B
78-79= B76-77= C+
70-75= C
68-69= C65-67= D+
62-64= D
60-61= D0-59 = F
Final Grade Determination
3 Examinations
Equally weighted
Participation in
discussions and
Direction of grades
Improvement over the semester may also be considered when evaluating a student's final grade.
*No late exams: late exams are graded zero unless approved by the professor based upon
acceptable written documentation of some unavoidable reason for submitting a late examination.
In general, permission for late exams will not be granted and such permission is at the discretion
of the professor.
Tentative Reading, Discussion, Assignment and Examination Schedule. All assignments
refer to J& S unless otherwise specified.
Section I: The Origins of American Urban Politics: The First Century
Week 1
Ch 1
Week 2
Ch 2
Week 3
Ch 3
Week 4
Ch 4
Week 5
Ch 5 Exam 1
Section II: The Urban Crisis of the Twentieth Century
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Ch 6
Ch 7
Winter Recess; Ch 8 Read
Ch 9, Exam II
Section III: The Fractured Metropolis
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Week 13
Ch 13
Week 14
Ch 14,
Week 15
Ch 15
Final Exam Due Thursday April 24 2014 10:30 am via e-mail attachment saved in Word or Rich
Text Format